II m. 1 JINGLES .? how The Hosiery you are wearing -are they giving satisfaction! X Are ybu getting iull value " Have you ever considered rnuch you spend each year Hosiery and darning? Consider these questions for one 'moment then come in and exam- rjine our J&er Mai brand stockings for men , Women and children. They will satisfactor ily answer these questions s and -relieve you of hosiery trouble?. naaker AmltSf is the resultofsixty-seven years 'making they have re-exi-fforcejl hdels .antf toes, aknitted S f a speqalpro-; SCCJlS W oi v- AUvVv. I and non-irritating giving 1 COMFORT -STYLE and f jBE'AtJTY to your feet! - Written for. The Dispatch., , ' , What's the .Use?.., ) (The price "of meat goes up "higher- . News Item.) Gee, whiz! Get onfo the biz! ,( , - j . Don't think for a minute - . , The beef trust's not inr it. ' , Its? the stuff! v . That makes the bluff. ' It heeds the money - - And , gets it -without .honey The poor consumers' wail," - But the , trusites feed on quail; : Wow! ; ' . What a row! . . Yes, its rough, .t ' Also, darned t tough. Nothing- to be done. It is bound tt come. "Its the same old game, j That the people can't tame. I . ; . The cards are stacked, And you're on the rack. ".They, are handing it to you ' Just like they use to do. Police! Fire! Prices go higher! If you want to (sup, .v You must cough up. V;. There's xmly one way, ': f . And - the devil's : to pay. ? Cert.V its the deuce! nv But; 'what's the use? . ' - :- v Fritz. ) sen IIWT 'V, Genuine arter5s Little Liver Pills. Must Dear Signature of . See PaoSimlle Wrapper Below. PLA 1 i THEiililiiilte ARE NOTED FOR THE ABOVE, vYOMi ARE THINKING ABOUT " PURCHASING A STOVE OR RANGE YOU WILL DO WELL TO "CONSULT US ABOUT THE MERITS OF .TriESE GOODS. THE BACKS ARE Gtf Aft ANTEEfJ FIFTEEN YEARS ' IN 'STOVES', t and Five ,yeaRg in ranges. M, E; SPRINGER & CO PURCELL BUILDING! Je - - , 1 Before and After. s How plurfip ' she was when first we1 metl " :' !- i How sweet she was and clever: ' The way she nypnotized my heart; ' ; . I will forget it never. " " : 1 : : . ; ; ' -: -. : : ; ? . ' How plump she was, and now today ' I look at darling Minnie, And wonder how I love her still, She is so tall and skinny. St. Louis Star. "Might Have Very small and as easy . to take as sugaiw FOR HEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. CARTERS OlTTLE IVER PILLS. . FOR BILIOUSNESS. FOR TORPID LIVER. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THE COMPLEXION 25 Certs I Pnnar Vegetable.; MATUttC. THE STORE THAT'S ALWAYS BUSY. land Made fable All Sizes Just Received and Prices Very Reasonable New Spring Goods Are All In. Dress s Goods, Silks, Linens, in a Carge ,f Variety of Colorings. CURE SICK HEADACHE. SOON BACK HERE TO LOCATE. i. Dr. W. ' C. Galloway Will Return to Wilmington Next Month. I have lived my life, and I face the end But that other life I might have led.' Where lay the road and who was its friend! s ' And what was the goal, where the f years were fled? " ;here lay the road? Did I miss1 the ; turn? ' ' ' ' ' ' 11' Thfi friend unknown? Our sreetinrs jjAHd2 the goal nnsought? Shall 1 never le'arh What ' was that life I might ; have led? ' -"! -'i:,i As the spring's last look; for one dear day'-'-' i ;' : 'Prom skies autumnal on earth -may bend, ' So lures me that other life but, noy! I have lived my life, and-1 face the end. Edith M. Thomas. Uit3ist;:''3;:Mlpe' u r. Mdfwijneljaivf, Great Stock Reducing 3 Rf(3dJnn(BQa!lsif Oo Gay lord 210, 212 and 214 North Front Street. SIC The Long-Lost Egg. Flora was a farmer's daughter, and for, short they called her Flo, Arrtl she lived in Indiana, near the town of Kokomo. Flo longed with all her fond young heart a millionaire to wed, "I'll never, never get one here!" with tears and sobs, she said. One day while bringing in the eggs the hens had freshly laid A happy inspiration came to cheer ; , that lonely maid The eggs were to' be shipped back t East for plutocrats to eat, . So on the shell of one of them she ; . ' wrote these words discreet: v'l'm' a pretty girl,' quite simple i " tn my ways, and I've a dimple And to be a rich man's darling 1 ij l a am dying. Oh, I beg ' That you'll write to Flo Pasana, Kokomo, in Indiana." i s Alas ! She could not know the fate K of that ill-fated egg! ;, . II. The egg was shipped with other eggs, all in a big egg crate, .' And with its sister,, brother eggs it met the self-same fate; It landed in a storage house, and there, day after day, It stayed and stayed, while years and years slipped silently away. And Flo hung on with , hopeful heart ' ' and waited all in vain, And then at last she tied up to an V Indiana swain. ' v She ' moved to town. One day some ' ' strictly fresh-laid eggs she got From an honest grocer, and that egg was in. the lot! James Ravenscroft, in New York American. Mrs. W. G. Galloway has gone to New York city, where she will join her husband, Dr. W. C. Galloway, who is just finishing a course of special sttidy preparatory for moving back to Wilmington to locate and resume the practice of . his profession. The news that Dr. Galloway, who is one of the best known and ablest specialists in the entire South, is to again make this city his home, has been received with much satisfaction by the commu nity, and especially have the many friends of Both Dr. and Mrs. Galloway, who are charming people, been de lighted over the fact that they are coming back to Wilmington. MR. T. H. TATE BEREAVED. His Brother Passed Away Yesterday ; - at Ramseur; N. C: '' The many friends Of Mr. T.'H: Tate, of this city, will hear with- deep regret that his brother, Mr. Alexander Colvin Tate,' ' passed ' away at - his home lh Ramseur; N." C. yesterday. The - de ceased was about forty-eight years ' of age :&nd "is' survived by two i brothers; Mr. Tate - of Wilmington, Dr: C S. Tate, of Ramseur, and one sister, Miss Mollie J. 'Tate, also: of Ramseur The funeral service will be held tomorrow afternoon at Pike Presbyterian Church; ' " ' . l. v Piano 'Contest ends March 7th, on which day the coupons will be counted and Piano given to the Society, Church or Sunday School receiving the largest number of votes. During ! the week, February 28th to March 5th, we will give awav double coupons on all cash purchases and on all accounts set- ? uea uurmg wis time. Millinery Ready forii Your Inspection THE! C.- iWSfiLVOQT CO. ' , ,; Tomorrow and Wednesday. ' ' ' . AH deposits made with The Peoples Savings Bank will bear interest from MARCH 1st. I It ROBERT GRAHAM P SPffoflzL F V Iff 19 Pairs Lindner jSiiede Button, ; . Regular -Price $5.00 r '-m - 'AS". Call at once while we have your size. 5g Phone No. 1445. No. 7 North Front Street. Was Sent to the Roads Today by Magistrate Harriss. s In Justice George Harriss court to day Robert Graham was tried on three charges,' one for assault on Deputy W. H. Howe and the other warrants for larceny of a gun from Mr. John F. Garrell, and a pistol from Harllee Boufarah. In the assault charge Mag istrate Harriss sent the negro to the roads for thirty days. Graham . was bound over to the Recorder's court under bonds of $100 each on the two other charges. Graham is the negro who assaulted Deputy Howe in Mr. Chas; Finkelstein's pawn shop several days ago. ; r r; r SECURES LIQUOR LICENSE. 'i IMHtlAfGUlM! i u.. : lvfost every coal will burn, but rvhat you want is a coal that will GIVE HEAT while burning. We have the hottest thing in the market. ' ' - ' Give us your order and be convinced. B. A. MERRITT ' Phone 281, i Only Development of Whiske v ; Sei- C j 1 -v , - - 'UPh nf Prirlav AfUrnnnn . Theiu; have been no -subsequent de- veiopments in tne seizure of nearly three , narreis or whiskey last Friday afternoon by, Deputy Collector Aflams, qf Raleigh, at the store of D. N. Stanley &Co., Second and Market streets. Particulars of this matter were first carried in the new3 columns of The j Dispatch. United States Commission er George Harriss was approached to day and he was asked if Stanley & Co., had' taken out a United States re tail liquor dealers license. He replied in the affirmative: it is probable that this step will put an end to the matter fif ar as tne Federal authorities are concerned. ' - , . Subscribe for the Evening Dispatch Real Estate Deals. By deed filed at the court house to day D. Evans sold to Mary B. Weath ers for $10 and other considerations, valuable property at the corner of xiird and Chestnut streets, 57 by 86 feet in size. C. R. Spooner sold to W. C. Winters for $100 and other con siderations property at Sixth and Queen streets, 55 by 66 feet in size. Tomorrow and Wednesday. All deposits made with The Peoples Savings Bank will bear interest from MARCH 1st. ' ' It i T'i-mr.jtrx-.- W Car i . Goes to Obtain Orchestra. Mr. John F, Kneisel ,tle clever " and talented r young . violinist who heads the splendid Kneisel orchestra in Wil mington, is now in New York city, having gone" there mainly for the pur pose of signing' members of the' big and superb orchestra , which will the cpming summer do delightful service at Greater Lumina. - Tomorrow .Tuesday. Our new Interest Quarter will begin lviiirch .lst. : Deposit - now and receive interest in three months. . The ' Wil mington Sayings .and Trust' Co. , -It lifsl TOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole v - system, and produces v SICK HFAnArHF. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu jnatism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these ; common diseases than DR. TUTT'S v LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No. Substitute Look for. the Triangle on the Radiator. This rrice includes three oil lamps, two gas lamps, generator, horn, tire" repair outfit, tools and jack. Dollars and Cents Plus Pride in Ownership ., The buyer of. a Hudson Car gets not only dollars and cents value in a greater, degree than found in any other car, but, in addition, the r satisfaction that goes with owning a car of "class." Among the world's highest priced cars on the boulevard or coun try road, "the. Big, Quiet, Handsome HUDSON holds its own in every thing which Vmakes for pride in ownership." The man who can afford any' car is proud to own a Hudson-many Hudson owners 'own more than one car. The man who has been - waiting for a car embodying high grade features and refinement at a moderate price need wait no longer. ? . Wilmington Motor Car Company 32 - - . ------ ' Tr 1 - r l THEBEST Auto Oil Made m threef grades : THEBEST,' Medium THEBEST, Light THEBEST. Have the proper viscosity, we and cold test for! perfect luo"' cation ' of; automobiles, contain jess carbon than any automo bile oils on the market; fre from acids. For perfect lubrication, s THEBEST AUTO OILS. Tney 4y-m nr.A mninfain a film 1 between the bearings and a ' liquid'-packing around the piston rms, also a coating on walls of cylfrder. . , nres. When using THEBEST Auto Oils you get the maximum compr sion and a greater amount of power, reducing friction to a mining prolonging, the life of .your machined . PHONE 873. bAPE FEAR OIL COMPANY. r