J- -1 4- . Ill J Av f ... ..... T 1 I.N i;i -I is" a lip v. "V VOLUME FOURTEEN z1 ' ) ; Wm2mtGTON;N.;Ai :THURSDAY, "SEPTEMBER 3, i908. V r PRICE . FIVE CENTS ifiiiiAAAAAAAJ"jL'w .................... ,.k.....ift...;w'...i..111u.1;tin.;.,t;,)-; 1.4 . x - - . T'i'.l v;i i ' 1 y v r) f -r- v. 1 - . k . - - - r - 111 I - . i - mi ii linn nil M i - - r-;. - -i-v.:-, cTonnpE prb : FOfl THE ElECnOH ; UlllflllUU UllUll ;: 1 ami V it .,, .., Negroes Complained tThat; They (Had Been H eld-Up in: pecullar Manner by White Man and AVoman Then Woman Claimed ;to Have JBeeni As saulted Sheriff Jailstne3r Whole "Bunch" and Now Investigating. - Montgomery, Ala., Sept. ' 3.-Harry Calhoun and wife, strangers liere are in jail charged with highway robber. Two negroes claim that the man " and woman held them up In the 'country, twelve miles out, and" irobbed them, threatening if they ; madeiy utcry it would be given out that -they ; had assaulted the woman'dth'aT&ey would be lynched. The : Hegoe caine to Montgomery and begged; the sheriff for protection. Meanwhile Calhoun announced that his wlf e "had 1 beeh as saulted, and the community was . put in an uproar. After careful jinVestiga tion by the sheriff the man and his wife were put in jaU andlhe negroes also held for developmtoJ; DON'T WANT THAW. ' ' Duchess County Want Him Sent. Back to M atteawan. . ' Poughkeepsie, Sept. 3. Sheriff Chanler, acting for the State prison - commission, made application to the Supreme Court today - to have Harry K. Thaw removed from the Puchess county jail and placed -in the IVIattea wan insane asylum. Tbe hiSr clares Thaw's presncd'Me.Mmet4l'.li the jail discipline an1djptrat0 5law. The jail is crowde'Hin.$aai4filf cials say they h'a!nififOdattct kke care of a mai tnat don't belong iff mem. 2 -3a tiftg, r J Up Again. : , : f f Holraysburg, Pal, Sept. 3 1Return ing prosperity was heralded here today by the announcement of the' resump tion of operations . in Pennsylvania lir- Railroad car shops. Those shops' were closed down last winterl" .throwing M seven hundred men out of emDlovment. and the railroad yards were converted I into space for twelve, thousand idle height cars. The pars are now being hurried to various parts on" the Penn sylvania system for grain and coal shipmems. - ' ,.".V:' V ?" " TO BE OPEN AT NIGHT. Public Library Will ExUndtt?Bene fit and ? aew Rule Adapted. It lias been decided to. keep, the Wil mington Public Xibral-y:!oten': at night until 9 "o'clock cbiam'encIngOctoer' 1st. This' cbmemcye ment jthan anything else, and , should the attendance stitithe;?ex Pense; be not too great sSich will . be come 'a tpermanency. t ; - A new rule has also- been adopted by the 'trustees relative to the - bor rowing of books. Hereafter the li brarian will not be allowed to select books for borrowers who send simply notes. Either a .list must be sent or the borrower must come in "person. TUESDAY THE TIMEi' Date Settled Upon for the postponed Next Tuesday night has heen , de cided upon for. the' excursion" to be gIven down the Cape Fear river : by tQe Senior and JunloriEpworth Leagues, of Trinity Methodist Church. The time will indeed ; be propitious then, because the ' moon' will bb mote glorious, and. more features have been added fnrt Wilmington ill gov far Fisher and aooard during - the' trip will be presented a splendid "program 9 music ;and';recitations;rgMi The tickets purchased for the post- Poned excursion will, of course; bb good for the outing Tuesday' night. . -: To-Morrow Night yfyf :Red, White and Blue dance. Don't miss it. v ,! ; 1 ; : - f -. ; -f-i ' r-';"..' .i What's Cotton Doing Today. ; New ' York Sent. 72liCotton opened firmer at an advance of 6 to 7' points. opening, September 8.48.1 8-61; December 8.52; Mar 1':. ;' ' ., .Alf H:. Compared Wth Other if&ZN iHM Oniy lIsine JciMr Days, Last .MonthMvJMlliiKi!K 'some!aid thiiee ? inched ; aboye the ; average: was V4timdrjthe rainfall iguspof soK the; othe?' piacesihe "state: SeVeral places had that much rainfall '.'-w' V;.,.-t:;V., Ji-'iX;-' August last -year , had a; rainfall: of lO.it Ihch;-while' August 1 a rainfallif ;i4.3J5 :ihches -that . is th jgreatest : ! oh: record i here. . Last nionfhV i local precipitation was, hovr-i fevefthe redordof :;thiear:'f!' 'A; suhimary of the precipitation and othet" Weather conditions here for last month makes the' f ollbwing interesting precipitation -f Total .this month; 9.62SsnoiaJl; onMhor on; - the ground? aBend of month, none : WindPreyaiUhg Indirection- sout west ; 'V total moyemet, '54.41 miles ; average hourly' y elpclty , 7.3 ; maximum velocity : (for ; five minutes) - 30 miles per hour,; frpni; the, east on the 18th. :WeatoerNumbei; of ;dayclear,r ; partly cloudy, 15 ; cloudy, 7 ; on which -01 inch or niore of precipitation "occurred,- 15. i-p- ; Are You Going? " To the I Re White id Blue Jiitce tomorrow hlght- ; : BIJOU'S OFFERING. ; New Song and Pictures at This Thea- The new Jllustf ated J song at' the Bi jou today is "Make Believe," while the pictures are entitled ; "The Masque Ball" 5 and '-An v5 Improvised Statue The latterrr -shows poor- country jay going" ttfiKecit the sights, and i not being schooled ln''the abound in thai city he is easily- taken in and made the butt of the crowd of pi-acucai i jnKjprs wpjascojicnim rAund. ihA -tavnan4 Jjaye. p,qf nd. of fun at his expense: He is taken down the tbomBrvn to,emusement of the ipectatoSi they aeinxbbw and salaam to the statues. -Finally they -go to a part of the park,' and put a sign on a pedestal offering five dol lars an hour to any person who will stand ' on the - pedestal - for two hours without moving. . ; The country.- fellow is induced to try it, and we See him climb up and strike an attitude in an endeavor to resemble ; as . nearly, as possible the other statues in thev park. He tries to remain still,; but the flies and mosquitoes bother" him, and ? it: is an impossibility for him to keep from mpvlng; abouKTJhe,:ge tepark tict statueand jcallj,tie ppcewho tryetgls remove him, but to no avail; for he Is dfetermiri - to n- th rewards they' get the' gardheTwlth: the "hose, and; see the fellow standing his "ground and taking the tejdng ;jmh ? ir$ij ; deje minatioh to remain injplace until ; the alloted time expires. t When; the4ime IS up he comes' downWff his perch,' and is arrested for ! causing so much' ex citement, and is led ' away while the jokers look on highly amused. r j Don't Miss It. Red White ah BfUeipance at Lu- ,'mina romorruw jiiyuw MESSRS. HOPKINS & DAY1S. .t: New F i rm Sta rts joinflfs Career U nder i Mdist FlatterlnflAuspices.f The hew firm of 'Messrs'. .Hopkins & Davis, ; successors to J. F. "Gartell & Company, Incorporated, , is . already well underwayy and In anbther ' column n Tiia nisnatch today will be -found an Attractive' 4 firm Velative to their fresh meat bust- ness. While the nrm is .a. new oue years of experience in;; the business and are both clever gentiemen- - FORAKE R :ON lTHE WAR, PATH. Denies HeHas MadeUp With Horn Toledo. Sepe B.The Times;- an in- 'Svfe , tii2 dependentorning Xpapei', - publishes atf interviewth S itm'ef denibslbso and Taft havb become "friends, "or that he" will stunii;fbrf th presidential nom- A w'r; declares" he has been,, in- .8.48 bid;; October suite d 2;":.Marchv8.47;;V-i;i;igaunuet sn for Bene Will be Instituted Immediately, Fol flowing a Public 0hanlcsgly ing Mass ! Meeting y Held at Noon in ihe Apad, m enr of ? MusicCommittee Appoints . . et to Take Charge of . Contributions. c ." Several Interesting De- . livered at the Meeting. The public 3 mass" meeting arranged several days ago, following a call .6 the -ministers of thej city to express v,astUn effects , of tie recent floods pup!sUpjv helftoday(iat bycnyf ee :hundred persons. ; . After; the regula,rtt)rcram of thanks consisliQ, -ongs, J prayers and ad dresses .had been .concluded, .a ; collec tion was takfcn for the benefit of ; the sufferers ttf the strickeh territory; and arrangements were made through yXh? appointment of a committee o four gentlemen," for an active canvass to accuinuiate a fund for the benefit of the sufferers. ' This general committee will appoint sub-committees, and itsia hoped to have the entire city; covered in a- systematic manner within- the next two days, so that an offering com inensurate with the accustomed spiril of generosity of this city can be se cured 'c'fbr:'lminediat9 : deUye'ryitphe sufferers in the''fl,eiscts1jre persciVl;f wreck(,ltheir; cropstnddr peratlve dutytof everyhkritable' in- cline.d,51pers6ji Tto cassist '.lnthe'r measures proposed' ; yuiii & jhAiatfenTna; 4vb -The fthieefhg-- today fwiaa" presided over, by "ReVAl D:'Mcdltlr'fe,pator ti St' Andrew's 'Ptesbyleria Chuteh;i by request of the"v other ministefcWhb conceived 'the7idea: ofliavingh thanksgiving gathering for the proper return of thanks to bur Heaven Father for his mercy in" sparing Wilmington while so many otheF points ere vis ited by' distress and devastation. Rev. Dr.: McClure and the following minis ters: Rev. C. P. Whitiock, J. A. Erwin, J. M. Wells, T. A. Smoot, T. P. Noe, W: L; Rexford, K. D Holmes,: j. T Johnson, Fred D. Hale, G. A. Martin, G. S. Bearden, Adjutant James Yates, of the Salvation Army, and. Rev. J. P King, of ; Jackson ville,: FlL, sat on the r ; ; . " 5 jt-arg Congregation: Present ; At f noon enlfli ineette started, thews were aboui 300 ladies and gen the rfequest of the mlnistersi a number 5f me ? busfnes9hbhisesvi in.i the; dowfr Tdi4rtctffIdsedi for the . Jiotiif in whfehenneetmgywa heldahdr the Sdanfeeoti business meli and their enMoWat7lhe?athe gratifying5 indeed.1; ; -'XM' -Wf'Ofclject of the Meetlng Rev. Dr. McClure: inx 'opening the meeting stated the object for which it had been called, .and' he reviewed in brief detail the awful results that.have come t6-this sebtlon ' from the recen floods which have prevailed.' Dr.- Mc Clure stated r that the ministers had deemed an expression- of : thanks by citizens of - WilmingtonT due because they' were spared the awful ;eff ects of the floods, and therefore the meeting had been called. . Rev. J J A. Erwin,. pastor, of the . Christian Church, was called upon for the opening prayeri and he offered an appropriate ..exhortation, expressing in j of theentiro; assemblage - because of i ine iaci. uiai. ine nooas.jiaa uut causcu the dire calamity? in. Wilmington they naa m otner points m inis secuou. ; lStTh?'Nat 'onai 5hSIfi'? JhJibn bfheewas ti&ungs by the con gregation, the music being led by Mr. I- a. a. women, wun mrs fr Th 1 nSrrl -PRnlm War "then read bv Rey.V Thos. P.: Noe, . pastlof thi Church ; of the Good' - Shepherd,, after which : the 1 second - prayer , of ' thanks giving was offered- by -Rev! ; Fred D. Hale, "pastor of. the First ;; Baptis Church:,:' - ;,T'. ''-I. ' Col. -walker ,;;Taylpr, represenunc; uiaieo lor Uenem ot escapajlmingto . f rom Uhe de drowned v ny tne -appalling npqs quw ing the astfewdayssbt it fith ; . 1 SE,tionBolrd n , Mata f Qttarlu , I.J fnIYemberlection-AU ?Elecl a?Jm ytricers Must.; be Named by ah IICominoyTO - 0 The County ; Boatd of Election will theralbmb vuyy oirorgamangrajiat'maMng all arrangements for the 5 eeneral election o7;be held' l November. f Tlie board to? composed of ftMessrsWbbaWell ium,; William Strtithers,: Jr.', ahd W. a ?nch; They will, meet and after -or- ganlzatidn,1. which will mainly- consist in; the election of a chairman and a sretarywill 1discussfhe7 cbmingl election which . Is of more than brdi haryv importance ' on account : of it be! a national' election this year. The board will then ntae all ' registrars, poll-holders and judges of election to ve at the November election, will make arrangements" : about; securing the polling places, giving pm ticesl sary legal notice arid Btarffnig;ttt reg istration: ? i . : :r-f;i5'-llwi .The law calls for the iiamingpf all eiecuon officers - by the first l ec Red, White and Blue. HEAVY BOND Was Placed Upon E. B. Vann Follow ing a Charge of False Pretence' E. B. .Vann; a young man who came to Wilmington some months ago, was tried today. 'in ! Justice Bornemann's court upon a warrant sworn out by Mr. H. "M. Wade, of Charlotte, man ager of the Cochran Show Case Com pany, of that city, upon the charge of securing money under false pretence. Vann, pleaa'gulty. to the charge pre- bond fir llsum' oiod insure; his appeaancat the next term of the Sdperi K$:&otiri, he was sent 4 to Tjait Thh!rsitiiwkiatoces surrbundingl3 this JMurnate iaiSt partiMlarly sx.: ana mucn sympaxny was ien ror e'Tdefendant:Atttertrial - this morn- Ingn r j Vahn has communicated with hiairidlatives rJonlihgFJ.aad 1C fhbstim,pf mopeyye? is. charged with- $curinfl;ts. mad ,good there is a ptobajbUtyiotha.tj thei'fprosecutioh:?will be ? withdrawn. iw.niiti ' Vsr'ii'to' :'v ' , v-1 .4 f 'Wmtfiiti. weeks ago i Vann was employed. -as . salesman" by the show case company. It is alleged that he secured his commissions upon Worth less orders sent to the company,' in some instances having given the name of persons not in existence. Inquiry by the company developed the facts in the case, and the arrest of Vann followed yesterday afternoon by Deputy Piver. Canoe Race Labor Day Canoe Races at the Beach Labor Dayil " ' - ? - ; iLEPER GETSA PENSION n6nxi Government Will Allow iEarlyn$?2iPenit 1. isMinfi . .MontficfaT'iJ.16 iaetpq' Bpet:al?toltli'--JCharlcte0scfff?d o Washington, sDj Cui Septembjesr ij2fm- John' R;r Early,! the lepers williirecejTer a pension of $72a mbnth;fori tbl ability incurred while a soldier jln hf army, according to the statement day of the Commissioner of Petisions. The pension will begin as soon as'the legal difficulty whibh surrounds thb payment of the money can be .solved. These difficulties are due to the fact that the man i cannot, because-of his segregation! spend the money; himself, and the judge a4 vocate-general of the army has been asked to solve the problem.- 'Y:-. VWt 4The case is. unique in the annals ot the army;; If Early: were a drunkard or insane or a: minor, we could -have i guardian for? hisrestate appointed, but he is none, of these.'l 1 1' If nas , been, suggested that he be placed - inr a ; house 'sin Jhe vicinity r Qf ? a soldiers' home so that he inight ech? nically be Cpnsidered an' inmate of ithat institution. 'The officials of could ers and; the money- be .paidoveT to his -' :? !vsyv': "mm- "'T"' i i r a - t tt? 'Caho:Races':f-:i;.. hfiwi Arfansfed for -.uauuo av '- mi v - w , 4.1 Labor Day, at Wrightsville Beafch, .and a number of entries have already been madetchbbattw men and the course will ; be; f ront ; starting, point bnv thbbeach, through the surf," out 'tbl sea, varound 'an1. an chored buoy,- andY then ' back -to th starting , pin The first -prize will be b golci , medals, and the second prize will be two silver medals, all of which H BO R A-X-. ! 4 ' FOR ALL PERSONS THAT '. ... ::' v.vl'Viiv..ti!':X:r, IStKeceived si n. t. nams,;aiiySize, :?-S: .w-;. IN FIVE P Phones 108-109 - -i r;'t.5' Vi -u-.T '- ?T.ct.;--' Y - DEPOSITED WITH US ON OR iinfl WILL UKAW 'vv 7 n TOfTDrn iTFrrnn y- 1 11 " ' '"I " ' r Mi t i ,! i li t i i ,ir- - f i - trm .Si M 1 5f lift i immmsmm ne nanise aw Interest Compounded 7 U, Ouaterly. FROM SEPTEMBER 1st. CAPITAL AN D SU RPLUS TOTAL RESOURCES L8cated W that Peoples Mk::'0gymoDk in'theity.;- "-" vf f- ' ,i GIVE US YOU R COMMERCIAL ACCOUNT-I f ip . 'WE AtLdW'PER CENT. COMPOUND INTEREST j . INP.Q nPPAPTMPNT. i'.;' ' WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR 7 J OF WILMINGTON.. W. B. COOPER, President. THOS. E. COORER, Cashier. iii m MititiitfwtiiiiiiiiMiwiiiiiirfffffffWffm' Our New Interest Quarter WILL BEGIN ON TUESDAY. OR .BEFORE SEPT. 2nd; WILL INTHREE MONTHS (THESHORTEST TIME ALLOWED UN- DER: CLEARING HOUSE RULES). "V ' 1 4 PER CENT INTEREST, COMPOUNDEd' QUARTERLY, AL ; M vYour Account: Solicited HID VJilmlnotan Mm mtlnraiiMi if. OPPOSITE ORTON HOTEL. -r1- v.. r P ... .m v y 'y KNOW A GOOD THING. ' 1 v X Operated under conservative i .tr .C--..A.' - ,r ; ... : C rand experienced i ahagement. : i I' c Affording such : facilities- at tr i v authorized .der6oyemeiitJ regulations, and none btheiv"! Depository for 11 3. Government State off N c; and County of J New Hanover- .:. y'y'pt Capital.. -.$20000 1 ; liurlUa;; Profits.. .. i 25.0000.00 i verv f in a? lrtt rrf? -? v " 1 rresn rox raver Binier -- ITS SANDERS. ml v ' - 1 1 " v ji:. ti:r7V, --:.;--f ,v: i'.f-:r f ' BEFORE WEDNESDAY -SEPT." ' ', fWlf ;'),v 3 v .... ... . $ 110,000.00 . . .. 1,000,000X10. i : " . ',mt. IN .8AV- r . -V -'Y V Cui-t :mu' -t V;-- 2 r - ..... - -T-.W-V-VH'1 i . i... BUSINESS. G EO O. GAYLO RD, yicePresfckstf w 1 SEPT. 1st.. DEP0SIT8 MADE ON 4 V mBE CREDITED ITH INTEREST i j f - , - inn :. -v-'tC- f "-" " . . - - I '.

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