VOLUME FIFtEEM WILMINGTON, N. C, MONDAY, APRllT,l8; 1910 PRICE FIVE CENTS FIB ii REGULAR IE r .j .... . DO 1 Accident Happened Thi4 Morning While Illinois Central Train Was Steaming North From New Orleans. Two Pullmans and Two Other Cars Were Pulled Over a 15-Foot Em bankment. ' " ' ;"'"" ,.. " ,' ...... ; Jackson, Miss., April 18. T'o men are known to have been killed and several passengers were injured early this morning when an Illinois; Central passenger train from - New Orleans plunged over a 15' foot embankment 11. ar here. Two othr are 1 missing and are believed to have been crush ed beneath the engine. 1o 'Pull mans and the mail ' and librEry cars were pulled over the' eflibarikmSnt. The two men killed -were in the mail car. "" 'V-V " ANNUAL CONVENTION Of the D. A, Rjs Now. rv Session at Washirtgton. Washington, April 18. The nine teenth annual convention of : the" D.- A. K., met here today'and the ladies were welcomed by President Taf. ' Con tinental Memorial Hall was gaily dec orated tor the occasion with flags and bunting. More "than 1,000 delegates were in the hall. Great interest at taches to the meeting because it is the lii st to be held in the new hall and because of the row oh between Presi dent General Mrs. Scott -and those who oppose her policies. The after noon session was given over to re ports of committees. PASSENGERS SAVED Taken Off the Stranded Liner Minne haha this Morning. London, April 18 All the passen gers of the stranded liner Minnehaha-, which crashed on the rocks of Scilly Islands shortly after .midni&fct,' were rescued in the darkness -and fog this morning. . Thfyegsel , ra, aground in the heavy sea and fog. The transfer of passengers ?wfis:Sctt1isM':;'iElfe y. They were landed, in small boats, though the "S. O. S. ' calf broughtsey eral boats to the rescue. "The captain and crew remained aboard ther steamer and it is believed this morning that she can be fioatedi The , passengers were rushed to London this morning. 5 Higher Water for Upper Cape Fear. Raleigh, N. C, April IS The Cape Fear river will reach a stage pf about forty feet at Fayettev'ille by Wednesday. DENSON. 4- 4 STRIKE HAS ENDED. Philadelphia Carmen Wilt Gd Back to Work Wednesday. Philadelphia, April 18. Four thou sand carmen, who have been on a strike practically two months, will re turn to work Wednesday morning for the Rapid Transit Company. . This means that the strike is ended. THE STRENUOUS ROOSEVELT Doing Big Sight Seeing Stunts Again Today. Buda Pest. April 18. Theodore Roo sevelt, tte most popular man in -Hungary, set out today to compass five days of sight-seeing into d$e. He was kept busy from early morning until late in the day. Tile principal event of the day was a luncheon given by Arch Duke Joseph, at ' the Royal Palace. . WOLTER ON TRIAi. Alleged Murderer of the Wheeler Girl Faces His Fate. New York, April 18. The trial of Albert Wolter for the murder of Ruth Wheeler, began today; Two jurors were selected this morning. Nearly all the witnesses are" !wome 'and about twenty of them" were in. court today ready to testify. CARTER MUST PAY. Government Wins Us Suit in the Su preme Court; - Washington, April 18. The Govern ment today won its case in the United States Supreme Court against Oberlin W. Carter, et al. Greene and GaynorJ swindled the government out of "about $400,000 and the Government sued ' to recovpr nnrt nf 'this! from pfonerty Carter has in the West and it is this suit decided in its favor today. - where they have been at uie ucu- Railroad Stocks. side of their father, Mr. W. H. Stone, New York April IS.The stoekf dHringrthe past few days. -The elder market opened with strong tone frac- Mr. Stone has rallied from . .His oes tional advances being mad& in nearly perate illness in most .grtifymg man everything traded im Utah Copper ner and strong-slopes are now enter moved up 3-4 to 45 M-4, but Amalgama- tainpd for Ms- recovery. This mror ted and Aahacbnda shadedS Islfghtly. mation7Will becelved with much Steel, comindnmade a -sligltt fraction-. pleasuif by his friendrSf r gain and Iftdtfstrlalk'shaffed lri mod- - ItS nr Wo ati Ret- wate rise. The leading railroads- were 10 yards Hbmespim for 3c at nea j" lairiy eooa flemana - - ' -1. 10 yardsv Homespun for. 39c at Reh- Of.Tb'oto WhVm Liquor Licenses ; a Been Issued Names of Those to jVhom Oleomargarine u Licenses .H-B'.tred Were Included in OriQinLfgt by ; internal Revenue Oepartiwenti-- - . - - . -a Inconsiderable public interest wa& ex eitel Saturday night and yesterday tnrough the annotmceraeht to the pub lic of thos who' have secured liquor ucensesv from the Internal - Revenue Department at Raleigh. However, the list as first ,iven out contained the names of . several whose licenses for selling oleomargarine were included m the original list. The Jist'was se cured by citizens, and was published by. a.: committee appointed -for the pur Jost of handling communicatidns to the press of the city. The following self-explanatory communication was submitted to this inaner tnr!sv for mih. lication: ' " 7 " Wilmkieton..ATirii'ia.-:.iiin A O ine luventng Dispatch, City. .: vientiemen: in yesterday mornine's lsshe of -the Wilmington - Star we printed the names of oeoDie in Wil- tnington holding Government liquor licenses obtained by us from Raleigh arid asked for any explanation con nected with the same. The list, though furnished to us under the cap tion of iLiouor '"Licenses' contained a. few parties holding only Oleomarca- i rine licenses, and - having obtained this information front the narties. the fol lowing names are stricken out: Aroan sBiosJ. Baggett jros.. 13. M Davis; C. P. Montgomery. C. R. Pane People's Supply Co., Thomas & Co., iu. Marsnburn and R. A. Montgom ery and J. G. Kuhlken. We hope further eliminations will be made and we will be glad to make any further corrections in the list, but t we shall insist on the names of those who nold liquor licenses being known , to the public. After eliminating the above names the list stands corrected as below. - CITIZENS COMMITTEE. Wilmington Allen, Mattie: Boesch, John C: Brunies. J. H .: Boesch. W. C; Bennett, John N.; Brunjes, Mar tin; Bolton, J. L.; Bass & Toddj r-Bol-toh, J. R.; Costin. L. R.;'Crumpler & Scott; Crobm, M. H.; Crescent Cigar Store, M. . D. Bright, owner; Capps, John W.;.Cbstin, D. E.; Caase & Sehu- er; Chadwiok E. A.; Cumber, G. P.; Capps, D. U T.; Chadwick, D. N.; Crumpler, Ben; Dennis, J. D. & Son; Duls, H. T.; Dulin & Lentz; Dennis, J. & Car Eagles Club; Elks Club; Farrew, N. E.; Godwin, H. Mack; : Gdinesf . JO.r tJieschen j Brost 4&$$timg? Rtrenbark ; Grlms- ley N. O.; Gregerson, William; Galla gher, N. E.; Haar, H. T.'Haar;' Jur- gen; Harnss, Lola; Hinton, E. L.; Home, Melvin; Holton, Jasi E.; John son, Trixie; Hordon & Hutaff; Ken nedy. Ralph; - Kelley, M. H. & Co.; Iiamb, Frank P.; May land, J6hn M.; - Moore, W. J.; Magnolia Fraternal Association; Mintz, W. S.; Mohr, Peter; Mason, J. F.; New man & Godwin; Ocean View Company ; Ortmann, F. W. ; Ot- toway, J. H.; Ormsby, D. W. and J. A. Westbrook; Owls Club; Ornabt, D. W.; Powell, C. T.; Parker, G. W.; C. T.; Parker, C. W.; - Quarles, J. T. R'ichters, Chas, Jr., and Cherry Co.; Rhodes Co.; Runge, G. W.; Ruark, D. R.; Riggs, J. B.; Rhodes, J. C; Starkey, M. L.; Shee- han, William, Sr.; Schnlbben, Martin; Steljes & Co.; Steljes, Herbert; Scott, I. J.; Snipes, E. B.; Sheehan, William; Thornton, Pauline; Taylor, John E. Todd, L. B.; Todd, E. A.; Utley, J. R.; VanOlsen,. . Martin' Winner, M. L. & Co,; Wefitbrook, J. A;- Welch,ST. G.; Weleh, LR.; Willis kuggms; Wynn, J. I. ' -young, R. W. .. - , New Berlin; N. ' C Berlin Supply. Co. . : . ; ? 'CafolinAl Belfili Carolina Beach pleasure 5?Cb. 4 - '': ' ' -Wrights ville, C John T. Capps. 1 The announefnent of the above list to the public was Intended by the citi zens committee merely to let the pub lic know who have government liqttor licenses for the sale of whiskey and not to place before the community in a wrong light any persons who have oleomargarine licenses. A conference of a number of citizens was held sev eral nights ago. It was then deter mined to inatigu? ate a movement tor better government -and for more spe SSSeTaa paes through, different municipal channels. It :is. the inten- SoBlhis citizens movement: to cific results , irom me iax stitute - an aggressive campaign ana k niiVi?-.Qir.Ti of th names of the liquor license holders is the first step in the matter, - Mr. Jurgen Harr requested The Dis patch to state that he and his brother have United.Stats license to sell malt liquors and not whiskey f that they sell "near-beer" and riot whiskey. For Mr. Walter C. Boesch the stJte ment is cheerfully made that the '"li cense held by him is merejy for the sale of near-beer. Mr. Boesch gays be simply pays $20 per year for his license and that it permits mm to sen only near-beer and he strictly con forms to the privilege anowea. f "Mr. Stone Better. j Messrs, R; R. and J. H. Stone re . turned this morning ; from .Shallotte -, UCi 1- Kew lot of 50c Mongole fanck . silks i. - j 11111 interesting Argument in the "Gregg : $25,000 Damage Suit Against ' the . City , and Mr. James F. .Woofvin Made a Co-Defendant Several ion Suits and a Number of Continuances Very Little Actual Work DoneTo day" in the Superior Court, y i ; There was very little doing in : the Superior, Court this morning, as the continuance of the case of Sloan i bweeney vs. Etta Hart, et al, fplloW ing the v continuance Saturday jf ithe suit of X A. Burriss vs. the CJty"bt Wilmington, knocked sky high expec tations and counsel appeared unpre pared to try anything this morning. Hence, a recess Was taken shortly af ter; noon until 2:30 o'clock this after noon. Several important matters, were, however, considered this morning. One ofcbief, interest was the big damage action brought by Mrs. Susan M. Gregg, administratrix, against fthe City Of Wilmington. This case was set' for trial for today, but when reached ex-Ma vor A G. Ricaud made a special annearance for Mr. James P. Woolvin- asking that his client be eliminated from the case. He stated that the complaint did noti make Mr. Woolvin a party-defendant, ! and cited no cause of action agaiifst him, but that City Attorney Herbert McClammy ip. his" answer endeavored to bring Mr Woolvin into the case, claiming that he (Woolvin) was pri marily responsible, if - there was any responsibility. He asked that Mr. Woolvin be eliminated from the Isuit, arid then, after the termination of the case, the . city could sue Mr. . Woolvin if it saw fit. ' ' There was' extensive argument iu the 'matter. City Attorney Herbert MliClamniy cbnterititng that Mr. : WQolpii' had been , brdiight into court, the suit-havirig been originally SijBd aga:ast hint arid: the. pity of Wil njineton. ami while the comhlaintnniv set up datringps against the Oiiy Ipf wiJmngtrm, yet no Won: suit hadTefeV been taken as to M r. Woolvin George Rountree, Esq., stated' to the court that the'' plaintiff did : not - wish the case delayed ,'. !as' It was one; of im portance to herY 'that his side had a right to elect which party the city or Mr. Woolvin it would sue and that in deference to ! the" wishes of Mrs. Gregg they had eliminated Mr. Wool vin from the suit. - - : Judge Cooke, however, held that as Mr. Woolvin had been brought into court by summons, that he was still lin "Ourt and the City of Wilmington had a right to make-hira a co'defend ant. - ! , Mr. Ricaud protested strenuously and cited several cases, but the .court held against . him. Then Mr. Ricaud asked for ample time in which, to file .an answer to the complaint, or an an swer to the answer filed by the City of Wilmington. Hon. John D. Bellamy argued for the plaintitff and stated that they did not seek damages against Mr. Wool vin and would suffer a non suit as to him. ' .. The court held that it was too late to buffer such a non suit, and ordered Mr. Woolvin made a party defendant and that he be allowed twenty days in which to file answer. It was also ordered that the case be set for trial for the third one of thelay term of court. It will be recalled that the suit is brought by Mrs. Gregg for damages suffered by the loss of her husband, E. M Gregg, who was killed April of last year; by a pile of brick- falling upon him. The brick were piled in front of the large stores being erected for Mr. Woolvin, on Princess street, and it is charged that these brick were insecurely packed and not prop perly propped. This, the defendant City of Wilmington, denies' and claims that the accident was caused by Mr Gregg's ; own neglbience in lean ng against the pile of brjck and catching a piece o tober on tog of the pile, Twhieh, caused the briek to tumble. The case of Sloan &- Sweeney vs. Hart, et al, was continued this morn ing for the denfense, owing to the indisposition of ex-Judge E, K, Bryan. However, -it was , peremptorily set for trial for the second case of the May tef fri; " ' . . -. Entries were made in a number of other cases, -as follows I Leger Myer vs. S. L. Smith & Son 'continued, J Carpenter, Baggett & Co, vs. J. A , .ayur, juugiueiu. US. Candy Company vs. Crescent ) Candy Company, continued. - Hill Burgwin vs. Essex Newkirk, Lcontinued. R. W. Hicks vs. D. W. Cooper, non suit. ,- - R. W. Hicks vs.. C. A. Healey, et al, continued, - .' Frank W. Rogers vs. Mary Rogers, continued. M. M. Mahn, vs. H. M, Bowden, con Unued'.'. E. T. Barlow, agt. vs. N. W. Rich ard, non suit. ' , A. W. Tedcastle. & Co. vs. -W." "C. Thomas & Co., continued. Lucy Bryant, vs. David R. Bryant, continued. - F. B, Ullery vs. W- A. Guthrie, judg ment. - Ministerial ; Asseciationr Had interest ing Session at the Y; JVL C. A.i Bijild l?JodytrAl ne 'Next -Meeting an .sign Williams,i Of the Salvation Army. - r ; . . --i. V'' : " . The regular -weekly meeting of- the Ministerial Association was held this morning in th Y. M. ft . A There was a fine attendance of the" ministers I. of the city and the session proved deeply profitable to everyone ui aiienaance. The regular talks which are held at - each mect.ine- wppp dispensed with today. The ministers told of the .services held in the church es yesterday and the fine results which- attended . the work among : the congregations duripg the past week. Next Monday moraine Erisie-n Wil liams, of the Salvation Arni'y post, will address the association. He will tell something of the wbrk of the Sal vation Army throughout thfi onimtvJ fie wni. aiso give interesting facts -fas , to tbe work- Vvhlct is; done by tlae local post in Wilmington.; f -Ensign Williams it , .. . ; i . . . . . - T is an interesting speaker and nis ad4 aress wni undoubtedly be wejl. worth, hearing. ;1 Tomorrow Mr. C. C. Rhhinson; Southern Secretary for the BaVs' : De partment, of Y. M. CA. wcirk will visit the local association. He will meet the boys tomorrow' night "after the gymnasium . class has been , con cluded. Mr. Robinson will make -a short address and, talks will bW deliv: ered by different association niarnhprs At the Bijou. . - The feature film at the popular Bi jou Theatre today is called "The Mar riage of The Cook." This ig a most interesting picture and it will please the patrons of the theatre. WILL OPEN TONIGHT Reason of Stock Commences This Eve ning at the Academy. - The Academy's season of stock, which promises to be decidedly de lightful; and. very popular, will- begin tonight and the Glass Stock Coinpany, which is to fill an indefinite Engage ment, is one of the inest knowi stock attractions. The company prrived yesterday from Charleston, -whff-e Sat urday night it closed a six peeks' engagement, which followed fjts en gagehten" pf :1tt-teien consSeutive weeks at Jacksonville, Florida Popular., prices are to 'Prevail throughout , engagement and only the f- k'i' i.L -- !. -' '' -. 1 uesif kuuwu successes vviu ue preseni 0d, andtea,cht will;.bei;given, too, .with a special rid.'beapiifuff sceaiG niouriting, the cprhpariy , carrying . jtsi, . own scenic, artist. ..pli'fe,.Vaudeyii4!e? will lfi giveij' between ' acts. '' , ' V f The company will open.' its' 'engage, ment. tonight, with. .a $iie presentation, of James f J. s Corbett's . success; "Pals." ' ... .. . INFANTICIDE CHARGED. Mina Bessent Will be Required to; . Stand Trial. After working quietly for several days, Constable W. B. Savage Satur day night arrested Mina Bessent, a young negro woman on the charge of infanticide, the arrest following the discovery of the body of a dead infant beneath a house on South Firth, street some days ago. The woman yesterday admitted that she" was the mother of the child antl that she had concealed the body beneath the house. Her statement was voluntarily, made, in the presence of several officers after she had been warned that any statement she might make would be taken against her, ' ' ... The woman was, incarcerated in -the county jail after arrest. Yesterday morning it Was decided to remove .her to -the hospital for- medical, kttention. The warrant against the young woman was sworn - out under complaint of Mary Langston and it alleges infan ticide. The f warrant was issued by Magistrate George Harriss arid the preliminary investigation will be held before ; ' him as soon as the ! woman leaves the hospital. ' - The woman's mother was arrested also as it was first believed that she was an accomplice in the crime. The defendant is being held under a $1,000 bond, permission for her removal to the hospital yesterday having been given by Magistrate Harriss. s Local Team Won. j In an exciting golf, match Saturday afternoon; the : team from the Cape Fear Country "Club of this city de-j feated the visiting team from'Charles- ton, S. C. The match was played ac-fl cording to the "Nassau" system for 18 holes. The members of the visiting team in the-order in which they play ed were Messrs. F. A. Tyler, John M. River3,"T Louis Sherfessee and 3. A. Bell, while th WJlmirigton team was composed of Messrs. R. H. Gwaltnev-, Chas: F. Tavlor. F. W. Dick, and A. S. Williams, This is the third; matbhff played between the country clubs ofn Wffiriinglon and Charleston, Wllming ton winning two out of the three games. New lot of 50c Miongoie fanck silks for 35c at Gayloni's; , 1 v.w;, It ; Air Line Railway, continued. 1 K Independent IcerCompany vs. Ji H. HettlenSan, judgment. ' V?? S. Behrends ys. Wilmington Savings and 'Trust Company, -non suit. , Murchison National Bank vs. "E. F. Young,, continued. . " ' J. C. Walton vs. Sam Blossom, non suit. ' . -. " r - - The Regina Company vs. Maggie McArthur, continued. , 1 l'omorrow the case of Foster WiN Hams vs.. the. Angola Lumber 3om- Offers to . Depositors l capital tocK .$ 550,000.00 ;: v ?! :v. Surplus ;....vi.v.;.v. v-;.;. 400,000.00 5 ! 1 1 owcKnoiaers Liamiity ..: 55U000.U0 - $ i - .11 S .Bl It V II III 111-.. -'- . - I Z AP Crkl iriT TUP Diieiursn ' n n . . . . . . , . . . . ' - ' . - r-' t u j i i-m iuvj j r mu . nli . ion I SJ - . . I. WITU A CTDrtklo OAFt mr iniM-Mtt-Mi.lt " ;r f v . L r.................v................t.........M..t........t..........;. . , , , f ' - - ....'t fl - . -.. : u ii .v I - - -.x , i I V ! . .if ill - ; " " ' " . ( Ill . I I . V- i. II i II . - ill r .1 i -v ff IKS' - ' ' . .ftj -v i L. fl r - w - . Al ' i m m . m m m m m m - mm h j h v si s m i k k 0 . ' a: - " " ' i El ' II , 17- iYiiiii--Hi in- - - - - ; - : ; ' . . : :- ' l!''-.,v-,( ' '"" "" mtm-.. - ,-, - L' . ... ."H" " 1 .,1 , : ' tt r-. . r- , ''',.'' 1 i ' .' -CL i s 1 Just Received VUtCAM MEMOES " Different SizesDiffererit StylesJ' GAS COMPANY. , Ranges $ Down! : $2 per Month V- " 111 . fl I )! IU.KIHI1III 1. milim.JIIMI i Ml W M And Insure with 8 i Barik'With THAT Banks v .. in .' on TIIElOfl 113 North Front Street. We all want a Bank to show our money in 'x r "Pi.' j 1 10 NprthiFrontStxee TWmWWtffWfWMWII FRESH Shelled Pecans, Walnuts, Almonds ; Fllbeir We, sell spotless Snbvv White Meal G periter ar the Security of Gar Load 5i If f' the Bank' You. Wilmington, N. C. Strength before we trustS its keeping. . ' v. , iiiMlmiiimmimMnmiiiimnii a:.'.,.- 6i IMPULSE :mm It - f "fl tor. -.ti (- V . .- i. - .. - -ri der' for 35cM Gaylord's. " Hall & Pearsail .vs. the Seaboard uany will be tried. ' , s. It -

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