11 ... I r -7j I 1 - VOLUME FOURTEEN ; ViaUNGTON.N.jC; -FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER- 25.71903 price five: ceijt; HQUE COLililG.SUUDflV - I - V . r - . , - ' :7-n-: ' ' IB fill Powder 1st Senator in the Lime Ugiit ' " . - - k i Hedd of Republican Campaign Speak ere' Bure.au- May ResignPresldent Wants Him Out H is Claimed-Sec retary Loeb Admits therResignation is Expected, v Butv for O'ncft Vwon't Talk Much. " ;; . Washington, ; Sept. 25.-Secretry Loeb admitted today v that: "Dupont'a i f signation is expected.-V T. Coleman Dupont is ; the : . Republican National Committeeman, of Delaware; ;and . head of the Republican campaign, speakers' bureau. . It is stated-vthat i Roosevelt requested Dupqnt's elimination- on , aa count of " his relationship f with " the powder trust. MiOeti would '( not con firm, the report;- nowover." . M RS. G Ufl N ESSKA LIVE. Claims Another:?- Hus'tl ing rt. v"Young Sleuth'f of . the-. West . ' Laporte, Ind.; Sept.' 25; C.L.S Fish,, a detective;: i working"' oh; the Gunness case in the t interest of Ray -Lamper; arrived here to"day.' He says he has incontrovertible evidence : that Mrs. Gunness ia alive i and that it will bev proved at the Lamper trial.- - - TO. KILL THE KING. Police Claim to Have Discovered Dia bolical Plot -t,; v v' Pau, Franceil Sept25.-TTheV police claim the discovery of a plotto .assas sinate King Alfonso, .of Spain, tomor-. row at- Biarritz, o when -, rhe;; passed through en route to ; Paris. .,i-Sevemi mm have been arrested. - A. STRANGE CASE.' ' : W eTrk nown:'Ch!f cagof -Wail UHconscious Chicago,', ipt" 25cr.Lesl'ie ,; Carter; one of the bbst .knoynTbMWn'j 01 unicago- tiwtnis Tnornmg:-; ne had been unconscious sinccr-NoTenr-T ber 9th, last year, when - he was phyxiatgdV 2teqak W ' to'er husbatfdOof asrsEfefelilCarter; he well known .actress. r f "3k 1 H A . Mauretanla Delayed.. ,j X New Yor Sept: 25 The Maure tania, which left the dock Wednesday, is tied up at Grav.esend Bay ;3.The dense fog would imperil the big liner in the Ambrose channel. i ! ; Street Car Collision. . , - New York, Sept. 25.- In : a rear end collision between two trolley cars, at Flushing . Meadows, - seven 'persons were injured", this morning.; The fog was thick,c and;tthe mpjtonnanonfilhe rear car could not see? the car ahead. Both cars were Vw'elJ . filled .with 1 jjas-enger.s-.-. t,-,- -.. -affc?&Vrf typ'f'? BIG W RECK REPORTED. 25 People Said 1Ha1eBee7r"Knie(f on,. Northern -Pacific.- 4-,:Jif ; Helena, Mont;Sep25i;ipeclal from Livingston says..a passenger train on the lUbTVaFiiii with a freight Jhls" morning , aifc: 25 persons Were killed:- ' iZ?r - NEW YORK! REPUBLICANS. Jif Will Hold Big Pow-Wow in Gotham ' : ; Tonight ih'Sr New York, Sept -25-A" big Repub lican mass meeting will be held in Carnegie Hall tonight - VThls rally Vwill formally inaugurate' the Republican. campaign, in this city. Senator Bev eridge will apLVSfy'f 1 ... -v" ;''.'. Broker Brown 'Arrested. fi New York,. 'Sept;.5vn.e1mbeo'f lle failed brokerage firm of A. - O. firown & Co., has been arrested, - v ... Deposits made'lVwith-'"ihellPeople'si Savings Bank on! or before October 2nd will bear interest from October, HOWE'S MOVING PICTURES. ?'? Academy Offers Something Good For Matinee and N ight.? ? Tomorrow at special matinee and aSain tomorrow nle-hf hsA ra1iTnv:of fers Howe's moving pictures; or really I llO'WQ'a T I . . . . , -i -p unwrama, anq ,an enter uti" ment high class in nature and? decid edly instructive will be given, The Pictures of the different countries and fe there are not only Interesting, but Profitable to behold, c The. matinee jnees will be 15 .and 25- cents, 'and. at "sui tne prices will be up to 50 cents. Seats are now- selling for ' the - night Performance at Plummer's. Remember, October 1st beginning of uiS I Interest Quarter ' at thei Peo Ples SavingS Bank, ,; ;,? " 2t -: Swept ThirTgs Yesterday In Newjrtan - ?er , CountyA .Great Day's Work ,f or : Progress "and' Prtfsperity-lHad Big Majority j Over Total Vote Reg Jstered. i r V"; A , When" the polls, closed yesterday , af ternpoa.at !:0G o'clock victory; in no uncertain :way has been registered for thq good toads bond issue..' A big ma jority - of , the voters y had- remained loyal ' to 1 Wilmington - and the, rnnntv and cast -their ballots for progress and prosperity." , .' Every : ward in 'the "ctv ave .the Firsthand everyprecinct ' in the country was,, carried for the bond issue,, the majority in, each-being-over the vote registered1- The :First only missed . a, majority - by" eleven votes Th, majority: was, 370 out of a total registration of ,646. , It was a big vjciory and it, will permit the work of good roads to continue in this oounty. , As -Stated in TheDispatch yester- lay afternoon "i the bond : Issue only lacKea jiS votes of winning at 3 o'clock and, as predicted In thes same columns, those . 8,8 were- quickly made up and more qbtained. The three' remaining hours ; yesterday witnessed., the , cast ing of many 5 more votes for the good roadSj7' , . ' U Next Tuesday - there - will vbe an oftlr cial . canvass of the : vote. which, . ac cordingj to figures from the different wards ' nd . precincts, : stands as , toh lowsuK i. Precinct. Reg. - For.. Agnst, First ,Ward,T 263 126 106 170 149 200 27 36 86 47 11 958 52 14 11 :6 23 8 -1 1 0 2 Second Ward.. 179 -Third Ward .'. :. . 291 Fourfti Ward . . . . 216 Fifth Ward:-. ..- 347 Gape -Fear; 45 7-Mile ,Pdst.. ;..,49. Delgado . . , . . . 94 Masonboro. ... . . . . 49 Federal Point. . . . 13 Total . . .l46 Necessary to carry.. ; IIS it 4 , f ,4 ' -. BIG : RALLY TONIGHT. fr C " -' v - ' - - , - . " fc t "Thc Democratic rally planned f for: itonlght, .under the aus- - H- pices of .,the-: Bryan-Kitchin I Club,: is gping to he a' big and 4 g rousing affair .and all: voters are . 4 yM.oriai; invitation tc'at-t-fe ehtheTmeetUigVWhih will fr-.be held - In the court' house; Ex vGov. Chas. 6 Aycock wil I ibe 4 thevfnain tpeaker,-of the occa- 4 sion,'nndv WiU deliver a brll- ,4 T iiant address. - ' f .- - ; . V-. 'ev over the suicide of the vounc mov 7 Deposit now with the People's Sav ings Bank, . and , get- your Interest in Lthree months.. s , ; 2t - T ENTERS INTO REST. Mr. W. S. Hewfett Passed AWay Last TN ight Funeral Tomorrow . Morning.; Frlend3 . in the city, will deeply re gret to learn of the' death of Mr. Wil liam St .Hewletf,J whoi passed away last night at hia : home ;in 'this city, No. 303 South Fifth street, after a linger 4nauiies5il f on fined him to his home fdr! the Dast nineteen mohthsVlM 1 m am born on : xviaspnooro couna 41 :j. ne :. xie- ceased spent?! practically 3113 entire -'fJiU :lU-b e uiiq in this city, ; . 'He -was; borri" tit i MasonbarO Spundi iUt came, kto V umingion j eariy m -me. WlieivMe;: Cifil War ; broke lantfhene' RnftTdel rromrt.lv'afid eallantlv to the oallf btgfliOTed SpjiandQand glory. ,For 3.i;.years.rhe was employed by? one firm that ;bf .Mitchell. & Hug gihSj supceedecl B?F.MitcheIi Company and then eht to work .for the J.;C: Btevenson "Company, ; which ie'ljerYed.-faWf stricken With paralysis , about. 19 months ago.. He was a splendid type, ox-man was a true irjena ana. , a une, cpuipamuu. , , MK ! Hewlett married '. a tdaughter of bid ;Wi tpilngton and tHere are' now, sur vlvingt niirfil Voted .wife,: three; sons and lsix daugh tfersall of vWh6m have the sympathy of many, friends :inl their, bereavement. Theciiildren arK:A.;Hewlett bf Portland Pregon;.ifr.:,J , Henry.Hew lettr ' of 1 , WJlniingtoh, ' 'and Mr. ' Benja min HewlettCe of ;.Milwauiiee, ; Wis.; Mfs N.:. F,' BrVhdti;of? StrtAugustlne, Fla.:: Mrs.- S.'- 'A.r Gfeejlsh and Miss MrsviClaudJa? flehderson: of "HolOyke, N.':.Y.. and f ts. : fJat Narder, ?pf f West Virginia. IThe funeral.will be held at the dene0 tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock; thence to Masopboro. Sound; where' the intermeniwiilhrnade Jnjthe;Hew- "4;"rMTheGrafe ;' Chicago. I Sept 25nWheat ? opened Li-S to 3-8 higher on? firm cables: Wheat. December rj.ui?;-v,vMr J9 oatsi SeptemBer, 48 ,3-4 ; .ipork. bctobeiiBllS.Y.. - :? -3" . $2 50 ? MOsqhito Canopy,' 100 inches net vrnp. if 1 ' ' PtZ-' ; t : Sunday Has ;Been Planned; Including: Tl-V "tii-"i J -a Special. Sermon Appropriate to the ThrflD IMoqLI c)nf - rrmt 35ca?i0" tX thptor,: Rev. red a -' iv. : n, vt-:.'T " t 1 1 a. T tn? Ilf t-ri- V . t : v Vi -f! .-.f First Will Be a One vCthe reJrn"for v Criminal Cases Fort, Whei Civil Actions and Cases Set'ir aj ,To , day Pharesvs., Clarend Thaler- works Co.; the First for T'-rThe Entire Calendar Commencing Monday ' there vftlf be tnree weeks or Superior liourt,v tor New.;If anover- county, Judge' C. WLy- on presiding, "and It wilV be divided into twqv terms.- he; first week will be Jaterm f or' v the trial of . criminal cases ' only,'hile - the;'next ' fortnight will be"! for; the" iheafingrf ' civHac- "wus.'-t xvwanv e u-;xne - iiaiwiT uax Little Esa.t"andGrii-Weaks4 Eso.;'was ap pointed to definitely petathe bases' The committpe wprked jealously nd promptly r in the: matter and ' arranged both the trial and- motion calendars. Cases ?were set for each day of-he term, save '.for Friday and Saturday, of the second weeK They are f of, con sideration of the : motion docket rand other matters. A large number of cases were set for trial, but, ofcourse'it is not expected to try anywhere near all of them.; In fact, a big major! tjTAwill go over "On the docket of the Supe rior; Court there are now over fouV;hun dred civil suits. ' ! ; The very interesting and important action ; of LG.D.iPhai;es,;ysi the Claren don .Waterworks Corapahy ijs :ttie,i first case iset vfor V ti1al -l O Jberi iinteresting cases that-appear, on' the. docket?, 'are those ..oC.'N.M.leatwkadnxinistra- Siil?f--J - ange- the.caienaar mon introductory tq the fairanwin- I iVaHiit j U4.av5t n r- JJfn ! las4ef-weVf;d,s cusseltn campaign. pfuWhopl ork..5- IntiBteJftfMtel Prtncestt Street V: then a committee, pf tttyseeomposed J' Atf 4-oVlo' flnnrtflnrni .i t ' M-L HTi'TTi : , v . n jt sSi; : , vsthe Atlantic'CoastLine aihrigly ftihhyj'dealitig' Vith a thin man Ldunr.alanhrQngh.?f9r4d4magegfwho takes' medicine'to make road on account of theMeatb; of MrThomis Oldbamr Little vs.;the City. qf'WU- miugion, iwo acuons on account 001 the deathof, lad, v who was? run' over b a,, reify, cartiBurris , vs.jtlja.City of Wilmingtnul Kfpr damaged result ing from an accident' to. thei plaintiff, and Lillycrop vs the .Woodmen ofi the WOria.wMCh ' involved insurance .mon- The trial calendar' In full Is as toh lows: ; . , '' r y - ' t Monday, ; October 5th Phares vs. the Clarendon Waterworks Co. ; J. F. Sellers vs. J. .: J Atkins j Murchlson National Bank vs.ibunh OilMllls Col; JiL. Ferguson; irf vs. Joseph H. Hin ton ; Z. W. , Whitehead vs. - Atlantic Coast Llne Gaston LMyers vs, T j. Kenan and wife; . and Oliver Smith Co. v?. W. R. Griffin, r V&:Vr i -Tuesday, October th4-Holmes Gro cery Co., .vs. ' Wr H.v Stokley ; r 'Eliza jane, utpgers, .vs., aeaooara Air n ume Faint uo - and j , a tilmintonr'; 1 I -5 Wednesday bctob.er -n-ulia Atts- im; o aju, ; vs. .u. u, ,jore ; ; s.; v. v j; Power Co.;;JamesH. Sculvs.? the AW lantlc Coasts Line; . New - York Life In- suranco :Conaoy nhha 'MnM en -vs. T. Jk. Tailor: iandi Sadie IL-Cowan vs ThoS F. Bagley., : r . -, . r. - : Thursday, October 8th Wilmington FurnitUres S. Hancock; Thos..J Kenan etjal.,, vs. jity or vvummgton ; unaswesseu, we. er Co. ; Ilydraulic White Brick Co., Vs. Lena Wessell; VJas.' Robertsonj Manu facturing Co. vs. , JY A. , Gregory ; and J. Allen ; Taylor vs.: C: S. GarrelK :? -Friday, October 9th H. Baumerster vs. JV D. ; McLamb and John C. - Mc- Millen, ' Sr. ; D. Newman Son vs. Atlantic Coast Line: - S." L;' Smith ; & Son vs. the Seaboard? Air Line; J. B: Hanityalap'IsIrfliam Dun? can? Little, adminlstrapr; ys;-; Cityv?of Wilmington; and William Duncan X.It .Saturday, October. 10th Hannah uox; anoo vo. - ys.; -juena ;vesen; Sloan &;Sweeney ys: Etta. Hard et al.j Qrifiithros.?ys;;?W.iUsqn; ;Jr.i; Thos.;ECox -yssW, ?A; McGowanand deauxl vs. J.; C. Waiton. and wife! -and ;"f ieS Scr; iftsiff y " sirOus of shbw hr th6 1? areclatipnf rZfZMA UU-m XVJLCC IJLV M.-A: IX- r ;Mafc&rHMonahy k ; r vMonday? Octdbei2 King; vs. Atlantic Coast Line WalterA ife; Carohna , Trucking; Deye Gregg vs sij. Sligh,& ico.tand i the Atlantic Coast Xine ;? H. ; F. Boney vs. BS,? Jones ?&;Co;; vMaryfLillyo vs. Sovereign ? Camp,'-WOodmenj of the World; Sand Pv q. Smith; et : aL; vs. r J. J Tuesday, ?; ? October V "lSth -ri Frank! Herbst ;vs. ? Ahnie- M Nobles;. LvtH. (?fiason?4j& :?Bro?i?ys; ;tD??jGilbert & Will. oe' phseryed This - Wee tc " by the FlrstBaptist .Church and Sunday "; PNrHaIe-Revival .Meeting; Starts r Monday; VJn? ' .VTneviall -campaign of- service In the :Balsi Church will - beinaugu"-i r,at?dt ,Sunday morning with a ''special sermon by" .Pastor' Fred D.- Hale'? on gathering.: together of jthe membersj auu- Mieuubui tue cnurcn arrpr-rup s'ummer .vacation.- The Lord's ' Supper Will be celebrated at this : service, rinf stead of at the regular time. It is also .. . j -,t.. m --t. : . . . . . ,. . ... - . ..Jy ine . initial service in the . revival meet- ing wmch is to -be conducted by Dr. W.:,C-Pickardr of ;Savannah whose first, sermon, will be preached' Monday afternoon" at" 3 :30 o'clock.,. , 'Drh Hale's "sermon Sunday morning wilLlso be preparatory to the, "Home Coming'; : of . the Sunday. School; , that afternoon; 'It is ' 'especially vdeslred that- $V the -members Qfrthes Sunday wiHtakeracfe,.- All who1 are thinking oi joining this Sunday Schoo are re quested, to be. present at this service. 4 THE felJOU TODAYS Splendid" i New Pictures - and Also . , 'Sampson and Delilah," The 'filin'of .VSampson- and Delilah" presented," at the Bijou yesterday ' was a big hit, and this beautiful . hand painted film, telling vividly the', well known religious story, .will be: given again' today. Jn addition, the new films ,wjll:..be.: nThe Coward" an 'Oh, WhaU an;. Appetite," whiie -i the' illus trated song , will be "When the Robins SIngtUij.lntihetM"apIe Tree." r Let' your" money; work. ; Deposit; now and "get 'your Interest1 in threetmonths. 1Il6gila1h1terestpi'md ij people's avingsBaAkrOdtobei-3:st 2t WirlBGivenjNex.M hood?bf St ; James; to JRey R.v W. ; At a meeting of the Brotherhood o't St James held in the parish house Of St.( iames Episcopal church last even ing, l; was decided to (. give a suppejr some : time'durihg the, month; OfOctb- ber, complimentary, "to Re V. ; R. W. Hogue, the. rector of the . church who recently ?announcd that' intended to resign ; thb) Vectofship ? to ' assume charge, ,of the Episcopal . church at Chapel Hill I During his yaluatrie term of seVice as, pastpr ypt the' church Rev. Mrr e has . been . a faithful ai t , Qi r tne srotner- ; ''yt, mature iUf ... vr-v i - t.v; .. t sDrme .wire irame .ior w.ooa or ineitu j q,,.-' nn nr hpfnrA Ontohftr -kif: Onpr Jt.tWPs . In' three months. 2t l: Co.,- Carolina Lumber CO. and Inter state Lumber. Co.;Jas.. H. .Hewett ys.1 S, .E. Jones ; , Johnson v Bowen vs. Ben- jaminMoore, et. al,.;.- and N." M. Mc-r Eachern, administrator, ys the Atlantic CoastLhie.:??-:i ? if ?vr tMH . v 7 . Wednesdayvf October a i4th-f-Seiplo Mallett sy s. ? The. Workers Mutual; Life and :;Heti :r Insurance ? Co?t ; Frank Jonesys. Catherine Hplloway,?et al.;.. Nellie: J. Baldwin?and.;w.;G Bald will ys. ';wITv Sears & cCo., incorporated; CaroliQi rTrucking Development' Co. vi. ;ij.'.Keminiski; Carolina ! Trucking beeviopment? Co- TS.; J. . W? Windersj; and the - Carolina Trucking . Jevelpp ment Co?, vs. A. FBautro and wife; ; i .Thursday,-. October 15th-Carollna igeal. Estate Trust0Co.;-and Carolina Trucking. Development " Co.- vs.: "A- :"F. BairtroJ andl wife; Carolina Trucking Development Co,sVs. A.. -F. ; Bautro ; Henry, P, Brock;, trading as Johnson Moody &f Co.vsi Joseph 5-1 liar.bary ; Crook yHorner, Co. ys.; Griffith ; Bros. ; Wv5B. Slminons; ?and? RodgearBros: f ' VI Ul IZ-AlTib Interesting Program, for instruments, will render, its-flrst ser- i, 't''r "t: ' ,- n ? x--'1"'" ,vu ' : ? 1 and .valuable , aayiser . Qi tne .1 Committeetehave .beenappolnted'toll V i -4 -. -fiW ;" : A: i i;' ; i 1 : ,1 1 vriili jr " Solves the Strvnhi FroLIini Elease Remember OCTOBER 1st, IS THE,BEGINNING OF OUR REGULAR IN TEREST 4 PERIOD.' DEPOSITS' MADE ON OR BEFORG OC 'TO B ER ' 2nd .WILL "'b E" CREDITED1 WITH AULL QUARTER0 INTEREST" AT OUR JANUARY lit PERIOD. - v .4-. INTEREST y , : COMPOUNDED OUARTERLY; ; ' ."-'." J ; - ',2,1 1 1111 - OF ; WILMINGTON, C. Commercial Department Saving DaDartment w. d- uvjttn, rrcsiaenx. HARRY-M. CROSWELL,' Tellerrr,THOS.E. C0PJPER Cashiers I? ; s J MMlMMIMIIIMfMMfWIIUllfMMIIMMIMMMIMfllMrIMIIMlMlMf'll i'v - ' "-.'J-t '-wiv.vtVM ( fW.KiV' ;sv ,H Ay CO N F E R D EN 6 '. - nifflliflfcSaififlfiianJInislCofflDa OPPOSITE ORTbW HOTELS ? J, . W. NO RWOOD. ' . . ' : H WALTERSv. . . . . C- E. TAYLOR, Jr. . ;..-. '. i J. L.?WILLIAMS .?. . . v..:-.Vv'.A-'4"i:.V lazoo HiiiiailMii n S : PRUNES AT F PRICE. j:.--:- ji -i . . ? s itJi. .l'."..S2't.l : j' UJ-. Ci . ' .!t Lil. ........ ........... . ... II; 7t,"-"n'' -"-1 ' 'iV 1 11 '" 1 r "'--"i'i "' 1, rr ?. j . pcnrwccR tnai;you ougnvio gei ine oeneni qj, ,v ; ... s ft , . X. ,' ' i -A i 5 - t" .. 4 i - r r V 0 i ; j GEO. O. GAYLORD, Vice President TT m. ' '2 ' 3 EFIT j U PON H I M-yAND?U PON THE ? v;presldnl V.Vlee Presldtht .Assistant CaihitT V.... i. c v i Operated ? v. under conssrvttlvi end -experienced 'matmsfit AfTordlhg ftuch f l!ltlta 'tre authorized under Government; reflulatlohs nd none oth.r. ' ' Depository for U. 8. Government; 8tata of J.N Cvand .County' cf New-'HanovertL -j. 0 ? ' r.t,;-T-----'--'-'-'i',:";:rr-.ri--. ' "r Capital.. :: i- f".' I ym p.w... . Prtflti 1 -' Watch mv Store, for Ela retain tnreS - '' ..' Ail'. il'tr- ii . :' vVsn:gT-;,yf 6 charged 1 m- t v w i .: v;ur.-M:5'jt,v,:--i f - i3 i ' ' f; . ' ' ( t " ? - v . ' , j- - - - -