volume; fourteen WILMINGTON, - N. C MONDAY, DECEMBER 7. 1908. PRICE FIVE; CEXITS 4 , 1- Con at tail But Last Hatf ?of J Sixtieth Session'; Starts; in. But There Will, be an Extra Pow. wow in MarchPresldent's Message Will Likely? beSent i n Tomorrows ? Washington; Pec.v"j7The: second session of the Sixtieth Congress con vened at riobn today, and will end Ik I arch fourth," followed - March the flf I teonth by extra-sessib'n. ,The Congress men have ; been 'coming in for two weeks. Many jnore .came today. ; But little business except routine will! be transacted today. . The? President's message is expected to be read to morrow. . : 7; : - .v-v COMMERCIAL CONGRESS Big Meetings Representing Southern '-"????? interests - Now 'On. ' f ' C Washington Dec. 7. The first: ses sion of the Southern Commercial - Con gress met, this morning; In the' New Willard Hotel, with Secretary Straus presiding. Fifteen states,, and' fifty two commercial ! bodies are ; represent ed. It is estimated 'that two "thousand delegates are present. The room where the meetings are held has. been appro priately decorated. -4uid '" in the . ante rooms are maps; bictures and southern exhibits. Thousands' of pamphlets have been printed regarding the com mercial, progress in; the? south and will be distributed. ? :;?:??x SMITH HEARING 'Tomorrow Has Been" Postponed by: eellfgerent , Forcef-?; , KalOigb, ; N. : Dec 7.Te;,heaTlng in the police cautft murder' case . was ; continued uhtil? jto- morrow.;? The;c his I hearing ;''nsentintO;let'th& police finish riber- bearing before? he takes a whack at? it. ; There Is -hope now that the unseemly. jrarigJiB yjrwen the coroner and the police authorities will cease.i.ifj t " v - h -' " 'I' ' iiiMlll. I , TAFT TO. TAR HEELS... , ,M On His Way to New ;Yofk to Deliver , Address Tonight. Hot Springs; Dec. 7, Mr. and Mrs. Taft left'Hbt Springs last night. Mrs. Taft stops in? Washington and? Mr. Taft goes to NewYorki' arriving there this afternoon. . He will be a guest, of honor at- the meeting off the North Carolina Society tonight where he -Will speak on "The Development of the South;" Mf: ana.Mrs: Taft go tor Au gusta next week. ;? ' ' , a - 'i'?? i --' Shows Great becreasei Xhis Comparison With Last ?Year Washington? Dec; 7.The newly seeded area of winter .wheat" is esti mated at,. 5.6 , per?t!eh1s; - less" than the (1 FI!!E .IC'ICE Elks' Lodge of Sorrow; Largely Attend- '?:'by tbu1sjG6ociari Delightful Music- Decoratfons BotK ail;4nir::jrii I :- The annual ,rLodge of , Sorrow," or yearly? Memorial' SerVrce ;6f -Wilmington JSTo: 632i -Benevolent and Protec tice iOrdery of Eiks asi hed? yefeter. day? afternoon at the Academy of Mu sic, at which, the Inrprebsion memorial ipiereAonial 1 of?thei rdeiCwaB carried out. The orator . for, the occasion : was Louis Goodman,' Esq.; a prominent and talentd -young member of : the Wil mington lirand 1 a most ? enthusiastic 4nd; c highly - hbhored .member'of the Orderof r Elks' The ? capacity of the first floor of the Academy .auditorium uhd the balcony also was taxed to ac commodate the Assemblage which gathered ? to? witnfess tthe- ceremonies; Thje decorations "for . the memorial service;-carried out.iinder the skilled di rection "of Mr;? Will Reader, were ef fective:and pretty; ir?thetextremei a striking" feature oft the . same being- a ftoral altar" erected' at th- centre- of the?stag'er 1- W-.., -1. ' The exercises - were, presided ' over by;ExaTtediilel the program ' was- opened with-a" fine selection rbymeHollpwbuh orchestra, fctflowed with?th1ehymn?Hbly; Father Thou' Hast Taught Me." ; Appropriate introductory remarks . were then made by .Exalted Ruler teitnef after which the" anthem "The ?Lord is My Shep herd" was rendered by a quartet, com posed of Miss, tucy Mclptosh, soprona ; Mrs. Jas. D. Smith, alto; Mr. W. L. WUliford tenor; and Mr3H K: Hold enbsiso?? 'y-'y . r The- memorial ceremonies as set forth in" the Htual of the order were .then carried out in most solemn and impressive manner? by: the memtors pt the lodge undeV the direction of the exalted ruleri A--touchingly beautiful feature of: thisi part of the service as the releasing of : a white dove from the' rearpf f the? flbralaltar ?af ter each name? of . th cr departed brothers had beetf fealledj MtfthrBetiinfes?by5 Secret tafy ?HaTrVy;"Griissweli; thelmmediate soaring; of ' thldoves at the moment of Mtsaifyfttgth souis'of the departed brothers to their eterhaif fiomes. ? Members'of the order who have passed ' away ?ahd in whose memory the service was arranged are: Messrs. F. V. Foster, R.: L. Gates, R. E. Zachary, E. P. . Bailey, J. H. Core, E. J. Bear F. H. Kluttz, L. T Aaron, j. M. "Wright L.??Leob, an Prayer was next offered by Rev. S. Mendelsohn, D... D., of the : Temple of Israel, after which Miss Lucy ' Mc intosh "delightfully rendered as a so piano sqIo, ?the. selection ?"Father of Light." 1 .: j-?;? :l -r. r : '"V In the absence from the city of Mr. W; F. Robertson, who was to. have in troduced the speaker? for the. occasion, the' orator, Louis Goodman; Esq was introduced 'by Rev. . James: Carmichael, D. D.; the beloved chaplain of the Or der of . Elks.-;! iir;Giiiisddresk was one. of 'titcCinosLIoquent -.. orations over? delivered in tho. city; upon a slm ilar occasion; and - his. remarks were of swlajr)fna couched intucb;"ealmvvw6r4s and innumer- I able apprpprla, : J jjustrations hathe enure assemDiage igiiowea eacn sun-. t en ce ot the brilliant young pratorRjwith will H1I11 iiililli IISelFpBlilii Finance Committee of the Board of Al? "dermen Held Meeting at the Clt ?HallaifeNpai ? Pirmr'SijbfrflttIng . Bids x Were, Pres- ? nirteeeng Meet Tonight to. Receive Committee Recommendation. - Much interest has been manifested during the past f ew 4ay s in the pro: rwrioarl sola' nf T'Ufln' AAA ' TUTlt- ninjgtpir water ? and ?: sewerage . bondsi the, disposition . of .which - .was' author ized '.oy tho voters of the city at : a spe lt cial? election .held ' one. year.? ago. Xvill Vbe - recalled that the bpnds were practicallysbi 'several- weeks ago to Seasohgbod &- Mayerpbf'Cinciilnatii Ohibbjitiicim it was decided 'td epndiaf e thi3 trans action anW to i; Advertise for 'new bids. I This firm did -not present a bid today. .. Announcements were placed in the leading " financial journals - throughout the country by City Clerk and Treas urer' John? J.; Fowler, representing the Finance Committee of the Board " pf Aldermen; calling for new bids for the bonds. . . ' - ?"r:?:.v. . '.,?! The meeting for the opening of the b'onds was heM today at noon in the mayor's office at, .the city hall. -The bids were in the possession of the city clerk and treasurer and -were read by Dr. C. P. Bolles, chairman of the! Finance Committee,- of the "Board of Aldermen. Thej werereaeri at; the Opening ?of the bids , thetwo remain ing members, of rthe i,Fiaane?eri Commits tee"; these; x beingAdtrieiiiMartln OBrien andJllis MayonvVSlMam SUPERIOH COURT 0ne Week Term Convened Today and Suit of -Taylor Ws; Thomas Now Be- ling4TrfieJ-A?lyorce ?fn e Rockingham f .The Superior ACoiirt convened this morning at Q o'clock, a one week session, ith- Judge C.:C.?Lyon presid ing, andthe term Is solely for the trial of ; civil ases.nj By" 'consent - the first case on - the -docket, that of JuUa Aus tin," et at vs. CJ DV Gore,' was passed Over : temporarily and: a 4i vorcei action, brought iby William Judge s!; Martha Judge was tried? !This only consumed Miout ?fif teen f minufes-howeverkt andla F decree, of i divorce -was panted; ? The next; caserwas;thafc of (J,:.1 Af -Taylor vs. ; A. ;P. Thomas, -beingJa suit for-an account, ? and :ft, took" the entire morn ing session to; get 4 jury;! ' Messrs.I : itountree;:& Carrr appears or the plain tiff and Hon.: John D. Bellamy for the defendant - Testimony in the case is -being taken ;thisi afternoon; ?The Aus tin vs. Gore case may be called next iftrledill cdrisumeteveral 7 A continnanfee was made this morri' ing in: the? case ol . Joseph? ojitiat? vs. Creveikng VanDyke? Compaiyn ? 5; - ? HisHonor. who : isia. hard AwOrker, i45idc4this morning; thattfiCfdail atssssiuu ui- -quurc;wiu- star: every mornw ing 1. 9 :30 o'clock? and vwill last uritif 1 1: 30, ; when a recess win .pg?tacen itil .3 o'clock. rr.i.: ; ,'. :- ; - -- a; Judge Lyon will likely today render his decision' in, the action- brought , by BL M. Sheppard againstthe Rocking tarn ? Power ?Company. and . others, wch?nyas?t heard at chambershere Saturday. . The court will hold with the? plaintiff so far. as continuing the injunction; : restraining.5 a ; re-organization, tby a: hearing, but will not order, the defendants to hold an election; ' or dissolve the voting' trust at this time. the?'docket for trial, to be called -asi fbther cases are. :"H'?'''?: - TTTt r if'" i A.- ' ' v ' as leateFs ?! ' .... Af'y - FOR 3: ' A. '-.'Jfe ' U;' r i'lA.-A:;Af!AV ''':;i B am -V- mm . :-... .'-v-I k i M olio :'l f5.:i:-Tr,"'-'i:r : f&rA:i?i'.' Lix : v : Ask the G&s Cbmpaii! : J? t - Statement of the Condition of the"?"' vi - : . v. x lit? vjuLiei:ii:an auonai tsanK f'-'i' ?;??"?;:fi r- 'A"'-:: ?;-;v ?.' '::'il?- wi vYummgxon, w. u., at tneclose Of Business November? 27th. 18dOSf. ? ? - Resoarcel! Loans' - aridj. Discounts1 uveraraTts .s. yv. ; . r 45.53 'Profitsnet. ; u. b. lionaa and premiums: 46.584.38 Circulation.. Keaemption undK s f c-; 2,8500 VDenbsits A '''.-.,v," Furniture and, Fixtures.."..- 4;580.49 1-S Hv?;-: -f;- - v ? ; Liabilities: '-Z v : 2$i9.88 ,. ' ;.v'. Cashi?? ,?vi 107,078.41 A.IA $369,782.19 W-. B. COOPE R, President. " : :- r.:.i-W rV;;. $369,782.19 Rpn- n fjiv non r-i-i.s.. '. : THOS. E. COOPER. : Cashier. . , ... . .m: , . ........ . .OW .... ' ... . ' , STATEMENT OF , .At the Bijou. ; - j. 4. u.c , icaiuic uiui at. mu . yupuiiii Bijoui theatreV today "is - called "The esteY: r?ThfsVpicture ' deals i with an of Auditand" Finance and president 44 4 &'4C&&4:- "' 4. of the Murchison National Bank, Vice i'iv ? i iiutii? aaiii ri " ' 541 President; 3.f QxM9mXiap ame j vinse pfS'J FO RW ASH IN &TO N bank, Mr. C. N. Evahs, cashier of the lo. '-itMlw ,M ?f -i?' -. Southern ? National,! BankQy Clerk f h "Mr. janles JHl Chkdbdurri, pres-: and Treasurer; ,- JolWii JRowler,t,tand l idnt-'idMh!-4 ' Nortraiiolitiii'Wk-:'- Iredell rMeares, ;EJipQ.h;f ,Ar terways Association leave to- 4 On account . of 4he k$en; riyalry ;be; -.4 night Ubi attend - the meeting of ; tween the bidders for the bonds 4here '4 the 'National Rivers and Harbors TliililmiiMoni (Condensed I from Report-to North Carolina Corporation Commission:) flf) ..-"'5 ,-t;.;i-,?s.-,y?- ,'.'' . ?.: : ; ' Resources. , . a ? ; ? Liabilities. Iasandi?dlscOunts:Ov.$L36390.6;Capiti Real JPnrniture revised estimated? area of 1907, inW eating aydecrease . of nearly two mil lion in acreage. ; The-condition Decem ber 1, is 5813, as' compared with 91.1 December 1,' last year. ' DEATH M YSTERYi . fif;M; Prominent Atlanta 1 Dentist "Found in a the; tSttreei.'?--r?;?,?;: Atlanta. Ga. Dec? 7. Glenn F. Robins, a. well known?dehtlstand?fa son of Rev. B? Robins, a promiiient minister, was found a'ead in the1 street this morning. A pistol Was lying near. It is not known whether it was suicide . or murder. -' - . .0- :j7:;:?. BRYAN IN TEXAS. And Will Go v Duck Hunting While ?:-" 'T here." ': i''AA-::v r&?k Austin Texas; . Drc. 7. William : J . Bryan . and wife Arrived here . this morning - and :afe guests of r Governor and Mrs. Campbell. They will remain two days and- will go from here tpl. Lake Surprise, near GAlveston, t6 hunt ducks. " . t CONSUL SLAYS HIMSELF. :; Swedish Representative Committed -1- in itself the fine?impressj6n the. speak ermadetipbn hi ajidlence.;: Mr. Good man took for his topic the; four car dinal principles of the Order of Elks Charity, Justice, Brotherly Love and Fidelity and he developed each topic in masterly and eloquent manner.- M". Goodman concluded his address with the recital of AViUlani; Clilleh Bryant's exquisite ; poeni ;,;"Thanatopsis," a tit erafy gem peculiarly fitting to the ser vice nd Jiis' rendition of the poem was marked with, expression - and feeling. In part Ve spoke as follows : ? ;. ? ?!T; thank my? good . friend ; for ?his most kind expressions and .would : that I i were able in some measure tp fulfill the prophecies contained r inrhls" most ' fellcttoira--. prei ? "I am here i to' make a simple talk Oratory 'runs counter 'to my abilities and even wereI ?to loquaciousc utter ance inclined' I would yet tfeel that the greatest degree of eloquence . can here be I best attained by the ' strictest ad herence" to thie principle of ' simplicity. For unaaornea a wun . wreaiu t ur gai- land, I speak to you of the cardinal principles of our order Charity, Jus tice. ' Brotherly Love and Fidelity: 1 impose upon your- patience neither in the role of savant nor?: sage. -' I trust that I may v not seem to endeavor to disclose to you far distant and unms covered - realism of tnougnt, ior wnat were present at the opening of the propositions today the following rep-, resentatives of large financial con cerns in various parts of the country: Mr, H. E; Weil, of jWeil, Roth & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio; Mr. T. M. Kerkhoff , ofMacDonald, McKoy Co., Chicago; Mr. G. D C. Hannahs, with N. W. Harriss; bankers, New JYork ; ? Mr.; J. G. Search, representing Trowbridge & Niver. Company of-Chicago; Mr; W. S. dlena or the Security Trust Company, of Spartanburg, Sj C. and Mr. : R; L? Forrest, of R. L. Forrest & Co., : of Philadelphia. ....;?. ' . h )ls4 yqev&. 4dclred. close at oh? by Dr-Bolles-andr -before the rious?vCpmOTni(OaJlib etnade: a: lucid 'explanation of the rer. cijuiremehta governing , the .proposed lkle of i (the i bonds in j order. ; that uthe JtjQss4b.ility k of i t any . misunderstanding Uita-egadff toj the same? might be re- $. Dr? i Bolles explained the : term "ac crued interest,'' requiring a written statement'irom each of the bidders to thCeffect that; they had alclear under standing of the expression as applied to the , present sale Of, the bonds. He also ' said, the : bids must not ' state any particular purpose to which "the money from the sale of the bonds is to oe applied, this feature to be entirely in the hands of the city authorities. The bids' were then opened and each .reviewed in detail the conditions sur founding the disposition of .the bonds, stating that the securities ,are to run for : forty-years, ? dating i from October 1, 1908, and continuing until Qctober The following bids were submitted: Security Trust Company; of " Spar tanburg, S. : Ci for $400,000 water and sewerage bonds in . denominationa. of $1,000 each, 41-2 . per cent bid, with accrued interest .. from - date,and an offer of .$5,480 , premium bond bianks Congress which begins Wednes-.Hfr 4 day. Others who will likely go .4 4 from here tomorrow Will be Mess.- 4 J. A. Taylor, D.?- L. Gore, R. AJ? Parsleyv Meares Harriss, CapLn 4 Thos. D. Meares and Capt. J.. W.' 4 Harper. , . v Mr. Chadbourn goes ahead to -4 attend a dinner tomorrow as the tguest of Congressman . Ransdell, president of tne Congress, " wnoi 4 will entertain the presidents andS 4 directors of the different State 4 organizations. . 4" 4 ; . , : - Jil!i'il-..M:l4t ; A S A A - A - A': At C I A-A Aiti d morning: St. Louisa Deci 7.--CA. Eckstromeri Swedish Consul at St.? Louis; and? fa-' I cam about to say is as old ; as time dent Roosevelt, , kied : - himself - this , md npbn thl tf ee?f :dfaUitherJagei their sentiments permeate inesireaius of all the ages Ouricreed v in its last analysis but contains the truths utter ed 'by the philosophers and sages 'of nil. history.: Charity,. Justice, Brother ly Love and Fidelity? form the f our tr" whlrh hinds us to our order. and it is to a .brfet exposition of tasse that I -would addressmyseu wua BANK CLOSED TODAY. National Exchange of - Springifield Fail - ' i ed : to? Open Doors.',;: Springfield, Mass., Dec 7. The Na tional Exchange Bank did not open its doors this morninc.: It was closed by the; Director Comptroller of Currency. iC! .I nooig ..Estate ; and?, fixtures m &&-:ihxfM:'- ; kv?C??i il? rtewJ fJftW?Lv: -.yrf., aahwlW?f?vWi . -'a . ,?H;i'7;'. -y' ? . rTJ;. liiojod i;rf;iT H. Walters; I Vice Presidehti?' '- v ismvnu r . 1 - i j.;. . vviuiams, Assistant cashier. Malaga Grapes, - : Big Pineapples, , Irge:Cbcoanutsi ? 7: ededKaisiri8i i':- - Gleaned Currants; : . Nice: Prunes r:.- ! - . Hotinet's ChHstmafiDpfayi'OJ if; i At Honnet's . old- irelfatrte : jewelryS store' it has always' ' beet? '.a policy tojp prepare1 -a?' rich stock earlyl inith'seai f son.V ' The' idea r of -early buTingllseeins to be1 this1 year?!a' fixed prinbiple,' i arid the crowds at this popular show .room1 have given good evidence-of Jthlf fattt. Mr. Honnet's T System of heavy purs- chases- direct -from? factory . have, re duced cost ? and .selling -prices' to a minimum and he . asks comparison with the various catalogues before any orders are sent away.; ; v v - It - m mmm a m . . m m tm m :m m m m mm. m m w a m -m mm mm m m m m. m '. j as . . 1 - , .- DEATH OF A LITTLE - ONE. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kenart AA't': .? ReturhVto'Hea'Wn???-.? ??'f ; : The many friends Of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kenan will learn with much re gret of the death of their-little, girl, Doree Kenan, which occurred at their home, ? comer , Ninth and :.a Princess streets, Sunday morning? at 5 : 45 o'clock. The ; little one: had been? ill for . weeks . with . continued f ever. It was believed ; she : would . recover until -Saturday night .when unforseen complications developed and in a few hours the little ones: was . relieved! of 'i ?M,AtWne Vlose of I'Bsine'ss'Novehifae ; : - ' , ; ;ti?ur ;-A'';:- ' IZSi. Liabilities: C lal&ndDiscdutiitsl.: : $2,57424.92 ckpftal l . 550,000.00 9 I ! h N:'- O. State vandt; ottier; ' ??"? ' ?: ?? Sufplusand Net Profits 298,134.69 ? ; JI? :" ?:'tnnrtfi "l?1' . '?lJ ' 1 RRh44.2fi Plrrnlatlon . . .? ' E50.000.00 AA t Bonds?;?-.: ;.?:. 188,044.25 Circulation : V.. S? Bonds: (at par).?" 550,000.60 U; S. B 550.000.00 Vf Account, fh 100,000.00 S I h i i?S802.66; 1,228,6988 f -ft:'' : jA'; (' C. - . .- .'.i" 1 'r- ';V:;' ...... . - i H. C. McQUEEN, .President. ? -J. V. G R Al N G E Rr Vice President. H J. WYATESVice President. ;; C.'S; GRAINGER.Caihler. ,HHM,OMM..,WWMW , . .... ....... :i AhchQyy Paste, iBaivle-duc, Swiss; Cheese il'lf-,ls- her suffering by the appearance of the to be furnished free, the :bonds to be;j Death Angel, which came and "claimed issued - subject to legal inspection and I this dear little one. She as a child approval; : , Trowbridge, Neber Co., 1 of . bright, V surray 'disposition andv was Person- Son? & Combanv. and Thos. J. Bolger ; & CO., of Chicago, tot $400,000 bonds, 4 1-2 interest . payable seml annually premium $7,05 with accrued Interest; 'blank bonds furnished ?free. Oh. 5 per cent bonds these' parties of fered $28,000 interest and, free blank's. N. W. Harris. & Co., of New York, ofitlssue of $400,000 bid; $103,3i8, with accrued ihterest,; subject to legal' con ditions and examinations.; ? v ;4: ? s McDonald McCoy? & Co.; of Chicago, offer for' $400,000 issue at 4 1-2 per cent, ; with premium - of $5,209r vfth f ree'blanks'MS 95??? 'iMMS . Forrest, & Co., of Philadelphia, issue :oi4O0,oboat?l at S102.679A ' . - ' v ' loved by all who knew; her. Doree was 3 years, 7 , months . and ; 29 .. days, old. The?funerai serviceswili be heij from .the family 1-residence this afternoon at 3 : 30 o'clock, conducted by .-Rev. Fred -D. Hale- i&jAS s. I'J. snniDEno. - r - - - 71 J. "H. Rehder & Co. .will In a few days . open, a Branch Store for. Fire works and Toys in? the-Bonitz Hotel. The date of' opening will be? announc ed later? . -. : a ( v ,v , a'?.,: ' -rlt:- tS.'STS cST.ril0H? -V (centlnu.d. on Fifth Pa8e.) -.(Co..u.d on Third U .Buy i ? your; Clothing V Furnishings Goods and Neckwear from J. M. Solky 'itl-jCoh andtiyou "will I not be deceived you'bnly . pay the right price and get the. best oualitv for -your .moneyi See tf 't AA -kVAA;- A 1 I vvl''i'"l.':':.'o-v"'i'" ; i'Ay y' aa aa -A'-. j..:;- .;. V i...;. . " ?"?'''', w 4? i v?-: v 5p?'';' 4? 1 ""''? ' ; ' ' '' '"'V ' fAi':'A: ..-;-fV,.vi-i,,,'?i::j-y'iir. ;y-;. -.-vVs'V, '.-A. A?'" " j A 'V t- f - i': . - "' i AiArA'ot'i,Ai Af:-- :t t-j:r'A' s--.-A'''':'- '..-'.' :-A AA,j A;'Pi : :,J-t':s.A' A'AX V'-v.'J i .'"' -1 1 ti i,'i.i 'A " ' ' ' .1 " ' ' " m u " ' . , " -..-'V ' " ' j . A" ' : ' ' "..,-

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