;.,---:..'.. -; ' ... . .. . - . 'v..;;."-v.,-:,:.t.. . - . - ; : . . .... ;..v. rCIJJ . -'-::. iJ-- ' K i fi T -. . .. ' t . r TTX 1 1 1 f. - - p VOLUME FIFTEEN I . WILMINGTON, N. X.,CMpNDAY,; JUNE 14, 1909. ' fc r ; : PRICE FIVE CENTS , . v . S - v. - -rr-- CHIDDHIG miWMU trrTTTTTTTtMttITIl'ltttIIIIMIIfllMllWlllMTTmiyyTTrryi - ---w s v m m m .V?i - ? - :4 !: h ,H IF. UHU mm ciiildh ;&5 1IPILL ir v as lime of the 1U Looks Like It, WiljNot;, Reach Third- Reading in thftejiateThis 'Week-i' Income Tax, Yet to -Be "Discussed--Champ' Clark Thiriks Jt WiiOnl Be in-Conference 1 a Seklnsur gent Republicans Think Differently . -.,;uf. rf u- -iXM'U; v; Washington, P. June 14 Sena tor Aldrich Ssaidt today! ftha&inb Wa son to change his pinjohlhat the tariff bill will; b& in conference " by July 1st. Several -speeches are to be made this ..week" and several- amettdi .in eu l io ue onerett ana, the leaders say it is out bi the-Question' to' exher questionto expectHcousih of the bride,:was maid-bfrhonor a v.ote. 011 the passage of, thb tariff bill Saturday. The income tax amendment is set for a' vote bn Friday of father it comes up, then.. It' may be-debated several days.. If t the . Finance Commit tee amendments-have hot been dispos ed of atthattime,. -however, the in come tax will again go "over. Champ Clark,, the minority -leader of the House, who will be one of the conferees pn the tariff bill, said today that in his opinion the bill would "not e in conference more than a week. He said the Democrats ' coW hot change the. bill and it would be a waste of .time to attempt to hold thb bill up. ; Republicans" in the House; thougn, do not subscribe to the opinion expressed by rthe minority leader. The insurgent House Republicans ; predict that the bill will be in conference at lea?t.two weeks. promi NENTi Citizen : dead. . ' Mr. D; - ,C T Gorman of v Fayettevllle, Soecial to The Drsnatch . Fayettevllle,, N.a uniMh B-C. GbrhamMied earjy' thisjiftibrniiig after a lingering1 illness: JliiKdeath-is greatly regretted by the- entire . com-i iminity. Mr. Gorham was a Confed erate soldier and for several years a . leading member, of te Hay Street Methodist Churc.c South. Alhe, ttnie - ofhisf 6a1hhe;detes-edv6 mafi ager of-fhGofhamT Boot and Music Campany. He passed away in the Glth year of his age. GREAT RELIGIOUS PLAY. Runs- Fie WeeRs With 5,000 Persons In the Cast. .London, June 14. The great- English-pageant, with twenty scenes and 5,000 persons, portraying the proiji gress . of, Christianity; in England, reached a climax U day. vAa the play, which has no riyai except the German Passion Play draws to ' a close, the crowds, have' become- dense, and . tho; interest keen. - Many are here, from the continent to . look onj the scene The drama. ;opencd the tenth; . and closes Thursdayi ' The scenes in the play go back tea ! centuriesv and give adequate education in the progress of religion in - England. : ' " STRIKE IN ST. PETERSBURG. General vWaik-Out: On Trolley- Lfnes and Stubborn Fight Expected. ; '1 . St. Petersburg J ue ; 14. A general strike of : the employes of. the trolley lines in St. Petersburg began today. The men, demanded increase pay; and decreasedkoursi boia of which were refused. Both.,sidea declare , the ..fight is to a iaaish and a stubborn contest is expected. THE MORE CASE. Appeal for Bond Is -Belng Argued . .Today.-; .v.- - --...; New York, June i4.-rArgument was begun today in the circuit court; by Martin W. Littleton . for j.bondVror Cliarle3 W: Morse It is - an - appeal from the decision of the -lower jcpurt, which refused bail. District Attorney Stillson is representing - the govern ment. Friends of Morse offer bail in any amount up to $250,000. .1 " EIGHT OF CREW MISSING. Men Were" Out irr Small Boats . When Heavy Sea SwepTThem 'Away. Boston, June 14. With eight of the crew missing' the fishing schooner Ket tle Franklin arrived in port, today, after two days' fruitless se&vehStir the men. The men yere -out intae.uofit!a Thursday morning, -when , a heavy; sea set in. The ; schooner -tried ' to . find them, but could not.,,- f - ., - .. . - ' - -- i ,i i ' t , . ... . 7 The Cotton MaYket. New York, June 14. Cotton opened firm, 5 to 11 .points higher, Opening, .. 'i.82f:';Julv.' a(T.83; October, :J(h84; December,' 10.8. - ; : TO-N I G HT ' AT L U M I N A, Dancing at Lumlna Tp-njght. Miss BesaJeV Brady; the , Attractive 'Bride' of Mr. Clak Fisher,"1 of West vVIrginla-pTbe Ce'rernony. Was Per- ? formed at the Church of ? the, Good Shepherd-Reception - Tendered the BrldaL Party Saturday Evening. , I A wedding 'of. much interest to mends of, the contracting .couple in this : State land in -Vireinia wa s VpTo. I brated 'yesterday afternoon' at 6 o'clock at the Church of the Good ,ShenhPrd when Miss Bessie-Brady, thb attractive qaugnter of Mrs. Sadie Brady, of Kflfi kChurch streetwas uhiied in marriage co.. Mr. Clair- Fisher, of West Virginia. The. ring ceremony of ther Episcopal Churelrwas used for the- sacred event v wa me i Ke v. it w. Cox, rector of St. Johng, Episcopal Church officiated; at the! ceremony., j- ' :- ;-::j . fv The bridal 5 march -was rendered hv Miss. Helen ' Hopewell The bride en tered the church leaning 09 the arm of her uncle, Mr. R,r H; Brady, who gaHer awayT The ? bride looked harming-, to a degree in her wedding dress of tan silk. . Miss Ella Bradv: and - she ; was - ; becomin gly i attired - ln vhite ailk , batiste. .The . bridesmaids were Misses Beulah Berry and Edith Bpady tittle Misses Nettie Ellis and Dorothy Berry weTe the flower girls and the . ribbon bearers were Jubio Brady, and Ernest Thomas. The groom was . attended as best man by his friend, Mr. Ralph Eakins and Messrs. Gordon Brittain and Mr. 'Ralph Ed wards .were the ushers. v,".' - After the ceremony was concluded Mr. and, Mrs. Fisher were driven to he union station, from whence they departed oh their honeymoon tour. , Adelightful recepUbn was held Sat urday evening in" holTbr of the bridal party by .Miss Beulah Berry, at her home, No. 486 Church street. s v.; ..i -: ' - s , " ." M- f ACCEPTS THE CALL. - . . It-will be good news indeed to '4 4Vtie Members of . St- James'. Epls- bpalChurch, ' audrothers of this 1 T.itv 'wlin hnvp tho' nTpn5iirr nf tf T;uuwiu .aim, uiai ucv. - vy. it. -V V1iiitbnt !Dv:D.VrofRbanqkfa 4 has . cptcffhbiV:tendereii him of the ' rcctofship. . of. St. A 4 James. Rev. Dr. Milton was heje At several weeks ago and made a 4 - flne impression on those -who 4i thearljlm.. Haniiounced yes- tcday i&to: tijehemrs of . hi; chufch" in "Roanbfie, that he "had 4 I decided to accept the call from Wilmington.. v Rev. Dr. Miltdh is an able di- . -vine antL will make a worthy sue- cessor to the beloved Rev.' R. W. 4 Hogue. v , V... '-""' 1 LARE CROWD Went to Fort Caswell .Yesterday to Visit Soldier Boys. The steamer Wilmington made two trips .yesterday to South port and over to Fort - Caswell wherfe the Coast Ar tillery manouvers are npw m progress It is. estimated thatV;severalxhundredi Wilmin'gtoniahs wbut to the fort. While the visitors were interested in inspecting the quarters of the various companies it goes without" saying that the Wilmington L,i.ht. Infantry boyJ were the cynosure jf. all eyes (to use a trLte expression) and that the local military lad 3 - were regarded as the special atraction at the manouvors. It is '.expected .jthat the exercises will come to an end on Wednesday morning and ' the..-State troops will reach - the city on thex return trip to their homes early that afternoon. In Justice Bornemann's Court. -Into thi3 -Temple of Justice- was haled a couple of offenders against the law this morning. One of the '.mortals wiis 'Mn Smith. colorbd. and he had bwornall sorts" of vengeance upon Dora Armstrong, also r a dusky one. So 'Dora;iwahted;; hlmplaced under a peace; warrant .and ; after hearing the evidence, the f court r granted what she wanted 'and John Smith had to give a $',(' bond to keep the peace for two months. The other offender was Wil lie Murray who flapped the face of na .wifp . The trouble. 'so far as the r.lari went, wasf patched up ;ahd judg - ment was suspended upon payment or j costs However, the' husband ana wire said, .they, would hereafter live apart, but peacefully so. , - - : r . .. Seashore Hotel Concert. The' concert -at the Seashore Hotel yesterday morning,, by the .Nixon or-che-Mtrra wasrofan exceptionally en joyable nature 'and the , music was heard not only by guests of the popu lar hostelry but- by scores of , beach residents Tho.orchetra sustained its welt earned reputatiQi:;and the . selec tions rendered were both appropriate and pledging. -Not , the lea5t4 enjoyable feature )f the .prbgrarn-was a'cello sold byUss nHsrahd? a vocal solo by I Mrs. Helen Nixon Taylor. - " : v. . ' r : TO-NiGHT AT'LUMINA. , -Dancing at Lumlna T-night' Final nflfinisin'n - a f -Rffi :mw. Mi rniv Prcparattona Comrnertce ; ImmedJatefy i'fdr'';th ' "gcl.ist -and ; His" Army of; Workers-- Will Hold Meetings for One Month and Giant v Tabernacle May Be Built. It was'-finally : and enthusiastically decided upon i today to obtain the' set- vices- of Rev. - Ri AT. Torrey 'the great;, est of all evangelists, for 'this city hext year." i At a meeng of the Minis ters Association a week ago it - was announced rby a " -special committee that ?RbT Mr Torrey!aTid -helpers, all of the Moody Bible Institute, could be obtained 1 tb'- conduct meetings in Wil hi'ihgtonrither next February or next Marchr !i So 'a-conXeirehce of the miif isters and prbjnihent iaynien of the cityUVkas called J for oday' tb consider the inipbrtatit matter.' Tm'e meeting wa,sheld at lioon today and Rev. A. D. McClurc-, D. D., was called to the chair, The news that Evangelist Tor rey could come to Wilmington was gladly received and if was enthusias tically decided to accept the fare op portunity afforded ' and to get the evangelist and his workers to come next March. The ommittee of min isters vho had conducted the corres pondence, this coniMritce "consisting of Rcvd T. A. Smoot, Geo. S. Bearden and A; D. McClure, was requested to act iirther in tho mattcf and carry out the decision of the meeting and, with' two, laymen, to attend to all im mediate preliminary, , . arrangements and call in time a big meejiiisiu the tali,' so that nariKrraagfents-iniay be started and all necessary', commit: tecs named. ;. ;a0bjic6 fecbghized ;thafr some 'giant assembly place' would have to be'us6d! d, the"- Pearson nieetings"a'Ving beeh held there, but there is 'f ear1 'that even thaf pkice will not ' acTcbmmdate the people Tor the Torrey meetings, which wifl'last for 'all of March. Winston Salem, is to .'soon have -the celebrated evangelist and a special tabernacle i now being eercted there for the meet: ings and at a cost of $",000. A special tabernacle may be Miilt here. : Evangelist Torrey is the head of his field of work in the world and carries a large corps of helpers. Wilmington has never had meetings like the Tor rey meetings will -prove "to be. THE RECORDER'S COURT. x , Twelve -Dusky Gamblers Landed at One Haul Number of Drunks Were : Also Upr n ' : One of the moSt unique cases yet investigated from the point of view of the number oV defendants under a single warrant was tried today in the Recorder's Court. This case was against twelve negroes," all of whom I were charged with indulging in that fascinating form of gambling (to the hevrage ' Ethiopian at least) 'which re joices in the name of "skin-cards." The x defendants were as follows: Walter Guion, :Charlio Robinson, Thomas Guiori, William Spencer, John Mitchell; Jobe McKoy, ! Bud Wade, Bert Green, Thomas Williams, Jas. Kelly, and Simon Brown. ; These gamblers were'orraled early Sunday mbf ning in- a house near! the, corner of Tenth and Castle v streets: .Information about the" game ! was as certained by Officer Brinkley and yith the 'assistance of several other officers, all the followers of the Goddess, oi Chance were apprehended. ; . , , . !The,. .twelve..- defendants .linedriip .In' front of .the Recorder and they looked more like a jury- than a "crowd of de fendants. The squad admitted their guilt and all begged the mercy of the court. The officers of the. county were considerably enriched when the Re corder imposed a fine of $10 and the 1 costs upori' each of the prisoners 7 William Galloway and John Gilmore, charged with larceny, were released as no . f. evidence coma pe secuTea against them. - .. "These i-'-two deferfdahts were arrested it the r corner ; of , Front and . Prineess Streets Saturday night; charged with stealing a diamond ring and a sum of money from the residence of Mr. M. B. Kempe,- ' ' ' ' H A case . against Henry Mintz . and Deems-Capps, charged cwith an affray, was continued' until 'tomorrow. John Browndisorderly conduct, and, Joe Brunington, drunk and down, were bach1- required to pay" :the - costs, . - Jordan. Mclver, charged fwith being drnnkj was 'given .a suspended sen tence bf r thirty '-dajV. - " - " ' V Thos. .: Mulford and E. F.- Brooks, drunk, were;-Required to pay a " fine x of $5 and the costs. . The matter of a place f oy the Torrey mfeetinsss;discussi V . Market Streets "There Was a Large Congregation Present r Collection Tiaken r for. the Benefit of Needy Sun . daV Schools! " - VTei annual Children's, Dayexerctses ot,we Sunday, School of Trinity Meth odist 'Church were" held last night in the church auditorium at the mm or nf WntfV'aiid Market treets'. The Drettv J i. . : ' . -i - - - - I psurcn was ..niled to . overflowing withi ;;v;.w6 cfcAuuu ywuicn. assemotea j.to participate in the service and - many :were compelled " to return to their homes on account of their inability to 'secure .seats. . - vf - TnQ program as carried out by - the Qhildren of. .the. Sunday School was ost, interesting indeed ; The exer cises cosnisted of songs, readings and .recitations,, and the different numbers were rendered by individuals and by groups of the children. The little 'folks thoroughly delihteti the congregation witi .;the finished.; manner; . in . which they ; acquittedvthemselvbs; , The chil dren were trained for the exercises by Mrs. J. H. Beery and Mrs. E. F. John- I son, .as -well as by other ladies of .the J Sunday School., . . - ; . - h During the evenlng : &; short ' address was delivered, by Rev. Wi L.. Rexford pastor .of the church. He spoke upon a- subiect- apprbpriate .to ithe occasion and jhis- remarks were instructive and helpfuK .. . : . v , ' Just before, the benediction was pro nounced a collection was taken, the proceeds from which will be devoted to poor -Sunday Schools not able to secure their own .sacred literature. u . At the Bijou. . , - The feature film at the popular Bijou theatre today is called "Miss 'Faust." This is a most entertaining motion picture and it will please the patrons, of 'the theatre. - " A SWELL ORCHESTRA. Lumina's. Big and Splendid Band; Dis: COUr.c.(s ripiinhtfiil Mucin s?.,-.. k -The ; r Suaaay concerts , ; at-i Luihina yesterday were iordsby; hundreds of bepplond; the two i musicales - WerW Jrhbuncbd aljy ' brillianti, :h4 i& swellest that has ever, .beenat Lumihai an Jeachj piejnberHjsMan -artist. . The program ,4 yeser.da,y afternoon . was - a truly delightf uV; one , and each ; number brought . forth t vigorous applause; esper cially Arthur , Pryor's catchy. "Babes;: Parade." ..The night concert was alsa of charming char.actelr , and the big feature was a cello solo by Mr, Cone and also a flute . and clarinet duet As has been uefore noted, the - or- chestra two afternoons each week will present a concert instead of the 4isualj dance music and one of these delight ful events is to be given tomorrow afternoon. TO CAROLINA TOMORROW. Sunday School ,of lmman,uef Presby terian Church Will Enjoy an Outing. The Sunday School of JmmanueL Presbyterian Churjch will have a big time at Carolina. Beach tomorrow. .. It will be the occasion of its yearly ex cursion. tov this delightful seashore and of course, a large, refreshing anF othefwise enjoyable time is anticipat ed. The children of the Sunday School will go down on the"9 o'clock boat from the city. New -Mail Carriers. - ; As a result of the efforts Of Post master T. B. Wallace, the rlocal staff of mail earners has been , increased by the addition gof ; three extra meni; These carriers are-Messrs. C. W. Hol lowbu'sh, f X A. Fettel and E R.v Hall. Mr. Hollo wbush- will distribute the I mail at Wrights ville Beach during the summer and at the close of the season, he will be given a city route. '.": Georjge Belisary Dead. 3 . A letter received . today by Zanthos Bros.,, from Athens,-;Ga contained in formation of the death pf George Belis ary, who died - at the Hote LaFrancej- in Athens on May 28th. The deceased, formerly lived in; this city "and -was well. known -among the Greekpopulaf tion' of. Wilmington. - ' - The "dudge" . Greatly Tickled. Among those who .visited the ".boys , . F . c aswell yesterchiy. particularly j seo the maneuvers of the Tar Heel soldiery,' was "Judge" G. W.' Borne: mann, and today His Honor is gleefully bubbling over, about the good time ; he had- He says, he .was simply dee- lighted- with the royaU treatment t ac- j cordeds. him and with everything he saw. . He " is abso singing loud the praises' of the j regulars at -the - Fort; ' 1 and; -with "ae judicial .squint, he adds '.'And theKorder is simply perfect." ; . -V TQ-N,GHT :AT, LUMJNA. Dancing at -Cumina., To-night. , ,i -;':. :.i t ." '.. ' ... :v ' r ; . Delightful Trip' ? A ride ' to the Pier , on the steamer Wilmington at - 5:15 p. nt. will cure that tirffd feeling. : Fare 15 cents for round trip. , tf f!s5a Held. Last Night at Trinity 'Methodist Church,-Corn.erl Ninth and V The difference between, a RICH MAN and a POOR MAN usually is that one-knew how '.to save and the other did not. No matter?: ; how much you earn, you -will never, be wealthy and Independent - If you- spend all you make. help you. ilmlngton Savings 1 10 North - jfW. NORWOOD, President C. E. TAYLOR, . . - jt -iefft'-X-t:as? . All; , ,i..iV.................... ................. mil mats Li FACTS FOR 7HE BUSINESS PUBLIC THIR FtAFJ K" TTrj a boon clnra Its velopment of this City and Section. growing, Its Capital,4 Surplus and Shareholders liability are larger than, all other Wilmington . Banker combined. Its deposits, are more than double other .Commercial Banks here. - Its customers-have the advantage quailed j fac,Uit.ie3. rvtr aii " ii..i . iiiji- ; i -i n" ili'i-' tu.--" F ire insurance uni: ssf-' . ''X, . " ;n .mm r ,1 They, Protect 1-. iii';iuiai- anas TiJW?3 i .ff t Ferris' Smoked TMgties-and Breikl If you want the best of -. - - : - r h What a man soweth, I i ii i ii in mi i ii i iiaJtiu" m win i ii i iii 1 ii jJjWinif mini whii iiif triTliirm mrwTMinn Never too;i66n . to save ; hevrtbo latefo spend ;4Xoipap'(jund-Interest paid in out - i .-LSavings; THE AMEBIC; PF WILMINGTON, N. C. -:Fr ont Street, "Next f 6" Orfpn "Hole!. . 4. ; 5 4 Begin at once to SAVE. We can A - a end Trast Company H Front Street. H. WALTER, Vice Presidenty JR., Cashier. - : .,Vir?- wan. v,i. - ... ;; m r-n--" -.r - j me v ery tsestt 1 ........... ............ ......... nrcn ni i. ati nn - a IpnHor In thtk A A- Its business has never stopped '5 L ; . the combined deposits ' of all" K i - ' of its safety, -service and une -if Miunmu i, i 1 .' ) i i i. '"! ' ..i-iii'ii' . . i iii. i. M--; i t f i ft Ask Your Friends; ft? everything to eat order 3C that shall he also reap.. Department. I" mm Aimm "4 ;-v" -.-y;v 1r,!; V"-, T. II. '7', W i I i I'! 1 ' I') t iii- i Hi 'M I I! ! Pi ' K4 1'

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