VOLUME FIFTEEN .WILMINGTON;. N. '.0,; TUESDAYpMARCH 2, 1909 ::yy pmcEfFiyEpcENTSiiii: rs Mil Kin Bill for Constitutional Convention was Reported Adversely as Wos Bili.Con- . cerning Transfer of Topsail Town ship to this County Other Intrest ing Notes About Today's Session'of Legislature.- . " -" ' ' ?: Special to The Dispatch, Raleigh, N.;C.; March 2. Cpi: Mor ton, speaker pro tem, presided in the j louse today.-,. Speaker Graham, after his experience with the midnight ses sion last night, ws' not. leeling very chipper today. In uhe House a com mittee reported adversely the bill for encouragement of " " 'strawberry and truck growing. 'industry-....; A bill for a constitutional convon 1 ion was - reported adversely, but ' the minority report filed: The -Senate will pass 14,. but its fate in. the House is doubtful. . - ;r- . , A bill transferring. -Topsail township from Pender to New Hanover .. was reported adversely. ' No minority, re poi t. . - ; " L- V : The Senate Solicitors' salary bill passed yesterday also got a black eye, but a niiHorlty report Insures a fight on the floor of the House. More, than i score of important bills were killed by the committees today. V " Amoug the new bills were the fol lowing, together wilh' a score of local Tlv AFnrnhv tn "rActnvo tho rniimtn ci' Surry, which'' w transferred; to the Fifth District two years ago i at the solicitation of Congressman Hack eit, but which transfer did not save, his election last year.-. as planned -tb 1 ho Fifth District r The' plaii is to 4n tr.re a. .Democrat' in ithe Fifth and let tho Eighth vemajnt joined to theRe lu)lican idol. - . . v '''' ? : :' By Coxy to give osteopathy" doctors acce38Ttprtpublic hospitals the same' as other physicians. ' i '. ; '.. ' By. powd-iprBrQCHre thev interest os State bonttsf alstf regiilate pay men t of taxes on State property. ; (ll By Perry '"to 'enlarge the.5"; hospital fo rthe dangerous insane. , t.,L , . ... P,y Weaver, ,a -police court for Ashe ville. ( . ' V-;'-'''-' ' The' House calendar is Jat with "lit tle local bills." It. consumed most of the time of the dayV In the House and Senfite Fred A. Woodward was icc-ted-rio succeed Connor, (declined) , as trustee of the State" University. Woodward was recommended by. the joint committee. Several others' were placed in nomination, but they receiv ed only a few votes of personal friends. ' " ; : Speaker Morton liaid " before the House, at one thirty the special order Tor the dayv the 'Machinery act, which provides for the assesment of property and collection of ..taxes. The pending bill being the finance committee's re port, simply amending and changing in some particulars the present law,' as passed by last legislature.. The ; house resolved itself into a committee of the whole and waded into the voluy niinous document in a business like manner, making quick work of it. Ad journed until," tonight. . - ' 7 In the .Senate. 1 . - In the Senate thebill introduced terday to change the time qTmeet- of the legislature, from January to August, biennially, wa's recomnnended favorably by committee. ; . ' Senator , Empie, from committee of Constitutional Amendments, -reported the Dockery-Stubbs bilj, submitting, to the people the proposition for State Constitutional convention with recom mendation that it pass. It provides for the election of delegates at the same time. . - . ' The chfld labor bill was made spe rial order for Thursday Among thQj bills of some consequence passed In . the Senate were Relating to directors qf corporations, allowing' large stockholders owning 'or controlling 25 per cent stock, to vote cumulatively,' etc. Amendicg the law relating to es capes from prisons and jails, JSectioa ".CG2 of the Revisai; also extending provisions of the "section to prisoners sivafling trial; and to providing -Cloth-Vg to such. - .A bill providing forregistration" of motor vehicles ' and ' better enforce penalties for violations by them of lav. .. - - Tlie oil bill, reported unfavorably ,i7 Hie majority, but :with minority re port on Doyghton' substitute,- caused a long discussion. It provides 'for in spection of illuminating-oil and .fluids and provides the . machinery, etc. ' Empie criticised the bill and doubt il the wisdom of such' a " law,,' Said he, as agent for Standard Oil Company in 'years ago, had sold millions of gal loos at oil and he entered into expert . (Con'nued on Third Pag,) Speaker Pro Tem at To FESTIVAL TOIIIGIIT i" 'J T . j. .; .3- j. A .Very Delightful Affair ln-the Half at Fifthand Castle StreetsSupper C Wfir be Served to Many- As a Bene r fit fpr the BuiidihV Fund- fori the ':New. Advent 'Christian Church. ; "I f1, " .' " Tonight is the; time for the delight ful festival . planned by 4he . ladies. 6 the Earnest Workers- Society of ti& new Ad-vent -Christian CChurcb-- " The scene will be thel: large toll at1 he'eor- ner of. Fifth and Castle; streets rand the ladies Kaye; made . ample ir epara tions for 'handling the large ciowl which will; nd doubt,' attend as :. the festival has been'pleasurably ; antici: pated for some - days now t! by many. The festival will really - commence late this afternbon, "as the : ladies ? in tend to serve a; dainty jandj; delicious supper to. those; who desire s"uch, In fact, they liaye ; made arrangements fpr serving quite a number who win go to the scene: for supper and there remain for the evening, having a most enjoyable " time. : - - ' - The -affair tonight is given as a benefit for the building "fund of the newxhurch aild consequently the ob ject, is a most - worthy one. , ' To the Public. - : The Wilmington , Sub-Division of the North Carolina Red. Cross Branch makes a nearnest appeal and asks that doctors and individuals interest themselves and report every case of tuberculosis among : the . colored, peo ple toMr. Wm. Niestlie, druggist, who has kindly offered to keep record"" of same furnishing name and address to" AnnaJ Bently "instructing; visiting nurse"," : who assumed her duty March 1st. --; .Mrs., Cuthbert ; Martin r ' Sec. Wil Sub- Dlv, Red Cross Society. REAL; ESTATE TRANSFERS Negotiated Through the Office of ' the 1 . . , AW- Pate Co. . .. Mrs. f Fannie,. G Pritchard to Mm. Annie L. Nebvihs one lot, Villa Vief; Wf ightsviWe ,Cound. ; Consideration $250.00; " . ' . ; - ' ; : . :'; A. W. JJaie to O.. Allen one lot at Sea" Gate Park, .Creenville Station; JtOOJK) and -other considerations. ? J. D. dBowcn to PrestpnJ Gumming property, .' 805? S. ' Front -street, 30x9 '; il0.tfp and. Jother consjderatiflfts. ; ' v., -:r. .'.' . i . i... miiJ .. 11 - 7, Negro Shot Another. Reports from Topsail Sound this afternoon are to the effect, that" ;r young negro man; Dixon, slew" another onejiRaefordSheatidi'';. last night arid then IkinetU. himself. Particulars: , of thehoothigeould not be learhfidf-' " "":'' V' vCOAL.i Operators Defy the.' Miners. Union and Refuse --j Grant Any Demands.:. '... Newqrk,:May6h;2jThe Anthracite coal operators ; defy the jminers union dndv. refuse to grant any .one of eight demands yl0ch ;n elude, higher wages, shorter -hours i vanX; other concessions. The crisis will; conje . when. the present agreement -expires March 31st. ; Tho situation is jdescribed in a pamphlet issued Hoday which" while not official has the approval of the operators.vThe three year agreement expires .March 31st.' This; agreement is .practically identified VwiUfJthat : of 'the ? Roosevelt strike.comniission in,:1902. -The Jnew demands go back in "most points - to matters which were then, sifted; by the Roosevelt commission. . " ' AMLANCHB TrjfAY Brought: Death" to Six Officers of Aus trian Army. - Innesbruck," Austria,;. March 2. An avalanche near : ' La. Frann, v today brought death to six , officers and a de- taehment of thfrty men of . the Im nerlol Austrian array. Railroad tracks and ' telegraph V. wires were carried away in the rush -of rock and earth. Troops have been sent to the scene to clear away the-'debris.- - TERRIFIC EXPLOSION , Occurred in Pennsylvania Mine To- Wilkes Barrev 'March 2. A terrifid explosion lias . occurred in No. 14 col- liery in tne Pennsylvania, vuai uut pany. at- Port- Griffith, Several score men :i were -shut, 'in.:;: Two dead and twelve badly burned sp far have been taken out. Themine is- reported to eb on fire. , .. ' . : Small Fire Today, v . A -small fire 'at noon today in the Eureka Pressingv Club rooms on Prin: cess street caused some, excitement in the down -town r district. The blaze was caused 'by Ignition of gasoline and damase to the amount of, $10 resulted :nrhe fire" waa-suppressed by means of .ri 1,011,1 "pvti'nfiruishers and the chemical 'engine j v v 0 T y-........ Mr. and Mrs; Louis Kreinsoerg. - JIr:-and Mrs.' Louis Freinsberg, of Cohoes, N. Y' arer m tne cny 10 puu several' week's as' the guests of Mr. and Mrs Charies- Prineberg, at the apart Tr,onts of th latter in The Carolina. snii ' Mrs,-Freinsberg haye already made many warm friends sine? their arrival .here, all' of whom wmtwisn them a' most, enjoyable visit.' , r- . llilii ;--f'.- ...nopfrnwort ' y':-''' ' :' -'V.'.- -:.;; . . .. : --: ;.' "r i:vS:,; '---:'' ; :: C reatiprt: of Po I i ce V ahdj Fi re C&m mis: sion Has Caused a Big "Sti'rToday and the Way of Naming".' eiribers rLoudly Denounced Strong Protest . .Sent to Raleigh and Committee; Will Likely Leave for There Tonlghtrj-f f Thp ' Tn tpst hnmh in the InnHttrnl of a. police and fire c6mmissi6naflfii(JfMW 1S. now "tfij dredged and which has already travel-sea nan way 1. 'The bill went thrdUghl .-i.:' - id- v.t" i- to the goal the ; Senate last night and i Sr now' in the House, ' and the explosion s is! being heard in" Wilmington twlajr. Tlie Con-1 census : jof opinion V seehi'a to :be : that under the. previsions of "the bills "self government has taken wings and gone h5ther into the depths., Apispatch representative today rloimd- a hhmber of: people vAvho wereinl favor, of the commission pian,( -as Ij:; might:late the police and Tfire ; departmeiitsjl out' ot politics while 'i he " found rnaiiy v more who believes that the aldermen . could, handle ' the question.: But when it, came to, the question of the manner of naming: the ' commissioner :. asi pre scribed rby the i act (synopsis of 'Which is given below), there was an lawful howP from fully nine put of ten" People and some uncomplimentary things were said. . :':lTJ:' ;-.:vtt-'.': , Truly, : in the way, of self-government, the affair looks farcical? It Us a shame., for free people to 'he bur: dened -vfith tany ; such and tlie people of Wilmington, should arousp ;thenif, selves to option in "the matter '...and protestagtitnst infringement f -their rights. Local1 selfybvernmeufv lis be ing 'made r&y travesty t of ln tis ci ty and rThei Dispatch 'has v protested--tinie and t i hte .again : from the maaner. of namhig membPrS; : of the I&ard of oyer,v tliirt may - be- taken, u But the latest act, which proposes. to Preate the police: and fire commission inJSuch manner is the very limit.;.! It is al.blo There. ;was much talk today of pro tests being wired to-Raleigh in hbpes thatrucli .would bo in time to .'at least grant the people of .Wilmington time jiu uuiisiuer me umuer.y - - . With a commission the mayor vould necessarily "be an ornament, but , the aldermen, regardless of being divested of nearly all powers, the board of auiUt--'and finance even. fixing the salaries, could rent but the market stalls, o-course, and might occasion-. Slly pass an ordinaqce to' prohibit a man from spitting on the sidewalks but then - they couldn't see that the ordinance is enforced. The;,fol!owing-synopsis of: the bill was wired The : Dispatch - this .. after noon by its special correspondent: :. Raleigh, C, ' March 2.-A' bill is pending in the House today, and pass-, ed by the' Senate last night, creating a police and fire, commission for' the city of Wilmington.. It is entitled "An Act to Amend the Charter of the City of Wilmington." It provides as fol lows: Section 1 That ; William E. Sprin ger, R. H. Northrop,. W.-A. .French Jr.. John Barry aud '' R. A. Burnett; and their successors, .hereby constitute the board r and the full government, management and control of' the police and;fire departments be vested In this board, members; of which are to serve without compensation, and no two Lmembers are to be frgm the same ward. .' Section 2 provides that the term of office fof Burnett shall be to June, 1 19111; French and Barry till the first Monday June, 1913; Springer afnd Nor throp till 1915. :-At the. regular ; muni cipal elections, and bienially thereaf ter, there shall be elected one or 'more of"th-five commissioners, each for six years, to succeed' the commission er whose - jterm expires that year - and one or two (as case may be) elected biennially thereafter for'"- six years. The board itself to fill vacancies oth erwise created. - ' - - Section-3 empowers the board with power to appoint and at any time re move any, officer, or . employe of what ever grade r.or rank-' and i,shall; reeom- mend . to the Board of Audit Tind : Fi- nance the salaries, and -compensation. to be paid all employed or connected . : , ( iii. ii . . ..i - j. . fn any-way' with either "department.. ; Section 4 savsHhn new board "shall - ' "C- - urga.iiiz.t-, t;qutp. auu uiajULiiiu a auuiu litlJV UUliVC 1U1 tC aUU , 111 C .UbfUl tlULUl, and shall haveoower toiprescribe the! mental and physical qualifications, age and . other qualifications. ' -' , v Section 5 stipulates that only quali? fled electors; who :shallistaild exami nation prescribed, shair- be eligible to a place in either department of ; the city- phiysician or other doctor," select ed by board to make the physical ex aminations.; What the - mental exam iilEBlHiSE .! .. - ' - . - - - - 1- J - S1 Poorihpes . Vdihe Fire department, Will be Qlf vchbben v , and Schaman ' ' F-h!1ff"takK Similar to" One at . Market Street Dock. - : J ' ; yv uih.; was- siarted 'today ' upon , the Installation of a new steamer, intake at: the Princess street dock, similar to nne one. recently nlaced . at th tnnt of Market street for the use of . the fire aepartment. "'-rli ;-:.;'-; The work' of installing this newfea-: iqre win . oe carried out imder the di rection. x)f Cliief of . the Fire Denarti inent CharsBch A. jj rench, chairman of fire' eommUtee of t-heVbdard pf aldermen. It will re quire: at leastwtoveeks for the -completion of the contract; toll6wing(which a rigid, test of, the pew equipment will tTf--5v 7 , , LJ?$r P if. -v . vc: iu stplaUqn pf; thf-intak J These- inx tak6s -fareS Provided at "rOmnavntfvpliii fares provided : at "comparatively smaljost dndtheyiwill greatly tfacili ta-teJI-the; 'puihping; Vcapacityfthe steam jenjglne ? jat'lfutiirp-Jfires f along the riverL front, and in-the down town district. :,-: ":.'-'.- .' . ',' ; '" " y':n -'-'?, Cf : ::,'At he"Btjo.u. y ''-ill The new films, at the Bijou today will again . bev exceedingly s fiiie ones ahd will betwo large, hits, 'The Land lady's Portrait" and "The Janitor's Bottle."5 ' :'.''v'v- ;;'-::"ff r" - 4-y-'.'i TO THE PUBLIC. It is constantly and liersistently re ported' that, as, a candidate for mayor, r do not care to win. Tliis talkHs ab surdr. i want the' earnest support of all my friends. Pay no:' heed . ,to re ports of ; my indifference, and do not grow " careless. A lukewarm policy spells defeat.5 All talk of my being a candidate: for sohie'7 special ''.Interest'" proniouion oy otner or ior, ,some eif f ort : to . rewaru; friends and '""get :eyen7r with" enemies is -untrue.1 r-Every; trade and profession, was represented lin the F body of citizens Who did mp the honor tp'urge jne matter ; laDormg men, bus iness 5 mppy professional men; and lip word vwastterearlis tto; this 'pi . that jltpypxa'gtv hepdj u , lue-ext'uuiioii or emwcemni. 01 any .Jjaws or ordinances. They 'said they wanted,4 a man who had no pledges to, ; redeem, ; '"A no personal schemes to . advance oh e who cpuld t apu woum give; an 01 jiis mienuon to the : needs Jand ; wishes - of the wKole city.-. It is for ybu to judge! 1 '' ; . . WALTER G. MacRAEK i ADAMSON WbN TH E ' MEET. And-Is to" Meet 'the': "f 6rrible Gree'' Friday Night. L - A small, but- ardent bunch of grap ple fans were'present at the Academy last night' to see . the handicap mat meet between -Ed Adamsdff and Chas. Berg. The former . agreed to . touch the latter's shoulders to the mat, twice in an hour, but at the. end of nearly half an hour- of spirited work "there had not been, a fall, land the grapple fans had . commenced to think 'that . Adamson had Kmore than t he ! could master, : though they recognized ' the fact t,hat it : was a handicap event, f which made Adamson do all the ag gressive work, Finally, ' . Berg Was taken sick - - and - I had to quit, and Adamson was - awarded the match v Berg : later ) came on the stand and bowed his thanks to the au dience, which cheered. . v, y;i- A snappy p'relimihary was given to the main event; and a most ludicrous .'Battlejftbyarv closed: the affair.! ;. r ' Friday night grapple ;fans are ex pecting isomething J)ig and exciting ih a meet between t janies - Myers, the "Terrible Greek," of Charleston, and Adamson. This ' will be , &, straight event for the hest to out of ; three and it is of much interest as Myers. and Adamson wrestled in Charleston fifty odd ; minutes -.. without a fall Afoi either one. . , " . - ... .. . .. - " , Notice ; hereby announce myself a candk? date from the Third Ward to supply the whole city with the best coal and wood to be had. V Respe6tfully, B.cAll Merritt. Phone i 281 If you want coa of "merit" buy from B. A; Merritt. ' tf ' New S. -X. Batteries just receiyedLi The Auto Co. ; "- ; It ination shall consist of is prescribe as ""reading, writingand a knowledge of the city ordinances and the duties; required of -"applicant." ' . ' ; Section- provides that the chairman sha31;be selected from ; among 'five commissioners and -that the eity; clerk and - treasurer ; shall ,-ser-ve rthp " boards also as such; That : examinations of all , employes shall -beheld at least once "each year. The .powers or the board and officers of the fire and police departments "are . prescribed by the other , sections ' and all necessary tex perises of the board- shall be paid by the board of audit and finance upon vouchers signed 'by the chairman 6f the' new board - of the police and fire commissioners.-. The 'bill 'is effective from and after Its ratification.': " 'tmjjxf, mrm v'xrk'. :lQm- - :fq -T -.---. j -si. 1 . - v .: .- :- v S ' --' H v' '-.' v-Vs. .;. ..-.--.5, j-v---. --i".' -v--. i.A A " mmm Gas Range Solves the .V- 'bbleml f ''iioiC gest arid Most f -p ';iJ; : n lfl Centrally Located 110 North Front Street. Capita Surplus,. ......;.:.$ ;240,000 Resources ......... ..... 3. . : 'IF A MAN CAN WRlTt AlBfiTTeRBpOIC, PREACH -A BETs ' l ! ;?TER SERMON ORMAkECA, BETTER tilQ N EIGHBO RrTHO UGH HE BUILh. HIS NnilfiF IM TUtirkin ft ii e 5 , J ; Vt" HE WORLD VV1LL MAKE A BEATEN PATH -TO' rjlS DOOR.'fj f i JUST FOLLOWTflE. c -;1 IMIIII .ii..ii.i.i....L...i. ....-Jy High Winds in Columbus County Blew - 'r. Down Another Fine Mm 15 Cents -.'.. STATEMENT 3FKe MUrchison Of Wilmington, N.C., at tneclose of vfei:. v;-.-. v-:., :-J- . - - ,. Loans" and Discounts . ,$ 2,69,583.60 N. C. State & other bonds, " 289,568.15, U S; Bonds "(at par) . L . f 550,000.00 Bank 'Buildings. I .... . u 55.000.00 4Cash . ; . ;;r. ;..v. 1,089,735.97 14,673,887.72 lC:c:McQUEEN, President. : J. V, GRAINGER, Vice President. V-.- . .' rg- .' Jl .;.- CAROLINA INSURANCE Connected for 21 Years' with .... . . - ' , 1 - - i . . . - . . . - ' - - - -. Represented in, the city by ; See yours about New Arrivals at Siwas CnAmrlUNUNo. V T FTITS POIS, 1 i ? haricotb; : r BAR-LE-DUC, SM1THF1ELD HAMS, tTHE. BESP OLIVE Phones 108-109 J. . :. . J v;: . gressiye 4 f '1 ....... ...$l;600,000 'j . V'' :,J i v: i t '1 ,!V,i- .. ......... T 1 Pound; 5 CONDITION y-'y'y; M Bustnesa February 5th, 100.' - - - -.K;.,:--- -' .-"-'- -.f i Capital . ... .. . :.' . ... $ ' ; 55OO00..0O Surplus & net profits, i .V 31p,156.38 Circulation. 1 . ';'.. ; y B50,6(J0.60 U. . S. Bond Account. . . . . .'100,000.00' Deposits ..... .lVS.158,7St34 - ,' :y::y ' : . 4,673,887.72 Ji: Wv YATES,' Vice PresWellfecf Cr Sr GRAINGER, CaktdByM'l jt Wilmington's Commercial .. r . . ' ' - . - v. - r every Fire Insurance Agent IhejCAROLINA. - ' . : ; .tc: GUADA JELLY, ANCHOVY PASTE, X MUSHROOM .CATSUP,' PIMENTOS, v .N, C KAMS. " .-i OIL.IN THE CITY. S. VJ. GAKDElIG. City Rdwp W3(5G)lM It 'ir t 1 1 i I' I:t 'fr:: I 4 1 II :'5'i a; i' r il,- j ; . i i ' j I - x. ' V f 1