VOLUZFOURTEEIT jPRI5E FIVE CEi; THE BQI1D . QUESTlOll 1 1 5 IterKorti DomacnQts CommlssIoners'.PIain and Admirable State.meht . Wldy ; Favorablx , commented i;jp0iiT-Another. t State v mcnt Jssued-Mr.,j. A., Taylor Cites . Some Strong Reasons1 for Voting for ?the. Issuancef.the Bonds. Ilielliin Today Nominated; by Acclamation . and He is Apt to Lead His Party to Victory : Harmony Prevailed at theConve4n-tlon-Ex-Judg Alton Parker the Permanent Chairman Rochester, Sept 16.At ten o'clock the hour for the assembling of the democratic convention, there were but few delegates. In thehail. Itlls now conceded that Lieutenant' Governor V"i"i- wuiiDe. unanimously selected to head the democratic tlkeCj Ua 3ieved thaConnes andlATcCufen hav k settled, dlfferencea temporarily; at leastl a. ; wuin;uuus ngura at : tne convention today is Senator Gore, of, Oklahoma; ho is Jiere toi talk with itffc j: BryauV who gets here 'this af ternppnl I Stupen dous arrangements have-been, made for "Bryan's receptipn. 4 t f , - ; - -Laterudge1 Parker was ade-per-i manent . chairman ot the4tf mocfatlc1 State convention today. . ,There' ,wre no contests -on thr seats reported to the convention and Lieutenant Gov ernor Chancer was nominated foj: Gov ernor by 'acclamation r ,V - 1,- 3 - t ; BINGHAM BACKS DOWN; Offers Apology to the Jews 'of ;ftJew : ,r - --vYork. , New, York, Sept.7 16.-rPolicei'jCom-missioner ; Bingham today apologized for and utterly repudiated his attack upon the Jews made in a, recent article in the North - American I Review; ; He said, the figures he had based hlstatei ment v upon jyejr s improper, authority for maklngv the charge ': that half crimes tfominitted : In - New ! Vork" ' are committed t by JeHjlrs.: He. say thi flcures'were -nreliabl, ariA-'t-a-'Thlsi figures 'were -unreliable1 arid:t--is-lWs duty - tor : 4efpudiate ( them;' Hie - result is a.. victory. foir the; Jews who demand ed proof and. fair treantT The statement' issued vesterfiav hv the Board, of. County .Commissioners,' uu presented m.The Dispatch has been;widely commented upon and' has been? highly.'complimented: 'The tate ment was direct and to the "point and should certainly: obviate', all : opposition --that Ms if a-person -admits the 'fact that good roads are necessary and cer tainly .history, has -proven such in the progressiyeness"' and : prosperity :-.of many counties: Whydwarf New Han oyer2 ; rJ; L . - - Today v in . view of . a report 'that had been circulated, "arid .which did-the Commissioners art- injustice, : as . some other - reports - have, I the board issued the, foUo. Wing signed -statement, this not" only" in Justice to .themselves,, but to,fprther .give the public all Informa tion' possible: i J -Tp (the Tax-payers:." ". . k : hayingrepme", to our .'ears that vit is being reported -that the Commlssion- Lersl proppsdta spend a large-portion of the 1 3 funds ; derived from, the ;propos$d l?ondisue for a bridge over North east' -River; and to pay to Mr. Bam'l. Blossom, '' ;ihe 9wner ' of -the ferry, - a fabJpsqsum for - his franchise, we f urnish f the following i information, a ' Desiring to protect the 'interests .of the county, should it - be decided - to build a bridge over Northeast' River,; the Commissioners ' of; Pender' and New Hanover v 1 counties, at a joint meeting ' at Castle Haynes; in 1906; entered into a written agreement with Samuel Blossom that,' should the counties-desire "to "use his ferry site to erect, a- bridge over-Northeast River1, it -should be, left to arbitration as to whether he Is 'entitled to, anyjremun eration, and if it -is found. that he is entiled to . -.any.' v, compensation -the isamfr'Omniittees: shall fix the amount be'jiafd; -the; arbitration committee taponslstrtaf . flveT members; of which caiiniittee; :Pender;: and New- Hanover equities to t select two ' membersC Mrt Blosem'ro members; . the -four " .tol select .the, fifth member. : Thfcf Vas jJgnedbrlthof Commlsshmers of-Pcn5 tUkt: : awjff ver counties; and Hf J j cipssom, propeny. tntnessea. f f fcWirdsr 'had AttorneyB.tf Johnai: .SO? A TlECXmCT MAK E 7 U3TOH TOTMO 2TB04qa Wilbur Wright Has a "Peadli" of an ktk um u:Mnnip.ftiMi! &Q&JWQAicin&xoi i.counLies rtor atgnway LemaBSrtSptrTrtUWllbu m&a&mmSuto &$&Ml$g& iii :4way conflictedwith covering twenty-nine miles in: 39 min- Mrr Blossom's franchise, as he is only utes, 19 seconds. . . His trip was imade at the military v grounds. " This record is only equalled by ; that "of - Orville Wright at Washington) : He made 46 miles an v hour, the- highest ; speed yet attained , by: aerial 'crafty v 5? ill MjI Dficlor6;aioc:l m p Today ; ".. 1 - " 7 - .- v - - v '' Corbett Jamcs.Who ;May-J)l0fc at. the t-Hospital as a Result of a JVWrdJn- ' flicted Several Days Ago; by James -Edwards, Made' a Sworn .Statement . Today to Chief, of PoliceWniiamsV That He-Was Shot Without Any . Previous Quarrel, and That- He: Did - Not Believe the ' ShootlngWas fic cidentaK - - ' . -f : , i ; A i-. As a, result of a statement AnadeJ to day : at " the; James iWalker Memorial Hospital by ' Corbett ?iJames,Va young negro who is - fn -'adesperate condit!on as aresultof a!3wound, inicted. by J ames; rEdwards" colored, - cpne Mays ago, it Is probable , that Eldvj'g.rds wpj have 5 to' answer 'in aL "court 'of justice" for; the' deed should. James die, hiclj is not at . all improbable;; fines'? wa3 shot' iri' the side by "Edwarand ftbjii wound ne received' is: of apeculiar nature." The hospital i surgeons Estate that James is suffering, now from in ternal fhemorrhagesr,j and whlte ftbetf are no positive indications o his im mediate, death,- there is a strong like lihood that the continued bleetingrwill eeVntually- result in the - demise of James. "Every effort is being: made to stop the hemorrhages . bur. without successv'as" yet.1" James ' is jgradually growings weaker and there Is now a. strong probability .that he wll :be un: able m to survive .the effects of the wound; . ' 'V;T " - ; The shooting was clothed to consid erable. -mystery until " the--Statement was made by "Jamea .todays ' The great : The second 'meeting t)f; the BryaH Kitchin 'Democratic Club will bet held toinprrow r night at 1 the fcourt house, Commencing' at 8 : 30 o'clock, f"and:ome good speakers : will , entertain thevody. There will not only be local speakers, but, there; will Te a speaker fromvarway andl one who1 is a mostr eloquent talker. A number of interesting matters !)will also be' discussed and iail members are urged to attend.; - Other Democrats, are also -asked to be 'present fend join4 the club or at least "enjoy the" speeches. - ;l 'President CF. MacRae" of the? club, is now arranging or ' speakers to? ad? dress the public,' under .the.club'sf aus pices at "different meetings, and isma king preparation for giving Hon; W. W. KItchin a ' big . welcome uponthe - SOth of,the- months ; " s , v v A , ' Xhairman John: J.' Furlong, of Hhe County ;Executive ICommittee, isVlso working on a; list of speakers toaimear in Wilmington during the campaig." 1 itwas said this morning that &n ef- mmgton next month.. This distinguish ed Southerner and brilliant orator is to make" a Vpe&tfiiRalelg&H1! esx secrecy ; surrounaea.xne Uiajripr some Mavs'.anctv Edwards was: -not ai prcheneduhttirtbree' 'days after the made' W WileVVtj! ftW&rpL the ' Chief of : Police KathanT' jAvhiiamsTt iRTWhicn mj At vpitescttM weatro Beilamy,for Newllahoveiiaftd BIand;:forPehde : .1 S & ' SLAIN JN CAFE.1 Italian Instantly Killed by , a Rival : ' -v' -'C-i Today." - i': If New York; Septr;16-fWhile seated in a cafe GiuseppeBaselll wasshot and : instantly Skilled i by flkrioWn jumping through p. ? window. Motive f or the jraiirdeid' wassaidbeJeal S-A Mil -k.'-'-.v- ' k'': CHOLERA ; , Tklrteew Cases sothe Jr ' -j r. Found There Today, 'i Manila, Sept;' 16;hirteencases of cholera were discovered In iManila to-: day. v, The .. transport Sheridan, " on which .a case., of .cholera r was . found Monday, :willsail7for Friday should no other cases' develop. protected against rthe. operation of a bridge of . ferry for pay, while the county bridge would be free. V:-It Will be' seen that we have pro tected the" county' against .any extor tion for the bridge site, by first? leav: in : to arbitration the value of the presentfenyislteshould it be -used second;' by building elsewhere and pajring nothing except value of right-of-way to -the r. selected r site, s which would be fixed by a commission, ' drawn as 'provided; by law; .- ':;.r-:h I As; 1 itcoh tracts. 3 or?; agreements odbaetb feel confirmed by the Commissioners of both Pender ; and Nri;HaflOt counties, should V the amount named for : tne ferry , site be itemed exceslve3it ;ybuld -uhdoXibt cdl v" be tTelected.iand the' briiee "biiilf eff '? iltMes ;"f agf eo btilld the vide .sufficient unds to' pay i 'portion!, lyjs(Bms,;tp j Renpvi3?the? cClde'tital aspeQt' !-Jr.om-: the rCasep Edwards iiatifig stoutly maintained that James was shot; accidentally.; : 'i: After being sworn- by Chief Wil liams ' today, James stated that the shooting occurred one vweek ago ' yes terday between 4 and ? 5 o'clock; near the corner of Ninth and Bladen streets. James, declared ; that he left his house iiri response to a call 'from Kedar iBoneywhowas working near the "Y" just beyond thecity. limits on the" Castle Haynes road,; and ' that he saw Edwards walking-on the railroad tracks with two negro women; stated that - he continued - in th6 1 idirec- tion of Boney and paidrlittle attention when Edwards; : whp was about r one hundred yards distant; called tout,that he intended to 'shoot e him (James); Edwards had a rifle n his hands -and AIRSHIP TROUBLES. Met With Disaster in ALEXANDER. -ift WF.- ROBERTSON. m;.myiNE.:;;; Wilmington, Sept. 16, 1908. . Berlin .This Berlin, Sept. 16.-Parseval's airship nrtTnti,i RRinn ' 'm whiles mariweHngithisS'morning ' was: ;W,;rt. ' i. u.7.--i:-ij nu.:;?-fv,wH'Tae.7 Oil UU& doubled the roof :r From Mr. V: J. A; Taylor comes the followingi splendid 'article : in comment upon; yesterday's ' statement. v by ; the by a squall. The g nttfl, f" : up and the airsbfeMllCorif IPfltito f:otra:;.vma;UteS Bryan-Kitchin fC)ub' WillMeet athe i Court: House aTid Some ood Speech 1 -es ' Will v Be: Made-Now Arranging -V for Speeches During the Campaign . rtona:6llie James Majr Be Invited. t IF'THE MANAGEMENT, of every bank would never lose sfght c X X' . the fact that the growth of its institution can only be promoted through J the, satisfaction of Jts depositors,) and work unceasingly to that end, the 2 .' standard of banking institutions vyouldlbe raised .toTthe marlC that the PEOPLE'S SAVINGS'BANIChas maintained for the past.nine years. 2 J .Th? officers of this bank fully appreciate the.: power of the bank's 2V, patrons, and are untiring. , In their, effortsto render the 'most prompt and ; 21 efficient service it Is possible to , obtain. ; f. 2,t- x ' We solicit your;patronag'e. ' ;"x"- ' t - , I Suv?' ; INTEREST ?; INTERESf j; j .jnimj nwjp!lte;;kyllng& ; 2 -In. .that; Big White Building, Cornerof Front:and s Princess" Streets. 1 U gbJ Centraflv Located on Front StreeL ' . tv r - , Does a Commercial and Savings Busk . V -A ; ness.-, '-'''l::V,'i''- Pays 4, per cent." Compound interest on, .". ;- . 7 . 7 ' -. 7 7.7 Uncie'samVeUires tb pay cSlur ? ' CasH oh Demand; "VrV r,r; wBpKsR Presen MARRIED THIS -AFTERNOON. Daughter :of Rev; and M rs. J. P. King Weds Popular - Citizen of Jackson ville, Flav , This afternoon at 2 o'clock a- pretty and bright ? home marriage was- cele brated at the cozy residence of Rev. J..-P. King. No," 815 - South Eighth street, wheriMrs. Sallie A. J. Baldwin, the attractive' daughter of Rev. and Mrs.; King, was claimed as bride by a popular citizen ' of-Jacksonville, Fla, Mr, Ross A. Macomber. '-" Vi The wedding while -iquiet rwa j a de- cidedly lovely ;affmr apd-vyasattend by -relatives - andKfrienas1 'the tJon-j tractm-ipatlti;t:-Tg&; tieYetfhyj jwas Imnressivelv nerformed .bv Elders , J. - . ' . ' . j S , - T. Johnson-and J.: W.: S. Harvey m this , cityif .'m..,a..' . . - - j - OFlWILMINGTON nt.; ; ; GEO. O. Gi THOS. E. COOp ER, Cashier. Lmmm M i t ymimfwrrjiiiMiiiMiMiriiiiVii' 5 aii&ffi.ll 1? -Oughtflrst to'-bgodp , - . J i '2 couple left i this' .afternoon . for- rJac sonViadJ f K'erettfeJivriiitiaketthelri ftftuffitnfejrffiei.oculDlbma m&MM Yiidn1 ib'fthcistofliciyfl f v rt f1 t '.CaiUV Sorplvs ahd $1y50u;050iOO "of t;0d 'eaht Unimpaired; quick 1 I;' aese&tilSSVeS wrii&usir 'the i'spe: : ; - I " aoH'ttetfon;r;:;:l r.- 1 ia-v 1 iminnrrnn vouinnra ann 'iniari nmnr i . V h. JM H M TLB B IM.B H M 0 M M t Warming'Tbiihg wifaa and thfrf pssfessor6f a'Wfde! icitbleof friends? wbose best wisliesVf dllow5 Merlifco': her f happy Florida home: : ELECTION NOTICE. . - County "Board of Election - Gives Offi cial Notice to Election Officers. . In . The Dispatch this afternoon apt pears the regular legal 1 notice . to the registrars and pollholders for 1 the'Geri eral v Election ; in November. ! The no tice is issued by the Board of Election of New Hanover county, and is duly signed "by its " chairman, ' Mr. W; A. French, and its t secretary, Woodiis. W BtGEVvtLf; $ -f. bcEACHERN. --'-s mostportant-!mature off James, Z: HWLiLERS: statement was - to the 'effect ' that the ' i : . an James i said that'' the shooting imme, Cameraphone f- OJng . ornetiiing diately -fidVedilkiwardsT Cerhlhg'his intention-to fire the weap on.- After S he liabeen; yshotitheq wounded man' stated that ! Edwards came up laughing iand isaid .-that he had not mtended'1: shoot him. 1 -The te,'.Fresh- xffToday the Caroerabhone; wh jeen enjoying such big; success .t' the Crystal Palace;; is iofferlng' 'arriew .and fine .bill.- r;TheCchange ;is neltjfithej .pesl;:: yet'rpresenieqana . large f auai ences, : should greet the "'exhibitions giyen-. by the wonderful ' French ' inyen- state- ioners respecting 'the - ; cost of . our . public - v -;,u:: ; ; Y' - lroadsd. itrwas the duty of. the Com- 'r'shj Leader, Here. ; ;,; i; :-; miSSi6ners to make such a statement: New -York, Sept. 16. John Redmond, ; your V Tuesday's- issue appeared ta Irish-National . member, of . Parliament, detalled and comprehensive1 statement arnvea m rew x orK tnis morumg as a by. the Commissioners which should delegate to .the convention, of the vUni ted;j:rish League attpbstbnl nextdiveek; He says home rule for Ireland, is cer? companied by Mrs. Redmond.-and a big crowd greeted -them::;: 7Theon!y Cpposition now in evidence to bend issue ' ? is ftraxseable ; to twa RnHrnesLvrvizri : Personal lantaeonism to Captain E. A. MaxWell DeaoV ;;; 1 county Commissioners and ; the 4 i-. Gainesville, Ga.i Sept. ' le.-aptaih E; 'A: Maxwell, former general mana ger of the Seaboard Rail way, died here this morning. - . -i V "- 4-" "P: , :.;:" ' ' ""'':: ,: "1. ' .'':';'. .; '':'-2;:-S:.s stxckInma"tion-S:. New i f.York. Sept. ' 16-Contlnued weakness on stock exchange at openihg declines ranging from fractions to cov er one point. St, Paul" and Great North ern were weakest feature.;:.;.. , - satisfy :erfaiiW onO wishes to question the accuracy of tjhe i figures the ,btirden is upon hinr.to shooting; to his mind, in ' noi mann6r could have been'- accidental. 1; James said-that he-and Edwards? had known each other for: some:; time past;-but thatvtheyn were not particular rrienas. James stated-that he-and Edwards had never 5 had : a cfifficuity, ' and :;that no-i ualprecfedeid' the MKKtingi - '- It . (The above-outline jOf the; statement conceraingthershootirtgi0 James iii- the"' realization of impossible impendingdeathgf is$idlriectlagaint Lthestatementl made byfeEd war dsthat the shooting was accidental, and should James die; ? Edwards : will f have to stand - trial. K? f0 ll Edwards f isr now-at the police sta- tion in custody,; and will be. kept there iintll;the;vresult 'itjes'.fljis. ascertained - "1 , y ' ? - ,,,7 .:vi(y,. yti.on.-..;i?i!;rr-S;S- tain as day follows night.:iHe was actiwr0ye njg case:' :';'' 7 .7 v- .Wheat Quotations; Chicago, Sept; 16. Wheat opened 1-2 to 3-4c over; yesterdayOpehlhwheat SpntomViQi. 1 (n .c. nmvQ7 5- A nnts. December 49 1-2: nork. January. $,90,! . (Contin wed Qn Third f age.). disposition bnilatcertalifc the; liquor - interesli as 'suchfttb s make It i appear that . all' progress is - depen dent .upon - thf liqjior : tax. ;, ;We will consider -these objections severally r r; ' '1st. , ' The opposition to the present ? Board of County Commissioners comes too - late, i These officers vwere - nomi nated only; a few --months ago without oppbsitioh . and - without: protest. V 'At the same time of: their i nomination the public well understood fthat road build: ing was a : permanent policy with the Commissioners; and what is. mope that road" building would .be continued' by ;- ;:'vi,At:.the " The feature film at the ' BI jpu Jthea, tre today .is called.rThe -Woman Who Gambles." : This fiim is Of fpeculiar in te'rest, anid ' teache c a", inOrai 'lesson whichnyonelwhDO I gees the ; pictures Contributions Received 5 Today from -t Solithport and' Pendet' County. ' - T'his morning Mr.B. F. Keith recei Id from Mr.' :Pricj8' Furpless, member of the Board of Aldermen bf Southport; a letter transmitting $10 from that body for the. relief fund,- for the North Caro- Unaflood sufEerers. Mr-Keith also re ceived a-like ambUQt frbm.-Dr.; J.D. Croom 6f Tender. Both contributions I were turned 'Over . to 'th ; treasurerV of the" r elie'f committee r this morning -and werfel'conmMditibnr' . . ; : Thanks are idue vboth the' Sotithqf t Aldermen and- Br: Croom f or th,e inter est; theyihav taken in; the ' matter and for their donations.' f We tare truly as brothersH j iS DPPOS1TE O RTON HOTEL. : t.:..wii.i..i..Aj....'.l...............J.....iiiu.,i..iit..tiiiiiiMii r i J nf. ,y:tyui -Mfff;?r"; rr'' IqnV , mm S x :--f Miaf fTiv sihj nmnm zriixiinit 3 II M MM 1 1 M I II I M IM 1 1 It I M IM M 1 1 M I M M M I M 1 1 1 1 Ml 1 1 IMIMIIMIM. )M MII.IIU'. A; :' .W?:'.-Vr.---.-;:5::-":K: MS I warn Kg ;4i;!f ?j t;.7ihiqni ut;) 1 Operated untfeV conservative and Mixperlehce'd0 manag;emeht. -;;;v?;!'i;; i Affording tucin facll Itlet as are. uthoHzeti'iiWderGove ons. and none other "! ; c Depository for U. 8l Government State of N. and' County ' New Hanover. k, ; y -h j ; New Hanover. '"v' j ..':, Capital. . I -r. i . f 200fCC:.CD t Surplus . . . . v . j. ;.' 7 n Yesterday. ! ;An excursion - arrived Inthe cltV last eevmhg prom jNorth UKSDoro ?m ing nearly1 30O1 '.mountaineers. : The eab!.;. forda:,calleliat.Will Answer eY,-Vv,:- : .,, -went toLumina.l ;lf& jToHold .Carnival; gent went to ; Lumina . last ' night and they enjoyed themselvesto the fullest lodge of Elks, was held ; last ? nigt;' and M5was idennitely tdecij 'jtoliiaelthe Elkfest,; or ilaltra;WniSS: been under, consideration for ; some tlmen;past?i ijin ChasTj harper rnd MessrsiLiolomph i JWfW Blair,; C. : W; Pol vogt and Dr. ',T.. B. Carroll constitute the central i finance jbommit; -.-T"."-1 "- '5vf Building. . " V ' -Mr. James" JVoolvin has; annpuhcr ed that -the intends to -build "on - the present site- of the; old court house; a handsome three story; bricK ; puiiumg Thc-structureUs "to be . equipped ivith all : modern 4 conveniences and work upon-it will be started shortly af teT 1 Vff:.-:.i:i-.''ivi ;-;-; Espedally V V- - I :.. - '. I v-- fi l::y-:?'-:V::":-; n- -:-"'r -- i- ;;v . . - - f . t-- . - - U-vjt',:: v -vlsfe'v s';...;i'r'-:'";;7si--y . ';; 4- X 'i'v-.H;'-: - l ' '-'i '.v r';';:";v-;: v J"t.;;JA&?ti' s -."..,:; ;.- - ;':-"-'- -J.-:-:-'. -'"H-;-;;'';' ,; V- - - - . f r. v. ... 77. .. "' ... - . :; : y S-"