''v?r' '' '' '' i'i;-::V-' A;"'i- 1 :V'.-. v.. " .'.VV iiu.,uciii;i cquipjuicui. iLiax 7. cT the eleanest stock had, we find great fpleare ih telling ' about, arid showing our Goods. J 909 1909 DRESS GOODS, SiLUS peculiar nrenertiea ia the system from that poison. Ele-. ; gantly sugar coated." No v Substitute COMMUNICATED. suits ana siums AT : 44 The Little Store V V stimulate , th e f! TORPID ? LIVER, dicing gtrlsr e twb;- giWeti youths of (tender . years i took 5 equaled as aft fMM:- nneirown. Jives vior i wv jmwp, 01 :,TI m. inilC Mrniriwr-- iih'esA? yemire itut.; 6fti;n practical la,! AN I I-DIUUIIO IVlLUICinil-, t v dies. : As a . hiatter of fact, ori ,teu ' 'in malarial districts thelrTlrtues, oaipretwJiaout lis uuupe 01 jcugusn singitig and' dancing giris.' They gen-erallyr-tail' ,fpm Manchesteivand.ll6y often Ibelong t th-fe; vast organization of "TMller'sl Girls" ' known hV North. They i singi demurely Atenglisli songs With? no ' Mont-niartrer habitueunder- ! stand they; dance wildly ; atsonishing j even ' , Montrmartre, . they , dress ;as t 1 young as .possible, .their aim being to 1 lOOKf Sixieeii ai; rausi iur. vr, ami their' skirts, are . as short , as can ',be. They' atways' are the' one grpat, attrac tion of Whatever Montmartre - place they "mayv adorn, because while in It they never look as if they woue of it. They dance ; all,; night till seven or ei'ghf of t a morning in the Royal, the Mdnicb, the- Tabarin, the Rabelaois, or some such' ther placej and long past daybreak look as' fresh .as at dust. ; No Montmartre music, hall for years I 1 . ' 1 i' 1 , i. i' 111. A. ' 2.t- 1 past .cuuiti i Diive ivtjpjL. uu. wiiuuui .uieiu, In" Paris it has not been' served that even the most tender 'yOuths have yet committed suicide for their sakes. There" is a great deal of .idle gossip aout the case of smallpox which was taken to the- James Walker Memorial Hospital and' kept' there a week of sd before a 'final . diagnosis ? was made ' ot the case and the man -removed to the pest house. Since then a mild case has developed ' among, the nurses and the one ' afflicted1 is h now isola'ted rVBi permit me to. say that there is inucn unfavorable comment in tlie city" about the secrecy - surrounding this'' matter. I Apparently to . outsiders there ..was fcuipauie .negligence in, aainiuiug w and keeping in the ward a patient suf 'fering from an infectious'! disease ami the necessity for jrovidlng for i such batients doubtless suggested the call for funds to 1 build a suitable cottage in which tor place such sufferers. Bilt p ut pf.d ef ere nee to the wi sh s of -fellow. ct;zeris,whO; have PLATE : ... . . . .i"- ' ' AGENTS FOR LA QRECQUE CORSETS ThatisVleft to susceptible Marseilles,! wy do the "managers retain so much Bnt the Paris that amuse Itself, never- secrecy? Have, not -ihe public the t ,. iu. T7..uu !i " n.u rieht to know all the facts and know1 111 uii-'vk Mill irk; iiM.Piiii! i iirvi n,V nnilp,l v5rloslv th Varitv's nirls Wng them idle gossip would be estopped twMawfor,- rnVif ti drnvHnn and apprehensions of -danger be avert f 1 1 1 . 1 ' ' - 11'. 1 . " p ' y j" t Monday andtuesda March Isnft V -' . :. ' .' i : ,i. . 1. - ..-..' - I ; He will show a Hamburger best r Tailoring 1 . of Baltimore, the in thei eoun- 1 - S , ' 1 : 57-f ;tliij:; - v a .-r ju;tt j i r : BaCles, the Cocktails, " the. Sherry cob blers, the Kiss-me-Quickr and so on, aiwaj-s wltli a superflousv"s" and' an unhecjbss'ary ' apostrophe, but thejr'are always " of the -same type of girl. - -Be tween their Moiitmartre lif e,! in whlen they d.ancb the Dancan as Montmartre requires it, . and their home life v in Paris there is?" an, essential difference Some live' m ' ' Salvation ' Arniy : homes there, , with ! morning prayers 1- when they - come home from their work at e Ten a. m. V and are looked after by severe matron who read Scriplure to them during the afternoon. Others live in colonies in hotels, under ; the wing of some respectable hard headed business couple , of impressarious, ed. The public supports the hospital and ihe 'managers who are honored" by such appointment are servants of the puDiic. , . i u itiN kjss ri fiiu- umti i . Wr ' ;We RICE market; J Compliments of Dan Tajmage's Sons i Demand for the veelChas bejen -fair in spite of the holidajnterruption. i I ';, Local conditions' : have Improved, and there is more inquiry from out of town. Prices are firm, at an advance cu both Honduras and Japan. . . Advices7, from the South note stroifg ' pressed the matter on me, as a public duty and at the cost; of. i my personal asies,-, ' nave con,: Tsented to "stand lor the nomiria-' rtibn'i f or Maydr ; at :theensuiing ; Primary JEiect fori 1 f n am inatid I ; vsjil I .-accept the office i n i good ! faith ndjdischarert Wi thcvut tf a r ; a n d Wi tho ut (a vo r , I .' have no 'political 'ambitioh to :; satisfy 'and no - special business . interest' to se Vve ; n or have. 1 any reason clirect ; or ' IndlrectV or pro mot i ng Vt he; ; enf or c e'ment Co r the Hionrenforcenfent of any law or laws. .1 will not spend a dol ,1ar of rooney Jn the-; campaign, . nor wU! I cqnsenVfor any of. my .friepds or supporters to use a dollar Illegally or in an illegiti - mate way. The; good name of -. this city,.Hmands clean elcc-, tions,.' andl whatever infractions of the law a sound1 public senti ment cannot, restrain. should be J punished by the courts. My C Soleaimv if elected, will be to .enforce the laws Impa'rtially and s to give tothe public a compe C tent and economical . adminis tration.- j." V . "" Yours respectfully, Wafer :Gl MacRae Wilmington, NTC, Feb. 20, 1&09. 4 1-9$ J iVJ Ll Is aa INSURANCE OFFICE which; pays LOSSES and jURNS PREMIU MS CLAYTON GILES & 1, No: .16 Princess St. Phone No r . . t. r . - - -...... . - . . market on the Atlantic. Coast, . At. manager and manageress, who give iQW 0rlean3, a 'fail. demand is report- them real .British - breakfasts, real British toarft, of the most suburban kind,-with water cress and' bread and butter, andSscherally see to it that they shall become as little, Parisian as possible. The Variety s' Girls, the; Cocktails and so 1 on, as a rule send if t . v. -. 1 i . - II-..- TT ! TT W T .'.-TT ' Tf - ''"Tm TT ? 128 to 134 South Ffptit'; hard - worked mother who goes out Of course, ; Paris 'never .will under stand this mixture " of- .Montmartre dancing 'and ManchestcftitnemtDs-ness;-'- That !is thcliarSii.XO'iPttr'js tft the troupes of EnlidMi-girlst flhcPfthiat Is, perhaps; ' whyi fo-ptheMJ, tWd Mar seilles s boys shot-"' oif y hattifged them selves; -T I ''A strange Ira ge'Af1 h'as betti ehUtted in a prison celt 1 aV'ic-fiermlSi in custody, who was aboul tb"e lfs- SHOES , AU Sizes MONEY TO LOAN on Diamonds Watches, Jewelry n(f all kinds of Personal Property. All business strictly confidential. You will find pleased. to show you big ba gains in unredeemed pledges. Wilmingion Pavn and Loan Office 106 MARKET STREET- VVWasii!ndtoB OTHERS KEEP SHOES. WE SELL - v., - ' ' . "' 7 ' ' THEM. - ed on' distributive account, but, local ly, the city 1s'given over to Mar'dl J Gras Festivity, ' - In the Interior, Southwest Louisiana rnd ( Texas there is' a good demand, and holders are securing the ' advanced J charged because p'roof ;of guilt .was ajlcg. s Sa.les deaned; ,1,129,292: pock-1- ' ' ; tlf oncoming aga nst fm, committed. tsriast yr, 1,334,049 pb6tS:Hiar, C S suicide-by garroting himself. He was LnH., ,nt M.rrn - ..p-gB 6i The Firm that Pays Your Car Fare. I . ii. . hotoe" mosy of their' earnings to'-: somef Prices, niadc. necessary, on account of h:n't1 wnrkpit mntliipr who imps nut' '1. :-n.lli- uiianctu cust ' 01 tvuugu, . uuq .vium's are climbing towards; but. still niuch IcsJ thanvo ' those- ruling? "past three Lycaii rftuat'iveriodl- ; ' . tJat)tes'0anxVnfMJrespond6nce from ke f heaaketsV;iobkmg toward incoming , . of New, Crop, in ipril and May.fi ,; . . , ; . t ;psMIJeleraphp jRuisiana Cropj Movementrnto 4a-tei:i-Receii)ts.v Rough. .llOtSa laacksy . last -year,; -1,503.54.0 Shoes Bought Here are Shoes that last, we do nqt sell Shoes of the questionable sort. ....... . v ..'.-- I i . - ! f- . t . V L - ... 1 ' I . ' -Mil -'". V6 Sell Fine Shoes POCi.GLA, r ELOSiiEl mCaND' Rt;- f.Vv'---"'?STONHEALTH.'.'.u' vHf- i O1 V ir. ercero Evans! Co 115 Princess street; a, Russian, and ,hadZ been forrnerly ff qtiiet aeconn t larl; pras i ; iriiflrri pmninvpA-hv .-t.h .TfleoniHs Com-1 Talmage, Charleston, telegraphs i Irany.-When the police hacF discovered. Carolina Crop Movement to date: Re- or believed . they had discovered, . a i ceipts, 53.39S. pockets.- Sales, 49,827 The Latest Newest Pp:rin;tyles in 4- Improved Scotch Poplin, plain with side border, also pin stripes, in good variety or patterns, and colors, at. . . . ...., . . . 1 25c the yard : 1 C:1pc Fancy Summer Batiste, ; in . large; asortneiit;-this week at; .V. .7 ?1-2c ' :: 25c 'Silk Gingham, plaids and smali, neat tliocks, soft finish, this -week plot to issue false coins on the part of some foreigners, he was arrested because he had been seen in company with some of the suspected persons. Suspicions were slightly corroborated at first by the finding of a few Aus trian nickel coins in his f)ssessions which had ."been roughly guilt with a ho had only .done this to make a nres- leut o the coin 'to his children. Jle was, nevertheless, sent to prison, and an inquiry was instituted, which turn-i ed out iu his favor, no proof being fotind that' he had really been impli cated in, a counterfeiting plot. The order for his release was about to be Signed when ohe of the prisou ward ers in making' his rounds, foundUhe Russian ; dead in his' cell. The -prisoner had Iosseped a ' bootlace, wound it round his neck; and twisjted it1 with a spoon until it choked him to death. Perhaps the knowledge that Tie would soon be, deliberated .would have saved hS' life," but it-does not appear that he was'aware of the inquiry having turned out in has favor, or if he did know it, he may have doubted the assurance that had been given of a epeev departure from prison. pockets. Market strong. ; Cut Wood, all sizes, B. A. Ivierritt, phone 281. tf t 19c. Fine assortment of new Spring Dress Gingham, fast colors,. .10, '12 1-2c ; . Plain and fancy LiimeUo, Linciies and Gallatin Cloths, irij wide range of 40incL White '-Lawn at.. 4. ,. . . . . ,x .7 1-2c , New .Spring Dress Goods In Mohairs, WooU'PoplIne, Batiste, Satin Pru nillas, Taffeta Suitings, Seaside' Stripe Cashmeres, Voiles), Silk Chiffon Embroideries, Laces and AUpver Nets. Biggest stpek," biggest variety and lowest prices. Silk amf Net Waists, CVoile and Panama -Skirtsi1 : k "Agent vfcr New Idea 10c Paner Patterns. V ; . if : Subs ..'v. v t , ; . ; i '-ft. Evening Dispatch 1 V' tf- ', i"' ':-.y. i- In literary and scientific. Pa;j great interest-is felt in the vote just record ed by the Cpllege de Fran.ce in favor of the appointment of the Abbe" Loisy to the recently founded chair of the History, of -Religion. Thirty-six pro fessors voted in the course of the "scurtin. . In the: five trial rat tempts the Abbe Loisy received an : absolute PAINTS AND " - r Vall Paper! : Now and '.Fresh Stock all kinds of PAINTS VARNISHES and BRUSHES . . . Try our EMPIRE FLOOR STAINS.' LATEST DESGNS, IN WALL PA PER, 1S09 STYLES. Something to make your home, more cheerful." - Wilmington Paint ;-: atd Wall Paper Co, 202 Princess Street NQTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Hannah Waddell.de ceased, late of New Hanover county, emv of Sciences will also nresent two,Nortn. Carolina, this is to notify all candidates, x after which the : names i personB naving . : claims- against the will be submitted: to; the -'Minister Public instruction for final selection. Usually, however, the vote of the Col lege de France is decrisive.;, The Abbe Loisy has lectured largely on "Biblical criticism and .the authenticity of the gospel; and he drew enormous crowds to the Sorborine four years ago. - His book on r.'The Gbsrpel and the Catho lic Church" brought upon him , the offi cial censure "Of 1 the Vatican, 'vrhe Popes EncyclfcAl on Modernism 'wais, indeed understood t have been writ ten ! chiefly'i against " the "Abb.e - Loisy, and because bf his reply toMf the 'lat ter was . excommunicated. This was a yearl .The excommunication has not been removed, ;and'M. Loisy is- ;' in his littl .country 'cottage, .hard; at work kon a new' book,-which I am told, will .'deal wfth the attitude of the ; Ror man CJiurch, 'toward, modern theories.' THERE !S NO , ECONOMY IN WAiT !NG TILL YOUR TEETH ACH.ES Go see your dehtist. Many times 'tis too late .to save thern; Little unnoticed decays grow: rapidly, and it saves mon ey and pain and yoar .Teeth to havr them looked aften - . -Our Prices are within reach of all. PLATES $5,00. CROWNS $4.00 ! . . . ' . . Porcelain, Crown and Bridge Work, Regulating Malformed Teeth, and all Work at Reasonable Prices., ' Teeth Extracted Free. Lady Attend ant. , instruments; Stcri 1 ized, ! after each Operation. . . r , - - Dr. James 17. Powell9 s Dental Parlors "The Doctor Who" Doesn't Hurt." SUITEV5, GARRELL BUILDING. TO D. C, and Return -VIA Atlantic Coast Line ACCOUNT- ' -' i- - . --v IhauguraF Ceremonies LPfesjde1n Elect Taft ' Tickets On sale t February 28th, March lst 2pdahd 3?df.f9ial limit to reach original. itaitin ppiut. not Juter faan : midnight :AIarchr10thl ' Great 5 fililitary Parade 1 For further - fn formation, reserva tions, ' etc. f call on nearest Ticket Agen t or write " v: V; ' I T. C. . W H 1TE, 1 General Passenger Agent. W. J. CRAIG, Passenger Traffic Manager. .wilmingYon, n. c. jan 20 till inar.Srd . FIRE Protection ! Nails ! Nails I Nails ! : Is what every man needs and must have.-- Wo have all good, strong Com panies, both home and foreign, and would be glad -for you to give us a share of your business -' Prompt attention given and rate? gladly, furnished. . Hi F. WILDER r 1 207 Princess S treet. ELI CAVENAUGH. Phone 631. Cijde Steamship Company ,- - iMm Steel Cetandj-S 1 1 Wire . Nails: ' estate' of said deceased to exhibit them td the undersigned at No. 403 Southern Building, Wilmington, N.-'C on - or before the. 15th day of, February, 1910,1 or this noticu will - be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please 'make im-. mediate payment. . - This February 15th, W09. ' ' x , ' JOSEPH W. LITTLE, I ; ' - Public AdministKitor. feb ,15 oaw 6t mon We can ' fill Orders Promptly on any ) ; -V. - :- Size. . '. ' 7 ; - ALSO 300 SACKS SEED POTATOES to . "TIE MOST PVrtSH!NQ DftlBK Iff THE WORLO LEFT,; Including Irish Cobblers, Red -and White Blfsar and Early Rose. . SEND US YOUR ORDERS. D. U Gore Co . Wholesale grocers and Imported . J f i, :r - ; H" For freight and pftssagaipply0 NEW YORK, WILMINGTON AN QRORQETOWK LINE. MEW YORK FOR WILMINGTON. S-S.i-Navahoo -.!.. Feb. 26th, . S.'g;Carib ..March 5th, I'M WILMINGTON FOR NEW YORK. S. S:'vCarib.'.; Feb. 27th, 1 . S. ,S. jNavahoe . . March Cth, -M WILMINGTON TO GEORGETOWN. . SCarib..... . ... . .Feb. 22nd, l'5 S. S. Navahoe........ March 1st, - ;Tlirouj:h 'wilB of lading and lof tbjpagiviate;kaauxteed to and fr010 ;olnte lnTorth and South Carolina. r- WILMINGTON, N? C. feb. 9 tf . - Read .The Dispatch's , Speciai. only, 25c month'''- V. . . T J 1 '.-'I. ' . I , " . . .V- ' ?;' V . .. ."'.;' ' . 1' iv: '." 1 '....-'".' -', ' " i ,J- : Wllmlngtoa, n. c ' H. B. MAYNARD, F. T. M. : EC H. RAYMOND, V. P. nd 0. Geu'l Offices, Pler 88 N. B. Brcn, W ; I. ' CJ$ Broaawsy, hfw Tort - ".;-v, :;a;,:"'ra: j.'V- -'-. '. c-- . .''iS-'

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