, f -. f - - 5 - v , - . .... -,r;, - . - . - - VOLUME FOURTEEN WIOUNGTON, 'N. J;0.;;tPRipA1yi ; SEPTEMBER 11. 1908. PRICE : FIVE CENTS i Mi' ni III IB ,.'T-rrr 4 Three Big Financiers Back From Eu rope and Peace Said to Reign Once More in the BelmontRyan 'Camps, Have a Plan for Uniting ; Traction Affairs In Manhattan. New York, a September 11. August Belmont, Thomas F. ftyau and Samuel Untemy er, landed fa. New York; today from Europe.' Much significance Is at tached to the tiict that; this roupt)f financiers came over together'. It is said that Ryan " and Belmont , . have buried the hatche and have evolved a plan for uplting. traction ; affairs: In Manhattan. Untemyer is credited with having brought about a peace pact be tween the big traction magnates. THE ; BATTLESHIPS Arrived at Albany This- Morning at V "7 O'clock. ' "'"?.. American reached the harbor just in-time to es cape a heavy blow outside. " They found only .three ; colliers awaiting them, five were chartered to deliver coal here. The fourth- is expected soon. The long , distance .and ' shoijt time allowed . ; in the -Pacific course have caused 1 one . collier v to - misB the fleet at Honolulu, three ' at "Aneland, and probably one ' here Albany has three thousand ' residents. Two thous and visitors are aleadhere find Tten thousand are expected.?. Tb entertain ment program . includes C official valls, reception s, excursions " and a, Z parade by American sailors and marines. Alleged Swlndler,': Richmond SeptemberllMrst Theo. A, , faagaman; has told a "story C. Flower, alias ? Horace il. "C6urtlandt in a swindling- operation ' involving more - than one :. million ' dollars. - She says Flower has gotten: as much as five hundred thousand from her4 She thought he was .jsponsible. , Flower is believed to be hJdlhg in Richmond. Conference to be Held This Afternoon on vThoe"important Subjecta at the ?' Chamber, of ; Commerce Rooms, Be- ytween Congressman H. Godwin, Government : Experts 4. Qrl Wright :and J. L. Spoon? and a Number of Business Men;' V , " -. , )k t - .Congressman H. L,x Godwin, ot this district arrived; in the 'city early, this afternoon' Von' the';trajn " from NNew BernVand at. 4:30 o'clock an Interest ing conference 4s.to.be held, at ' the Chamber of Commerce rooms between Mr. Godwin" and Messrs J. ;0. . Wright and '.W. r li. Spoon government experts on drainage; ahd gdod roads; at which there will be 'present quite a number bf Wilmington business inenv As' will be inferred from r the q subjects . upon which Messrs.Wf ight and Spoon have specialized; the conference will be up-' on1 the topics, drainage and good roads and ;it is expected that the discussion to be heldwill be of great interest and benefit, not only to those who. have been invited 1 to attend the conference but to the general 'public as well. . y- Albany, Sept. 11. The TlTSl m h is in charge of bor at 7 oclock this morning, having waa diamis fmm t, saivaHnn-A. V . ; rA QUEER; MIX-UP. Wrng Report That Was Officially Sent WllmingtohT About Mr. G.M. ."Fomby.1 ' ; " From -all ' reports , there has indeed been a strange mix-up in the good work m: Wilmington.; It seems that if was reported .that iMr.G. M..Fomby, who Don't miss today's big new showat Crystal Palace. . It ' Storm Warning. " Washington, D. C, Sept. Il,' i968. Advisory message eleven thirty a, :m.1 West Indian . hurricane ; now : central near and west of Turks Island; moving northwesterly. Dangerous for jivesBels in region of Bahamas and'off South At lantic coast during next two' or. three' days. jGARRIOTT. BENEFIT PERFORMANCE was dismissed from the Salvation Ar my tin account of misconduct . In other wordst it was ; known ; here that Mr; Fomby was an ex-captain in the Salva tion Army and a letter to Col. Holz; of the Army, Tbrought back the news that Mr. Fomby- had - been dismissed -. from the service on account of drunkenness. Of . course; this ; created a stir. Mr, Fomby emphatically ' d enled the charge and; at once wrote Col. Holz about It. Then it turned out to be a case of "mis taken Indentity" and Col. Hole has duly made reparation, writing the following letter, which Is an interesting" and hap py sequel to the unpleasantaffair; Philadelphia, Pa.; Sept 8, 1908 Mr. -G. M ; Fombyi 3 10 North th St:, ' j ;:r;:?S:Wilmlhon,' n: ilear "i SlrtYburletterlof 'jtheth Jhasti rechcti: y ous; haveben ; 'jaxL ness ;tlirought thelletter ij)rote -to AdjutentYatesat wiimlngton.'vlth reference to your, .former career in the Salvation Army." As both ;you and Mc Mastry were stt tioned at Columbia, Si C:, previous to your giving up the work of the Salvtioh Army, I got the two men mixed up in my mind. It was Mc Mustry and not you, who acted so dis gracefully at Columbia, and whom we were compelled to dismiss. .-I fully ex plained that inr'my,' second letter to Ad jt. Yates and authorized him to show the letter, to any of the people who might have become : acquainted with the contehts of my former letter. - ' -Very much 'regretting that the error occurred "and with" kindest regards, I am, sincerely yours, : ; ; '.' RICHARD E. HOLZ, Colonel. Will be Given at4 the Bijou Theatre ' Today.';".' 'y'y-'y: r The public is invited by the "manage ment of the Bijou theatre, and of the City Baseball League to attend the performances to be given today at the theatre, for the benefit of ,the baseball organization. "The Blue Bird," an ex quisitely colored film will be shown. and Mr. Henry W. Angel will give" dialect impersonations." . ;y,-J Southern Section to beDevelopedM r. -A.JTaylor t HeartTlyFavorsSte Bond Issue Robert.. Ruark, Esq, Writes as to the Cost of Road Build ing and Draws Interesting .Compari ' s6n-Chalrman ; McEachern Replies to j? Some Questions-i-Tomornw - Last Day to Reg Ister. v;.:-?.- . There has been wonderment among some as to where money' from a new bond issue Would - be : spen,t. ; It is un derstood that for the most: part; new roads would be built In . the southern part"ofhe -county, with a view to4de V eloping a part . of; the -county; most in need ; ', that portion lying in Federal Point township audi which,aS; result of; the need of good roads, has only increased ;itfi valuation:! 9 per Jcentv n the;; last .7 years, " While ,Masonboro town; ship' has increased 155 per cent; Of course,-' work on other roads would be continued, but T new roads would-be placed in .the part of thecounty noted, so as; to build up that; portion of ; the county which ; is undeveloped and which . should . be built-up for tie pro gress" of the county. . - , Tomorrow is; the last day tp regis ter for the election and ; every voter should see that his name appears on the; books. ; It " is 'k a new registration and it behooves every voter to. . regis ter and .to cast his ballot one way or the other. V .' :: In the statement giving the macad am width of New Hanover county's roads The Dispatch yesterday through a typographical error made.it 30-feet This was as to the road-bed, but at that it is A feet in excess? of the roads - In; Guilford county.; The I width of ' the macadam ; should have been: jNewHanover ; 12 ieet ann, umi- tordlo:feet; 1 Tried to Make Highwaymen of Them pe'ves Last Night at the Expensed Two Dusky Damsels, One of Whom Jsr "Leading Lady", in a Negro.Mjn- strfel-Warrant; Against-the Little warKies Changed v on Account of Their Age;: Today's session 'of Nthe mayor's coirt was' of more f than the usuai ;ln terest on account of the fact that three diinunitive plckanninles, Burt LeVahh, Jim Green and Geo. Fisher. not one ff whom is, as large as a Jersey mos quito, were haled bef ore the court on i the charge of 'highway robbery. On accouht of the ' tender "years of the three ebony hued deefndants it was .decided to -change ; the warrants against them to ? disorderly conduct, and' on this charge the three saWed pff specimens of the cOlorted race, were sent to the county farm for ' thirty .clays. ' - 4From; thei details of the' case,' It seems that the; 'three small followers of Jesse James determined to 0 carry put their highway. robbery plans, stoj ped two'dusky damsels at the ; corner of Front and Grace streets last night; One of the . three made a flying leap through the " air in modern football ashion, and he made ; an approved jrldiron tackle of one-of the wonieh around the waist, causing her to drop her pocketbook. , The vother pickah- nnies then reached for the - purse and made off.with scant; courtesy, hot stop ping to bid the : dark ladies -even a hasty farewell. Some amusement was created at the trial when one of the women stated that; she&was "leading ady" for, :i Quarterman's ;;; minstrels, which has been giving performances here recently,:; and that; she .thought the insult to one In her position should be met with the severest: punishment. The little darkles felt that they had beep "stung" on the: deal, as they ound in the'pocketbook only 25 cents and an Imitation; ten dollar , bill. S. Besant and Gerheart Foy, charg ed with an affray, were ordered to pay the costs . of the'case. ' ; Walter Quion, charged : with yag- rancy. was sent to the roads for thirty days. . Frank;. Simmons, Charged wth trotting his horse around, a corner,. was . fined $5 and' the costs, and Ross Correction M ade. T 'gf; 0 ; A typographical i!erTsjr;rf ft:tfie 'JWYr tisement of the Wilmington :Steair Laundry several: days agcr caused : the advertisement - to read" skirts pressed" when it should have been 'shirts pressed." The ' intention pf the ad vfer- new shirt presser recently installed by jran7 7 thf iflimiivnA AiAMit; I Market, ; IS the laundry," one of the most modeVn and complete nieces " of laundry ma chinery to be found in the, south, y Jhe Beautiful ;;Poppy 'Dance The Beautiful Poppy Dante at Lu mina tonight. .,- ;;.";r; ;-; : :'jr? 'f RALPR KENNEDY MARKET CO. N ow, Ready to Serve the Public Iri U p- v'Q;"to-B'ate,;Sweil;Manner.; The new buildings for . the Ralph Kennedy Market Company have been completed and the' company, which i is a most ' substantial one. . Mr. Ralph Kennedy being ; president and Mr. , Sol Sternbercer ; beinc , secrettary and treasurer, ' will v makej a strong 1 and splendid ld tor patronage. The com pany has not ohlya main market, but aTfine branch,.- as well as a splendid pasture and abattoir on the old Fed eral Toint road. The main oflic is 10 atftd " af. the "southeast corner of S6V- i entti - and ; Castle-; streets, . while tbe at Eighth and Red s Cross streets,' thus placing . the" company in position to serve the people in . both whk.hWhme proves py" "'' tn.rat loTttc teut.M.j. . - ii thft former is -1243. and at the latter without wear, tear, . or breaking I off of buttons. The Cash Shoe 'Store sell a regular $2.50 for $1.98. Mercer & Evans Co Marriage Announcement Announcement has ' oeen! mide of the forthcomlne marriaee 'of 1 Miss Susie E. Davis, the ' daughter; of : Mr, ana Mrs. I; rS, Davis, of Southport, and Mr. Clarence Elbert ,Hill, of this city. The wedding" will be celebrated September; 23rd" at Vthe residence 'of Miss Davis' sister, ' Mrs. W. ' L; Willi lord, No. 301 North Second street" fe; Delightful EvehrTonight;rV A . Tonight a delightful eventls on tapis in a birthday party to be given-by the. ounaay School of the Southside Baptist Church and for the benefit of the (chil dren's classroom, v A 'fine program of niusic and" other features: has been capped out - 1744, and a call over, either will bring prompt and fine, services, -: . ".;' . - ; The pasture, f with ' abattoir connect1 erf; is ' sblendid. ' d" this will ; give the company opportunity 6f handling and ; making, a specialty, of , stall f fed korUitCrolina bfi;pbrkandmuttohv and; such nieatj. will" ; always, be found : lursTPt" refrieerator. The company's, main building is equip-H ped with machinery to manuiacture pure" pork 'sausage- ahd fiver, pudding, arid ibis department willibe under the direction' of '"Mr.- Kennedy himself, which" 'will ' guarantee cleanliness. ;v The company wilt also nanaie uotu Swift 'and Armourproducts, ..thus mak ing tfie line of service most extensive, f The;' company will' h,ave expert, affable gutters, and all other help will be experienced. ' ; " r " , .sf. ' ' - ' ; 1 The Poppy Dance Roppy Dance ;at Lumina tonight Don't miss'iL- r " . ; ' v ; -V- Subscribe to - The Evening Dispatch Swell new; Cameraphone program at following article ;in favor of the issu ance of the bonds : r -- : To the Editor: v , ; The best; way to get the merits ; of the bond, issue clearly before the pub lic is to eliminate all points of agree ment, and thus narrow the subject : to the smallest compass. Proceeding in this way we have the: following re sults: . " : 1st. It is agreed that public high ways are a necessity. ' -r 2ndv It is agreed . that the. develop ment of a back country is the best means for the support' of a city. : ; 3rd., It is agreed that the country roads of New Hanover are costing ho more than like public. Improvements in other counties of the State. 5th. It is agreed (because ' the tax books attest "it) that since road-build: Ing was begun the increase In - the valuation of ; country property through the precincts affected is f: an ; average or little over iuu per cent, as cpmr pared with an increase of 43 per cent for the city. ; 6th. It ; is agreed that as a result of road building the country precincts are paying for the improvements , at a ratio of two to one as compared with the "city. ; . s.:ltZ.C .' ; 7th It is agreed that the program for. county roads Is; not yet completed, and that' where such roadsVhave not been extended property.: has ; made an increase of only one tenth-the increase in improved ; precincts , and a little more than one-fourth of the increase In ; city property. With all these points of agreemeht eliminated the question narrows itself aown to a single issue, viz. ; aau city of s Wilmington: because of its pfej ponderating vote, refuse to continue a needed public Improvement ! only ; be cause the " city chahcesv ' to " represent s b : per : cent or tne taxaoie property This ; is the sole: issue, and - whatever may have Been the : force 'of the objec tion as an origihal ; proposition time fcsis operated to nullify thellwundness bf ; the contention. 7 : Obviouslyi . if eoun try property "has increased In taxable value 100 per cent - as the "result or of 43 percent during the same -peripfl for city ; property, 1 then :: the ; ratio ;bf taxable property as between the coiini trb" and" city has harrowed. In favor bt the cou comes too Iate.;;rThe city; as espeicts taxable values', was a greater part of the iomir ty hen road buildinwas.gun tnan it is today.' and our citizens knew, pre-' clsely what policy eyireenterlhgi upon wnen tney unaertooK jnis pudhu Improvement Nor Tias this policy 9ne bf charity, but ton thecontrary a,r;wise ferasp of Ta sound ecbribmic "principle.1 For -years ; the " impression obtained that there ;were no valuable iands In New : Hanover -ccrunty;and when by chance thjs : delusion r was ' removed; we set out" on the enlightened policy 1 of developing our . back ''country - as our Strickland, ' charged with a. his ;drawithojitiBr ordered to pay the costs.' operating THE5-.;. mm - V-.'-. t ' OJF -':.;.:' wiuhimi'MMk Operated - under- conservative ; and experienced management v Affording tuch facilities, at are "authorized .under - Government . f regulations, and none other." " t i '-.: . , Depotltory for U. 8. Government, s State fof N. and County . of New Hanover. . CapIUI.. ,200,CCO.C3 surplus..;.'. .. .. iooooacQ Profit! . VV. t . . . 25.0000.C3 '.ii i f i n. ii.- . . . m ii ii'ii'. -w . - -r. : m "m ; m. TT tr TT ilvfllG 'v;1K;i-'":.' Phones 108-109 Just Received a very fine lot of , any size, Fresh Fox River Buttet iFiyElpouNpy S. l"J. SANDERO. AT ,y.-??..-.-- -y.,-, , , v. ,. "if:.-: l UfCLLJl JI ILS SMi!: "' wmamwm 'l..f K. ?MfV4 l.crjMSV' 5 i- iiNHNiffiHiiictifH4tifttntfiiiiiiiMmHmiiiffniiiimiNMttn karelul manaa-eitteiit ?. THEi MANAGEMENT OF "THE PEOPLE'S . ; To-N ightl To-Nightl -' The Beautiful Poppy Dance at Lu mina tonight. .--' ' FUNERAL THIS AFTERNOON. Remains of Cof. H. M;rDrane will be " ; -;. Laid to Rest. " , Col. Henry; M. Drane, a prominent citizen of Armbur, who has been crit ically -11L at the Jaines Walker Me morial Hospital f6r several weeks past died early yesterday afternoon at the hospital. His death was" not unexpect ed, but the passing away of this prom inent man, nevertheless, will come with poignant grief to his relatives and many, friends throughout North Carcn una. ? v.. V'-;;.--;v Col. Drane was th 76th" year of his age.- He was wentinea witn rauroaa building; throughout his life,' and for two years vhe was president of the bid -Wilmington and Manchester Rail road, no wthe Wilmington, Columbia and August Railroad. Vr ; . He .was also president of two rail roads' ln: Florida, and during his -life lie'; filled practically -every . position that there Is in railroad - worK. ;; uoi. Brane served valiantly throughout the CivifWar.v : 'yf:Tr 7;' : 'The eceased -Vas" married In 1861 to Miss Virginia' Lloyd, and there are left tb" mourn' his loss,; a; widow and foti rchildreh, these being Mr. S. p. ljrane, ;oi san juan, trm w xviuu; mis. wy:;1 Morrell, - Savannah,' ' Ga. ; ; Mrs. Thomas -Ashe Hall,' Macon, Ga:, and kr. " Gebrsfe Thomas Drane, of New - ' CotT Drane was a ' member ; of St James', EpiscopaVhch; J ejfuneral wil" bo" held 1 this atfernobn 'at 4:30 o'clock 5frbm the residence of ' Dr.J H.. DuVham,1 :No. .403 Chestnut street ahds'the Ihtfermeht will , be ;made In Oakdale cemetery $eiitalivcr;Vlmintonfrn manage tl affairs in ;; by the high starM : voUart dcp approycd;nd count receives prompt and caret ul attention. Located ia that BlflhltoiB -.V s Eroual rri yiiege At this bank, the small depositor and the smalLborrower are' accorded equal privileges with the large ones. ' - -Your 'Savings earn 4 per cent, with SAFETY IN OUR SAVINGS DEPART- V. vTo the' Beautiful Poppy Dance at Lu mina tonight. BITEN BY A RAT, X iirt 4.!.- Little Sen of Mr:' arid Mrs. James Hall i tJWeets Vyifh'eculia i:;Then"1a Taken Seriously 1 1L"A 1:A peculiar tMsha; happened " sev- MENT. ,i i: - s. nc wil MIMftTflN: iW.fBCOPPER, President r ; GE6Xi;GAYLORD Vtca President iv' " 5 V THOS. E. COOPER, Cashier. ' . .; ' ' - -v. mm i";; beBank thatlhas grovmup wlthWllml hafrbecn'i)utXaiiI ; canitai. : . .l":.-: .v V:;'. . .V; -'-';' ...'; :.. . .$ 1 00,000.00 Earned surplus'. . . Assets..; . ' . ..' . . 130,000.00 I 1,500,000X3 1 ( Carefully managed ! by experienced ; bankers. Supervised by DIREC- X v .TORS. WHO DI RECTilSg ' : . : E' Established for morel'tHan a score of years, 'its strength has been so j conspicuous Rnsc,l PnI ?f be X I come:;'knowhuahoutvthe -4;- E 1 come known" throughout I OPPOSITE O RTON HOTEL. ne. vi minion Mvnsanurus -only 25 cents per month. V - ' 1 Crystal Palace today, It v (Continued onThIrd Page. , Wright the fpur-monttisld son Mr. 1 and Mrs. James M. Hall."; Wnile asleep r bitten on one 4 "finger , -by a rat The little fellow recovered from"; this in jury only to be taken;sick with fever and for several days the ; little 'life .was; about despaired of.; However, friends of Mn and Mrs. Hail will "learn with much' pleasure that; the little lel low is; nv considered out tof danger. '"Where your money .buys more.' Try Our. .$1.98 shoe ?Cash Shoe Store. Mercer & Evans Co, . ' ; ' ' lt- nninii it-- '5;f UMUMMMI iM '. if-- :,;v "'i; -e - , FOR ALL PERSONS THAT KNOW A GOOD THING H.' T t- - it-