' - VOLUME FOURTEEN 1 -4 : : WILMINGTON,: N.7 C.r SATURDAY,- DECEMBER 19, 1900. vPRICE FIVE CENTS v; mi lift mmm liiiiii SLAYS Hi! f J 6 w H Today -y& John C. Lumsden, the Slayer,; Well Known in Wifmington and Had Befcn Connected With the HojlowbuWoN c h est ra JH ere -BrokerTOwed Lu iris den M on'ey T-an d ' Shooting-Occurred in thVlmerVbfae New York, Dec. 19. Shortly before 1 0 o 'clock ; this morning Harry, B. Syd ham, a curb broker, with offices at Nol 19 Broad street, was shot while about to leave; the Ibuilding, -Sydham'.was wounded . in the stomach and it is fear ed fatally. TheJ assailant was i cajh tured. vSydham 1 lives" ati, piainflpi N. J.,ahd the man ho did? the shbotv ing is ; an inventor . named Lumsden. The motive'tor- the shooting1 is a mys- tery: .'.yMy ':M:-M -::-Ky.yy Lumsden has made a statement jbjijm ing that . Sydham" ; owed him money,' He went to;see Sj'dh&mand two other men attacked him. 'He .shot to defend himself, but had no ridea of shooting when he went into tje 'office v:; :; Lumsden a .Raleigh Man. ,4 Raleigh; N. C.. 'Dec. v 19. John C, Lumsden, the niah who shot. the New York curb brblcer. Is , f romj Jlaleigh. His parents fintf several uncles - live h&re. He has been away' from Raleigh about six years.- Wwas marriedt his wife being a Mlssv " 'vr of South Carolina. He was at one tnneTa mem ber of the First Regiment Band. lie was popular here, ahd was ; rather quiet; in no .sense rquarlsome'vaiid friends here are unaeHo2a(kmnt;.;f the tragedy of this. mqrnHe 1 Uv in Birmingham' : five' . years.1; before ' go s ins to. New YqrXiifiXfri . N v 'iii-v- iff JfttAjv: tW vj-- ; John s Iuinmleit ,T,was weli l town here and-Jived la- Wjlmineton for som4 bush orel hfrftcsrvieyeralYears. : " .0 i1 MO' STARTLING EXPOoU I Mrsi Anrus toi ResumeStand and Said J .to - W ave a K Sensational j-etteri p; New- -York, jbX4U7j'M' Annis will . be recalled" to the- stand when the.Hains' trial is resumed Mon: clay, The widow of the murdered man has now loomed-up" as the strongest witness for the prosecution. She is said to have a letter written by T. Jenkins Hains . to her husband, which is both a warning and a threat.- She is expected to go back to the; time of the conception of the tragedy and may tell the whole story of the dissipation and intrigues at Fort Hamilton, which led up to the murder. It is said that more than one high official in the army will be exposed if this story comes to light. If Mrs. ; Annis has uch a letter it will go . hard . wih Hains, ' butThard also wlthutbe others who took part in the orgies at' Fort Hamilton. , ..' ' --' ,. 1 . ' CARS TO THE BEACH Tomorrow cars -to the. beach every half hour In the afternoon. i - Stocks Today. t New York,; Dec. 19, Prices" changes at the opening of the stock market arid were very irregular sorae of th& Ac tive speculative 'issues . showing" frac tional , advance's at the start, while a few important railroad shares opened with the same amount; of declines: There was less Interest in trade in ttie American smelting, but ft showed bet ter tone" on the first transaction. - The market generally was steady -at ; the end of fifteen minutes;- . v y 1 i t ft The Cotton Market. .; ; . , New York, Dec; ;i9Busiriess; in cot ton was active and prices ' firmer, at an advance of two to four -points Open ing, December, 8.90; ; January, c ; 85; March, 8.C3; May; 8.70:: ;'-; ' The Grain Market, f v -Chicago, Dec. 19 Wheat was easy, prices off 3-4 to 7-8. Opening, wheat. May, 105 5-8 ; cornV Majr. OO; oats; May, bu 5-8; , pork,. May, id.au. CHRISTMAS ENTE RTAI N M E NT . Will be Given at Middle Sound Advent There will be any-entertainment and rhriatmaa ftr00 the -Advent ChrisH .u.r. JiA Cv,,tw1 TXfonAs- day nighty December 30th The affair J:.: :. .,,,,... the "in ue kivcu uiiuci mc ouok'vv - Sunday School, but anyyone';wishing to put presents on -s the tree f or i the fHpnds; mav do SO The exercises will begin' at -, 7 p. m. 'Ad mission wrlll.4)e free arid 'the public is cordially invited CARS TO THE'BEACH Tomorrow cars to the beach cyery half hour In the afternoon. C TIdewate.Pqwelr ; Company Secures : Victory In a $10,000 Damage Case in 5Samiort?ContyoU jrtesse9jWent ;Frorti ' HereJ'tQ---thisyim- portant Tflal. i The; Tidewater"' Power" Company, of Ihis city, K came ; out i victorioua . this week in a big damage suit tried in Clinton. Counsel, and witnesses fron Here have just returned from the, trial, which was - an t ImportanJ; Tone and , in volved $10,000 alleged daipages. I The accident f which it - was alleged odcui red in this city and oif account of the negligenbe . of the - defendant company, dates back ?to;ApriI6, 1906. Almost at midnight of that :day C. P. MtsMll Jiatt,r. of.i Sampson, county, . was a pasr senger on one of :the -cityv line trolley cars and . alighted while the , car i Was on Fourth . street, between Swannand Nlxoh , He. fell and Internally -injured himself; heclaimed, and charged that it: was due to' 'i negligence of em-! pldyes ot :tbe company In7 starting the car . too j sqop. . Tie - company investi gated ftteattrptf bnce placing; thq inquiry InUhei hands' of :Capt.itW; Fi CorbetC and ; ;f Qund that ' their r men . w:n$ 'laiiDtef Stwheii Milliai intithtyed sui Wni'Sampsbh county, for, $20000 the company v pre paredito: flgbt'thfci ?case. - Capt Corbett wof d-up; ; - the X. evidence! . in f?mash teriy r, manner, and Mr. Thos. Davis, Esq.vjof counsel for the com pany, was ; assigned to ' the;case.v. So when j the trial was held this; week in Clthton the" Tidewater Company dealt the prosecution . a knock-out blow At the end of the. plaintiff's testimony counsel ;for the . company" made a mo1 tion to non suit the plaintifT, and the court : allowed : the ; motion, as v the plaintiff had failed to show ;negll gen ce, had - not -proven that ie was injured and was not certain as to the time and other details - of the accident; ' So "a big , victory was secured in he case by the'Tidevater : Power Company; the ca&e heinj; virtually thrown v out of court; rlt j'Xt';" :yp Thosef 'rqm ' here who Ettended the .trial were ;Thos. -W. pavis, Esq., who ana conductors rA. J. Flowers and :u. VyoMAKING UP T44l 1.1 ST Delinquent Tax Payers ' Now Run the- Risk of Having to paytne' costs. The sheriff isnow, according to the direction of the law, making up the ad vertising list of property upon which taxes have not been fpaid.: This list will be made public by January 1st, so it" behooves those who; do not want their names to appear - on the list , and who i do not vwarit to pay - cost in the matter to come across with the "long green within the next week. ACADEMY NEXT WEEK. Popular Price Engagement Will Com i -All " next week.- the Academy will nanaiea , inft,aeren8e id vorituani man- !,, "'mw;f : wioftv'i'-r Wat-d-i uiaueitan .exawjaanoa 01. . jucaiiuiau made hundreds of offer a fine popular price attraction . in4 practiced lAWMfirst iariWilmingtpn; He Teengagementtof iJembres: Coui- mm iapBatedjtateibrarianin 1872. edy Company, ve opening bill Mori-' afttwasiiriirepresenjtaUve; and.. Senator foyi iilghilf 'dU the latest sueces ifcfflTO Wanft a, jlTnited' States ;Com "The Miner's Daughter," and betweei "Hsionerory several years. . f lie was acts will beeleld a cle specialties. "- ;r;y ' y :: '. Ladies will be -accorded the- free courtesy Momiay night and tsliPortemoutVo,;. Mrs xMcKee and are now oh sale ' at Plummers. f I MET WITJH DISASTE R. Hole Stove Jn6tvtrrinient:n.Tug and ' She ; Had-to bej; Beached. Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock ithe (vernmenttuiCntliia work down the river' met with a disaster, which ,now causes , her to.Jae on ; the waysy The tag ran (against her anchor arid : a hole was knocked into her. She Commenced lHa fill ?wlihf wafer and the crew beachedr her This morning she was I nulledl offiarid towed to the city, where she Is now-on thetwJiys. The accident happened 'in the vicinity of Big Island,, ? -. . . f ; SPECIAL SE RVlCE TOMORROW i WilV be of Much Worth for the Work at Southside" Baptist Church. -- i . Southside - Baptist Church : has ar raneed for a special Service tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, at which time the pastor wilt . read and 1 explain the church covenant Following this there will -be short talks by; Messrs. J. F. Littleton, R. B: Moore, John Thomas, j.1b ; Fales, T W. H. Peterson, J. H. Holton and A.'. LTVahri, on' different t phases of the work of the church. It.is hoped tnat aa memow ul ' - . ... ... -1 iUA t urchwlll attend ; as ;this meeting meansf much vtor the future of e f church.: There will be preaching again - - -mill l L l.ou m. m. . be given all.i. Vv CARS TO THE EACH ; Tombrrow cars to the beach every half hour In the afternoon- Phone your. Baaggage 'orders to dr-i-Ait TJverv' Company Transfer meets all strains, v Phone Nor 47. UlluUIL LUUIL IIGlu till'? GimirncsinHinDmnrut lUlllllll .111 .lllll ilillllllll I -riff itm i ttiiL tin.- f t Died This Morning In" Raleigh Frortl itUncithe Myer9asrifi: ;t VVftming Coy. Dudley Was a . Brave Confed erat& Sbldierand; Had Been-. or :-trve' BPsin597i -:-T;, :; e " - -'tgr ; The news of the "death of Judges Thos. R. Purnell, of the. United States District., Court, was received with nraeh sorrow here this morning. " The sad. announcement was- hot - unexpect- vea,;Baye;5as :6 to t the- p?ecise?Htlrqife; wheh -it iwould 1 cpme? becaus 4 u us e : . rurn eii uaa . Dee.n - novering otv tWeen,life aria deatfor the, past sevH ralvaysS; Tjpon tfie tJnite; Stales GlitrCrls.iinor mg District .Attorney Harry ? Skinner !feeligvfmpeaiunce the Waddiil, ; pfesidiiil, thendjOurne court ?, sine tdie : In niemoryof the de casedThl made a mistrtaii in; the suit of Ti M, ThompsonrJr.; vs; Major i M V. Harmon, which , had. beenvpccU pying the attention of the court'since last .Thursday and which was destlised to .go welllnto next week. Judge Wad dill f could; not take a recess , to some specified time and resume hearing the case, because he was only commission ed .for this district on account of the sickness of Judge Purnell and with the death Of this jurist his commission' ex bired.V : The case will jhe called' at the hexrterm ortht -L.aj Viii'-ji ill; xii ''iJiLr-i?-Vijl:ii.-iJal'inltlieiiTsiwptivA rnstTt .Walla and ' Judge y Pnrneii was? born in this, city ' admirers Hira8-60;- xMignt; tdley; 6f this State, Tese - pictures - will ievterpte son of GbvernOr 'Dudlev His had been -a p;romiiient life aiid:'ti4tfilee Weryf?Hfliiwft? sei? was a brave Corifedefafe soldier. Raleigh, N. Dec: 19. Judg Thomas-; R'0?wrrfeli; tpsitfe fUfe4 States Court 'ibeffchp' fifed , here ! early this morning:"! Hehaa been sickT fo several months,1, with cancer of the liver and also digestive troubles. He had not been able to take solid food for -two months." He was appointed a judge of the Eastern District in 1897, He y leaves one son and . three daugh ters. ' . - v-:v. "-V" v 'Judge Purnell was born iry Wilming ton in 1847, and was a son of Thomas R. and Elizaa Purnell, and a grandson of Governor Dudley. He entered-, the Confederate army, in '63, af the age ! of 16. He graduated from Trinity College in 1869, and married Miss Adelia Zevely, of WinfitflnrSalem, in ,1870. He Wlfe 4ied'injiS07. ?f Heaeayes:fouc chil- tdren MrstPrewry .and Mrs., Ridley' of James McKee Purnell,- pt-RaJeigh. The deceased was . a man of judicial mind and .temperament, and a . hard - student of the law. a He was fair, and just in his rulings. A Republican from his first vote, he was true to his party. I ' CARS TO THE BEACH; Tomorrow cars'; to; the' beach every half tioiir rn the afternoon. -" v - OFFERED INSULT TQ A LADY. 3 j Ugly Affair on Greenville Sound Last v Report comes this afternoon from Greenville Sound bf any3ugly -affaif that occurred there during ? the early part :-: of the ; night. A negro - man of fered an Insult to a. Mrs. Oldham,; while she was in the roadway: She reported the matter to her husband, : who was so infuriated i he : went alone after, the negro, who made - off down" the road. He overtook, the miscreant, .but "was xat oCilWtt, iuC luicau., ""-.league to be played between the Han- forced to retreat. at the point of, a 'lBnrJd t teams and the. Mc- pistol. He returned 'J CUiOau .wdA Steve teams.-. - - -gun-and1-, -with -assistance went after.,,- m . mooHn tnTTinrrftW ,nPr the negro, but this : time . he -could, riot be found, and which was indeed lucky for the negro. V - - -v- ';' WARNS PREACHERS.; Not Discuss "Nighr. rRiders" Must ' - "Trials' Tomorrow.' Union City; Dec; 19. Judge Jones threw --another bomb J;his morning, when - he warned the preachers not to discuss the "Night Piders" trialEL to morroWi. - -The reason given wasV that prospective jurors'might be mflu-enced.- 4 v-t- - , : Patent Leather Pumps for ?Xmas -.2t festivities at.P.eterson & Rulfs. ;w s-m ISIDI1I f Ijron. Loiige, KnlghUof ; PytKiks x$M5fr'n$tk S Srll liant Tree En. 4 tertainment IntereEting w Exercises -jjand a Happy 5 Occasion all 'Round onirnittee-Novarlatorll .One .of the iabst delightful; as well Interesting,, of -the Christmas eater- fcuamentSiand one Q thatwfllhave oKdCilthe. :warmestbf-rf eeiinlhai arranged ; by i -ciareodon. Lodge" of Pythias, of this ity. This lodgei f oye pasthasi made a prac ticepf "gathering together Its 'members ahd Hh'eir families at - soijie timer dur ing the lYnletide season: and tnerii en; dyfnr festive spirt tottfie?timeS gs? a unlt: No departure will be? made ffom; this for 1908, save that the time frllhieVchristmas entertainment ? will be more opportune; Upon -the very eve? theTglorious Christmas ; day will o cur the. lodge's Christmas' sociable this year, being an Xmas tree at the Castl alirnext'Thursday venihgtThettn-; ealnffleh will commence at Vlckl mu the evening and all , meriib'ersiiof the: lodgei and; their families arid e felall the f ainillea of departed , br attend : the entertairimenti v. The : tee- twill beia? glittering peclesandf ill e joaded down rwith presents , for Ibe 1 PyJhianchlldnTa it delightful rcria ieluding addrsine hjry bflhie clerf byirV1 HugnsT a-recitation-, by Miss Fales,; another one by Miss Eunice Tucker, s weet music arid qtlier featuresi Refreshments will also be served, and there will be a hu'mber of happy informal talk. The commit tee having charge ofthe affair' will have its -finar meeting Tuesday night. The event' besides carrying out the beautiful custom of Clarendon- Lodge comes also in accord with; a circular issued by- Grand Chancellor Thos. H. Webbof -T4ke, N. t5 calling upon the Pythians bf Athe State to -assemble at Ujou. .4. klaimlfetehhmati the Bijou TURKEYS TOOK A DROP. WiartM -.Weather ; B,roug ht Down i itA -i-j-vii. i iRrice. Today! v ; the Tpilay ' warm weather . forced down the price in the turkey market; that is so far as the dress fowl was con cerned. The price went as low as 20 cents per pound for dress turkey, as dealers who had a number on hand found it wisdom to let them go at that price than run the risk of carrying them over . until Monday witlv such weather The price of dressed chick ens also took a tumble. ANOTHER ROCKINGHAM SUIT. Hearing Before Judge Webb Today in ' - Charlottei , , i-, Another i 'round! is tibeing IfdUgbtKi the ifbwj.well!khqhiRcfeMnh er company' or itJiewetf:; Faum matte today In Charlotte.; knhearlag'' takta case- of Harokl ;'M CHlaisl JdlttO JH.i Jones1 vb: iDe 'JvucwuButiiu 1 ru ww -wui-1 pany - Rockingham -Contracting 5fcft? te,t , r al. The plaintiffs ' are being! repTiBBeAt-. ed by Thos; j W; DavisEs 'oftt tfiis eity, who went to Charlotte Jfedterday, as did also Messrst ; M P. iaH GrOUTer-neur- andt H, M Chase - PRONOUNCED FINE'WATER. Splendid Analysis of Water From Well at t Front' and Chestnut Streets. : Ah analysis by. the State Chemist of the water from the well, at F)ront!and Chestnut streets i shows that the water is of ?fineC quality. ; .The analysis has also' been passed upon . by (tfee health authorities here and- the water 3 pro nounced 4 excellent : v - 1 1 & -NOTES OF TH E Y. M. C. A. : Basketballs Game Tonight and Men's Meeting Tomorrow : An interesting ahd- exciting basket ball "game iwill be played atthe ?Ti- M. C. A. tonighL beginning at- 8 o'clock. There .are : two -morjs events in .the noqa at-S o'clocfc will -be addressed by Rey;. C.rFiv Whitlock; pastor of Brook lyn Baptist- Church. . ; . j - A -ivU , r 1--' .j" Appointments Announced. - - Presiding Elder iW.; Li. Cunninggim, of the Mtehddist Church for this Dis trict;, has announced-hls appointments for the succeeding "quaVter. , .iHis- as signment- for Trinity ' and Bladen Street' -Methocftst Churches; Bre-morn ing and evening,; Dec, 27th, for Grace and: Fifth" Street Methodist; Churches, morning and evening, Feb, 28th. J . CARS TO TH E BEACH f ' : .'Tomorrow cars to the. beach every half hour in the, afternoon V - - 'y'y HAVE YOU iiheiftmeKicah IS; OFFERING ? VVVVlJVMiVIIIIUIIIlIlMIMltH'mmvVfV E ' " -:? i '. . -f '-.j'' ' We - want ..YOU R -. good . name, on our ' books -as a depositor and we 'are going to,..hay!tjf;.poyte t:k onservatisni,1 security and" strength carilfluence ?Ut Ik; the riiattieirbVen? with t youv; .NOW' ls th best time to open New Year. Hi II is (HAS THE4 LARGEST K - rt-r.j-f'-i ?' --55 ! VI J, -: , iff ft . ;.. , Kr v- i" NORTH CAROLINA; Soft nelled 15 CENTS iniMfiiMHiUiiiiiiMiim -rr-r. .". - . THE HUTCHISON o ;t3F W1LM1NGT0N: N; C; 'V . . . r " At 1H lofie i BaineKv fcHiivembdr.27; 1831 U301X 3 OVJI JTH A 7 ; 5 , ; . Resources: t LlabTTTtres: ; . ' - y i; IaAaBisount.$25a4.92?Cap N. 5State: andVothr ,;.-,:- 1 Surplus anJ I Net Profits 298,134.69 f I X Botids ,si;V"-:fria 88,044.25011011" ;; : . 550,000.001 Tr.aBonua.(at par):.;.. CSdOOOiOOiJ S; Bondr Account. . 100,000.00 i . 55 Bank Buildings.. .. .. - 65,000.00 Deposits . . . . . .1 . . 3,098,102.66 CashrVr ..-.. .. .. 1,228,698.18 - :-J T $4,596,237.35 H. C. McQUEEN, President. Js W. .YATESi Vice Prelsldent. '9fi'FhOne&::.-lU&-lu9 . : ..r. c . - v-.h-- .t" 1 . . 1. . 1 ' 1 i 1 J .1 1 ""! ? ! ' j Fancy Groceries giwaSa I ill :;: i:-SiSiiiK IIS Igillii : 'MI s2aaSB lis? "4 TRIED THE -' .-':.vy,"--,'f-i;A'i'i v. i - National to Savtena Department 'S: . . ' ' ' - -:. -1. that account for the . ' -' -.-'o - r :t V-V';-;'-?, .,rv J ,1: v.;-- 9M imst CAPITAL AND SURPLUS) ! POUND. KATIOmLMJK ..-j. i & ., , , , - - - $4,596,237.35 .if: ri. J. GRAINGER, Vice President. , 5 , 1 C. S. G RA I N G E R, Cashier. W, t y & LJm QHIVUElJ9 r1' -1 S C Asc th Gas Company : -.r. Pecans ,-.;v.- i-V,-'

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