'.'.- - - ' -V .Ml 1 V t- VOLUME FIFTEEN PRICES FIVE CENTS I i llll Fatal Attk 00 Booze Few Bopl TOM Detectives W MresissippMd Attack on "Blind Tiger'rBoat--Wifeof Pro prietpr Killed !and? TWV MertihersVof Crew Fatally. Wounded Number, tof Arrests, Made. -''-'''':-C7"'''' (Jreenyille, JMiss 'October 8. State (U tectives,in twopartiesin:; boats oa rl y " this tmprning attacked a? "blind 1 iger" ferry boainwhicliv liquorhad been sold ; in -: defiance of the State laws, while -it "lay-off the ; flock . here. In the; .battle-'ttliat Vfoliod Mrs.' Charles;-i.Stephan' six others -"weVe; injured. " Two of the injured, both , of 'the, , blind .tiger" crew, will die, ;Stephahysand'- all' his crew were arrested and the boat burn- ed by the officers, one of : the vde icvmca ir aa iu j u( cu. , o icjuoii j . ua been operating sik of these boats 'in the riVer, but ttie"auth6rities were un able to getrevidenciuntii'thlrmbthv ing. Mrs. StephanyJ received' her eath wounds-'-while fighting with the crew to repel the officers; 1 , DR.'900K Vi!l Deliver an Address at Chicago . This Evening. V . v ' ? Chicago, October S; Preparations have boenv made here tto P receive Dr." Cook, the Arctic explorer, who wilt arrive this af ternoon' , He willspeafe tonight at the Colliseum.. The (ieo graphical Society will : not T weicbm'8 him as an organization; but;; many members will extend i a personal wel l t come. Other members of the' societv are pre u ouueed. in ; their disbelief of Cook's claims, o , . s '. i S I XU AT I O N GRA V E. r-S&mia rei s A r e"Saitt torB eiri N eed tof ; Reinforcemehts.- : j 1 v C i 0 raltar .'October " 8 it ' ' is" author itat ively stiSfed. here that forces ground .Melilla - ar continually being re-in- iarccd froin the interior. .Mbes . and. iiie uenei grovxng mac iijeauiiaa of Moroccot'is actively aiding tribes men, thereby avoiding thefQralityjpt an open declaration., of 'war agaihsi Spain. The Spanish situation is 'sair to be ve ry grave, ' with heavy rein forcements of cavalry, artillery and in fantry urgently needed. " ' " ;':' NEGRO W A S LYN CHED The Body Was Afterward Burned by the Mob. - v Greensburg, La., October 8.- A mob at midnight took ar negro from jail here and hanged him 'to a tree. The j.o uu,ucu. iC ux0 nate Senator; B. Young. -He. hen eseapea,- Dut was capturea jaier aao brought here yesterday. WOMAN A "CANDIDATE. W. J. Bryan's Daughter ,Enters Con- 'gressional Race. " ; , Denver, Col. October 8 Ruth Bry an Leavett has announced her- caridU dacy for Congress -from the First Col-r orado District. ' FINE WEATHER Features the'. First. .Game'' In World's Championship Series. t , Pittsburg, Oct. 8. Smiling skies and balmy weather lend a benign aspect to the initial contest of the world's .cham-4 Pionship baseball series between the Detroit Tigers and the Pittsburg Pi-j rates. With the exception of the G..A meeting, the city has never before tacn so crowded with visitors. .-.. All night long a 'line Nof . several hundred men stood in front of the park gates patiently waiting for, the opening- to, day.' The betting in the forenoon -.was ten to six in favof of Pittsburg buf the Detroit contingent were' eager takersJ Forty thousand people' ' will see the FATA Ll.TIES AT F.I R E- Several Lives-Were Lost In Nashville ' ' Cdnftagrationly ' 1 v " '" Nashville, Tenn;,- ; OtL S.Severat lives were lost in a'fire'her tbdayi ' Three, "bodies . scrcharred1 as 'to he ;uni recognizable have" been taken' from the ruins. , '-''.' 1,300 yards pure-linen Torchon Lace e per yard at C..H. Fore, & .Co.; It V ll!!ai!!li-F Was Apprehended Ilthis " Morning by MessrsV Frank' iGarfison atidf Ernest : Pittman, AfteKHe Had Stolen a Pair of Pants FrohiJ thie :il-auhcaVirainta - Mon,thts Senteitee King Bell,: ajybtogrneqii .captured ithis ; niorning;. J'red-Mnied'; in.theMtemtttocommU. particular ly : daring robby. aboard, the , launch' Virginia , Dare, Vhictf '.was moored rat the Custom IlouSe wharf." The" launch Is the Pr6tjr of Mr.- (5v d; ilaffltt and f ',boat .wfts "tiej td: the 'wharf few feetfronth ment when the "'. attempted robbery oci crred VV, V ' Just after he had opened; the ?stqe a few minutes - before .7 d'clocfe this morning,- Mr. : Frank; Garrison, :ht. employed by ;Mf Maffitt, bbserYed, Bell leaving the launch with- a "pair of trousers thrown overt His :.; rq.rni; ? Jlr, ! . Garrison hailed tHnegro who- immcv dlately, threw himself full length on the wharf in;the attempt-to, hide. Jr. Garrison, cajled; Mr, Ernest Iittman ;ndj;tbe j-tw) gentlemen then ' appre-r henddithe; negro and -heid?hijij until a;. policeman, arrived . on : the scene. BelU was carried to. thq;.county ' iaU where hej was Incarcerated i "uil; the1 'i Bell (was;: trieaat ooji; i :Se :Recorf U1 A.- s .' Court and rheWas ; gi vn o. " 'sen tence oil three 1 months on the county rpads.. j-' . . - Vif:S; ' J T.- Moore, a' white" man, was-arrested yesterday - afternoon by - Patrol man Mark Joneson' the eharge of be ing drunkr" lie was tried and fined $5 and the costs. Mooro is the1, same man who .was arrested June '.2Stb vcharged with being drunk. He stated, at the time that he, had- purchased liIsliquor from Roy Mitchell, a negro. When the case was" called in the Recorder's Court 3 Moore5 had left , the city and cpuld . not be located. "VAf ter ; Moore's arrest; yesterday, afternoon a capias was issued fop Mitchell and. the latter v as aypi euya?o ; later,- in iue-: aiier-noon- The trial of the: charge of sell ing ;whiskey against 3rtcheIIi was 909 tinUed p until tomorrow, 'as was the pre- fr):ed Igaiitj-Moor -vf as sento iaitliiri clefauitbf boncr $100 w hich was required ( ofhini V as raj witness in the whiskey-selling case.' QEvns: and C. Telfai charged with" being drunk, were finecf.il 0 and the jcbstfe, and $5 and the" costs, re spectively. ' . . - - , . . ' , -Two; 'dusky dachsels named Stella fifflB! sfrid 16lariBel3rwerecharged with being drunk and -disorderly; .v. The first was ' fined vf lOvand the' costs, and the latter $5 and the costs. ' MUCH f INTEREST Is Being Taken in the Benefit . Per formances at : the Crystal Palace . N ext Week; ..,: ;'i;,); ' It ls:, probablo that - the- perform ances at the -Crystal Palace; next weeEwifl ;be the most largely attend Q theeason for.Jwo reasons. First. ?,nrlrth4s WeW nn trtah M he bookjjig of attractions, and second, because a " liberal percentage -t the receipts for ithe , week wiikJbe donated to tne uaroiina: imusicui Answiauwu, which vwas enthusiastically- Jaunched recently for the purpose of organizing a trained 4 band, -"for Wilmington: The management of the Crystal promises exceptionally,. ; fine " performances next weeky as; excellent talent has .f. already been secured. r . - The children . .of the" city are inter ested in J hesuccess of thfe' entertain ments'; THey' have gone toLwork witn a vim to aid the promoters of the hand through thesale of tickets. Prizes of ?& and $2c50 have, been offer ed ' to the :boy- or .girl ' whV"seJs the greater number of tickets and all th6 little 'folks are. working like j Trojans to secure" the awardsl It is expected that the popular play ' house will be crbwtied at" each performance .during the coming week. ".The general piiblid W requested ; to .b'earin mind .the ; fact 'that liberal percentages from the per- icrmances are to De 'giveu we ivau s ieal Association for. the "benefit of tbe land.. , i : 'c . : - .-..' Small Fire Today. ;: Arf alarm' of : . flref today shortly after 1 p.", m.' from-Box :18 summoned the fire departmejit to the "house of Han nah Jones, No!- 1213 s North Eighth street. , The T blaze rwas .located" in the roof and' damage to faVamounCof -?1Q was , done., j. L." ' r : ' Remember .the Spbcial -.Shoe' Sale at Gay lord'. -- -.;." It L-:?'Hl ill V- gftj.V.I. il'lviJpi-. 'jUiyi ung Joe Steplisns To- 4 Sentence pfZ Death" Passed on::Hlm;thl Morning fatd December list Fixed as the- DateH(s Counsel Made a St r oh q F i ght . fdr- a r Nfe vT r la F - blft Vf Withcrtit:ti&eisArt -AWieat'Takfen ; -;totheSvpreme Court athd ;tHe:Apb&al; fStaysthCpytH -. the CourtvRoom This! itfbrnihg; v4 f 'M ' Stated v .f ; ;':5:.,i iSl P .Ji.'vs..;-v r ,:- joseph; Stephens. . fc " , , 5i v ypieitorisonexat the bar, Joseph 5, Stephens, having been ; duly.-con J- Cyicted. of ; murder jini the first 4- gree,;-n 2 is . considered ana 1 sari judged- tiat; huffet the. penalty j J Iof death by electrocution ? in the-4 4 manner .prescribed by law on the first, day, of . December, 19Q9, and,,- 4 in the. meantime heis committed 4 to the custody of the , sheriff " of New .Hanover . county to" .be -by him safely held -and in due time 4 delivered to the warden of x the State ft penitentiary, v.: at 1 Raleigh,; ' Northr; Carolina, -that this ; sen-i 4s fence may ' De. carried Into effect. . ' O 'I ALLEN. Judge? : . This morning in the intense,- nervous stillness .of:,! a crowded ..Xeourtroom, yqung Joseph, Si;ephens; upon whose brow Nia jury , yesterday . atternoon placed, the br. aioV. ocajii caimywr r& sbcietyS-H;5mstJfo that those: who' would shay - their fe.l-J iowbeinjfsvystonljtir -fThe jury in the case returned a ver dict, yesterday afternoon shortly -:be fore 6 oiock)ijthfi- Bxaot bUme I being pro:,-. P- ana a imeioprjxnjeEi necei- j - Ij- . j. r ed,,Ulie: vj6fdicrt.Kn''Av.)ifna? dazed manner, (rith "' his wif e : by.M& side- to comfort 4tid; cheer, him,! and t -with one of his OunselHerbertu McClaminy, Escutb ; whisper '-words ; of ! encourage: ment to him in the hope for. a new trial from the highest tribunal in the State. ' ; i V-'Ki-H-' It was generally expected that there would not be" an acquittal that there cou!4 not be anT acquittal according to the evidence. ' !Iowevert few expected a verdict to be rendered so soon il The news that the jury had reached a-verdict spread quickly and : the i court roqih shortly afterwards held quite a large crowd. ' The jury's verdict, wab quickly received! and - recorded, the offlffiiteK being that the court had to g the jury; to specify "the ; degree, which is ?aside from ; the usual form, and though this at 'the time seemed trivial yei" counsel; for. the, defense has since made it loom-up into importance: Sentenced This Morning. Court convened promptly at!4 10 o'clock this . morning, and the court- room was crowded. The presence of woman from the scene was marked pleasantly so but the y crowd - v. was larger than at any other day during the, trial. Human nature is a peculiar thing." People-wet t- to the court-room to have their heart strings pulled. - It was not savagery,' nor idle 'curiosity. It was something;; between ' the two. It-fascinates, and people of the tender-, est kind ibt hearts, went to the serious solemn' scene' this Tmorning.; Tliere were men-in every walk of" life there, from the minister to the laborer who shoyels dirt pn "the streets. 'TThere was'a slight smile, or a jest whispered here and there,' but not of ribaldry but of nervousness, "perhaps. . Stephens walked steadily into, court and, hls gaze was firm." .There, was nothing : fugitive- about .--It. ' liis face wasHi paleV but; maybe that,. was the "prison pallor. ..His fatherr- who has stood behind him with' all a father's love, came in with him aftd sat beside him; The wife was not there." It wd3 better so Stephens knew what was to come, and he Jiad steeled Tiimself foj it and was . able to.V meet- the ' sttuatioa knowing the'fiied. end.' - There' is, al wa'ys more nervousness- about uncei tainty! Suspense marks: its cdurse in. human . emotion much - "plainer andJ much greater than realization, Sus li t " (Continuea on Second Page.) " ; ---- - BliflifeDii - North "Carolfea, ;. 'j'New Hanover "County, ; -l 4 i Term': -1 90 9H: pifflioolBffly iBf ?py; byAEyta Tribe,:' of Irh'sArtnsrfbr $i wfi9lS?V Second l Weekviipmbej I frred -irnthe Attract -five, merits of .several, coinpa'nies," F?&mm$!K ohna.tiWong aip;Jreimenns cominittee vf romiEyota-Tribeitt No: A15?tnprders pfReditMentcf clos6 Arrangements for; the amusement features, of .the)roppsed carnival to be h!4i vt&e' ?9ii ew'weeks last nlnj?cberjencejwit or;of ; tarkbot . (Carnival and Ausfement CompanyJ .made ;'.a : . con tt:; Jthjhfni.f or the'aaraice of nis ,snows here. -r The securing of this eoUecU of Jattraiohsmeansthat th'e Red JIen will have excellent and sPi S0 ' f ?T the.ramusement of patrons of ; the carnival. , - ' - t : Trf Baroot has been in the pityjfor a; ua or two in conf ereneet jtli th; cpmmiteandyheVa members that they, as well as every , one, else'"will be - pleased. ; wi k, his shows. Mr.' Barkoot . has recen y or-, ganied a , neolleetion; of attraciioni whic1eesignates as No. . 2,; and; Wiggtoiji have itrsiiagheir appearance, afte jthey have . been travelling only three-reeks. Mrrrpsatesttnath auerJf firstSclass features ;ami prptiabiy several, others which he may. pdntacf for, within . a week , or two. Heays fhtiie 4 shows represent a wide range, that all areu clean, and lf -pleae those who support the Red Men's jriarnival. f: The carnival will ; be gtyenithe second week in; November, extending from the" 8th through the 13th of '.the month. ; '5 ;K- In addition , to the. paid; attractions; flieJ,BarWobt;Cbjripany ty, of itsf tee attractions. -.TherbwilJ said, toroRMaiiM tsailitig , isirid;' agi'Zitur.4''Th - compai r also ; carrieM p$nt band of ei iiteen ; piecep and thi .rgnizatipn tv nish'usic-during tjae enlvall: The second ay of the carnival will Jiftatuyedjay as hisb 1 uaie upon vwmcu rresweui.,iau wijv visit Wilnjingtoh. Special attention wjlbtbdligivejirttoi thai carnival features lOTrthis idayyahd'-it iseoepcrcted) 'thabithe : 'showswilli'De:patroniBeiij by,mqusand of visitors ; and citizafs.v i lv -AA' -M : ' -Ameeting of Eyotai bTribef. will: tbd held shortly, : at i which v time s different committees, are; to - be ;u appointed V to have charge ' of the various - features of the . carnival. Every- member'"; will do all iii his" power X 6 assure the finan cial and pleasure-giving success of the affair. . ; '-' ' - " rVA t ' M RS. MARY A. WOOLVIN Died Tftis Morning at the Residence ': ' of . Her Daughter. . Many friends in this city and else where will learn with deep sadness and '; sorrowp of the 'iaeath of Mrs.. Mary. A.. Woolvin who passed . away this morning at the residence of her daugh ter. Mrs. F. A. -Newbury, No. 810, Mar ket street. Mrs, Wool vin had reached the advanced agei of 82 years -and-"3 months. " She h had been in failing health for some- time" past and - during I the 'past few days' had declined stead ily. Her demise while not altogether unexpected by. those 'who held7 her dear comes nevertheless" as a crushing bereavement to them. vV ' Mrs. Woolvin was preceded to the grave by her husband who died twen ty ears ago the 24th 'of J this monlh. Mrs. WoOlviri is survived by three, children, these : bein; Mr. James . F. Wool viri,; LI rs.' F. A. Newbury, and Mrs. Lany Rivenbark. The deep and sincere: sympathy of all-who ? know them wiO' be extended the children Of the . deceased lady in . the bereavement they have' sustained. ... . Mrs. Wb6l vin was a consistent and faithful j member "'of Grace Methodist Church. , The funeral over, her remains will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock from the' residence of her daughter, ',Mrs. Hivenbark : on Market street. The service will be conducted by - Rev. Thos. A. Smooth pastor of Grace Church. . ' , ' " . - ' Delegates Have Returned. The "local representatives of the Junior Order, -United' American Me- chahics, have returned, to -the city from Greensboro, jvhere they attended a special meeting bf the State 'Coun cil. ' Reports of the "meeting were made last night at sessionsof the two loqal councils. ' v ; - This week you get bargains in shoes at'Oayiord's. ' T ' ' MIHIMUMIMIMMHMMHIHMMHi .CARPE Thafs All. f v; - For nirii...imM..i.,..,......,...,.. .i...;u........;...,.,..r - " ' : : .. . . -. - ' 1 - . . STATEMENT: OF WILMI NGTO - At the close of business : J. W. YATES, .Vice President. V.y B- Bond (at par)wi.- 551.000 Offv: Surplus iJlZJ 855,000 1 ' li rBaak vBuU41ng5 25,0Q0-,00 v. - Clrculation.l.l.U--U.. 550,000 00 Sy-'Stwska &ad Mou&azki&jZX. 200,05 00 Ttephrft-v.; .-..y--r . -(mt n ' X t :Cash and'due toy.Ba)kB l,76I,2q S..Bond Acqoun..4.-1 iop.000 00 ; : .IL C. McQUEEN, President.. ? V v1"- s . ', - fr' V ; , . . t.w..-.--,.: . v f. ; ; i ' w ; ; ,i "-i 1 j ; j 1 -"'v . r-. . llflMIllllliL ' ,; v .."7-" 1 St, 1 vV'Ji ! The Newest Thifjfi in Gas ine h,. : tit iwmgLXi 7ftVC n IH&rC Your uujm ;S V6p R tSSV I lX B E P Al D b YO U R CITY BAN KS. : ' i I i; ..hi li iii i 'i i j - -i i i I ii' i i .. . i ,.i . i.j ii.ii i i i i f m I i i i , I .. . 'i - ' '.t : -r j w i-.V i' ; .J &or t-.i -.:.? i V . . 'j $ . . - ,. '... t- . : -. v i f tui JW cs rl tc blVtUUcrUol I 5 oUBJ fcU. V ' i .TO CALL (pN INTEREST CERTIFl- CATES), ALLOWING 4 PER CENT ' - INTEREST" THEREON IF , -f; WITH US THREE MONTHS. 1 i " 'OF WILMINGTON, N. C. V tKUN blKttl, NcAl IO I . AiiiUiHiUViHVlUViilVltlUUVlUUVUVVlUliUUUHiVtitV IT A -SAVINGS ACCOUNT REPRESENTS MORE THAN MONEY SAVED. IT STANDS FOR CHARACTER, PUR POSEy, ACHIEVEMENT'AMBITION. . IT I S TH E : B EST PASSPORT? AYOUNG1 MAN CAN HAVE TO THE.COOD WILL DF TriOSEWHO CAN HELP ALONG IN THE WORLD. IF YOU HAVENT' ALREADY STARTED, 'A r SAVlNGS;ACCOUNTrDO IT AT ONCE. WITH W QNH ,0" DOLLAR AND- A DETERI NATION TO SUCCEED, YOU -f CAN - LAY A SURE FOUNDATION for FUTURE PRQS- 4 PERITY . r ' ft Yfllmington Savings and Trast Eoiia ? 1 10 North f . (OPPOSITE NTER W I Z Vi, r ITT? 5 CONDITIONr - N N. C. September 30th; . '. ;V - J. V; JGRAINGER,yice President ? : C. Sr. GRAINGER; r Cashier' J I "0 ik;';f:.H r . in , inmg 1 10 $ neatj;ne peu t the rVerviBest ymmii UUUI lUad nea bom these cool mornings; Tidewater Power Co. W,',' Win" uim mii.'v- Property of any andi every myom Home qbmnany ASH Vlt H OUTf Dl SCOUNT BY left: .1 2 4 UK I UN HU tL. 1 M:! 4 nn bud (SOD. vr .. ' . - - -: i f V Front Street ORTON HOTEL.) 1 , n - v. .,,.- , - i 1 s j. ' '4 ' ! -i : ' i ! i - .."V -M" t 1 - y V 1 i i. ; r o : . It f V - 1 . f..