II Y & - .. ' ' Mjn . . . . .... - :. i --'---;- -- -,- VpLUME FIFTEEN : -; WIGTOiMlwE: : MEFiiflSl ' JUL ' 4 m 1 "" S :?. : vKiltf Frosts of -This WeekU- :ASi.vu:Fr.fc!-r'V r...rn;;i' r-i:'f ' . ;;v..:. ,y y v.. : ,--.-,:, d id-..,-. , .;V;' .f ; ''.?-': ;'V y; "' ',' ,y " -yy ';?:''- r d''" v - ' jd,d6 iyi li f 'y-rh '0 m iiirami! iraiffitlil .UAli tlloii : 5 : 11 Jff lit Ml if MUX UUUH 1I1II1U1I 200 Ameri can M i ne rs . tefi for,: Scene of Action to .Re? ist J Attack by .For eigners Sheriffs.' Posse Has - Gons to Prevent alBattle-Mliitary is Hed in Readiness -,r ::: Jason vi 11 e-" Ind:, HM i tr-T wo hundred "Anericaii ."'tniriefsV' armedleft Jason ville tolay for J3ogle minesto repel the . attack" '6n SO -Hungarian :ymi ners.'wbo fti'e said to .be approaching the 'shaft- to: dynamite iti:'v ; -i r Shots were heard f tbcitiyl :in stheti:di vection of the mines and- the-distress signal has been f blown repeatedly vby men at the shaft.' Tha Huns have cut the telephone lwireS Following the report of the flight, fftyo ttun'dred-finQrV Anierican'minerskleft; Clay counties with large posses; jiaVe gone to prevent' a bat t lei if : jbas1)l e. The military company is" being held; ready. - ' ..v.; ' s:; -: - i v- v.p CONFERENCE HELD Today tji" 'bfetcrmtne'rNaturebf .i-'Ff re f water." . ;v Washingtbn Marckv- 31. President Taft was in conference at noon' today' with Secretary Wilson, Prof, Wiley,' Prof?' Dulap, of the Chemistry-Department, Solicitor ..MeCabe.of the Agrt cultural Department; and nearly,, a dozen whiskey. : ; dis"tiilers ahd rectifiers from allj parts of '.the ' country in ah endeavor to settle the' ilifferences be t ween the i department and : distillers and rectiflerj."" fTlie; parties aret odds and have never been able to agree -on "what is 'whiskey, "The controversy Mjuredbyoi&iwamd liil Crazy Snake is today a1 prisoner in the - Federal prison at Muskeoge. liang&on the: , pure ;fod, act, Joseph 1 1. C'hoate I ischjefcjppjnsi foKUhe liquor interested oiisK t Si . : 4:'tefUi Basi5CadlinaiTjickndrTruit Hw ::,'-. Qf atft, A,foAi, irvf KhAr,Vlreadily bseen- that a loss of approl intense feeling against, him herey W old Indian surrendered without a fight j despite the previous ndefiAnt ' mesage. ' , Great exeltemeht prevails Over 'the; r6lfr0.?t inth9 jhape of freezhig damp: port that Seminoles are arming ;toJess i ,r..r,jTr ' Af axi f : n 1 v f risen. . ' :",'V:''; Report "Unconfirmed. , Ilcnrietaplka.cMarch 31. The re port that Crazy SSnake has lM?en cap tured wras. not confirmed here today. Col . Hoffman telephone from P(erfce lliat the report is untrue. T ' . ' . PROMINENT MAN Declared to Have' Been Murdered by wi a i rioe. Manila, Iarch Jones, thenpted iield museum Of natural history- of Chicago, has . been mtirdere'ft in ' isa hella .province. - He is supposed to liave been killed by . wild" tribe.-':. Dr. Jones "has been in the Phillippiries for . wild tribes .Pn th'e island. . For Beyer?U months h'e.: has beeh stuclyingIhoh- Kots, living ampng them in the hills. I The Government's preparing to send a party to.-' the scene tQ , investigate.- : A . '..-. . . . . .-. ' ; 500 STUDENTS J Started Rebel! ion Today Because . of Dismissal of Fellow jSfudentr 1: , New York," ' March 31. More tlKn five hundred , pupils at the Manhattan Coll ege are on a strike " today.. The hoarding ;. students haye piqketspiit stopping the .'"350 day students, as they approach the : college. The boarders are packing- uk preparatorytoJeaing. The "trouble" wasl caused by the ilis- missal of one of the ;X students,' an ! -' -iithlcte. 'Ttt TRIAL BEGUN: - V rJj Jury in the Smith' . Murder Case Corfi- pleted Today. :L naleigh, M; x; March r 3l:-r-The ,lat juroiy.in the Sriiith, murder ease was selected this' ribrning ahd the "trial is) under way. More than 80 witnesses sue tp i be. examined, : Thefeare eight k i a wy ersf in r trip base) which 1 will 72 take ,' nil tke:jweY;-.YY: . ontc orrow and. Friday Js thfi -hpHnnfTiP- nf T?Anilfir Intftfe. period at The Peoplbs Savings T.'1 - "'' ".fit. .' ii.i i' '"V:- jliJ-V ' mWY Y in-three . y Y'.-.: ' v nun. utrpusii wiin inis iwuK. ii . you will got your, interest y J3ionths, w '-y-v , -. J . w w wjrv va 1 T CI la -tdJtiSg to straWbois VS. f? andl - vegetables : by4- the eold wave and reirent - f rriaf a '-H'i Aif'ky ports: f fbmtall . tbe : more ' ' impotairt ?Wppi9intfeheain iT.ruckeFs : Journai tn; its issue to- Iliave Inflict strawberries ed;rronrUhe prwauuom naa , : beentbser Sliwineheinesth trouble are;iisiiaHy jeiaggeiafed, 'an where-sthe"-vjnes - were tinrirotected by straw d.rotlterwise, ?tlie 'damage will ' J .VUUSIUCI ; X 11 ill IS m ' Sily tulIy-SO'pe cenf' the blooms in alt sueh';Jeaae,: hayerbeen killed, :rbn:it uuvo uue .iwuuw, uy..any means tnat tne rdp wiflfb'feduced ttnytlifrig likHliat amnt'tlfrhe iiftesfxif efiniii healthy Wo6nigwilFnji;ak of 4fi:tkthe;i?6 ifei . vjiiuiuau, aim new. thathaiVbeiitatheT distthsrushintr characteriitif e jpastwinteT1; had gpwVrstlia to haVec some' cold Veatheriij thes'pi-ing.; Ac cordingly' ihahy dr'them b ad: strawed their 'berry: fierdf and' in thisway "the damage has-beehreatlvmrriimizf?dV V&P;itHswhe1 - we' ': fieltevc: that ftilly' three-fourths -bf :th"e Strawberry vines had ! been fetrawed, and tipbn ?the as-s&'pbft-fitnatY'one ftave'been'killedon1 the f unprotected bushes ana ten per; cent on the pro- half -the killed blooms' will come oiit againafidrthatitherefbre:the-; total, or tinar 'dainagd will not? exceed ? fifteen 1 that wee-'p'rinting iritanotlier "cbN I uum inter figures i strawberry cf eage ;at ractica sillinsf -, frosts 5 of this WfteklSUDerior' ConrtBAVAtri TArtswTnhfii 4rK iandit T)romisp fv ermbte'OTaess: damageitoif ire"Rttvihf': antegetables tanprotectfr, feold;y eraMfe iusnal percemf:drtwenty: at TOeroutslde fig. yesterday' at ternoouri as the: defense. im&?.frpm' i decided-riot to introduce ahy evidehfe thiseorinec'tionwe J&i rely-upontheVsfe inea-peiy.iestabU facr lOrty TO llliy ; liei ceui. - vv sucu au . increased acreage it will,' tlierefpre, reaaiiy qe seeiv tnat a loss ot. apprux- ' ; : f V-1 course m we tu.iv damage, will result. The Journal ha special' reports from points like Wil mington, ; Chadbbttrn,' . Tabor, Grists W4ateville,r : CTarkf on Rocky Point; Burgaw; Wallace5Wiilard, .Rose " Hill, Warsaw- Falson; -Alt. Olive, Calypso; Currie," GpMsbpro,lNew iBrnc, Norfolk Va., CharieStbn B:p4 and ;-ptiierj?oint8 all of ' which bear: out the' . statements containett mrtoe aoovt? so ai u uainM. - age: and, -loss are- concerned.;. The weather, .boweve , cptinpes- nraIirold..fOTHhe;seasonrand.morc or lesff hamnilnst -meYitab y resu lsHhesbipfntea besets back fully- ten : flays -behind what it would have been had we' had weather right straigrit along.likewe had during the' last halrbt February; and the-first half ot vMarch'?!? The 'samb wJll.i be true (of South s Carotin ST , below xS, an div Virginia tb . the north 'of us: :;ln both States the shippin g seasons will be set back fully ten days:! tb: two wee& It ; is all : for somQ.: good and wise purpose) d how ever) and we have: no :rightto Utter a Word-bfcpmplalnti ' ri th Tenriesseff; stra wberry dis rict thb ' frosts1 and ; cold vwere more vioieriJt aiid ariirigiDM thaM ifeeithe. j- Nor th: vbr Sputk Caroyna; or '.Virginia. In S'QUthWest vginia;ana A vyebiru North" Carolina Vriibre'-or less;d.an)age is 'renbrted to : the ; apple :trppi , Cher-J lirirtSlri paTtslari i iS.-i"Ui-4v Wiotyvftrm a t if' rfi ! t.a s are1 all rhrirt : -'" and 4n- soriie r: places . pretty killed wili; bxid arid come tr the "fore: Prayer Mieting Tonight J Y.The mid-week " prayer meeting p i : vtmManyrbri. -' of WU f -,4nYtnn"r wfii be" heid this evenin g " at 8 o'clock a-trie -liailj1 corner Fifth and Castle:-'streetsYYTnb eabonyirieet; foiribrfbw: rifehityairitl 'anereTOb-WiJtnafid Trust Co. he'liGld -"Friday evbning.yi YY YY.K?: -Tomorrow and Friday. Denosits maae witn , rne roiH Savings will bear inyresti frokHris receive eVedit I: . ; YW-:--.-. - yv "Y'Y - - 'v , 4 ' t .anfl biiargG IK J ;' nor Court, all today ,has-dei- vpted itself, to trial of B. goxe. Qharged. with" setting fire to the fli'st tpll-house ajfi'd; the cage "will "go to the. jury about 4r30s; o'clock Ihi sUf terno6h; ::f;Some butsi4erJ into : tlierrgumenti tpyl by Solicitor that-ibre ha1 been t surprised' at ;one: of i the law Grant, 'Kso;)v Who : had in the; selection of : the i j ; Marsden. Bellamy,- EsgXisis,? njeiii feSpiaified' 'tna)t: tbjglanu'ipn'rm. UJ Vf Fl h ished ts VVorkii-AntiTrust Casel Hjehlle;'he7fhates 1 ae.t: f6rTriai . Tomorro:U The sune urors and theii 1 -i tir--:" f I W t-:-lH Pby the Solicitor shoiikl have. no bear . iiig on: the 'nierits jof tfieVcaseand-ttiat ..! au -ai r.,ri cv;iajnmy anew nouiingj of sucii ocenrren ce.' 'huf th at. hS khsw wrong,; nor would he dolwrong -V - fill , UlU VCIVU- UlLGUUr vi.up l.;: -r. t t It, is : understood that,-" while .Air. Grant made suggestions ;as a to the jurors at that time he wras-hot UT . connected "with the case : ths t he wasf case, late yesterday ftfrnoou -?nt? iraade a spoech at PlQ A11 testimony in the case was ended by;the. State taritf jtpet; vu uuci itwuMBU tuai-iiemauajpwvtfu theA furriittire f roM thetGbxe: home :be-. f0re:!;tlle, Tire? CoJ."WalkerfTKyter was alsplhtrt)dldnd::told of? -certain statements:-made by : Ooxelttve ;mpst vital " of xAi ich was ' that -he 1 (Goxe) would surrender his $.1000. ' policy t it Deputy Scott and Solicitor. Duffy were called off liff trail.--:: ."r; v;::: . The' firsts argument ' was, mado by Herbert ' McClammy,' ; J2sq.,' who made an Exceedingly: touching appeal: Ilia address' was vivid for eloquence and pathetic: iri. the extreme in- ifs alfusions t the wife "arid t iittl e chikl of : the ; ac cused i There' were m ally wet y es iri the court room. ; with the conclusion xd of -Mr. Mc- Claniriiy's addresar court' tpbkl a recess v.Vrt tMd hfi:in d Tw Bellamy made .'a' pbwerfurtjBpeeeli Solicitor Duffy closed the State's.: ca3b with' a strong arraignment 5?f trie deferidant arid rirJclbar arid able analysis of the cas.'" At this after nnlA'n'ts cA'c?biii4 Vfitbir1 Ar' TI Kll Wir . Ton - closed thb afgunierit in ' thefcase-.- and tor: the ilbf erisel1 He cpmmeric'ed kneak ipg When cburt: recpnvenetl ayd made a sjpcHe teriestiv; Heif analyzed : SJtrieiifcase'and touched in intense; patfietic way upon the faithful wife, and frinocent, loving lrttie-;'ehiid followed 'andr. the jhry.'now has the case, d-dydrd? 'dd'':. '-'dd'd-dd' ' t The . grand jury ' is expectedtbi end IL3 ... iuuui a this . afternoon. Yes-i terday afternoon the jury returned not- a true bill against Mr; Pierre A. JIar riss) who"; was charged , witi violation of ythe . prrihibltfon yiaw; : butyetrirried a true bill' against; m ager of the Riverside Pleasure Clubyl cnargea: witn a- iiKe onense. ise: j -' .: '; casej; i3 set forYtomon ow being Jhe antr-trustr ac- tion against Walter l)upy but; it' is case will be tried or not." :td APRIL IsMnd. y Money ; deposited here orior before, Frid ay; Apr i I 2nd- wi H . recei vc" in tres t priiyl5t:tace:;Top with; the savings bank having largest I . Capital,- largest Surplus, : largest Re sources. y They. Wilmington 1 Sayings -"-Yy ThetGain;; Market. , I- y. - ' - Chicago, ! March."1 31. Strength ) in wveiituoi causeayarm mareeiaw ?1)rieesf 1- higrier'1foKjly5 and amber.-, Opemn g; , wheat, Mayr 1 1 September.rOpeningAwhetrtMam - - v - i.r.: - - - - '. rsy - : , ' . ' . -Y t" . - Y Y - ' - anted A Cohtsst.---"--:- -:ni.;t : satisfied,: vit: carried-? r.r;a;"walkpc. ,-inc: mentally;, tnaliin , " ''"' i is slated fon the yyon'r- temperaiiient. - tho J Jancfo thetrick :agj5'g-yjgaT; wi V mK'aiiea vat:s.' so ccelock 4n d "f tlrtr ad rvissiotti will bas before, .13 :and r MHe;:llo;wlngisIthe x 1 si y eii j quia tpaayDyKt - TOain Cin s ti gators of air he' trouble:", r-" " - ? .-"f&wrswttTg tiWUiJrB ,-tV'- CTOSS ::v:siarri0Ment;oGtney Iloahbllviarsdenrift RiP.? BbbDessettCal5t!f ?-tj?fe .Paul Cantweli. t ' : .-'( f v? fV, -. v- SmgleTMen-l Jimv MaeRaeBilli ijmprson an d; tw elye others.. -: ;. 51 arHedIenrrr bfeinadewith .ftelrfves:': subs coh templated for " maVriedv. iearn,;: Ah-' nOuncement,tArbe fmade" :later,!1c U .7: :iThe Cjjou Today. : ;1 i . : h6-feaurb ImsC:i-t tre today, are Dream' X'lr. ; Jpnah ;.Ge.ts; a Uttie j Allure -iiterjesgpi SELUS .QUTL HIS;B UINESS. SOia.ifllS DUm?SS,,tO .JJir VIVLi u. .. vv in- rnei wriftwill vjconduct I it, iff . future; away if rom. the-city, -but his. , numerous irencis , -.nere . trust tnat ne win .not no Due notice of ,the transfer; of- tBe business . has been made, r ; ?" TH E FIRST ;BA PTI ST R E V I V A L Large i CbrigregationsKVYe"st6rdayY and Schedule of. Services for the Rest : ; pf the Week. :r ? ;' ' N i tYY, YB Y Three large and enthusiastic cbngre gatipns .enjoyed the preaching , pi Evangelfst f Motley," and jth : singing of Harpist-Brown, in the YeVival meeting yesterday a-tYh?; First .ptlsUClUirch The' programifor. rbbaiaricehothh Wf?? ; and; , Sunday;: is as""f 6116 wgj S e$k vicesYrhursday 'and Friday at rati 3:30 v and & p. tn On ; Saturday thpreV will dbe but ne:. "ser yiceithe one; rieid. thK: early mpjrriing fioutv - On Sunday: ther.ewili lie flvpr services. ' In addition to the usual serviceLo.iij Sun day: morning, arid I tlie . "Sunday School amfedlthStatel p2fcarJls( grilSSC' i 4 Aiwrana ;wc;; iAUurivs Davis ten w ? iui iur, c-. w.; o, lioycer s.ia., icmer-son;-(ttrgr) ; Ii.-tP.; Rdlieftson W.v.F,; ciajL "restitution . .service.? at :imisiJmi?- s This ;.will -be followed. at9 :30:ii m. by a ivmeetlpg iri : behalf :d pf the teacheta and officers! ofthe Srinday School, anidi all persons - interested ; in the Sunday? otuuui. or r iii -vuui ui. M ASON BO RO SCHOOL-: '. v' Hetdlthev;C!psingY:Exer6l8esterday - - Afternoon. The commencement; exercises JiekP yesterday;, afterhpon i at :s Masonboraj I Pubiic:. School ; were attended' : by a largerowdYiT myi Esqt Y a prominent young member; j of the :-local bar, and.3 exteri remarks ren5adebyy a ? t ot the-rocal bar -and exteBaporaneous geritleenm ; interested in the causer of I public- education .Mr.- Bellariiy's ad strated in. rio uncertain , maimer chis peculiar gifts is an orator ofyTowerij an 4 'loqtverice.:t i iY Y Y Y' Y Y Y: Y y j vThis - fchbol has been itticharge-of 5"lfXpRmvtstmI Y Money deposited; here, on or; before I Friday. April 2nd,! will xeceiYe interest j frbmyAprilylstYPJ yPrirYririsiriesgi lithHbJe; savings'; blinki Aayijargesti Capital largest 'Surplris, largest Jte-N aridTrust :!Co;: Yf;;I YYYY-y-st f f . t- .' . y . ,i,-y- y:1 ces,..:,?'-"'y'M 'Yi: V'a y.'iu . - Y . Y- ' , ' "a ; Y - y x ' ffs: .. ..r , ... .V ' ; f ',:c2cr CuiinssY" r:lr;:iry "Cih,: t'T. r-.'tfr? .-fc- - fc -- , . m - -jssI j;:;;vel, avelhiaprinte -jJcatib?ot: all;; JrYAlaf ia; Boxes, jjcr rrt-lled -'recently. Besides ' tire -Dos -.1" "; -'r'-T t:. . : r vriaye. the ;f ollowihgiori; theinYM4:Y Y d.;-&S??fi'it?i : -ddf i 9 I j i.i ti w iii 1 ?M:i i u ;Mepresented;viyali P0HCY -and have your .loss; settled Win; be glad: tp'Ef esent you wttH .; cation atthe. Company's ofTice, 12, VY;- & Y-:-'- w- -w t -w -w v ja ii i i i "i 1 1 i i i , i j I, i i i r riOiyi iifr4if f f 4 "YiYYYcYfe S;:;YYY'Y'Y::iv:-Y; Y;lt t! Y,-'t r..,Y T"4 TPt J f r'Y f-:-..- - Saves Time, ' ' 'Y: 'i-v: iYiYfYYY YSaves Worry, d '. . Y -'i .-lit f-Y,-:: V-v.v: ;'7-: Y"-;-';'?V;-r X , YOGKIlTHiGA& ir - - v. i.. . ? f-;:; ;jcpuM lb indue wilt near-: ner estitrom April 1st, V. I Squill I II i Wlf H V yS 1 1 i) fr?r i THEMWEBiCANlNATIOPLIBilNP t Y Y?Y?YY YYY,Y WlLMIN iSTON N.-Ji !Yv Vy" :;yy -Y;Y yy5 Y"; . 1 2;.Y- ;v:: -y- -"y.'y:'vf;V - -' t S-'M--Y- Y YYYthose :yy..y-,; fs;y;v; n 1.. .1 - ., . i.;..-" UnnwiimumwiMumMii iMiiniMMiHiiMiiMMHiHMiiMiiwwwwfwmv.. miWm i Cl." "w - , :.-f-y- -y Y'Li .V,..- 1st at ratebf 4 per anhum compounded : :lYYYuarerl) r Y ..-.gilbl yppuMic - -- .- - - 1 t - Y-- ' ' , ' - '-' 1 ' - I f . Tt,T IL . Iwith'iliQ Y-t :ridil": Thef e: have -tsshTSruzit ir-ftl xcwvf lV 4 U Y; u v 1 . 4 j.; U j . .M'-i prbrnptly, ili--P ': -: i I ; one of ithescardupoiS. appll- t Princess Street d:i - -: r - :. - ..f.vf w Tv?;-'; .kk- rI..-f:f'- uii ui uciui ui u iiu : t y v 5 7 1 ne.ni tiiiiiuijuiiu.- liiier?-' , v r it len; in our baymgs Y : yy.c.yy;; :1?:;VY.;--?Y-v: r Yy-Y - j. ': y y ' " '"'" ' '; " d-' !d Y7 jB i - !iV.' - v - ;.' '. f'" --4- t "T 1 17 ; " rv;y i mmmmmmmm LmJ kmi W :, 'r - '' i J -:.y-,'" y . : yia viiun. nuiei.; - - .;-y . -.i-- 't- -Yt;--. .i. , 1 ' Y' "' ' j- - - V..i..'