: -W-V, ivv-- . - - - .- ..- ' -- :yyy..-- r ' - 1 ' . , 1 . - - - ' . . . - r , - - - ' . f - - , v - a - - ; -1 - v - - - - " -. N .. - . ; . V1-; - ; '" II." ' 111 VOLUME FIFTEEN WILMINGTON r v i ' "fxtAT ; r U.;i v:'-,"v. -.. . . 1 . , , i - i z : .... . I ! A-,;. II HI MM ' Silitil DBprifod ol Rene Solicitors' Bill Passes Third Reading in Senate and Sent to HouseEmpie Introduces Bill that. GriminarTerms cf Superior Court ay -Have Civil JurisdiKfon Also1" One for Appoint ment of Justices of ihe . Peace No .New Bills After Wednesday. SlKcial to The Dispatch. ; Raleigh, N. C, March 1. Introduc ti:n of new bills in the legislature was cut ofi today by oint resolutions llm i:iug the time to March 3rd, Wednes day, oyept by unanimous consent. Oniy a few new bills materialized in Senate today. One by Enipie to appoint Justices "of the Peace for lirunriwick and New Hanbter, and an other to regulate shooting birds "in those counties. Also to. give the courts of New, Hanover, now held for. the trial of criminal cases only, jurisdic tion of civil cases also, this because of tlio Recorder's Court established. By Gay, to amend Article 2 of t the Constitution, , relating - to the 'time of 'meeting of legislature, so as to meet in August biennially. Instead-ef Jan tuiry. . " ..yK'.; By Plluttz, amendatory of Section GH of the Revisal,-relating to- the s.i!e by execution at real estate.1 Lieut. Governor- Newland returned to his seat as president Qf Senate to day after a week's absence, The calendar, was taken - vp and: a long calendar of inconsequential ( bills passed, and some of more importance, including the following: ' Authorizing Columbus county - to vote on the question of a' bond issue Tho substitute committee .bill look ing io a. change ot the- county Eetrt of Mitchell. . - An important billr which. passc(i: sec ond reading, js that which""enablcs the pensions' paid ; Confederate Veterans and levy a tax.ttf provide a fund for same, but. the tax. not to igjccped cents on the, $100 j valuation, ,pf prop erty and six cents on theliPqll. J, Two hours of the 'Senate -was1 then eortsumed in arguing the' Ormond So licitors salaj-y bill ($2,250) on- thirt: reading.. All amendments were vote'd down ana Mie bill passed final. reading by a vote of 20 to 17. It was then .scut to the I Houe for concurrence. The next bill of importance reached hy the Senate was the Pharr bill de signed to empower, the , corporatibn eonimission to put into effect by July, 1909, certain preforms which i is hoped will relieve the freight rate discrimi nations against North Carolina and work, other reforms in freight rate transportation and charges. Passed final reading and was sent to the House. . ' - ' . - A hill authorizing and directing the .Secretory of State to purcliase :14S fsets of Georg Pell's, new law work, Veils Revisal, being a codification of law. "No mice stated In hHl but at regular price,. $15, involves expendi ture of $2,C00" was taken. iip . Ninety-eight copies "prop08 for 'onnty court houses 'and 50 in legis lative library, etc. The bill, provoked wine controversy. Pharr thought the State entitled to some reduction in .prim, under all the circumstances. KuiaUy amendment was adopted .. by which the Secretary of 'state' is ji thorized to secure a reduction if pos sible. Passed the second ' reading The minority report oh thenimigra; Hon -hill, amendinsr nl'finpntlinr on 'b.j.ct, set for special orderC at ,. R ,,f,'0(;k tonight. Empie report Major ity action on thii bill unfavbrably , hill authorizing a vote by. the people on the proposition to remove eapitol to Greensboro passed sec- ;i re-uling. It is, regarded J still; as u joke, and on objection by Jones, fur Hi'T action was nostnoriRd" nntil 7 nxt .Monday and that will probably be the' last; of it. ..; . ' k xIany additonal bills of minor im 1'orl ance were passed by the 'Senate, !iid then adjournment was taken at 2 8 o'clock tonight. " In the House." . ' Riioaker Graham" today signed. '' for . JI'Tincation the. New Hanover, connty Kecordcr'B Court bill, passed by ;the Jenato last week and in the House AM"!ay night, and it is now the law; K.epreesctativo George W.;-Crnor, . u- ;)ion,stendered his declination Qf . "U'-c. of trustee' of the University, to ' h.:rh ho was elected Saturday, : Reso lution by Boughton was.adopted to fill ,nfl vacancy tomorrow x , - ' 1 representative Pa TYinKilleont tn fh ; ei'k s desk and had read an extract I'oni a letter from -nis wife which ",1 "l think its aBhame. you -fellows n no wasted the first month and did tiilns should now .be. compelled to ,-'!" ovr-rtimo and probably several (Con-nued on Third Pas.) : IDE fOH GilE MacRae Forces Play Card Today CalU &ing Tomorrow Night 6'Brien ' Fbi- lovyers :Busy and-'BrienlubsAre Planned. 11. There vere( no hsw . developments o far as candidates go todaythat 4s so far as definite candidate! cerned; The present niitnicipal cam paign is still spirited, however "and the supoprters - of the different candi dates are . waxing warm,v- If not elo quent. The MacRae committees from the different - wards ar preparing f or hard work', and a general meeting . ha$ been called for 'tomorrow night, while the O'Brien followers are ' not idle by any means" and O'Brifen clubs are bo inglplanned.' " ; f :V ' , Today- the ; call, foi- tlie MacRae meeting 'for tomorrow j night, . with a list of the committeemen named, was issued by the "chairman of ; the lat -Tuesday's mass meeting, as follows: ; "In pursuance' qf the " - resolution adopted at fthe citizens meeting, held on February 23j;d,;l909,v authorizing th.e chairm'an-j4of sajd' 'meeting; to ap point ,a'nv executiyecpramittee of ; five from each .Ward to: conduct the cam paign on behalf of Captain .MacRae," I do hereby appoint the following, sug gebted . by their ; respective Wards, ; to- wit: y'A.:vA Uc&:-? Y First Ward4-Uston: Larkins; J. M Woolard, C. C. Rice, Joe Chadwick, C. L. Spencer ' ;'.. :;- , " ; . ; . . Second '.WardjGkibrp. -E. '"X.ef twich, A. S. Holden, James ScWilliams, E. J.I. Munson, A. H. Sheiiardl . 1 " :: v - Third Ward I.. B. Rogers, H. CL Fennel!, U C. Grant, J. Powers, J. W. Little.- ;-;: V:'-' :V';V-; Fourth Ward--George "L." Iechau J ohn Sholar, E. H. .. Freeman, R. W; Price, M. S. Willard. , :i :: - ; Fifth, Ward J. V. Willetts, John Thomas, R. B. . .Moore, ; II. L. HewiU, R. A. Burnett. . Thelsaid gehtleiEicfi from each Ward ire requested to meet at the Purcell House on Tuesday ,-M arch 2nd , 190 9, at , 8 o'clock P.. M., to; organize -the, committee and for business. ' V A V' . E. S. MARTIN, Chairman. WRESTLING MATCH TONIGHT Edfdamson Will" Meet Chas Bcrgat Tonight at the Academy, Ed Adam son win meet ;Chas Bergori .the mat1 acdnb' doubt, there iil be a big Out pouring of grapple fans. In addition to this big event therer is to Jbh a snappy preliminay and a big and , laughable "Battle : Royal." : " ' :- Friday night Ad amonir successful tonight, V will, meet -i:ttie "Terrible Greek,'r. from Charleston.' .v The Greek put Tommie Ryan's shoulders to the mat in short ordefl : ; x ' IEVSYxNOJES- Concerning the "tWoric at-the Young ' Men's Christian Association. The Bible Study, Club will meet for supper at the usual houn this evening. Owing to the absence of Dr. McClure from the city,, the, regular lesson wljl not be studied. Un its place Dr. Akfeb man -Messrs. W. H. 'Sprunt and TW. Hi. CunVmihg, delegates lo ' tne Luy mans 'Missionary .Convention held re cently at Birmingham' Ala.,' will "give brief reports of that 'great, and im portant gathering. ; .. V V , fV - , z The": Class 'in First 'Aid to the'ln jured, will meet ' on !: Wednesday rfeye jiing next at. O'dcloek. , Dr. 'Joseph Akerman has very kindly consented to instruct the; class.. ; -'. : The next games of the Basketball League ., Will be"; '. played on -Tuesday night commencing-at 8 o'clock.;, : - The weekly meeting of the Literary Society v will - be; held ; at the building this evening at .8 O'clock. . L, ; SELLI N G OR PAXES , ' ; County, Disposing' 5f . Property Under the Ban.v Todav' at noon: theisheriff eommencr ed 'the sale of property against; which there are .taxcIaim8MeMS'-road.e imperative by thelawandilt' con tinue from day to dayowevgnlike all of the sales'-'there-ViBt.ibuch .Tic? ing and very little interest. They are more of a matter of formV-but, of course, the taxes have to, be paid, and 'V -J - - Ihioortant Meetings. V Thp meetings 6& the Board of .Coun ty Commissioners this arternoon, auu of "thp -Board r bf .Aldermen- this eve ning will be of an interesting nature as a number of Important matters win ho Vrnneht to the attention of both v,rVisv Stens: will , be taken at the nnmm if?sloners. meeting for the in migration of - the . Recorder's Court. Tt ' Pxnected "that .a" definite repojt will' be submitted the,: aldermen b'y( the special committee-on mediei works matter, and that- this' question will be settled - It . is.; .also1 expected that the l special sewerage committee will make a preliminary report cover ing negotiations .thus; far., - ' ; - Buy your-Coal and Wodd from Be A, Merrlttr 'pbon? . - ; ' ; - ofliiwiSWiiH iiilll lllfflllliiii City Fast Assuming Holiday Attire andtsalons prevailed; i& of such" a marked Elaborate r Preparations for the Iri-'auguraK.BallHardime-i Ftndirib it l&oarding- PiacesPrecatitlons jto Pjto- r -lect Visitors Against has already assumed the C appearance pt a city in, fete work. Jlnishing: arrangements- for:' thie . inaugural ' ball weht'on all day yesterday. Though ihousands of visitors hav already ar rived, in the city; the real inrush be gan today, when thousands more pour ed ; ; throiigh tie CUnion Station. Tht hotels are - afready filled to" overflow ing ' arid- thosb coming "now without rooms reserved have to spend hottrs lo6king for accommodations. v The .au- thorities' are -taking, ery precautlbn lis to pruiecc inevyisuurs iruui yruuivs. i THIS FIGHT FOR FREEDOM, vt Lawyer Patrick Brought From v. , ' . Sijig.Sing. . . . New York, .March i. Albert T. Pat Hck, who wants his f reedom, caine to New York f-rom'Sing Sing- prison to- hlay in, charge of Detective Jackson to open - a ' new legal phaseof his case with" his attorney befprevtheAppellate Division ; of the Supreme r dourt 'in Brooklyn. Patrick - was .'dressed in a sa6k suit, and was joined In Manhatj tan by William L. McDonald, his at torney, and Wiiliam . Mill Butler, who volunteers to help. V - , A hXRD QU EST I O N. U Coope r Lawyers VVant to Find;. Out - "VAhat State's ; D6ctonfKhpWs.; Nashville, " Tennlaf qui , 11-rrJudge wart uau-a pru qire&uuu ui "P him ib re Cooperharp , tri hiwuh..;!,!. vaT;uou.eu? vur-t ployedrby-the. Siatfv exhume the U)0ly:-ot.r. t'armaernjftip-iajseiaifluie couree.:pr,tneuttWp lea.rnrnsr tins, sttbwe&ae knewV Without ;perniissicn from the State. The!, lef ensp appealed to Judge Hart ,fThe judge said.it would be "highly j proper" for - him " to fell the defense -what he l:qev. - The Doctor accompanied' iho lawyers for confer ence, but again refused to talk with out definite orders to do so. The judge sDid;the question was a new one and he would have to look-up autborities. The defense -then rejented and : inter posed no further objection. , SPEECH -TO STAND. Representative Cook's Address to be ' a iMatter of Record. , ? Washln gtqn ,. Marcb 1 .The special committed appointed Friday by Speak er' Cannon to examine the; speech : 0 Representative Cook, in wblch ; be violently attacked the President, - re: ported! today ' that under the rules there 'is nothing in the speech where by It should be stricken fromthe rec ords." TbDe speech ;is the most severe criticism of Roosevelt ever delivered in the House. "' V -s- ' : , V THE HAINS TRIAL. V Date for It Will be Set Friday of This , Week . , :rvV' : "New York, March 1. The date for the trial of ; Captain Peter C Hains, accused murderer: 'of .'Wml 'E.VAnnis, iwill not be . set until Friday. It was expected the date wbuid be set today, but Attorney Mclntyre for the' defense could not be in court. The - trial will probably be set for the firs week in April.' ' : ';,'. : . ' V." :;"; ;: ;.V -V; .-:,-; " :-. ;' Presentation-bf Flag: V ThelXJnited Daughters of -the Con f ederacy will preesnt a new and sand some 'flag '. to the Wilmington Light Ibfantry tomorrow evening., .The , pre sentation exercises will take place a the armory atr ?:15 o'clock and the flag will be , presented by tsisnop kod ert Strange on behalf r- of -the Daugh ters," and - received by Captairi W- P. Robertson for the company. The com pany will wear dress uniform andvil be under, command of Lieutenant T. J. s Gause. A cordial invitation-is ex tended all friends of -the-organization to be present.-, . ' Hospital -.Quarantine.-" - A meeting of the "County Board'- of Health was held at "the " court 4iouse Saturday afternoon, It 1 was r recomj tnended that, the la"w governing quar-. antine regulations . be'enforc.ed at tbe hospital covering" a period, of fourteen days. -Thig was perfectly; agreeable toL the authorities' and ; therefore? the institution will be closed to all visi tors and patients, -except emergency J cases, for tho: next- few ciays 1 - PUrl? .bruary, 1 909, We re Exactly fEhame:; Period L"st Year ;F:ebf uary fLaist YxarDetaiiedAi f icount of Arrests. : ; -'' cyT irease- in the nuiriber v o . ar- j lesis ; oy- tne police during the past month; binder "ihe enforcement; tf - the prohibition .law In comparison with the same.period last year" whenonen 1 suture that it will undoubtedly .sur prise -even the most" sanguinef adher ents "of pfoiibftionl r; t Fot " the f our Weeks '6f nnrnnWhf Ali. jA' Wlt""'""'""'"""' for causes of a trivial nature,- amounted; only to 43. For ' the same period ; last year the total num ber of arrests' fort all eauseseached the large numberr of X29. The differ ence in arrests'' 'for the A wo periods Mhder qompariso bev 86, that is; there were 86 more arrests Lwith open saloons than under thd good effects; of the prohibition law,., m other" words;: from; " a ' study ;6Tth.e tigures iveb'abovev' itwill-beseeii that the; total number of arrests for reuruary, iyuy, m comparison-' with thpsef resect durfng 'FebruarK 1908, exactly' ;bne-thIrdT of ;that 'aRp,ehehd:' ed. last year, To express In' another torm the arrests for the peribdj iasi year exceeded by ? two-thirds the; ntim ber of arjests during the ;past montbl The arrests during the past month', both white aneL'colored, and the causes were as follows: Drunk, .12; vagrancy,' 2; "Violation' of the prohibition law, 3; disorderly conduct, 9 ; affray, 9 ;' lar ceny, 1 ; violation ot the sanitary law, 3;. insane, ;2; fast driving, 1; safe keeping,. 1. '' ' " ';; ... VvFor last year the number of arrests in" February, bidth white ian decolor ed4 were g,s ; follows v X5ruhftr'31; disor derly conduct 45 ; assault,- 8 assault with a deadly weapon; '8 ; i larceny,' 4 ; vagraiicy XO - gambling .4; murder 2 ; cruelty : to animals, 1 ; fast ;driving 3 ; riding bicycle' without allight, 2; vio- lation cf the sanitary, r law 9 ; selling - Tbe- above; : figures i serye as silent Viihitlhrt s ikw-hfis firoifjrh t fin ' pra of peaeVangtwdlorOer to the cny.' the manlf ested, andibe "Bgures shcdtT-f convince ; thef 'ttwst BkeDticarthat iitl'-?': VX.S1!?:??! absblute'oWbittofi' - does not iprevan,!., Capital?' prbflts;. 315;i66.3t-v :ylc VL f1"1""" ? kU.nS.1 Bbnd (at: par) ; . v 550,000.00 r CireulaUon' . .... . . . ... , . . ; .; b&u,wu.oi y - ; :; - $ ' , 'k;v;V; BankHiidings W the-Bijou. . , Qasb:.;t..,.r.:;':V:l,089to 3,158,731.3 , : This merry and popular place has- -t ' . ! ' ' .s . - ' ;:-,i-; ; : . frwo : of the latest and best films on the markef'for today. One is "King of the Ring" and the other "The De structive Traveller." Each is a hand some, film and should be seen. V - THE BENEFIT FESTIVAL. Many Anticipating a DeligHtful Time at the Affair Tomorrow, Night. r The festival 1 being planned by. the adies of the Earnest Workers Society of the Advent Christian Church for tomorrow night .Is going to be a de- ightfully successful affair; and : many blks . are v anticipating it with ? great pleasure. Special preparation Is , be- nb made for delicious edible and the 'estival should hold out Strang attrac tiveness for those who, desire a fine supper, rln facjt, one need not go borne for this; meal but .can go direct to tne festive scene, where he ladies will serve supper at the Vegular . supper hour.; At the' request of . many they have made this arrangement and the festival ; will consequently commence late in,the afternoon. ; . ' ; V Aa has already been stated, the, 'fes tival will be giVen with a worthy ob ject In view, being a benefit for the building fund of the new enurenv Tne affair will take place ; in the hall at Fifth and Castle streets, but no ad mission fee ill be ; charged. ;.. "WILLARD; MMORfAli;; MEETING Will be Held ThursdayjEVehSng Of this ; Week Wt the First Baptist Church f A Frances Wnial-dVinemorial 'meet iti g will ;he Cheld Thursday evening of this: week at the? First Ba ptist . Church This"; meeting will be of aii especially interesting nature and a cordial ihvl tatmn is- extended the public to at tend.- ' An address Will : be fleily ered by Judge J. A. TSrwInr-pastor of the Christian church. kt ' : New Line" of' Candles. Attention sof"! Dispatch'' readers is called to tbecard of Mr. R. F.?Warren in this afteVnoon's issue, - Mr. ,Warren has recently talcen the agency, for, tne Red, Bandbrand candies -.whicb sell froni -10 to 20 cents pervpound, and'bQ guaxantees that " every" one Who gives the "candies a trial will be pleased. . 1 v " New.lrtterest QuarfSr. . . 1 i Our Regular Interest 'Period will be gin, on March list: Deposits onade with ns ton 7or before jjfarch nd will be credited with .'interest in 'thre "montm? at Jhe: June 1st Quarter The Wilnibig-J ton Savings and Trust Co, ) 3t iKfflSijOMWILMINCT . Wl 1 1 Ttftt. nor font .. a; H; ; est. froinvMarch,:ist. ' t. V. Only NATIONAL -.VV.." tion-pf the'; state , that DEPARTMENT. 3- V.-,.. r7J Kr . - 1"" . .'-SiVi'.-:'.'?-1 . II HIM -llf " yourydepcsit. was made with ,usv on ; will "be credited with -l?peientv hiterest on: Mar chXst Thf ampUnt ' I - ;"may beran iii easb asv desired. Tt- J 2nd, will draw interest: at! rate I of .-,t"A,J'"kA"."i """.' '"- r i withdrawn hP.fnrfl.thnt.rlaiA .. . f-;'lSEr'.'3;;,5 .'Ti-. a i,i;a..'.,Ki4;9 a ' -a I iililliiiii litfi -&'JrCAPKtA;iK,n ii) ;SPLUS"lX::;i;':;, J,:Hfi ; H;; WALTERicV; President, t , J.vtJILLIA Ifll High Winds in Columbus County Blew : Down Another s '"V".-f ; -lf III , rnt -H "ir:i -SVItV-iT''i tiA" -21&&41ki4 AiAl A 41 MVAf ... ,T 'V':- iu; RESOURCES, .$4,673,887.72. H. C. McQUEEN, President. J. V. GRAINGER, Vice President. SURANC& CO; iPolicsIt will pay you to see your ! ? : AgenTabouUtNOW ;;-w;- ! AGENTS: v;.:;-,f -V- -. : X. r-- ;CLATTON GILES & SOK ' JAMES OWEN RSJILLT,' ' V ;H ; WALKER TAYLOR, v r C. U PICKSON, VanB.METTSi;- -::;'p.,SMn:H':'&(i.pRDfI;:;. is-:-'-;:; J. 'H BOATWRIGHT HON, vWn7TO ;-H.':F. WILDER, ' r X " WIL. REALTY- AND msJ CO. : X 5"-,"?T;'.rfj. CHAMPIGNONS, PETITS POIS, HARICOTS, BAR-LE-jUC ; SM ITH FILD H AMSi -i-'.'-."'. : - THE BEST OLIVE Phones 108-109 - - .-.-.- : . - . Arrivals JNevvT " 'i ' 1 ' . ' ' 1 1 " ' '- . 1 i . it The Gas Range Solvesthe Servant Problem rnTnnniiTil v Inor. - -i - : - ,-. .-, it V H ' ; ' ,? r, ;V; .v r;r "; Vv-V; if ! N Bank in this see- has SAVINGS ' - THOS. E. COOPER, Cashier. .- . r . - .. , or ; before December lst, you J -:' 'M 4 per ;qenV per;; annum, payable i . ' ; I i.r..T.. Fine Lot T;'-;.v. V V.' :'V ;V:, rrt? fctv 14,673,881.72 J. w. YATES, Vice President V kC. S. GRAINGER, Cashier. , i Insurance Company in it. "Wilmington's Fire Companyv your: : company, by tlways asking; your r Aent first for a CAROLINA IN D R. FOSTER & CO. -.--if GOADA JELLY,' ANCHOVY PASTE, '.7; MU8H ROOM -CATSUP, r : PIMENTOS, - . : N. t. HAM8. r- '- OIL. INTHE CITY. r - . V--.'. V.'" 7' ... . - - . - - . ! - . . - .... . . - I'-.- J.- , . ;y' f: 8 i'iil is .; mm mm '4 5-. ill V. I'-M i- i -- f 1" i i Si tf V 1V!SS. mi -.1? : i V-;f ' : 1 i ; - -7.! : -...f 5 1 -' ".' i ' M-'i'i-.'l If.' " K l-.--.-V -. - . - ' - . : . - ; J , ;;: I. ;'ril I' 1 '! t v rt f ; I r 3 ... .