mis N I.I I 'X. I VOLUME FIFTEEN llGili mm , . ' ' ' r,'';'" . . ' - : -.; ' . . c - ; ; m iniir ni -mmm f .t i.''-.,....-.. i .... : Was Bidding Friends Good-Bye When Attacked by. the fAss?sin Assailant ' Captured Aftejv aFiet-ce atfuggte. Thought to. Be?a"- Dispharged. Qity Employer-Mayor's Wound. Serious jj But Not Necessarily. Fatal. Hoboken, N.-1 J ., August, 9.- Mayor William -J. Gaynor, "of New York city, was shot by a "crank" today just -as' he boarded ; the liner Kaiser Wilhelin der Grouse, to go abroad for a month's vacation. The "crank" fired from the rear. A hasty, examination -Jedlto-the declaration that the , wound 3s . serious jJ The mayor was surrounded by a crowd of friends and a large force of police .was on hand.toprotect him "when the shooting took ; place. s The assailant was overpowered, after, a; hard strug gle. He gave his name as J.- J.- Galla gher and said : he was , 58 years old. When the police had quieted the con fusion on the . pier, he; was hurried to the nearest police station. While held on the pier Gallagher ;was' questioned, but refused to explain his motive. When first grappled .with Gallagher said: , "He took my bread and butter from me and I came over here to get him; 1 got him." Jtowas reported that Gal lagher was a former city employe and lost his job -when the Gaynpr admin istration came : -in The mayor was rushed to a hospital- Several mem bers of his . family .were at? the pier when the shooting, took place. ' At 11 o'cfockHV was stated" at St. Mary's Hospital that, ? Mayor Gaynor was conscious and - would live unless complications set in. --'.V1 TEXAS DEMOCRATS . -MciMmn in - CanvenfUin TTAAa-nri . . j- , Teelmg Runs. High and Strorrg Fight Expected. Galveston, Texas, 'Apgust 9. Texas Democrats mef"ft tpnvntion- today ;and although .h'e, candidates , wrere .named in primaryihere is a good deal of feeling and a -strong fight. O. B. . jColquitt, "wet"-asnamed for Gov ernor, by thd .primaries; but! the 'pro' hibitionists are in control of Uha con vention aDd will" probably put a pro hibition plank in ... the platform and there is some talk of dropping Colquitt and naming another man. The pro hibitionists are - also ' fighting Senator Bailey. At least "Bailey is arrayed with the Colquitt faction. . . FOURTEEN KNOWN DEAD. As Result of Crash on Northwestern Pacific Railroad. " San Francisco',5 'August 9. Fourteen persons are known to be dead and several are" missing,- as the ;,resuU' of a collision on the" North Western Pacific Railway last night. More than ascore of passengers and trainmen "were ..in jured. A local passenger' train crash ed into a. construction1 train. " , 35,000 : IN LINE. Immense - Parade of Knights TTernplar ". .: Today in 'Chicago.', Chicago, 111., -August 9. More than a million people thronged the' line of march of the Knights Templar today. There were thirty-five thousand men in parade and it was fifteen miles long. There are 350,000 Visitors in the city. AVIATOR LINDPAINTER INJURED. But Declared He Would Continue His Flight, i . Nancy, France; ;August-9. M. Lind Painter, one of the competitors in 480 mile cross-country flight, ;was in jured today when his aeroplane fell. The daring aviator immediately beganvto make repairs and said he would con tinue his flight. Stocks Today. . . New York, August 9. The ; stoclLj niarkot h m- n rrA a k i "nt rrp-n- ferity arthe opening ana in-eariyie facts out o this .unfortunate mud: trading, , with change! about evenly die. which shall be aut to. all. and ided between and losses."; which - shall restore unity and har- Canadian pBHfio -'n 9 mrints. Other leading railroads" followed. Amalgamated was weak, falling about f Point. Steel common receded one half under Pittsburg selling." ' The Cotton Market. New York August 9.There - was turotner big break in , cotton on re- 3 ports of rains in Texas Liverpool aad a brsa arm and high start, due . entirely to rain news. Prices rallied sharply after can. Opening August, 16.04; Septem Jer, i4.75; October, ; 13.75; January,' lo.58. , Sad cake sadder housewife sad UeSf hUShanrl Pnr.Vtr.n nrnVln I T-Q tooved at the cooking demonstrations. WSm TODAY TheA Carolina Bakery .Company Names J.Mr.vp. E. Hashagen as Trustee . ueea Of -Assignment Was Filed at .-the Office of Register, of Oeeds"this Morning. . - Ah assignment . was made today by the Carolina 'Bakery Company doinir i business -on North Fourth street. , The aeed of assignment ; naming Mr. P. E. Ha.shatgenas - trustee,' was filed in the office, of the. register of deeds at 37 al m. "The terms named in the deed ar0 similar to those govbaing assign ments, lit' is rec-ted th'H the assign ees are indebted to variouApartiqs and tuaL. they are not able tolmeet . their obligations; i that .at" a meeting of the directors it was decided to make the asignment so that "a pro rata, distribu tion of the assets may be made to the creditors. ' . . ' .' Mr. Hashagen, the trustee, isdirect- ea to sell tne stock, .property, lind ef fects of the, company. He is ordered to pay. necessary costs such as attor ney's fees,, etc. and apply the residue on a pro rata, basis to - the creditors of the company." 'Mr. R. A. Cromwell is named in the deed as President of the; Bakery, Com pany; and Mr. H. C. Held, is. secretary. SEVERAL CASES r Weije Investigated -Today by Magis- - trate Harriss- In Justice .:Harriss court this morn ing William Ray and - Mattie Harriss were T charged with . carrying conceal' ed weapons. The cases rwero' sent over to; the Recorder's court. These par ties were arrested at Carolina Beach yesterday afternoon by Constable Sav age and were brought to the city last night. ' - -:':. - ' ' " Jim Herring -was also arrested yes terday by Constable Savage at th? beach: He-wa3 charged with the lar ceny, of money from another negro. TW casa could not be "proved and the man was.: discharged from custody. MR. M. M; FLOYD Died This Morning at His Late Home "at Delgado.v" Friends , will regret to leafn of the lUSW. JirHMittruvtr-iuyu, wnv died this . morning at his .. .w , late home atDeTgadd.' Mr?' Floyd was, 43 years oT age. He had. r " been ilf for ' some months at wjth7 dropsy and sank gradually.: untilthe' -end came. M; Floyd wa& inafrid?v.The body will lie carrjod to Vineland, where the.' funeral and. internment Cwill ' take placei - , i FIRST SESSION FRIDAY. Committee Named by Chairman Eller Will ' Commence Congressional In " quiry.; orida orning. - ; 5 Ex G o v Jrnpr' Jarvis h as,- notified : ex: Mayor William E. Springer, who was chairman of , the convention that nomi nated Hon. L. Clark, of Clarlrton, for Congress, that his committee, the committee named by Chairman Eller to lopk'into the. Congressional mix-up, will ; hold its first session - at Wrights ville Beach Friday morning. Others directly interested hayp ' also' been no vfied itnd' relativef ttf the matter the ex Governor has, this to .say ; "It'is the desire of the committee to get all the facts and - circumstances Jn connection with the .holding j of the two' conventions at JVrightsville, re suiting in the QAmihation of two can didates forCongress, to wit: the Hon u. u.. uiars ana me xiun. fi. lj. vjtuu win, and f in the r appointment of two executive committees, to the- end that they may make a eppbrt in ' accord ance with the actual' facts, and' mako recommendations which shall be just to Vail : parties "The committee especially desires to haVe a conference with the two gen tlemen named as candidates by said convetitidn, the '.presidkrg officers and. secretaries of the convention,' and the chairman of the two executive com mittees.' Iy therefore, in ;the name of the - committee; earnestly request you to ' "meet With' the committee at Wrightsvllle, Friday, "August the 12th, 1910v and to usefyour influence with the; other gentlemen named to attend also. I trust I need not assure you that this committee will, enter, upbn this delicate task witnout prejudice to ! any-one. and with the sole purpose of ary on finding a Way, after they shall get all mony tojhe party in -that mstrict "I am sure I do not' appeal to you in vain to meet with the committee in this work. No one 'can be' hurtby making the effort. If we succeed -we will have done our State and-party -a ereat service. - .If we ' fail we will have done our dtuy. But we cannot fail tne gemiemeu uameu ui iuv;ct. vyuu the - committee in the same, spirit in which they have" been invited Yours very truly, , " " ''THOMAS J. JARVIS." The road to man's heart, !' find, - Lies through-his -mouth, - ; Or I mistake man kind. , " I Tn 'wfrr him feed Mm.,- Learn the latest onnkine methods at the demon trations. WnNQQN, N; C, TUESDAY, AUQUST, 91910 llffllll Till BflflD ISSflE ' ; . Has. too Prepared 1 City Treasurer Mer Statement is Full and Comprehensive ' and Contains Interesting iinforma tion Relative to'ih'e: Bands,! City, In debtedness, as Wt!I as Other Points of Interest. 1 : " City Clerk and Treasurer John -J. Fowler1 has just prepared a financial statement" of the city relative to itts indebtedness, resources, city delt, etc.." The statement was made public yesterday afternoon. It is of great interest Ion ; account -of the ; fact yiat advertisement has just ' been made" Of the proposed : sale of $100,000 in 'sew erage bonds. - , The proceeds j"will -be used in the' installation of -the sewer age system of the city .'v The bids for the bonds wilLbe opened at. Mr. Fow ler's office on . September 1st Mr. Fowler Jsta'fed 'yesterday that he hav already received a number of commu nications from different bonding houses t in . various sections of the country, requesting information about the sewerage bond3. , The "tatement as prepared ? by Mr. Fowles-isvery comprehensive. As ar-; Ranged: in ready reference form for the benefit of the public, as -; well as the, bonding houses, the statement is as-follows: Amount of issue, ?100,u00; ipurpose of issue, sewerage; rate of -interest, f 1-2 per cent; payable semi-annually, in April and October; issued under atl thority conferred by special; act of legislature; sanctioned - by .. popular vote 'at 'election held May -7th, a907; vote for issued 1,33, against issue, 42; free frorii: city of .-Wilmington, ' -N. Ct taxation ;dat& of sale, September lst 1910, at 12 o"cloclc, m.y at treasirer'4 office. - sealed bids: bosds mature 4u years!; afte,r date of -issue.bonda ioi subject to call before matuHty; rjids addrpssed to Jno. J, Fowler, 'city treas urer : deposit - 'of 2 per cent" required with-each ' bid,- payable to Jno. J. Fowler, ; treasurer;; 'no -litigation pend ing,, or- threatened; have ''never de faulted in" payment ot bonds , or in terest; .bonds and coupons payable at place designated" by purchaser. - Financial statement -ot tne city oi mmingtonN.'a: . W Bonded icdebtedness, , $l,184.O'0.00; sinking fund, July 1st, 191V $43,624.00; floating debt, none; taxable property, assessed valuation, $11,449,984.00; taxable V property, actual valuation, $20,000,000.00; population, last census, year 1900, $20,900; population, present estimate, 35,000;. rate of taxation, $1.30 on $100.00 valuation. Total debt, of City of Wilmington, N:C.: ' - ' , - Railroad bonds,; $126,000 ;J rate of in terest, '5 per cent; : maturity, 1919. ; 'Railroad bonds, $96,000, rate of in terest,. 6 - per cent; maturity,- 19 IS. Consolidated bonds, $314,400; rate of interest, 5 per cent; maturity, 1922. -Refunding bonds, $148,000; rate of in terest; 4 per cent; maturity, 1929.' Water and sewerage bonds, $400,- 000 ; ; rate of interest, 4 1-2 per cent; maturity 1948. 5 ' V:' -';-:V ? ' Street Improvement bonds, $100, 000;' rate of interest, 4 1-2 per. cent; maturity, 1950,. .t. - .,'- L The total indebtedness being' $1,184,- 400. - '-.'J- : - -; ; I do ' hereby certify that the above statement is true and correct to. the best of my knowledge information and belief. JNO. J. FOWLER, City Clerk and Treasurer. The4 Private Life of a Society Favorite A society woman, losing severaH hundred dollars at bridge, pawns her Jewels--to pay an I. O. U. She doesn't want to 'have her husband know of it so r she makes believe she has been robbed. Later she ;confesse ,and her husband pardons her.. A thief "reads an account of ths little farce in th paper and. disguised as a minister, robs the woman. Naturally no one believes iier. Come -and see how she gets "out of : this scrape at Joyiand. . Mr. E. J. Reilly will sing the classic song "The Palms." ' He will be - accompanied by the popular pianist,: Zeb Winner. -'; This is on,' of the best songs ever -sung at Joyiand. - - To Attend Fraternal Meettnfg' u Several Wilmingtonians left - today for Fayetteville to- attend the Grd annual -session; of the Grand Encamp- if ment, Independent Order of Odd Fel iows. j.ui is uiie oi me niguei j branches of Odd v Fellowship and is ' never attended by... as Jarge delegation 1 as' are ; present at the Grand Lodge meeting. , ; Among those who left' to day from this city were Messrs. John E. Wood", W. L. Smith and Richard. J. Jones. - .' How about your cooking? Could "it f be improved upon? Attend the' Cook ing Demonstrations. - It. All UllODLY tlEERl Georg McKby Knpcked DownV Mr. . John" Sellers Last Night, Following : a Discussidn of th,c Jeffries-Jdhnaort Prize FightHe Cursed a Citizen Rouadly Wlien. Arrested The Ca?e Tried by Justice Bornemann.' ! George ' McKoy, a , negro; was' tried today- by Magistrate G. W, Bornemann under a Warrant which alleged assault and battery, on Mr. John ' Sellers, an employe of the city, r The negro was also tried under a peace warrant which was sworn out by Mr. George W. Mil-lis;?-.- After investigating the ses the magstrate fined the negro $20 and the costs: and placed him under? bond of $50 to keep the - peace. - for - twelve months.' Unless 'the man can raise the', necessary money he will spend the next fourteen months either in: jail or on the roads q the county. The assault5 committed by the negro seems ' to have been entirely ' inexcusable.-Mr. Sellers has passed the meri--aian.of liV -He wen v into ' Sir. John Taylor's place at Eighth and - Castle streets- last night and' spoke to' the. negro. -" Iri some manner the Jeff refe Johnson ght was broached, Another encounter as sobn added to the 'long list ,;f orwhich theTlamoUs "fisticiuff al ready;tstands; r resppnsibl , ( jwo'rd led j-o -another and 'the affair 'efided witn , the negro striking Mr. Sellers : a vicious blow in the "eye,: sending the latter1 to the floor.'. The negro " then hasfify departed '"from the store. , This morning Mr;" J. F. Sellers, a son of Mr. 'John Sellers;went to Justice Bornemann and asked that 'a warrant be issued1 against the ;negrd McKoy, or the affair" would be settled other wise' as he and other indignant per sons might think' best. ' The warrant was issued -witnout delay- by Magis trate "Bornemann and was placed ih the hands of Deputy Howe for service. As McKoy is "recognized as a '"bad arrest. " They went to th&hoxad 6t Hhe negro.:. Mr. HWe went ' to the Jlront ntrahce ofHhe house and Mr. Millis to the rear door. In answer to a Uibck frdm the deputy. McKoy responded and declared: , that his. name, .was, .n'ot Mb Koy. Mr.;M UUs .then jcnter.ed. from Jie rear and . told the deputy that the par ty .with whom he was talking was5 the mandesired. McKoy was then placed junflex arrest; the . negro cursing and threatening Mr. Millis in violent man ner for exposing his name to the depu-' ty." . McKoy : was5 carried to the office. of Justice Bornemann where the addi local peace warrant vas served MHlis: The against him upon complaint ' of Mr. cases were tuen neara Magistrate Bornemann impod sen tences severe enough to teach the ne gro that1 he cannot resort to the ex tremes he did without suffering at tie hands oj the law. If McKoy cannot raise the. money "he was fined, as well as the peace bond, he will be retained in charge the county lor the next fourteen months. " BOARD OF EDUCATION Held the Regular Meeting at ,the Coi-t HoiisQ Yesterday Afternoon. - The regular monthly meeting of the County Board's of Education was held yesterday ai,ernoon at the, court houseL Treasurer Green submitted his report for the" month of July, and the same was approved by the board. For mal report was made of- a number of minor additions and improvements to several of the suburban schools. The matter of ' accepting a site was,; disr cussed from Mr. T- B.Bagley for the Greenville School. This question will be definitely settled at a meeting of the members of the board and com' mitteemen of the . district to be held at the court" house ' next Monday af ternoon. -' !' "'. It was decided to sink a deep well at District School House , No. 13, pro vided the work does not exceed $50. The rural schools will open for the fall term the first Monday in Septem ber. " v Mr. James Sprunt Hurt. Friends in the city will regret to learn that Mr. James Sorunt. of this city, suffered r a severe fall at Nar ragansett Pier, " Rhode .Island, where he is snendine the summer. There is a possibility that his hip is fractured j Manyiriends in Wilmington will hope that the injury will not be of a serious nature and that Mr. Sprunt will soon recover. : . - - - - S .- ; Fixtures Ordered. " Orders have been placed for newj banking fixtures for the American Na tional ;Eahk and these will make the new home"-one of the ' handsomest,, the State: There 'will be a . special room for lady patrons of the band and splendid apartments fpr the banking force. . - " Bear on Exhibition; . .. A small , bear - in one" of the win-' dows of Baxter's Cigar Store on Front street,:' has attracted, the attention'' of all pedestrians today. The ; bear was niSgr," . Deputy - Howe cajled on;.Mr. deoige MiM to-asst? ifi: .making Hhe purchased ; by Mr. John F; . Garrell,. when he passed through the Dismal Swamp district" in his - pleasure . yacht some days ago. . , , w Since its Establishment in186 AND Li BERALLY EVERY CLAIM. . ', - Ask -the Man Who WALKER - L Deposit Your Savings in 11 WILMINGTON, N. G 4 OKLAHOMA BANKS ABANDONING GUARANTEE - PLAN. i """Washington, Aug. . 3,-According to information received here, . Ok4 lahoma- banks are finding the bank guarantee plan unsatisfactory andj : a number are now 'changing back to the national system. In all about 150 national banks in Oklahoma adopted the bank guarantee; plan1 when it was started, so that it-wi.ll,take algpod" ideal of time to com plete the -transfer of -these instituttons backagain '."tb- the national system "Shodld all Of them determine to return to their old allegiance One bank"-has sent a circular characterizing the State Guarantee Law i aa. burdensome, without, adding anything to the stability pf the.banlu-..-- m v ' . Solicited ll " r 110 Northr turn Preserved Figs Served at Breakfast are Delicious. Af CARPENTER GROCERY i , Capital Surplus OF . WiLMiNGTON Receives deposits.vlends money on approved security and conducts , a cofnprehensive banking business by the best known modern methods. Unted States Governmenti State, County and -City Depository." V OP WILMINGTON, N.lC all this Week V n:. in j On Domestic Science. By MRS. J." M. WHITTED At Wobfvin Building., ; 1... I. . n" PRICE FIVE CENTS It ;has met PROMPTLY, FULLY, v . Has Ha JaFife. - . , . Residence, 318f . 412, 1593. a. NATIONAL BAiJK. 3-.. fc s 4 o TAYLOR. savings and Tnist Fronts Street. , i . ..$550,000 .$410,000 i $960,000 t s Vlt i v Aft. ... ; .. f.vti.. ii n ! si .If '4 rAJ f- . : i -'.ji 1 1 I i t