VOLUME f WItMINGTQN, T N.-e. cf a v- - PjaCE FIVE, CENTS Rif " "ti YiinriT V..v'-. V FeffiiPis botircgs. iieiog 1 .'.I He; ring on the Borah AnMninenti to A iiow women taVote : And sRey. Anna Shaw is teadifigisthe?yAjrgii4 mcnt tor ine ; rrosr-tjotn Houses Crowded With Females. ' Vv Yi'.' f-vi' ... v . 1 - . Washington, u. c.v Apritil-TodaF nvas iNcw vvoman s ' - day i in both Houses of Congress., . .The rCon- oresionai nearmgs Qn thQ r Borah smicnrlmeut, to extend tright pf franchise to women, y bogan. at-, 10 o'clock. Rev. Anna .Hpward.Shaw president of the . .Ptl-Sxifiias Associated, conduciea -Jhe Jftearlng' on the part of the womenKBotK- houses lire crowded with women. - - ' . ROOSEVELT -THE; IDOL. Hungarians Are Wildly Demonstrative Over Him. t Buda Pest, . April 19TheMore 'Roosevelt is little short of an idbl to the Hungarians, although-sitenthia very presence has a mar&etj effectdii politics. His reception in- Hungary was the most remarkable ; demonstra tion seen in Europe in years. Crowds packed his door today and the'Hadl cal element, are turning to1 their -own account his presence. V " ' HYDE MORE COMPOSED Order of Trial Changed Due to -Death of Important Witness. Kansas City, April 19. Bennett Clark Hyde, accused of the murder- of Col. Thomas Swope, appeared : easier ai uie uiai luuay. ;ae aeaia OF. Dr. Geo. Twyman, an ; important State's witness, caused a change in the pro gram of the trial today. ' n . . : . : . 4 Proposition to Esiahlich am - r-.: tkn 6f AThls KtnF Was vGWtfejct claf ion Today It Js BelfeWd vrhat Bureau Will bi-SiifeMnfiiii'J the Launched. TENDS HIS-RES IGNATION X Antf Apologizes .for.: Calling On Cot. r' Roosevelt. ; "4 ' i : ' . ! Rome, April 19. Abbot Janssons sent his resignation icr4h&Prtti,to r6rifr-'riei&3A accompanied by a letter ot apology until it was deemed, thai the organiiafof Stieff. Then Bowden ..Brittaip lor his call on Theodore Roosevetation there was qn.-asflne basis as"'4fjfefaffest6d,v according ;td . a:statutf ,cQt- discharged ' "In the higfiW" '6ourt, yet a -jury "passed on the case. -'.-'J'::'- niter the ex-president has broken Ipossible to get f kn a ociation of $s' relations with theWatic&aJ:-- tie eg'fiiature. L.?ir-Sckamak; had different pressed sorrow Br hrs - commending Roosevlt.V ngerJh CRUELTIES ON THE JEWS -; Russians PrepaiHhg'3 tcr Expei '1,200 Jews and Their Families. Vienna, April 19."- Advices received here state that the Russians are pre paring to expel 1,200 Jews and; their families from Kiff-Russlat The " re ports st?te that terrible hardships are being inflicted on the Jews. The' -ap peals of the Christians have. no effect on the officials. ' - . " , BEFORE THE GRAND JURY. Members New York Cotton Exchange Testify. Xew York, April 19. The members w.io were subpoenaed to appear , bp- fore the Grand Jury tor testify against niaiket Bulls appeared today". None of the witnesses, would ,talk to the newspaper men., f J. "A. Patten, and v oth 'rs are charged ' with conspiracy to "uvain.tr nie price o. coiion in straint of trade. ' :' called.:meeting tke- Wiimingi ok Q1C n-Association ani.the ti r OI commerce rooms today at ocloefe following; an address byi 3ureaupf; :(?redit, of Riphmona, Ya.; It' WaSdeniffftAirt gHmHit'tn Ut.U..v.- a similari Orsrani7Amv t wu,. toij; It is hoT)i1tn wl?w 40 .r Vusiness houses; uf luis na in .view, Presidents. B, 0gerS,bf thet'Crfidit ftVfeMa -At6wtlJ tion, lappointed' a commit too Af ui,. t -T- . i ItUl (TV hln (w 4.1 j - ' - - . t .WMws lue maiter DeroreiyuBiness men bther than those- present at y the meeting ; today, ;MiSf8. ifcoulsi Hall EdUard Ahrena and J-H:"RiahAA cnimittee will hold a conference, this1 airauoon witn.Mr.Schuman, '-at Which1 time ; the J-prODb&fHi A PstahUcfiTnotif- nt the-Bureau of Credit will be further considered; ; i v, , ; . . . . r. - tWheri the meetirfs uer toaay. by PresitTent Rogers there were .nearly . twenty nfemhofs f ho Credit Men's Asspciation in attend-; aucey . Alter ' the fpFOPfJsed - Bureau of Qredit had-: baen pldced beibre and its Ad vantages' explained all pres ent (except one ,who wished for. fur ther time to investigate the proposed inef its i iof uc& aitgahization j lgiil 9ed , their willingnefee t jiiiV As stated abov it ig hoped that" 40 or more members will loin the Assor.ifi- on at a yearly, assessment of $75. It) is ieit tnat membership in the Bureau will provfe of incalculable banefit to veryone ' in the proposed organiza tion. .. : V After calling the meetlna to ordek President? -Rogers explained that the session-nad been decided upon: with the. object in view of establishing Bureau of Credit It is felt that the business interests Jiere will be brought in . closer touch by such an organiza--tion with Richmond, Norfolk, amToth er southern cities. Mr. Rogers intro duced Mr. Schuman, the manager of the Richmond Bureau. , Mr; Schunaan delivered an intereit- ihgtalk.- He explained the merits df Tad ''organization ofv the Jiind .proposed. Jie stated that the Richmond Bureau had vfbeen : in Existence -r more , than twenty yeai-a ihd .that the mem"brfl Wer-highly tled4with;. the splendid reiaXtS; ' obtained frorn their member. iiiilSl: iV" 'ii'i '.''I. -t t' ." 7is " 'I HBSiiifinf m KiMai1 IIUUIUUUI Ul UUI5U11 MW TRAIN ; ACE Suit I of Brittairti Bowden ' Being Tried vift vthe; Superior Court '-arid is' an interesting One tCaw of Foster, i vWiiliamsv..vs. tni Angola Lumber Company. Cbfitinued OtKer Mattes in' the Hidher Court Todav. J One case Was tried, .entries mad n "f" Jutsotners anu trial 01 a vey ihtere'stihg-suir commenced in the Su- pefior : Coiif t this 'morning. -r The case now on trial -js that -of N. Brittain, a -' Well known young : piano tuner: of this cityi -rfagainsWAv '.M! Bowdeni Who con ducts i-vhotei or boardine house, at- Buirgaw.; ..hen the case was called . ,for triai i shortly .before noon, W. P.. Mangum Turner.. Eso.. of coun sel for the plaintiff, bought . a; cohtin nce, ;:pfrlaccptV:oftVo' ..absence', of thought'theicaseVwoUld be; continued. , ywooausiKellu'm,;Esoi;f counsel for the .defense, pressed; for i HHal, a$d as the case was on the, calendar Judge .Cooke Ordered " a - trial. . entered into, even though , the plaintiff was absent The jury was: auicklv selected and the examination of witnesses was still on when court took its dinnerreeess. The action is -brought, charging the defendant, Bowden, with false : arrest, having had the plaintiff arrested charged . with - Jumpinghis - board-bill and bound over to the higher court, the judge of . . which upon hearing the evidence ordered." a i verdict of not guilty entered. Brittain,: so, the conj plaint alleges, 'stpiped at the home: of Bowden in Burgaw and lef.word tell ing him. . he -would ;. settle the bill, which. Was satisfactory,! but that Bow den, with whom the arrangements had not-been madeyChad him: arrested. . So the., plaintiff seeks' $5,000 actual -and $2,000 ptmitiyeam4gesf vji '.& The d ef en dant denies nearly all the allegations, ' claiming that Britfctin, le$ Word' for-hlmb- colledlthe bneyl.at tne Stieff Piano c house, in this city nFH'rii'si.HWt,fKfl1fc "Rrtttflin Am not WftMr hrt'ii.. JjI .uwt .t?. J2.il riSizll. -1-1 'forms andi blanks with him. Thte illustrated the technical manner ihp' Before Vthe dinner ''.ecea'viti'eplaijPr V1V . J. . j. A til' I . . . ' . ' j ' V ' n'Ji-Ji'.. - "' Te- Stocks Today. - New York, April IS.-Stooks ; were irregular at opening today. Fraction al losses and gains were, ajtout.evefiry distributed. The market became sti ong after the first v fiftebn--minutes f trading, under leadership of,' Cop per and Trtcation isstif- Copper which accounts are presented and the different methods employed in carrying-out. the business affairs of the organization He said that the spirit of co-operation is necessary in a Bu reau and that every " member should be interested in the success of ah organization of the kind. The Bureau is operated at a figure which makes it reasonable for members. These re ceived 'great benefits - from the busi ness . methods employed in the interr change of lists of credits. Collections are also an important feature of a Bureau. Mr Schuman stated that the Richmond Bureau since last August had collected $100,448.16 in accounts for members, only a nominal collec tion fee being charged by the Bureau for doing this frtrmj,pf work. Mr. M. W. Jacdbi asked as to tlie Credit. -j''Schiktafed.'.'th'at ta j live organization.' should T result from a membership, of fMaying ..ah . annuaf fee-of Jf$7gr?&eHdpian . stated thstt only a limitedon'.toje. 'could attend Ib' the operaiipnbt . Mr.' Jacob! gindjotheTsr'lmpressed the fact that success can;6hly be obtained by securing a livo and1 energetic man to be placed at, the head of the Bu reau. i ' . Mr. J. A. Taylor, president of the Chamber of Commerce, then made a short' talk favoring the .estaDasnmii, tiff introduced A. Pattisntl a jiis-! tice of the Peace ot Pender, county, who- isstied.the warrant, for the pur1- ppe--jt 'lhbwiiig that the. .warrant, did noi;coniorm. io me siaiu auu siuipiy charged Brittain -with 'not paying his board; Clerk of the Superior Court .'J. FV Johnson, of Pender, who showed the record1 Of a verdiqt of,, not' guilty against - Brittain; but no ! details were allowed in evidence; and P. Q. Woody, Esq., who testified as to Bowden's testimony at the trial in Pender, when Bbwden was the only witness and stated that he was not present at the time the alleged offence was commit ted and stated that he did not conduct a hotel or boarding house. The plaintiff--.will continue introduc ing: testimony this afternoon and will havb, Brittain her' to "testify in the morning if the , court will allow him to testify; thcai. Otherwise, a .non' suit may have to be taken Requested From Atlantic Coast Linef-rUiliroad by President iTayloii of Chamber of Comwerce--0ficialg Asked vto Continue a Co rtv-fiharf. bourniTaintb thisCity, With Even-' j ng. departure. fr"'-' ri' ' ''','' ' ' '- " ' .'. '-- . ..Mr. ,J. A. Taylor. 11 iii'esidpnt of i tiio .Wilniiftgton - Chamber of - Commerce, on behalf - of that i organization, this morning addressed a ' C0mmunicatinn: m Mr;tJohnj Ri Kenlv. -vit. nrtiRitt of the iAtlantic Coast Lirie - railway, with ithe lidea in view of securing an additional train ' for. this city. The special object of MrTaylpr's letter is to have the Coast Line dfficials autho--rize the operation of the train on the Conway branch of the Coast, Line, which now stops at Chadbourn, to be extended to WilniingtW: Such an ex-; tension will furnish an opportunity for t-towiio jcoiu.iu& ucv w ct;ii tUlH city, Conway and Chadboum, to" spend: the entre day 'in Wilmington on business andreturn to' their homes the same evening. -' .. . . .. I Thte pubiiq wilt ljdeiyj interested!) iu wie w apove announcement. t r It will De noped that Mr. Taylor' effort, .will be " successful. , The' , proposition;, ? of course will have the hearty, and; j uh qualified support of the Chamber Pf Commerce. The effort to secure: the additional train , for- this city should meet with -the success it deserves:; : . The proposed , additional , train , it would appear , might -be furnished by thja railroad-at a profit; .The train from Conway to Chadbourn leaves the first mentioned point about . 7 a. m;, daily, and arrives at its destination less than two hours later. Mr. Taylor has requested vice presideht Kenly to authorize. c,the operation Ol this train from Chadbourn to this city, as its final stopping point. ; If this action is taken it will mean that the train will arrive at ; Wilmington daily .between 10. and 11 a.- m,' As train, schedules are at present at -Chadbourn persons have to wait . there several hours and only arrive here in ' the middle of the day. The extension of Jhe Conway train jyrould give WHmihgtoh two morning trains from- that direction, one following the otfier in -a if ew hours. It is hoped if " the Atlantic Coast;fLihe "officials see their -way clar to hayp thp; Conway .train extended to Wilmington, that the hour for itsfide parure ij will be placed at aboM 7 oclpck?in the evening. . 8uch a seffed ule will be' an ideal ohe- and - will be of great benefit tp business interests WTtTtffWIIIIMHmilIMll "ST. ffku1 :- f. FRESH Pecans, Walnuts, Alinbnds Filberts. Weell spotless Snow White Meal Uarp Grocery " nttttiMiiiiiyfciAAAiAi annus dF WtUlliNG TON ' Offers to Depositors the Security of , . . , Cajlitli !Stock-.-..:;..;. :......;.,........$ 550,000.00 Stifplus S .vW..L . 400,000.00 ! Stockholders Liability 550,000.00 ;$i;5d(()pp.dp 7m - ' WEiSOLUCIT THE BUSJNESS OF THOSE. WHO WISH TO DEAL , WITH A STRONG, .SAFE AND, M ODER H BANK. V 1 L-JL- " ' I'l 'T I I L-.i, . M.. t, . . . hi.... '' H t "V -5 ' ' --. r- - "X. (7. J-' - :. .. i It Metropolitan issues wereUhe most ac ie of the Traction shares... nadbburn . and Wilmington TKey ! will1 be able tb'Ieave them home. edrlyt in the' morning and . Arrives :here. before mid-day.-. Then they, jvili have; the entire day to spend in ; carrying on business with local establishmetns; and will be able: to leave early in, -the evening, reaching their ft'omes at a convenient, h'emr. ;i'heV departure of thb train'. ' from this city, at , 7 , P- , m.. Would allow passengers an opportunity to make conection at Chadbourn with . trains for the south and other points. .The movement to secure this extra and convenient train service "will meet wiili general local,, endorsement, and undoubtedly with support from the ter ritory to be placed in the, contempla ted better conection With this city. Every cfiort will be i ut forth to have the Coast Line ocnils extend .this train end it is 'hbpe'i that announoe nieiit v. ill be, matl? to this ffect. w ith in the i-et few: nays. ' . -- At the Bijou. f A splendid picture has been secured at the Bijbu Theatre today. These films are interesting and are illustra- nil I- ho ItfSunMelslH MiGatBeti: .,MKi- ... rt.'.-f ' ' no ! r vi s - "m !'(V l9 . ... , , V ?Juithlw PHONE 28. ir-.s' ?'i' mmMQd iT'":.. MOW 3d 7 tive of different phases of motion pic- i The plaintiff1 is represented by W. ture subjects. , , Py Turner, Esq;, and P. Q. Woody, Esq. J , - . '.. ... ..; While :W. L. Larkihs, Esq., of Burgaw, ahdTVlessrs, Kelliim & Loughlin, of this 6Hty, appear for the defendant. : A caste involving ari op'en account of $42.00 and interest -was tried and judgment given the N. Jacobi Hardware Company- against F. M. McKby. '; L. Clayton Grant, Esq.,; who represented McKoy, . made a motion to set aside 'the verdict,, but . this motion was re- rfused and. he gave notice of an appeal 6f the proposed Bureau .PJ Messrs: Pait &. Woody appeared for The Grain' Market., Chicago, April 19;-There - , . - -ywas :a i emu t neauuu issues. vjuyyct -- - - - . t s,--. o-o-o: i rai shares wrro ctmnr Tnterboroush i fered several valuable suggestions Cb were strong. inter Dprougii Aoxr-vn Vi2. rn-Tktimt .and W Ihlt 1 CICI cu,c n- mo Dv t management of the -proposed' Bureiu. Mr. J Taylors -said' thab-he -and' others had 'investigated-carefuily-'the--merits ot a Bureau, of .Credit and that such an organization would beH av great bpn- ent to merenanis uu juuucio. -enable business houses to keep in touchWith Credits and will have a healthy effect upon business in differ entiforms.r ' . - . ' President Rogers, of the Credit Mfen'ft Association, also endorsed, the proposed establishment - of the Bureau of Credit. He said ihati "had many I .The suit of Foster Williams vs. the stock . are being rapidly taken and Angola Lumber company was con- vlllillu6L,-'u uuoiuci 'j1" strong tone in wheat today and talent j nought early. July, 101 1-2 to 101 7-8; forn, 3-8 lower. July steady af.60M-2 to r-S; oats 1-8 lower. Opening prices, wlKit, May, 107 1-2 to '1-4 j corn, 57 J l to 1-8; pork, 20.90; lard,-11.85;-ribs, 11.77. the . plaintiff company. BANK FOR ROCKY POINT. Is An Assured Fast. and Charter Beirtg Drawn in This City rOther? Live Items From This Nearby iTown. (Cor. of The Dispatch.) Rocky, Point, N. C, April 19.-The Bank of . Rocky Point is an assured fact. A charter for same is being drawn up ' in,, Wilmington today. - It will be built on a rock foundation of Rocky Point rock. .. Subscriptions for OBEY IMPULSE r.S i. Li: Arjd insure witiv j if STOCK SEASON'SrBIG START. , Glass Stock Company a Splendid, Or canization and a Treat for .Those Who See the Performances. i ' - Ti'e Academy's -season of .stock pp (,ncd last night the Glass-Stock' Xbm- lany making its bow to the Wilming l,-"i ieopie. The audience was a giant one in size and appreciation and; the ( om pany. scored .heavily. A vsplendid jerrormance of James J. Corbetrs'big success "Pals." was presented, and fine tenures YSfh ouM amounting to ap iuvaiuauic aia in tuuui& ." .-- nary, fcrmsNC hv einess. ; f those present was then L.' ...Mtotn cTitimpnf' with A .. regard to the .proposition-to esidim&iii Isaac-- Banhbrman ' against a;Bureaui of Crodit. Those in atteno pahnermanv non suit; tinued, and entries were made in the following cases;. ; f Murchison National Bank vs. Dunn Oil Mills and J. D.- Barnes, judgment hon suit as to J.'. D. Barnes. m the matter of the will of H. W. Penny, judgment for propounders. Eliza W. Cronly, et al., vs. Jas. D. Campbell, et at, decree. R. T. Anson vs.W.J. McDiarmid, contihu'ed for plaintiff. ; . Yesterday afternoon thb suit of Stbnte, & -Co. -vs. J. C. Thomas was proximately $300, was given the-plain- tiffs. ;r ' : - " ' " " u Entries were made in- the following Callie The Adventist Revival. Rev.4 H. V... Skipper . continues. . to draw good congregations at the F.ourth; and . Church Streets ) Advent Christian ance-with one exception who nea j -Th0s. eVahe against Lossie De- ing benefited by his .preaching,: ; but the fact that his congregations! are composed almost entirely of ; church, vassed in a few days and will let some of them in bh the -'gfOhnd floor." Berry shipments are large,' three cars being shipped today; - besides quite a . quantity sent by express. : North Caro-I: lina hams are being shipped f rom: here Jg; to New York and Florida.; There areiS, fine .seasonable rains and crops ! are j p-fAtxflricr arr arti hptrniE' VWPll ' worked. !! O - w ' "C5 v. ..- O Theberry season will hot last morel tnan three weeKS. rnere ww sale of Durban . lots ! May 5th and you may. expect a trolley line from Wil mington to Rocky Point in 1915. ,hor time tn investieate the matter. stated they;-would- b glad tojoin. the Bureau. This means ithafc fifteen 'have already been secured as a necleus for "le cast was an , able. bneu: Thi&.de-1 -TUixii.-'Ti isnot 'believed that rightful Play wiir be repeated -tbnight ,, Vsitip non suit ' . Win. Brown against Ida Brown, non suit. . . . :. -. . . ' Rudolph" Hegener & Co., against B. il. Stephens,, judgment. " The -Recorder's Court. :;lntith,e Recorder's Court today Jim nu tomorrow the bill will changed , "fthl tne fUn. number of members - special matinee, will f Devgiven vto--. p - The meeting -then aajourn morrow afternoon, when "A Kentucky -. ... " " :v" ; Romano" will be ; presentedhis rt2!;-n will also be the bill" for ttohlorrowh slSt,nted S niRht and a-sweU. .scenic production l MiJ,AfflXSee -HI be dven oattnpic rmm x",u ue ivand1 21) cents anaatnignx;"v '"i ,,4rtlbnbifcw'4nl - -'also ' to costs.'Case.-a:gainst -James :-Hill, . cru ihe prices will always be 10, r2fandfore Burgwin and Ti ; - ; . r V l 7p iirohbs Credit Bureau. This Norton Murray, assault with a deadly 'lie Academy f-hasftaade "extensive of Jf' f'V"1,;. confer this -afternoon weapon, ands Willie Everett, asault, " !!J?Se1Peiita-foi'"thH stotkvngage-'comUteegWUi c ft and itfWere: contfnued until tomorrow, as at- n ent naving installed electric .fans.lth Mr, SS"-local Bureau of torneys retained Jn)the cases were en- -u me IUii orchestra btne tneatre '".pad assured fact ' i,lds at every performance.,' - .Creuui- . . members" prevents his "making conJ verts. His illustrated . sermon, last nieht unbn "Time and Eternity' will aiwavs linscer, with those who listened I ( to it and it-cannot fail . to influence j their lives forGod..,' . ', ,' . i Mr. Skipper's ' subject tonight wil . Sanders,' - charged with being drunk fc- "Thener-his Life,: his Deaths an d ..-with assault, was given 30 days under each case.5 Bud Grady, charged with fast driving, was fined $5 and the costs. - Cases -against James Hill, cru- gaged in the Superior Court today. and his Destiny." Come and near mm ahd bring some unconverted friend with you, is the request of Pastor Sweet -and . his pebpie. j Mark Twain Brighter; Today, Danbury; '.Conn,, April 19. Mark Twain passed a comfortable night and is bright and cheerful today. 5'- IL 3 11YVi iuu uwwv w vpviiv ,, S ","-' ' ' v '' ' " .- - ' ' ,f 1 II IERIE1 ITIOiL IMP 113 North Front Sfreet. Wilmington, N. C. J We pay 4 per cent, compounded quarterly ;r I m, Savings Department , . 1' I-.--T I' ., , y W, I-., I. . . , Ml- i:;STiiNil:!; We all want a Bank to show strength before ve trust - '. . - -.' 'V.:-,r. . " si ' - ' ' .v tIy the . l fciitiinipliiisi iit;lliij , . y ilO North Front-Street , - 'f " . ' " . 1

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