PAGE TWO Reduction ' Sate ij 1 . MIX IN . -.-.. tt Aflrnmmrmfl (i it REDUCTION I B, . w tt r j i Base Ball t A FORTY PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL SUITS, INCLUD ING WOOL, LINEN'; AND PONG EE. THE SAME REDUCTION ON ALL DRESSES, IN' SILK LINEN AND, REP. 25.00 LESS 40 Per Cent. . .15.00 2Q.00 LESS 40 Per Cent 12.00 18.50 LESS 40 Per Cent........ y.wu isnn I Fftft 40 Per Cent....... r 9.00 12.50 LESS 40 Per Cent. ....... 10.00 LESS 4ff Per Cent 12.00 LESS 40 Per Cent........ 7.20 22.00 LESS 40 Per Cent....,.,. 13.20 18.00 LESS 40 Per Cent. ;10.80 27.50 LESS 40 Per Cent... 16.50 .9.00 LESS 40 Per Cent.. . 5.40 6.50 LESS 40 Per: Cent. . 3.90 5.00 'LESS 40 Per Cent . 3.00 7.50 LESS 40 Per Cent........ 4.50 4.00 LESS 40 Per Cent... .....2.40 8.00 LESS 40 Per Cent. ....... 4.80 7.00 LESS 40 Per Cent... .... . 4.20 8.50 LESS ,40 Per Cent........ 510 ; :, Don't Miss this Chance to get a Bargain at THE LITTLE STORE. Results Yesterday. Wilson 2, Goldsboro 4. - Rocky.. Mount 2; Raleigh 1.- Wilmington 2; Fayetteville 2. . Where They, Play Today. J , Wilson . at Goldsboro. : c , Rocky' Mount at Raleigh. ; Wilmington atJ Fayetteyille. '"'' ;v;"--' -r- : '';-'Vrr :y-: 'J:; Standina of the Clubs. Clubs 'Won. Lost' P. C. .615 .615 500 ,416 .333 Fayetteville , Goldsboro . . Wilmington ..8 5 ..8 L. 5 ..6 6 ..6'- 6 ..5 7" ..4 8 TIZ-For Tender Feet broken. It" is , supposed that' there must have been two strokes in quick succession , as one of ..the prisoners in the' county jail was shocked or scared into insensibility; Fortunately, no on? was hurt' although there -were a: few passengers in the station and ' some of the officials were' in the baggage room where the most damage J seems to. -have; been done, ."" The amount- of damage to .' the station wijl probably be ' about r$300 " covered by insurance. most severe electrical; dfsplays which' this community has had in a long time.;,;- The phones were out of com mission all over town and the lines men have been busy all-the morning out ;on I the wires. There wera sev. era! live wires : loose and one lineman bar-ely. escaped injury early this morn ing. -.He was on a pole testing a wire when he happened to; make .connec tion with a live wire. He. was thrown about ten feet but caught on ' a; sup- l (:. ; IS The Greatest Sale ever knowo in Wilmington now bdng conducted at LORD k-A; TKeiBuilding used for Mens - and Boys SuitsV:3and Clothing has been sold to the American Bank and we .are compelled to sell this stock in 30 days. y- As-vye have noMoom to store it Ave ' are: selling at, r- any uiu pi ice. a ucBpciaicij ,iuu&ui, vjv.v ninz r: same vesterday . at Fayetteville the Highlanders and the Sailors had a "dog-fali;', the score being ."two all." In spite of 'the fact-that the Sailors did not emerge with the larger end of the ' score, to judge , from the box re port,' the jsailors most certainly should nave won tne game. ; , wmumgwu cufed. nine safe swats off the High lander Flinger. The number of hits gotten by; the lads from the - upper sand hills amounted to the insignifi cant number of three. The, Sailors also . had only one error coming their way after the eleven innings of play. Fayetteville scored ' in the first and third' innings while Wilmington pulled a brace in the seventh inning. Fletch er started the game: for Wilmington aii'd Jater was relieved by Howard. Xhe; Sailors made the best showing of the 'season thus far at Fayetteville as they are yet to win their first ; game on? the ' Highland grounds, A tied score is a good beginning with thii en. in view. With Brooks and Hanks yet' to pitch before' the Sailors return to tnet local lot, prospects look bright for at least one or two victories in the present series. , . The Sailors are playing phenomenal ball now and deserve far better sup port than has been accorded by the fans at the recent games. Beter ex hibitions of the national sport have never been seen here than the last six games at League Park. It ; is be lieved that the crowds at the games with Raleigb this week will be record breakers. ' A new, scientific medical toilet tablet -which DRAWS OUT AlX" INFLAMMATION AND SOJRENESS. ( . This remarkable foot bath -remedy is SUPERIOR . TO POWDER, PLASTER. OR SALVE aild is guaranteed to cure CornB, Cal louses. Bunions, Frostbites, Chilblains, Ingrow ing Nails,1 "Tired, - Aching, Swollen, Nervous, Rtt-patv: Bad Smelling Feet. ' , , SMALLER SHOES CAN BE WORN ,by using TIZ, because it puts and keeps the feet in perfect condition. ' - - v TZ is for : sale at all druggists, - 25 ' ents por" box or direct if you wish from -Walter Liu ther Dodge & Co., Chicago, .111.- ,; ' GEO. O. GAYLORD'S . 210, 212 and 214 North Front Street Batteries: Wilson and Dussault;rLa throp and McCormick.- ' . t OTHER GAMES! , American League. At Washington 3; Chicago 2. , At New.York ir Detroit, 2. At St. Louis 2; Philadelphia 6. :-.' At Cleveland .3; Boston 1. . National League.:; ; At Pittsburg 6 ; Boston O.r At Brooklyn-Cincinnati, rain. '. r . At Philadelphia-ChicagorainV South Atlantic" League. . At Savannah .6; Jacksonville . 4. At Macon 2 ; Columbia 1. . At Columbus 5 ; Augusta 4. ' y . . ' Southern League ' . , At Chattanooga 3; Nashville 0. 2nd: Nashville' 1; Chattanooga 2. At Memphis' 1; Atlanta 0. At Birmingham 5; New Orleans 0. At Montgomery- 0 ; Mobile 4. Carolina League. At Winston Salem 1; Charlotte 4. At Spartanburg 5 ; Anderson 2. ' At Greenville 1; Greensboro S. Virginia League. : At Roanoke 0; Norfolk 4. At Petersburg 4; Richmond 1. At Danville 3 ; Lynchburg 2. I Last laight's 'r orm -was;; one of the J port wire before he - struck the ground. I j h ') ' I ' ------ - . - I II ' ' " - ' ,' s The hearing of children Is frequently followed by poor health for the mother.' . This supreme crisis of Ufa ; ndlng , her. , physical - system unpre ' pared for. the demands of nature, ". leaves ; her with weakened resistive powers and sometimes chronic ail ments. This can he avoided if Mother's Friend is used, before the coming of baby, and the healthy woman can remain a healthy mother, f It is the only, remedy, that perfectly and thoroughly prepares the system for healthy motherhood, and brings about a natural and easy. consummation of the term. .Women' who use Mother's Friend are always saved rmicM sufferine when the little one arrives, and recover more quickly, and with no ill effects, or chronic troubles.; Every expectant mother should safeguard her health by using Mother's Friend; thus preparing her physical condition for the hour of motherhood. This medicine is for sale at , drug stores. Write for free ' hook for expectant mothers. . . -BBADFTTiTiT) EEGULATOR CO., Atlanta. Ga. Durham Sun. As a result of the. severe electrical storm which passed over the city last 5m Remedies are Needed Were we perfect, which we are not, medicines s would ; not often be needed. But ' since our systems have be" come weakened, v impaired and broken " down ' through ' ' indiscretions which have gone on from , the carl y ages, : through countless generations, remedies are needed to t aid Nature in correcting our 1 inherited 'and otherwise ; , acquired weaknesses. To reach the 'seat of Stomach V weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov : ery, a glyceric compound, extracted from native medic- y ' 'inal roots sold for over forty years-with- great satisfaction to all users. For ' Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomachlafter eafting, : - Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal '; Derangements, the 'Disco very 'Vis a time-proven and most efficient remedy. The genuine has on its outside wrapper the signature You can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco-: holic, medicine op known composition, not even though the urgent dealer may thereby make a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and invigorate stomach, liver and bowels. x Sugar-coated, tiny granules, easy to take as candy. f . . . -: The Tab-lid Score.. ,.'t night about 11 o'clock the roof of Wilmington v AB R H O' A i3 the union station presents a pretty Hoffman, cf . . , . : . . 5 Gooper,.: 3b ..... r . . 5 pydeman, If, lb .'. . .'5 OHh,;.2b. '.. v. 1.5 JVJIS, , ID . . Bf ooks, p . . itiuttz,, ff ljubbs, ss.. I etcher; p . j Howard, p. . 0 2 0 M' 0 0 ..3 0 0 2' 0 0 dilapidated appearance this morning l' 0 0; and 'there are at least '25 holes torn T i o!in :the . tin 'covering! r A bolt of light- 5 ;z 21 2 0' ning-' struck the tower and ; one cor- ..5 ..5 0" 0 1 .2 6' 1 do 1" 1 1 4 .0 0. 4 0 6 9-'r- ;6 1 00.0 Doak,'lf .. ..; .. ..1 2 0' ..2 0' 0 0 J1'0 0' 0 0.0 0 df ner df ' the 'gable" on ithe west ! end- of the building, s The : stone cornice was torn) 'away- and one. block was 'thrown across the i Seaboard track abouU 50 feet .frdm . where; ; the ,',:bolt; struck. Bricks -t were scattered - in ; every; direc? 4 tioh an.f. nearly all of the skylights , aie Juniper and Cypress Shingles ! Brick ! Brick ! Brick ! Cement; Lime Gypsum Cement Poster; ;Higginson :! r ; White Cement for Mortar, Laths, etc. ' 1 V K Roger Moore?s Sons' 6c Co. i . n.iil.l Don't Blame the Lamp IF .IT SMOKES, SMELLS AND GIVES A POOR LIGHT, I . BUT GO TO YOUR DEALER AND ASK HIM IF YOU ARE i GETTING OUR " . . Water White 150 (leg. Fire Test Oil IT ISVTHE HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN AND: COST MORE AT THE JOBBERS, OR RETAIL STORE. NO Cape Fear Oil Company Dealers in Kerosene, Gasoline and all kinds ot Lubri cating Oils and Greases. Phone 873 DON'T WAIT UNTIL SUMMER IS HERE KEEP THE FLIES OUT. Ww the Window Screens and Screen Doors That Will do it for Yon. Why he bothered with the pesky little critters when a little : money invested in Screens and Screen Doors will keep them out as well as'all other bothersome little pests. We will supply these' needs better at less cost to you than elsewhere and the cost wilf be nothing compared to the sat isf actionof having the house free of, these intruders; Let us fill your Screen needs. " '' . ; WM. IE, SPRINGER Sc CO i5' Totals .. .. ..44 2 9 33 10 1 Fayetteville AB R H O A B i Mullen, cf 4 2 '2' 2 0 "Of EHvyer, lb.. . . .. ..4 0 1 9 2 0' O'Halloran, 2b . . ..5' 0 : 0 1 2 0 Peartree, If .. ..4 0 0 ,3 0 0 Landgraff , 3b . . . ... 4 0 0 3 1 0 Cantwell, ss .. .. ..2 0 0 4 2 1 Boyle, rf .. .. .. ..4 0 0 2 1 0 Galvin, c .. .. .. ..3 0 0 8 0 1 McCathron, p.. .. ..2 0 0 1 2 1 Mayer, p .. .. .. .0 0 0 0 0 Q Hartley .. ..1 0 0 0 0 0 Totals V. 1.33 2 3 33 10 3 Score by Innings. Wilmington . .000 000 200 00--2 9 1 Fayetteville . .101 000 000 .002 3 3 :y. Summary Sacrifice hits, Cantwell, McCathron ; hit by pitched ball,- Mul len; bases on ballg, Fletcher 2, How ard 3; struck out McCathron 4; Meyer. 3 Fletcher 1, Howard ; 4- Brooks -3 wild? pitches N McCathron; two" base hits,' DuhbsTydeman; stolen ; base Mullen ;- D wy er,r ; Tyd eman : 2; v Kluttz passed bails, Kite;'' umpire Barre; at tendance 500. v u m m-- XL R H' O 0' 1' a: e 1 h r I o i ' At Goldsboro. The Tabulated Score Wilson - r - AB R H McGeehan' 2b . '. ... ,4 Jacobs, 3b.. . . V. .'4; 0 'l 0 Westlake, c :4 115 Miller, rf .. .. .. :.4 J. 2 ;0 ' 0 0 Sheridan, cf .4r 0 0 3 0 " 0 Phelan, lb.. .. .. .-.3 0 0 10 0. s0 Armstrong, If. . . .' . .3 0 0 2 0 'o Sharpe, ss . . . 1 0 0 2 l' h Foreman, p 3 0 0 0 4 0 Totals Goldsboro Gates, 3b ... Sharpe,- 2b. . Handiboe, cf . McDonald, lb . Morgan ss. . Evans, If .. . Dailey, rf ... Fulton, c . . . .30 2 5 24- 9 2 AB R H O A 3 . :3 1 0 2 2 t 0 ..3 0 1,1 l - p ..4 0- 0 '2 (y 0 ..4 2 2 ll 0 0 0 4 Q 1 0 0 1 -..3 V 0 ..4 0 2 ..2 0 0 8 Merchants, p.. .. ..3 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 5 X) Totals .'. ..j ..29 4 5 27 13 -0 Goldsboro ... .300 001 00 4 5 0 Wilson 1, . .000 000 1 0022 , 5 -?. Score by Innings. . . Summary Earned runs, Goldsboro 1 ; bases on errors, Goldsboro 4 ; bases ok balls, off Merchant 1, off Foreman 1; struck , out by Merchant 9, by -Fore man 5; wild pitches, Merchant 1, Fore man !-; two. base ; hits, .McDonald. Evans 2, Miller; double plays, Mor", gan, Sharpe, McDonald; uassed balls. Fulton 1; left on bases, Goldsboro S, Wilson 3; sacrifice hits, Sharpe; stolen bases, Sharpe, Morgan 2, McDonald 1; hit . by. pitcher Sharpe, Morgan, Ful ton ; .attendance 350; umpire," .Free man. ' - - I ' , -At Raleigh. -Score by Innings.., Rocky Mount . 000 000 1102 5 sV 2 Raleigh, , ' .000 100 000-1 4 2 TFudcb UWdDW si yjo . . - " - . , ....'' Remember the Place, W6olvin Buildirig Princess' Street o - The time you spend will not be missed. What you can learn will surprise you. . . Remember the Elevated Favorite Gas Range to be given away Saturday night. : . Get tickets at Demonstrations. 21 2 PS

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