-. ;: ; ; .. .,: ' .. :, . v. ; ,: - v --.-.."... .'-..--..:... ..,' '..... .. .. - .. . . VOLUME. FIFTEEN WILMINGTON -N. c;,' : SATURDAY,; JUNEf 18. 1910 -iPRICE FIVE CENTS Til EtPB Ltl C R Eff ; fl I RS H I P iai is Given Hfm Toda Tens of Thousands People Greeted and Ctieered Him Guns Boomed a Pres. idential Salute and Imposing Recep tion Accorded Roosevelt Expressed Great Delight and Pledged Himself to Help Solve the ProbVms Con fronting the ,1 United v States No Word as to the Administration. v High Authorities Pay High Tribute to 1 IS? -,nY.entln the .-American Aero , Company js! Promoting Re suit of Careful Probing and Things expected Soon to : Move With a inll rDavi? A- Palmgren, of this city, "S ?J?r ?f the Palmgren, aeroplane, LJ-Tleibuildil - Promoting of wnicn the American Aeroplane Com pany in which Wilmiagton capital is mostly interested.was organized, has just returned from an extended trip north, mainly v to New - York city, where he made a close study of the i -i18? Curtis and other airships and laid his" theory and plans before some DTHhe - very best aero authorities. Without a single exception they pro nounced his idea a capital one, and y-f ar , the most practical of all,- as no SKill , will be required to ' work the aeroplane, and there - ' will be more safety, in it. MrJ Palmgren has state ments and letters from these high au thorities that are indeed gratifying and show the worth, of his Invention. The work of building the first aero plane will be pushed as rapidly as possible, The motofs . have already been especially built and are ready for shipment. : : TheXtrilJutes I paid Mr. t Palmgren's invention: are especially valuable in view, of r the great strides airship in vention is taking and 'the value 'being placed upon such. It -wilf mean much to Wilmington in the way of ad ver-tisement-to have the Palmgren air ship launched here aDd if the airship is : a stfccess, as' the hlgE opinion of the: high - authorities would indicate, there will- be big ; monetary returns for, the 'members of the company. "The letters reeeived hy. Mr. Palm gren afe- decidedly interesting. One letter is from Hugo C. Gibson, A. M. I. E. E., consulting engineer of New York, and another is from Sturges S. Durham, Esq., a well known author ity on aeroplanes and a member of the famed Aero Club. The; letters fol low: American Aprbplane Company, Wil mington, N. C. ' . Gentlemen: In "response to Mr. Palmgrfen's inquiry, 1 beg to say that I have studied carefully the design for an aeroplane described in his pat ent application. v There can be . no doubt that the scheme' is based on isouad dynamical nrinrinlfis' Mfi1ntfnnrtr nf stahilitv when he . landed at the battery. The is the ereat dfisideratiim in aerial nav- formal reception at the battery was .'ieation with machines of the aeroDlane type,' and this, as I understand it, is Xew York, Jdne . JS.-rWith gui of the torts and battleship booming out a Presidential salute, Theodore Roose velt, came into his' home port"" today, after an absence of fifteen-months and during which he 4ias ijourneyed, more than 26,000 miles; The steamer reach ed quarantine. atl 7 : 40 ' o'clock" and ,af-J ter that it was one continuous ova tion. He received such a welcome ras jjo other private citizen has ever been given in America. There were, miles and miles of ships, while hundreds of thousands of persons lined the bay at every point where a glimpse of the vessel could be caught. Many offi cials went to meet him," also members of his family, and the ex-Presidents pleasure was evident when lie greeted his two boys.-. Roosevelt was trans ferred from the liner to a welcoming sliip. where '- he had breakfast. He was then presented with welcoming letters from President Taft and Gov ernor Hughes. .When the" naval . pa rade started there were 80 ships in line and fully 200 more in the waters about. """ - -- " Roosevelt is Himself. , Immediately after landing Colonel Roosevelt pledged himself to put his shoulder to the wheel and help solve. the problems that confront the United States, but he uttered no ,word as to w hether he would support the admin istration or Insurgents; in Congress. A State and National welcome - was extended "Roosevelt while he was -still on the water, " and that of the city rrin r?rkibo ing himself MUST STOP THE FIGHT. imposing,5 'with tens of thousands cheering. 1 Mayor Gaynor nvas escort: ed there by a squad of ninety mounted: police.- The mayor welcomed there turned traveller and v then Colonel Roosevelt replied, briefly Qexpressftng1 his pleasure at gettmg P3sdei4 Wt at. tne-wicomevenvaimp : tq ao nis pan jia-'tufjs J chines! ?In tt the chief object of Mr. Palmgren's in vention. . rFor this purpose he , pro. poses to put; the- center of gravity of the - machine a' considerable -distance belowtlie wipgs, sinstead lot meaf to irprfwrtk;alry; eiideutitthmth IflFfllilrt Bf Iff K OUIDflUi-UI HgllliUllllIt anil Imiptioo mn EN BY A 00G on For States of North- and South Caro lina and Virginia Has Been ormed. ro, widely Advertise Neighboring! crniory-Agent is Mr; E. N, Clark, of Albany, and -He Will Have Headquarters Wilmington. ' The Atlantic Coast Line railroad. an organization which always realizes the tremendous possibilities of the territory, it touches, and which does everything in its power to advance" the Interests of ite spacious territory sev era days ago decided upon a most im portant; step " wbictf -will " undoubtedly' greatly" aid the development through; out this -'section'. ThesteD referred "to is the establishment of an ktrricultnr ar and immigration- Department, with bv-i.; Murtxi ge uaviig nis neau quarters in this city'. The' bureau will cover the states Oif North ' and J'South Carolina and Virginia "and thV maiq offices as stated will be in this 1 city. The : Dispatch ascertained the :' facts several days ago with reference to this new feature to be inaugurated by the railroad .but upon reciuost with- Animal v Inflicted a RivirA Wniinrf 3 Person of Mr. Walter Joh slcian Recommended That Dog be Killed nd the-Head Sent to' Raleigh for Examination The Dog Was Given Ao a Party, in tHe Country. ' , A reportt was -made at th fnniw st; tion yesterday . afternoon' that Mr. Walter Johnson,, who resides on Sixth," between "Ann and Nun 'streets, was severely bitten by a dog, the property of v Mr.v Montgomery, who resides -ih the ;Same vicinity. - Mr. Johnson went to Dr. Bi ,J. Wood's office and haid his wound ilrfeBsejl. Dr. Wood, for safety's saker made a report to the police sta tion about : the occurrence j The phy siejan stated that there was a possible chance that -the dog may have' had hydrophobia: Dr. Wood recommended that the animal be killed and its head sent to the f. State t Board of - Health laboratory a Raleigh , for' examina tion. In accordance with this'5 recom mendation Chief of Police Williams' sent an officer to Mr. Montgomery's place to find the animal. Mr. Mont gomery told, the1 officer that the dog had been given to a party in the coun try; ; He .said he would exert" every effort: tri have the dOg located so that the proper - examination of the head mightbe made. Mr.- Montgomery-also told the officer --that he had warned Mr; -Johnson that, the dog might bite him i if . he: went near the aiymal.- a short ; time thereafter" Mr. ? JOhhspn was bitten; by the animal. The wound has given -hinF little 'trouble . tKQs far and his. friends wili" hope that there will be no ill consequences; '!i -i x -1 Extract frbni Gdmmlssioner Youifg's'Reporf to - - , - ' -' - . -tr't.i - . "Some of the citizens, of" the;. State continue to patronize - unli-; . censed companies, being misled by the circulars "with .which they. .flood the mailspbut most of the business men of the State are begin- v'ning to realize . that it is not to their interest to patronize unlicensed : companies, end that the company that will defy the laws of the State ; and defraud it of legal feesvand taxes will 'not hesitate to rob them- ir an opportunity offers. j ,y - - ONLY LICENSED COMPANIES REPRESENTED BY - ; 1 I WALKER TAYLOR Capital........;::. .... Surplus and Profits ....... . . . ,ooo:oo 24,000.00 WITH AMPLE EXCELLENT CAPITAL-AND A GROWING SURPLUS FACILITIES AND A FINE RECORD THE AND WILMINGTON. N. C. mm i OFFERS ITS SERVICES TO THE, PEOPLE OF WILMINGTON CHECKING ACCOUNTS AND SAVING DEPOSITS ALIKE WEL COMED. ; COURTEOUS ATTENTION GUARANTEED, -" that particular Mit Palm gren's design .is. in complete ' accord- i anea with- exnerieBce in- every art m I ' ' . vhich th point has-been in vfestigated, California's Governor Has Soldiersif6 ksPmus be atbnce admitted, the Ready to Act. . : lower the- center of gravity of a struc- Sacramento,- Cal., June IS: Cover- (ure the more' -stable - will the struc- nor uuieue eariy xouay .wireu - w tiiv'. ture be. 4 1 1 torney General Webb m ban uran-i jvir. Palmgren also intends to utilize Cisco, that if promoter Louis-JSiot per sists in staging, the Kaufman-Langford fight this afternoon to have the troops ready to move at once. -The fight is scheduled to take place this "' after noon. -V - '": . a portion - ot.the .power, of- his- motor! tie T . en.r0.cs or Mr. cra.it,, fo. i fHn,, ri, tn -m In stistaln- Passenger traffic manager, ho is at . w . . M k B. w V vv Stocks Today. New York, June 18. The market conditions remained: the same at the opening and in early , trading, as they were in the last few days, fluctuations teing confined within narrow limfts; with business small in volume. A ma jority of the stocks showed small frac tional gains in the . first , sales, but these were lost in 7 dragging; trading and at the end of fifteen miutes the net results were almost nothing. MR. HARVEY PAYNE Was Married Wednesday to Miss' Nel lie E. Prussia, of Albion, N. Y. Friends in this city wi)l' be much interested to learn of the1 marriage at Albion, N. Y., of . Mr. Harvey Payne, a former well known young Wilming tonian, and Miss Nellie E. ' Prussia, a popular young lady of that city.- The ceremony was performed v Wednesday. Miss Mary Paynei bf this cky, a sister ot the groom, joined him in Washings ton on Monday. She. attended the ceremony. Mr. Payne and his bride will make their home at , Yprittown, "Va., where the groom is a chemist f of the American Cement Engineering Co; Triends will be glad to learn that Mr? ing the apparatus in the air, by giv ing the propeller shaft an upward in clination. This' arrangement should be of gre.U value, since it enables smaller Aving-planes to be used than heretofore;, and -smaller wing-planes mean less area' exposed to the disturb ing effects of lateral air currents. The importance of a construction which Will enable smaller planes to be em ployed is apparent without comment. The steeMng and controlling de vices, without front "rudders'" of any kind,1 are admirably plaftnedi and I am-'cbnfident ttiaf the machine will require for its 'management in nignt far- less skill on the' part of th& avia tor than is the case ;with, any aero plane now "before the public. - " Youfs , veryv.tr-uly,;x.? i. , :i-,rjr. Sr-lBr.DUNttAM. , day. As agent for this important depart ment, the Coast Line "has made an eminently wise selection in the per son of Mr. E. N. Clark, of Albany, Ja. Mr. Clark has been connected with the Atlantic Coast Line's interests for thirty-one years. He -brings o his new office a wide and varied, exper ience. It has been announced that Mr. Wilbur McCoy will remain at Jacksonville, Pla., as Agricultural and immigration Agent for the States of Florida, Georgia and Alabama: In view of the immense and . continuous, development of the South .nd the atention this section of . the country is attracting in, the .North and. West, the Atlantic Coast Line has felt the wisdom of enlarging, - and paying still more attention to. the agricultural and immigration department of .the rail road .work. Therefore the new bureau to cover ,the; Carolinaa arid, Virgiinia has been decided upon. -JJAr:$jig; wijl reach . Wil mingtonloa MoridayV'Jurie 20th and will SDend the mext fev nforiths- in - thoroughly ac quainting hiinself with the agricultu ral conditions and possibilities 'off the territory served by the Atlantic Coas't Line in the States of North and .' South Carolina and "Virginia. He vrili visit the various Commissioners of Agricul tural and invite co-operation from Realty and 1 Colonization Companies. AT THE BIJOU. The fffrtn held them irom publication upntil to- hou Theatre today is called 'Frank enstein.? This is a most interesting picture and it will please the patrons of thev theatre. . . LARGE ADDITION I haVe carefully reviewed the draw ings and description of the aeroplane being put on the market by the American-Aeroplane Company of Wilming ton; N. C, and in reply to inquiry by Afr Tavid Palmgren would' say that in view of the state of the art. there is little doubt that the general pro portions of this machine are correct ly based ; and in , this connection I would mores particularly point to ' the arrangement of the wings, which lend themselves peculiarly ta'the mainten ance of automatic stability.' , ! While the arrangement oi, me piu- the head of this department) together with those of Mr. -Clark, will be di rected in an. effort to induce substan tial Northern and Western homeseek ers to come into this territory and build up the waste places. In connection with the work of the department, an extensive advertising campaign will be waged. Publicity will be one of the mottos of the bu reau. The new department will result in a form -of advertising, with mate rial results, such as this section has never before possessed. The installa tion "of the bureau will be received with much interest by the people of Wilmington, as well as by the resi dents of the three states to be cover ed by the new bureau. The work of the-bureaU wiU be started immediately upon the arrival of Mr. Clark, Monday of next weekv? j BAftACA CLASS Will pelade tothe Wilmington High , ScNool Building. At a conference yesterday afternoon between the city school committee men, -and the County Board of Edu cation a. resolution was adopted au. thorizing the i committeemen pf Dis tricts Nos. 1 and 2 to proceed at once with the erection, of a $20,000 addiA tion to, the, Wilmington High "School; buildipgf ' The .work will be; rushed j with all possible speed so that'' thei addition can be gotten readyjifor oc--cupancy in, the early fall. It fwas d e-1 cided iilso to, Jhave a- cen sus taken of i the school ; ' children in ; 1 the northern ; and southern sections ? of ; the city so that a decisi6h may be reached as to whether or not additional .schooLfacii- i gP.IroyedJnJthe mentfi,...--.: ;:;!. .All the. architects in the -city have becft' invited to prepare plana; for the; building. It- is,,expected- that ,a: selec tion will be' made within, the next' few I F aays so mat work can be started with" out delay. The addition will be built on the f ron t side, of the building. . ; It will provide for eight .recitation room s. . ; When the, pew addition is provided the auditorium will -be .re stored. Four additional class rooms; in addition to the present number in the building, will be furnished. It is expected that the enlargement will take care of all High School pupils for a perio(lpf ton years. Owners of North Carolina Bonds. We have arranged to pay here the prncipal, and interest; on ' North Carolina 4 per cent. Bonds, due? July 1st, 1910, brcan effect an exchange of the new bonds for old . Customers . holding these . bondsj may be saved the inconvenience and delay of sending them to -Raleigh for collection if they will preserit them here between how and July 1st. " A. Tie IlininfSalis ei Tnist A 110 North Front Street. MR. ROBT. E. DANIELS DEAD. "lends will be glad to learn tnatmivi . the angie indicated will posi. Payne and his bride will arrive 'bertiJS them with a definite a tew days to speni a snorr ume j - r 1n, aMtlnn tb the Dro- - ----- n- s r ill i mr rriiui i. a u .. - m. groom's mother aVn.ei;re ;ulsive effort, you wiir further intro South Fourth street. Hearty uce some of'the peculiarities where-t atinna will be extended tO , r "-rtTi11oti la fnnnd to ith the groom's mother aterresUi,- aence on South F congratulations winber extended to ," .nelic0pter "propeller is found to wr. Pavne nnnti his' marrlaKe. lnior-1 oej n HfHner nlane Of Fifth Street Methodist Church Will Passed Away About1 2 O'clock This Afternoon, Death Being Caused by Pellagra. The many friends of Mr. Robert E. Daniels, who of late years had con ducted a grocery store at Fourth and Church streets, will hear with deep regret of his death, which came; after two months' illness, this afternoon . at 2:10 o'clock at his home on Castle street, between Seventh and Eighth. Death was caused from pellagra, and it was known for weeks that the end was but a matter of a short while.. The deceased was a well known and well liked citizen; and had done splen did service 'as a 'member of Wilming ton's fire department. He was thirty six years of age ?tad is survived by a Fancy Sunbeam GHERRXES At CARPENTER GROCERY NORTH 0 BONDS KiiiTtimic May be presented July first to this Bank for paymentlor for exchange into new bonds. Prepared this Bank will also be to sell new bonds to those wishing to invest. ;. - . , 1 1 . . . . Ha - an Important Meeting Tues-Wiie ana nve sman cmmren. tie is jay . also survived by two sisters, Mrs. S? and-two brothers, Messrs. C. H. of-Fifth Street : Methojat oCJuPc; i and J. L. Daniels: The - funeral will P S!?ef Tll?lt thl be held tomorrow at an hour to be night in .which the .iannounced later, and the interment class and the church are anticipating U,n,. p0n0,m0 n,0f0rV . i nation concerninc: which will come as a Pleasant surprise to. his I scbres of Wilmington friends. V :":: : - -!--.;.';r , . ---r GRAIN ELEVATOR Will be t,v- iviTiPf' fhrouch 'the air in a horizontal direction., :; ,s -v The generar scheme in simple form will undoubtedly perform as designed. andv will preserit many advantages not found in the majority of;aborted flying Erected by Boney & Harper machines.- . , ,a a Milling Company v ; y . ctsider .tnarims The DisDatchtwo daV ako carried tvy near approach to the natural ny- news story about the 'purcnas-oi Mng ma tamable wharf property by tne t$oney JP. -ii ...... mi n I - nmj)er Milling uompany. ine;Pfuy-w--' ': ; 5.v - e,,ty is located on 'Nutt, between' Grace wEfcX END DANCE TONIGHT and Walnut streets. "' The new owners Ton!LMt Week-End Dancer at Lumina lntend to erect a "fine large' gralh eleJ' pxkci -Orchestra. . , - vator on the property. This elevator y ' ' - ue used in connection witn tne The deceased was a member of the r Royal Arcanum ' - CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICES Will be Held Tomorrow Morning at' Southside Baptist Church. 1 Children's Day exercises wll take Lpaptist Church tomorrow at 11 a. m. pproach r HtfGrO' C. GIBSON. with much pleasure. The Baraca Class has made very rapid strides "? since its organization and has- about doubled' its member ship. ATplan of work for the future has been mapped out by the president and his advisory committee and this will - be considered by the class at a business meeting Tuesday night. The different' committees have" been ap- nnintod with rhairmfin as follows: UVUU trVU. -T r . , - I r - tj net ore m -?s v J'.wiri: viKmumr t riLii itJiLSL ui tuuu LuintLo ia m dluic ship, C. H. Holsombach; Social, G. T. for all who coma One of t the special Emmart; Relief, ,B, F. King, Jr. features will be an address by . Rev; ' The " business meeting will- be call- R. E. Peele -on "The Big Boy and How ed to order in the, auditorium of the, to Deal witlT Him." The Whitlock or Boys'. Brigade armory at " 8 .o'clock ' chestra will assist Mr. J. F. Stanland, rrH,oaiav5 avti in e. The -entire mem- cornetist. with the mnsio which bership of the class is expected to be I means that the music will be superb. business session a social hour will be : rybody spent ovlth tneempers pi me cuuiuu Caroii na tnsut ance Co. i.T.-t, OF WILMINGTON, N. Cj , : a- - t t i-i i.. Iff . f . .... . The Grain MSrket. and the Sun day .School as the guests-s Of the : Baraca Clas. A committee hon ried bv Mr. Albert Dosher has ar- rtA a musical nrosxam which will ho nf a vprv- nleasinef' nature. Re- T..,.r . . .... i i nm uiaiii-w i nsiiiiicii to y uv. i w T rrli a,talks are expected from several mem- p ur .riU S Z & m UP hers of the class. , -j uy cue uuuiyu.iij'. ",y - o f i AJio.. Gorn vantt! oaws i. up, put t !;,ieaf.n: : r-' T. tnnes and vitalizes thf entire sys- corn,-oo o-, -.yw i r--.-. ii m-9f. ter what your station.,- nomster s Rocky Mountain Tea is the surest" pre- iioney expects to leave ' for the .west from 7-oC l er with a number of contractors W ''kBbS 22.35. Native to th pi.vntnr p elevator 37f bid pork, SeptemDer, .&&.o. 'iU have a storage capacity of 6.0,0,00 "shels and , it wiI be tbe . largest "uuoine of itsi'kifirl this sectldri' 01 - n.EEK-ENri DANCt TONIGHT Toniaht Week-End ' Dance at Lumi na Complimentary Luncheon. A delightful surprise champagne supper and "luncheon were tendered Mr. ''and-'Mrs. ; Marcus W. Jacobi last night at their suburban home on Wrishtsville Sound". ' The luncheon ' was given by members of North State Council, B'Nai B'Rith. The event was in honor of Mr. Jacobi's' election as president of the southern divisions of the order, X WEEK-END DANCE TONIGHT Tomorrow Afternoon Overture, "Tancred," v Entr'acte "Mignon:" night Sons," . Largo from "Xexes," and others Selection from 'Mid- Tomorrow Night Ventatlve for apd . cure PI aiseases.J, I pnigm jwceR-tna yancc ai Prove-4t by yourself. James Mv Hall.' 16 Piece Orchestra. .;. 'Song Without Words'Ruy Bias," 'Cello solo, "My Rosary Echoes from Metropolitan Opera House, and' others. . V "'. - . . .. . - " . . ..." :i . 2C "A J; i-. ii i, th e country. r te 'Piece-Orchestra. . ji '' i 4 -ft ' - v

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