uu ESCAPE -Ml SUES v- r: t h3 White Prisoners Ms Break tttei: Sl.rewd Trick Played Upon Unsuspect i n g Jailer and Deputy. t and Prl so ti ers Escape From .Wake County j'ajl Were Not Charged.' With Serious Offenses Jailer Was beaten. In . the Fight for Liberty. ' - Raleigh, N. C, May 2L Three white prisoners escaped from jail here il.is morning by overppwering-the keeper and Deputy Norman Justice. About 5 o'clock one of the. prisoners t ailed Justice and '.said b!e was. sick. The other , two prisoners in theme sec tion appeared, to be 'asleep.' 'Justice entered the cell to attend to the sup posedly sick man, but when he reach ed him, the man suddenly rose upl and grappled with him, the other two . join ing him. They overpowered the jailer., took the keys and escaped. They struck the jailer several titties with their fists, but he was not hurt. The men were all awai ting court' oh petty larceny charges'.; V BRYAN SAILS FOR ENGLAND. Mr. Hugh O.. Wallace Institutes Suit loramagesAflainsr H,im and, Aq tion Wrif .Be Vigorously Pressed Mf ; Wallace ;Arsb ; Issues v a Card Branding - Mr. Covinoiton's i Aceusa- tion as False and Making a Scath- a arraignment ot .nim. " ' nm cm Left Today But Said a Few Words on the Democratic Situation Before Leaving. ' N ' New York, May 21. William ' J. Bryan sailed for England today on his way to the International Missionary Conference at Edinburg. He slipped 'iiboard the vessel alone, about five n itmies before she sailed. The crowdl lined up on the rail cheered him as he v. nt up the gang plank: When asked about the Democratic chances in the next presidential f election, h:e said: They are very good, but depend upon what is done iu Congress. If a Demo era tie Congress is elected this fall raid makes a good record, the chances will be good." When asked about the candidates, he said: "There .were sev eral good men,' but' it Is too early to seriously discuss the candi dates." Judge. G,ray, Pf Delaware, sail ed on the same ship. : ; The Cotton- Market. New York, May 21.-Tbere vwas ac 1'.e. demand 'from llie llng bulls ;nul severaI laje:ommls.sipij haues for old cvopi, at' tKa.OnligM' $git)i$ . while new crops Hvere tjouglif'by to?)m traders. Prices started unchanged, to f.'poiaU higher. Opening, May, 14.92; ' M Mill - lllUVl V-' UUllIf -ii , J- 1 . S U June, 14.90DJar Bjt56fPtdtik Lev, i;.6ubct0ber,i 12&4.-4-? Stocks Today. Xew York, May 21. Vigorous buy ins was noted alk around the room in the stock market, with advances rang iiig 'in. fractions to one point and de mand sufficiently urgent in many- is sues to cause a wicle opening. There v.as active trading, in Steel common, Reading. Union Pacific and Baltimore and Ohio, and nearly everything mov 1 up to the highest point in' two veeks. The tone continued extremely strong.. 'THE MERRY MAKERS." It seems that thejseuuel to the sen sational denouncement of Mr. Hnirh Q, ,Wallace ;by ivir. C. C. Covington, wueu uie latter at the mass meeting the night before the election declared the former a self-onfessed thief,." has only, been slumbering. Today Mf. Wallace 'played a "vital and sensational card when he instituted suit for dam ages against Mr. Covington. - The sui't was instituted ' in. the Superior Court, and it is understood that large dam ages will be asked, while counsel for Mr. Wallace stated that the case will bo hard fought to the bitter end. Counsel of .record appearing for Mr. Wallace are ex-Mayor A. G. Ricaud, B. G. Empie, Esq., and Walter P. Gaf ford, Esq. ' - The amount of damages to be sought has nou been s "specified,- as only the summons was issued. today. The com plaint will be, filed Monday or Tues day of nexjt week. Following thoinstitution of the suit Mr. Wallace made the following an nouncement: To the Public: , At a mass meeting of citizens on the night of the 17th instant, one' C. C. Covington stated - that I had publicly said "that it made tiov difference how votes were cast, we nau tne elec tion fixed," and characterized me as a "self-confessed thief.' I never made 3uch a. statement, nor any other sus ceptible of any .such interpretation, and I hereby denounce the author of it; as a wilful and malicious liar, and liftlfil Cases Set for Trial for r M Term -H im' Bar Met This Morning and Arranged the Calendar for; the Term'That Starts Monday May 30th Number of Important. Damage Suits Will be Tried Demurrer to be Argued in the Case of Gregg vs. The City, of Wilmington. " The calendar for the two weeks' term of the Superior Court, which con venes May SOthi one week from Mon day, was arranged by-the bar of the county this morning. A meetine of the bar was held at the . court house and the calendar arranged. Cases weje set f qr ? trial for all days, .-save fo Thursday, Friday and Saturday of thfe second week.-..fh moreuthatl enough ' cases already dock eted to last throughout the term, and, besides; the motion docket will, have to be called upon one day of the term. There are several important actions set for trial,-4ncluding the cases of Sloan & Sweeney vs. Etta Hart, et aL. J. A. Burriss vs. the City of Wilming ton, which 'Tias been tried twice -be fore, a -mistrial resulting each time, and Susan M. Gregg vs. the City of Wilmington, et al. In the Gregg suit a demurrer, filed by counsel for Mr WITNESSES FINED WWWWHIIIII iiaiiifc .m .Tamps P Wnnl Covington s attempt to injure me, andjparty defendant by order,of Judge others through me, as cowardly and contemptible. ' . My only excuse for not thrashing him, as he richly deserves, is that my friends advised me that it would not be to my credit for manifest physical inequality, and acting 'on the advice otfriends, both business and profes sional, I have begun a suit for dam ages as a lesson- to him and all other wilful defamers of character and repu tation as my only recourse, which 1 would more gladly subordinate to the right of personal redress if conditions could be equalized to the extent of relieving me from the censure and criticism of the public; which my friends - assure me would attach, if I should p'ersue the. course which every right ininded man should feel impell ed to pursue, if similarly falsely, ina. Jieioutyrid " cyai;dytfa0ie.cl inti jpubiic meeting ifiiis; tetiow citizeirs. 2Tst, 1910.V CONCERT AT LUMINA. DeHghtf ulV iVfusicale There Tomorrovy Afternoon by Fine Orchestration. A fine concert will be given at L.U mina tomorrow afternoon. The 'con-; cert will begin at "3:45 o'clock, and the music" will be furnished by an or chestra of seven pieces under the leadership of Prof. Kneisel. The mu sicians are some of those that will play in the regular orchestra during the summer. One of the features of tomorrow's concert will be a horn solo by Mr. Pierce, the Lucia sextette, and a 'cello solo by M. Meutze. COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS. Social Organization Formed by Num ber of Young People. At S:S0 o'clock yesterday evening several young people gathered -at -the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Holmes, on North Fifth street forthe. purpose1 of organizing a social clubr The club vas organized and the name chosen was the "Merry Makers." The follow ing, officers were elected: Miss Ruby Iiiggs, president; Mr. A. G. Wilder, vice president; Miss, Mabel Woolard, secretary, and C. C. Cash well, treas urer. The organization being completed "the meeting waff transformed from a band or orsanizers to a crowd of "Merry Makers." -At 11 o'clock the. crowd dispersed, having unanimously voted Miss Ethel Holmes, the charm ing young daughter of Mr, and. Mrs. J. W. Holmes', a very entertaining hostess. TWO FINE RESIDENCES Interesting Reports From Washington sAbout the. Contest for the Office. Yesterday's Charlotte Observer in its correspondence from Washington had a report to the effect that ,E. C. Duncan in his advocacy of Mr. king to succeed Collector.' of : Customs : 53 F. Keith has about lost out; that' several hundred Taft Democrats had insisted on Mr. Keith's appointment as had also the business, men of Wilmington. In addition to this appeared the fol lowing editorial In yesterday's Char lotte Chronicle: "It appears that National Commit teeman Duncan has renewed his fight to have Mr. B. F. Keith deposed from the office of collector of 'customs, at Wilmington. This is in line with Dun can's policy to rule or f uin. We know nothing of the man Duncan wants tb put in Keith's place, .but we do know Cooke, will be argued this time, and it is probably that an appeal' will be taken from the decision, whichever way it goes, to the Supreme Court. If this is the case it will be months be fore a trial is had. ' The "entire calendar is as follows: j 'Monday, May :- 30th Smith & Gil-', Christ vs. D. K. Futch; C. S. Riley &? Co., vs. W. T. Sears Co.; Sloan &, SWeeney vs. Etta Hart, et al. ; Susarr M. Gregg, administratrix 6f E. M. Gregg, vs. Citjr of - Wilmington and Jas. F. Woclvin; J. A. Burriss vs. City of Wilmington; Murchison Na-1 tional Bank vs. Dunn Oil Mills Co. Tuesday, May 31 Mary E. Irving;4 et al., vs. Pehbroke -Jones, et- al.; 3. Davis vs. -Tidewater Power 'Co.; Louis Schiff & Co., vs. 'E. E. Rouse; Wilmingtaii, .Furniture ,Jo. . v. W. ,,Tff Mercer ana rH . nancocK. .' Wednesday, , June 1st Chas. Wes sell vs. Wilmington, Southport and Little River Co.; IX 1). Ilankins vs. Tideyater Power Co.; JI. F. Boney vs. B. S. Jones & Co.; Mary A. Lilly crop vs. Sovereign Camp,. Woodmen of the World; O. T. Hatch & Co. vs. C. D. Gilbert & Bro.; I. J. Sternberger vs. the National Cash Register Co. Thursday, June 2nd1 Leger Meyer vs. S. L. Smith, .et al.; W. H. Chad bourn, et al.. .vf. BiTinswick Weod & Coal Co.; John Oldfield vs. the River side Lumber Co. and Ml. D. Bright; Jos. McLaurin, administrator, vs. Thos. McLaurin; Rebecca Comings vs. W. J. King; Foster Williams vs. An gola Lumber Co. Friday, June 3rd Joseph W. Little, administrator, vs. Frank Hill and the University of North Carolina; J. F. Johnson & Co. vs. TW. R. Barksdale; Eddie M. Bryan vs. Hilton Lumber Co.; Buckeye Stave Co. vs. E. P. Brock; C. H. Keen and wife vs. City of Wilmington; Buckeye Stave Co. vs. Cape Fear Machine Co. and E. P. Brock. Saturday, June 4th In the matter of the will of Zillah Fowler; J. E. Cathron, et al., vs. H. Horowitz; Gib son W. Evans vs. Waccainaw Lumber Co.; Gill-Herman Co. vs. F. M. Mc Koy; J. A. Taylor vs. F. M. McKoy; J. C: Chestnut Vs. Waccamaw Lumber Co. Monday, June 6th Chas. Cra!ig vs. Morgan Davis ;: Ten a Richardson vs. Betsy Richardson; Louisa G. Wright, et al, vs. City of Wilmington; Chad- bourn Sash, Door and Lumber Co. vs. C. E. Parker, et al; Alex Sprunt & Son vs. J. B. Weatherley; Emanuel Dismond vs. Ocean Fisheries Co.'; T. F. Johnson vs. Theo. Empie ; Chad- j bourn Sash, Door and Lumber Co. vs. AT THE BIJOU. The. feature film at the popular Bijou Theatre today is called "The Tongue of Scandal." This is a most interesting picture and it will , please the patrons of the theatre. TENTATIVE OUTLINE Of the Program for: the Annual Good Roads Convention. (:' The . program for the Good ;Roads Association cdnventidii sto be held at the Tarrymoore Hotel on Wf iglitsville 'iieachr June 8th and Sth has been out lined. On Wednesday evehing, Junt? 8th; a ; public reception Will be lield The : convention will opea Thursday morning with ' the anhual address of President R. H. Hanes, of ' Wihstoh Salem. Annuel reports Will be Presen ted by Secretary Jos, II. Pratt, of j Chapel Hill, and " Treasurer Jos, G. Brown, of Raleigh. An address will be delivered by Mr. M. L. Shipman, State Commissioner of Commerce and Printing and short talks will be made by a number of county commissioners. At the aiternoon session there will be short talks and in the evening an ad dress by Mr. George L. Morton, of Atlanta, Ga., formerly of this city. llllHIHIIIIMHHIIHIIMIIIIIIllllllim In Recorder's Court Today When They . Failed to Put in Their Appearance Jto: Testify in a Case Charges Against Negro Alston Were Cohtin lued Lffrtjl Monday. There was a wholesale fininp nr witnesses in a case in the . Recorder's ! court today, no less than four having 1 F been tavpri with tho Iars for not appeating- in W case to give evidence. . The matter involved was a charge of assault with a deadly veayun prererred against Mary 'Ons low and Mamie Hollins. Tt wn i. leged that these two women assaulted Matue Cameron with a pitcher. The preliminary investigation of the mat ter was held before Justice George Harriss. He found probable cause and sent the two defendants to the Record er's court. When the "case was reach ed the names of the absent witnesses were called. None of the four re sponded and each was taxed with a ""c as uameu auuve. ine ttecoraer stated if the fines Were not paid that the witnesses should be : sent to jaiL Judging from the absence of all the witnesses, it was stated by a denntv that there was evidently some misun- uoiouuiug as lu ineiime sex j;or tne trial. - The cases against T. H. Alston, the negro preacher who attained local court celebrity by dashing away frpm an officer several nights ago, were continued until Monday, tt Was thought before the session ' of court today that Alston was sufficiently in trouble However, it never rains but it pours. When" the "cullud" gentle man with the long coat appeared in the prisoner's bar, four additional war rants issued this morning were read to him. These warrants were sworn to by negro men who allege larceny by trick, in. that they ordered clothes from Alston which he failed to deliver. Alston was remanded to jail to await the investigation Monday morning. T. B: Walker' and G. A. Raynor, charged with being drunk, were re quired to pay he costs. FRESH - J .... 1 Shelled Pecans, Walnuts, Almonds . Filberts. ye sell spotless Snow White Meal enter Grocery KmtMniiiitiiiriinMntmiiMiti iitin iitiinif"""""""""""""' Carp ...w. ...... ........ 2 2 v OF mLtniNGTQN Offers' to Depositdrs the Security of V5 Capital Stock :. ........$ 550,000.00 Surplus 400,000.00 Stockholders Liability 550,000.00 $1,500,000.00 WE SOLICIT THE BUSINESS OF THOSE , WHO WISH TO DEAL WITH A STRONG, SAFE AND MODERN BANK. Carol ina Insurance Co, OF WILMINGTON, N. CJ r ANNUAL COUNCIL To be Erected by Messrs. George B. Elliott and D. C. Love. T,,;l,H,r nnomitci llOVO hPPTI ISSUed u o-.!!.? t r,r. T?r,T1i7 fnr two PTifinffh to secure his retention in or handsome residences. One of these . flee, if there were nothing else to the j 1 i Tr-SJ.l, V.rr Vi'- .nilnnni't Cit OH T1PT ! cent of tj .bu"fBfl Tuesday, June 7th-Patience M mington, that his administration of r., . Burnett e al. j. E the Office IS pertectiy saUSiactory - virHnin-ParnHna Ghem that no political charge can be brougnt against him, other than he "is not a Duncan hand-licker." Keith's great work in securing the new custom house-for Wilmington, ought to De Of the Diocese of East Carolina Will Start This Evening- Everything is in readiness for the opening of the 27th annual Council of the Diocese of East Carolina. Dele gates have arrived in the city today by every train and it is expected that there will be fully more than' 100: in attendance. A full outline of the pro gram for the convention has been given in The Dispatch. The first pre liminary meeting will be held at St. John's Church this evening at o'clock. Tomorrow there will be Morning frayer and Holy Communion, with the Manual Sermon to the Coun cil by Rev. "John H. Brown, rector- of Christ's Church at New Bern. At 5 : 45 tomorrow "a quiet hour" service will be conducted1 by Bishops Strange. Business sessions - of the Council will be held' Monday morning and af ternoon. " LIGHT INFANTRY i i mimm ass DO YOU Insure Your Automobile with WALKER TAYLOR. v IF NOT, WHY NOT? Ask the Wilmington Motor Car Co. credit of his very creditable record. permits was to Mr.' George B. Elliott He will erect a three story brick resi dence on the lot he recently purchased n Third between Orange and Ann streets. TLe estimated cost of the residence is $10,000? residence will contain 18 rooms. ' t. The second permit is to Mr. D. C. Love who- will erect a fine residence on Front between Orange and Ann streets. The estimated cost of tms structure is $5i000. 77 1 7 ' To Operate Excursions. Thomas H. Knight, the well knowtf colored excursion mnaager, , ff..'!TVr a ntnr of St noimced that he will operate his first Dy ev. w - excursion of the season to Wilming-! Paul s Lutheran church. ton Irom Florence, S. C.,' on June Isti - . ' nF ..,1 He will also onerate an excursion I For the opening game of baseball from Wilmington to New Bern June, at Wilson, N. U., May Z6ra, .ue Cth. A cheap rate will prevail and large crowds are expected" to partici pate in the excursions. ' . Mintz vs. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co.; A. G. Ricaud vs. Helen Coving ton; The. WorthCo. vs. Gorton Pew Fisheries Co. Wednesday, June 8th H. L. Leon ard vs. C. D. Gilbert; J. W. Harper vs. Marlon Winner, et al.; North Caro lina ' Home Building Association vs. Chadbourn Lumber Co. et al. JAMES J. JEFFRIES J Funeral-Held Today. PiVhnrd Haeehornr a Norwegian oniinr was drowned yesterday at the foot of Grace street. 'The man at-r At "Joyland" Monday, May 23rd tempted to jump, from a boat along scenes, from ; the Jeff ries-Sharkey ? Ja the 'steamer 'Santiago to a board tied to the side of the" vessel. He lost his balance ' and fell - into the river. The body was recovered a short time after the accident occurred and was prepared for burial, at the funeral es tablishment of Mr. James F. Woolvin. The funeral was held this morning at Bellevue cemetery, Deing couuuucu tic Coast Line announces rate of ?.&u for the - round trip limited to morning train May Zn, leaviug vviiu"u6tvU 8-40 A. M.J returning, leave i imima thniyhT on special train about 6:30 P. M. or LlMINA TONFGHT. on v . Dont miss Tomght Dancing at Lumma. Kne.- o.4H A- ; 21 It contest at 5 Coney ' Island the' only mo tion pictures showing Jeffries, the un defeated champion, in action. Also scenes from the Johnson-Burns fight, .giving an . excellent - opportunity to comDare the two great pugilists. The film ends with a still picture of James 3 Jeffries in fighting pos6. An eight piece orchestra will furnish music af ternoon and night. Mr. Frank Sehirch will play a cornet solo at each per formance. Owing to the added cost nf nrocurinc these nictures and the Kneisel orchestra,' the admission will beside Monday, May 23rd, rain or shine one day only. "Joyland" is the plate. Held the Annual Outing Yesterday Af ternoon at Lumina. The annual outing of the " Wilming- j jj ton Light Infantry was rield yesterday at Luraina in celebration of the 20th of May. The company shoot was held in the afternoon. Messrs. Paul L. Cantwell, C. K. Davis and It. L. Mer rttt, tied for the medal on the-' first shoot. On tne second trial Mf . Cslrit well won over his competitors: The reserve corps won the squad shoot from the active members. The company was represented by Messrs Louis Merritt, David Loring, L. Orrell, C. K. Davis and P. L. Cantwell, and"! the Reserve Corps by . Messrs. E. Pr Willard,' Col. W. F. Robertson, Major T. R: Orrell, Messrs. Ed: Hejnsberger and J. H. Davis. I The competitive drill for a silver loving cup was held at Lumina in the eVening and the trophy was won by Mr. E. F. Peschaii. This wks follow ed with a souvenir dance which was participated in by a number of young people. .., .. Boys' Meeting Tomorrow. A meeting for boys will' be held at the Y. M. C: A. tomorrow morning at Ittl o'clock. An address will be de livered' by Dr. E. J. Wood and a eor dial invitation is extended all boys in the city to attend. ' - , "Never indulge in Extravagance Unless You Want to Make a Short cut to the Work HouseV' Facts Speak Louder Than Words About two -years ago, appreciating just4 what a convenience It would be to the merchants and jobbers in this city, a number of well known and leading business men organized . . E Al R NATIONAL of Wilmington; n. c. Just how the business men and the ladies of Wilmington appre ciated this action is evidenced by the progress mad by the bank. Its r growth has been and is the talk of the town. Its increase in, deposits its surplus its progressiveness its safety its accommodating snirir.iR recoenizea on evei.iae. - , ... t IT SOLICITS YOUR BANKING ACCOUNT. T 1 : ,. i : ; Elbert Hubbard Says : 1 ! LUMINA TONIGHT. - Tonight Dancing at Lumina. sel's Orchestra. - ' ,! Knei- LUMINA TONIGHT. , Tonight Dancing at Luroina. Knei sel's Orchestra. " e "The man with the -savings bank habit is the one who neVer gete, laid off,; he's the one who cai get along without you, but you cannot get along without him. The sayings bank habit means soun 1 sleep, good digestion, cool judgment and manly independence. The most healthful thng I know. of is a savings bank boos there are no mi crobes in it to steal away your peace of mind. It is a guarantee of good behavior." . : . ' Open a Savings Account NOW with ij.u xNonn rronc street. : The Bank with the Big Capital and Surplus. IheiiWon Sayings WM I 1 5 eel's Orchestra. w -j

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