5 - r 1 I', .1 T 1 1 M 1 iftl -7 VOLUMES FOURTEEN- PRICE FIVE . CENTS nit llir .kEl BiE;-nnncimnc' 1 l";rMMJMIlinMIMtlMHttMtllllffTIIIMMIIItWiniMIIlllilllIIMH i ' i i i i , i, mmmmmi i i in i n , mum ' ' " - '- - f - -i , - . x III nTmnni nnur llllUiillli u Hb Pa French Freighter Went. StraigH latoj ... rwtx An 'I Mlgn Uiin twiirTBa. MPWO Was in Sight of, Hrne, Portiat the Time Wives And Children xf .Those Aboard Watched Them : Perish., Y Lisbon, September . , big freight steamer ., Louisa frojca Brazili ler machinery disabletJ.t and , theisea rough, drove straights Jnto; the ;face of. a cliff, three ; hundredjeelCiJiigh, struck on the rocks beneath' and wehj; down out of sight. Jvrtientire crew numbering 52 were ' "drowned. " The steamer's home port; wSi'guoraand he was in sight l'(6f j?.fih'J' vent down. The wisvahdlatives of members of the cre ' watched : yie destruction of ; the''ship?;J mjH &? HOR Rl BLi:0TCH feRY, Acto r i n Boston Jai I fcr fW if e Jfi ur- Boston, Mass., September 4 Ches ter Jordan, an actor-and a brother of Mrs. Jessia L. Liveror; is in jail charged with the .., murder pt his wife. He cut off her arms, .legs and head with a butcher knife and burned them. He packed the corpse into a trunk and tried to get it aboard a- ship, from which he expected to droy it nt,a the sea. Suspicion was : directed -,to, -Jorj dan by a negro hack driver," who han died the trunk andKtne; policeinvesti-- gated. Jordan opened; the trunk "on the request df'(theVoc3"iaejng its contents. The 'family--is a' Verv prominent one. AN APPEAL OR FUNDS. ) Democrats Want 'Campaign." Coniribuf Lincoln, September'- 4T-e om.; niongrthitleek i;six-jJi-ifi!LiiJ -!rJT40Wnsifemieir cojancy-. sections, in as ute to the campaign fjinds Bryaa,is i i- i-;xl4A-ri .? z i uuay yreyarmg- ouiuaes oi, speecnes he will maken nstern . tour, which will last three weeks. He makes two speeches today, in Lincoln, one at State fair and another at the.dedica tion of the new hospital. The: Com moner's contribution to the campaign fund for July and. August , is $2,000. ; FOR RAILROAD VALUATION. Statistician of v Interstate Commerce Commission-Declares for It. ; Washington, September : ; 4. Henry Adams, the statistician pf Interstate Commerce Commission,-: inhi& imnnal jeport strongly recommends legisla tion providing for the physical .valua tiori of JCmerltan Railways He says KsJ'the next importantstep. .'in-. the -development "of the vgovernmentar su- rpervision over railway administration. WELL KNOWN MAN DEAD. ? if-;-. - ?r"rr'' h, ; Immigration Commissioner- Sargent Passed Away Today. , Washington - September , 4,-r-Frank P.fc Sargent, Commissioner. General,- Bu reau of Immigration died this; naorn ing at 8 o'clock following ; a fall and stroke of paralysis :-; some weeks ago. He was one of the best known immi gration experts in the world and was appointed to the position in"l902. LlKEtY SALT LAKE NEXT. But Atiant, V Tinn J Land 1909 G A. R, Convention. -, . -. . Toledo, September 4. It is general-! ly predicted today " that the next ses sion of the N. G. A. Rr. will be held at 8alt Lake Atlanta is after the "en-: campment; ; however. The new- .Com mander-in-Chief, .Henry M. Nevious, Is a native of New. Jersey, and rose to commission in the -army. - w : ? t , - Later Salt Lake has" been selected for next year's encampment - - Y Money- Makes, Royalty. .. Albany, September. '4. John.. D. Rockefeller is tof; noble race, is .the an- w ia c, " . uvuncement made today at the annual reunion of the family here Y-J. The : dls- covery is made by .the . family .wha expect that ; Rockefeller - is ' descended from the French nobility. Red, White .ind BlMe, Red,. Whi and Blue Dance at Lu mina tonight, ": . y:'4' 'Afjyn'rrn t e. Sections- Devastate - by the fte f P;rlthe; SjuffererW:yvl! i be'received by theGeneral Committee, Vlmingtoi therst point to send aid t thelvsuff erers from;, the; recent floods dn this .vicinity, ; and ere ' this time to-morrowiVptacticaliy $600 of. provisions,, and. other, necessary sup plies, pillrbe in the' hands of-the: fami lies.; in; the atricken: district, any- of whoni, are aipresenrUn .dire and great: need, following thei public inass meeting : held , yesterday at : noon, at which between five and six hundred dollars were subscribed, the . commit tee of four " gentlemen appointed to have .charge- of ;the funds, held, a meet ing to4ay . at ;the officef of .the Clarenr 'TSyl&,1'y tor.- the prpoaptvf ormulating plans for the immediate ; sending- orrelief to the stricken, communities. . ; ? iessrWV Robertson and.W. C. ters9h,yDf :the , general t committee appointed yesterday, were , at the meeting i-day, MessrsiSKTii-- H? Chad' bourn and W. B. Cooper having been prevented from : attending; by other business engagements; the gentlemen. namedr there were pres ent Col. Walker; Taylor, : .Collector oi Customs? Bi .F.'KeitliX and Dr. J. V A. Smith,, -who; haye vbeen Interested from thefirstrinthsuggestionat aid be sent the suffering communities. After ' discussions of the ; matter , it was decided to , charter : the steamer Lilly, Captain Hall, tp go to the Holly Shelter- and Burgaw sections up the Northeast ;rijC $ 150 wprth of staple "provisidris, sich' aS ; meal; flour, meat, coffee,..lard etc4-secur:ed .by purchase and . by donaiJb.ns ; from the wholesale merchant Vere ; placed on .this steam er, during ;the: morning and the ; boat left" onvls 'xnias.iQn joi mercyand relief early thte afernPon. Mr. R E-jBlake, a jseU;kiipwn merchant wasa 'pasBen. gfln heJeW heH"will have personal- charge- of -the distribution of thCpr'ovisioas:- The steamer Alice, was the second blaCaMdaa4l d$jdtiring thh early fternoOn, going to .the Canetuck and tnere seems to nave Deen greater sui- fermgjlnthis particular section, than. in others, slightly umere thai r $300 were invested m-" roVisicnis ' of all kinds, and the articles cf food will be distributed under the direction oft Mr. B. F. Keith, who is acquainted with the stringent needs of the people in the sections referred to. v A thirboat left the city this after noon, carrying' provisions , to the peo ple; of Kelly's Cove, and these articles of food will be distributed under the direction of Mrs. Kate Allen, of x that Hamlet. About $100 : worth of pro visions were sent on this boat? iirjfi6 measlurtakeh today for the preliminary nature, land every member of the committee is ready to receive lurxner . coiiixiuuliuub .ui juuuej pi vr visipns for, he beneftt: of ; the; sufferers in the devastated; regions. r(W BrooOwheroL the Meamej AliT offeredtfieuse pf, the boat for the provisions to be sent up the 'river, and the steamer Lwiir be op erated during the trip at his expense. RURAL CARRIERS', MEETING. All in Readiness for Labor Day Session Which: Will be Held ; at the Elks' Temple. ;' ' Y;"- ':. ;;;; 'j. The meeting of , the .Eastern District Association of .the. Rural Letter Car riers, to be held in Wilmington, Mon- ' day, promises to be & . highly interest I i ' -r cxv.i. ml. nnr.4ri t iti. nnrl trffit.ahlft one. : The. session th-'wiU be held in the Elks' Temple, and I a Iare attendance - is expected., ,Tbe counties composing the; .Association are New .Hanover :, -Pender, , -Duplin, Brunswick, Bladen anGolumbus. V 4 . " "-.rY? - v f-r -. r fs ' DON ' JULIAN WON. - . - v The" September, regatta, of the 4 'Carolina Yacht Club, was held. 'thisc afternoon at ; Wrightsville 4 ' Beach. .The Don Julian Capt W. L. Parsley.was the winner.'- The Puzzle. Capt. E., A, Metts-, ... Gambol.. Cant- 43. , P. . . CQ ' , W". , third reapectiy.; ; ;; 4 4. 4. 4. 4W- - . " FollowJheXrowds .Retf, White and :BIiie Dnce at Lu mina tonight, r . y ''(, i. r - Jill T f New Hanover Board of ' Election Met : Thfe- Mnrnlnn-LW A Crtnr.h "; is". , Chairman, and Woodua Kellus Sec- retary Appointed all Registrars . Judges of Election, Giving, Both Par-i ties Representation. v The New Hanover Countv Board off Election met this; morning, organized and named; the registrars and judges of election for the triple election event Tuesday November , 10th county, State and National "election. The board is composed of "Woodus; Kellum and Mfessrs.i William ;;Struthers and W.fcfA French. Qn motion of Mr Struthers, Mr. - French -was , elected chairman and Mr; Kellum, secretary. ; After other- business: icqnnectedV ith the xrganizationi-the board named, ;the following officers, ' making the list completed saye for:, one judge ' of . elec tion: in each theFirst and Fifth Wards and they will be named by to morrow: ' - - . , . First . Ward F. T. Skipper, regis trar; Walter Boesch, judge of election (one other to be appointed.) Second Ward W. W. Hodgers, reg istrar; W. J; Meredith" and E. C: Wood bery, judges of election. . Third Ward A. G: Hankins, regis trar; George Harriss and C. D. Mor rill, judges of election. v Fourth Ward W. H. Lane, regfs- trar . Sam , Siegler and James S. Wil- amsdgeM)f- election. 1- " other to be appomtea,) - r M . . v . son, ; regiWXb n-inSlera and ,W;H. Shearing judges tprelectioiu 1 Harnett ' Township, "Delgado Jl ''A, joteregireey atfdowif III1U U11U111UUI linn flffiriorn fnrHnirom iiiiu uiiiuuio iur uuvuiii ber Elociii Hk9 iJopl!fuoWWclte''R rbwqTUrowd MjbisI Evit femmK-Unterp 5 rMitHilllllft? anv 17ft rffixn fV IflVfe Rill I ft! ? i i(!n Mas6n and ' ? J. Ml Sfcepard, fridges ofWcUbn."'11 ' Masonboro Township W. HI Biddle; registrar; B: A. Orrell and William Lumsden, judges . of - election.- , Federal Point Township MelvinJ Hgrne, registrar; Hank Williams and Thomas Burnett judges of election. SECURES NEW THEATRES. Manager Schloss Adds New Houses to His Circuit , Mr. S. A. Schloss returned , to the city this morning from a theatrical trip, and while away , he added . to his aiiready large circuit " the houses at Goldsboro, Wilson' and TaporoTh fact that these theatres have become members of the Schloss Circuit5 will greatly aid them in the secur ing better attractions : and will give them, skilled management. A.i SWELL- OPENING ATT rXct! ON . Crystal. . Palace. Secures a. Costly Novelty for all Next- Week.Y ' ' -The opening, attraction at the Crys tal Palace will ,be . the Cameraphone, presented by the Cameraphone Com pany from Paris. It is -.widely known as the "talking moving picture machine and has been one; of the' surprises to invention and has .astonished amuse ment lovers, as weil : as woh the ad miration of the - scientific.: ti . ( " r . The Palace,, will "open . Labor, Day and with afternoon perf orniances , com mencing at 3 o'clock. The night per formances will be at V, 8, 9 and 10 o'clock. Admission will be 10 cents." Justice Bornemann's Court ; - In, Justice Bornemann's court today Sarah Watkins and James Smith, , charged with disorderly conduct, were ordered to pay the , costs. . The -'Wat- kins woman has been operating a coj ored dance hall; at the corner; of Sec ond and Brunswick, street, and she promised to, close .'the resort Cornie Larkins,,' James McKoyv and Augusta White, charged1 with disorderly,, con duct, were" ordered to.pay, the costs, - The Stock. Market. : .NewYork, September 4.-The stock market .opened highferv Southern j.-.Pa-: cific and . Baltimore andjphio Opened up 1-2, tJnions Pacifie gained 3-3. Metal stocks y showed " nloderate . irregular changes, . - ; , " , Te Red f;'whlte andueEvent at Lu - ntlna Tonight--Elabo rate Decora- ;tions,;anc, Many Novel 'Surprises ,W vyj"'0 . fcxpectett The Poppy t Dance "and OtheijAorningr ; T?1 :4'" White , and Blue , Dance 1 Peaces; avwjmina tonight As It wasj postponed:, it "will really" be a double value, as.it will represent much spentTipf glory and will come to satls- rA"I'y.'Jle craving. of the-public that' has aao. sucnabig time at Lumina this season. , The Red, White tand. Blue Dhce will be of martial and patriotic Spirit Besides? 'an ahnnd loyal, ' sWring color-combination of red, whiter and blue,1 there will -be many ' novel surprises in" the way . of gay, and glittering decorations, while the ; orchestra .will present isome pulse quickening . airs, and , there will be Some beautiful light effects. L jJ-AJl day; today thefe has been a large corps . of decoratpra ? .and -electricians twprk at . Lumina and the large! ipa- ; Esq., onii94Icion.Srttted into abril s, Jr llant'orbKiiight, linker pavilion . thronged wlth 'folks;"anH , the ,pther.,! delightful dances aret ; ited for. Luminal but. the feature event the Poppy bance," wiirfnor Ue5;held ntil Monday, September 14th. There Will be;;the usual: week-end dance . tomor row night and then the light fantas tic will be tripped all day Labor Day. : Red, White and Blue Dance At Gay Lumina tonight, Don't miss It AT THE BIJOU. An Amusing Film Will Be Shown - ; , To-day. - it The feature film at the. Bijou Thea tre - today ? Is , called, , iltxSmells of Smoke.'J which runs as .follows )me oOkmgvir ns--tudi a very- sWIJedhef CUTT onr the nan. ai cthe house is soon to .turn in an alarm... -The. engines,, nur-1 enjoying a meaL Tjhe smpke from, the cookine'. causes the firemen to think I mat tne nre is tnere. ana tnev turn me hose on the unfortunate Dair. givine S them a. goo4 s drenching.. . They , then rush.up tothe nxt flpoi:,; and, seeing steam issuing from, the cracks, of the door, force their t way into , the apart- who is haying her ' lace., steamed and succeed in nearly drowning her and the horrified maid. Nes:t they play the stream on a man whj is in a bath tub, but he seems to rather enjoy the show er., They then make their way into an lj apartment where a young couple, are trying . to compait suicide by inhaling charcoal fumes. They turn the stream ntri a mAlro.fi 11 oA rnnm.'TIrl pfivP! ttlfi smoke:filled roomnd give the lovelorn couple a drenching." :XH E REGISTRATION For the BhdgljetloMon RaUier .Slow Be Certaifl-tp Register . Y; cX . .v To-morrow, ., . ,Yr. , , , .To-morrow wilL be oneot the tw r? maIningjSaturdaysvwherby go to a . fixed place and register for the - county bond election. -The '-registration bpeks are now open, but only tp-mprrpw and ,to-morrow week are the registrars required to be at the places of registration. . The. books for regis tration close Saturday; September 12th So far the registration has been very slow, but It is hoped-that from, now on it will make rapid headway, because all voters should exercise the right of suffrage- at an election. ' HonT B. F. AycVck at Wniteyillel , Hon. B.F. Ay cock, of Wayne coun ty, v Democratic nominee for : corpora, tion commissioner, will address the voters-,Of Columbus unty: tomorrow at( noonV the speaking -being held at Whiteville. - Mr. Aycock is. a forceful, stirring . speakerY and will, no doubt be heard by a great gathering of voters. . ' ' . . ' To Close, for Holiday; v Notice posted r at the rooms of the Chamber of .CommerceMs tothe 'effect that the New -York Cotton .Exchange will be closed tomorrow andJMpnday in honor of Labor, DaytJThe Chicago Board of Trade- will' suspend business f for Monday. ;,. TorNighYOrr.tJ,.Y,; v Redr White and Blue. Dance at Lu mina tonight. Don't miss lt - colors will hold high revelry. "!U - ""Oh Bhlcthat has grown! uVvthWilm 2i&ffior"0$: Earned sumlus. - t f Assets. .' :v'y if;tj f-.'. 4 I'.'-.;-" Careful ly managed; by experienced; IIIWHalDlRECT. . : h EjEstablishcdo V-v s - - use1 cwwwu; . (ici ivus anu rr come known throughout ;theVhtlreStttea8'i- , ' - FOR ALL. PERSON S'THAT KNOW. A GOOD JH NQ. .) r v,. g;V' ; - - - - - . :i Mi ffl .if.;4:-::ViV-7!Sf:-::. nf mffaqrtafa STB?; T noU:? s ""L-m -ku .v- v;:i,. 1:0 r :. 4 Uytfva: YV 7 ft t HO , ( - 'T ' . . ' 'i DEPOSITED WITH US ON ,OR ; 2nd, WILL DRAW v.-.'Yi''i'!- An Interest eqmpoondedf 0 Qiiaterly. 77 FROM -SEPTEMBER 1st ,: CAPITAL AND SURPLUS UAHI I AU .AINU . OUrtlfl-UO . . TOTAL RESOURCES. . . ... Located In that Big: White Buiding, t ' . . ' in GIVE-US.YOUR COM ME RCIAL Youngest I J v WE ALLOW 4 PER CENT. COMPOUND INTEREST f N-?.8AVV Ijnjdepar iv::,' ' r" 'S"r:' if' Y.iw WB. COOPERr President Y JGEO. GAYLORD, Vice PreIdnL V; : Y. " V' vTHOSE,;cbbPERr-CashIer.: ---y'" " :" '-t r i,50y,0OX.00 1 j -bankers Supervised by : DIRECT V I J. v J T v r -v ":? 1 iiiioniai ainva.Mi It..- ndS DC-- 3 I -Tl.i in n't , 'i v. Affording such facilities as arejr authorized under ; Goyernmtnt regulations, and none other. ''"t.'J;'-?-.;;. Depository for U. 8. Government State of N. C, and County;' of New Hanover, Capital.. .. .. $200,000,004 Surplus; ... .... 100,00000 Profitsin'ic 25oaoo7 . ., t '- . -t - ' - mm c w rr - ' ,-5insj)jc ' 1 ' krW -'Sin (ti'XJ ' odiommoCS ' , i " .-: I- v. V( I Iri .'1. fiM'J .' .. ' ' "Y'-.V- '') : '.; '.J Y':C ' BEFORE WE DNES DAY 8EPTi Y '. ; Y 'r-Y : x K'CV't-'-'"- -- .;T,,"..,!w 1f000,0m00 Y t Y anq : iyJLOSt rrogressi v m Lost rro i ! ACCOUNT. - - ; - ; - .T. --r- -. - . .-' : ' T-vV City is".'".;- ; -,y . y : 4.- r , ' . ir . - ':

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