';- v.- y v0h f . THE EVfeNING; DISPATCH, -MAY 22, 1909. PAGE, TWO " C' J . ( . ft 7 1 1 r-- - - t X IT 1 1 ..n'T""" . " i 9 Agents for ; AT PRESENT WE CARRY IN STOCK A FULL ASSORTMENT OF MUNGING UNION SUITS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN. WE CARRY THEM WITH HIGH ECK AND LONG SLEEVES, LOW NECK AND NO SLEEVES, IN ANKLE AND KNEE LENGTHS. Convent Cloth. THE BEST MATERIAL FOR UNDERWEAR. . COMES IN 12 YARQ PIECES AND SELLS FOR $2.98. THIS, CLOTH IS 42 INCH ES WIDE. Round Table Cloths. - FINE GRADE OF DAMASK, for 54 Inch Table at $6.50 each. , SHORT LENGTHS TABLE DAMASK, 2, 22 and 3 yards, at 59c Per Yard. P L ATT '& Presented by Mr. James F. Post In Fa vor of Voting the School Tax Writes, at the Request of a Number of Citizens. - ,v Wilmington,' N. C May 21, 1909. Mr. James F! Fost, uny. - v ; Dear' Sir: In view of the great in terest you have always taken dri the j Public Schools of our City, and as you I Were for many years an "honorable j member of th Board of Education ot . New Hanover county, we . the, under signed citizens feel that you, from j your large experience in educational work, are moat fitted to give the peo ple light upon the great question that now confronts us, that is, the increas ing of taxes for the support of the public schools, and hence we respect-j ifullv ask that you kindly give us your ! views, concerning the approaching election to be held on the 26th in stant, through the columns of our daily papers. YOur very respectfully, BISHOP ROBERT STRANGE. J. B. FALES. J.-M. HAUL. J. T. SHOLAR. R. W. FARMER. N. E. BUNTING. . J. HICKS BUNTING. GEO. H. JAMES. J. j BEIL. T. B. WILLARD. R. P. McCL-MMX. To Wake up your Liver and Purify your Blooti TMtE IT NOW v THE GENUINE hs the RED Z on the front of each package and. tho gnturo and smI of J. H. ZEILIN CO., on the id, IN RED. ' ThexGardn Seed:of,Sunimer Clothing and Furnishing Goods has been ' . Planted at J Mi Educational': Rally. a vprv successful educational rally was held in the Fifth-Ward last nighf.j Mr. P. J. Fergus presypea ana among the speakers were ( jMessrs. Thos. D. Meares, Jr., B. G. Empie, Woodus Kel lum, Wm. H. Sprunt, Rev. A. D. Mc Clue, Rev.' G. A. Martin, Rev. J. S. Crowley and others. ! j ! New lot Elastic Belts, latest thing in i grape design buckle, 25c value for 15c, at Gaylord's. It A Woman's Idea of Slimmer Comfort. To every woman, especially the wo man who keeps house, the topic ot summer comfort in ; the home is one of never-failing interest. This is particularly true where com- GAYLORD'S Has those things you need for Spring and Summer Use. Mammocks in all colors and styles 9Sc and up. "Jap" Porch Screens, plain and colored, 95c and up Mosquito Canopies and Netting. - Beautiful Buggy Robes, 40c and up. . Children's Sandals, best quality, 50c. . -.' ' BoysV Rubber Bottom , Shoes, nice style, splendid quality, 33c. Men f(ubbr Bottoms, 50c: ; , ; ' Ladies' -Oxfords, new styles, excellent material, nat fit 98c and up. . Men's and Boys' Summer Ilats, Shirts, Suits, Ties, etc., cheaper man you can uuy mem ?eisf wntre, lor everyoouy pays casii. : BIGGEST, CHEAPEST and MOST UP-TO-DATE MILLINERY HOUSE IN THE; STATE. NEW MATS AND FLOWERS DAILY. Anything you need in HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN Furnishings. s GEO. O. GAYLORD'S 210,-212 and 214 North Front Street. I Wilmington, G.,. May 21 1900. nt. Rev. Robert Strange, J. B. Fales, 1 Geo. IL James and others. , Gentlemen: , 1 ii 'bee to acknowledge receipt ot fort in the kitchin is concerned, as, it ! your, letter of even date and to thank , you i for the kind words expressed therein, and also for the implied confi dence in my abiiity to, in any way, en: lighten you on .the question of , the propriety , of levying, a public school tax?i While I, have always been averse j to rushing into print, and have en i deavored to keep out of the public eye, Ut 'if it i nnsihl fnr-mn. in nnv wn v. I diffuses its almost to be of benefit to my friends and ) through the kitchen. - , ! neighbors 1 do not care to stand Idly U But such days are past. With the !by, it by the expression of an opinion,! New Perfection Wick Blue Flame Oil 'public or otherwise, 1 may help a .Cook Stove, kitchen drudgery becomes i cause that really needs no defense at kitchen comfort, for this wonderful I the nands of anyone. , So, in reply to J stove is so constructed that it not only hour letter, I "would state that, as a produces quick results, but does it Ueneral answer, it would be a public '11 without perceptibly, raising the is in this one, room that, the" most try ing part of the work, is done, such as cooking, oaking, ironing, and, heating water for wash-day purposes. Even in cool weather such wrork is not alto gether welcome, but it become drud gery on days when the mercury is try ing to jump through the top of the thermometer, aided by a hot stove that unbearable heat ! calamity if we did not do all in our (power, individually and collectively, in I every legitimate way possible, to sun ; port our public institutions; especially jone which we all must agree has um I Questionably accomplished more for We Do Not Boast WHEN WE SAY THAT-WE CAN FIT YOU BETTER AND CLEANER AND WITH MORE STYLE THAN YOUR TAILOR CAN. " WE UTTER ONLY AJ CLOTH- ING FACT, FOR STE'IN-BLOCH MADE OUR SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES. AND WE CAN DO ALL THIS AT A SAVING TO - YOUR FINANCES THAT WILL SURPRISE YQU. COME IN AND PROVE IT. A TRY-ON WILL MAKE ALL PLAIN TO YOU. A Full Line of HATS and ' . FURNISHING GOODS J. W.FLEET'GO S. W. "Corner Front and Princess Sts. . ; . v "phone 673. . : ;. -.y kitchen temperatdre. All this means real comfort to the woman who works in the kitchen, es pecially when considered with the added advantages in the saving of time; in the doing away with all car- !good citizenship and the materia! .-.wring ot coal woou ana, asnes ; in nav growth and welfare of our community jS a stove that can be turned on or i than any other factor that has ever off. , high or low, as required; and in ! .f . , . nnt -bavin ir in ktfn it lip-htoil whon not ; So much has been said recently, in in, use. i a public way, about the subject-matter LThea-. there is the saving of fuel to! 'of your letter that the argument, seemrfhe considered; and it is here also thati ingly, has been exhausted, but , the i.e New Perfection excels. Although j Argument in defense of a righteous .uipped with three burners it has i cause, which has been championed for. but; One reservoir, thus reducing three ! nearly a hundred years, can never be . separate ..filling operations to one. exhausted. j . Besides all this, the "New Perfect- i tlon" is the only oil stove built with a cabinet top. Its commodious top : shelf is, particularly useful for warm- i r nlntnL mill bnkiifiin' F r l- r- f i- r Bhall be as my flrst was, to estabilsli , 1 , ' a system, of public schools for tho L In addition there are two urujj siieives uu wuicii may ue tsei tho teapot or . eofjfee pot and smalJ cooking utensils. AIko has two racks r . . . - . im- nnminsr rnwp s. ana there learn the eternal principles Altoeeth tnp ..kw perfpCtion" is otdemrocracy and the brotherhood of Altogethei the New Perfection is mankind" !a stove of wonderlul utility, its ex If the immortal Jefferson could live j "emeiyanasQ.me appearance sets on a..,. i '...i . , J any kitchen to tull advantage. It is When Thomas Jefferson had almost reached the end of his notables life he wrote these words. "My last work State of. Virginia, where all children of the rich and poor alike may comej together into their common schools today and witness the product of his the S3C Cypress THE LARGEST STOCK IN THE ClTv: WALL PLABl tH, PLA8TER PARIS, ROCK LIME, L FIRE BRICK, t FIRE CLAY, . 1 ASBESTOS, . RUBBER ROOFING, ' BUILDING PAPER, V P.MlUM CV Dine W. B. THORPE & COMPANY; PHONE 7tt. ; OFFICE FOOT ANN STREET. .ATM 8, HAIR,. PORTLAND CEMENT, The Evening Disp atch 25c per Mont 4 handiwork he would marvel at glorious result of his beneficence. Tnis is a day of problems in educa tion; all over this broad land or ours individuals are vieing with each' other iri Endowing educational institution and making gifts to universities. It is considered a privilege by men of weajth to contribute largely of their means to found . colleges and build schools. ' ' Universal education by the State is the?solution of the problem. This was thedoctrine of Jefferson, and this principle is now embodied in the con stitutions and laws of every State in theUn. In 1850 Herbal Spencer, l.- great apostle of universal education, said: "Let there be light in every nook and corner in the educational world. Without this universal education how can we expect to keep up the civiliza tion of today? For as the civilization of toda is the product of that of yes terday, so the, civilization of the future will be the outgrowth of that of today. It has been said that taxation is on? of ,the chief characteristics of civiliza tion, and the savage pays no tax. ' I have read with some considerable interest the many things that have been written lately about levying a tax for the T support of public schools in New Hanover county, and am heartily in accord with all public-spirited citi zens who have been giving their time to the advocacy of the tax being levied. I do not know of any measure that has ever been presented in this or any other community' that should sooner receive, at the hands of the people more unanimous endorsement. We have presented to us ever and anon matters that affect- the public good, and we are often honestly di yided in our opinions as to the exped iency of giving the cause our support, and we conscientiously differ with our friends as to the benefit to be derived, and whether it is the business of th State t or city to assume the. responsi bility of spending the public moneys for its maintenance. But here is 'a question on which there should be nr division of sentiment; a question thai is so vital in its significance, and sf (Continued on Third Page.; ! superior to the hot coal range no mat- j ter what the point of comparison may be or whether regarded as a summer stove only or as a stove for year 'round use. Another household article of unusu al convenience is - the Rayo Lamp, a scientifically constructed lamp, that will adorn any room whether library, parlor, dining-room or bed-room.. The Rayo Lamp j gives a mellow steady light that does not tire the eyes. Its center draft burner of the, latest dev sign and its fine porcelain shade make it a lamp of combined usefulness and .beauty., ; . Tho New Perfection . Wick Blur vMame Oil Cook Stove and the Rayo Lahip constitute two household articles that will meet any woman's idea ol home comfort. In the thousands o homes in which they are already, used t-ey are making things cheerful be cause of their absolute satety, great simplicity, and wonderful ience. to I conven ) oc- A LMOST every x V casion" is an occa sion to present a box of NUNNALLYS. If you call take it. After i church, before a dance, between theactsbn the train, or for a birthday, , NUNNALLY'S is the one gift which you air ways know will always be appreciated. But you must be sure it's A fresh supply always kept by ' j. HICKS BUNTING DRUG CO 4( None Like Nunnally's. " Every counter in our store a bush and every suit of the celebrat,-,t Strouse j Bros, and KuppenheiiiH-r make a Rose. A pick from this of modern fashions and garden style jiitTih'; to every man" a fitting rose of a suit. Cur Boys suit department is complete from shoulder to knee, and made t wear. "Mother's Frieud." Boys' Shirt waist . in all sizes. Our Furnishing Goods shine with the ray of Summer -efa c ouii ib in .VI it e hajjan and Emery brand, none better n&de in white and colored, attaclied and detached cuffs. r Neckwear from a bow knot to a what-not. Have you purchased your Straw Hat? See us and let us fit your head by conforming teh shape. Men's fancy hose in all colors and shades. , The coojest underwear in the city in athletic cut, balbriggan and Nainsook, long and short sleeves. Caps that cap tho climax in all styles the latest out, the Bull Dog shape. It is up to you if you want the later t every thing n Men's and Boys' in wear.i See. us chase. before you make yGur pur- J. M. SoIky&Co. Phone No. 61 1. Masonic Temple We Close Every Afternoon at 6 o'clock. Except Saturdays. : Sole Agent for Dr. Deimel Underwear (Linen Mesh): The Firm that Pays Your Car Fare. 615 to 619 N. Fourth Street. ng tke Pretty Summer Embroideries . Milady couldn't find a prettier assemblage nor could prices be more favorable. This Summer-will break all records for the sale of Embroideries. Just the. qualities, the patterns and the widthsat just what you'd want to pay lor them. Embroideries Whether in Hamburg or in Sheer Swiss. In dainty designs, pretty patterns, per fect qualities and most extensive varities. It's a showing that shows--a display that forms a revelation in the matter of exquisite and taiteful embroideries. A gathering tMat women shouldni miss. All low prices feature in the exhibit. Special Showing of Summer Laces ' We have surpassed all previous efforts in selecting laces for this season both iu buying a great variety of patterns and kinds, and in going to headquarters and buying them right. " You have undoubtedly made up your mind that the new Summer dress shall have lace trimming, -for no other decorative material-is quite so appropriate for a light gown. .... And, as it is only natural that the trinjining and dress material should comtr from the same store, why not make the selections at once? Our stocdvs are largo enough and varied enough to meet the most exacting demands. We Have Juki Received a New Lot 01 . Pat Eeather Russia -alf arid Tan Swede Pumps, Also gibbon Ties in the newest and most up-to-date Toes! Call and let us show you. & PRICE 109 MARKET STREFT. ' ; : i .. . I ' Subs bribe for Tfie Evening Dispatc h. HEWEETT