Q : .;.V'T IX y 'V- v.- a --t--'-'vr- A .y7777;7sr :" .v v. . ... t 7 - VOLUME . FIFTEEN ' ' ' .1 I II I "I I I 1 -j it s ,1 :,i n liii hi ririii mm mmmmm V -"WAX ? V"V-' sisis : ., - .--.if - :-:s ''i.Vv:-;--'- r-T'i;- -'"f T'.r MM VllilOIIY In laleliiiiil- HlgJOIOIIifllii Chances Are Thatrthe JReform Govern ment Party Wiifi Hlavel a Maority of the Board of Aldermen--A Big Vote is Being : Cast and MucK. In terest is Manifested in Primary. lialoigh, N. March 30.-At 1 o'clock it is impossible s to. give muci id ea as to who-is going to 'carry the 1 iri niary. Both sides ' are ."working liai d and both am,,claipiJnj ,the ;. vic tory. The chances are that good gov ornment has a 1 majority Of the -alder-1 men, vith the mayoralty ii doubtr;.lt may take aii official7cpAlhf toaiight to decide the matterr. ?A: bl voters .be ing cast. ';;g'v; freight Wreck." Just Outside Raleigh Today Has. Inter rupted Traffic, . . . Tlalfigh, ' Ni C.r March 30. All pas senger trains, of ,the. Seaboard 'vand the Southern,.-are ;tiejd up heire today 'because o the wreck of a freight train just outside the, city! limits on the 'Seaboard, The truck" broke on? a.dbu lile header freight going -north, and poveral cars -were derailed. The. wreck occurred south "of : the .city, where the Seaboard and Southern train vparallel ami the .wreckage .is scattered, oye; hot li trarks. Trains-, going' north and east are held unjust outside the xtty, J. not being able to , entpr,?while vtrams I west and . south bouhki are" held here. The track will probably be cleared 41.!.-. rift SM.nftW 1 -. ' ' - ' PRESIDENT; ELIOT v .V i .-.5V '.Wj- ..,: t Will be Guest of ?Honor at 3 Banquetfo .; Tonight Washington, -Marchjaoinaries w. 7 Eliot arrived! heve',today ffromitich-i. mond. He, will.rspeakCtiSnlghtrat-the annual dirtner.Vtb- ther Ilaiard ;Club;? to be given in hikblohbVtJresideht-Taft vialbrK6bTMfc .''gupsts will be, present. This after nodh he spokb to the:Jigh School. ;?? f INDIAN MESSENGER Brought a Messagefof Surrender To- ' '"'.day? , l:??? '. , Oklahoma City,: March 30. Colonel Huffman, commanding the State mili tia, has j ust . received a message from Crazy Snakesaying the Indians, are ready, to surrender it 'promised S . fair treatment. The Colonel assured the messenger that thetIndiaps' would be given a fair trial and ; he?messenger left for theV' Indian camp; ; The smS render is expected hourly. ? ? ; ? ;- GREAT DECREASE In Gross Earnings of Steel Corporation During Past ' Month. V . t ?v. v ?' New York, March '30.--Through an ngency generally used for the dissemi nation of such in formation, the United States Steel Corporation earninga fpr the month .bf lklarch ?were,annouiiced to have been $5,500,000,"' a drop of $2j-j sxMj.uuu in earnings unaer tne previ ous month. This report was taken as an indication in Wall Street that the cut inp wages is certain. ; , " L E AT H E R M A N U F AT U R E R8 : if - s Register' Decided Protest Against the Low Tariff v; , ; s ; Washington, March 30. A commit' tee of six, headed iby C.-E: Kagger, 'cretary of the Kritipnal --Association J oi .patent leather.- manutacturers, iUr rived here to protest; to iCprigf essSa protection : afforded - patent leather? by the tariff bill, a duty of i20 - per -Cent; is placed on patent leather 7ini hptfli: but the manufacturers claim thaUthQ business is not profitable uriless ilttpre is a duty of thirty ' per cerit Kelpbm-. uiittee will appear ; bef 6re..-ex'?eii?it4 finance comriiittee and argue vfPrv e increase to hermai: APRIL Money deposited- . Friday, Aprir2nd, will receive interest i'rom April 1 st. vPlace your business?! with the- savings ibank having- largest Capital, j largest Surplus, largest Ttte sources, 'f:-?7The?llmihigtbhlrSavlngs and Trust7'Co?7-y? c?77i47.vf : 7;.7 Zt 7- Easter Openings-Spring's?. nearest anci best fashions at Rehder's AVedries Uay.7 Souvpnirs for: eyeity- customer. ThV only 6tock of '"childr'en's7dresses worth fookingat, at Gaylbrd's;?;tt 7 '' X ' x- A . . . ..7 -.-.'... , -' "7 ;:'-' A N ewi Interest Periods ? 7 Begins.'?April lst;?y alip.ilPebps. 'ivings Bank.. . I f you deposit on for before April 2nd your interest wilf.be ,-- 7 i " j'7 . -'.'v"T I ATriiritenancefJ Ftre" Bpat; hereonor ' befpre mmmmmmm TIIftT UKOLV GUT. RetrenchmehtWIli Pr6?ably be Maude for : the Cfty Some' ; SalaHea- Are : i-isi OT salaries - of r poth r. City , and Qountyand a, Word.from flr.. D Li Gor RelatrveTheretb vj, s . - eA?f shoil. while f ago" The tDispatch noted the- great probability of a mone . r1- .- tary reduction 'being;raa3e in some of ?Audit aiid; innahce; and indications now poin,t stronger than ever ;in? that direction. , If is realized that there must be retrenchment as the city; has some big k undertakings on hand, : h'uf een atOVe thar-hausev the; city -has beenreprt ve ik)f;:lai loss . pf r thjsliquor lieeiise mpneyahid ihjthe costs frpmi Uha'poce 6ort b2; lhscut ' VoffilthW .mm:iinig to th Recbrdfer's ! Cburt.'which i a coun tyf institiihon: Hence;? there? has got to 'e. alasli; 4n i ieu of increased s$ atipn?itJtosiso Jjee reasbrif tat?a lWrench metir ttiete are Tsbme sarariesf- that should be cut.? arid 1t(i.s.. known that ;'UipdwersUhaibV?h pprtant. matter . der? corisfderatiott: ' iin& wiJlBikely aej?accoiing thi3;Jine.he.Dispatch.: received ;Tth6l fpllpwing l uthpXightf uM cbmmuhicatioh yesierp:ay:.y:;.,v ir:.: S OTthvMrV Walter G. iMacRae moml- nated and elected for mayor and a; ma-1 jority of .'the ; same: class of . nienAnomi nated dhd elected,' for aldermen that j is .first class. sa far; but, I think the flb bur. ' city? government " is I system wrong. i. I ; think r it. costs, us twenty thousand' dollars more, to run our city government under the present system yeany uum it woma ir run HKe,a good r business man "would, run. his own bus iness. " r -; ; ?, :-?? ' ;? ..? ? 1 ., "I , don't ? believe .We have any dishonesty in the ntnning of the "city government, but the system, - or?thft ack of ' system, 'is wrong. lVwolUd like to see eland l think the Aiblle would like to? see)?the? namo, -"'and salary of eaclWihan?publishe4 who is employ efl . by the city and I want to knpwhat he is employed; tp do. Far . 1 ther I wish to i know the name, salary, - nfi ncciinatiod of eh!ch man enibloved Aof .if - fYpurs: truly"'.''7? ; rD''G-01LE v .tThe'?idea?ad vaheed? by MrV Gore; is days ago intended 'giyingv this titter matibn. jaelativeito the city,- thp ap ijironrfi fiscal, ;yearTshpw-thefoiioving; :: ? V-. ' Genera'; JExpensp ccaunt . .. f .Mayor;; . . ; . . .. . $ 1,800 00 ?lerk amf Treasurer. . .. 1,800 0 -.. Assistant Clerkrand Treas-; ? , ;? ? " urer ??" ....... ? W';V -i ? 1,500' 00 Commissioner -Sinking r 7; 6 V' 7 Fund : ? ?..'.... 400 00 , Clerk Board" of Audit and -4 , . r v .Finance . .' . . .? . . .;. . :'. ; 1,500 0Q ? Attorney ?.' . . ? .'. v. ;7 r300 00 ?; CbHe ? Aldermen.. .?. ; 7.. ?. .1,000 00 Lishts?'. :? .? 20o :bi) Fuel , Ice? etc. . Iiisting.?: ?. ? ? ? .? rC ? j 300 O0Mfr tho i. . rind lie gave? a list of mission on Back" Tax: ? V r?U what the'trunks contained. ' '??.":' iTax Commission vv f Stationery, AdvortisirigT; Inci- dntals:?. ..;.:f.r.. .. 1,000 00 ,.''. - r ,sv ; 7;l,ce : V??- - 9n ft-j PWef v V v;: Captain?;? ' .y tjk'i -7'' ;- ' v ?.J( 00 j Police, SergeantsAfour at $2:i5 .per ; ' : ' -. - A,r f.A:4. ---'--.:-';-? ;'' .; -y - ?. ISO' 00 Privates? f thiry-sven ? at; . " ?;$10tb2f0.pei;day?..i 25,990 00 Uniforms . :??.?r .?.? -. . 1.0; Q0 f sireets and Vharves. , . ; 't uperiritchderiU,::, ,???j900-00 Laborers, ? two- -at .-$9-- per : : ?wlBekT47 at ?8; perrweekr. .- 8,008 00 Drivers, -! l. at per ween. , t,o. vu LKeep; of .Tpams v. v . .7 2,520; oo Extra Labor.. ... ?v. .;-. ..' . .,.:1200 00 vz . -S'- Fire. v.' - - Chief. .?.?" ..i, .. -.?? . .Tl,410 00 Assistant Chief. -,?".:..:.: ??? 00 Fbre'raen,- rfive?' $60? per'-.'..,. ; 5morith,???:?t.??;??.? 3;600?00 Aistaritn7 Fbrehieri;7fi ??$H:50ypef nth..,. 3,450 00 Engineer, qne mt ?60. per', 7 -": : ; month.1. . : .. ,.'7. . 720' 00 ftremen; 2C at?$5 th $57.50 .-.-? ??. ? "75ner :mtht??7?V-?? TlBlO, 00 KeeppfTpams. MaintenceFire--Alara 90 0') . . Repair to 7City,alt Trv 7U v iw Insurance , ; ; ifv"", uu.. riP't?of iieaitk .? , ..?.:;$ ? 900 00 Quarantine Vpflicer 7?: a;,..? A. ; 720 00 Health, Otiicers?.pne at f 660, ' 1 7 , : - two at" ?6005 eachVf T. . 1,860; 00. Daiir' lnector: ?;-. . 7.. .v ; 600 00 w ir". : r : )Ljnx. :TtTZiA -r;-r"---:::J!"i ft-. Coritract wjth VVoolard &' .. R7v 1 ;; Furlong (street cleaning) i 77 7,812 00 t)ifchers.. one at X two" at ' 4 A,$)-ixerMeektMA;A Extra. Help ;.v;-,. vf. 7. . . . uu .'7 '7l?:'7;7StTvsetLightingi7v7? - Arc Xamp;150 . (X,?63.25 .? ,9,487 ba nnT.nriin. 150 & $26 7. . .3.900l 00 janiiop' aapr-; rr-r . ,r . -i Tncidentali. ?V??:.?X ?.?? i0('(WloK uuuu i ej j m u i illllB V-A-&f3srH?''W illiiilpi Jury Com pi eted About 10 6'cl ockt Th is ibrnlnhiber?pf " Witnesses?! n Jtloducecf 'So 'Far? But Many -Yet to rtisnelr-Seott Mostlmprtant Wif 1 liess ' as" Yet- TrlallwUI . Last ?at TtLe.atCal1?pay'yTpmbjrb, ? ,The Surferior Court is nowvon thel very interesting f and , impprtAntcasei or ii. voxe, enarged with. Harijing: tne .second. .. toll .;house, . ' the property? of Alderman Martin ' Q'Brien?: early : the: OTiiirig?of j July?24tpls?TTh triat Gf-'tfie i Cftsih i will VnnaiiWio . ti VrtVtnv ' and; "ho dpub t? ai 1 oftpiprrpw; se4 sioii p,f , the bourt uu"lessjspmetliiig un expected rt happens. . Thd V. case : was j call ed vlatb , yesterday ? afternoon , and the Cwork bf getting a'iury comir q jury was finaliy selectedj about' W Tlrp p'clock this morning- and then, after a? shbrt?piay?tbnp uiiurc",; nuiut jfimt' u.ttcu ;.JUiopiU.lov me- iaKing ; ot xestimpny-:CommencC5a he: Sta hasany i witnbses; thbughi most' of them ar as to different small points wnicn toes not draw' out their tbstimonyto any great Jength. Up to the dinner recess ii th Vnnst: im-1 liortaht witness" the- State" had intro-l aucea, ana aooui tne only one wnose testimony so 'far wpuld probably 1 bP considered : "damaging; ?was - Deputy Insurance Commissioner rW. A.' ScoitN ot Raleigh. His testimony ;wats Import tant r as to bearing on - the .point that i most or tne -jui-nuure : possessea, Djy uoxe-nad neon maved out ot tne nouse previous to the ; fire, although ? 4Dpxeq $i,uw. . ins testimony wasarsos tp cpntrctorr 4tte by Co-?, who, the vitnes stated, told him nrst' uiatiRp ntote) na'd; purchased inuch t urniturehavinghadf SQiefsjilp'l petf frpm had rpurchased 1 eSme ? f rpm? different cvpran? of ; the fai 1 roadSj f ai 1 cd?to ?show . .tvt anfclurnitufOT liad cbepn. hippeJ.rtp tiiat,a round; 0 Uhe' furniture deaiers , discipsed?that Cpx d dt' purchase f mrh them. He .Ji.nd -nnrchased about ! flQriythem. ?;Hb Davis secbudrhand j store, , ttien'pn Sohth? cbnd?eet?? The ? witrij(Bss also detailetl how he met Coxe , comirig out of Col.f Walker. Taylor's insurance office and Co'xe; toUL hirii that' Col. Tay-. lor had offered hirii $40 , to surrender his r insurarice;! poHcyLbut. hie? (Spott); Twbuld not advise him in, thb?niatter. TTheTwitness also told Of other conver sations ho ; had with Coxe and oi' see- - ,Firp Chief Chas. Sclinibben and Su- pennie.naentT'Oi;.;: iie..7-Air,iiii .lonn: -a. were the .first' witnesses the State , presented . and they testified: us arid about what' small ' amount1 of fur I iiitUre they? saw; In 'hehouseThey CO ' It. 'i V .'..'-1.:. i'-llf T t " il. ' j.' i ,a.- i. J - not ieu now: uie lire starieu. TQey iisaCxe? half-dre'ssedr at c the flrfej. 7;,,t ;'.T -7;.; ; l't- :A; 77 ;Jeb'wbma1..Mkr who lived -hear thei"scehe, T testified to; having eetf the riidithat Cox cairae to hgA house haifciad a"fd ;wifli 'a? pistol in his ha'ridi '"Slie had prey louslys beara? tfie report bf a pistbr rind , Coxetated ? to ; her;1 thai tie? fired- the pistbj ' tq gi ve the 'alarrii. ; She5 knew nothine: daroaeine aeainst- the defeai- dhnt: - - - 7. ; 7 7' 7 7 ?niilr7 Jaes ilcCartri having, reached the fire--among ; the lie 7wanted?to7'h1fe iurniture,7 out uoxe saia inere - was Other than-this he knew ? : : ? . ?v ,7- 7 no . use. n nth in r ' - ?ai:n; ' A;Mrs. Cavenaugh and another, wit ness were introduced; tp teU. abcKit the I BUG,. BU V( . .UU1 Jl , l WW U1.0-lUOUi, , - MJ t 2 "L 1 uux mere couiu nave ueeu ouier iui wi tur e carried there without, her . seeing it?7The othbrlwitnes'told: of a double team ' load - of furniture going -to the housed So the? Stritfe go nptiifiglma terial; from these two. v ? 7 -, Whei coprt; Convened this .afternoon Deputy Comn)issioner Scott . was sub j ected to a hot cfesexariiiriatibn?pcm- i ucred : by -Herbert; McCiammy. Ksq; 1 The most imnortant hart wasthe-.r'd'e-. tailing of a conversation the witness hadWjth?Cbxe; who ;tol(i Jriifn the -first he 7; knew? of ? the fire : was when -he Lawokpr almost ' 7 suffocated ?? that? he jumpea up,-ra.n out and nred,a. ptstoi tb give the alariri.'- The witness 'was Bui.i, uiiuer. cross-examinauon t aii;-:.oM "'5 t-" j;v::;- t, ?.y -k; J, ' i - ..,-'-7 ... : ,;. . " ' -7""'"; "i j C-s - "--w --.i" '-4 Tfi 6 i ? B fa ? Da 1 vrt V v rr " u iVIt. i1. r I ? ??a- ?T -uu5nLmcni ?rT0- ? .sents - Ug Usual ? Brijiijan5?r!rti' .QpeningFalr Femininity-. Flocking r.tOeipariments? ; i her -handsome -Polvogt . establiaK- n??:sj nowlthe cynosure of feminine eyes arid? ? is v seffiff'' t.he'! : hnrfS P i ibsessprs nJ k? 7 flutter 'xhb big establishment , of - the.C. Prili v ob 1. coc. is -truly, the: mecca today for ?firj, femininity 7 andS tey 'have crpwded-7 the'' srilendid mfiilT.rW - PCbt tjiQ. storp .4uTday. Thb caipn;ithepHhg?ni the ,?lyogt e'stablis gerly. Io6k?forward Ho4 it and revel in Us; delights..; The.: Qlenirig. this tihio' is iust jas prettjiridattractjiVe: as ' ever ancrhe hats-areof; a 'variety cf styles ;rreach catchy ahd attrabti ve? .,Ther are ,nats yith : gracefiff curves; hats toascihtlngslah tiful,: dignified " poise? splio" sbeakiahd thmajestic?; stahd?7?!lriilfactf tiiAr nr-o , Knfn : -iJiJii--'J j ? i'it ?mb'rbvery. color anil availab)b Vkhil of r:flower seems tohave. bben crbwded, Jhpugv?- hot in i:?tpp8ui3fnT ""M, uuv, graueiui ana attrap f0; 7 ifcntag;. cptors, how gyer, appear" tovti wlsteriat ' old ttose .jRtyles pf; hats ; iK tha-; Prttai.' Scheff, 'flameirhPhbir ofhfdkirity-queen iiniMT J - . Trv- ! J : 'lit . : ml ffghorwi Just tie Pettiest brprn plumes - ;and " In-owh . satin? ribbon String's. -The; Kittie Gray is?alsbi rharmirig, arid catchy "cre.Uion and is asipned-,"':pf';?:shlw white wiilpw. plumes.T Thb Ambrican ekuty ;, hat"1 is d$ stately 'grandeur, r it may be Stated." This hat has an aburi'dance of beautiful American rP- 5cs ai;u s is s )t uaiurai jjegnorn i ne poke ; bonnet ,iii another hat that is rite cat'chyCand is trimmed' with soft ink roses arid ? Par ma violets;tr Theie Talso . the . Wisteria' hat which- is a tilrett5' ?'stfS.1'U;immed;with7'wisteriflL, rid,; the; Russian 7 turban, which is Of ;w?eEfnst the? black picture, of shirr- E ehiffbny with? Jjlackplumes; r being ui exnert milUner of remarkable taste; iuhu uie iwp siaesmuies are Mrs. tses feie '.Feltori 'and ' Miss ; Lpttie ?llaar?who thPfp'retty : hats! ! There?is,- PtcPurse u n B-iiLii:L-s. a -Ji'l fiii gt; wi ijs s 01 irimuiers, auu ptner eoridutingofia? bigTmniitieryjdepart ment srich risTj tlie? oribat f Polvogt's. 77? 7114-ttipmniiHerp urriliyHlipflf pter of: .attractlo'rietth cloak departmentSt thp; establishment and' which is' under the skilled direc tion' of Mrs. Emma" J. YoppVis'attractH ing ;scores upon 7 scores of . the ladles? This department is most complete aud one of the largeststocks carried in the ! Sduth is prijsen tea? ' Every " desire and ever'yftaste Caribe met, Thb spe cial ties ; thi s f. seasoril svrilch ;; are j very popular and ' slomething hew, arer th'e priricess1 gowns of Erigfisli-rep and lif en." in : all colors? The display1 of coa) isuitsds alsb'pa;rticuiarfy Extensive arid embraces all- the; very latest Tn' style' and - there .are ' departnierits in1 and: there .are Icertainlyi some- attract 3 r y ea, ai 1 - ine: otner . ' the Polvogt establish ment are also ''coming' in for interest ed.attentIpri7today,'arid thlarge:stock of silks is belrig greatly admired 'The preyailiri?cplprs axe wisteria? Xatawj ha and electrie? dress goods the latest ideaand;: its.-a pretty pne islhecshadowetripesruT -4fip ? The -three masstve.! and?hisndsoinp shotv-wiridowla ;' afefthe ?staWishriiprit "directly at. one's entrance gives a ; su perb? indication' of, what's on ' the inside:-?The windPw: to the north, pre sents a brilliant display df .dress goods .ana pretty, paraspis, -wnwe xne cenr I has?: and 7 the; window to thesputb if is attract! Ve. with i Deauin ui qressps. a.np. coat suits?.ThVdisplays here and oh the inside were ail arranged under the hartistlc eye arid. a.ccording to the skili- corator . and general : manager, of thcrj Dig. estaonsnment. - . .,v. , - '. The Spring opening' at Polvogt's will be iri vogue the . rest" . op tpday and xurouguoiiL tomorrow. 5 " r V 7 ; At' the Bijou..:, 7 7 . '' -The feature; ;films at the Bijou thea tre today 1 are called .. "Jbnps ; Has Bought aTPhonographt'The Ambas? - sadOrJs 7 Pespatch?cdse''j and KenlU worth.'!. . All are t interesting ; pictures and will' c pleasei7hp J?patrons?pf the j theatre. ?'??'? f '?7? -'iT. "? j ?; A:??,?j APRIL 1!t ?nd. . -: -'J Monby7 jdepositedi here?on 7of77Jfprfj. Friday, Aprir 2nd?win repeie 7nter6 fri Aprils 1st? Ka with the savings : brink? haj4ng;.!argkst7j Capital, largest Surplus, largest .f R sources. , The W ifmlngton Savi rid s ana ; j met jUO-f S 7: ".'i Rompers for boys and girls at ay he7millih f tarife; of rM iss -Alice" Peacock! riivho f OfcfiiiffQtbCat the loans and : J)iecQuntB? . . 42,689,583.60 H. C. State, & other bonds?- 280,568:15 yvs? Bcas'(at;p:55o6 Bank Buildings.?. ..i . 5.000,00 Cash . .;.V. . ? . . . ; . :;:?... XlS9735.97 ' ; -. '7J ' '? ' "' LdaQs and JDiecQuntB I4.673.S87.72 ? fi. C. McQtJ.'siMt M - - J. VJvGRAdER;-Vice7;PresIdenL? rr??"r I Wr.-. cation ; ot all Fire Alarm Boxed. ?There have been a number of newt? Boxes installed recently?- Besides thev Box ; Numbers, these, cards' nave ? tne roiiowing on them: :: ?J?W? ??iT?-Vr7ltw ? ??;Represei s POLICY andiave your loss settled . :f- 144 :c sm. -to t tem .jjj" wiuu tcatioa; at;thp .ponipan'sl jTiTneGas Rnge' SdteS Problem, v -y : '1 ' .f; sills ., , , , ,w, tr . , t arrrr?ffvx!J . - "' " - ;;?H'' ?:. 1 t : - -. . . C- k 2 - - "ri""'iTT!'"aa,,"o'a!"?T" YTI '4"'--7' - -- :- s-'., 1;AA'A:A'AA-A::A'-- iAj'r;'XAA ' AA:AX:. "A-AAs--A':A::.: i:;7i;-, ;,?--X 75 7 --' v. 'A"aS illllltlllftMiMMItltlllMiUMUlulii.f.iuu.iM... ' ' ': ' !7-J r- - - :; - ..' - ;' - - - - J - f': - . - .w. ' '- 7'-- 7" Deposits made On wilt bear 4 peri ceht,' Cfomrjoundllhteir- . ; est from April list,5 if left in bur Savings V,: Departments ?,l-7?r? .1 J .-. .... . ; '-. -i THE AMERICAN i:.; ,77v ?.., -;?777:-7:,-T;- sr-::A "'.? y -?J.?7 7'??'7.??? 7 .j7 . ; 7. J ,W? ri.' COOPER. Presideritf v ' QEO. ): GAYLORD,"; Vice President . 5 ?? ' jj-77 ?'f?7?777'-.i7?'-r' .Tsv? 'i?!?.i?"5 Ate ':.- AlA ?- 74' -i 1 ; 7:' 7?'' ' Money deposited with ,;2hd vvii? begin to -;Ist af rate; --7: ;A!-w ny not open a pavings Accounr im u yv r - '-.7? II! If (Just 7 Opposite ; KThWM?? -j??.. .c.- A' HelilPilSa?inM . . .; ' - . . " " - , 7-7t; . 7'.- V". -.."7 " - V i --e.-. 4 -.--.. V Capital 7?, i.. Vl . . 60,000.00 " ' - Surplus neproflta; ?.- 31556i8 U.7 S?BPhd .Account? ???? 100,000?00 :r: Ueposlts . . ?., . li1; . 3,158,T3LS4" - rr "' r" -; i ''i ' ' i-"1 ' ' V ; -. 4f673,887.72 x J?W: TATrsi. ??i: it.". tyA&i A".'- -,-,7 proinptiy. - 77; ; 7: 7 - ? f i one. 01 iase caras upon; uppu v Strefet?.7i;-;,77;?,i w--? ':'. -.7? !7;..-ij'iV-r cv,?-7 ? --"f; Vt r Jjr7;Vr; 7 !h tjCiV, fcl-.i t;f ..5?7. r'.ta M;'IUl-)tv. '!'rr -jjliwtrifw'i i IM the - i.?. ? ; ; 'v . 4- 1 - ?', - 3ivr r'J;: - " ior before April 2nd r 77 us on or before April 1 interest from April ss aofl inist toE Ortoh Hotel.) '""'-'nYi-'riiT--ii - ivrinfr'"'!'1'" "frTiTVniniiul"i"r".' "J ' 1; V .7 -tg is'.,v; ..'.''f-'-W-' 7: '". ' t ' "- ?V't 5 f ,.?j-t i .'.' '" V-fH'?n? !,7 $ -?7 -.; . r?u? ;..'.7i;.; ;;r? . it y'--.?A- credited in Three-McAths. v 'i It ' (ContinUedntThi Page -,?xlPra,s.3v-7?? tf " . '' - ' v " ?- " - , T A " A 'A ' j - ' , ' 'J A - i , , . ' ' - - - ' - - ' - 1 - - ' 1 : - r" , ' .;-xv? -v - ? - - . - v. J -

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