- - ,.rrTt a-v -Q,.- " .-- :a ' V-:,1-' V.S ' -' v .a .1 i -- : ji ;-i m m i m mwm j ki i-l 1 I d -aaa aa-v mmm "KBBEE te f ililiii ; n lITinSKV Charges ThatHel 1$ ?Perhiclously Ac tive" m the Campaign and TJha?He4 is Intiniate W 1th he -Trusts-p-Pnesl dent and . Cabinet tjold I Powwpi About It, But Vlir IVfake no Ane u- . Washington, Sept. ;29. Th; Pf esK fl ' dent and his Cabinet discussed the at-J tacK oi unanceuu3ivuayqn ; the:Chief Executive, v-but dipiTto ignore lit Day charged the J president with be ing ''perniciousiyttJiintbcara iiaign and also withVbfelhirldoQlinti. mate with othe trusts fori-his.vde-t nunciation or the Standard OiJ to ; be worth much. !;.i.is;; STRONjvPtEA ; Made for the Conservation of CoUn try's Natural IjsoUrcesG f Saratoga pfeNty SepV.729. The feature bitoday?sefenf;the semi-annual fiMjgtI4gM0'lS, Association of y Cotton llahiif acurefra was a strong ;pleCmkde;?T5yjPrId:ent Charles L. Phinkettf df Mafeskchlisetts, for the conservation of Natlbnal -Re-! sources of the" country, especially the forests. He said: 1 "That; these "Te- sources are not inexhaustable , requires, no argument." Many, .sutjjects 'of vin- terest to manufacturers ; were dis'bUss-' r ,1 today. Tpmorrowlwill be given over to sight seeing; ' -. I R R I G AT 10 N CON G R ESS Opened Its " Annual " Stfssfoh Today With M any delegates Preseriti v L Albuquequl;iitjf3(ej Sixteen t h National r IrrigatiOTi dtSngress opened todaywitfr-fgnmbeffc delegates'-pt6stypredelltMC.?V; Goud y dell V&fedVf tiingaddfess In the cbusf ibisshtiestion ,pf Naturafieiorceasto yn and it vrds anirily -agfeeHhat government ougbt"to use 'every' mean -3 in its power to conserve forests, min- Awful Crime Com; Jomml&eEh jjvf i Tf a dsrtJ .fel IX a New York, Sept; r!29! Ella ' Roach, a pretty young widow; was, shot and in stantly killed by 1 her y unclevt Robert Wood, as shefwaV-iy.ingTin"'-d,w'ith her two children. He is ?said!tQ have been very jealous of her. He succeed ed in escaping but the police have sent out a general alarm v.r . x TUBERCULOSIS CONGRESS. A Number of ValiiaiileaperaWere Submitted Today. - - f ; Washington,, D. C, Sept. '29. Num erous papers- were -vTead, before ;the different sectibiia'M'e kiternatioal' Tuberculosis dbnress.j: Addresses ' were- delivered? and 'many 5f questibns were discussed:;; On0of,hPWW that made a decided -impression was the one read. ybyDrAC4pMbIyln nief of thb Bureau' of Animal-Industry of the United States, which, he said, Federal -Uytlc sowf aSnt siderahlp m slaughtered animals , IT? MAKE B I G "S H O W I N G. ; p ; Wilmington BanksMakeExcelleni Showing and Stand In Front Ranks. ; In recent statements made iby the banks of WIlTYiinjytnn an f thorn make excellent showins 'The h AmCTfcan National whfch wna nnlvbr parti zed in 1 Alay, showed deTinsitnf $i:4:vjo0o:66o i cash resources of $79,000 v; and Hearts the wellnown and popular tQtar assets of $260,55753 The- inelo-drama whWomes to the Acad Amerionn Mtioi J onimV? tbmbrrbg tional Rflnv i m ht ha n i Savings Department. Theirlintbrest uuarter begins October ; 1st and de PosUs made on that May 6r: bn Octo: ber "2nd, will draw 4 per cent, 'com P"nd interest from October Ist-Thei American National' 'Ma Inatftd fcfnext aor to the Orton Hotel This bank not only has a Savings iDepartment; but uues a general Commercial and -S ngs business and is'ln position to. iend aeonmrnn niiA "vLiHikvh Whines banking. 1 - '::-r' 7'-' A'.' ' --OA- Death of an In of Mrs;;-W.S. friends of Mro-w a sifiprman will sympathize witbOier in the loss er infant son, Willow Shermatt, ? this mbr mdmyem snt months an? -five "days. The fu "fral win be -field tomorrow at 11 clock from he residence of MrT. it, Hawkins, ivb. 805 ChesthuttstreetAA 1 Just received a-fulMine1 of laies; Kenu and children's sweaters, in coats, T ;,an? turtle necks Call and see us. H?f?rATfli UeniteiXsheRal iy ; at ,tion.;; vv. ' VVr Kttchin wllWarrive in Wlmingto early tomorrow 'after noon. Tiathe jSealioardirine from Lum be wiK Je.mst at the xtepot' ba: conv corted to.ihe Orto Hotel. - Tomorrow ind vtpmooW- tiigt:; he will be the $iff; tally; wjjicu win's oe'tne mter jsectionVpf grrai Market; streets, Tnf je pSayu is rbeing; : ected i avgiant platform luponhichrinieyt of hoti OT pothers itiFsft. brksa and will.fbhand indTa genuine rbusiUK old Democratic rally ;wilUbe $eld.' 'The vuy,vpwiauy an voters, is 'given a cardial ;inyitklibn t& bepresentH efdaya jMrlfKpntn Sjspoke W Rckingham before ;a : giant "crpwd. He was ; enthusiastically Veeeived 5 and hia Hieceitibiif in .umberra tarjwill be; fa" big ; ofie j 3 as : extetisive rransre ffie'titshave beenmade for :liis lehtei-V tkibmeht Were. . From he're rbe goes to speakf 'itbhpbrtcti" U-i , v-, ; And Wllf fedriduci PitraclMeetih . -atAneirst BaptTst Church. ' Rev.; Plckw V., of ''Sa vannah, "Ga.; arrived inWilmington this afternoon and will - conduct,' his. first service ; at V the f I 'Firsts J Baptist Church' at 3: 36 b'clock this afternoon. He will be heard :it- tjiatVhoiir every aTternobri . this - wbek and . every' night at 8 o'clock. ' He will remain in , Wil mington throughout : : the ; protracted mee"tfngs now being held rat the First Baptist. Tfae services' yesterday were of splendid type and were i largely , at tended "-.. ; ". ?. : f ' " r;- :i : :- v Second t Lecture on Chart; In th.. Advent r. Christian Church,; Sixth5 aflil ChuTch ' StreetsV: the second lecthfe will Ibe giveri tonight,' on the : -Wonderful f - " iliustfated r - hand-painted Bible chart; 30 -fcet'lohg: and five! feet eThis i: tchftrt spans thft " entire irne- f rbm Elden Ibst ; to Eden- restored. HBJbTjeStbjysb made" plafn bthr witli immerou3. symbols;; and their? signification. ; A large congregation listened to tne first. fecfuf elas Sunday! iiiglit; " The third Ail remaining lectures ' win ; oe given latigr on. Sunday Schdol teachers and sblarsi3v - J'aHlefited:. by 1 tfiese JecesifSpeclalf invitation givd en to ministers and students of the Bible. Meeting begins at 8 o'clock to-night.;- Everybody welcome. TRIAL TODAY. Two NegroTislBoundlbver to the Pres . ent Term, of the Superior Court. J -In' Jhstice Furlong's court today at noon, Junius . SIdbury and George Simpsonrtwo hegroes, were tried, on charges of ah .assault with a deadly weap'on.thetarf ants having resulted frbm the Vecent Bhootihg affair be- tween4he4p lniEaitVllnaJigtoh. in whfcfi smbriry ;.was badly j wounded; Both negroes were.found gut;bf 1B61 s?fef -ed - and : w fflid T over. iA thenresent ; term peiier Courtr-t : was stated-thafrey they will ; probably" be senti c& W afterhbonr- ' ? " :: . b-, i ' -'j-'j M'-Atttfejou, :'" The feature film kt the Bijou tbea? tre today is called ''Tricksy, the 0 er Princess.1" This film is of mih in tprpst. nnrl 'tJill nfpasfi vj natronsof the theatre. ; .:, r ,-- POPU LA R "HUMAN ARTS." LSawSrtthg - f orchisFavorite Piav atAcademvTPr1 Night. The" sale of -4 niornine:.. PJces go only to $1 and. indicationsyt1 "Hum T-TAirte" " thief epaortn ? ia being a ore elabprateprodu tion ever , and : the combariy has beehighly ,praifeed;by;the press. - . iceiv a ulL line of ladies, ( ntsnd : Wren s satersjn coa "W anttlUFUe uecus. vcu auu acc uo Vi'.hhd turtle J. M:Solky;i& Co. A AAt: A.' Graceful Act. At Mr. George, Hotfnet, : Jr., than whom there is no dbverer or more highly, es teemed friend j of the - newspaper men iii' the ; city,' : has Jthe sincere, thanks of i.f:vT? nn1nrtJanrf H. K 'Blats. tne 7" nmt f0ira fm boxf WfiSSS5 of cigarsswmcn ine ineuiw7;vu Vhilav " Mr .nffbnnet's" graceful, act s deeply appreciated Dy me reciyieuta, in whose affections he has nbw' taken . ':; ";... --"1 -. r . . ... . 1 fiven. a- firmerf position thanr h&-held formerly, j-v. u-r--x:sHt J2 50 Easel Curtain Stretcher at $1.98 . " .1, -oAnr-'a 1 It 3 -. U-7.?-srik nf tyn tint r -v. . - 1 1 i nil .n:-k- p ii U Rapid Progress Made Today . and Many ZCasesonsider- ; Cpntinuancesrr'Case'of , Felonious As sault -A gainst ihe One' Arnd Negro; Patri vJamesforTrlal ,T l Chas.Ratctiffegr 'The vuperi: Court,S:eeSusy- f AIn Tr i v y JmMa.' - '.' m r-ww- cbhsiderihg the manybond cases. : Tc morrow trial of; the capital cases will ebmnifihee;: and i th . first: case; called ibmbrrqwmbr bf Paul 'Jathes ; the VbaefaVhied : "negro man!', bf 0ryilen6harpd:with ei6H ibu's:'assauit:hp6 also cblbrej; Thursd Itase " hiving ; cbncluiedr , the ' murder eafcp"&;dje' Willie cons pf :fif tyJ Kinprnin.5, ffit ) ; Empiesltrcommencing , att7: 80. jp m., fb cases and in jhat of James associated With him are Messrs.. Pate & Woody. ; ; ' The" case ' of mir d er in the second degree against Fufman Lee'will very likely not be called at this term, as the State may have to seek, ja tbn tinuance on account of the sickness -of its most material witness. A; physic ian's; certificate was presented ; to the eotirt this morning to the effect - that Helen Smith, colors who; testified last :time to having seehVyoungfee fire th6 fatal shot, Was sick and nable lu , i.nvuU vwu t. , ou, uu luio .iciui .i wift-;pTbbaWdepe:n Tf atrailH nnil- 'Cn txfnl n4 thin Am rahx 3rveraIilBterestirigl continued - this .orning.;A;? casav of doiog(((fbu3in.esst without . ani.lidehsfi aeiiist.'RL iT' Wrftv Att&i inr inMi the ftextVterm, as 'Herbert McDlaotomyM thectsrin, the, .casewlth 5e: oliclv tor andthen pont( law would-be ara befor'e the cpu I : ' " VCThelongo standing to work the Toads' against- Hezeki Miller was also continued, and" this a case, so Herbert McClaminy, counsel for the defense,: stated ls to go to the Supreme Court, The case has been on the docket?sinbe July, 1906. , Dancy Lewis, who was yesterday adjudged guilty of larey in two cases, ; by- fbreaking ;linohouses and was sentenced to iJponths on the roads -in one 5 casems this morning given a like sentedce in the other case, this sente to commence at the expiration efAhb other bne. Xewis ilhe'vSaboi.cantured bv. Detec nyr-Kopwifienty; 'Y.iioztH i ?m?ym, :lbred,was con-!i a pair-i of, Dants and enienitbfixvroonthsofl the leads'. Thzf 'case against WalteraBtioy forf tioft,pfrhantirtrusJt claws bfthe Sfete waisyontiBuedcjiQritheiiterm.; tvai ? er, , Mcy ui rand James p . Davis, fwa colored vboys. .charged ; with lar- cepyv ,mad-e. a. lucky escape, it; being a ce- bf 'not proven 3f ' A case of-sauitwith.'-deadly-weap" on .against William: Simpson was a most peculiar, as well as pathetic'bne. The defendant, submitted in the case and. it was shown that he had "shot one Capt. Davis while under the Influ- nce of liqubr, and that it" was the very first timethat he had ever been drunk or had ever been indicted al though 65 years-of age., A Tiumber of witnesses proving uhis -: splendid char-, acter werb' introduced, so 'under; the circumstances Judge Lyon suspended judgment upon payment of the costs. glp&j:ampbel w&SAfbund -guilty of larceny. ; f ----'' . -r - In a - case - against Restonr:! Norris, charged wthresisting an pfiicer, a ca- ,Andrew , War. guu to noD; but; upon pertain; repre'senta- niii iu-" pended .upon-payment of the costs. : John Williams, r larceny, was found and sentenced to-. 6 , months oh the oadsfvg-ii vA v. In . all appeal , -case Aagaihst Lucy. Moore a firmed a upbn , non appearance of and he will now have to com6 across Withthe cost mnnv' a J 14, r;iKi-i;AAA-;.AA , A, nnmber of cases, were hoi prbssed wlthvleave; maiThly due to the fact that the : deefndants had skipped. -v :These casewerieas:fbllowSv:' RestbTtcrisislsting" aribflicerii A. aQ.: Brown assault with, a deadly weapon; Geo. Hill, embezzlement Will weapon; Geo. Hill, embezzlement, Will I'Lane. eambliner: Fred Hill.- .house Services . Will be Inaugurated ; This Evening' UndeH 1 j-tuHv;c- ui; ivi ajar; Barter iAajU- f ifSnddjutaiit OutrilThre ?iMost;rpniineo.t.'ahd EHthiis4 , Jaftic Army , Wokers in . the . South- 5$ Public I nvited- to . Attend Meengs. - Tonight the ;Salvation ;f Amy com mences the' three days' "spbcial'meef ihg,'Which Willie: conducted bvalor Elizabeth Barter; assisted by ASJutaht Harriet Care , and -Adjutant !5uif k, threejpf the n mostromentlarmy w6rkers :in the South.' ITheseiWorK rs have beenTvin the city: befoir and ate pleasantly- remembered b all who had the privilege ;v of hearing 1 j them speak Aand t sihgr Major Barter; pos sesses rare abilities as a public 'peak erand-hundis' of people? congregate at?l the : street meetings, ; and itt the hall,. to ;'listen to her eloquent ; appeals, and through; her earnest appeals scores have been led to, acceptChrist ast heir avlour.djutanf Corel, is well iown for - the Sweetness of Jier:msic and feong, and many ; a Vbughnb?biilened sinner has; been caused totVembef his condition and. mde to . think . of iEter to make : tht emeetings ?tnteresting.. ei pecialryhoiitdirseriee night outdoor services' wil be iield at fxn ronti'r and i princess ;j.uuo wepy arevivai service in the hall;? 27 Front i street at 3 o'clock. - These Army Readers areonly here for three nights and Adjutant and Mrs. Yates, in charge of, the local post, are anxious that the general ' pub lic will hear them. All are welcome. NEW ASSOCIATION. cape Fear. Harbor Was, Formally On ganized Last Niqht. . Cape Fear Harbor, No. 8L";ofthe M -J:-. . . -s - . .' '. , i Auierg4n Association oi, Mjsiers, Pilots was breaTnifed last , at tne omce.2 ot itneuiamona UKeJ t&MM $1 IlWc kliXJotnpany , ai e tut? service, life and hbfflcer' and memberf orgahizatloa"Aif e as foilows: ? Dickseyl oi-iWiihalngtoafK;.y- p prstVlceieaidgniaptalnn iliamMelfr'SoUthbbrt'. ' :." : ' Qnd yVice ; Premaeiitaptain-?J. Idi&ecjg&ycfili fbVMimm; dfSbdthpb r? maplkihCapMn. 1 Jf Williams - w U.,. . embers-captains E. D.. Wflliamsi kIi.J; Pepper, F. G. Dqzier, J. S. New- fton-J.-J. Weeks; a Ef. St.s George, B. F. Newton, Walker Newton, W. J. Tay lor, W. J. Newton, F. . M. Griffith, J. Marshall " Kerimon , LeRoy Smith; J. T. Jacobs, Jesse D. Price and Thos. Sel- IersA : ; " '! "'; ; ' - .... i y . , , - a. Come and. learri the . art of brewing Tetleys Teas to obtain best results. People's1 Supply Cb. 5t breaking, : and -Robert Mclntire, lar c"ettv A-:wA:-;,'.t " "'' '"-'v - ; " fhiple'nihqybs fbhiervhyhistihsg.p ,11 ?1 Yesterday" Afte1rnobHf';'S'ession. y TJurih vesteiav ffcernbbh the foK ?' ADurihg yesterday .'afternodiv the fol lowing leases were : disposednof : b ; ; E. B.Vanh,chargeaT wit tense,1 entered , submission to forclblb trespass; andihe matter will likely be amicabljr' settled' 'upon restoration by thfe , yotfng white man of the" ; money takeITrbm his eniployersy" . . a a ATjancy Xe wis; larceny, foqnd guilty in; twb'agbs Intenbed , to ;I2 months biilfhe rbads in' one and 'Judgmeht re servedin i the! "'jcblidbaW..;..-;''- ' a , Caleb' Howe submitted tb an a with a" deadly, weapbn. and carrying a cobcealed- Weapon, .'and was fined $5 j costs in the latter -. r;-A.-.l-' '-1-" ' ;"- ' Mitbhell Davis, assault With aead ly"5iwcapbn, submitted jand waslfined $5::arid- ;ebstsA-A 'k,'-7"X,y.'r Ery; tybns, assault with a deadly weapolttlehtered 7 a plea, of , guilty and Judgment was upehded upon? pay- mmtpfbsfX;:v f GebrgeHill Iarcehy,;suhiittea and was; 'sentenced to ; 12 months on- the toads. ZFredf HilL assault v with a dfeadly weapon, A was adjudged to be insane and - will, be sent to the " asylum. Hill, wno is a megro was recently found a rJudgment was made .absolute W to Bli. n, dtfm ollt af fvho idt at JOS. 15. the last termand ,a capias . was ordered issued for 'S. B: ; Bryan,"" of , New Bern who was arrested here during te firemen's tburnametlchaT-ged witbsisting bfiicers and who failed to makeils ap pearanceathetast is said that Bryan is now. in fprison In ' New ' Bern . charged with running a Three Day Series nity a she has 'stood ''(ndi listened rto her sctags -Ad jutait Quirk nvei fails "blind tiger, 5r .. -A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ii M i ii m y'i m 1 1 1 1 immTmTiT, i i i i i i i i'Vi i i j mi i him m .niiiTri4atri .Mvi.a.Mwkkiiii,iik:ai liic viwbg Ul RESOURCES ,, v J-v-y"' u.,b. and other Bonds. . . .3X6,575.00 Prem.. on U. S. Bonds. . . 4,50,35 Furniture and 'Fixtures. . ' 5,060.00 OriBrdaf;.... ,656,6f jBnis Payable..... ;v 190,000.00 pi Cash in" Vault. . . ...... . 301!!pepositV. , Due from Banks.. . ... . . . ., 183.te.05X ; ' - -v' .. . . . AVlAiv' i"5 -i i-i- ton-fin k uaa PHONES AT HALF PRICE. .- ..&,-.vr v- . , ; :-..: ;' , - days each week that you ought to hones 108-109 3: I - . .. J ' ; - " - - ' -" . - -a- - aaaaa-irsrA 2 AA-.lAv,v A A ;' : ; ' ' A. . AA" A A A. ' ' ' .v .- ,U:t Xs.&- i - . - ' ' - - ' - " - '-;A' x ."'' A: i-i1::Tm JcH-r?'-- -;m,J?V, M-'Jdiit('--;;rAJ-:J :tf,i:i Hi;-:t ' itMutxa ''. , ?. r,l;it IJ- e r : ;--f...jU; . Pleas 1l i till! OCTOBER 1st,- ISTHE BEGINNING OF OUR REGULAR IN: TEREST PERIOD. DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE OC y TOBER 2ndWtLL BE CREDITED WITH A FU LU.QU ARTRS INTEREST, AT.. OU R 4JANUARY tst PERIOD. INTEREST ? GOMPOUNDEDT QUARTERLY. vu ::. ,er:Miujij.T'- . n-T, T llTt- lOtjaC 1 Jlll'f'lLiif' " t J& UlJLr..AJUL tvJtv0 IWCV UdJLtCllA ; 1 1 i4flA Ii isji&t& . A'".- K.' . '.'- ..... ... 4 PER, CENT.. COMPOUND 4NXEREST;FR0M -OCTOBER Hi; IF LEFT IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. - ABSO LUT ELY S AF E G 0 V E"R N E D" AND R EGXJ LAT . -1 ' -Aj i WaVlLMINGTONt r- ..:-...,. . . . .. t. is- - A A t v i September .Condensed from Report ti North RESOURCES. ' ; U)ahs ahd DiscoiintsV. . . .$1,394,213.09 : Bonds . t.l, . 5 i ; 1.500.00 1 Real .Estate ...... ,;. . . . , . : 45,000.00 Furniture ;&" Fixtures Invested :,Tist : .Fimds'JV a r..vii66,336aA.-V?'--4 -,A.A.? ?f jAM:ti40,i21.65l"3 J W.: NORWOOD", President. ' H-WALTERS, Vice President. :. h14.',liUr. OUSincSSf .ocpicrr ember 23rd," 1d08.'- :Ai:UABlLiTlES:?; ' . -'.. s . t- SUrpisv .., . 100;OOO.QO : . ' Undivided Profits, net. . rV29i3U$ '' Circulation .....; : 20b.no'ft on :??i?i;-:! SIWASA Watch my Store for Bargains three U . ;:;:A,A' '".A;- , ' ' A,'-.- get the benefit of. - v A A ,a; S. 17. SANDERS. ... , ...ft;,.-, ... m - ---; --'7- - .v- -0:P; ,ATA t;.v';.'C. . ftiA E D B Y; U N CL S A M . ; f. i Af i; V.' - r j?.; ORTON KOTEL,); ; : 23rd, 1908. ; Carolina Corporation CommistJon.) Capital ,viZ. 106)00.60 Z vNetS Profits. . .V.;. ; ... ..' 123,439.41 f Deposits . . . . 1,316824 a '"wAA'tA:-'- -Iv'P 'A-t l;v;'-:v j AA:'. :-S:-'"""-:-'rv'--;; .. mmmnmmmtmmtmmimmlm . - U.54(U2L45?i:; C4;E. TAYLOR Jr Catler.v9 jx: WILLIAMS Ass't tashUt. ber 'v: A::: AVv&;:f:-A- rr':V-:,r A -A. v f ; A ; A- : V X :ti -It.'- ( A. V - Solky & Co. -' ' ' . ' " Mt ':tbis LIS weeK. tvwMM,v(. w. , " ' - .7 AtAAAi-;A; ' A A;, A A .A-'A 'V'a"'V- ' N A ' ' J " - "A. . v 4 ' 4 .-- , , - - " ' A A