VOLUME vFpJJRTEEH WILI.UNGTON,, N. C.,; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1908 PRICE FIVE CE1IV3 TDDTr7 II li J - .e i ; i r - t 'ft i present Democratic Lieut. Gov, Has d Strong 'l.eadahdruVlTl Probably a4 lURllGS ; Land Ambassador Hill Refuses to ' Run in Republicart,-ConVenflbn; Which Makesor Trouble"! of "the Anti-HugTes FofRs. ; r Rochester, Sept.1 15; There iss but little change inHhe political outlool? here today. -UpUo noon, the . time; of calling the cdnventfon' to, ordem Chkn ler is the favorite"? stmori the kele gates, and probably- wilhbe the-fnbnil nee. Less than ene-third othet dele- gates were, in. the -hall "at'.hoorivbuV to" J half an hour nost.Dt. them -were-in their places.. Vs , s Republican Convention. ' Saratoga, SprSngfcrSepT; 15: Dayid jaye, Hill, Embassador; to Germany ca bled todayKhe WQuldrnotaccept-jthe New York : Gpyetnoxiliip; aathuk the last hope of .theVan'Hugfies'element to unite ohaJ,manfi? lost.'' Many 'oth ers of pronnehce tfave: beeUt1 offered the nomlnation;' but all decline' and the leaders are floundering about'hope lessiy. : "Vi - N - - 4 A t BIG FIRE IN MAINE. Hundreds of People Homeless and Great, PipertyDamage,: W Saco, 'iVlaineep't.' 15. Six hundred people, homeless, . half - million dol lars damage t to property ,t and eighty- five tenement houses nd-nineijnliiliqnj feet of lumber consumed 'Is the fesult of a fire which fewept' this: city ctbday. It originated .in faljinbef :yar4l-and high winds- causedthe .rapid spread of the flames.'' The damage "would have been much ilarger 5hadrji6t' help tturtriv 'fX, Jh" Ti Jhrilling -escapes fjpm.. dea h, The.1 flames' were' subdued about . n6on: " " - "li . I Act of Frenzied. Woman to'Nejv, York I bk m i MinET nniix1 T t-t . lj i i ii . cause of his 'infatuation foi .another t Frank Pansea .in hia factory here todays girls in the . factory became V.' panic stricken. The woman was arrested Farewell Dance To-Night" Farewell Souvenir Dance at Lumina tonight. Everybody going ; -"s V. , "COW JUMPED OVER THE MOON.? Skyrocket Meat Prices In Chicago To- v - day. . - " " Chicago, Sept. 15: Bacon is selling in this city today as high .; as Porter house 27 to 30 cents per "pound.',-Cattle and hogs rare scarce and s are sell ing high.- .High pri6esror'meat-may be expected for some time, f ' ' " )r, 1 - 'hri AFTER COTTON FARMERS. Night Riders m New Roles :fn Ar- Jonesboro. Ark" ' Sept. -15. Night Riders 1 are organizing in "the north' eastern part of Arkansas for the pdr pose of reducing the cotton acreage next year and compelling holding 'Itkfcv crop Farmers are' being held up and threatened. " - LOSES DISPENSARY CASE: L Judae P rite hard Sustained- lnSouin Carolina Matter, t. . V,-- C Richmbnd,' Sept, lS.-South-Carolina loses . its a dispensary r.- case, Judge Pritchard .being sustained' in ievery point by the Court' of Appeals. . c BUBONIC PLAGUE Has Caused 3,000 Deaths During past ' ' Few 'Days. J- St. Petersburg, Sept. lS.Thiscity is facing a serious-crisis from the. Bu bonic plague.' Fort deaths, haveoc curred-4n the- last twenty-four,' hours and one hundred new cases have been added to the list. .There taye been four hundred and five deaths' 4n four, days. The authorities 'seem to be .un able to cope with ithe situation! There have" been' three thousand deaths since the outbreak. . i k To-Night at Lumina ', Farewell Dance at Lumina tonight. Don't miss'ltr" r- rKi-r "' ",Mad Dog Scare, r ' , Some excitement was' created yes terday afternoon hy .the -antics of " a supposed mad . dbg. ; The 'animal ta said to have j bitten a child, . several other dogs, and-chickens, before .it was killed by Officer M.5 A. 'Jones. - i nnivn nniihT tnnnii Emanuel ' Silvia, a White - Man, Sefcures "a. Sentence of-Thirty-Days 6r the Roads After Many Previous !! AppearlhceV :fiifore the Court,?on the-Chirge of ,Peing- Drunkf and Dis ; oierTyOther. fcases Disposed of "at' the Noon Session. - ft- ,In the Mayor's court at .noon todav therse. of a most', interest was' that against Emanuel SIlviar"a whitenian charged-; with being drunk -and disor derly; f Silvia vwas to have beentried yesterday;, but a subsequent spree fef Early Sunday mornings Silvia was arrested at the corner of .Seventh and Castle "streets by Officer W. IU Apple bury .of ;thV police force. ' The '. officer stated at the trial"- today that he exert ed ,every effort to persuade Silvia to go to v, his; home . before placing him under arrest, but that the latter cursed him in such a vileinanner that he was compelled to 'arrest ;iiimr . In i placing t Judgment against Silvia ,tcday,v Mayor j Springer, stated ,that he 'had accorded; the defendant every con sideration during the ndmber of times, th: had. 'appeared before, the, courtbui mat ouy ia. uoaj tiuaiiy ; p. cauiicu Lilt; ciiu of hi rope so' far as the leniency of the , court jas cOkcerned.The .mayorvBtat ed; thaMasItthe- defendant ;t-was' - even then f under r?4 suspended sentence of 'thirtydays, fpra' previous tridl,' he had no; ptner alternative bht. to pass ju ce ment;' andtthishe 1 did, sentencing Bil via ' to' a straight ":lerm of thirty-days on, the county- roads: v ? Martha r Howard and Rena,. Davis, charged . with ;vagrancypwere released, but ;-onv . the same. . charge JVilliam Brown- had a .sentence, of - thirty : days on th"ev roads presented to , hinw v . ""William Bryant .and M. ;M. Brooks, charged with operating wagons ' with out: the proper, license tags, were re leased - as rv both presented good ex cuses.' l y'-'' " : " - i t Lucile .Howard was "charged ' with ; an affray, :and the Idark damsel , created some amusement when' sha stated that a ;tiifficiiUyit was. forced' upon her, by another ' woman' at - Huth xHallVlast eBalT7the5chief feature' of which ' deviated -skirts ' worn bv th dusky 'dancers. ;. The- woman pre senteda good -excuse" and she was dis- . i " x Mil i .11 ingtsrflerlyMCDiiducC was postponed iiuiii nni hi uiv1. J --. 9 . .. .4 t 1 r- EveyhoaP 'Golnq " iernis.nrst arrest when 4ie was7re- Issue Money Was Spent "and : Why r , , j omcen.sKirctuflM5-7 ' ' r Two l,hhndredpu f T S ? ' LOCATtON v OF TH E STORM. High Winds Predicted for Today, But - ; Will Diminish Tomorrow. . - Observer' Geo.1 W. Pelger issued the following report' this morning as- to the storm and -local conditions;. . : 'The- tropical disturbances appar ently "central- some distance off cthe Florida coast r moving slowiy- tp the northward.: ' Hatteras ; reports . a ve-j locity of 24 1 miies'from ' the: northeast at8am.- , - A strong, high ".pressure- area Jias moved: into ins nonneast se in connection with the northeasts winds prevail coasUX 3 M " J I. ' 'a i ; l?Tb pressure- dIstributiontnqijcates partly cloudy weather for thM -Bfictton tonight )4nd Wednesday with IdtIsk td high-northeast tp north winds , dhnih ishing Wednesday"-- ' 'i ' v'"., 4 f. i ,n 1 i " r - . ..flu,. i:i - . : :V-.-...'., " JT..-. V -. 1m. ' ' - ... . 1 At the Bijou. . - - : '; iThe feature nlma ;at'" the popular Bijou - theatre 'today 'are called v Misa Holds' Puppets," - and -'The Knowing Bfrds.""-The first' mentioned is a. hand I colored production and 4t is very pretty and attractive. -1 - ' SURPRISE MARRIAGE. Misa- Annie Mason ,the r Bride of Mr. ,J TateBowen.J- - - As a pleasant surprise ' to their friends came the announcement- of the marriage of' Miss Annie Mason, daugh-. iter 'of -Mr. Ludwig ' Mason,; and--Mr. Tate BOWen. wiinoui; acquatunugauy tof hpir - friends : of -'their happyipur nose '"Mr.'Bowen-and his bride repair . "t f? ed to the study lof Rev. Fred U. aaie.jposea; Donas" are.issuea, ana ii--ue-nastor- of 'the "First Baptist Church, ' comes necessary, to- provide , for same gun(jay afternoon' and there they were united -in' marriage 1 by that; minister.- Both are popular . young , people ana vill have' the ' he'st' wishes t of -their many friends forT'a long, and 'peaceful iourney "through . life together.- Mr. and Mrs. Bowen' will, make their home at the corner of "Fifth . and -Harnett streets. LOWEST : i N 1 1TS -- H I STO RY. Can Drive Automobile Across. Ohio River. ' " ' Wellsville, Ohio Sept. '15. The Ohio Ri ver is the lowest in its history. One: carivdrive an automobile across: the W.nt'Wellsbure.t The dam work, is '-hindered -by the t law-water.;- " :licCBUilt 01 l( : f ' r c v.; s v They Show Clearly How the Bond tirtue thea Road Work They Give Figures Vnd'Teir of-Future Work - 'Statement Cannot be Misunderstood. The Board .of. -County; Commission ers. this 'morning issued a signed tate-v ment relative to 'the' road work, done under-the bond,? issue, - giving rthe amounts expended and showing bow they rwere expended and tell of C what it ' is jhoped to , accomplish. The state ment'i clears anIdshouid''be, convinc ing sqraras thejne or New 'Han over !jjtno poL! roads - The state- m,ejttwaql is'speft jf or the ; information of thVjpubTican(risfas foiiows Theresas ibepaid.outor .-, , 4 ; u ppsea m on efn1 - ;nent, .foa,d.i.i:mprqyementst t acqpnntfrpm Januarylsi; , 1 . lQXv,.1. f.fv t .,$124,19.37 Paid for , Turn-. : r : , pike, (see re- - v - - " marks below.$ 7,500. 0(y ' Assets v now - on - j" hand, itemized , below., '21,059.15 28,559,15 Net ost of Macadam roads. $ 95,639.22 ' t itemized Assets. Rock crusher, boiler and en- , gine..'.. T..$ 2,321.50 Road roller andt dump cars. 2,500.00 Steel- cage for prisoners . ,400,001 work in the -Carolina circuit here Rock-bins: 1; w .'.'. "527.41 fare few more impartial umpires ,'than 1 Centrifugal pump,-.i . . 100,00 1 'electrtumt'J t?i .;;V.V " ' 809.98 Stockade- tas? Wilming.ir . tonjv ,,i.'.v,,rV'':,,r.v 2,035.87 Present Quarrylnclu'cUng rock ,v fcrfrtr6st)HeK,' . litis . uiiu ' iauur .uuiiuiug el6tricSaer yff6m l!fth stree'f tdUarl stables .ti fences, 'tbtlsftbt)rUdaeiip ":Ia.' '- i ; .. 1 x- ! V..11 j, ? etc.estimatedM J W.oimi ni'.') 7-,000i00: 1 deep'.weil'fidl ffil-? l. .M.1'." f 150.00 4 railradTk;ars'f,t WA ... 2JD14.3S ':-, Total' itemized assets'.1! $21,059.15 , v Turnpike. ; " 1 - ; The Commissioners bought, this roatl at above cost, expecting to give it a surface dressing and have a completed road, . but found- the. shellsso rotten that the top dressing ' woula not bind .with - the i old y foundation, , and conse quently had to? re-build the road entirely,- at same' cost.as other; macadam roads, less the expense of ditching and grading, (about $400.00" permile). A , ' "Assets. i.The assets enumerated aboye repre wnen Pi is taken into' ' consideration tnat tne r unitea states - roaa expert stated sin a nublic address that there isnbughT-aterkl in slght'io' supply ing cit; streets. ghoul'the hoid issue fall and'ine roaiJwork jdlscpntinuethe quarry 'arid the trolley line would' re vert to their respective owners The mand, would soon become worthless, and We estimate the loss ta the' county would be fully 18,000.00., i Taxation. Should the' bond Issue carry, it is not'probable the present tax for roads, (Ccon each $100) would be more thai! at -present," as ? 1 increased valuation would .5 probably ? provide sufficient funds, but even should -it become nec- eilsary' to provide by taxation for the interest , on the" proposed issue, ? of bonds, 2c on each $100, or 20c onr the $1,000; this would provide more, than; enough to pay ? said interest, "so that., it4 is-plainly apparent that the bond issue cannot . cause - any 7 great increase .in (taxes.: ,.In any -event, -the t poll tax - r would not , be -Increased It tne-,pro- Dy a levy or zc per year on eacu ,uu.u dred dollars,- the. .cost of continued good aroad.v building - would ' be - as fol lows: " On'$ '500,00 On k ' 1:000.00 ' per yer1 '.20 On f 10,000,001 r 2,00 per year On- 100,000.00'.. Should the bond issue fail to .carry,, th Commissioners will , he compelled to! adopt one of -the following alterna tives : i : - -V"r.i5 A4'' First.' , Levy the, -maximum amount of - tax$2.00 on each; $ 1,000,; as now provided by-law, which would, be:' On: $ i 500:00-. . - $v-l."00 per year On 4 1,000.00V . . ; - i . - 2.00.' per year On -, 10,000.00 ; 20.00 per, year On -100,000.00 . 4 , 1 200.00 per year Hoisting', engine'.'ana. ,over-, v 1 vvfviwvswovsoouw? 11 irifcesTlB TcatUnr wagoCt l! -'J iL5iMrf!ir tens'etgstimaretfr': ' ?!?g.00i00 leagues as moneyCwas. .tigfit ' mlt , I i f .. . 4 - tlvlil! il.UDO HflLES Big Cotton RtceipUjn Wilmington To - day Over: Two , Thousand Bales V Came Fronrv.VtRfe. South-Another Steamer Beaches Port. - - , The receipts of cotton today are the largest;o:farthis season. Quite a large bunch -ot the fleecy, product cam inby rail today, 'going to Messrs. Alex ander Sprunt & Son; : The1 receipts to- day 'are3,3G5 -halea nvojtof. which arrived b theiVittningtonColumhli and Augusta. Via this road4- 2,634 hales were received, 'and the others came in? as follows; , 'Atlantic and Yadkin, 596 bales; Wil mington and Weldon, 85 bales; and Carolina Central;, 50 baleshl tT-'V , The price-quoted km. the Wilmington market today, is; 9 cents. 5 - -J: Another .steamer is in to load cotton and has :taken berth? at the Champion Compress, She Vis the British shi Tuskar, ,969 tons.; Shebome's from Philadelphia' and ,makes the fourth steamer now in port jEor pojiton. " FATHEJl , McGLA.QHLIN Dubbed;the Best .IndicatorfHandler in the.. .Carolina Asoociafion'-Jhyl the GreenyHle1(S.,C,KNews4i 1 :r r The; Grenvillfe Iews .tta'tfi'e jfoll ingj interesting articleioriceAiing Father,, Mclaughlin, a .weU kflowj umpire who t finished 4he basebalW sea vuuue .Daseoaii :iansjasvri 2itirMftiac. '..3 ' ' . - iAi. . . . C : -; 1 . I 41 f I arrived n thecityj yser. andj will .us- uere unuixomorrowi Mr, McGlaugh lin -was an umpire in the" Carolina As sociation of baseball ' clubs ; during the pjfkt season and was. regarded as the best handler; of the indicator in the circuit. :. .: "Since theV close of :the v Caroling League season, he haseen in , the Eastern North CarolinaIieague, ; but as that organization hasValso 'dosed now, he .will - rest nntil next season? when' it is hoped that he will resume him and he has a pretty good , eye too Tjherev was .very Uttle kicking on hla wor b,n drivers ctfifna. CwcOlliaiSTOliilM. that' the Ma il --.i---. a . a..- . .. m. t - - i rv i. .vr f nave a This all with the country in better condition 'Father that4949WilFhe4it banner baseball jyear.. 'tfiThe fitern. jNorthtCftrfilina(IjeagUfe wasiciajg fas,t,jippganizaUoni . llr. 'Mc Glau.gbUnft8ays4,Kbwt. itfwould hardlyi compare '.witjhei , jqarohna Associad tion.; .He sajs thatfitheyhad a genuine case,f, ball fever ini Wilmington and that, the attendance there would aven age nearly a thousand a game. . I.-- " . 'Father . Mac is , interested in Jbe? Jackson, .and hopes . lhat the Brandon, boy will -make good in jthe; American" League. ;,He says that he believesNthati Joe will s hit. them all right up therei af terThe gets his eye' on the, ball. H Is also interested - in Bar re, and - thinks the ; exrS pinner has a good future. ; , i "McGrlaughlih i is a great i admirer of ManageY ;i Stouch. He thinfcs that thee is nobody just exactly like "Tom' mie-' , During . they baseball season when; any, fan whom the, -popular-1 um- TateF Manager Stouch is also a great ad- ' ?The Jans . were glad to .sei G(au'ghiiri ..yes'lerday1 ani) fj . back 'memories.' of. ' the hasebal. All rhAfiA thnf . hA Yfrill- ivoar )roug season fie,bm Ail .uuue uiai - uc v v." j vij".'y blouse In the Carouna "Association next season. ill ft' , m. .'11 Vkrr-- i .1 tjtl 7 i , . Farewell Souvenirfpancte-' ; 'Earewel L Souvenir Dance; at Gay Lu mina .lonigni.'v1 ' -' ' Second. Stop all road building, turn g.11 the prisoners no'W serving time on the road, over to the sheriff, pay 25c per day foreachi- or about $660.00 per month,- get no benefit, and in addition, allow -the ?very refficlentf machinery we now have;bn hand-to go tOwreck and ruin;t at. .a- loss, as stated r above, r of about $18,000 to" the tax-payers. . ' Can the ? county afford,' to stop prd- Jgress because of the , above cost? Is it Tight to tax 'the people-of the south. ern" section of the county and city for roads bullt'. in other, sections land : not givers them gobd ;roads?i It is-thei intention- of the Commlssibners lo - mac adamize ' the road Pleading from - the I southerns section - of -the jity - and to connect s the turnpike "with Castle streets in the . near -future With pres ent equipment; and supply! of? road ma? teriaMn' sight; ; the county in-better i CUUUiUUUtu uuiiu i ucvus luiiu cyci . 111 ...Xa.- Lk.ttJ.AM.JM' AUn V.. Z VMr. J. J., Mclaughlin, better, known brought per yeartore, and, consequently cneaper.; xuej. , standard of bankinri jnstitutions would be raised to the mark' that tha, s per year j United States road: specialist-stated m . a:;.''--. --.,". , " SI fc l S 1. r . . . " . - 15 -OFnDI F.ft SAVINGS RANK has tn.iinf-ainfrl far the nat nlnft Vfcar. - ? tore; and, "consequently cheaper. The I his public address that the average . . -20.00 per- yearicost;bf macadam.- roads in the United states eas , about t $5,000. -At4the Quarry; hek stated that "if this county could build 'Its roads-at $4,000,-vthe coat: would be cheap. Ji'f: i ''' Respectfully' submitted,' ' - - : D. -McEJACHERN.'- -' "": WM. F. ROBERTSON. ": H. VOLLERS. K. , y;W. F.IkCkNtER., , v. M-WiDIVINE. ' ' September 15190&f ' , S i Ce ntral ly Located . orr Front Street k Does a Commercial and. Savings Busl- f ;ness-;r ; j rcr ; ; -;vPays 4 per cent. Compound Jnteresf on, ; Savings., - - i V 'vUncle Sam requires us to pay you your - Cash on Demand. - t 1 Total Assets, $250,00tt00 ' 'V " ! :tT OF WILMINGTON; . a . J- W B. COOPER, President. 1 V GEO.o. GAYLORD, Vice President ? 4- -j 'THOS. E. COOPER, Cashier; v! . 5 r The Bank that has grown up with "has-been" but an Mis-er." . Capital. . - P9PV.A.J A,, ...Ml,,.. ' ' Earned surplus. . . . Assets.. t - r.- ! Carefully managed, by experienced, ; TORS WHO DIRECT. j I ; l v consplcuqus In depfessedpertodsand' finahcla! ' panics that .ft hat be-';; ' j come 1nown.gjthroughqut the -entire State "aa , B.!iSiaoaiss,aB4jInislI()iaEi b. OPPOSJTErORTON HOTfeL; A.AAAAA.AAA.A... f HIUHIIII UUi - J 41 .::.."..::.':K:iJw:S'k-"..-A-v -.kf'i.. Just Received a -If: C. Ham;Bny; size, aV t . ' .Ji..A--t-.AJ. " Hfy, f Ill I I ii i i I -Immm- , "...i. ........ - . ? II - - I; r -j'-'-... rr. . -- .... - - : 7r , j liltt. k 'A.k. J DU t t , m.N F1VE POUND -PAILS. - ; i t , v -.von - t t i',- lf4 -it (.i ..J, i j.f r.,M'rl f The Last of i t "V - m 'v:- k 4A- X . .'. a ..- . k . - a. - .- . T a .... - I xTheVelfare JllOur Jejpbsitors I Ci TH F M A N A n F M F NT ftf ,vrv ha rlr waiiM nvi f n' I - : IC TUC MAMAfteMCMT aI ir ( f iiu i vi i t . wkirih.ii i vi i w ei wan i nwwu iiti - l wow (w. J : the fact that the growth of its institution can only be promoted through I ; : the satisfaction of its depositors, and work unceasingly to that end, tha J J i The officers of this bank fully ; - powe of the oanK'e .- J patrons, and are untiring, in their efforts to render the most. prompt knd y . , efficient service it'is possible to obtain. '""',' r ' 'v " . - , - Z s" "- .We solicit your patronage. - ; " rt ' ' : M w ' J ; INTEREST INTEREST : I 2 'In that Big White, Building, Corner of Front and Oilniiod ! a uuunwu -m A A - V - -. . - 0 V 4 t Wilmington.,, Not an "Is-to-be" or V - t, ; - ' ' r' - 1 . r1 00.000.CO - - " - AAA.--AA f 130.000.CO .... .1,500,000.00 bankers, r Supervised, byN DIRECT - 3 - : rV V f ' ' . .1 - J-i(,t '.ou vOasr a EaH ui r Operated undeiv , eonssrvatlve? and-cxperlencedTmanasement - ni fl.fnoWb5i,XTTkrtfl.0 ioA" - ; Afford!naTsuch facilities as trs , flrltf'8" SSvirnmerti Depository for U. 8. Government, rotate of - N. . C4 and County o k New Hanover. , , Capital . . . T. . - 20000.63: Surplus: " ioofooq.co Profits. . .'. . , ' 25:0000.t0 very fine lot of Fresh ox River Battel . -li1" ' "' ' 'V ' . - - iho Season A " .. . . , . 5. ..... . .v . f . - , 4 " ? " -. V. ' - . ! a J :.ii.Mf h.nl iuauM huh ! f . appreciate the power of the "bank's im ' -. ft. a. C Princess Ctrstts. i i 1

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