-1 . k kC 7 - N V . . ' A s it" VOLUME FOURTEEN WILmNGTQN, TOROAY,- OCTOBER; 3? ;1908. a - -PRICE FlVE't CEtlTC 9 ---....-.....-................-.............. it mm i "v -m w 'kk- k --r. 'f;j; .SV"kT - ;k-U Cuoiberlanil Gives ititcbin aliaM Oyauofi Arrived There Last; Night Immense Parade This - Morning, With Five Hundred Horsemen -v Jny VLine Ad dressed Overflowing Meeting Fine Dinner Served and Democracy Holds Full Sway. Special to The Dispatch. - Fayetteville, N. C, .Oct. 3. Hob; William Walton Kitchin arrived in Fayetteville last night via' the Atlantic Coast Line from Chadbourn. He Was met at the depot by, number, of !Fay etteville's most i prominent r'cUi?en3 and escorted to the.; LaFayette;Hotel This morning the goojj 'Citizens of" Fay? etteville were aroused ; from 'their peaceful, slumbers,. by the fboomiriglot a cannon, heralding -the great day ,pf pleasure and speech '-inaking. Erbmpt ly at 11 o'clock: a parade waa Ueen coming up Hay street, in which; ;H6m W. W. Kitchin was the principal fig ure, accompanied byHon. Chas FJse, chairman of the CbuntyV;J)emocrjatic Committee; Col. W. J. Green ' and iMr, Sol Cooper. Five hundred .'horsemen were in the parade 'accompanied ; by the Holt Morgan Band. A salute was fired when the parade stopped in front of the hotel and after fprming a line they returned ft) the armory, where Hon. W. W. Kitchin is nOwsjpeaking to an audience of about two ', thousand people. Hundreds are on the outside not being able to get in; The Ladies Aid Society, of the Methodist Church have agreed to serve ;dinner at the office of the Fayetteville' Gas: Comply and a delightful .timeis; anttcipadv Chief ofy Politer (2jijheA to a -BevereV-wcdei rade, when. iset,.toMend fell on m.s4) was taken ,to0inerospit andit - is not known l ishour.tSwhial; he( tesult .will he. - - AUTO i a at Brighton .Beach. A- i One Oea Brighton BeacMJct. nnrl twn tWrrlhlv hurt iithe resultrof the first eight hbursof the bfevtockj mobile, meet. Thomas Fishett, a Pinkerton:'1detectiye,'"rwliile crossing t he course was-struck by Robertson's Simplex car and .: will die. - Ahotit 1 3 o'clock this morning two drivers were badly burned,: There: fwas- :av,mix-up and Bloch's car caught fire, BlocB.- be ing badly burned. A crowd gathered and Natjen, in trying- to; ard' ttiem drove his car into a bank, andwa thrown twenty feet, being .jbadiy hurt.; A KILLED BY AN AUTO, K Awaiting ta.; Hear From Hon. John, " Sharp Williams The Big Rally LastJ ' ill'-L; " ?w -- mignx, ana uxners on. i apis. - . -:;' s - ?. : , - . - " 5 ; - J It will i likely be .learned, by night whether or not Hqn." John Sharp Wil" Hams'; will,; Visits Wilmington- Monday and ;make" a speech' here, ''probably some tinie Iprth'e' afternoon.1 He is"ift New ' iBenr ioday and Congressman Thomaswill itend him an Inyltation to xonie to thia cftyt' and urge, that he accept it :In view 'ofi Mxa Thomas' Action Chairman Furlong : and Presi dent if acRae did ; nottgoi to NeW Bern today, Ji " ;: - t v- v-v ' Thenext big pjiHy hat is inthe Wlnd-upto the .presen is announced for the' night; of October 15th, when Hon j' Hannibal Ii? Godwin; Democratic Congressman, "and his Republican op porrient? oI. A.: H.: Slocomb, of Fay e'tteville.' Vlll meet at the 'cburt house here in joint debate. The night bf the 20thHon. H.vL.; Cook, of Fayetteville, Democratic, nominee for -Presidential Elector pf the . Sixth District, will peak at some point in this county. jHe has 'challenged -his; opponent, J. SchulkiEini Esq j of Whiteville, to joint debae,4 which 'will ' liven things up Some; Senator Overman's, date .wJU bei made kripwn later. 7 tvThe1 L following - appointments ; have been announced, for Hon. H. 1Z Cook : 1' New Hppe,; Columbus couniy, Octo ber 6th,at night. . ,,V-,'.,M iiWaccamaW l' p. m. October 6thi .; AFalrlBluff, t;$0 p. m. October 6th. ' ! Evergreen, 12 m. October 7th. Chadbourn," 7: 30 p. m. October 7th. '' Western Erong, 11: 30 a; m, ' Octo ber 8th. .- ' J Hon. George H. Bellamy; chairman of the Congressional Committee of the Sficth District, has written ani chaf lenged Hon. J. B. Schulken,. the Re publican Elector to" a joint-discussion with Mr: Cook throughout the district. Should, the .challenge be accepted the appointment, will be announced later, - The 'joint discussion between these two ; gentlemen t will attract ' much at tention .apd no .doubt great crowds as both are .godd,; speaker and are well postedton the party, principles. It will be dVvioribiis "debate and is looked, for ward 'towith considerable interest. -Klr CopkViH 'be glad 'to divide the( timet any- of the ' above named ap pofntments' with MrrSc&ulke'n.. .-vj TJtie. ralfct.. the :caurt ihouse- last, t)f an lhtffiariy qunter-attraiCi tionyeWas aentmisiastle and profit- ablepne.As State Treasurer B.RXacy was'slck and .unable . to attends v-Hon W.- C. ; Newand,. of Caldwell countyi DembaidVnimeH for lieutenant -m. mttir'tnrf inn S, , i t ' i. I Case Will Be Given the Jury Late This AfternoonToday "Last of the 'One ? Week Term and Civit Term.; SStarts ''Monday Number; of Cases Contin-- ued Today-Report of the Grand Jury. . ' r ' '- fhV. t :t- - '-Tfiday is the ' last day of the?-one week term of the - Superior Court, and , the second trial of , Fufmari Lee, f the young. :. white man -charged with Slaying Georget RObidson, colbred, at the restauranfef viets Smith in,, the southern part oi lhefi qit'yjcbmmeriiced stahts'MoiidaV1 'and ilheflrWt case-; on ine-ycaienaar, isvinat- or rnares lows: ; :Xe6n George, Geo. W. Penny, J. E. Winstead, J. C. Vereen, E. S.'Coolv, King; Wi A. Ellers, J. F. Smith; T. E. King, T. O. Norris, L. Larklna and L. M. Noble. " ; Taking of testimony was then Jpom- menced .: and ; fine headway was .made byuthe -State; up to; the dinner ;lreess; The State - while having absent a jtna terlal eye-witness, the negro; woman. JJelen Swinson,,or Smith, who is now suffering . with .paralysis, had really strengthened, its case in; other--..irer spectsv aa 8ev;eral iwhite'iwitnessW, 4 eluding Mr & FJtftOifttfte;? haVe been introUiw:feduf;:Theys:whIl'''.p tf urraoB uew inearv.xne" scenes ot t ue, quarreUing:wtbini: tiegrbi'Eittbrv theyJ neard- apistoi repotaniraw Liee;ron lout-otJwen. Smlth. placev I ; upon, conclusion of tne sae s' evir dence .the eefnnpunceqti would Wnbpduceany rfesUmpny-ji goyerbrentf alone. He was.ln trodficpftftlipatlve style by City Attomejltfeiri Bellamy, Jr., and made a' rattling v fine talk. He pre sented stirrinig; logical argument In behalfefiit&e1Dem6cratic cause and brought' forth hearty applause time and ?lvTRS. JANEJLANDR DEAD. ( Passecl; Away Last Night and Funeral - ; Wl,i jje i Held Tomorrow. - MrWj Jane tiander,; aged fifty .years and tellctof therlate-J L, "Lander, en, .terejdlojretst .night, atthe Jmm Walker. Memorial; Hospital; where ,ghe r r . IsHolding ; anH Enthusiastic, Meeting C This Afternoon Officers Were Elected as Follows: President, Wm. Gregersonr Vice President, -AA; ' Van ; I Leeuwen Secretary " and Treasurer, " F. W. Holdenil " . - ' v- t i .v. ,v The firsijneeting of, the Wilmington Truckers': Association, 1 according" to announcement,; was I star ted this after noon,; at-3 'o'clock' at. the office- of the Carolina . Development Company, land at,rthis writing is still ' in" session. There is an enthusiastic attendance of delegates from' the. Castle Haynes and Wrightsboro divlsib-ns of .'the gen eral organization and . many matters of Importances are to., be - brought up for discussionthis afternoon. t Ater the! meeting had been called to : order ofllcers were ; elected as f ol ldws: President .William Gregerson; Vice ; President Adrian Van "Leeuweh, Secretary and 'Treasurer, FK- W. Hoi den , ... . ! ;r.;l At the Bijou. The feature film at, the popula)" .Bijou theatre today )s c.alled. '"An , Ihdian's axuetfiu moutra pic- -WTePrm of ttht' hipimirtrfor iHonorf V Of the, different theHtiaii bt cHlctlbns--This ttermi tnte 'ihowriteeettlytVtheheatre, t4ir.u:i.Ut:,.uiT ivt k .Jaa.v ; i tnia is:, nronaoiv tne most his" is; probably the most, f ascmatlng, and. it wiir be viewed with' great, itf-J . Cd"T.Vihe: Clarendon MWaterworks fawuuo Ui luclc- : Contpany:'t (T Vt? iifa."' r1 -: " teHs a frontier story of excitingiature I-fctobfc.jmtll lli'p'cloclrthia morning a.nd; fehoiild -be seen r everyi:;L to 6tfthe- 5utynln the? Ixe casethe Vrr-vwTm,,r'3 ' juryubeihkWmaiybnstitutedr fol- Jlvlli? " . -rti - -. . I ' . 1 ' .. w TH COW FOOD THAT' WILL MAKE MORE MILK AND QReANC.XHAN ANY FOOD SOLD.k TRY, IT. ? , i " J Phone 92. ; ; v 211 Market cStrcct. :? .. ....... --..--. '.. v-H'tj. 1 -... .-' . " " . . - r . ;i m . ...l - v tl1 ... kT'W'W 0 EL f WILL TAKE OFF THE CHILL THESE COOL MORNINGS SEE, THE, GAS GOMPANYf : ... .-. - - Vltf9tAA4f 9t 19 lllllflft(ttM,AAA,,,,..ll I......... ................ . 1 Fine . - Services , Being Conducted : by - kRev. Dr Pickard. , With ;.the jaerYices tonight the evan gelisticcampaign ; at the' First-. Baptist Church "closes its first .week of work-k1 a week, largely,., of preparatory wok. There will' be three services - tomori row, at 11 o'clock,' at 3:30 and at 8 p.m. The afternoon service will . be in connection with' the Sunday- Schoof, the exercises. of which will be. of .an evangelistic'i. nature. The subject of Dr. Packard's" sermon last night was, "It. is Appointed rtTnto Man, - Once i to bie; Juj;; &&er : .Jisl the t Judgment." Aprdfound impression was made on Lthe.Jge congregation. There were crimof.i HeawAsVermabiyliib1der: thej1 ,We?"s;ro tne cnurcn. . xne inflPnArtrhnwttfi1 ntriftl' tea ' keeh meeting -will' ne .xonunuea mrougnoui .j.i t ... . .;. .. From Old and From Antiquated Ways Customs - DEAE WIT H A BAN K -s- " ' ' ' . , Asks A Y.iThat:?- ; Wants . Your Business and You ,For kit . -.7.V..f', suggest-Kalan architect be consult- edawdome-means-1 -devised to" pre-- vent "water - from rising and" 'standing theoWsof'thYeef the basement roiihiUn0 lhenno?ttife of ' the hiiild- , (THIvNEW BANKEX k - k :k.v; k.., . v:Ufej?. Mad Rushof MachinfiiancliGaiety of its Occuj;S;. New York 'Cie.t-?-& James Rdward Ryan, of Brooklyn, was stryck andm WiaafJglWJffftm ilekMcMtcrrlh rfcSidenfifwi yfRjlnjisel jfort the iuueH .sq wuoB. asiuug iCJOUciioc Duixy.ln, the, proejtjution-j A'H.' :Pait; iiiSq.: twiUi roiiowior-tne aeiense:iana ihen". Solicitor Duffy-?and: Lf Clayton; Grant, Esq., will "close respectively for the. State and defense. . The case will go Itokihe jury befores the afternoon r-t-essk: -"-?.":t '"!k 1 he case of B. Coxe, charged with iiouse "burning, will go over for lack of t time -and the nej, ro, - Leandef ' Wil son, convicted, yesterday afternoon of trying to wreck a train at Carolina Beach, will be sentenced by the court this afternoon, 'kk'i'-:' '.k k Gvj Whlle'tlme was being spent await- navm rnJ,'OthemsrwfounaVthe building tnMma 'dbndltlonr: wl'tH the excenUoii Josephihe .Waghei is lying 1 in a hos-J pitai. The automobile, maaeo pp; and the w6nienin;fthi it struck Ryan and is, -companion. JB standefs trid to-ltbpA theiiLbut ;the occupants . of the ear f pughttthemioff . Thev shrieked and shouted and v&ere either drunk or wUdlyexCitedFpn arrests have been made.4 k ! FLEET ON MANILA. t. stantlv killed bv an autorrfoblle.diiitv this morning. -HUkemTianiontHim lunerai service win ; ue ueia. t Aiflft; u)n termeht : win be . made : in pejleftuet ..-.--aa-.-...' - : . . .. . V . ?ffceHrP, Wlio forth nto num oer ot cases, were ..tnia morning continued ' The deceased is survived by -two? Bbhsr Messrs F. W. Snd " Walter Lan der, two. brothers,;. Messrs.! J. Rx and f J. cW. Gilttirie'and "a sisterr Mrs. Mary McCabe-:allC,Qf this-clty But Cholera Keeps; the; Men r Aboard ;k ship.k";kk& k;-; Manila, Oct. -3. Thekrfieet: is, r an-- chored off this . city ; today. in plain view of shore, butthe crews arejnot allowed to "leavethvShipstonacw of the cholera ; situation. -.; Veryfew officers have. been, allowed; to land an.a these 6nly tinder rigldfestrictionsi 'A conference was held this moViiink tween Governor General;; Smithy and i Admiral Sperry and ; -they decidedj it best to keep themen ;aboard.;Thee are yet several cases of cholera,Xdaily, but the average - has fallen bnsldejv ably below the average of a week, ago: The craft in harbor are . gay Iy !dec Tated. ' 1 ' ..- C;: -.-iis. vkr 0 P E N StTOM OR ROW. ' . :- ".';-:'V'v .'3':v;'--".';hV:-j :,:-: .;' !'-.' Attractive,' Dainty .Boston Cafe for the ;k v;k:-.P;ubli's;-'fiatTOnageV' ; The Boston afe,- :ir.r John Haritps proprietor will ?Opetomrr6wkff or business - and i will , make a strongbid Felpatrnagekofhe pubHckiThq cate is at wo.aii MarKet Bt. andhas offer5 anespeci&llyf attractiye place; for ladies: Both ; the American; and Eu ropean; plans ; will - be observed, . and the"- best of ' viandsHwiil' be .served,5 ;k r 7 J TEP. as ; zoi lows A , ; f Our 3;.;fk; P mplYiKQRU ESD AY La France Shoe PaMor, Will . Offer Fall CO " Al u. CTarke:4 assault" with a? deadly weapon. r ana, carrying - a . uyuueaieu weaton. vJfc : ,- i ; Joseph Westbrook, .; seduction under prpmis or marriage.. .. , . , V " Ralph Kennedy:larceny " ; r - '-W. J, Davis receiving; stolen goods knoVingsame tor have been stolen: 4 k EIsie;;: Allen,' assault with a . deadly igaponiiVs-' ' kin! thejease of forgeryagainst A. ;Bv McKenna, who was bound over yes terday . from the ? police court, a. sui mission . was entered and, under the circumstances. His Honor- suspended judgment upon payment ot the costs; . 4 Sblicitd?' Duff y took a hbl pros wUh leavmtcase o5 G:eHru4e HcFar landr'charged with ; receiving stolen goods., knowing .them to have been stolen , . k v- ' ' ' ShorUySbre5 o'clk yesterday afternoon the , Grand-:Jury i came .into Hlfat'suWe'srthttne' janitor- give Vhlti&tmi vice1 W-ttfe!; way of tcleaning "npandakW'ca -' The' contict ' camp on the Market street ToadTwasT visited and found, in ihanitary; c Vridition and ' the-, prisoners there-are fed, clothedsand housed at night in the proper manner. - The pris oners upon being questioned had no complaint to make: " In the camp we. found one prisoner .with a venereal disease which he claimed to have con tracted in the .county; jail. We - recom ment: that: this Y prisoiref be isolated and given ; the proper medical atten tinn This rennniTrienlat.ioTi is based upon the professional advice of , a com petent bhysician4. .'We also' visited the feaf dMalHfeferppeK 1 k The? ooiih'aHadmized1' rokaW' xuuua in very goua uunaiuuu witu exceptioWW feF hol'eradm'r once auv .if 'I 1 ;.:)& p. jS;k (Condensed rom: Report ;tp; North Carolina ..Corporation- Commission.) i ? ; RESOURCES. , V LIABILITIES Loans and discounts. , . . .$1,394,213.09 . Capital 100,000.00 : Bonds : . . .?;?..l . . . f 1,500:00 Net - Profits . . . '. . . . . r 123,439.41-" Real 'Estate; k..v. .: . 45,o6o:00 kDeposits . .... .;. . .... 1,316,682,24k Furniture & .Fixtures . . . 1.00 Invested. Trust Funds 33,070.86 r Cash on hand and due k ; si ffom hanks,. . '. A k -' 6i836.70 k'k,k- V.: $1,540,121.65 n,540,12L65 J. W. NORWOOD, President; H, WALTERS, Vice President: tr. xy. lAiiAJiv. jr.. uasmer. J.L. WILLIAMS, Ass't Cashlef . t , .F 1 ' 1-., wnicn, snouigDe frtepairea at once auw ortioir'of -tgynisHfe 'oetwechVSnthCreek; the .rail roaa crossing wnicn we touna pneea of rimWiSrllat 'atentibn'ashd-Condt tfoh jsuch'as tbdema.-repairing promptly." k: We also calf attention -: of jthetjplrerautnoriti , to;thereckies throwtdg of 'glass jTipon the - public highways1; and we' recommend that th law; against same . be more rigidly en forced. : Jrkr'-k' ;'' .k;;k:;r i ?!We visited the County 'Home ; and fund ther fbuildinitselr in "good con ditiMJhuttf Itp tenf iii paid to .the farthiaflf to the prop.ereeplng'.p the inmates thereof: We would fsuggest that" portions of r the house be kept in. . better ; sanitary; condition, x.. We call whom : better: arrangements " should be made with; proper medical attention: k We visited; the 'jail; and "found, the condition of 'the lower and iupper cells ronrt: nrpse.nted Its renort and .was tin an-unhealthy and unsanitary .state isrhArffed With. M dirt on the -floor and court: c The report follows: second - shinment hf : nnnlnn Hats just reecived. To be inijttybtt wust wear oneVbf themtf Prices lot anir Hats $5.00; , SilkkHats;k80V Company. ;.;:k 'iStS Business of a.Newrkicjfe Com- t: and? WlnkStylesnrhen;k lor.: 121 Princess streets will place on mltted ;yesterday; afternoon- is, as 101, disnlav Tuesday:' all "the latest and I lows: uon io caufaij-iu iiaiiui. , ; , - kOui second- silpment tof PUhiP Kew Yofk-ct; sixllthdred ciiauffeurs'employed bythe New York o-Xicob Cttmnntf' -mow -iUtiri tho g up e7erytaxcab ownedbjr company. kHigherageaarede- sanded. kv:- ;?r;- iki:k ' , ! V - ,kA 'k-' ' - '-.Ji-f. the, extremely filthy condition of - their Srh riit; nhAand: iurv'as isubtrberthsVWei found! two,' cases, of yf and. we recommend sthat - they 1 be is-. olated anidi glven-k medical ; attention hichythKclaimpao to have ; had. best in the famed LaFrance; shoes for fWUmWgtog;N Ai;u k foil a n -arintpr ' mi An ertftnsl ve i To i His . Honor. Judge ,C! . V" stock) is hoW; being -placed in. positibn anlthwdisplayk momisesksto be a splidBfidtptingM play wlli berespecially for the; ladles ru t:'. "i",.:"" - " ; w examined mend that the physician make at ioa and'ed pon:'4 indlotments.f Inltwo thorough ' inspections ot: the build SSs6t coiirt bouse lngs an prisoners, each ureek. - Feel teiCnd " ceiUn back ins -that, we have fnlHlled our duty SchleWbSoiand :ShbnJ and passed uon all matters before us. alBto-.tellitteiitibntp.me.t : - . , t a' which hfM, Respectfully submitted ; 1 " - -"'-t',V;,;iU;fR.. A' vV b'o:;?)y, kk "O'.'P ' v ' ' ' I' -' -"''2-"V- ' -si -'.f.'1 S T -MM 111 Ii HJT Vt ft M v 'iv V W4 W if If CM If if :, U Ui LLU LI U U iff W Ii LJLf a 7 t-IJ Li U ILLS LLDLL-U a3 V , 1 .;.k:k?'d e Uii .-4 ilw -kSk k?: - - v- -.a 1 - i : -- . - . Sriiithern MiSf ?;WSl -f M WtLMIGION, N. .C, 'i ?r-.l ;k0-:k Condensed Statement at the Close of Business, September 23rd, 1908;k s ; ; -krtESOURGES Loanakandk Discounts "i . ? 1,125,876.36 Capital ; .w: i.'. $ 200,000.00 ; .TJfsl ar4eripond Prem. on. TJ.vS. Ponds. . . . 4,5505 UvWed: Profits net. V . . 29,637 j$8 Furniture and, Fixtures k Overdrafts I . . . . : . . . . . Cash; in Vault....; Bue; from Banks. : . . . ; 5,000.09 . Circulation : ; .'. , - 200,0000 kM56loVBi;PayaWe 130,014.89. .'Deposit . . . Ak. .' . .V. . . 1,285,217 4iS.126.05 ; -r '-. Sk$2,004,799.25; : v ; $2,004,799:23 Hats just reecived.;, "To-be in- it yptt; must wear one of them. ; Prices of Stiff Hats k $5.00 ; k Silk . Hats ;. $8.00, OperaHatsk $7,6okJk MikfSolky k& Company. , s , 3tk Horse " BlanEts--Jity, Livery Co. : therhatlway of; the court house which iskgiving away ! and ; needs o place underneath same; at; once, .vyc Respectfully ;k W;;BkMcGLEJLIiAN,Fprem i Wm. F. CLAYTON,; 5 Secretary., . - PRUNES AT HALF PRICE. VYatch my Stqrefbr DargaJni : ihri 34 :.!-k; r.iJVl. 3 -4: :4 j fit kk ',' V."-.