x. '';XX aX . " . J .-' ,? . ' X 7X:. iio ( a AAwy n, :.-;-, , -rand;;Wi 1 1 be, a Brilliant Affair Al I II I I 111 ? Marnea and . Work Stapfi-H v . tf o'na vandvnernoon " : . x'x. ', ' :""x." m V'.' - '"- - '.- - . - j- votUME FOURTEEN ;-V--v-y.. --y:"'' - - -S1 Condensed Statement at the CloseJ of Bulne 8eptembej f23rdl lSOSi ' .r''m live I lLIl II lllui tsfii-roikll'VrlSI alls opitflDiiiito Stand iplii Out in Long dirlarT9dayr,Wajjjrny a War - of Words-Scores Taft for Upholding the I n j u net ion Abuse ; and Declares ; Roosevelt praise WUt i . - II!.. klotkU ' ' -f -1 ' Washington, -Sept.,. SSamuel. Gorapers goes into a -arfVwords 'in a long editorial in'.jils - Pjairibtddaj:" and in which he calpo stand by itg friends . aiiacpte Itcwse velt and Taft. he8aj$ i'?aft5.jba' done other, than def endLl i$a jwnctfeii abuse and. that it 'wiUpiiiiyanhjim much for the President.toa pieasant words about him.-- tt:'t? ll f TEN FOOT- hfad Been SUrtiieVrktrjetis Today When;1nterrud;';byi:Pbil;: Vpw 'York. Se'ntliRinIri New York, - SemenjaliinJ Vitola and GamelaNortcTn .measured off ten paces -in"-the- str&tKJmOT ing and were standing wit&drawnfe-. vol vers ready to ehbot yatveach othejr when a policemaii'nished Mbifyke up the dueJ. 'A:Jsliy:.:waedilL4:S cers of the tapedingfightyThfe were locked. up, ppeiUbrivbrdkefi wrist where applicpmaistrufeky r.bim.t FO R ESTXFJ it- Are Now Boyond the Control of ,Hun- dreds-o; Plght.ehiv-;;''-Utica. SepCTneVfireln the Ad irondacks' rcbntinue t $6 spread and the situation s is ;nbw -beyond , on- tro or Hundreds or flgbters viiiicty-i c v lo'c! notrn noccdil wtfhAiit min'tinrl I six days have passeil ithJuti rafe n'd the forests ;arepjk ; -. fifty fires Wolviltfit-f - ''-fc"fV i - . .... I I p - i 4 . v- - session of the International Congres: ! on tuberculosis met; at. IX o'clockMcfl aay and was greeted . wtnqraanpr tep ; iressions of good, will .by; repfesenta- !tives of the district and Nati4nKpqy- - trnmeni. Hecreiary- njo.rteiyou. is ,ine person al representative of the Presi dent, and he deliyered'i the Vprii?clpal address of welcome.-; Nearlyr 'tfilrti spokesmen representing every coubtry of the globe took part intke opening exercises.- . .. "',-'0 THE CITY SCHOOLS - Will Open for the: Fa!'lT,nt"',Mn:' day;isiext-;:j-'? Mr. John J. Blair, superintendent pf schools, announced t.aytnatitHe'citir schools would reopen for thd f dll .term on October 5th.and t ,isme)stiyr'4". sired that air puprisieptl;ip enter the public schpoipreent theriiv pelyee for enrbHmeht .,bn Uhe xipeniri g All new pupils t: for the; lTnipn vapd. "cweiiway acnoois are.asK.eu.iu f"cv for examination, r angnidirigat 10: o'clock on Friday- next,; at :the respec-r five schools. . The county : andjciiyjab thouities xequire .thit.pbwupiispre sent vaccination1 certificates on enter ing school. ' The teachers In, the ' Hem eftvay School will meet tin ;Baj.urday of this weeU!ari:3DVL(plOCW? the Union teachers will 1' gather the same day, .onehbur?;latgri The session of the;BbSbbOigls n Monday morning : wlllf be;ap short ne, and will be devoted to enrolling Pls, distributing book 111 sand:$s.- o-iufi nuy regular lessonsiiox "c aay. - - -;, ... 4 .'f:"vs 'V'sv; s A'i new minila p-ynprtlne to. enter ? Latin and .Englishiljpresent themselves for examfnaUbn arid classl ncation on Friday iatatb'clcKclCvfAil ?her examiftati6Iaib:!p SAD NEWS. RECEIVED. .J ' " Sister of Mr. Chas. Np Evans ('EnUrjtl - Th '"to Rest.-, r y me many friends of our esteemed orS- ' Mr :C;:N3Yan&, : cashier Ul life SnntV.QT.rV !-kTVtA'. "'fftV Y-artU grieved to learn of the death, bf . ster, Mrs! Bessie fcarrawayV n'ch occurred at. her homeiri Creens 0, tefday. , The emams.wiil be vried to Reidsville,hbr fold;nome; laid to resttomorbw. V :;: "t Pnt deceased leaveaVa son VMr; Paul -irraway, of GreprishiSf rv Ufinq fhe ,uniber of immediate relatfvsj the Ief- circle of friends;. jhroughpu tire State wllbd bly gVibv ceased wasfwi,;ow anl a"y beloved in Wllmlngh 'She and L Woman- of. beautUuL' Jbharkct'ef ,Her a.briUia,k degree d to a.brilUaAlt degree! regular interest Quarter -at - the Peo bringorrow tio'many.'! pie's Savings fBink.j :,r ; y.jr ,1 nut a ue, uais;pr. me Klkfestt bave been settled , upon; and ; this brilliant -event, whieb i&id clinse evevthfniPnitH line eyeiven in - Wilmington ill uccuriine W,eeK Of NovcmftAr'9lnVI All generalexecuti-niittee ahdiefay ty-two sut&mittesavbna Wrsf brthe pf bmotlrsbaYetal- readT been eri trn.rori rrinrh s i tjvv v'-?Ixh e ; Garreli : building being ' fittedupj ao aireaay . opened, and i there will be aenralmeetingVof ; theWiimingioit Lodge, pf Elks tomorrow night 'tp : fur: Iher discuss and ' prepare Yf or the big eyeiit. , The Elkfest will be giye'nbn magnificent scale and-for , the benefit 5f the children's; playground; ' ' H'The . week will be one of continuous I pleasure and brilliancy anT everything will be ; given , onT a blgh class - scale. Reduced railroad rates will, no .doubt; tje oDtamed . 'ana : tne- event;,wiil .be. a HgsmiJe ;fprUElks;;as a cordialUnvV tatibri will be bxtendedy members;6f ih"; brdef from all' points iUti North' Carolina,' Virginia' and Spurn' tjarolina tb,;)itteiid. -:rf ?d aft6rnf 4 Nin?Hth6r?J at the Elks' Temple and Monday; night the,-Elkfest will tie formally ropened; the "large; lots at FoGrth and Castle streets being ; the scene, -or officially known': as Festplace, There th in auguration, will take place,' the ground feeing brilliantly -lighted and member of only high class shows being ? offer-; ed. 'i Jresday;: jafternpbn. ; therewiUbc dress- parade of all Elks in the tlty and TuesdaV night -there wilf :be ;:a ? epeUtiohbf r the shows. KVnsdaV afternoon " the' Elks ; wh 1 :.";'gtyii' buis lsquecircus . parade to be followed by the big-; grotesque circus ; that night urdaymjonge to Wrights ville ; Beacn, ' wbere there K -uiV v J- : T . ' - ... . - . i : teifioast'; -Thursday. ;Hafternppp.the ElkssbetyV circu3 will pe ; repeaxepespeeiaiiy ior ine tiaaies tlay. flight fJife ,BlkillJb,resent a big public mock initiation 5Bftpr1Iy : there will be a,, big parade le id ot.auiscnooi cnuaren in tne city ana night ; King Hex ...will, lie crowned.. : :ifr ( A11 Business Tiouses will Jbe asked tb decorate; anbT there will be several bands . ; of . - jmusic '; for the ; .affair Tbe' paid shows, .obtained, will only be J the best and most refined, and there will 'be an abundance of free acts. i DETROIT NOW" LEADS. Again akes FsPJacein3 American ri League by Defeating Philadelphia. ' v None of the-three ' ieams leading in the National Lqagub. played ball yes terday sachet start today finds New Ybrk" still heading . in that league, . with iuiii. ,suu jcciuwB, ;ivit6M. "f hlcagoahDseseppndnd; Pitts near at hand in third .place. - ; etaiisbaebeeii setUepdn-andhe progranTotappdut 'ins fiflfiwhileAthe WMniiarenana .Tnursaayvnigas tne fteferpit played SundayibAlli withilaby .lnlriliio " qt'-- trnn tVill S TllttinVy t(4r Tl-jr 1 t; VT:Wj ;J-i Ji.fL 'J.U '1 ; ltil y. aheadi in the American iJeague.&galri, succeeding. Cleyelailb!, whititeami'dilliJ notj play yesterdayjgi .thejeiiiy i-: '15 .-.V-r JEWELRY STOLEN, i . "v ... v . i ; . i-; v ;' - ';-.; Various v Articles Were- ; f Recperett Through Quick Wbrkf.bt police Kvtdcpartraentt; X ; Mdggie Hankin3 ; k riybuh leas than fourteen- years of ' age, was arrested . Saturday afternoon by the police, charged,, with-- larceny. From the. eyidence, in the case, it seems tht the. girl's mother . has been employed 1 m , a uuiucsuv - 'apwiut Vv ?.rt I. . , . . ...-wv.--v. -.-v,-. she ' had departed, Mrs. Munds missed av.vnumber v of valuable particles of jewelry.5 i ?- ? j x The police department , was .notmed made, with the result that. all of Mrs, made with the .result that,, al MUnds j ewelry was recovered among i the articles bedng a . ring .valued, at Wore; than ?10U g On 'account of, the girls age. she is : X XWiirtiing'tbn'Gun Club.; i ' . The . final xtpuiapaehtiipf ? the Wil- mEi the bitv, Mia-, tnurnamenr. ;.waf " .byfajiuinheqf, the contestants, Tbe, sp ed has been the ost succeu histoid bf'theXorgania nisipry. .ui. . disnlaved various' sportsmen - .rtrt fA-'tniueKoutei'-seasp , 1 H J J-'v -. . W ' "nptnher.lst beginning of 'fl.O- rfot rcf,, after at - the Peo- t.'AiViii a ftii law- snnri ; ho. w!i9 ""v . "v j, ' - . , , . i eastern extremity or a;u Da ana recury- day: ; .v-i i vessels of -all, plass.es, in, Bahamaa- Villi Hill ATI I SI I I I I M Lll . AM. a WAW ' 1 V . b reoitr hd mmm Judgcfr Lyon iff PjefMAyOiH fc D09ke$eii?erar & M iriotfe CiseC5m rucfsu;. ji uudjMann uc u rx. I ri ;ocb!i v TTWgiPrnp t Three , weeks of JehJgherbt3itJ commenced;; Wsvmbr Ilanover.. county It is ; (bwaS criminal f followed ! two civii;and3 thel? fbtmer - conveneft morning , at rlb vpclock Judge Lyon presiding-, and thisSinthJr iime Judge L,ybn . has heldicourt vi this ; county. All coumofiiceel atteudaiice; being golicitorlRiQ3if Duffy, Clerk, John ;D. Taklorpeduty jjtfiTKjjw. N Harriss, , Higbi hejcfd ;theali tQbrderthe Jury was.s elected, nd" 4udgIpL. made af"(plearrit ;jbgjcalAcbargej: plain ed f uilyhe : different- crimes 9gapk the (duties fof? grand 'jurors. . Ther -wag poshing .sensational Win , his cbarkt J j use goott common; sense. ie. jtp',tha; number fhjicidesHhafc j??:pwaiJeputy snerins. wanfiy, fijern(il Cpnsiables ail been . committed r in vthis cwrity anal'Both . are " amonsr f. the - latest " motion pi.tne county, cpngrUnngrW.;peo- pie. pon voting tiifi. ,j3ona nssuei aiita paying pig .-tribute to ythe imptance" .The,; Grandjiy.v - W? Br McClellaii r;fas : swbrhinaj foreman.bf the grand l&ry; arid Melyin Horn as made bffllcer3h chargfel Th grand jwyt is omposedas fGUlowslJ HKO.Wallac' Jesse E,iSmith,50E; Bendeilllamv:WaUba:-MK I ClenahC(Rebder;D;Be nina H Thei:nrk cseUlleb;- waVlftat of 7f. ::cVews"atidlviaiTitfV weapon. The case was hard fought, Wbbdus Keilum, 'Esq.,' appearing witji the. Solicitor . for . the State, . and Mars- den Bellamy, Esq., and Herbert Mc- Cl.ammy, Esq., representing the de fendants.' A verdict of not .guilty was returned as to Marvin Crews, and a verdict, of guilty, but with recommen dation.' for mercy, as to the other de fendant, TH. Crews, " y' . The, case, of malfeasance in office against Joel iRay, of Delgado,. and for merly a magistrate, was. quashed. , It y ..b6 recalled that-. this case', grew out of the -: murder, of . the. old , negro, Banks Rothwell:. v: r X- ; ; ; Bils an " buis :Bte -'vfarved and pieas or '6as,1?'jftdgmen f13 Hft Hoiaipr; brdexeit thty-hV jujors summbnedTfbr. each . day 'unless bther wisRdiiiected. and fined John I. Bel lamy. Jr., Jr., and.Johh H. Brown, $40 : . 'V. ' . eaca .ior : not . uemg- prtsseu u - tu aui, :; There; ai"e tp. date, 132. cases on ; the docket, ; including the very important ones xif -young Furmant; tee, charged with murder in the . second degree, B. Cox, white, charged; with house break ing, and Chas. Ratcliffe, colored, charg ed, with .murder...;; Court will do well to try one of these, cases at this term, unless many othe cases are contin ued' Tt isexpected that most of the DOBU Citses. wiu-gu over. , " Judge . Lyon has wisely, decided , to bflfd two sessions a, day; hence, court tS holding forth' this ' afternoon. - ;J ' Hcnooi , csaoes mat wear,i newicu rt .'C - i.-rtl . -v.a; i.-.. '.Tjli"l &;. Price.:-. --': -.v. 2t;-' je. , ; ' .-Advis xT,,w nantmi npnr kory message. ? Hurricane .central near ters during next two 6r, threedays. 4 " . , " r J - GARRIOTT; i - ''rr-sv.;.:.:' S..fir:i'S-: . ' . . . . . ... . . . . ..5 . t ' Y;1;! Rev. " Or. Plcfeard Delayed I X . Kf v- ; KicKara; ue.aa. : -v A telegram was received -; from Dr. h uwi-j j . -v. a. ara WU1 ?reacn ms sermon 10- morrow' afternoon at 34 30 o'clock, f J - ' - We are serving Tetley'a Teas. Come in and enjoy a glass. - People's Sup- Dly Co. - . s -o-1 Bt" 4;the-qhtirchnd Schobjv - ' A I itJ.'S. an other, Bondji,;.A'--,l31,575;00uiltt8- ,-The inclement; weather:, which: prer' 'i4. , :V-;';-4 ai6dayesferdayCm'arfere to extni sWiththe sIlbme Coming exer. cise which had been -planned for ayat tne f Firstfiaptist-Church, in sbite of this iact, quite a large gregation assembled at'the vnprnng ceneict inline church, and at the. Sunday School,; -during the afternoon. ThiexerceswiBre planned with an idea, in vwof furnishing ; an impetus to the ; fa and I winter S wbrk ' of the exarch anfthe Sunday .School. At the' morning "service a .SDecial sermon an- prbpriate to the occasion was breach-. tkRevi; Fred D. ."Hale, . pastor of anurch ;The i discourse; was of an inrejsting; nature nd itjwas Ustened talyith close attention by the cbngret gation. ... . ;.; ; .-J-J The -attendance at the; Sundai School exercises was very gatffyihg when - tlje threatening nature ' of the. weather during ; the : afternoon, was tk.en : in9 - consideration,:. The exer ceifte i4kepingr wi nature of the occasion and were rendered the moFeiattractiye Jby a? special program Qf ihusiQ ; .rendered , by . the-Sunday School orchestra., f&? At the Bijou. :; : -cxThe. films to be shown" at the- Bijou theatre today are, called "The Found ory'' and ''The Susceptible.. Youth pictures anQ w:iil.Wtain''te'patroi of the ' popular ' resbrt.v ; ::v Don't forget October Ist is begin niiig of Regular Interest ; Period at the PeojStfs Savings Bank. 2t ; - - JRecenUha Bjtyireen Geb. g SI pspnjariy !jTun An interesung, trtauwm, be held, to- b Investigated jn the difficulty , be tweeh the. two, - men- Sidbury ' was shot in tne uacK. ana ior, severaiweeKs, u wasnpugpt tnaj; ..wQuiaiaieajnet. Jamea ; Walker ; tembrial ' Hospital, wher& -he, was carried fpf treatment after he reQeived his w.ound. . Sidbury, Imweyerbegan to improve about one mpnth ago and two - days ago he was released f rpmt , the hospital. Sidbury was 1 .-then,. parried to the county jail, where he was incarcerated to; await trial" before. Magistrate , Furfohg : to mbrrpw.r';A short time after the alter cation pccurred, 'Smpson ' surrend,e'red himself ."tPMr jirlopg, it. being -stated .that be., had; heard Sidbury, in .' all rQuabtli" .Would Vdie. .. ' "Simpson ' was theiir,( placed-, in Jail dja eay.bpgM tor . two montas. awaiung, iapurj;.s.,re ; Ppverv : Simpson", has ,- retained sfM-kf rowy that.rf eaqh. fired , a plto a; r thp bthr,'"fpilpwtng a., disagreement, f.b e- .:i-,-r-,- i-i OftiRTi. n- announ t -wl r h -t.h e' Pe( .Open, ,aiivccbuttwlthth'e': People. W Savings -Bank. Their Regular Interest renoa Degins uctooer ist. 2t SWELL B I LL THIS WEEK, v Crystal Palace f Has Something Extra r " ;; a;nd;vel,,c in: - Vaudevl I le. c ; The Crystal: Palace is presenting, a big'fiew vaudeville - bill 'this: week' and one that Is "a winner." The hew .bill went oh4 for. the first time 'this after noon -and will hold"; forth all week pjedrmancesi being grvp eyeryafte fiEboh and every night and small prices pfeyailiiig. The new fes this i week include -Cbarlie Boyd,- we'll knbwi im- personatpr ; tsiui&: xjoya, . uoieu uiauiw fice I and lab vefty f cbmmns l"FOxf and :Foxr? uptWatrefiM : ----- Si-Ik' '.- ?Js---Jiflr.-v.-i -i; : 2i.iL-' tiancing uunn sisters, wno nave somr other "pleasing M0esW October 1st" is beginning pf Regu lar' Interest: Period at the People's Savin ss. Bankl 2t - hXne . . mciia niiiiiu u . . -. ... -r-- -'-.... . was sfeveral sacred selections render- Gilb;heybiiji choir ;of; Grace Methodist Churrh. ' : f Try " bur School- Shoes: x Hewlett v& Price; -' : xx 2tH ming ; prigni ana ,catcnym tne .way -ot-a?nvelty i actjI There are, of course, Iamand ;:Discoimts f Overdrafts; . ..... , . , . v, 4,656.60 Bnis Payable. . i . . 1 .v. ', 190.000.00 , butt - " ' - -.- y,Y.o, vvyyatv : -. -.... . & j.,40VA0A.y -' ; 4 PRUNEATHALF PRlCEVWatih inStbr for Barflaliit-threV; ; ivy days each fek that -you ought to get '.4' TjiS-.: .:;;y..p.y;t ,y;:.;-v p;jW,;,f llittiHiii solves the Servant Problem i :f'-r'-'..- ii i i ' " ' ... ! . i ii i. .I. "ot 44 .; .. . r . .. . lf:5wBERnd;w i L ICTOBER tstlS T.e BeQlNNJKa 1 .yT,r8fH , .:" j-; Jl'iti'iJt i)I)?-.J-; t x -ri-' v J V r- -: ' ...... t lj JSKJt5;Ay,rVij nm m ,i-.Ctmit Ikz . . J .. ' . i ' 1 I I that Big JiU Bpidinj4Cb X Staiment of the'conditions(to thCornptrbjler of the Currency) pfip5Vi : x .X-- - ' .X M-.X fX.C;X;.iXv.,XW s .- ; - - -xxx X v : ; -Xj t K OF "WILMINGTON. X:X;x;V; X'XSXX :: At the?close bf?buslrtessSeptember231908. : ; lidafatf ahdSDiscbu OvepTidraf tsvw .vi5: ua-. -' ! 86.89- f U;i4BBonds ' & Prem . . '. . 1 25,921.88 . iFumltiire .and Fixtures.1. V;1 '4,581.49 - RedglnptibnFund-.v.'':.i- (sh ..;v..:.vv;. 79,102.28 '"',xr'--'t' " - wv $260557.53; - W. B. COOPER; President. ' .". :XL GE6. 0' GAYLORD, Vice President- OPENEDXFORvBOSINESS MA 7tlvVITH PAID iiP CAPITAl 0000.00 -i-. -X- STATEMENT OF - -i-xifc ri".:';. i. . ifis " (CMidened;front Repotttp North. Loans ahd ;Discbunts..;::. $1,39413.09V Bond Real Furniture Invested Cash X from banks. . . . : . J;::w;:KpRWOQD,:-Presidentp H.WALTERS::"v1ceIsid Estate... . . . . 45,(100.00, Deppgits: t.vr....... l,316,68SL?;y : '& Fixtures..:. . -.:-1.00- :--x,; '-XXX- "-'-X' .X; bfahand xand -;ue; ;;. .....i;...... ........ .1 . ...iAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAi XXX iOrt: w:U31.Crt?rv Yf -3 SKMMmFLAPiJACK FLOUR t xi -" Etopo t- --X'" - ' "X.r" ;;'-", X Xti :Av'H;.;'i';' -1 the benefit ofe ' r '-a r:.. - yi-, iVi- y'Vf 1 ! 1 - : V I Tf 'f "'f'iB 'V -WWW r M. Mr in in ' i i ' -1. i ;s: , -y: :;:) i p XX Profits net . . .'. .. . l.iB6.S3 I Circulktibh ';'. . '. . . 2M0d.0 y; DEPOSITS' . .;. . ;'. . . . . .-. .143,261.18. . ' '-;;';;.?!'t;;'f: i"-.1:' :- t -rr':--- '' ;?' i THOS. E. COOPER, Chie'r.:'" - . i'. : HARRY qR0SLxTellert2 XX t ;x;;-r:. i'x slxx x : f xx - ana irust Carolina Corporation Xommliflon.) xxy iOfflDaiiii Capital pZ?. vlo0.000.0a vJ iX.X.X. 6,336.70 'i .-;. ;,-X X,5v-X.X r K3lX:X:-t V ------ . ' w - ;. ' ' ': - v.v .;-fivX A. ..m-;.;;H';:;;X -9-. Mi' -' 'j" ;;-. V'' .''- ..' i".; rxx'-x; mm. if; y V ' . X 1.

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