A. " -f 1 v , " s -A VOLUME- FOURTEEN &V 'A -iji ;7W;. T -7l : 1 WILMINGTON AlTf Kin Tinn r - f , t . , Bonds i...... - iKonnn. m TSS7r.4s nranrffather l-Un TL4 i Ausi'Z. lam nainpuiwouiyprce AUeairig That Her Confession - Was Secured I. .. 1- ' ' . .i .. J.3 -, ' " :(.--. .f. New York, Sep: 30.. qialiaia Libbey Hains today, thf bugh cpusel, appealed to Justice . Stopletob. int'the Supreme Court, Brook&gra&F&V the custody of her two cfiildr'en; who are now with their grandfather. Gen eral Hains. : She also files an answer to Captain Hainsl charges in - the' siiit for a divorce and brings t counter charges. She says .Captain. Hains treated her cruelly and .t forced, the famous confession as td: hejr 'relations with Annis from her. . She asks for counsel rees and ?20 per week alimony. The hearing of ,Mrsw Hains Vcase has uetiu au journea unui Monday; ' Befni ' Trfd For I - J-K rt the1 Superior Court-lThe ;cf.ffe Murder Case TriafWill Be De- ri,: f iheic?se of ' loniousassault -ctwii .James, a nrio rA gro ,of Greenville;. Sound, ;ihe victim ing a. young, colored wnrAan' name of; Sophie Austin. T-iaT k case was :t commenced -tMq mnmt;. upon thP- " ,r ' r". . "6 -r Ui uri out it liuAI UUVIilll -tuvteq arust'unds.v, 33.070 Sfi: Cash onx hand '.'and? due - k .1 .." from ,;banks7: . . f 66,336.70 . $1,540,121.6?. t f Hoi if Jfte' Vfre' Occurred This , i i "iwming On Whaht Street a. , t. - li h.uitwit;wwihiur- H0uV W. J- W. NORWOOD. President v -1 f..-l; ecl Was ' the- Structure- Owned fay ;,? .Smith; Cotered, in Which Fur- C. E. TATLQR. Jr., Cashler.v A t JX;. WILIfsXss'ttijashler. r ' Alleged to Have Killed allNfegro. w. . .v !. .-.. a t............ ......... ......lr --.i' i - . v, tT" , ! : rr i .- . . mmmmmm . . . ." - - - ! ' C ; One. ;pf , the . largest;: fires in-several I i - m. v rm toolciinHi '77 JT uul-41 From LumhAbl'i..: '-'.-. con and. TJiird'tstreetsi rnHJ i afternopn.tQ jt , ,p - W .n ed.avM6f'fenth.l-V;'5'V.MK. toese PiaUvenife.and.th;- rniL "ril w.,:. Lri' V and the inror c, . r Wi ' -t, - "J vwhiV uwb OT.rroniK wwiiiub -rr-v- "mvuwul .ior ioaay .were ex- ' ' hausted by .11:30 o'rlnrk n , It ,"1V'1, uaa' obtained. An other venire of twenfv-fi VA WAS ftramn and made ; returnable at nno r "uuci, iuree morp iirrnrc Strife - . x -t . wnrlr irf th , , worn m, . - -,.' . ... . ... t. . v '" iuc ucuaruuenr ' ln.anrti oticieu. . inen nnnthor ' - - 1 n a' 1L . . ' i va JU1W.H(1S goi f-ratfr.-nu'n' ' - .T-. tSliEhtlv iTamnm' ntafifnr fti " WfT MTKTTAxt enced and ls nowT Lll? statement 1b merely, a preliminary thes oont ona.hm.ared dsl- . , . , r . lui. . i.i iii ', in .1 'nnri- r 11. ' 1 j a . -v-i t, a --. . . j . . . . - .- r- . . . .! --. Radcliffe,. charged with TrA. ,"r c"T.,5no.r.tl3r noohtoday-j "i!2L?7? a,ia.OCCUI?ed - RESOURCES - . ' " ttapht fr.. t( . w u aua ne win addrp! tho rwms.a - vvctauicKton. ana in a lew 1 - - , . - . . , jo r 5 uua a iaree two stnrv noTYi. 4 . --r ' 1 j J" ianS'zens-Mr? Kitchln Will Alt sedrecently; as church, toWLa U'lCLUaUiiUlJiiplCLJV - rl?""1 areas the Democratic Voter? of C ty ia" ' uesoyea.- rne noss-as . ' 't ' -'vi y. 'f.virT;tf,' and Count; Toniaht a8 oli S f firf js excess of one -' " 'l-M'" . . mm ' y?m- lon9M.at .SOcJock at tuandoljarskndrwpldUWe ex- . , -L- . , f. . - . ', -1 1 ill viti i. BKTAN CHANGES vTAflTli. V: a viB'''r.M.,ropeaKing':;Toi)r and Is Hurrying- Howies 1 Rock Island, Sept. 80.Brvan Vhak .suddenly hanged-.Wswchodulo-lAXtor4 fcwrei conierence with his brother c W. Bryan, and WfifrffgCfcto home, Lincoln. Hi ' 4aTf laifielT a speaking toy .thpngh Iowa beginning tomorrpw, tf allg a jfe)enc with .wi, ouuwuuwa a reversal pro- gldlU fifty is rei,rnM f ' " .Wi voiers oi wilmingt- at J: JO. 6 clock.. The allei against the neffrn-.TWOo "1! w51eaK Ir" the Win Kr ;.; rr :vv"uw.f.u oa orxnird ahd Market n,y;;Z:rrc uuse try address " t7 ; iue "testimony of the at 8 Prosecntingrjvrtness, Sophie Austin, by everv showing improbability, and also a bad is ,St KJ'B LindeV7n; o tTTolle .-TC x "Ccompshuoraors, .to iy5,,--'IXIe,V.W-S.. Weils, Cuthbert hft uret ti.ui-iL-L r ; on and New Hair- "VI1W1 .uia 5Feaane adjoining ians and Discounts. .. .$1,125,876.36 Canltal - fi ''eArfnAA. ; streets an,1 hi A u.uuusvo. 217 was, owned and "em. onU. S.:Bondsr... 4.B50.35 TTndivMA Tftfi, 1 -Srtii' . willbecommpn 4minwJ Pccupiedby. Lizzie .Howard colored. J;: ' . ' ' 7 " - v .-Cl . .,7" ' & o'clock. ItthereforV beSSvls 'two .remaining houses' were .the a --mures. - 6fwo.w Circulation V..:...;:: 200,000.00 : c loyal. Democrat in. the' city who Poverty, of the estate 0t:Owef Smith, Overdrafts ..Tv.: r,1. -4,656.6071118 'Payaiie.J;; 19000000?;" eresfed in- ttreaent noHHr1 a Prosperous,- negro who .committed rh Vn v0h'- ' - '-7.--7 -(. v 'Vr .v ' , and who' wishes, to hear gj, e;some"lnonthago.,;r. . v 7 ;.7;". ;;V'7'V t?." fposu v; , . u ; , l,285,26r.57 J -y 0he;vrbfAhetaVmA4tl--tw Pue from Banks....,....- 1418,126.05, j7'.'. r' 7V7 .' '7 V'. a , I burned is .-thG laPfthrpC'trtl'rman ! r.-is " . - iW n,. -'V1"'. rowr fCiTrj(irla3.oljiate atl3:6o o clock-t this v afternpon7ahd presenta tion of the testimony on behalf of ftliP State commenced sboh atferwardsL 1 7; f i Mo ,in x. t , . I irr Aieares "narriRft- pvnorf ,r.ow 1 It U-reporied'tfilt he KallM-J ib r- v-" p'v'ivf lwuiung ;mat- Ters,; ui jr.ii ."iv ii'.'t '.' , ;. " While waiting for the summoning of one of the special venires a case of larceny, against Ed powers was"tried. The jury returned a , Verdict of not guilty. : ,v- ' ,. 1 Yesterday Afternoon's Record. - f The most . interesting matters con sidered by the coiirt; yesterday after- JP his strenuous campaign' owing' to his health. 7 ' . '-'-v - CHAIRMAN H ITCH COCK Of the Republican Campaign Commit tee Loses Pa oers. . New York, Sept. 30. It has just "7U made known that the office of Hitchcock, chairman of the 'Republi can campaign committee, was . robbed Sunday morning. . About fifty, private letters and $75 worth or stamps were Jaken. It is belie.yed the. stamps '.wer taken as Vlbtoi to vettereaiipr poses Cth&5J wing made to locate the missing "mat ter, but thus far it has been unsuc- cessfui. mttxi i i i i ' j- ." i; '.7 ' .'-'r, DEPOSITORS EXcHeD; - nd -Police on.,Handto.Preyenl;:Qut. Drealc That rtlAws rtnw - New York7S0unarastof cited depositors hung around the aoors of MogileWskystBank-toiay.Vrhe police were on hand to prevent trotf le, but there was no outbreak7The UdUK closed yesterday. Air $:t tdelfvered 'addrriast iMfS 2&" "1 -w ir" fa.eWWse,- ne was meryat the - station - by a number "jof ,PPehtlming4dnian'd holding : 7 "f! ? 7"uioie.i omciai positions: Among those whov were gathered at tne union depot to extend a cordial and hearty greeting to i Mr, Kitchin were Mayor William E. Springer, Mr. John J. Furlong, Chairman of the Democratic County . Executive Com mittee; Cameron F. MacRae. V Esq.: president of the New Hanover Bryan- i burned. is .-the ""nlarft iwwoC'iM'rman thgOT-5S.whlteWnWwJin jail . ' 7ni 7oVJ fcJX"' '"'V' charged Vw4W:;fejh,eiMwa cTVA;; J.??0.? lrilIedaTyoTmgnVgro boy "earjyt'hi; thel F year. . Thia' 'criqie 4s'saa-to fiave'f :3q iiJ'5TrYT,..' 19S)U0 ,-.-... .-J!.., 4 r k -mi,.. : i. i r--.fi-. ' ; 1 . the. ;;. Shootmsr. ;. created rnne Hprihla ccfime&i, at e'i time j(n connection wiui meaiai anair. ;rne large . build- wis:-wa uswi previous . 50 tne crime as a dance haI17 operated J)y(Smith, but; recently it4 has been used as a church.. . ; ' i The fire alarm system has been: dis-H arranged . for several days, and the alarm when sent in, registered only at the Sixth anil -Castle street engine house. The other houses were notified of the fire by telephone, and - the de- the fire tor gain such headway 4 before the arrival of the department that the firemen were able 0 confine the blaze tp the four,; houses IdestrOyed only by the most ; strenuous effort. The fire aiariu system is now peing worked .on, ajad.'it will be in good shape .within.a JFi.r A - - 1 "... 'W ur two. ; FATAL TEXAS BLA2E7 ; ; One Firfrvi9M li 1 1 . j ml -1- il i:.". j iiiiicu) -uuicrs injuicu and Big: Property Loss. ; , . uaiias, Sept. 30. dne fireman' kiik J. lour injured, , and ; aproperty?! loss - . uuuarea ana mty .; tnousand tne result of a; midnight fire, here? in? 7 11 were caught: in the buw 5 building, when the roof fell in. Fnn v.... .. - fundings were - destroyed. . GREAT WHITE i PLAQUE. i t -. i :,i'vf V-.-'," Yrk Leads , In . Fight Against w Tuberculosis.1 : - f 7 ; 777 renowt5S PtC todav tuberculosis specialist,-said in a m New York; leads, the world White "?lcipal flghtagalnst-thegreat movai - .. ' vypPWfov1 7r? noon was the 'trial of young Ed Brew-1 Kitchin Club,: Herbert McClamrnv I y which necessarily resulted, caused er. chared with an ti',jn, 1 . ', nc uer ctiammy, itQ fl. . . . 1. . ' ibq., a promment membejof the local bar who will introduce the distinguish ed "speaker this evening, Mr. J. Allen Taylor, president of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, Mr. IL C. Mc Queen, cWrman 4 of , the. Board of Atfdit "; a&d ; Finance,- Mr. ; t). McEach era chairman of the Board of County CommisslonersT, and a "number of 6th- ers who- extended to Mr: Kitchin on 4iMR; NElLL1 MciNTOSHbEADJ7 behalf of the citizens of Wilmington-a "''v 7 'i-r 7tr : - - i vxcji ivnown Citizen and r Brave; Con- t s federate Soldier Passes Away.' After a s brief illness kr. Neill Mc Intosh, ; a j well iknown. and highly lesr teemed citizen, entered into rest this morning. He was taken sick Suhdkj and died this ; morning at 4 o'clock at the Fulton House, -on Front street, between Princess; and -Market, which - days each week thaYyoVottgiit-tt is 108-109 y c mw shiunnht er, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, and Vthei trials resulting iff a verdict of not guilty, and - the ad just fiaenfeof he mattergbf E B., Van-n,i thf young ' tray eilih salesman, jwho -had Jjeen chArgedTwi thfalse 'pretense but who submitted : to a : charge of forcible trespass. . Vann7 was f allowed to? ! re store ahe: ntoneyf tp his employer; j)ay the cost of the . case! and go to; sin no more. ' r .-. .;'v. . - ;.; . . - Other cases disposed - of yesterday afternoon" were as f 61 lo ws :' ' 77 Rufus Howe, amblingr-fined; $5 and C0StsTtGe6: PigfdrajldrcenyV nonpross ed J with leaver JohRevels Norwood Eyerett .and Walter Everett, kambline judgments suspended upon payment of the.costs ; Jacob Bornemann, sci fa. ! judgment Absolute; and Annie Camp- utii, larceny, veraict. not guilty. . ? j Continuances were made in the cases of WaslT Brown and Lloyd Wil liamJ .larceny ;-itia;tC4pKno re ceivlng stolen gdods .kndwing same .to have been stolen. -" -:S A " Storrri -Warnrng7f r " '7 The? Ipllowing storm warning was reoelvedvtoday: 7s 1 ; ' - ' . 1 yv asnington, sept; 30. Hurri- cane central near (3reat Bahama Bank7 mqving - west ;;nbrthwe6t.,' paJigerpus for vessels over western Bjihamias and off ' jfjorida f coasts .'iiext two, or . three days.' 17.;' V L; " 7 G ARRIOTTi ' j; WashingtpnV D. ' C.;( Spti 1 30 Hurri caii ' Warning at'2 ? p;''; in.; for'7 Cedar Keyes, Rockwell Tampa and Jackson ville.: Hurricane warning displayed at all Florida Peninsula, ports.7 hoiKo, , Persons from. ropms.orL .v vent ' t wecesary. 10 pre He saiHnuagion' is venligh praise; be ado!! wIshed:su9huie. could in nis own countrv. v.All GARRIOTT. sectinnc, blast an T fi, coneress were in full and visitors 6 were many delegates with thp p ,t0 make. your deposits row and p e's Savings Bank tompr months yU get y0VLT interest in three 2t; fiett( cader Go to' r7--7-: ;..7 7 7 ; Deposit: tomorrow, witbTThe People's Sayings iBank and; get ypur. interest in threp months. .77 7v7. 77 i7 2t j7 mdstnthusiastip4 welcohiet Attii- be- .juuuuttwu iu iue genuemen form ing' theT; reception ! committed,.- Mr. Kitchin was- driven to The brton in ah " automobile, where a . number of other Wilmmgtonians had fathered to greet the: distinguished visitor. i -This ; afternoon J Mr!, kitchin "was taken. ;f or a ; drive through the xity and suburban districts by a -number, of s,te!ry n& had - successfully conduct gentlemen. Betweenthe hours of 5 an4.7.p clpck,rthia afternoon .a- ndblic reception will be accorded Mr. Kitchin at The: Qrton, where he is ; stopping, and . all ! citizens ; are Extended a most cordial invitation to calLand meet the next governor' of North Carolina. Mr. Kitchin expressed Jiimself . as. , being aeepiyappreciaflve of the "hearty wel come accorded him ' today and; it is needless ;to, remark that.Wilmington i more than delighted to' haye within ner ooraers itms distingulshea citizen oiytne JJIdNorth; Stated 7 i f as siaiea aooye, the; rally tonight will , commence promptlyTat 8 o'clock ana. it is fexpected that thousands will sather;tp hear fMiv Kitcfiin?speak;7The raiiy win be in charge of Chairman i?mrlong,.-of: tile - Countv .Demor.ratin Executive' Committee:' MacKae; Esq..; ; president of the Brvan- : f The" feature film at the 'Bijou "thea trei todayv isxcalTliePbwe bpn' 7This film is described ks being a, mpst. interesting ;: and eo sational mptlpn plcture,7iandilU undoubtedly please the patrons iqi tnie iresori. Academv tJlan ever-"Human ifeartsd Money; deposited fwithVthe-People's " lu"ignt. ; . . ' ::v-a, li , it ! Savin es Bank . tomorrow .Dears per M "S - 7- e'eht jnterest,' and you get it in three Hei"hert i McCIaihi;arm personal mend of nMr:iatchln;, nd one of the first and -mot ;ipyal support ers , Mr. Kitchin . hadCmthis t county when he announced his. candidacy, win introduce the speaker, and " the mere announcement that he i? to Wisk the- assemblage,, acquainted - with-Mr. Kltcnin ,: is sufficient assurance for the statement that the introduction will Mhea tting prelimmay to. the; address wnich2;wili,;foll6w.7-774v:tf A number,.- of men were engaged today in covering with flags and gaily colored ;bun ting, the stand from which speak, EleQtric edfor years. Mr: Mcintosh wis in the sixty-seventh year of his age and while a native of Moore county," North Caro lina, had resided ; in Wilmington.' for tiie :past 'many years. 7; He ' was; twice fiiiarried; his first Wife" being -Miss: Dun- iapv 01 , Moore county, : and two .chil dren, Mr. D-r Mi Mcintosh . and-Miss Mcjntosh, of Wilmington, blessed this union, s His , second wife " was Miss Greeny of r Bladen county; and she and two children,:.;, Mrs. ? Stella; Brice, of Hamlet, and r Miss ; Lucyj Mcintosh,; of this.;city, also survive him; : :f! :r,... : The j deceased way a; bravevCpnfed- eratev soldter.i havlne served faithfully and yaliantly.withUhe 46th North Car gina; . After, the war he'moved tovVil mington.. and engagedlin; business and for;; a.? number t of years hadl)eeh r pro prietor of the. Fulton HPuse; ; vv: - me remains were taken to Carthage tnis morninfr andrthe funeral wlirtAlro place there; tomorrow the' interment gj-made in ( the family ' vburyimr grouna-'in"" Moore JL Oder's tomorrow: it.' Jtfontis. t u- .M- j7tMr- Kitchin -will s o. 2 . iliifisitoiM c-f;. ' -.7 4,. , - -.; ..- ;v t7A: 77 :7V? .iit j,T9ir'7 $7;7v. ; .' ; ; : ' : . . - ..... , . - . J--c ... OCTOBER 1st; IS THE BtdlriNlNa-OIOUREGUalN 7 TEREST ; PERIOD. DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE 667 p7 ' TOBER 2nd WILL BE CREDfTfeb WlWA FULL Ql(ARTER87 INTE R ESTWT O U R'M A N U ARN71 strRE Rl 6 1 GOMPGUNDED t r.v.'' u3ms 7 In that Bia: White Building, Corner of Front and Princess Streets; 1 CJuilnterestiuarter ... . DEPOSITS MA DE ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 2nd WILL B EAR county. : v, -.S;;- 4 PER CENT. COMPOUND INTEREST f ROM OCTOBER 1st, IF lights have also ...been placed around tne - stand, and ; those, - cpmbined r with ah ; arc suspended; overhead.- will fni. nisb an abundance of light for the rally; oeais- nave ; been,, provided . pn -the f9WlqAbpuVtyvpers among these will be the citv and coun ty officials, ; and the . delegates :fmm this county to he: Charlotte ?Conv6n nph, iWherei Mr It: Left in our savings departm ent. v Zl: ... ...v'-. -7BS0LUTErSAFE!:5 " ' . 'governed and' regulated bV uncle sam. 77:7 OF WILMINGTON. . Go to Rehder's tomorrowi r"1 ' r ' ' 7- ' - 7 - ; v-: i .A. . .. , , - ''''7-'.7iC..-7 ' 77'; 777 :;;i74777'77777 ;;a;-..

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