". . -' v . ; ' , ...... ;- .., i - - -: ' ' ' VOLUAIE i FOURTEEN WILMINGTON,- N. ;C.,i,TUESDAYt DECEMiBER 15T 1908. price five ci::. warn Fancy Groceries , . ; - . - -4.:.; t . .1., n,m 1 "v . , ' 1,.. i CHILD FlilLYBKD fZi373ZCr ' Sends Rod Hot to Congress Today Th .Panama Canal Deaf His Subject and He'Lets 'Er Rip"Goes' For 'Edi tor, of New York. World and Wants Him Indicted For .LIbelA"ttoiney" General Now Considering This. : . vWashington,- Dec;. 15. TbePresI dent sent a special ''message to Con gress today on the . Panama Canal . deal; He says 'the stories of crooked dealing are scurrilous and; libelous in character." He ; arraigns Mh Pulitzer, editor of- The World. He says he. should be ''sued for; libel by the Goy emmeiTtj 'that his attack is not alone upon individuals but upon the' Ameri can people, and it is a highnatlonal duty to bring him to justice; : that the Attorney General has under, considera tion,' the form iinder which an" indict ment against Mr. ' Pulitzer shall be brought. With . the .message he sub mits the papers in the canal matter. . MRS. W. E.JNNIS Saw Her Husband's Murderer Today For; the First Tim .Since the Trag ' edy.": ": - ' ..; New - York; Dec, 15. Mrs.rWilliam E. Annis saw T. Jenkins Hains today for the first time since the murder, of her husband. She saw him as' he was taken into the cotirt room but made no comment. She will undoubtedly be called as a .witness. The work of "se lecting the jury goer oa, the seventh having been secured up to , twelve o'clock: .' ARRESTEprf OR FORGERY Used Names; of ; Employers on Checks i- Chi6agQi',.pec.". 15.r-rEdward . E., Per1- 'gating ten thousand dollars, : The ae1 ployers. , - q""jj Miiluu.0 FbRM COMPACT. TO DIE 60 Three "Turned On the Gas" this Morning. ; Chicago, Dec. 1 5. Three people formed a death compact here lasjLnight and early toda turned on the gas. One is dead and two are dying. , The people were out of wprk and despond ent. The policeman who entered the house is suffering from temporary asphyxiation. DUTCH CRUISERS Captured a Vessel Off Venezuelan Coast Today. The Hague, Dec. 15. Dutch men of -war are patrolling the Venezuelan coast and have captured another slfip known as "23 Mayo." It was a coast ing, police boat 'and was conveyed to Curocoa harbor today. As Jn case the Alexis the Captain protested his ship was a merchantman. ' ' Committee v Appointed by. the Minis-J terlal Association After Making Can Investigation, ' Report That They - - -,- -. - Cannot Countenance the Institution -as V t is -Now Conducted- Reasons . Advanced for the Positions of the , Ministers Committee. ' ' - v ' s -, T - . " , ' The following communication "from a committee of ministers appointed by the Ministerial Assocition . of this city: several months ago. will be read with, interest by the public .on ac-J count of the fact that frequent appeals have been made to the citizens' 'of tW jit mington jor financial and other forms of aid in support of the project: "Sometime ago an apparently inde pendent and imauthorized rescue work was'-begun InrWilmington; atid-the 'cit izens were' called' upon: for support. '"This, enterprise, with varying vf or, 1 iuug, uw tuuuuueu iu luo y resent; and -appeals are, constantly Vm.ad. to ri:I(nol Colild rarmer m iriaii Charged With Violation of the; Internal "i -, t - , . ' , ' - -L- "Revenue Laws "nd Case"". Hard Fb u g h t-J SVy ' Ad je ujws d q1p.6 inner . ; and Will .Get Further, Instructions One" Of the Fayetteviller "Blind Ti gers" Cases TrfedV " " v V-' ' Two. highly interesting cases were tried in the United States'' JDistfict Court today xand both came f from Cum- the people'- of the city for its uiain-) berland county. ' One was the. outcome lenance. r-i.NiTv. Ji.i.i1 . ii .I'l-.i.ti': -i. i7,Muo-uuuisiei' ui me city leu mucu interest , Irt this undertaking, because any-v rescue work appeals , to them strongly ; r and - they . are I very desirous ot furthering any worthy efforts to this great' end. " - "w - t f'But i in - view of . reports circulated from time i to time and' from a sen&e Of -great difficulty and delicacy of such a workj a committee was appointed (by thor Pastors' Association to look intd the Rescue Home and make reports. ' . "The committee, after ' conference with.the maypr And chief . of police, visited the' Home" and made such in vestigation as was possible under the circumstances ; and reported . back to the i association the results of v the ' in vestigation. ;' ; : ;' ' , vThe "committee was convinced that the ork was :not wisely managed, however; honest the intention; . In addition' to the. inmates, some of whom were veryevidently using the Homfe as j a : temporary convenience, we found :that. children were being placed in.the same Home, surrounded by what . could only be considered most unwholesome environment, that must prov hurtful to youthful minds f a ""blind 'tjger" hunt, and the other was that of a well known white farm er? and marriedTiian; John i?. ;Smith The -jury took-the Vase about 12 s 20 o'clock, but at 2:45 o'clock sent back a' request for further instructions. The Jurors were ' then: allowed to go to- dinr ner;v;jwlth directions . to report back .for1 the instructions desired rat 3:30 o'clock Ttienf they will further con sider the case, ' ' ' :"; V Just before court ad journedj . for the day yesterday afternoon a case of re tailing without a license waj 'taken up against Dave White, a middle aged darky from Cumberland county. - This morning, trial of the case was resum ed. It was of decidedly more than.t)rdi nary interest as the three South'CarO' lina detectives,; Stanley, Morris ' and Huggins, who trapped .and made ;sq many arrests of alleged "blind .tigers" in Cumberland county a short;: while ago, and . which raised quite a.;i sensa tional stir in Fayetteville, Jtasf th three witnesses against th negro. They swore that it had been usually the practice to getvome onJtobuy whiskey; from the - "blind tigerand then indict"yihetn This :manner; of making v a person violate the law'4jiid We haveUearned more recently, on Kthiif aTrestmtd!& efficient 'authofibv; tho-Jfome is making a canvass of the inadeibiit-'at-.tlindTpf'i testimony ; -5 - t- ed witti jorng-wentyjCflrecKs,' a&gre-f fiofiitot come? tolthe Home many of t not guilty returned ana tne negro was. whom are "manifestly making oft it a 1 discharged, the court advising ;him to convenience, as. they pay board whUe;o ,,haX to FayettevHle andl go iO there and usually a fee of eight dollars j worjr. ., .( .,; , ( ,u'j for o'care: This y seems to be a very questionable feature of the work and we -strongly condemn it. trVVe are unable tolliscover that any reputable or responsible organization is behind the work; and the official heads of the institution are affiliated with the leaders of a seemingly fanati cal set, while claiming membership, in the Methodist Church, which in no. way endorses them. "In the judgment of the committee, which, has the endorsement of the Pas tors' Association, the work as at pres ent conducted is hot only unwise but dangerous; and until properly organ ized and administered in responsible Master, Robert Craig, the Three Year . Old e Son of Mr "and" Mrs, Wm'.VG. Craig;, Was the Victim of la 'Horrible ' ccldent 1 This MorningLiltie : Fel Jows.n' ight Gown Xaught Fire From f a, Stove H is Recovery Deemed an r Impossibility. ' ' ; -As 4be result of a most' distressing occurrence": this morning, Master Rob ert Craig; the four-year-old 'son - of Mr. and Mrs, WilliamrF. Craig, was prob ably fatally burned at the residence of his parents, 924 orthFourth street. The child received burns of . such a nature on the "entire surface of his body thattrecovery for the little fellow is deemed an Impossibility. tThe circumstances surrounding, the sad affair "are of a most; distressing nature. - A- few minutes after 7 oclock this rooming Mr. Craig left his home for his work and before doing so,, he kindled a fire in a stove in one of the rooms ot his ; residence; : . The boy ac companied his, father down stairs andj after Mr. : Craig departed the child looked 'to see how the .fire was pro gressing. The little fellow wa clad In his night gown only and whjen fie opened the stove door Titl in piece5 of .wood .th iaatole v my terial of which - his ; gown . was cotoa-! posed immediately SpJlg . The clifld ' ran scre'aTfefng- up the stairs and when his mother got to him flames enveloped. -his entire body. Mrs. Craig immediately suppressed the flames and neighbors were hastily called in. v ' A physician was summoned . to at tend the injuries of the chHd who suf fered most excruciating pain. . Dr. J. T Schonwald was the .first physician -to reach the residence, and he applied temporary remedies to relieve the ex treme agony which the ctyld was un dergoing from his burns."-Dr. Schbn- wald then made : an 'examination and i f he stated he did not think there' was the slightest chance for the child 'to survive the effects of the injuries re ceived in sueh terrible and unexpected- manneri.; eft? $ Vj Mh nd TMrs Craig will have the sia cr5 sympathy of their friends in the pity4.because r,of ? this sad accident Vo tneir child and everyone will hope that the litUe4 fellow, may be ; able, to ur Vijiiiihou ;the chancfelofhls at the Arichovy Pate, Baj?-le-duc, Swiss Cheese, Sap-Sagdt Crystalized Fruits.; h ( ? Phones 108-109 flu-:'!.- nnninr-nn i - 4: '. r i 'fill1;:' leaieFs FOR Bed Koom Bath Room fry Ask the Gas, Company j Statemeht'jof the . Condition of the (the youngest and rmost progressive ' In Of Wilmington, i N. C, at the close : of Business November 27th189ci the' city.;:: CLEAR STATEMENT Issued Today by Maiiager C J. Cooper, of Southern Life Insurance Co. Special to The Dispatch. v ' Fayetteville; 'N. C.. Dec. 15. A statement was issued today by' Gen eral Manager C. J. Cooper, of the Southern Life Insurance Company in regard to the sale of $il5,000 Treasury stock, and $35,000 of individual stock to the Seminole Securities Co. This statement contains about 2,000 words phqdfendaritfwas; re"pesentediby j;i;W,oltpn Esq : I :; Theccase ..:ftgainsv jJohniH L.f Snatth wa3 a ; hard ? bought que and was ofct much interest. The- bill of in- dictment contained a number of counts, being retailing without a li cense, concealing spirits and rectify ing. The defendant, a large, healthy looking person, of probably forty-three years, was in. court with his counsel, Hon. John D. Bellamy, of this city. Revenue Officers Downing, Poole and Holland testified to having search ed Smith's house, near Hope Mills, Cumberland county, and of having I found thirty odd gallons of corn whis- manner, does not merit the support of key, which was in jugs,, save for four gallons .and) a half in a barrel. They (testified. , finding over a score of enipfcyy jugs,: ;,;empty,.:. barrels, ; funnels, poloring-niatitertetcrbut no still; that While-; they t were thjefe a negro- man r.qyup Jnva buggy, having an empty ,i?ju&.fwithr him, and .his intention : was evidently' to purchase, whiskey. Smith, 4bey further testified, -had told them that the whiskey, did not belong .to him, but did nojt . , tell who owned it; and , that part of the whiskey was in Wf;- -;i 'AtifHe closed Jlsstft8 recovery may. the people here. And we further sug gest that he mayor- take the matter! under consideration, as fV being flpps-, sible .menaee to our community byt the, introduction of an undesoribablet&Lass of I of .wtfmeiiMiitto our compjiy., tethf er with, their sinful ioffsprh?gs,'j wit lM jf i U Committee ; pft)i Mierfi , i: i ivft'l At the Bijou. The feature filh! at the popular Bijou ! 1 theife' today ; is called "How Mabel Found alHusband," and "Caught With the G6ods Both pictures are vdrV attractive and will please every one. : -!": ' ' $50 REWARD " aoO.ii iffered for the Conviction of Personal rnrowmg wans ana uiass on- we - City and County Roads. The' attention of the public is called to the advertisement of Mr. Frank Herbst, agent for the Maxwell auto mobiles, in which he offers a reward of $50 for information sufficient to con vict any one of placing glass, nails, etc., on the public :z highways of the city and county, contrary to the ordi- PUBLIC ABATTOIR Was Considered at a TVteeting of the County Health Board Yesterday Af - ternoon. A special called - meeting jof the County Board of Health was held yes terday afternoon at the county court house, at which the question of a pub lic slaughter house, or abattoir was given clareful consideration, following complaints which have recently been made with regard to the slaughter and cafe- of 'battle!' jTir&,3liitef est manifest ed ' in thitiesUbtilswM!cleaVly snti'wii in - the attehdatie' Up6ri ttte 'metthg and the7 careful 'and I paistakitfgfia?& cussion which' ' attend IhW bohsld'fiP tioii: of the" . matted t'ttt was finaify'! cided to adoptt'rniesj and'J'rtegttlktlohs providing ; f Or' r ' immediate temporary benefit, and such -regulations were (3icA ommende4 to the5 'Sanitary Board of the county, in conhecteonwith the an the bath-room of .the house and part inlpointmeflt of a committee, to discuss the smokehouse, the latter being in the barrel and covered 'over with a dry-goods box. " . , The accused testified in his own be half and admitted having the whiskey, but said that' it was for his own, pri vate use ; that he had purchased most of it during November and December of last year , at :Wadesboro, gettingi.it and eives hetween the' two companies and their- Tepresentatives. It is very gratifying to Payettevillians tcn seo, ..that .the Southern Life is no way implicated with the fraud if - any. has been done. The j3xhibitsv show ' everything com plete,! and an accurate statement of all transactions. : It is well gotten up. and shows .the ability of general Manager Cooper in the discharge of his duty In , this big deak " Resources: " - r Liabilities: Loans and Discounts . . . , $208,543.38 Capital Stock .... ... Overdrafts.! .. .. V 45.53 Proflts-net. . .. ,v . U. b. Bonds and .premiums. 46.C84.38 Circulation. . Redemption Fund.. .. ... 2,850.00 Deposits.. .. Furniture and Fixtures. .. - 4,580.49 Cash.. 1D7.0-7S.4l' .r.f f.'-.V 1. '-. .;$i)o3oo.c .. , 2,649.1 45,0O0.C 222,132.: r $309,782.1 . . " $369,782.19 . . W. B. COOPER President.' ' GEO. 6. GAYLORD, Vice President. vTHOS. E, COdPEK; Cashier. TATmkk OF. l'V:ajt 9U y.iyoWi tH .(CondensedrromiReport to NorthCaroKna-Corporation : CommissIoii.V Liabilities. . Resources.. ? . Lbans and discounts.'. . . . $1,363,390.68 Capital . . First mortgage bonds .... 1,500.00 Undivided Real Estate . 45,000.00 Deposits Furniture and fixtures 1.00 Cash and due from banks. 137,141.69 ... ....$ 100,0Q0.C Profits V. .138,162.: l,308,S:i.l $1,547,033.37 .:" y.r'- V":' .? $1,547,033. J. V, Norwood President. H. Waiters, vice President. C. E; Taylor, Jr., Cashier. J. L. Williams, Assistant Cashier. the matter with that organization. JUDGEIONES Is Determined to Have a Square Jury in Rankin Murder Trial.. . TTninn Citv. Dec. 15. Judge k Jones this morning handed the names of 300 ; BRILLIANT. EVENT TONIGHT Eminent Actori James K. Hackett, Will 71 Appear at the Academy. ; ; Tonight the Academy offers its star attraction in Mr. James K. Hackett in "The Prisoner of Zenda." Travelling on their own private cars, with a bia law - It is proposed to prosecute to1 Prohibition and because, he wanted to sixty-foot . scenic car also, the New this afternoon. Since then big scenic wagons have been hauling huge stage mountings, to the Academy. An extra force of stage hands had to be-employed and has been busily at . work since. The appearance of the distin guished actor marks a notable event and a packed house should greet him. In case the balcony, which-is small, automobiles have encountered much and barrels, coloring matter, etc trouble recently through malicious per sons throwing glass'and nails on the roads, those convicted of such practi ces will ' be made j to suffer for- their work. , ' - A SWELL biLL AnotherGood Offering at the Crystal Palace-and' the .Turkey ; Feature. The present week's ; offering at the Crystal Palace is indeed a delightful anA Mrow flflnflrttv houses vester- . lUV V V , . vmrmxr . . I All the acts are good, while,, the ,.ii.,..L.,...,.i.,.....,..-..',...,t..;, Malaga Grapes, I Big Pineapples; Large Cocoanuts, Fine Bananas, Ixose Buckwheat, i; , . Codfish Waffleot : Seecled kaisiiis, ; - ' ; Cleaned Currants, . " .: Nice. Prunes. r ' MIMMIMIIH cltlns tp a score' of deputy snen .aay. ---r, "r ed and testified, that Smith's charac auiuuan iuuw,yl wrfofHnir.wMflfcPv Mr 1 on h anrl ias . h , conducted a . vinevard. making about 2,000 gallons of wine a year; that he owned several planta tions in Cumberland. " t The defense then introduced an ex saloon keeper of Wadesboro who testi fied that he had made. a numberLof wiiinot accommodate, those who go. sales of four and five gallons, of whis key to the defendant! Capt. James D. McNeill and Capt. Robinson, hi Cum berland county, were introduced " and testified to the excellent character' of the accused. , lt- Revenue Officer DownIngvwas recall- veniremen tc appear in Wt at once,,are delightful. Much interest is be ng IthirSeJu?? might be selected to!shqwn-in .the turkey, feature 'which try the men accused of murder of Cap- means that three turkeys will be given tain Itafcta Within a 'few minutes, away Friday' night, and persons,, who aD any of the performances this nit; uejjuij' Bucnuo - ter i was bad for retailing - whiskey. Mr. Bellamy -then brought out- the fact that the 'officer, had once killed a man, on "rush seats," why the gallery, which has been thoroughly cleaned, 'Wili be opened for them.'1 'i he number of "rush seats" in the balcony is limited; Dick Hand Indicted, , -. . V Dick - Hand was Indicted today by A. HiPait, Esa.,j charged, with the concealment of $28.50, alleged to be the property of E. Mallen. The war; rant was sworn out before Justice G I - STATEMENT CONDITION , THE mVRCHiSON NATIONAL BAMT : OF .WILMINGTON, N. C. ; At the close of Bsiness November 27, 1898 "'( Resources: , . v Liabilities: ' ' " r Loans and Discounts ; $2,571,534.92 Capital w. . N. - C. State and other . . ;, L r Surplus and Net Profits ' Bonds .. .. .. .. 188,044.25 Circulation .. . . . TJ." S. Bonds (at - par) . . 550,000.00 U AS-v Bond Account. . 'Bank Buildings. .Cash .. .. .. . 55,000.00 Deposits. . 1,228,698.18 - 550,000.03 298.134.C3 550,000.03 100.000.C3 3,098,1013 - $4,596,237.35 ' $496,237.23 H. C. McQU EE N President. 1 J. V. GRAI NGE Rf-VIc President J. W. YATES, Vice President: - C. 8. GRAINGER, Cashier. oarts of the cotjnty to serve, the sum mons; Judge' Jones' decision to -pre--nnro h own ivenlre Is a victory for ho'tfit thP Vle.fense having objected week and ; may not: be present Friday night will haVe" a chance, - r"r The bride of every lady is her toilet. ine brate uie aKl , oiedings ' Victor-E Zoeller & Co. have just re to anything but ordinary jP'WiV a ne ..lot of Manicure and .which gives the, snerinpuvyei .i . -t- wni Tinhablv take I O, :yCUIlC,;;v.'.n".,J"-"-W . ... .... L. - jt.H. j riTot. to se-1 ceived a -new JOtULI, IJ1 UOU BUU ; u-4 . y- ..all the week to select a jury. but the ofiicer . testified that it was in , -w. Bbrnemann. Hand ; gave , bond ih the discharge of his-duty ana in sell-1 the sum ofv$100, with 'his attorney, defense. . He was acquitted by ; jury. l, V. Grady, Esq.', as ; surety for hls r . Counsel ; for the- defense asked that I appearance. the case not.be allowed to go to the jury, Tmt His": Honor deemed the : evi dence sufficient for that. - Mr. Bellamy then argued for. the defense and Dis trict Attorney. Skinner for the ? Gov- - Continued on ;Third Page.) Victor E. Zoeller & Co. have just opened up-a handsome line of Silver and Gold Mounted Umbrellas, Sterling Bags and v.. Purses and .other suitable hovelties for Christmas favors. -. ; It . .. I 4 ' flOate-. Spaed McSqEq .1 V

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