' ' j .7. ' V . ' . " .! 4iWf u f '1 fit) ill .?! & -. iv:. ..V.:-Jt,V.i":- riLUMEFO Ar IX. ......... "XX. r,..,..-,--,.... --''r uwm poi l. j-v'S' i jv s -- m i 4 i a . m I II l ' mil i im.ejr , . ... . ". D o. llJfiiii! imnrnfin niiuuiui ii ertSfCQseloiafi ponce nw ine rMegro unatr Pusher and,.od.HiUn But the 'Authorities vWUl MikeNo Statement as vto This.; Atlantic City, Sept.-. 5. Jesse Jack son, the hair pusher lachar) otjthe chair containing! tCharleobert -when shot,,wasplaceti finder arrsli this morning-; and held :in $500 ybail. The police., decline to- say etherhe is wanted aa a-itnessor ?as a possi ble confederate" in thevshoting. v ; f to. make .record; ; Picked .Soldiers s rom; . JM ewiYpk Militia tBegiLong Vlarch.; ' . New rkepti5fty$;pii men of the Tenth Regiment, Neyr York National , Quards, ; under CaptV iF; J bj Harriman,. left - in two. detachments to- day to maa.tomipyBfeipeet to establish a w:?ec6fdV5fprlmijitia marching. Each man ;bbre the, 'full field equipment jcarrying twenty pounds. They expect to make thirty miles today, reaching !Albahy:v on ttho fifth day. e Naticallrecoi for marching (s twenty miles; perdayj An automobile 1 accompanies the" party, carrying rations.. : .1, ' AMERICAN "FLEET, Departed Today for Another Stage ,of Melbouie,' fleet left this morning amid the .boom ing of saluteifmcDee and ships in imfli-i-West AustraUa3ip mousanas ot speoiaxors vcneerea tnq i H The collier had Vtq go to; dry-dock "'tfor repairs. ' Thelaftors are tieing much, while here, ..-ir BANK CLOSED TODAY - 1 And Officials Indignant Declaring. .the Action Was Uncalled For., Pittsburg, Sept. 5. The CosmopolU ton National . Bank closed this morn ing by order v of Comptroller of the Currenby Robtr Lyons. The received of Alleghany National Bank has been .'ap pointed receiver. : ; Federal officials in charge say the "bank, is insolvent; but they refuse to throw, any .further light on thesubject, Bank officialslare; in- digna.dee?afingthe step? isiinca)led for. ashiVicardlon says the 'lia bilities are one million and the assets are in excellent condition. -. 4 ' REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN ; In Ohio Was Formally: Opened T"Pday Youngstown, Sept. i5. -The .Republi .can campaign in Ohio, was formally opened here todays Governor Hughes, of New York, Senator - Beveridge, i of Indiana, and Governor Harris, of 'Ohio, spoke. National issues were vdiscuss ed and many hot shots - were , huried into the Democratic campaign. - Big steel plants here were shut down for three days holiday, and the crowd yf as largely made up of workers in - these WAS TOO LA I fc. L- n : Son Made Every Endeavor to , Reach H is Mother, Butin E.yainp? 1 New York, Sept. 5. Somewhere be-; Homiko is rushing north -byi train, in.witn mm v the hope of meeting his motkr, whom ' are cordiaUy invited to these he haa nnr (nmtv a4f -Rllt ' meetings. v ' ? V ' " uvjv, uu ,wnw". ne will be twenty-f our hours ItoO late for Mrs.: rHornike died -; today.-:- Mrs. Hornike came; . here from ; Berlin Ho 8earch for her son, whom she had ; not h. , . . I . i . i .. . ,v . .. . -.1 DO n.l J' , ml- . . "vai ifom in sixteen'years., -iue,uu was' fonn i hnV L f nt to eo to him ''l:r'T X IX Xy:;-X-; No, Paner Lahor.. Oav. r. j .:-tv --i Ja order to riw if sv fnr deserved h6IlJay, in true.; spiritthhaadea- f Labor TTvV-nn,iTif.'"wlt:! not Cry?tal Palace Onpr,' Labor Day, Big Bill, ; it .! " Committee 'for Tuesday 'Other l Meeting , Postponed a Day Hon B; y?Het iNiqht-lDemo- c wic ,H andbook; tssued. . ; ; "Ch1Fmiin John J. . Purlongr the live Wire head ,ofi: the -Democratic County ecutiye Committee, ;fv has v called ; a meeting of ; the: .committee ; for noon TsdayAahVceThr ?pn!d Jyrjr ommteelwiIValsci meet, then and a fine plan of .campaifrn WilaidutlforCro luajuixvy ior democracy 4n this; county rChalmaji.;Purlong.also';today;cha edvthevr organization WtingSof the ryan:Kitchin .Club y from , -Wednesday to jThursday, night.; ;This - change -was mad in accorancer.'wlth the request Of i a number ;of yot era$l whof f oundit impossibjoi- tQ ,be , present on .the j org inal ;date ;aiid who i are enthusiastic abpu the jelub. The organization is ; going to be a rousing m$:y-yl'Li : i Hon;J B.tF.-,Aycock,vDemocrta nom inee ; for.- . ; Corporation Commissioner. was, in . Wilmington last night : on his way fiteviile wheret: he .spoke at ,a: a rally j there to4ay- at noon, . .He is enthusiastic qver i thp success of -the tipket and wiys that. thevDemocrats are yrl&e awake i to th? situation and '. that thecQdfineir part istgoin&to be;aoerfui;ene.;;;-,, - .:;u 4h jn orth Carolina; , democratic handbookiias been Issued and is. a fine and convincing. pamphlet : It deals intelligently and -thoroughly ..with the different r great f issues and plainly shows the voter; that his ibest- interest is with j. the Democratic party ,v Any one desiring, a , copy of the book can obtain same; for the asking. Send a ard otletterjr to fongA EHeiv chairmanQf the State Democratic Exe cutive Committee, Raleigh.- V " ;o hyi I le" Beach on Labor Day. tteiteioynpa j& Joffi'l' in??bmehVl oftahK women wjtdrawjn'clubs i in-order to bring King off alive. Helwas j badly beaten by; the ;-xno0 which was led by the mother of the girl. " -. Salvation " Army Notes. "" - Salvation-; Army, 27th North Front street, Adjutant and Mrs. Yates ; in charge. Theusual meetings will be held tonight and Sunday; tonight the usual outdoor meeting ; at: -the 'corner of BYont.and Princess streets at 7: 30, followed by a sdng and praise service in the hall at : 8 o'clocki t Sunday the tisual service; vwil bi held at the coun ty con vi ct camp and the county jatL at. 3 p.ni. Sunday School, and at 7 ;30 another'Moot service as above -followed by a revival service iii the hall :)fl5alwMc imeetingswill also be Vhelpn fTuesday1 Wdne&day and Thursdk'y?ih the "hall and on Fri day a cottaget meetipg will be held in the home of ;Mr. Bbb Wallace in De gado; ' commencing at 8 o'clock. " The I people tof c Delgado are 'invited to at tend this service." v ;Canoe Races i on Labor; Day Canoe races lat the $each Labor Day 15IVlusic allday attLumina. --ji- XI Revival !aDelgado.1;:;p51 Th'pjR" eyf WBiackDDSof ) Char lotte, N. C., onejthpnost edis euished; ministers t and evangelists of the State, will ; begin, a,;eeting i atjjpendicitis yesterday v morning, (and it Sunday will be at .11. a. m..and 8 p. m. ThP meetings -will continue V through the I following j Sundayf X Mr ; Burr, thP fainpusisihger; bf thegospelwiilbe . . v. v : ;.; , , i : mi- Entrte:fori;;Kaces.i 'mmliX - iWashingtbn.'f Sept V 5.-P'romiiient oarsmen'; from ail ; ovethe country, are arriving 4n Washington ,ta: take, part . , xA in .the, middle .States, regatta,; hich bpens;bnthePotomaciMonday seven and Philadelphia arrfl;.0gj -i.'.--:f :;'! v-T"" '' ' ' ., : ,':- 7" Richards ice president, oi , menua- delphla and Beaflmg-u Cdmpanyied this morning liiiili iiiiiiiil iHliliBi AHVpubliciBuriding iBusinesJPIacei .vyiii-ibattrCld wrigntsvllle. Beach Plentyi of tMur slcj and , Boat- Races There- Rural '? s?:-,' ". 1: -i?:-si- -v-iv ;-'v- v ; ' -. yd 5 ucuci carriers w Meet in xne; K-iXYi ;. Monday, is Labor pay.,and, as usual, and in true keeping with the1 spirit of the ,,- event, twhy , wrimingtoniansvili not i:;; only ; ' observe;: it I ;' as. ; a holt day,; but. will . celebrate in I itsj honoK All j the . banks, , public j buildings ' and maiy . places of husiness ill :be closed forall dayland the great jmajprifty; of Some wilji ; goihuhting, others' angling, but nine put of every, ten pf . those s?ho seek pleasure away, from - home will likely. :go to . Wrights ville iBeach.; Noth ing peculiarly, fitting fta the occasion wUl te;placey there, ihutherei Willi be;a big ahdihierrymeat'Iium the -fine ; orchestra will furnish dance music ! about all day- and' some excit ing-canoe races, have been arranged to take, place in front of thelbig pavhionT The Carolina Yacht Club lhas also dej cided .to have its September- regatta Monday and this will adri inuch . in-l terest to ttie day . at thlbei&iP11 terpsichorean, event:of the sea- Another JTeature, in , coSnePtiori .with the pastime at . Wrightsville Beach will be, the 25 centa round trip farejbpr Day, being the onlyl ;4occasipnjyaponj which the Tidewater Power Company cuts 4ts ire, hus -fording a, ilbstter opportunity I orail '.to enjoy.: the day jt v thisi deHghtf ul ijand t glorlou$;Ksea- l.UI u .cuiici o uuvjiauuu. V r wilt- TemplPidc f uwday Werribbn.' W "A TALE OF TWO PITIES." Dickens' Famous and Popular. Novel Mpving-Plctureizcd and at the Bijou. Oh its new reel today tne Bijou . is offering . a film decidedly , attractive and oe of the best yet presented in a swell moving picture version of "A Tale of Two Cities." There are but few who have not heard of the splen did ;. and : popular nOvel by Chas. Dick ens and so the film is bound to prove a popular one. fTne story,as present ed by the pictures,!, adheres closely to the tale and is . inostinteresting. : The . film ias the. reputation, of, be ing' one of the best yet, placed on the! market,' and" ' was' made; by. the rSelig Polyscope Company, of Chicago. MRi';JAMES -4 Was Operatedlpn This Morning at the Hospital for Appendicitis. ; . The many friends, in the city : of Mr James Borden Lynch, a well known and-popular , young . man, -wilL regret to learn that he was compelled to un dergo an; operation r f 6r ; appendicitis today) at the James Walker Memorial Hospital. ; The operation was perform ed by rDrs. DZW. Bulluck": and R. B. Slocumb, and it is? pronounced ; as hay ing been of ra very successful: naturf Mr. Lynch" ft-thptiJ ap- was deemed. : best :to have he opera tion performed immediately. '' :-,v';'r'.;.-:;: Bitten-bv a Doa.- The Southport Herald' of this week contains fthe followinl paragraph, hich , will be read With Untertest, with ' regretj by friends of the .family of Mr. W; J Nekton, rmthis city; XX: )'fA& a precautionary iniBasure it was thbuerht best to send - little- Wetsner Newtonthdaughteo iewtbn to Raleigh ; for treatment ; at the State - Departmental of ' Hygiene, Weisner Jbeing one of those bitten by.if the safe ;6ide. v 'nA ' Tv?"e -RoocU-KrtAX 0AmnanA her to Raleigh v t v ; - ' , v Children'-f SoUyenirDance Vat Lu- mira TudafteVnfcJp MPMblylnstalle7a v ton iW ithin theTNext, Few Days by nafiAbQuOMet tthe One at Southpori 5fr Members! gTbCnpde xerlhe' perso ofvnIM, llhiscjtyisM sgrneiestah. ttttiinitiliviclnit gazafifsfinfthisity orderi will listalf ; "couri ai ilmber- ; ton; ( within they next f ew - days. : The ciuzens of ? JLumberton who have slg hifiedtjinjBn become char ter members of the jForesters, are very pnthusiasUc verthe brighUfratermal outlook before;the contemplated court, aidyihey garo slopking'prVard k with mhteJreSit tottne ,f ormatA insta.' tion, exercises in connection with .the iOTfoi:t the court; in Nthis, .city, now uhasabout IOQ iivriibsdjhe-cttelM j$ic utt port' numbers 55 -promlne'nt1 citizens on ita.lUll.-.;, CryjstdJ; Palace 'x opens Labors pay; It B1g; STIRRING SUCCESS; IRe Wjilt6and Bhte Dance;; Was Bril- . lantlv Preentrt . at I nmina tn.thA r4G,Bej'ietattonH' of r lundrecls f Poppy Dance on the Way. , nignt tit was the Red, White we-Dance. - it was the martial sonu;. LAimina has presented its, Moon light. Dance, with . its soft radiance and tractive ;effect; : its Skiddoo Dance; Achticled the x risibles. and pro vided ; lots 'of joy; its Japanese .Dance, Tchjj pictureSquelyavored pf the hicfr?wa4ruly;priotic ihlch rpmaai a ,S mass- oi nnrtlv H?J f)f th p paviUnn apperHlj facinff the assemblage. -while..hkfxont.; at their feet,; appeared a handsome! brass ., cannon, around ; which was gracefully wound f the Bed, White and Blue. . .Suspended In midair was r huge golden . American eaglel which lent additional atmosphere and attract tiveness to the occasion. .y'Xi ' X' : The music was in true keeping with the.lestive, royal event,- and; tbe stir ring strains of "America,". "Dixie and some ; of Sousa's most dashing, fiery martial airs added zest and were greatly enjoyed. ' ' . - . . 'ThereCwere scores and .scores; of dancers',' and hundreds and hundreds of onlookers. About ' 10 - o'clock; the gran; inarch was ; commenced; "and then it was : that the; ladies were each ' presented , witti an uniajie ; and pretty; souvenir, in 'a Red, White . anJ Blue"' paper-net scarf. -The "regular week-end- "dance, will take place at Lumiha tonight aiid will be followed .by ithb usual dances next week with dancing pretty much all day i-abbr Day at Ahe big pavilioni t A. week from Monday,'" the 14th inst., will come the Poppy Dance.. . H rj'tuesdayAftem ;:- Child ren'sl; SouVenh;,Dance . at Lu mfnal Tuesday Safteiiwon. , v REV.' J. A. SMITH Will ; Deliver :Hi8, Lecture? on the Bat tle of :.Fprt Fisher Next Thursday Evening. ' , ' . ;"T - In -the lecture ,roomf -off thpFlrst Baptist; Church at' 8 ri. p. . m. next Thursday, 'Rev.; J. 'Al. Smithlbt:this city, will deliver .his thrilling address pnuThbiBattleipf !pr Fisher This isj thddressrecenxiyaaeiivCTea i in Washington City,' 'which Seated suc interest in the question! f installing a National Park ; at . Fort Fisher. it ReV. Mr.. Smfth will? fense of Col. liamb and J f edeiesiHe4wlllKalsoj the' United States, government a. rNa: Tirm si mo r ir ? nn t n p kttpt nr , tjir .o n nai- feperystaaa J?ig tBilli;4 iV m&te HlUlTI H ii I 1 $2flfy tt f n if ? H t fil h;h Orietaandwas a jnarveifogMiuty;. JCHteiipr?tt and .olmcrhmast hight caMeats .evTflttrtce, ISMftfW vWif CENT.COMPOUN D. INTEREST; Irf SAW? S i i INGS DEPARTM ENT,r - 66n The Bank that has grown up with th "has-been" butn Is-er." . Capital.; .. .. .. .. .. E Earned surplus.. . . . '. Assets . ; . . . . . . . i.--. . ;. v. . , . EtCariilmanagedbylexijerlence lKi -;W; Established for. nwre. than a . score I'fifVEILLAPPRE -S;W.'BCCOOPER.pMR!rfiiwtr:;:n:v havi nan 'f.ij.. UmiU r 4 " " rr - ; -vi vvbvii ivwoeiiiu iiiiaiibidi panics in ii-ns. oe- J M 5'cbmerknokfnt.ni ' opposite: o rton hotel: FOR ALL PERSONS THAT -;;.;iffi!SKfi i I. 'Ill ii in i '.yVyi;.:;-.''V.&-W Just Received a - .-..-i:.iT,.!.--,-.'.'.. ,"; i. Phones 108409 -X' an H S XifX IdretfsiouienffiiaM siifi;3i7Sffiiyc i fri' i;:;;-;- " fX&v lXXi Tited ia thaDIg VitfSISjSfw tell tof the jcap- ji??OAi ua iii i&wicu iu cuuucui.auu rep ; 5 . j , vr;the ; heroic ;de- 5 - 4 ( resentatiye iWilmmtqamen pi the highest stana-? : i bis3rave Conf tlsiiMiri :ffieriJwhosehterity jis tunquestioned. ;whoj3 1 ' : ;; ;v : j teH- - pf jf the t V ? li 4 r1 cf m ti f if 0 H si ti H w liri sir Jitii 1 1 1 v ' to i 11 fli ri otiili - - luend the gray ftmna thi fairiisted tfv thm is f&idertcdXZX Al XmXttheXhiPh. standard which the bank : Jiaoltdi aPt&9 z W119 us is saieguaraea cy. approved andup and revery ac i i 5 count-receives prompt and careful attention. X& X"' ; ' 99 Wllmlnnlon. " Nnt an 'UmArC.Un -i i' Wilmington. Not an "Is-to-beoW 1 1 .'-' ' ;-' .;v "i.-f&g$ll::-1 ... ... : ) .ftIl00iK30.0Q I . .. . . . v' 130,000, I .T . v' . . . . . ; , ;;i 1i50O)Q0.OO J . of years, t Us strength viias Wen cso; 1 1 1 ; ; :"v-. ii.:.... .............1.. 1 1 . . ' . I KNOW A GOOD THING i I in I I II I in mmmmmmmmm ' t ' t vpcraiea . unaer v conservative j tlilV;fenfiiii! ninlcliM reguatlpn n$jnon(?; otbey X i yrXXXX-rMi 4 Depository for UrS. Government; : State of N.' C., and County v ol New Hanover. Capital.. .. .. .. .. $200,000.00 ' 1 .Surplus.-. .. . . .. .. .100,000.00 frofitsvv. i ..4 25,o6oaoa very fine Jot p)E S. jr. -; .is'- ;:-n;roTii:': 1; .7'i& -yL-J--':-:-" : : maintains ; V Princes .CtrCita ' ' i; E "a ... K 'i-.-i-.. 'St: 'XI