- IT - - 1 -1 , . I I A mm 7::r, ' . -rVv A 7 VOLUME FIFTEEN m M 11117 Ilil WIMINQTOk,. N. C. ;TUESpAY,l LtARCfiLl, i9id' v .' PRICE? FJVE jCENTSf fll TBY arations.; Fast Beina r.flmnit th T9rreyr Meetiigs TThat 'Will M"flr.e?- Wi 1 1 Sam Jacoby Will Lead the Personal Workers. 7- of Ra tiiifi Hundreds ,of People . Are Snovif Bound Many .Big Washouts Which rXre ; Menacing Travel by Ttrain-hfee ! Days' Snow Followed by , a eavy i Rain. - ., . ; 77;,';7-77i' '.'jSt Seattle, Wash., .Search : 1. Western Washington is iipw : in - the grasp of the worst storm conditions' eyer known here. From 100 to 150 per sons are snowbound, on trains !r0th out food, , with r washouts and 7 snow slides, in front and behind, The; rail road lines are demoralized," as a thfee days' snow, has been followed by-heavy rains. ; - : ' . preparations for the big Torrey Tr x yr -v ucueia inrougnout this month- ih -WllrniniErtnn -fwirtiwflniiin; Sunday, are fast 7 being completed. inese meetings will be of - great pub lic good and will, no doubt, arouse the entice ' community. 1 In fact, : deep in terest" is being manifested in the near by... sections (and 7; from these- points may.4etter& are being received daily asking about them, and scores, of beo Ple hate signified their intention : of bein at - they meeUngs". The first ser vice will be held Sunday night ; aiid tbfen .services; afternoons" and nights; will be held for three weeks. ;-;7 7 , ; Evangelist Torrey will be ac companied - to Wilmington by a large corps; bt'jabie, earnest workers, and in the lead ill be Rv. William Jacoby, who will direct the personal: workers during the" meetings. ; -jsv;7 7 The singing, directed by Prof. But ler,;will be a big and impressive f ea tur.e. -.: ' '7 - 7 - ' :. 7 ' - ; , - " 7 : . POW-WOW AT WHITE HOUSE President Taf't Has Big Leaders i Jttf See Him Today. 7. v i', 7 Washington, March 1. President Taft today startled political; Waning-pVa ton by having Senator. Aldrich' Speak er Cannon, Senator; Crane. and Attor ney General Wickersham ait 4hCL Ite House this mornihjg,'ici7tookijlace immediately after an 8 o'clocfev breatr fast and lasted, two hoiirs:; The. purr pose of the conference; :s;'thoi4nd? lative program 'The preside ;der termined,- it is said toThav tnisu ses sion of Congress enact into law" the Republican party. . platform pledges. Today it is understood he put the. mat ter squarely up Tto Aldrich dncT Canf non. Aldrich said, after the confer ence, they, were -Just smoothing - out the tangled and devising ' a -way. to' have passed measures' the , President insists upon7 ' 7i7:7;- '77Vf 77" ATTACKED BY A TRAMP. Young Woman Brutally; Tprljjrcdjsmb' sued. or Washington, , Maf ch . 1 : liss, Cecilia morning by a tfamp,rf itally tortured and left for dead. ,Within a . short time a; posse had taken up the trail of the tramp, and deputies, Yere, rushed from here to protject ' he .man should he be captured and to pre vent. a lynch ing. Miss Sabre will . . die, it is thought. . - NO IMPROVEMENT TODAY. In Philadelphia Strike Situation , and Car Company Refuses to Arbitrate f Philadelphia, March ,1 There, :, is hut little improvement jn i the4 .. strike situation. Clashes continue to occur between car crews '.and., mobs. One. motorman was so bVdly beaten this morning that hehad to go to arhos pital and the . conductor .was saved from similar beating5 by being res cued blithe police. Various influences are at ;work, seeking to bring about arbitration,, but the, car , company re- fuses. Because of this it has -lost 'al most ail public sympathy.;' The, union men art? firm in the declaration' that a general strike will take effect Sat- uraay. i -f i i n. V - -5."' t- e"t S $ - - i tlmmmmi HHlipUHjUUH ;7 7 - ... 7 . .. .. : :Vw V "77c7-: V i-"" "y " -:. iriiil 7:' 777'-7, : . If :7 - ;."-'7:" r..-C'-'--' ' Optimistic Forecast of Truck Crops jfahd Strawberries by Mr1 RayiXen; ,n e d y, A n -7 E x p e r i e n c e d 7 V e g e t a b I e ? ; and t Fruit Buyer Changeable Wea : ther Recently . Has Helped Crops 7 Shipments of, Lettuce; Will Start ' W(thin Six or Seven Days. 7 ' S H ot th BO UGH TH E H EA RT. Sop of ExrJudge Walter, H. Neal Acci- v ; 7 dehtaUy Kills Himself. , Wends, in tills city of. ex-Judae friends 'Here,, have learned with deep regret of the . tragic death of his son. Today's - Raleigh jNews and Observer gives a fun account of the .distressing affair," which .occurred near Laurin- ljurg, Says7 a special ; to .. The News t--Jliaurinburg, Feb. , 28. The . town of Laurinburg ; was" thrown .into , excite ment this .. evening, shortly before . 7 kfy farms in this ' territory "and. he is t The shipment:, of ..truck products for the . northern markets, embracing a number : of" different vegebies ;yill commence within less , tharr a week and' will then ;cpntirieunihWrruWdy. for . several r months. The beginning of the trucking season wilj be follow ed -only a few.:da'ys.-'.by theshipment of strawberries ito the northern mar kets, Persons familiar with farming conditions " throughout this, territory predict a most - successful season for both vegetables and . strawberries. They . state , that the outlook, is most encouraging for. fine yields and lucra tive returns. t , : . L ; ' Mr. Ray; Kennedy, buyer for Barker "& Co., commission merchants of - Phil- 'adelphia, Pa., has been in the city several weeks getting matters In read iness for -securing . products fori his firm. . In this short. time Mr.-Kennedy has visited, many -track . and stra.wber- - -.1 - . 1 ' 1 " ' ' - ' 1 " js - ' 7 v J u - - VET., - - : 7. " ; It IClDOiW SHOT MasfeSdrlhimFMurr P Painful ?Bu) tet Wound it the Foot l iteay7Af ternoon When a Rifle fiWas; 'DisiharledThe Lad Resiaei .-.at IJI6. .405 Harnett Street-Carried I to.His5Hpm 5- S " ,7r:.''7';J phi savings 1 7..: - -.v,,:,. Accoun t National BShk Avith1 a Saving Department V ; . Under National Charter. 1 .. st;?'r&-t,;-.'t i j Master Graham Murray, a young'iad I yVars of 1 age4.i . son.;, of ."Mr. j is.uuerc tM, Murrar, a carpenter; -accidentally shot himself yesterday after noon and TlA . Rllffprel a mnot nainfnl tod.'e-ifi'id's .with v his pa- reuis- at No. 405 Harnett street., ,- M eSV&ngf tpVf temeiit? of jf acts, as secured iit appears as if - Master Mur ray and several . comrades wer-e walk ing out ; Fourjrhstreet. 7 The rlads had 4 rifle and it. Js presumed y that 'they were going to te woods, for an afterr noon's sport . ;7hen near .the corner ojr.Fpurth'ajid Tajgor streets, the rifle was.- accidentally discharged and ' the bullet; lodged; in .MterM 1 ne wouna Died profusely and the boy suffered exceedingly from the injury. faster Murrayas removed 7tpi f his home, ' on; Harnett street as&obii as possible, where he, - was r given! the fecessarjttention by , physicians 1 who vrjere summoned Friends of, the: la4 will regret to leam of : his. misfortune and they will hppe that "he will . soon recover The lad will be incapacitated for' some time jas ,r a result, of thei iun f prtunate accident of which ; he .was the victim. "77;7'-v ' ' 7' ?7ljsiGSy5EAM EsV FR Q M- M A R C H : 1 st. 1 "S A F EST FOR: S AV I N GS. ' ' iliil WILMINGTON, N. C. 7? , '-J. At the Bijou. :'-7;77;-' The feature film at. the popular Bi jou - Theatre .today Is called "On a jacket." This is - a most interesting picture and;, it will ; please the patrons of the theatre. U TriEvRACE. Our Refuiat Interest Quarter Wi Bein onarch 1st :7 DEPOSITS MADE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 2nd, WILL RE CEIVE THREE MONTHS' INTEREST ON JUNE 1st. 110 North Front Street .1 ; t r. V , 'a if 1 7 MIMMMMIIIM''nfllltlWMIMMIMMMmmilHIMIHHMHmmMHMMMHm TTTTT REV. WM. JACOBY. . . .. . . ,. : - i,.- . .- ..... ; - - Able Assistant to Evangelist Torrey and Head of ythe Personal Workers "7;'7 ' -7 "7 77. 7. 7 ": ;'v'"..bf the Big Torrey Meetings. O'clock, when it was learned that . Mr. W, H. Neal, Jr., the son of ex-tfudge Wal probably jas well acquainted -with; the present crop conditions as anyother ter H. Neal. now division counsel, for . person s hereabouts.. In an interview 1. FACES Bldf FL'oOD. Thi s Menaces Pittsbura and Flood Re ports Come . From Other Cities Pittsburg, Pa., March 1. (Pittsburg today faces one of the worst floods in its history. The Allegheny ls7 over flowing and the Situation is' serious. Several townsi have. been damaged jS verely. Throughout the east tie., floods continue and many cities in New York and Pennsylvania are in danger and tbo weather gives 1 no promise of a let in rains. " . the Seaboard Air Line, had accidental ly; shot j and .killed himself -while re turning. from a hunting-trip. Today, wasi the last day of the. hunt ing ; season in this county, and Mr. Neal, I in ' company with 7 Mr. A. H. James, went, but ; for a" day's pleasure at the sport. Upon reaching; a point about half a mile- distant from town on their return at 6 : 300'clock, the two young men separated,; ifo Neal going across the road to shoot a single bird. Mr. James missed his companion, but thought' that he ,: had walked: on to town alone. , When he .reached town, Mr. James learned that Mr. :jNeal had not arrived.,. . ; - : . . -; ' A' party was organized and , went in search , of the - missing-young man, wjipm they found lying dead near a last 7fiisht ...Mr. Kennedy expressed himselt a.-3 ;PenS tiiproughly delighted with, the outlookTTor the trucker "com mission merchant, and . the consumer. Mr. Kelinedy stated, that it appeared as if the' yields will be as fine as thps for sjvejraL y.eats sti probably Abet ter, ndcatrOns arebright f Or .good prices, 7a ttat tb producer the middjTuaiv as 1 weir sls the CQiisumer,; will be. -.Well satisfied with results frbmt the season. ' . ,.7"7-; 7. '. . : .Mr. .Kennedy stated; that: tfie ; clian geabl weather 'cohditions whlcli. taye prevailed in this territory, past few weeks', lipsl opinion helped- instead, of. hindered tne various crops. . He stated that the cold: weath er retarded somewhat the development of the "different 'vegetables and straw- IM PORTA NT ANNOUNCEMENT. :s t: Former Representative George L. Mor ton Endorsed by Many Voters for Re-nomination.- -. o" ;-. ' 1 In deference to the ,wTish of many of his staunch supporters,, former ' Rep resentative George LTMorton has "con sented to allow his; name, to. be, placed before the voters ot- the coiinty j for re-nomination in. the .approaching pri mary. At first helahhoucetliathe w oiild riot : b e in" t ble;-. race -this ? ti me . Such . stronK nressure Wfts-' broi?nt..'tQ baarj-that .he -finally consented- :A An J who favor his candidacy Tillj.tpi; on the fifth page of The I)ispateh this afternoon. , V. . i Mr. Morton at first resisted air argW rnents of his friends that he mak"e Ihe race as he felt that his business" Jnter es'ts would not allow . him'; to do so. Following the presentation of: the en dorsement mentioned he - finally con sented to run and he' will be-a factor in the race for the office of Represen tative. A - CALL FOR THE CRUSADER FLOUR . WE HAVE if. ;er Tev 9 . Caroeiii (grocery ,-5 1. tiAftt.t.Mi.l..........A....t,.f.....J,wwJw..,vt,;r,.utMt STATEMENT CONDITION v. m?A ." I- . 1 . v-;V;7-7rr-; . ;7-'pP' WILMINGTON JN, CT" '7:7r f-7nv: m' : ;;::At"the close of business, January 31st, ' 1910 ss WJ''-V " - -'-:V rtr,rriTr-ira - . t i .-'. tTiTiiTtimpo, - ---' . : r1 vuriTi T?rTra - lang-.Wd..kscduilrtsi:l--i3,4S3,083 V5 551,000 00 25,000 00 U. y. Bondsatmar): : - Rant RutllliW , . Nl C. State and yotlxer Bonds 143,783 00 , , Cash and du5 ny Banks... 1,131,595 02 " " " 15334,461 77 H. C McQUBENtPresident J. W. YATES, Vice President, 7 Capital U--r-.wL'- 1J ; 650,000 ' Kwrplss and M et i'rpfltB-w-l 376,579 ,08 T i Glrculation-:I.:i. , ' 050,000 oa U S. Bond Account2lI ' 100,000 00 ' Deposits . 3,758,882 69 ' . $5,334,461,77 J. V. GRAINGER, Vice . President. C S. GRAINGER. Cashier. stump, on which rested - his gun.. Up- berries. .This, will - mean.7a . f ull and JOHN C. d3 RHAM DEAD. AH Fayetteville Mourns . Death of a Popular. Young Man. 77 Special to The Dispatch. 7 7 J w Fayetteville, N. C, March 1. The m:ws or the death of John7Cvuornam, ho died suddenly , at ' : Lake Cliarles, La- has cast gloom, over this city. Cl-nn'. 'j ! J , ; J. -oou(jiciiea wiin many prominent uus iness enterprises, the, young, popular ani generous, his death' is deplored. The remains will . reach, here tqmor rfw evening and the fiiheraf will bo held Thursday. . v...;,,:;;v;K' cn examination, it was ro.undvthat ne had been, shot through, the heart. . . . - It is thought that Mn Neal sat down on the .stum p . to rest and : that his gun went off accidentally and inflicted the deadly wound. From allt appearances the young man walked about ten feet after he was shot, as there were traces of his blood lead'ng to the stump. Mr, ) Neal was . welJ-knovii through out this section of the State, and was a traveling salesman. 7 Idyswas; twen ty-two years, of age. It .is not known yet .when the funeral will be held.. . The iriends of Judge' Neal .through out the gtate will; regret to learn of this deep bereavement in ; the loss of his son. ' , - - - J Western Union Telegraph Office Will Receive Messages Over - Telephone Wjres and Will Charge Same for Patrons. Mir. . W. G. Sale, manager of .. the local office of the Western Union , Tele graph Company, stated today "that an important step had been decided hpom for the further convenience of patrons. This is that any person having a tele phone may send in a telegram, via that medium to the , office. . Collection for any such messages will be made the following day, weekly, or monthly, aa suits the convenience or tne person sending the message. It , is believed that this new departure will further increase, the ; large business of the local Western Union Office. 7 . Dicf Not Sign Endorsement.; .. . Mr. John H. .Beery.theyeji known timber and lumber inspector, request ed the statement today that his is not the name "John Beery" signed j to the endorsement of FormerRepr'esVnta-tive- George , L; v Morton, , as . published in today's Dispatch. Mr.' Beery, stated hnt ho rf .Tint siffh 7the naDer'nor was it presented to him for. his signa-1 ture. r.7i-';-r7.vs.7'-77,- . 'ft '' 7..." To-be Mam fed. " Mr.fLutHer The Grain Market 7 -:v.n wolff. New Yorlj, . "MafQh .l,Fr'actrp'n4J t Wolff , wiirtbe inarried : this evening. Eains wer o made in nearly all active -. 'xhe cereinony will " lie psrformed by oouus at tne opening, witn ,a snow Rev. J . b. urowf lexr yaatui uuurtuuci -viiy aiter -tne. nrr?y jA3? H11;"1115?-? .-PresbyienanrvjuuiuiJ., "uv-ver, pusiness Decame. quiet anq 77 Forcible Trespass Charged. ; 7" . Mozilla .Wright," a riegrowoman, was tried this morning by 'Justice George nU.u: j1 k . WarriSS on txie tudi &c ui iyi WUriSTI SSm-iS Pa- Probab.e causey aod at Wilmington Sayings and tfust- the woman was sent to the Recorder . f Mr. Kennedy . said tfe'al he expected shipments of k lettuce, to . the, north, -will commence" within six or seven ' days. These .will be followed soon after ; with steady, movements of ; radishes,: beeta other vegetables .; and strawberries. Each .of the. different fcrpps .will;.un doubtedlyj pel featured ith . Janeyields arid splendid variety pf;prbdiic7jM)ri Kennedy . is particularly enthusiastic 4bout f the le.ttuce'crop. I He - said that all . advices seemed to , state hat the Florida crop of lettuce appeal rsVuVt; ed ; ;Ms:eat jfifii Xact;- iUgp greatly . the sale ,pf i East Carolina ; jet tuce. Mr. Kennedy said that there are fine :, "stands" of the. lettuce here and that the crop appears, -to i be in perfect condition. ...The" optimistic forecasts as to trucking apply equally to the indications; for. the strawberry crop. It is. expected that there will R.R.BELLAMY, ' President. H. C. McQUEEN. Vice-President.' i o M. S. WILLARD, - Secretary. Carolina Insurance Co; Wilmington, n. c.. .V7 A STATEMENT OF GROWTH : ! - JANUARY, JB92.. 1895.. a it a ' M lit 1898.. 1901 .. 1904.'. 1907.. 1910.. Cash Assets '..$ 55,358 68 V, 68,421 42 .. 70,013 62 . ... 77,090 94 .. 85,880 64 ... 109,983 03 ' 107,367 61 1h " ti -t7-v Net Surplu? ' $ 3,414 39 ' 10,740 24 . 10,857 39 " " 15,318 5$ J 17,093 23 " 19,701 45 ;J . 23,084 74 some of the, Ini j.i?4l gnsere lpstln 1;iter trahjsactions, but the tone- con tinued; strong.' : 4V? 'v -,7-i,Vr!r7 7:"77r Company, It court under a bond of $100. i Congressman Godwin Gets . an -Auto... ; The Washington correspondence of the rRaleigh'"News7and -Observer has this - interesting note today: "Repre sentativft Oodwin. has an automobile. The only other North Carolinians h,ere who. afford a machine are MarLon But- 1 and . Congressman., Morehead." 7: 77 abe posits Made March 2nd "7 7 iWill bear-, interest ; from March 1st, at Wilmington Savings and -Trust Company'; tSM- 7J;.H- -77:; r7 It '. out oL' commission for ' . the - present year, at least. If such should, prove to be-1 a tact anbther" bit victory Tin the be a ; fine yield and that returns will J output of the coming season's crop be lucrative. ' r . 7.'. 7 .With reference to the approaching marketing , of strawberries . the fol lowing note from : the current issue of the Carolina Fruit and - Truckers Journal is of interest: . 7 77 V X 'Several of the leading strawberry grpwers . who visited Wilmington dur ing the current week -gave it as their opinion that ther cold winter we have experience!: since last November has effectually put the strawberry beetle 1 wilt , have beent scored: It ; is estima ted by those competent to pass upon this : questiottithat the strawberry beetle has destroyed anywhere from five .to . ten" per. cent of . the crop dur ing jLhe. past two years.; Wlth the 'grpumi -frozen hard f or,day3, and wVek inf and , weekCpuVlorinohihg, it would, indeed be difficult to learn how insects otany, kind could'ljye. in this section during these constant and fre quent freezes." - . " All Housekeeping . , -.. ' 7: ..Vv'7. lis. Light Housekeeping i When You Cook With Gas 3" n 'L'.Ji.-UJ1 r te- j? A ' Are you insured against Fire ? GOOD. . , V Are, you insured in a gobd Company ? BETTER. ; Are you insured wftH fmilMt tHvLQU i BEST; ' ALWAYS GET THE BEST. 'y Agency Established 1865. A t . . 7 17 U7 1 i I 1 . 1 ' r 1 k 1 if 1 !- I -7. mi t 1- If : 'iff Tjj) k ;!! M ill' III 1 9.', : -. ! i : il t t i; r 0- 1!' V- V