"A . ' v- ' ' ' ' -u f ' 1 - . I I u - - . v - Us V VOLUME FIFTEEN WILMINGTON," 17 C-; FRIDAY :FEBRUARYx 19, 1909 1 PRICE FIVE! CENTS - - - .Vis; -V'' i THE ANHUHL MEETING - , ' . -t. . . r : :. . --,.v -. '. " : - 1 - . ' f : ' . r i ;v : Him w Goes to Seilate;lppli6s Lop Cade Fear Morton Presents a Petition for Colored people of Wilmington Complaining cf a Certain Form of Insurance Connor Has a Mileage Book- Biil far lhe House Substitute for" Electro. cution Measure to Come UpAnti Trust Bills Will be Aired in the. Senate Next Tuesday. . - V j ' ... ' i -1 SpeciaKto The Dispatch. 1 ! Raleigh, N. C, Feb.19In the House today iMorton (by request) presented . nntitinn from rprtain rolorprt ritii zens of Wilmington, complaining of liiid treatment in matters of certain form of insurance. ' ' lix Governor Jarvis and Commander in Chief, General Walker, of the Uni ted Confederate Veterans, were .pre routed to the House and. received an ovation. . t'ounor resurrected the mileage book exchange for tickets, which was de feated in the Senate'esterday, by an oth'M' bill in the House." The new bills introduced( forty in liumber) included the following: Hy Hayes, a resolution prohibiting tbo introduction of more biHs after Feliruary 2Gth. ', , Dy Connor, to relieve holders of mileage books and . promote the con venience of the traveling public : ... : By IJarnes, providing that ginnevs of cotton shall mark the true weight on bales. . " ; A message from the Governor was read, recommending inspection of - the now building for male patients at the Central Hospital for insane at Raleigh, before finaF acceptaTi'ie A pTibi "co'mT; mittee reported bad plumhing and oth er defects, which' the Governor is in-1 forified have since been improved and ' lut in proper shape, but asks; the leg islature to be certain about that, be fore accepting the work. : After the calendar had., been reliev ed of a large number of inconsequen tial little "bills, the bill of. McDonald,: of Moore, was taken up, designed to allow through freight trains, ; arriving in the State on Sunday .from South. Carolina or Virginia, : (both of which States have similar laws) to proceed on their way on, Sundays, and a long discuussion ensued. The majority of the committee reported: the bill fav orably, but a minority report against it was also presented. When the main question was ordered Speaker Graham ruled "that the vote should first be put on 'the report of the, minority. Morton, Boughton, Connor and others of the leaders In the House took issue with the Speaker yon that ruling, but' they did notjnsist on an appealfrom the Speaker and he later 'reversed his ruling.- A vote was then ordered on the third reading: of the bill : and it was adopted by a' vote of 63 to 44, and was sent to the Senate for concur rence ' ' " V Colonel Morton's bill to regulate net fishing, limiting character of nqts to drift nets in lower. Cape Fear from ii'.'mth of Black - river 12 miles' abovej . A 1 lengthy 'd ilr.lin trtiin on,l :'fiin 0 1 TTovnai Invar'1 Vifi - TTnilS Wilmington and from 'Castle Hayne 'idge, was next taken up and passed the final reading. It takes effect Jan "r 1st, 1910," and was. sent to the y. nale. ' ; - ' ' ... The Senate bill, increasing, the sal nry of Assistant State Librarian, from $C00 to $900, was passed over strong )ilositiop, an. enrolled. Then came sidn. j'nirninent. :;-Cc 't A substitute bill - ,providing for ' elec tioeution of criminals" at .the State peiiH ntiary, was reported and ;Will: liiohaijiy come up tomorrow r, ; ; : In 'the Senate. i-": ; 1)1 J... STVtBaird, of - Buncembe, ; ?n.mber of the legislature exactly ;tifjty J'ars.jigo, was i'lfepEff. to the ;6en; at,'; by Britt and ' wa'orded " Che li'ivi:(;gos of the flobV. J.- ' ;-r " Aniong the bills reported in ihclSjen a'" today was the substitute antftrnst agreed on bv the committee in '" Of - the TnfVhart-tf' "Rnb RfTrii U(jn A bill It was ordered printed , T aiu the date set for ' consideration :. of i reading of the bill - went oyer till ; to ' subject (including Lociaf ls tin- morrow. ;?t$. ; orably reported billY ilex Tues- ' Other1 bills passed were :; . H . , ; the wvorably reported bill)' Mext Tues ""J. February- 20d. ; - .-'V'-' : Among the newf Senate bills were.t !'y Gay, to amenA Section 367 of the Rf'Vi.sa1 relating. 'Vfv aoHne ? Vv ; arA 5ainst executors and administr P'J' Pharr. to lefinp thA roaiilpmwnf Council, Junior , Order U n ItedAm erfcan Mechanics Will be Held Next Weekat'EIIzabeth' City: Loca Councils Have Appointed Del, egates to 'Attend the Convention. The annual' meeting of the - State Council of the 'junior Order, United of American" Mechanics,' will be held next week' at Jtflizabeth CityrvN. 'C, and the sessipn is' expected to be one of the''' most Successful In the history of the organization.; The. convention will start Tuesday and; will continue in session; until Thursday eyening.v It is expected that several hundred: dele? gates from, the various ' r councils throughout the State wll attend" the convention '. . - , At recent meetings of thetyyo local councils- delegates were appointed to represent the organizations "at the an-nual'session.- District Orsanlzer N. J. Williams ' and Mr. B. Tt Hamilton act as representatives from George Washington . Council No.- XJ7, and Messrs. Walter E. Yopp and E. C. Woodbury ; from Jeff 'Davis Council No. G3. i i At The Bijou. ' ' The ! feature films" tt the " popular Bijou theatre r today are called : "The Musicians' Love Story," 'iA Dear' Old Grandma," and a "Naturelakir Comes to Grief." All arp interesting pictures and will please the public. POPULAR "PRICES NEXT , WEEK, And Ladies ' Will be Admitted Free Monday Night. .: What is one of the best ; popular price attractions on the road, the Ver non Stock Company, - will open a week's engagement N at the Academy Monday night and. will present thc?i Mark Swan's powerful play, "The Un written Law." Theitsual free cour tesy will 'be "extended the ladies for this . performance and seats will - go on sale tomorrow morning. ' , ' . ? The Vernon Company carries a num ber of sTfong-yaudeviile acts and its repertoire" is "onerjf laffalFnev to Wnmington.-save Cainille'? arid a bigU revival of this celebrated play wii! be given likely Wednesday night. MR. J. E. SPRUNT, 03 Dlilon,' .S-C,"r Died. -at His Home - ' " There Today. A telegram was received early this afternoon - by Dr. J. E3. Matthews, whkh conveyed the distressing intel ligence that Mr. J. E. Sprimt, a prom inent bkizen of billon, S..C, died at his home in that- town shortly, after 12 o'clock" today. Mr. Sprun't had many friends in : this r eity wha will hear with sincere sorrow of hisrleath. The deceased was a .brother of Mrs. Matthews; of this city. Dr. Matthews will : probably go to Dillon to attend the funeral of Mr. Sprunt By Pharr,; to provide for mainten ance .of a North Carolina room in the Confederate Museum at- Richmond. By Pharr1, .a jopt resolution concern ing freight rates. The architectural bill was made the special order for nxt Wednesday, the 24th. - ; " A large number of roll "call calendar bill, of only local interest or inconse quential in Iniportance, were-passed, t A bill relating' to;ttie ; sale of mer chandise in bulk, was passed. - debate was precipitated over ' tne House joint resoiuuun tu meiriorialize Congress relative to . the establishment of natipnal ; post - roads. i A similar bill was killed by ' the Sen ate . two., weeks "ago and the old. fight was renewed against this House reso lution. ; A dozen Senators'participated in the long discussion, the opponents accentuating their . objection to "Fed eral paternalism." j. '.;';; i:'' ' The feature ' of the debate, on tho Government aid iir good.roaJs building Vras, the patriotic-tribute ' of - Colonel Paul B., Means a Confederate veter an Ayith four bullet ihoies in his body) to", the United: Stated Gavernment and the national flag. ;:Blowj .Travis arid others based their Oppositions on the fac tfiat tie biirwas Introduced by ' a Republican legislator aridey said it inyplved a principle airisjthiciy he uemocrauu iuu tuuiiuHu. . i"'-A' roll call ! vote resulted ' in its pas sage, by a vote ot as .to i?r, on secuuu reading. ; An "' objection to the 'r- final "V To f makq the passing .bf v worthless checks and drafts prima facia evidence of f raud: :!'?. lZzYJ??-&:?f-. ':t',K$C. V To "facilitate i registration yrt: I con Tvio Sfinatfi adiourned at 2 o clocK Of the State it a , - . i .. I I i t i mi . ff , , t f - B I " Z C - J. Want a Maximum Rate fixed-tir Place of ,'tHc ' Twov Cent Fare arfd -Present Evidence' to' ShoW That .theyfHave; :Losi "Money Desire v Corporation Commission, to , Go Into, the Matter. in DeUU. V Richmond, Va , Feb, 19. The XfcrQo ration Commission, is hearing fVargu VV.AMJ. 1 " ' l - ' m . uiui uy counsel lor-raiiroaas-ior, pre scribing ,a. maximum rate for carriers of state ; in lieu" of the two ceirt rate. The companies are fortified with sta tistics to show that during the-r exist ence of the two cent rate thetfi .have lost money. The roads want tlie commission- to go Jnto the , case infif detail and fix an d promulgate ; av ratO -vhich wil 1 give carriers a reasonable etutn for their operations. .sj::; V: 11.9 y -: : : ' -' : 4 -Great News from Washington, ' , - . - . ; " - ' . The' following self:explanatory telegram was received -in s Wil- 4 mingtonthis afternoon about -4 4 4 o'clock: ' ' ' "' '" i Washington, TX C, "Febi Mr. James- H. Chadbourn, "Presi-9 4 dent N. C. Waterways AssOia-1 tion, Wilmington, N. C, -.,4- River and HarborBiH report- ! ed todays by House Committee - 4 on Rivers and Harbors. It pro-14 vldcs for, survey of lower Cape S Fear ; at and' below Wilmington,! j 3 with vlev to--pbtaining, suitable depth ahd width. Also for Nortlfe easjancljt fc.; jCape ari .fjoiP s two and a half miles with view of obtaining" twenty feet. Also for Inland Waterway south from 4 i Beaufort to and beyond Wilmlng- ton. ' II." L. GODWIN, r Member Congress. - -',-:;:i '. V , FINE' RECITAL TONIGHT. , The Conradi Event Will be of Delight- ful Nature. -The Kpworth .League announces that tickets will he on sale at the door for the violin recital to be given at Grace Church Iecture room this eve ning by Mr. Arthur Conradi, assisted kpv-rt jets v bv Mr. Austin Conradi. nianist. The erXo'rmance will begin promptly at s:&.oVclocic and you are requested to be in j'our seats at that time. No one will be allowed to enter or leave the room during the rendition of a number. .The doors will be opened be tween numbers if ydu happen to be Tate. There are no reserved seats, and no standing room, will be sold. . ; INTER-STATE CONTEST . Of Young Men's Christian Association Continues With Uiabated I nterest. The inter-state membership contest being waged by the Young Men's Christian Association continues with unabated interest and ; iheTi different associations are working '-' enthusias tically to win the prize. The contest will close Monday night of nexl week and tne reports from the organizations - " ."- . r , 41 -' : ' " ' as received today are " as - follows : Charlotte, "525; Charleston.,', i10;. Co; iumbia, 309 Augusta,- 240; Thomas ville, 148; Wilmington, ; 208. - :i , ; Mr. Black,' the Evangelist, Coming. Rev. William Black will be in the city tomorrow, arid Mr. Andrew 5 Burr; of Canada, is here now. ; He. is the singer who accompanies . Rev. Mr Black and will be at the Service to night at Immanuel ' Presbyterian Church. . Dr. A. D. ' McClure - will preach. There will be a'song service at 7 : 45 o'clock. Col. Walker Taylor made a splendid address last night on "Church Loyalty" and his effort was much appreciated. ' :';',;'" ) '-;5i r; 'Storm Warning Message. y Washington,; D. C, Feb. 19. South Vest storm warning 10 a. 4n.J Jupiter jacksoriynie;;1Savanriah Charlestpn; Wilmingion7 MorehWd" City, Washing- f ton, . Columbia, -Edentonr Elizabeth City, , Norfolk," Newport - News, Fort Monroe. . Disturbance oyer" liwer Ohio Valley moving .east 'northeast. Brisic to high ' south to west winds this afternoon add ; tonight. Of Slumberiand Was. a Great -Success. All Members of the Cast Acquitted Themselves ri ;peasing Manner Second 'Performance This Evening, With .Matinee Tomorrow. Tne firspresentatlon of "Slumber land" given at the Academv of MusU hjtst i night . proved ; to . be 3 av thoroughl success and -an audience -which, taxed the seating capacity: of the house ;was thoroughly delighted Iwith the work of - the hundreds composing the" cast. "Slumberland." will , be repeated this evening, . ad at -a matinee tomorrow afternoon. ' The curtaifi will . i-fse '4.1 8 p. m. 'tonight arid those who "expect to attend are asked to "be irithelr places .before the" hoUr set for the be ginning. of the attraction. ritLmatinee the performance will commence at - 3 o'clock. ' - .- Each and every orie of the35a per sons in the cast lastevening acquitted himself or herself in, most creditable manner. The entire performance went through without a def ect'' ' and; ' one would have thought the performers professionals so : well did they carry, out the various parts assigned them. While everyone did exceptionally well, one of "the bright 'stars of the eve ning was Mr. George Horinet, Jr., as "Professor- Napoleon." Mr. Honnet filled the part in a manner which was j perfection itself arid his interpretation i of the comedy in connection with the character was excellent to a degree; The principals In the cast all received well merited applause for their5 fine work froni the.' thoroughly delighted audience. Those" to whom were as-' signed the pripcipal parts were Miss Alice Borden, 'Miss Hattie flTayior, Miss Janie Dtfdley, Miss Louise: Wise, Miss JSmerson, Misfc Rosalie JBurbank, 1 Mf. apd "Mrs. Cameron MacRae, Mrs. Annie XDeRosset Harriss, Mrs. Rus-rk sell Bellamy, Miss Sadie Booker, Mr. H.ilLiBates, Mr; Jos. Fenley;. Mr. ' H. E.;3oodwin, Messrs. W. I. Gore, Wil liam i . Watters, Frank Hoi Io way - andj Oscar Peck. . . . ftvaripus. musicar numbers- were;; all pretty and tuneful -and were well rendered. The dancing groups acquits ted' themselves in praiseworthy man-; ner and were the recipients of many complimentary remarks.' - The other; members of the cast were as follows : Automobile' Girls and Boys Misses I Lauriston Hardin, Nellie Savage, Amo- ret Lord, Helen Strange, Marguerite Walker, Julia Worth,, Isabel Small bones, s Virginia Bailey ; JMessrs." John Murchison, ;. Meares . Harriss,: Mark Croswell, Rob James, Richard Meares, Tom Meares, Willi? Smith -and Jas'-H, Dushan, Jr. ; - ,' ' J' Senior Girls .and Gentlemen Miss Kate vMyers, in charge; Jeanette Frank, Goldie Stein,. Mamie Nathan, 1 Isabel Williams, Beck rLoye Johnson, Sue Catlett, Miss Larkins ; Messrs. Fred Poisson,, Harry, Savage, M. B. Wilson, J. Q. Myers, G. C. Levi, W. I. Gore, W., M. Wiggins and M. W. bur ner. . .. . .. - ' Sailor Girls Misses Braddie Tur rentine, Francis Bailey, Julia Albright". Ruth Bridgers, Ray Love, Ernestine Bridgers,. Ethel 'Skipper, .Willie South- erland, Marcella Smith, Vida Dick inson, Essie Harrison; iiazei :J?ieei Elizabeth Gardner, Ida: Fleet, Mary Lorenzo Rose Lorenzo and MabeJ Craft. 1 ' " :.: -:..'i-v;:' Football Boys Joel .Merriman, B Hart McKdy, , Kenneth Parsley, ; Ho race C. Cooper, Eaw. u. Asne, iiarry M. Tiencken, frving Corbett,;. R. VV. Cantwell;- Fred C. Robertson, H. C. Rorison;,J. F. Smith and L. J Stein. -r Witches Misses. Helen- Weill, Edith Clark, Jeane ; LeFrage, ; Ray Love, -Marcella Smith;- Ethel Skipper, lElizabeth ; J3eery, ; Anna Cavauaugh, -. . . . 4-r..-; s . -T. Annie Li. s Mercer, Jiissie Jtiarns, , j u- liette' Xlbright, Vida Dickinson, Gene vieve " Dushan, Eva Parmele, ,Ruth : Bridgers, Frances He(lrick,Dorothy Nash and Mary,:TaylorV. ; ? ; rian jo i GirlMisses .Sadie Booker, Mabel t Craft, ' Helen WeilL Agnes Haydenhurberore,: thHopklnsj Lv.eiie , Skinner, Eldise Jackson, Lps iie Wilson Emily WestbfbokGlady Taylor,' May " .Wilson, Ed ith. Clark, EdriaTMyers, Edith Pritchard Dorothy Nash, Cynthia .Hedrick andx Fpujones Lamb. ' ' - - t M T Little X)ld Men Jack C. - Thompson; t3eo;c Sloan JrJ Frederick M. : Hull, Henry Schlss,' R. UC.- DeRosset, Jr., Edward "Bowderi, . Latham . HarrissJ Wiilirfm A! French, Jr, Hamilton Har riss, Tont: B. Farmer, William Bremer, Ralphs H. ilsbn, Sam C.JWoolvin, TJewellvn 'C. Frerich. Jas. F. Woolvin, Jr.,':Mark,Nobte, Goodwin Davis, Wil liam B. 'Penny, Edwin -Johnson, ; wn Iiam bmer : Jr.,"Harryuer, JJar ay jacoDS, Aima, ouiiiu woiu-,jui-tkv: Geo!1 N: Harriss WroIntire i gchbpl bys Julian Morton, " Louis '"-r'v't ; iuu if limiugiuil UUfiiigp; uilll llUOlOUllJpUllJf ; I ; ; February . . 1 TU'C!rTTtrTne E Loans and . discounts . . $1,315,632.05 Bonds- owned ........ .- ;7,131.94 t . ?eaI. ? Estate ; ; 45,000.00 furniture & FiYtirrpi 'inn V J 7 . ' Invested, Trust Assets. 33,070.86 Cash. on hand and In , ' - , ; BankB. , ?7 . . . T-. . ' 291,412:21 $lt692",248.06 J. W5 NORWOOD, President. H. -WALTERS Vice President. -.- - . . . . - - .-., .. . ,. ......a..j.... r"it inn vy- JHiffiL, winds in bommDus liouncy. luew .Down Another Fine Lot 15 Cents lttTfMfllltitll.'WlllllttttlllfyWWWWyTtlWlITm77ffffffy : ; - , ; -STATEMENT TOelMurcHison Of Wiirolngton, N. CT, at the close .' -RESOURCES. ' : Loans and Discounts. V.$2,689,583.60 N. C' State Mother bonds, 289,568.15 U. S. Bonds . (at par) .' 550,000.00 Bank Buildings. . - 55.000;00 Cash ; . . .1,089,735.97. $4,673,887.72 H. C. McQUEEN, President. r J. V. GRAINGER, Vice President. INSURANCE w AGENTS: CLATTON-GILES & SON; WALKER TAYLOR, C . J. .VanB METTS, v , . : . . J. H. BOATWRIGHT I SON, IL F.WILDER, CHAMPIGNONS, ETitsr-pois, Waricot r " BAR-LE-DUC, SMITHFIELD HAMS, THE BEST OLIVE Prmne 108-109 'Xt 4 r CONDENSED - (To the Comptroller of the 'i: :fc':'r... , . : .':'" K - 'hhihi' mi I"' I I lv . At tne 'dose ot ousiness. reo. oin,-iuM. RESOURCES. ' ' " LUBIWT1ES.:. 'V ' i' 1-T'- Lbansadlscountsi214,564.02 k)yer- Drafts;vV; '2&34 TLS.Borids v & : Prern .'. 103,534.38 Redbnjp tion'" Fund i . . . 4,400.00 furniture ;&'3Pixtures-; -,955.49 CASH 127,136.69 - 1 X $455,218.92 V - -' ". - " ' W. B. COO P E R, President ,THOS. E. COOPER, Cashier. 5tb, 1909, " - LIABILITIES Capital :;..;.:.. Jr. t ioo.utftum ! - ' Earned SurpIus(Net) '128,031.69 1 1 ' Deposits i;464,2l6.37 . 1 1 ... - , - ' . N v." - ' t r : 41 v t $i;69248.06 45. E. TAYLOR, Jr. Cashier! ; ; J. L. WILLIAMS, Ass'tr Cashier. W ---- ........i.. ....... Pound. f.f- CONDITION ; ; v . Na of Business February 5th, '190p. LIABILITIES Capital ' . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . ." .$ Surplus & net profits. . . . 550,000.00 315,156.38 : , 550,ooo.odo. 160,000.00 ' 3,158,731.34 Circulation U. 'S Bond Account. . . . . Deposits 7 . $4,673,887,72: J. v W. ' YATES, -Vice President.' ; : S. GRAINGER, Cashier. . You wantthe TANPARD; POLICY; You want the Surest Insuraioce : t COMPANY POLICY;- :--?' JAES OWEN HEILLT C. L. DICKINSON, smith &; LfRb, y; . V . A. W. PATE COMPJY, 4 ; WIL. REALTY AND, INS. CO. D. R. FOSTER & CO. 2 ;p. .-i ''-.' . ';-"- '. -C , : - - ' GUAdA- J ELtY mushroom Catsup, ' ; Pl M ENTOS, ?, ' , --.uC : N. C. HAMS. 'y-'rCh1- OIL IN THE ClTY.- " Sflfe. SAIUBEttQ. FOR '...'' A8K tne ras Company u -wr STATEMENT; ,1 . r Currency); of , 4h.e condll .the condition of 2! ilii Gas 7OF "WILMINGTON, ; 'Q.r : ; Capital Stocks.. 1100,000.05 Profits-het : . . . . . . .7. 3,572.55 Clrcnlauonv" . v; , ....... .100,000.00 fp DEPOSITS . . . . r. ; 'f f'. ' . '"-:;:"'-', : V, : ' 251,6467, A 'rs 'v""v-. - '- -.- : $455,2182 GEO. O. G A YLO R D, Vice , President V5 ' . ' , !, - -- .-.-';v-;:i'v:! ' 1 ? f ' 8 l'i iii V1. .;S'J'& u 5 mi f".4 ,ue corporations. ili-6H39 Saturday, ; ; T - ,x. MOORE, (CQnti'nucd . on ; Third i ". -i- v.- .'f.-c':i. :',v'' i:!i'