tZkn: C :r7 S;? THE EVENING .DISPATCH, MARCH 30, 1909. -4 V: : '' : ' V ! 14 7 , 1 1 zr v . Till. wv mm 11 nv ; i aiic oi me l own- To show our Stock, at the present time. With better equipment than ever before, the cleanest stock that we haye ever had; we find great pleasure in telling about, and showing our Goods, : 1'0O9 1909 DRESS GOODS,SIUlS YJHIJE GOODS: ; VJOOL GOOPS SHIRt VJAiSTS DRESS TRIMMINGS LACES, EnmRpiOERIEf SUITS AMD SKIRTS Etc,' Etc , . . ' New" Catcher for' New York is a. Fill - ' I , I Blood Indian.'. ' J 1 Re ChierrJackMyrsisa full-l blooded" Mission Indian from Calif or-J Of Congress, Is' Out- and. Gives , om nia. He . is endowed ' with a physique that Causes : fte' f ans to isinglehlm dut for" inspection? hejv'they. seehiih: in uniform.1 -He ts .well educated. Myeis is a quiefcthinkers'a'nd ,with eyporience sftould develop Jnto a' crafty catcher. He balances . the' scales at about, 200 Decidedly Interesting Data Senator Hale, is NoWi the; Oldest Menaber. , Thenew Corigrsssional1 Directory compiled 'uncfer ; 'the-directlon of the pounds, but expects to Bet 'down. tojHalford for the-special' session of the iiuuuL i9u, vt .,-" ni-a u r aiYtv-firat -,Ooneress. was- nubllRhed weight with- no apparent effort; snd j yesterday.! The "book, carries the samej ran get .down to first base, in ast4feature3 as n6 directory of the lastl time. The "Chief ' is one of.the best, jCongrosSf,witn the tablos corrected UKoa or Mcuraws piayers, na powia DroUght up to (Tate, and also some he can make a ball travel when; he , additlonai information, i-ln the back hitsit square; ; "lie ;ought to hithny J f thQ b6ok are raaps of.tne congW p 1 Nearly.-Eve One In. Albion Mich., 4- Praises; Mi-o-na, the Money-Back- vure Tor inaigestion. . I ITHi.. Burglary ; and Petty Theft kind 'of; pitching," 'said JMcGraw,1 as ho doesn't take a" hard swing,, and sional districts . in the States . ' The : .' V , -. . .. ... . . I--".''.,-. ,. 1. . '. ... .States that elect representatives a therefore fievert loses sight of the, "nt inHnini-in thf Hq nc a quick oni ? - - wrist movement. JVhat he can." do to , rtirpctnrv shows thaf thm ball." Myers kits them ' with a high fast ball is a shame.' w ' -fstiir two vacancies in the House and . f ; one in tne senate. , vacancies in JORDAN S TROUBJ-E. , 'the House aro in the. Ohio and Louis- fn.nn '..delegations: no one ;haviney been mis ueiay in aignmg, uue w-a baajclectpd yet to , succeed Theodore E rAT- "The Little Store." PL ATT AGENTS FOR LA GRECQUE CORSETS. & H A AR had at f our Sipre and at prices x more reasonable. " : For the Large Stout JNlen. y For the'Short Stout l For Long Slim Men. In Single and Doable Breasted for all men. vuuuitiia ouius ill au oiYit r .vs. a-v tords unhl you see our line of jjVlen s Urht ana tsusterl '.'r . 1 - ; -i- yi. ' 'gf u; r j . . mwwm '.v Vfi; -t;! . . ; v . rf : yii". --"':.. .-il -i- "J . . L i ' . - VS 128 to !34 .-1 5 -r - Accident to His , Daughter.". v Jacksonville, Fla., M arch 27v First baseman" Tim Jordan has joined the j Brooklyn team and has entered 'into j practice with unusual ' zest. Speaking j of his belated signing "Big City." stat ed that it was owing to 'no : grievance r thht hAhjxl fflilpd tn anoint thft iprmR of ' the Brooklyn Club sooner than he did : It was because his little .daiigh- ! ter. 'Alice! had Most the sieht of one eye r that Jordan delayed his departure for .the ..Superba ; camp "That new baseball' card. game had nothing to db with- it," said .Tim.'; : ThQ "Brooklyn Club and I are in perfect harmony. All this talk of being at, loggerheads is rot, , I was isatisfied from ; the ifirst with "the Jterms-offered me and with signature only because of an accident to my daughter, Which -cost her the sight ofher right ;jgye. . As I have .said, I . expect to be stationed, at first 'base, -and fll.Uo all X can to make them a first division,' team. ; The team looks good, to me." ijWith Lunloy 3e bring and Hummell in the outfield it seems as if the outer garden' be a corker. It should be a winner from th break." ; Jordan wishes .to .deny the stories that he did -not give the Brooklyn Club his ' best services last year. He ' says life played to the 1 best of his ability. Burton, who has tfetome .Senator from Ohio, nor , the late ,. Representative Davy ot Louisiana. "The( vacancy in the Senate Is due to the jfa?vt that the fight over the seat of Senator Hop kins'; ; of Illinois, continues.' In : the House there are 218 Republicans ' and 17i; pemdcrats ; In the Senate; 59; Re? publicans, and 32 Democrats. There are 76 new members. In the House and, 13 in the Senate.' ", AyAs usual . considerable space Is giv en to',,the 'biographies of thft Senators and Representatives. - In , tho , lst, of Senators Borah,, of Idaho, is the. snortr est. which is , contained in -six lines. Albion, Mich.The people in -Albion are elated - to an Unusual .extenV be cause of .the u ttianyN ahd. . remarkable Mi-o-na,'a-dyspepsIa ciire with-a world wide reputation;' Everybody "is endorse ing .Mi-oa.- 'Here is' what ' some re spected residents say : ' ' ' " " ' lvMrs.v E. C Cass'saysj "Mi-6-na cured pie of a stomach troublethat had both ered me a long time:"' J . " - W. H. Mott, says : ;"'I ' had doctored for, months without hlp.- .l.used Mi-o-na andnsinee using it Jhree years ago. I have been free from the-distress:" . , Mrs. .'Emma. Ovory Says: "For months I had dyspepsia bad stomach distress, pains and nausea. -Nothing I used relieved or cured till ' I used Mi-o-na.vy - , . " - ; , ' -,R. JR.; Bellamy, the' druggists in Wil mington, sells the wonderful dyspepsia cure Mi-o-na -for '50 cents, a large box and (he thinks .so well , of it,' that he wilLgive your money back if it doesn't cure. Vn . ' - 1 CURES CATARRH; ASTHMA. Bronchitis, Croup, Coughs and Colds, or money back. Sold andt'guaranteed by R. BELLAMY nes to The longest, ip, .that t , Senatdr Depew. of New York, . who takes t3 l tell, the story ,pfr his life,;, V. v More than , two-thirds of the mem bershfp gt the House and Senate com biued ,.are lawyers,. number hayd. been physicians, I including .. Senator has served ' eighteen 'terms. -His ser- i vice, however, i was hot continuous, as t 4113 j.iuiieu ui ; ji e-eitjcuou to r me : v my second Congress. , Gen. H. H. Bing ham of "Pennsylvania," is the' 'Father of the House,". - because he .has beeri continuously ; , in' harness iince';. '1879. H.e is also second to Mr. Cannon in point of service, since, he has been in Galling pyjew i Hampshire. Sena-., Houe gixteen terms.: Represen. .'r. '! if. graduate; in law, lays claipi. ,to litera ture, as his profession. Senator Bur ton, of Ohio, In his biography refers to the "fact that he made the speech nominating Presidefrt Taf t at the Re publican National Convention In Chi- Oliver'Born in Irelanu. Senator A New Interest Period. Begins April 1st; t The Peoples ! savings Bank. If, you deposit on or before April 2nd your interjest.will bo credited in Three Month Senator Oliver, the new from Pennsylvania, elected to succeed I Secretary of State Knox, states in his i The . Maryland . ; Dredging ft Company, of Baltimore.ttMdi ha.sbeen awalded tho ; contract! Jori dreqgingitnec! aocK,s,i at? tn$ , seaooaro; Air: amea term naifi .1-. . . ... m . a -.! . . : to i oer jnstauea at. tne jootxor jiins- w has this , Frieijds,. ot Mr.. Mpntgpmery,: biography that he was borp in Ireland during a visit his , parents were pay- hs. rw - It' 'ng' to that country. They .were rest- . y.n :' Ideiits at that' time- of .Allegheny City. I il There are three other ' Senators Who were born "outside ' the 'United l.his career. oUpies more' than a page, Lm .'.iTit'j'j .'-.t-i-'-j.-IhimI Khnws ;thfi- Prpsidentvto -have iac- WE ISSUE A POLICY PROTECTING YOU AGAINST THESE. ASK ,-USf'ABOUT IT. Clayton Giles & Son. Phone No. 5. No. 16 Princess St. P A I NjTs AND Wall Pap er I v-;; ' New and Fresh Stock all kinds of PAINTS, VARNISHES and BRUSHES Try our EMPIRE FLOOR STAINS. LATEST DESIGNS IN WALL PA PER 1909 STYLES Something to make your Home more cheerful. Vilmtngton tative Payne of New $ York, is. third, with thirteen terms ; Dalzell,; of Penn sylvania, fourth, with" twelve terms The Democrats who ; have served Ion gest in the House are Representative De Armond,' of Missouri . Representa tive .tones, of . Virginia, and Jlepresen- tative Uvingstoh, of; Georgia, each -of j wnpm uas serveu ien aerins. , ; Tlie tables-and data about the'exec uj)ye and judicial branches of' the gov crament, the diplomatic - corps, the Consular service, and the independent bureau and commissi ons are-carried, as usual, in the directoryPpiesidont Taft' biography, 1 while a ;mere ;skeley on outline ol. the principal events in Paint and Wall Paper Co. 202 Princess Street. Netedn, St MinHesota; and SntheHnd A;conpnsn.ea a vamonni, . oi w. gtinm, rL, WtVL !biUiirtii;Miii..,vA Ivhia lone nublic; service.- A I I 1.B4 in i iimik nrn or ifiiwni ail. v a uiaL ikz .-: 1 ' v ..r i - ' i m h m m m m m mm:i lawyer, m mutem-;? lmimffl iix Af.Aaf Thfl hiff AlnvonAK.InnAa i twnrif hftfnrA tn A WfiT. CT a dOZAn vears.r nifcr'a ivffrT. with 'Hup Apnrtmints - a ., already left to tow the dredges to fJle has been a manuractufer orsteei. FromlEvory bodys Magazine. 1 tiort, , - ,.,rU. ;. ...j. ; land iron, connected wun1 several int j c . I tell i you I - won t pav'e this, room ,i; jtf . ; ,t; t tQ-- lf ,,cv s j dustrial'"and financial concerns fyw 'protested the old lady tohfbeilbo4n f j )jj f)i u ODeratiorr for Apben4icitls,u.r ' Pittsbufi,lrana;fias Udcome the owner.' who' was'; conducting ;:Wr v aiuTnM i -,, "1 MONEY TO LOAN on Diamond a,; Watch ea .Jewelry ini all klitda of Personal ' Property. All business strictly confidential. You will find v us pleased to show you big bar Loan Office ICS MARKET f TREIT. 6t iWo of Tlttsbiirg's oldest newspa-, .Hi y i !. . early recovery are bright. Gay lord 's bepartment Store OriiT. , ;was a great, success, an. evidence; of -style .and beauty; ;.which appeals to the ladiefr,'- and they showedUheir appreciation by attendingj tfjj . Openins, and purchasing theirEasterHats In lage; numb.ers;'-1r. Our- lft;se;kMillinery jbepat troeht tia& secured flveiadditfonfjIn niers. aktwe are trimming your .hats ffee 'of . charge; and you cah f select your hats and material ?.lrom' the greatest assottment ever seetiO In this city at prices no. store competes .with. We have a nice assorf ment of CMldreu's EasteV Dresses, White Skirt and a': bedutiful asfl sortmont oTadies' Wash - SkirtsLadies' ) Fancy Net; Waists, Silkf and Lawn ,Waists. Skirts of all classes, strong showing in Voile' Skirts", Silk Pettlfoats. : ' ' . - , , . - . ' ?f . ; . -' . " . ''' . . . "td . ' In our Dress Goods Department w, are showing quite an assort ment of colors ln Arnold Silks, an&als'o in' Silk Gingham's, Arnold - Silks sell wholesale price forvSOcr.w'e are' making, a special price at- ; 25c per 'yard. Our Silk Ginghajjis jare.J0c goods, . and are just as 'A ly etty as any loulard ilk and W'ftte selling them at 29c per yard: Mercerized ; lingerie, Soft, Smooth and Pretty Fast and Solid Colors ; 25c Dress (Joods at 15e per yard, special. . " , , " ' For Hoys'- and Men's Easter sVdts visit ;, Gaylbrd's "Clothing Store. f: THE BIG DEPARTMENT STOKE ON FRONT STREETy , m T.' Geo PROPRIETOR ord EIGHT .WERE KILLED In a-goln to pay my good ' money for a pigsty; with a measly little foldin toed L i A T A.l.J. "II. 1 llfl II 1nmilT m r iurwn T II '1 I IIU 11TIIIUI' U7 U II r - I I'M I, ah operation : for appendiciUs ;t, i hSehatOf GeOrgd Ej'Chariiborlain.' thei in it.Jf you thinks ithat':jest";bjcause James :yalke,r Memorial; ospitair to-'pew Democratic1 Sefiator f rohi Cregon, i I'm 'from : the ouhtrytr-": w i. V 'day. . It is stated thia afthooh' that'! who 'nccieeds Senator-'Fulton,1 was ; Profoundly" disguStednheboy cut 'he stood the operation ,as well as, caft! lidi-ti. in Mississippi. He saVs in his 'her short.' J. .r i . ; 1 i be exoected and that njrosnects for. his Lbldgj-aphy 'that he "began work as a "Get' in. mum. vGet in," he ordered. Te,rrific Dynamite, Explosion To . day. Chillfcothe, Ohio. 'March : $0. A dynamite explosion 'occurred oh' thn Norfolk and Western Railway .today at Indian Creek. The workmen were engaged in thawing out dynamite, when rtion with any corporation, with vtho clerk in a merchandise store. Anoth-, "This - ain't yer room, er new Senator from the Pacific Coast j vator." ' C is Senator Wesley L. Jones, who went ' , C J to the Senate from the House.; . Sena tor Jones makes special mention of the - fact that he has never been eri gaged; as an attorney ' for a railroad j or any other public service corporar j tion, although he is a lawyer, and hat he has no direct or Indirect 'cone? This is the ele- it exploded, causing four, boxes of about 240 pounds to discharge. Eight merf f were instantly killed and : seven others ; seriously ! injured ' M'.Vf MANY! KILLED In a Pitched Battle Between Natlonal ' lists ' and -Royalists. ;; ; St.Petershurg;v: March 30 In a pitched battle, in the street of ; Tabric twelve; Natioiialists havej been killed and . thirty wounded .ahd'sfxteen Roy alists have been killed; :;f The firstlnr timation of rioting was brought today in dispatches -from Teheran, if is wafr a good omen that all ywould be feared the ' casualties will be much J well - between the chief executive and fiercer before order is restored. , 'i the legislative branch of the goverh- exception ' of two shares of stock he owns' in the . Horticultural Union-; of North; aklnVa.rrf m-; 'Z'M ; - f;" l The J new: directory shbws vthat -the Senators and Representatives whd bnr the Christian name William are more numerous : than those who1 have aiiy other ., single Christian nftme. In fact there ' are 50 " Wll llanis ? in Con-gi-essl lin the House, and. -6 'in the SenaievIt Isot :'bnreifep;;tat;''they' verev' so-riahied ; because they were to 6ervo fh Cogres Ham ruled ' at ; the White. House,, but it 'faas suggested yesterday; jthat'Sthts 3 tmmUSE ' ' ac COAL' ...WOOD ' . builders supplies; V W. B. THORPE & CO. PHONE C3. - . : -OFFICE 'FOOT ANN OTRECT. 1 K 3C ac TheEvening Dispatch 2hc per Month) " V : Roosevelt' Inspects Scenery, ( JPonta Del Gala; Maffch ; fS0.---Th3 Azores -'.steamer Hamburg, withvRoose velt aboard, f; arrived today' at. 8 va.: in) The ; vessel" stopped briejyK to give M r. Roosevelt an opportunity, of seeing the ; scenery. Edward ; yf Creeyy,, American ConsulrdrOve lilm around; ; :- ';;Thie-: Stock Market. ;? . V ; New ;l?ork, M arch 0. Moderate rer j cessions were m ,oraer . in tne majority of . stocks . traded in, hufr reactionary, tendency swas 1 jcoiisidered natural fol lowing the sharp advance of two pre-, ceding i days. Amalgamated copper Was. one; of the, heaviest "features. de cHhirig 9t fractional decline ijoted in Smelting. ' Union Pacific, Pennsyl vania and. jother ' imiwrtant: railroad 4 f and industrial . shares. . . . v- ; sThe 71argest - stock 'of i children dresses at Gaylords : tf : " : .. ?A. Bluef; Gem . and ; Cottage Splint Coal aro the best. B'. A. Merrltt. - 'Phone 28i.r ; ; : ; The Cotton Market, n New. yort.i Iarch 30The cotton market opened: steady with two to four points advance. Opening, March, 9.62; May, '9.54; July, 9.44; August, 9.4D;- October, 9.2S. ment -Other favorite first names are John, of Vhich there are 36 in the , House; Charles; 31,. and -James, 27. Next to William, the most common Christian name in the' Senate.; is ;George,v there being five Senators of that name. ' ' . Hale Oldest Senator. I . - : The Oldest ' senator in point' of seiv vice is Senatori Hale, of Maine, who haa been' a ' member of ; the Senate since' March 4th, 1881. - Senator F.rye, Qf Maine, and: Senator . Aldrich, also Decame senators m.issi, though later in the year. The oldest "Democratic Senator in. point of service is ? Senator Daniel, of . Virginia, who has been- a member of the .' Senate; 1 sinced 1887. Senator. Isaac Stephenson, of Wiscon sin, is the"JJSena tor oldest in point of years. ;"He :was ; borh; :0n l829 The youngest; Is Senator,; Gore, of Oklahol ma,; who was born in ;1870;p-- -: While each State has only two Sen a tors, Ohio has the' honor of having be,eh the birth State of eight Senators and; Mississippi of sevenl-.-,; ;'.. .:;"; V Senator Ellison; Du'rant ; Smith, of South Carolina owes the fact that! he is ;a United States Senator . largely to the boll weevil, ; according to' his bio graphy. He is a merchant and a plan ter, and has made a thorough study of cotton growing and trade.-: i-i Speaker Cannon .has; the 'record tn ,r v tne nouse ior the lonsrest servic. hp -tf; is Ml m "1 hT8 b6D nntnp C&soarnta fnr Tmnmtil. which 1 hve lieeu udlictp.l for over twenty yeurs, I rvnci irunu any uuier reineuy nave ever trlea. J hall certntnly Teeomuiead tbm to Juv friuJ aa :y - -i ; , Vv v beiuKttUUey are represented." ; J ivW-'. . :l ;i; A-v :T&' E;g,n-m' iELfCAVENAUGFT. Best For -The Dowels . 1 1 f r rv l i . . m Pleasant, Palatabl, Potent. TarteGUod, Do Oood. Never bleken. Weaken or Gripe. lc; 25c. 50c.- Never Old in bnlk. 'l'lm mini tikl.t ....... itn Protection ! Is what every man needs and must have. We have all good, strong Com panies, both ; home and foreign, and would be glad for you to give ua r share of your business. Prompt attention given and rate gladly furnished. - H. F. WILDER 207 . Princess Streef. Phone 631. d 11 A.Tai It t. A k 1 tAiira-ri vlks . L ..; Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago of N.Y. 597 AIIHUAL SALE, TEH UILUOtl BOXES ;;-r-; JUT tXJ IlN lS-';;. M ol 0) 0)1 MUflJiiill; Best in the World I Wilmington btqcerx OCAL AGETSV . ' " 125-127, Market 8t. , ' Phones 13 arid 14, mch 18 lm v" ' - : .- Cfyde Sleamship ' S 9 Company - m. 1 V NEW Y6RKV WILMINGTON AND -n, GEORGETOWN LINE. EW,YO R K F0 R WILMINGTON t S? S. . Navahoe . '. March 26, 1909 S. S Ca.rib. .. April 2, 19( t I LM I N GTO N FO R NEW YORK .S. Cari'b.... March 27, 1909 Slv sANavahoe. .'. ....... April 3, Wit Ml N GTO N TO GEOR GETO W N. ?b?':l i-v':': -. March 22, 1909 6Vs.f Navahoe. . . . . . . .March 29, r Through bills of lading and lowest through rates guaranteed to anu points in North .and South Carolina. t'Fpr freight and passage apply 10 ni. a smallbones. sujt. - ; jt ' .Wilmington, N. ; n;- E. maynard,.f. t. m. H. H. RAYMOND, V. P. and G. w GenT Offices; Pier ;i6 N. B. Brch, . J ? 290 Broadway, New York. EMOSrpifRKSHlilO OCWK lllTHE-0tJ At aU SsIoops, C?ocerle. Ce ntf SU,,5,, Subscribe fji1 The Evening VitcU , : - . .... only 25c 7 -mqntb V'f r 1 1

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