so "- r.. VOLUME m FIFTEEN WILMINGTON, N. ;6W SATURDAY ; AUGUST 6 19i0 P51CJ2..FIVE CENTfS r--.. ;l'i. mm deal Judge I rtv Boston Grants x Irijuirtctrbrt Forbiddlhg ; a Strike and Also vthe Payment ot Relief Money to Strik ersUnion Leaders Will Bitterly Fight Such Action. ' Boston, . Mass.j.rAugust 6. Th'e most drastic injunction ever granted against a labor -unfon, forbidding it to continue with a-strike and prohibiting the pay ment of strike' -benefits, has ' been . Is sued by Judge Hitchcock, in the Equity Session of the Superior Court. V It was granted to the firm of ' Folsom & Lun ergran. Seyen other, firms today pe titioned for similiar orders, dltected against the x Photographers and : En gravers' Unron. Labor leaders wiji' m ake a strong fight against the in junction, i - - - CHURCH GIVES IN - And Calls Off Plans F&r Demonstra tion Tomorrow at Sebastian.-" Madrid, August 6. Through ' aban donment of .the proposed demonsya tioiis at San Sebastian tomorrow by the clericals, the Ministry today is conceded the first victory in the-contest between Spain and the Vatican. In spite ot the change in the Catholic plans, however, , orders for sending troops to the centers .of- the distur bance have not been countermanded.' It is believed there will be disturban ces, notwithstanding ' the giving in of the Church,-' Large bodies of Catho lics are eiitering San Sebastian-today lliiU 1L Ib ltJdieU IUC UlUriJLlUt UdSS 5UI teyond the' church ; leader. " , Old London PopertV Corher of .Third Cftefctnfct '-Streets, ' Changes Ha"dsMessrsWlder, Smaltoones - eil?ri th purchasers. V What is known as .the London prop erty -on the" northeast cotner of Third ftiiut 'streets,-"changed hands ii , r,ree Wiimmgtonians,- Messrs. 5" Wilder, II. G., Smallbohes and I Freeman, were the purchasers obtaining, the -'property ' f rotn the - Lon don estate;-"and about $15,000 was1 paid for -the property.-The site is consid ered one of the most, valuable and 'at tractive -in the city,. being, large and prominently; situatedTt It has a front age of yO feet' on Chestniit street and runs back 170 ' feet' north ion Third The property was sold' at -public - auc' tioi once, before, but the bid was not confirmed. However, this ale has been consummated and" the deal will iiiveiy Derecorded at the court house ioaay. h iiiii .v ': ' " -"'v. ' 1,11. J. EI : th"E gore' pROBfir ; Bribery Investigation;'' ill ; Continue Another JVyek in Okrahbma1. : y JIuskog'ee, 'Okla., ' 'August-J Today marked the close of the session of tne special.- : cuii&reastuiiiu iu vaaiiu ges ot Senator .Gore, -at Muskogee, on Monday, the committee wiU' meetlat McAlester, for a two or three 'jdays session. Then they go, to Salphur. me aieffliuoiu- in th gresfentfinr tify. 1,000 VICTIMS A DAY. ... , w't ,,U i.'i Cholera Epidemic Getting Beyond' Con trol in Russia.- ' ' ' St. Petersburg, August '6 The cholera epidemic is spreading with fearful rapidity. Alt' is -carrying off 1', 000 victims a dav and the' situation is constantly getting further, from control of the medical authorities. From July 24tu to July 30th thereLrwere reported 15,214 cases and 6,944-deaths. , SPECIAL HEARING. - ,r TH E RECORDER'S COURt. Several Cases x4 Interest Wene Irives , tigated Today White Man Charged - VV rth AssaUrt on a Negro Wbman--VThe Latter is'Cfrarged "With jCssault With a'-Dsadiy Weapon. ' , -- : . in 1 the' Recorder's Cdjirt "today few cases - were called." One of these was ' a; charge v Of assault. ' preferred against C. Pigott; a white man. it was alleged .that ' he 1 struck : a negro woman ; named ,-:-Elsie LoTett: ? This case.vas left open until , Monday. A warrant 'was ' issued against the Lovett woman. ' Slie is chareerT with ah assault ' With " a deadly Weiapori ' on the above mentioned defendant. Thjs case was postponed until Monday. , ' The Recorder alsb rendered a de cision 'to-day In the -charge ae-nlW i Sarah Jane' Russ, the faecro ' woman who was tried yesterday charged with keeping a "disorderly ; place. . it will be remembered that the woman operated a restaurant-' on -Market- street,1 in Which a shotting affair occurred last Saturday- hfternoon. - The Recorder dismissed ; the cas e against the Russ woman. (.-. - - - . v - " - - i .I'JordantafcIvbr.-.ras tried on7 thl charge - of being, drunk. - Sentence of thirty days on the rdads was 'enteredi th6 same to'be suspended during good behavior.. ' , i A" -warrant, against E. - Eberbgardt, charged witlr a Vidlatioh of the "near- beer" ordinance,' -was continaed; li an . Ste yens a .young ' will teaman," was continued. fr 4, :4 fi i 4 -win jima,D-tvreniaiii enicient sewerage sysr Arranged by - Interstate' Commerce Commission- to ' Fix Standard for Railroad Safety Appliances. ! A Washington; August 6. The Inter state Commerce Commission is to ex tend a.,rfiagt6n?:SeFptemler' various nrdmoters of. safety appliances and to give consideration' of applicabilj nnrnnso nf tho i n milru ia tn arlont a J j . . .j ... v. i 7 am i.- - . m all railroads throughout the- country, in order that the Workmen . may be familiar with $eyices on- various lines. AS WAS EXPECTED. . ' An tern , : Licensed water joil sanitary;. 4 closets 5 for use ' until the com- f 4 5 pletion of tle sewerage system, n? 4' . Efficient city scavenger -ser- vice. , t Reduction plant for sewerage 4 disposal; ' ' : '.t . ' - An efficient Health Depart- ment. S ' i . A Superintendent of 'Health who gives his . entire time, to 4 his duty. K ': 4r . .Destruction , of breeding , 'plaes for mosqukocs. ! S ' Cows and v pigs .butside city limits. - r-: . f 1 Screened or ; oiled manure i 4 fr heaps, and clean .horse stables . All food and. meats exposed ; 4 5 7T -' V" Died Last , Night- at His Jate Resf- ucnec in rayexr?vuie Me. was c Father of-Mrs.' George B. Ejltott, of This City, atid Mrs. Pembroke Jones', of New York Funeral Will be Held Tomorrow. - - - n - . Friends 'in Wilmington will sincere ly regret vto-learn of the death of Col. WhartOh ' J. u Green, , one of ( Fayette'-ville'S'..,inostv'pi'Dminent-,!.citizens,-rwh.o passed away at his , home there, last night. . Col. Green liad ' been ill iles than two weeks. ; His demise .there fore came as -a great : shock to the members of bis family as well asjto his TWide circle: of friends. k , The de ceased is survived by his wife and two children, these being, Mrs. George B, Elliott ot -Wilmfngton, and .Mrs. Pem broke j;ones,J. of New York. The syta pathy of friends here and at other places will Jse tendered the stricken wife and daughters ; in their bereave ment. - - ' , 'V -nCol. Green was 79 years of age. He spent the greater part of ' his life , at FayettevilTe. ..,CoI. Green was an ex tensive land owner and he - formerly engaged in planting. - 1 Ool. Green was here about twd and within a day or two thereafter .be came 'ill. - His ; ad vanted ' years prob ably r rendered him ! unable to wTIth stand 'the.- ravages of; sickness and he continued to sink rapidly until the end came last night. , 1 Col. Green r was -a very prominent citizen Qf the Tipper -Cape Fear secticfi. He was a Ormer. Gongressinn halving-represented his district in the;lefi islative halls. ' --JV -s; Mrs. Elliott . left,, this -morning ;fpV Fayetteyille. in response to atelegrani announcing the . death , tf her father The funeral over- theremains vofrrCol Green ioiir EtEins Housewives of Wilminaton I Anlc inn Eagerly Forward to. Chance tQ be Af- a vruea i nem Dy tne Tidewater 6w er Company N ext. Week Large and Modern t Gas Rang to ber Given Away - . , . . : " . - -1 " ' ' ' - - - v - - The .cooking demonstration, by the quick and convenient gas route; which the - Tidewater Power Company has planned- to give the housewives 'of .Wilmington; the benefit of. wilt-rnnt- J-mence Monday. '"The demonstration win Depone of the most interesflng, and, nddoubt, one ofthe mot profit able the ladies of ,. the city have ever had the opportunity of witnessing'. and the. Tidewater has made hte tions for the event -The entire mam; moth lower floor . of "the handsome Woolvin building, ' on Princess - streets has, been fitted ur esneeiallv - fni. hf demonstration." It. has been equipped not only expressly foia; clear and 'fine denionstration but also ; so as -to Jut nish ease diid i comfort; for 'those Who attend: Twelve1 "-lctureHs and twelve complete demoiistra'ticins will be; giten by.Mrs. J,-M: Whitfed; of Durham;' an expert ; who . travels , the : country' oer. For .N the . - first : .three,', j - ffay M onfcay ; Tuesday and' WedhesdaV the' lectures wiltbergiven at 10:30 o'clockvin jthej mornings and'at 4.-30 in the afternoons. I and duribg the last three days, Thurs day,; Friday and - Saturday the tfrn w in ue ?ow ana jy ' p. m. daily. Each-; lecture- will last. from -an. hour to- an; hour and thirty 'minute's bna will , be most entertaining, as well as instructive. ' -". ' . A word about the manner of presen tation is not amiss. The large lower floor of ; the Woolvin building has been fittedinp' in sort of auditorium style. At one end has been erected a plat fnrm - wTiirh '.ia weeks ago for a . short visit to - hisi rar,ffP flTlf, T tn-ic. tyQ .-tex daughter. He returned to hishome ma1mnrt a mnrtRl irftrhpn rn .in Vt of the stage have, been placed v eefm fortable chairs for those who attend, and by the way,: the entireVp'ublic s given a cordial invitation to attend. Mrs. -Whitted will "lecture from the stage and will make practical dmon,' stmtions in cooking, showing1 just how foo should be prepared' and howv- to use, gas-'-ecionomicaHy.Y, She, will 4 treat her, subject scientifically; : r. wYa? iis 5$yf ft $U tPQigftM m Wf PT'lU be on exhibition at different" poinea on the floor, ' and x a: feature af the' Ueeli is that one of the large size and Jiodt era ranges, is to .be made : a prelent to sonraluc&y person.wjio ;attends?thej cedure will "be fully explained at the 'demqnstrationsf. t t-j-tT . r ". Week, after next-following the pub lic Neyeuts. Mrs. Whitted . will ,.giye home lectures and demonstrations..-. jv ''At The bijou. . , .? The feat e film at the popular jBi- jou TheaL today is called "Out ol the Past." This is a most .'interesting picture add 'it will please the patrons ot the theatre. J en will probably be held tomojifow' Fa.Vetteville.. -T 'v.-x 1 Trips to FoVt CasWelK r Two trips will' be, made to Fort Cas well -tomdrroW by the' sfeamer Wil mington so that friends' here ma'have' an opportunity 'to" visit the members of the Wilmington Xigiit Infantry in camp at the Fort: : The boat will leav the Market street dock4at, &;15 a.; m and 2:30 p. mn" The fare fof the -round tiip will be 50 cents. : The fare for the trip to Carolina Beaqh' and return will be 25 cents. RESIDENCE. PLANNED. Eth-l for sale ? screeued trom flies. : t 4? Frequent' and complete ar; bager" removal. ' t- - ' i v Thorough, inspection of ' prfc ; ift : vae premises, business houses !..,4 Le Neve Gets An Offer From the Stage. Quebec, August 6. --Ethel Clare, Le- Nevfi ha rprpivpd - nn nfffir nf ' SlOO 'a weftk fmm n i ff(awy- Vnrk " theatrical I house to go: on the staged She scortis . scarlet fever. me oner jand . says sne couiuu l ' tuiuji. t . s of such a-thingv . - schools and public buildings: h Medical A supervision. ot schools'' and -"inspection of schooi children. - . Everycase of communicable disease Reported at once td Su perintendent of Health. Typhoid placarded as is dohe for --smallpox, diphtheria and " Stoeksr Today.. ' New York, August 6.--There was a strong tone at the bpening bf ' stocks a majority of the issues showing sub stantial gairis,- -Amalgamated Coppel: roes one pointy Steel -Common ; 12, and the railroad list generally ranged 1-4 to 1-2 higher. The volume of busi ness was small.'-' ' " - 4 4 "' LUM1NA GO N C ERTS." Drawings Completed Jor Very Hand " so"me H6,mg Which Presiaahf 'Y. "M. .Ernerson) of the Atlantic Coast Lirie, Contemplates Erecting, at .Carolina Heights. , u ' Mr. 4 J. F Neither, 'the Wfell known architect of Wilmington, has -prepared plans for a very : handsome re'sideiic'e which President Ti M. Emerson, ot the Atlantic "Coast Lirie Railroad, te'onfern plates erecting at Carolina v Heights. Drawings, of the proposed residn6e have been finished. These give Illus trations '.of what will ; be one' of. the finest residences in : Wilmington5. The drawings reveal a pleasing; brick rest den'ce several stories in height, with quite ' a large humbe' of rrooins. ' The structure will 'be:,of 1 commanding ap pearance and iwill be a-gteat' addition to the section of the .cttjfvlh '-which ;it is to be erected! It is stated that' wotk will bd' started' oh the' house in the .fall and that several months will be required for its completlbhf : . Life 'of a Star. Will be seenat Joyland today. This pifcture fs iiistruietive' as' well' as inter esting, giving the details ofv an a"c tress' iife, it shows many pictures be hind the scenes" of which the public khow,ittle.,, There wliralteo be a mod ern western nictureNannima." Mr E. J. Iteilly Will sing bne'of" Wetmarks TW6 "More Delightful' and Elaborate IVIUsicaies Arranged for There ;To- -morrow-r-electl! Program Both Af ternoon and Nights t ' r Thp -Harep and -suoer br--orcnestra atl 4-ui!fs trii4, u T.umina. Wriehtsville' Beach, will he ThRPriPs nf nthiMiz- Pwrits at. LAi- heard again;tomorfow'at concept ' Two imin. mferitiiiiied! recently; In The;Dls- the-hig pavilion, s usual, and at each ' i event a uiiiii". ovin"- w, jjy-hj rni vo nrpsfpnteri. f The programs, will be as follows: : !: - ' '- : 4 ' - , ' ATterhoon 4:30 O'clock. - - March, "pn 'Duty" Ros'ey. - - ' -' Overture, "Stradella" Flotow. - Waltz, "Amorita" Czlbiilka. "- Selection,. "Algeria" Herbert Part II. - , Parisian - March ,JFolies Bergere" Liheke.'XT, ' r v-- . - ' Novelette, ;'FIf e .lTly" Lincke. (a) "Salut D'Amour niigar. ; to j Special Saturday , program at Joy land today, c.'.- - It YOKE FELLOWS Of the Y.1 Mi C. A. Will Hold Several Meetings Tomorrow. - The Yoke Fellows of the Young Men's Christian- Association . will hold several important religious meetings at different times and places tomor row. A meeting will be held in the city prison' at' 9: 30 a. m, conducted by MrD. L. Latta, and one at the county home at3 p. m. co'nducted by Messrs. H. G. Bowdep and H. E; O'Keefe, The final meeting of the day wiir he held at Wrightsboro . Union -JSunday School tomorrow 'evening at 8-, o'clock. Short addresses will be delivered by Rev. J. W. Craig 'and Mr. R. G.DaviSi ja. member of the Yoke Fellows. : ,.;' '.'. V-., . Sol. Tho XilmmEtGii SQvings Qfifl fEnM EaSirafiy 1 10 . North Front Street X. IHHIIWIIMMMIMltftMl'MHWIUHWlMIIIWI BIS ' MMIIHHIIIIHIMIHHHIII ts r i F H V V II Preserve Figs Served at fei-ealtfa il'X aire Delicious. At GARPEfER 1 -5 1 GROCERY . i arjiT;ii ... 'nntf.iiiiii - . . i , Surplus ;;$4l(M)6o s . , - ,$960,000 ' 1 ,; Receives deposits; lends money on approved . security, and conducts , a comprehensive1 banking: business by the; best khown modern methodki - j, Unted' States ,G6Vernmentf State, County and City DepdslWrV: .4 f v.. k - Molina i iiitiiiftis fr. ' " " ' "'' OF WILMINGTON, ffc C J 41 "DADDY DICK" SMITH V Smashed Out a Single When He Heard the -Stork Had Visited . His House hold. . , - - x ' : . Special to 'Richmond Virginian. S Lynchburg, Va., Au. 5.--: Just be fore Manager Smith weht to the bat in the second inning yesterday, he was hahded telegram tihhounClng the safe ahival of his first olrh a hdy at his home 'in Philadelphia; ' He 'walk ed straight to the bat and Secured thfe single that gave his team its first-run vof the game. formatted but 1 dod for?t ".'to "Tie Your Little Bull .Outside" of Joyland. ; The C'ottbn Market ? ' y New York; August 6.Thei: cotton market opened from sixty . to fifteen points higher as the result bf ; strong cables.' The demand in the English market for spot cotton showed im provement. The feature of . the early market here was continued strength for August, which" -showed ; a leading advance. September v also - was firm. Opening. August. 15.70:' ' September, 14.40; October, 13.57 r December, 13.45. ' " The Grain Market . - Chicago, August 6.- The wheat trehd Was imcertamy with prices-irac-tiohally lower. Corn .was stronger?ml higher. 'Oats was easier with- wheat. Provisions down with 10 at a 15 cent b'i-eak in hogs. . --i -, , .- ' v 50c underwear low": 'as 23c tfay lord's forced sale, v . ' ' ' -It" C' . t :, i t k .-. . :.i i. Adds a New uepanmcni. -t; ' The x Wilmington Carriage Wprk, ATn minu'.r. TTonkins nroprietor, latest' song Irf'tsr'-'Tie Your Little Bull which is located at Nd. 1103 Castle Outside." vCome and see this big per- street, has just added another depari You can get Men's .$1.00 shirts for patch, is scheduled for this afternoon at Lumina. There are a numbet, of En tries' and ThUch interest' is 'being man ifested by those who will participate. c Special Saturday . progranl at Jdy land today. v : It ' '.Qayl'ord's-foJc-It r 50c Straw Hats 19c. ed sale : "J "Faded Rose" Caco Roma. March. "Semper j iaens sousa " Niqht 8:30 O'clock. March, "Glddiatdr:'H,ucik;i! : Overture,- Semiratnide" Rossini, v ' Waltz, Wine, Woman and Song" -r Selection, "Pagliacci" Leoncavallo. s Part 11. i - -Descriptive- Piece.- "Hunting Scene" -iBucco'lossi.' ';- v-5" p '. V- -GlrJw ' Worin" (by reqnesULincke Cornet Solo.rMr. Frank Schirch, "Co lumbia Fantasy" Rollinspn. '.'Racocksy March' VUszU :-J.2. Concord Tribune. - - -. " ' ; F.' Piefeeua - nedpstrfan .walking from New York to Atlanta ; over thd National -Highway, arrived in the . city this morning and snpnt spvpral hoiirS here. Pierce came through the city several weeks ago walking from AtlQr ta to New York and is now on 'the. turn trip. He made the' trip in seven wgfels-! a' 'distaride of 1,100 miles, mak itiW the ;total -distancb covered by him when; he reaches Atinntn -i 9. 9.9.0 mils; i He- is -not allowed any if unds and ddes not carry anv" mzsaw v ftp is now eleven days'ahead 'of his schedule ahd is taking things easv. Pierce expeSt to reach Atlanta by the first - of , Sep- temberr rnibt nnrl rmp ' that Will, no QOUDl, proyfe "popular. ' The new. department is J for horse, shoeing andlt will be made a feature of the business, espe cially to-'accommodate" the' patrons of the company. A skilled veterinary hnl-RP fehrier has" been engaged : and will be in Charge of the. hew depart! 4 ' - ftim" Cfub Tournameht. 'The ' regular 'weekly shoot of the wnniniHW nftYi Cliib was' held yes ferdavVaftei-ndon at the J traps ast of thfe city: The winner Of the tourna rheht wias MrRG. Stokley, whb tnadc 49 out Of a possible 50. Much interest is '.bteihr manifested in tne ciuo uy local 'sportsmen ahd a number of new .members. haveTbefen receivea receunjr, :- 'v SIiaht - Accident to Cutter. ; it has been learned that the revenue mittpr Spininolp met with a slight ac cident while bound for this pbrt, which will delay the coming of the ship sev eral weeks. : The dyriajno which fur nishes lisht-for the cutter became dis abled: The Seminole was ' forced to! put baek; to Norfolk for repairs. - , , Men's suits -selling at a great sac : rifice, Gay lord's forced " sale; ;- . r Special Saturday program at Joy land today," . J-t . ' - - - s M Beginning Monday o Fre e 1 ; L Oh Domestic Science .At Wobivih Buiimh. f , in iii KfJMNH 3r fll ll i 1 t'l s Since its Establishment In 1863 It has met PROMPTLY, FULLY. and Liberally every claim. , ;, Ask the Man Vho Had a Fire. .v WALKER TAYLOR: 0 r Paid ;bri..SA;VINGS-y; Rational'; fia i tlK Mil - t - WILMINGTON, N. C. . - -;-i . -i , '.- v ? r

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