; THE BIG. EtH J Cfinroia xflftfifflliiahlfi io ioiitnliK Situation in Firemen's Strike Crows Serious and Troops May Have to be Called Out Trains Being RockedN and Engineers Afraid to' Make Rift's Gov. Smith Urg'es ArbitratlpkM Atlanta, May 22. Stating that' the firemen's strike- situation " at Thomp son, on the .Georgia. -Rail road, is most critical and" beyond his control the sheriff pf that" county has telegraphed Governor Smith- that ; strike sympav thizers are boarding- trains' and for cibly ejecting negro firemen and' com pelling the side tracking of trains. The Governor may" call out troops, to pre serve order at Thompson: lie wants the strike settled by arbitration, how ever, and. has asked Attorney Hart to confer with the General Manager , of the road this afternoon. The' engi neers are" afraid to take put trains manned by non-union firemen, be cause the engines are frequently, rock ed all along the line, subjecting the engineers to personal danger. They may add to the complication by re fusing to go out. . WHOLESALE HANGINGS To Take Place By . Order of the New 7 Sultan.. ' . Constantinople, May 22 Mehemmed V., gave orders today ;fpr. wholesale executions as the result of the tns tigation of the' Royal Commission -into the massacres at Adonia and adjacent territory. Ho - has , already signed i thirtyrfive death warrants and others are in preparalion. The convictions of the new Sultan against the whole sale executions in Constantinople, of political - offenders has been offset in t he case of the Adonia. massacre lead' ers - in his desire 'to show the outside world that Christians of his reami'wilK be S'CVj 1 -iiiii X't GAVE SACH FOUR MILLION. So This Will Escape; the Inheritance ''--".s; Tax. . ' ' . . r j New ' York, 3Iay ' 22P-3t was Tearhed today that? Mr. Rogers, five weeks be Jfore his death, gave to each of his four children four million dollars in bonds, , securities and cash.' This sum will not be subject to the inheritance tax. but whether Mr.. Rogers had this in mind when he made the donation Us 7 not known. i . ', 7 . LAST SAD RITES Over Remains of H..H. Rogers at His Place of Birth. Fair Haven, May 22. The last rites for H; TL Rogers were, spoken. here to dav.' This is his birthnla'ce. For an hour tha school children passed be fore his bier in the : Unitarian Me morial Church. The interment is in the family tomb ,in Riverside ceme tery. .; " ' . , BEAUTIFUL FLOWER DANCE At Lumina., Monday- night, body going. ( Every- CONFESSED TO MURdER. Arrested a aHdrse Thief ; He Admits Commission of a Horrible Crime. Bristol, iTenn., May 22. Robert Moore, a negro, 22 years old, ar rested at Abingdon, Va., for horse theft, today; confessed ' that he mur dered James -Hines, ; the "sixteen year old nephew of . Major Jame&.H. Hines, of Abingdon,' whos.e partially decom posed body was found at; Freeling, Va., three days ago. Th5 negro cut the boy's head off apd - tooktsixty - dollars from his pockets. -.. . -, ; : Stocks Today. - New York.i May, 22. fThe stock mar-l ket opened' with the -usual show ot strength, first; prices showing gains in nearly all issues. .Ste6i: Common, lUn-! ion Pacific and Reading were-mosj -active issues. The "wildest movement was-in Western Union, v. . "7 The Cotton Market. " ' . ,7 New York, May 22. CpjLton ; opened tcady and unchangedtoyi poinib hitrhfir. Onenins:. May. June - , offered, U,15;7 July, 10.87. 1 LI6 October, The Grain Martcet. , 7 Chcago, May 22. Wheat 'declined 3-8 to 5-8 at the opening, fcut met fair support and rallied. Opening wheat. July, 116 icorn, July, 68 7-8; pat - . h . iv, .- .... - .: ,' W E"6 K j EN D i D A N C E sTO N 1 G HT? ' : s .Week-EAd.DivjejLumjoa-iigb Monday" night Flower Dance -;.,. Wl I mington May M usical Festival W i 1 1 7 Take J Place ) Next Wee kB Ig Sub - traction EngagedCharfotte . Also Lavished j Praise. : Of -( course, the' eyeni : of -next weekl j aod ;really the ; musical event "of. thai r season. " win ha tho .wii'iv.' Musjcal Festival and it,yfill;be enjoyed- not: .only by r Wilmington folks, bjittby ple 7fromtSe Siirr9unaih country, vtThe demand for tickets from qut pf the i city has ibeenIarge. The festival will hold forth. v Wednesday arid -Thursday nights, with matinee the afternoon of the latter day. The pra-. ifctp she presented ?by Wilmington ers, comprising? , a.: giant chorus, be one of the brilliant features. Tfte;rPittsburg Festival ; Orchestra and the soloists I accompanying the or chestra are how,.in this State and have already, scored heavily. - Last night they appeared in ; Raleigh's musical! f estivai, apd . .will appear there again. toaay. . ,rne. vitaieigh :Jfews and Obsen ver of today highly . praises their work and in part says: --Vw-r .-.'."'. ; "Hayden's -Oratorio, 'The Creation,: was given athe Academy of iMusic last, night by .the . Raleigh Choral go. ciety; and ; the,, Pittsburg Festival Or? chostra.' The soloist?' were Miss Flor-, ence- Hinkle, , soprano ; Mr. Edward Strong, tenor; v an'aMr. Frederick- Mar, tin, -; basso. The oratorio was conduct ed -by -Mr. Wade R. Brown. - "In spite of . theitfpleasant weather, the house was well . filled, and there was no lack of Either attention or en thusiasm. The Choral Society, which had made its first Appearance in ora torio two years ago, and another ap pearance a year ago in 'The Messiah, gave evidence not only of solid general training, , but , also of, careful work at the particular . oratorio they were singing. "" Considering the difficulty" of 'The . Creation, and the very small amount of nractice wWch chorus And orchestra could have together the work of the Choral Society was ex ceedingly good. The conductor and the singers deserved the. thanks of the entire coramunity. 77'At least one of the, soloists, Miss Hinkle, was already a favorite in Ral eigh. -'; Her voice .was ,x in t he best or form, clear, well controlled and high ly J satisfactory in both quality, ..and in 91a.aud7theiWprano7parts 'in- Wo or three trios sJiowedMi.ss,' Hinkle 's voice to special advantage. 7 Those who heard her will be glad to know thatshe is to appear again tonight. ?,""M."!" Stroqg who " 'is to be heard again in the two remaining, concerts, appeared. -rather --Jess often than the other soloists, but always to advant age. He ' is a singer of the dignified type, rather:,;' lacking in en'thubiasm; but his' voice "and "style are excellent. The basso, Mr. Martin, who had a number of important recitatis and j airs, -is a singer of like quality, thov oughl yacquainted with his parts and well fitted to interpret them. The trio of soloists which will become a quartet jn the other concerts, by the addition- of Miss. Hussey is well se lected and weti balanced." Tribute to Orchestra. Thursday's Charlotte. News' pays this tribute to ithb Pittsburg Fekivai Orchestra: . . , - ?I "The 'Twentieth' limits pur space to compass too brief to allow adequate description of the superb work of the 1 Pittsburg Festival , Orchestra, under the masterly direction of Mr. Carl Ben thai er and o'f the del ightf u 1 violin spf los performed by Mr. Franz Kohlar. Ths orclestra came to Charlotte pre ceded by a national reputation, but it can be truly said, tha't, 'the half1 has not" been told.' x' Not only did they thrill; their effect. was pearly hypnotic All their numbers were superbly ren dered but when it comes to the over ture from Tannhauser with which the program closed, -''words utterly fail. 1 v AT POPULAR LUMINA.W -"i - 1 '" - i Week-End Dance Tonight, Concerts Tomorrow and Big Flower Dancq Monday Evening. ,. ' This:" is notprecisely f beach-feeling weather, - but nevertheless the attrac tions, at Iumiha. are sufficient ,to over: .nmo this and, kind.'ert make, folks go u. to Wrightsville Beach any way 11UVV- wfhrmnnwillnrobablv letup by tomorwHe certainly . wijl do sq by Monlay?night, ...7 v , - Tonight, Lumina.-; will present tno regular week-end dance, ' which will, j bO, 6bt, be enjoyed by many apci to morrow afternoo". and night Lumina'a orchestra, . under .the' leadership .of Mr. iVi-eive two sunerb - , '-'.' fTv. Hl'midov tiicht pnfnps the ; beautiful, merry flower dance There Will be exceedingly , pretty deco rations J and 'Ai is s: said- the- souvenir WillitDe Ot tJapclitll tiiuai,uc . . . . is .' X 1 1 f innflira Tl o 1 ture. 7"- 7-"" r " ' ' WEEK END DANGE TONIGHT v,Wee.k-EndfDaoee at Lumina tonight, Monday nigrtt Flower Dance.; 7 j . - Nev .style - Dutch Collars 25c value for 10c, at Qaylord's. It U I I 1 11 1 IJ 111 till U ! I fi Tetllr 7 .- JX Convenes : i Monday Morning, VAItU I IV" r Judge W.ARi Allen PresidingrFirst Case '.-for..' Trial a Damage tSuit -Against the Coast Line Jurors for the Week. - k.,a . Commencing -Monday New Harioyer county will hav another two: weeks' term of the Superior Court for, the trial of civil cases and the tejnv;will be presided. over by Judge Wn R. Affen . f he,tterm wilt .convene at 10 o'cjock Moifday .niorningi ani the first - base I, that will ;be called will be thatof Forbes vs. the Atlantic Coast him, Jfr sfuitx for i damages, and thenexi 7will be that jf Hroma Austin vs. C D. Opre,l an action iwhicb jnvplyes the transfer ,of; a Piece, of prbiertj?, and whichjlhe plaintiff, h colored woman? claims ijvas lnade. by her. laboring under thefim iPres'iion, thatAit (was -not a deed tfehe was, jgi Vihg. -TThese two cases : ts peremptorily set for -trial at theast term tif. court.-- The fuir list of cases set for trial for Monday , is -as follows: A. R. Forbes vs. Atlantic Coast Lijje; Julia Austin vs. C. D. Gore ; Cifoi' Wilmington vs. Iredell. Meares; Swih .& Co. vs. John W. Capps; Geo. Afcer, et al.t vs., Elizabeth -T. Pridgen. "- The jurors drawn for the firC,- or next , week of court are a follows '.; J. T. , Hill, G. E. 'Hawkins, W. CtaxA well. It. if. Cowaft,. J. .A. Wes?U)ropk, F. A. .Bissinger, J. F. Garrell, Jr.; "A. D. Woolard, W. II. TCorbctt, WtlX Walters, Jas. II. Cowan, WW. Wright (V E. Mc.frullrjch, J. L. Haz'elhifrst, Adolpli . Giodnran, J. . T. ; AVJiitluirst, W..H.,I)arleh, Jr., J. L. Giafftln. . THEY ARE EAGER FOR IT ,y . .." . . : . ' -. i -Citizens " of Topsail Township - Believe i7 tj?mMzmmmsm! ? 'it is "Stated rfha't jsd strohg is the de sire of the ''citizens of 'Topsail ! iown- Lshin. Pender county, for godd,sphols that they circulated a petition jwhich was largely signed an-d ' presented to the conravissioneis of Pender, seeking an election -for their township',''' where by rtiev will call au election so Toh- soil can have levied an additional ta-f, of 2G cents for school purposes. This is double the tax sought here, and really would amount to an even great er increase, as thre is" to be a re duction -in the 'city rate here; which oithor mako n0 increase what- ever., or, at the greatest,.' a, very small increase. Civil Action Started. A civil action was started this morn ing before Justice Bornemann In which Messrs. Newkirk Bros, are sued by Frank Herbst. The case will be tried M:o.n(Tay and a claim of $88.05 is in volved The plaintiff is represented by Herbert McClammy, Esq?, and . the de fendants by John D. Bellamy & Son. Recorder's Courtj Today; In the .Recorder's ' Court today James Gates, charged with an assault with a' deadly weapon .'was .fined $5 and the costs. "Sallie Pigford, Charged with disorderly conduct, was required to pay the costs. Cliaotte Hopkiffs and Emma Hoskins .Charged with an affray, were in,ade to pay the costs. Moonlight Excursion. - A moonlight excursion will be given Friday .night of next week on the steamer WilminSton under the aus nices f the Baraca Class of Grace Methodist Church. The outing will be of a most, enjoyable, nature, and it . j i ii x l ' - Jt : n is expected thaty a large :crowd ' will .take, advantage of the .opportunity to spend a tew nourp on tne river. 7V - Was -Fined fToday. i In Justice : Bprnemahn'iS court this morning Sam Moore charged with an Uassnult with a . deadlvl iweanon. was f i . ' . t ... . ' seiuio-iue .rveuuii .s, wuj.uihi . . tReCoM t-- ffleosts by, tb. Recorder, j ; -7 WEEK END DANCE TOM I GHT v W e H n d.'P ajiceatLumipa tpnight. Monday night.; Flower Dance. 7 .7 . Double Trip of Steamer Sunday. The steamer WilmJngton7 Sunday willimake two round trips to Carolina Beach and South port. The; first, .steam ier leaves at 9:30 a. m., and the second at 2:30 p. m., returning, arrives-at Wilmington on the last' trijat 7 : 30 p. m. e. fare. for theround trip'ls only 25c find ihose who desire.to spend the day at the beach may get dinner at tne hotel.' vft4, 7'. 2t . 'BEAUTIFUL FLOWER DANCE , . At v Lumina Monday .nighW Every? body going ... . ielub Jltillctions j tVlV t4r -7 Rural Carriers Will Assemble in This ;HVfty'in-- Annual- Session a WeekfJ 7 From MondayOfficers 1 Will be' 7EJectedand. Delegates to be Select ed.lo. State Convention t . The annual meeting of the Eastern North" Carolina, District Association 0 iural -Carriers is riow being prepared for. 'The meeting will be held . in this .city,. May, 31st, one week from Monday una.wiii be of. an important and highly interesting nature. The sessions of' the annual event will be held in the auditorium ot- the . Elks' .-Temple and will' commence at 10 o'clock -in the morning. A splendid program'is being mapped out and , ft wilt include some, helpful talks. The. annual election of officers -wiiltake place and delegates will also' be" selected to. the State; con vention, which will be held in Char lotte July 5th' and 6th. After-the business meeting of the annual convention here; th6 delegates will, be royapy enftrtained. All .rural carrier of .' Eastern . North Cai-tolina. ;whetlier , members of ' the Association or not, are. given a cordial .iAVifation to attend Xthe "annual 1 meeting -irj .this city, , . . . - . - ".: At.the.Bijou. . . t. ' Thefatur.filmt'attlfepopularBijou theatre , today is icalie- "A tUoad tto Loye;" Fhis -picture, is 6fan interest ing nature and it -..will please everyone who 'witnesses its production. 7 -7. MAN WAS SHOT. Thomas Reynolds Received. Danger ous Wound in the Abdomen Last , Night.. .Thomas Reynolds, colored, was shot and,-dangerously wounded last night at the house of Lallie;Evau3 on Chest nut street, near Twelfth. It is pre sumed that Reynolds was shot by Lewis Carter, colored, -who is said to' have been at the Evans woman's home Y with .Reynold's wife. Reynolds, was shot just as be-was entering the door and the bullet took effect in his abdo-' men. He .was carried to the hospital, where, medical- attention was given him. ' . ' . "-' OFFICERS EJECTED By - the yWJJiMWatoji.?iaK'r,i;Sch noon. . , . .... " , --7 . 1 7 The' annual meeting of the; High' School i Alumni Association was h'eftjf yesterday, afternponat;. which time the following officers were elected: Prosi-T dent, Miss Bessie LeGwin; vice presi dent Miss Gracie Craig; secretary Miss Floriie . King, treasurer, Miss Theo. King; new member of executive committee, Mr. Allie Alderman .of i Class 'OS. . v. 7 t . . . ...... 1 i;., x rt 11 oers ot tne senior G;ass was . held ; last night at the High School, building. Aty entertaining program had been "kb ranged for the occasion and a delight ful' evening was slent. TOMORROW MORNING. Rev. Fred D. Hale Will Present His Resignation. 7 The following not jce is submitted by Dr, Hale: , "At r the 'niorning "service ftomorrow at the;First Baptist Church, Pastor Fred D. Hale-wjll present his resignation, and give his reasons therefjor. Friends of . the ""church not connected with the congregation have a cordial : invitation to b,e present,' as well as all the members of, the church, especially thpse.; interested in the call of a .new pastor, since, this subject will come up t in aJjusiness meetting at the close of the. sermon." . ' ' . - '. : SUfcCESSFUL CONCERTS Ar Being Given by.the Oxford Or phanage Choir., On the firs or eastern tour of the Oxford Orphanage Singing, Class thisy time the , patronage, ; nas .tnus iar Deen i-a exceptionally large, :and the tour, which H i nrill r- nlnca 11 11 1 1 Ttltll . 91 of h?fla r 1 will , not close' until. June .21st; ?bidsr fair to be in every : respect the most successful yet madeof. this section. The entertainments are considered by many the best ever given by the Singling Class pf this most .worthy in-j stitution. We are gladithe concerts are meeting with such patronage and:ap- t ni.nl . iA1 ."x.. i nt :at Oxford, the class wilL enter upon its - second or western .tour. , The Orphans' Homes of North Caro lina rank .among : the best institutions of this ctfaracter in the country : Our people are .deeply interested in them, f ready to give them support and to aid rt WEEK-END DANCE TONIGHT Week-End Dance at Lumina tonight. Monday night Flower Dance. TEN PER CENT. Saved from what you earn will cause you - little . inconvenience but Will. maK0 you comioruioie iu uibj course of time. Try this' plan, and deposit with The 7 People's 'Savings Eank. TToiir money will, bear interest from June 1st. 2t . 'j'- v,. . ..... , A. 1 V i i.s J ' ' - . 0 ! r BVSE BAEL Make A Safe Hit; by opening an Account With us to-day. You will be gladly wel comed as ;Depositor. 7 Commercial Accounts. Savings Accounts, - ... - 'Front Street, Next 4o Ortbh Hotel;" : m WILMINGTON, N. C. , , . -V-ji IN POINT OF AGEEstablished successful business to its credit. - v- 7 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS--$240,000.00, Hbcing larger than of any other TWO local Savings Banks . DEPOSITS Upward sand savers. - RESOURCES More .than $1,70'0,000.00. invested in high grade loans ? j and seciiritieRall -nnssed nnon nnd annrnvnd ' hv : aiip.' RnnrH nf IK -! 3 I -prc.iors.'' May we not add your NEW INTEREST QUARTER WILIB15g1n jtJNE 1st. .. ;v-fl numguiu oarmgd aim nuoi luupur y Y 7 h ' W-5NOk WOOD' President: - 7: - " C. E. TAYLOR,'" That's All. : : FACTS FOR THE THIS BANK Has been since 5 7 growing; ; ; , - - s a irk irK i&. i mmmjkfmm XLS .-V"-livuir isuil'ius auu-.Mtiai cuuiUvio- iiAUXiiLjr iu c laier. IUUI1 all j ? 7 other Avilmington Banks combined.. ' - -' . '.'74 :'('S-' ' ' TtcAnrtfiita nrp ronrA. than rinuhlft - thn rnmhlnA1 trfnrtriatta 'tt' 11" 1 '" I Its depositsare more than double S other- Commercial Tianks here. '. Its customers have the advantage J ' f OF WILMINGTON. CAROLINA OF WILMINGTONN. C, M. S. WILLARD, 7 ASK YOUR AGENT TO PLACE YOUR POLICY, IN THIS COMPANY. " LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJUSTED. PAID BY CHECK ON CJTY PAID IMMEDIATELY UPON Total Losses paid, $165,817.50 .fa. AttAttAttAAA&CAtt ..A.a........ga.f.. 9 ...0900f94 ww I !Ferris,l Smoked Tongues and Breaks Ii T " II Villi WVailL LIIL, IJL Ul VIIIIIIH III dOl. IIIULL 1 r. ' ROYAD SCARLET.Brand. 4 '-V..' Mm it NEWS THOS. E. COOPER, Cashier. S J Mm : I in7l$8 and a record of 20 years combined of $l,5j00,ft00.00, belonging to several thou-. 3 5 if name to our list pf depositors ? A U. WALTERS, Vice Presideptf JR., GSshier. '' 7 , 1 TE - . if For the Very Bestl .......................M..... BUSINESS PUBUC us organization a leader In thede-'N' . -(J 1 ;; " . ' . ' '7 7'-.iSf the combined deposits -of all 7 7 of its safety, service and une- 1 .f.i. Secretary. FIRE IN8URANCE ! .f:'jil;a23f , BANK. & - n SIGNING OF PROOFS OF LOCO, H9-4 5 .-'z . it: , : .. s. 17. snrjDEoa. R -. v - ....... - - j - i ) - , .. t- - r t a rr i ' P. . i 7H n ! r 7.

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