7(T I ... .. . A' ' MY I I: Avisi 1 i i THE EPS! SlliS Brilliant - 8ttrt 1de vt-at Ni ght (and the GloMu ytilt Hold Forti All Wcek-Frectt Defian-Today And A9Pb6Hir?fefvi Circus Pageant Tomorrow. With a . merry .awtri" dH!w!t3i' 'a spirit of good-fellowship in the ' air tj5te glorious Elkfest behHalCighi the first time, for an attraction oijthfe kind the attend)BinM&1Vid' the fact that the ' &6vM-tt1ffiti&Tift line working trim -Was iilso somethtnjg pxceotionair ;Tn:tinast Seventeenth and PMppeair : streets, were brilliantly illnminWtea and;' the order was fine. There waa plenty, of music. - . r.- ' . The shows ardflarger?tan seen here with any carnival attractiontieretdi fore, rn fact,Tnost -of "tnern; arerinost elaborate, jror lnsiauce, - . uuckbkih Ben's Wild West anderarTa Trlrifed Wild Animal Show, ach 6f tbfescs at tractions did a rushJuv biaineissiakt night. The Russian ; rf, j?aa exceedingly -pbpIar aiid hundreds viewed the clever midgtWho prqreH a deliRhtfuirentertainiJ :i ?5 :' - :-.t: This vaf ternolon thet'gV citicjpara;ae is to oe given ana ; wnriuruisn aa; f spiring siglitr ollipiwl to?parade the big free actstwlltiVepfra the Pestolatz arid j they wlll be of sweii calibre. Tbeniiviriciuaetr high wire arWstK thewonui'Dkl Coma family' off actobats, anti P? O 'Brien, the ' well 4 kndwn ' clown v and his trick mule. - .; - -. ,-.v :-- -f 11 r yr F" 1 1 1 N? vivi n F7 v.'i-irt:' n. 'iiU 1 -. - " ff u MdlO bU m'uidfv ullll i!iylip a Vote ; ja aVge' Throughout he j (Doviht.ry--.Blg ; Vote . ini ; Upper Kew York' and In Greater New York and Result Reported 'in Doubt Indiana arfdOhio Atso" Reported; Doubtful Piryan Vesjfa Wll I Win Vouth-Appa rently Solid rieavy; Vote Being Pol led. in North Carolina New Hanover's . Vote 4-arr ger Than .' Before Taft - Gains-for t Republican National Ticket But Aryan's- Majority Will bo Larger Thati H t ParHer's--Alb Democrat Cogress T men Look Saf e in rThls StateRe: . ports From Different Points to The; ' Dispatch. - Reports TfiM:; different rpolnis. in the State: bowttlat this Vote in North Car olinah today is - Beay y ana that a large j These acts will be; repate4 tpnight. ana wui ue given iwko uaiijr. Tomorrow afternoon comes-the big, glittering Society Circus Parad0,and tomorrow night the Society Circus, in connection with King and Tucker's big show, will be given. ' The pageant will start tomorrow afternoon ' trom the grounds at 3 o'clock; and-: the like ly course will be down MarketStreet to Fifth, down Fifth, to Nun;,down Nun to Front, up Front to Reel' Cross, :un Red Cross toffth:i dpwii. Fifth to Market thence i backv oM thegrpuda. The processions will cOQ'tdTje' ffit'l lowing: 7. mmms r-r; i t : MoutedBOlicei GrandaxsjtalaaAW; hor8?i 3- Caswell lfflttaTy- Bam)M Three Decorated Automobiles, with Exalted-Rulor. Tfavfeetfe Cavalcade, twenlyiiders malewdl f Redndlsold open cagwj Lion Tamer and Lions. ' ; V" ; Purple "ki& vfVclorfeff ? &gS; with ! Rhinocertno.' - - - Red Roman Chariot, Ben Him. Purple Roman Chariot,- Ben Hur. Decorated Automobiles and two Ringmasters. ' - -'; Open Cage, White and Blue, Snake Charmer and Den of Snkkes. ': Closed Cage, 5 Red and White, ;con taining Carolina Jerry Berry Buster Kineatus. Group' of -Clowns, Airship - Elks' Hayseed Band, on hay wagon. Float with side show freaks and wonders. Closed Cage;Ofen norold, con taining only Giraffe in captivity. Open Cage, 'Red, Gold andOrange, ' j. Up v to 3 ; o'clock . this afternoon re ports from, the; country at large are naturaytf meagre relative 0 tne pre- ciseV conditio - of things. Reports, Democratic majority will be rolled-up. being;: palled,, thraugnout tne country, an'41 that' the; 'South; is "safe for Bryan, jwhjie ttho$e States " classed as doubtful re stilt ncertaiDi;: Advices show that ttie r siljent vote : is going to count "i in pflwerfiil I manner; and t that , the labor unions are scratching) Taft. ' :: Reports so , far from Indiana, Ohio New York are most hopeful for State: ; New Hanover county is giving a big Democratic majority. 4 Reports rshpV; that certainly nine out or the' ten Democratic uongress: me'h ar'aafe.;Vi'Teoly'bhe;ln doubt is r Hackett. Vbut the chances ; are vin favor of his election. Hackett is gun ning well in Rowan county, which has a large vote. ose at 5:18 o'clock this afternoon reentllieNCbT 3-A ery lare .vote , is being polled in Pitt comity and the Detoocratic majority wtlFbcs :increasedfcbver ' twi dears'; aitd. Ityfe predicted ow that tie najority toCengreinan' Smairrthls county m not fairbelow twa thousand. NotSi-1 ing has been heard yet fronf tKe other counties of. the First : District, bUt Smairs majority will - be 'overwhelm ing;. "msm- Taft has made quite a gain for the Republican national ticket in New Hanover county. A number of former Democratic success. ' v - " .Will Lose Ground In Pennsylvania. H Plttsburgr Nov. 3.- It is thought the Roosevelt majority of five hundred Democrats voted' today for him, while thousand in Pennsylvania will be cut some Democrats would not vote to one hundred thousand. 1 j at all on thenati(fn&,l question. But tfit 4 1: .Vfm A.'JL'.'.'.ViVd .-....-." 1-.'.'Pi,.VW.vAV.,.V.,i.- 4 j.A ';iiJLvs iMiJfT ,V.x 4onr s , pbnf caltsiurros, Wild pro SBand Wagon No. 2, with King and Decorated Automobile, Concert An nouncer, Manager 'MirisTreTShdwV ' Float with Minstrel First'' Part and Concert People.: 'f-'L Decorated Truck. with Rubber Necks. Webb WI II be Returned. Charlotte NC .orr-tJnUsually large vote- polled throughout thVcoun-. ty during the? early; hours. Webb (Dem.) is tunning ahead of the ticket; There is little scratching, c Big Demo cratic majority. t : ' . ';' Landslide for Thoniaa. T 'Mount Olivei - N &, Nov.' 3. Mount Ojite wlU give a heavy: Democratic majority. ' Itaoois uidw as if Wayne county -will give 1,000 to 1,200 Demo cratic, majority; Cbngrefiaman' Thomas hate" his ' usual landslide in the Third District "V r K. ": - .Brooks ' Will. i6 Elected. - v Winston-Salem, N CL, NdV3. With warm, 'cloudy weather, a? heavy vote is being; polled in y Forsythe county i and probably eveheighths " of ; the ; 6,000 registered votes will ; be cast ; Candi date; Brooks (Dem.) f or Cbngres? will fall behind the ticket, , but will; carry the. district by jsatet majojrity ' Re publican are .'making,-slight - gains in the -county. ; - v . - ; hackett Apparently . safe. Salisbury, !N. C, Nov. 1 3. Rowan's ma jority will ' be approximately 700. Representative Hackett is Close to the head of the ticket.' -Reports from 4he counties in the districts are slow in coming. - -'--:; ' ' Crawford is - Safe. ; Asheville, N.1 C, Nov.1 3.-Satisfac-tory Democratic majority being rolled up; Crawford saferf or Congress: r Democrats Sweeping Guilford. Greensboro; N- C-.- Nov. 3. The heaviest vote in the history otthe city is Vbeing polled - andrTess- acratching than ever is known. 1 Brooks will be elected" by a handsome majority, as will .all county Democratic tieket FT Ft r - i ci Ates Your business and is not above asking you FRONT STREET, NET TO ORTON HOTEL.) Savuimsfis - OUR. NA f The Wilmington Mayings -and tTfust, Company, AUR LOCATION-.f10 North Front St rCrDDosite Orton Hotel.YvJf OUR v CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $2231489.4L- AaaetSSl4MWJMPlf . ; :;.3nf ;Caahiec;W . Jiu.iMOe, jxw&ivt v., : t : ',i?$nM m-y 1. will have fromir five - to- seven hundred LAX. -W ; 'AM;. V qCiHov. 3.-Qodwin Hi D 0'Cnnor.iWm..CaWer, H. Ghalbtu i ; Jrl 3v iS&Utf.j F: J RperHC;B( . .c ayior, jr. , .. . ,. . r OUR PROPOSITION Let us maka It to yon in person! s ! I CI?fl': off s- Malaga Grpe?, Big Pineapples, ' Fine Bananas, , Codfish Waffles, I lpjCcpits, idred and the-- county,ry ticket 'three to ! Burgaw, N. C.,,Nov. a.Al-ofeiocK4 iithW Kternoojt , the Republican-tote thougni the Democratic ticket; wilLwin, by alarge; majority. The Republican, however claim: it will, be reduced;. 500 frtom 800 last time. " Taft is getting V gobd -vote In Pender. At Piney '4"Woods Taft has made heavy.gains. : In Burgaw up to 2 o'clock aboirthalf the vote had been polled, and the Repub licans had about one-fifth ox this poll. Pender will 4 give Congressman Thom as "(Dent'.) good majority; Repub licans at WAHhS are voting for him. : Old: Robeson in Line. f v Lumbertoih ' N; fC, ; Nov; 3; Impos sible tb forecast the votev now. : Coun ty Chairman "says he has- no idea what the vote for:. Cbngressman wilt ber but the Democratic -vote will probably 5 be between? 3,500 rand' 3)00 ,nd tha Re- MMWMHMVVWWII ' I" I II .. I . - . I - . 1 .a.'rwv .'-: I4' .t-- -II . : I'll i a . . ;.,,,... ,., ,; . .. . . 1 -i;-- airffVpTiTr .Tina; , nui i id TTOo '-fiJlo DioxJ j)ub' feuiaT no CHEQUES, IN DENO.MI- NATION8 $10 UP, AVAIL ABLE E V E RYW HERE 3 : WITHOUT IDENTlVlCA- , TION AND NO RISK OF . LOSS. - 'S-- 50c For St &0.&6 ci .J ;i 8& HONJiaaAMSWALTON KITCHIN. orated Automowio no. 2. wit.. Democratic Nominee for Governor Who is Sweeping ad sil ' "lt : :m " i!-ir :-i i ;MZIMX-A :: -- ;.. '1 V ad:acmseen U. nM rfi . -oVi-i?w .flm - "l : Demratlc?,TOessa dWISS V"cee. ''. ' -! :J ' SHKinstbitaf5!f iN 'C. Nov.--Democrais s . rvtri.--.--. -f.;ifrf M'l-'seir',.!?."!? -- v -Vv-vS! ; r "": ' ; """ ' ''II..' . . 1 1 . . . iS -;i : i . to be rsafely from the xpuhty Kinston, j aire polling a big vote In Kinston. y !Gobd ;Newt From Durham. I Durham. N. l C.. Nov; 3. Large vote The Old North State Today. Decorated Automobile with Profes- eional Performers. - " :--v i . . . '. .. ' . : .: 1- - ft. un v.age oeiongmg iw jvuB 35.000 for Bryan iucKers Show, and Lions. : r v .... ,,v Afk ' Nov" 3 About Marnhln. Pnn,0, tirlK llVflo .rlrl r! v Uttle, Rockv Ark., OV. n Jin - Arkansas. v.uuy vi marenmg . w-ffl.; Missouri for .Bryan. P S f?;. " T i 'oriw r' St.lLouis, Nov. 3 -Missouri will give a J ttierwtt8UU,.auu BryaQ about. 40,Q00:m.ajority vse uage, Yellow and Qoio;, con- ;iButo ltt,um5 strange Willa-Baloo. . v Aa OMir,nrvan and Kern .,2 & Tucker'sreal elephantith -fefar, , . HO.000 beauty riding ame V , f5uiitfi Ohio. : ; Group of Clowns, burlesflue Qstrich, r r.h-.o early ster, etc; , . vt & Liifeef'teorevln King & Tucker's -Monkey vCage,i; of;tne drawn by ponies.; rW KS gbod majority ' iii the district tir..,.; nmACP9n Alert. Gbldsboro; N;? Cf-i Nov: 3 The full rurpie and Whitfl CloHftd race, conl "ir .v r ii;',..' oariv' vnte.. tainine tho ttv,. "Vt" T- Cincinnau, reyux,. - "tf...-"-' " uge and silver open cage, wnn H . Bryan SaVs Victory nve jueooard and Liions. . T4Aii Buckskin Ben's- Band ivmg & Tucker's Ponies and Char- UiifodenVhe said; rots led by boys in uniform. r v t 1 - l vKern ahd Fairbanks Vote Bryan- majority in? New Hanover - Will nmrfH sv Vote ! is v being - polled I be" large just the same. -However, he thr0Ue0ut the county and State, Con- win run Denma me maie ana whuh fgresslbnal and county ticKet win nave ticKeis. i ne vote. Demg uoubu , I a great majority. ' ' as heavy in this county as it., should 1 Reobrt From Sampson be, though it is much heavier ; than niintori' Hi C.V Nov.':3.-At two p. m. before. Yet on account of the former I a heavv Vote is being polled and !a Chairman Johh FUrlongTsent the fol j larger v vote y than usual; ts: expected i lowing, letter .to all . township and ii. rnhti ''Verv vliUle scratching. 2 county . caaawauss uu -e-eiuywftw, nougnt w MS : The vote toaay is turning, oui iamj raiong wit the county ticket;. , well, out unless: mere is acuyiiy uu - , --t - - me . pari oi au ueiuocraus iue i v Tne Cashf Grocery VStore. v I will not be ; as large as we expect, es-1 ; Mr1 ARigg, a clever young Wil- j J jicviau; , w iuv - uwvwmu. ; vv.; t j nunsrtoniani nasopeneu. mo voou j u. is me wMsui uii w .UCU'"MV. f frv mi tha linrtheast corner oi oey-i 4 QDtf- Every Sesccipteja .DONE BY- HSnsipaHclh Expert workmanship Quick Service. Reasonable Pric - A Trial Means- Always 1 Custprrte ...ititttllllllHMIMIIII'" - ...........IllMflMllt VVVVVVVWVVWWWWWWW.w. , fill: mm mm - .- A " . . . .1 : ' Kern Presi Decorated Atuomobllei Chier Tickets iaer and Second Concert Annduncfer. votea . about li -o'clock. Vice Presi Kojan's & Ebert's Band and Per- J Vnt Fairbanks who is a neighbor of lormers. n v.owboys on horse back, dogs in cage L paging to Buckskin Ben's Shows.! V Professional people from Vme side ows, Perarrs Band, Cages, etc., on trucks and wagons; hm'm Russian Prince Automobile. ? i Merchants' Floats,, wagons decorat- rtplhe .Human Black' Bird CaUiope, ' fwn y Pr mules.: VM w York Doubtful 'New Y0rkk, NoyV S-Early deports id? iStaf " indicate 3 anl unusually ibours it is iPossiWe to predict rf or either .ratt:CertilrtS of ;V)ctory New To .Noy.vi-froaldent Uoo- velt;and,cretg Executive Committee that every .can-1 ft, fl14k nraiiW streets. . occupying me BioTevrecenuy , uoo wjr , Tii o Wt 4nf!;ok -wfl i ' conduct didate on the . Democratic ticket ; for . thh tnnm used bv the Munds' county 'and township offices to spend siiortrftPiiitd v wflt Conduct JtTfirst theafternoon at the polls, and to jnake a special effort with 'regard ,tb the State and: national ticket. :;.;;..; ... Please1, sign note below and, return by boy, - indicating ' at . what polling place you will be present. t"--X'i i : vt r ; ' JNO;V J7 FURLONG , . Chairman Democratic Executive Com- :-vimittee( '":J ::i -y. ' Up to about 2 o'clock this afternoon about 1,800 votes had 'been5 cast Jiin Wilmington, which, is over five nun dred-more already than' - last f four years.9 All have )been rBryan)sive abbut2 50. The cbuntry ? is yetf to. be hear4 from; So the Democratic vote class business 'therel:; An" extensive line of erbcefies will : be carried, be- 5 ing - off ered : M-the lowest prfces 5 on I j account 6f Wsh, and a free and, quick delivery service will be maintamea. T"M"SSS!5 . . - - fin Collision With" Steamer and Ferry Washington, ; Nov. '."-The Jsteainer City Of Norfolk; from" Norfolk to Wash ington; cbliidedwitha ferry boat thrCB niiles below ntMa city iii the Potomac river tthis fnorning. -One,matt-is J re- iprtedVkilled and several' Injured, WUI e 9m .1 . ; SEE THE GAS -v.. COMPANY . i. " Ask to see the Junior; Welsbach Light Something N lawsugirasg if ' - (Continued nird9-e; runted Police. ."j i