' "-ST-:'- i , 1 ..J V fTV . V' ! 'V"- J !'1 I- V.-v VOLUME FIFTEEN WILfillNGTON, ill C, THURSDAYf;SEPTEMBER .8,..i5l0 ,PRIPE FiyjS CERTS L- COIJPLIII T A IT.. f 1 si I i.j t. I r-r 1 ' 1 I sent. - 1 11 w 1 ui 1 u 1 u ii ; , . liiii Progress of tli6 Famous unppon trial loday Witnesses Tell of Conversations VVith Crippen and ' of the Doctor i Biiylng Po i so n O n e Tel ti of Scik r tin el I e Elmore, Such as Found on the Re. mains. London, Sept. S.Th hearing in the Crippen case was resumed today, j The first . witness was ; a theatrical friend ofvBelle Elmore. s She told bt the woman's v disappearance and of questioning Crippen. Her" suspicions were first aroused by seeing the Le- Neve girl wearing v Belle Elmore!sI jewelry. Crippen told her his wif e had died in California; An- important witness was another friend oP Belie Elmore, who testified that: the Vmur dered woman- had a scar on;hef viody" There is" a corresponding "scar-on the remains found under. Crippen's hduse. Another witness testified . to selling Crippen poison; the kind that was found in the remains of the idead "wo man. , . " . : ; .1 TERRIBLE TED Will and be Entertained by Friends Foes Tonight. ; . . , Chi cago, Sept. 8 Theodore Roose velt comes to Chicago today. He will reach here-at 5 o'clock from Freeport, where - he speaks earlier - in the day. A big welcome is planned hy the Ham ilton Club, . which will be his host tonight. The banquet will be inder-a-flag of truce and will he at tended by friends and enemies alike. Among those present will be Speaker Cannon, Senator . Cummins, Senator Lorimer, Governor Deneen, Governor Stubbs and others equally as far apart, in their, political 'sympathies. REPORT AS TO COTTON GINNED With Reference to- Water Said V be ft;tmVBrtnswick Street' Was Sent to Mayor MacRae TodayHe "Replies iThat" 'No Frry Commission Has Yet, Been Appointed, But We . Live in Hope." . - - - V - : - , The dilapidated: condition of -many of the city streets has'heen the cause of much criticism and censure during recent months. " There have been com plaints about worn streets: torn streets f thoroughfares- with; holes in them. street crossingsand every thing else in the way; of streets out of order. How ever, a ' strongly driginal complaint and lone : in Which the writer evidently f elt mtfch anguish of spirit, was mail ed ..to Mayor MacRae this morning.' The complaint is based' on the ex tremely' watery condition of a certain locality in the northern. Section of "the city. As the, complaint" was unsign ed, the- Mayor felt that he had best submit the letter to the .press, with a . note of his -own which might sug gest a possible source of relief for the one wno nas - an extremely watery grouch, to judge from the following !speil' : : . V?? : ' ;:: . :- ; :-, -"Wilmington, N. c!, Sept. 7;' "To His Honor, the4 Mayor,-ficd Board of Aldermen: - - ; ; r "Will you all grant us ; permission to establish : TOLL FERRY at Fourth and Brunswick-streeis.l Also a Boat Line from Epurth to Third, on BrunswickstrBet. If this; request can not be granted, could youuse your influence with the Intra-Coastal Wa terways Commission to 'include this body of water in their survey for the Inland Water1 Route, as this thorough fare is' better adapted "to KTaigatio than it is as A Public Road. 6 -' S; "FIRST WARD." -.To the above communication Mayor MacRae has affixed the following terse and pithy reply:'1 " ;". "In answer to the above the author is referred Seotidn 9 of 1 the Act creating the Street Commission. "Said commissioners of streets; shall have entire supervision1 and control of the construction : paving, -DRAINING, and repairing of tne? streets, sidewalks, and alleys of said city,' etc. etc' There is at present no : Ferry ' Commission, but live in hope." - - y. ' s Safficlent Polsdn to Slay FoUnd Tn Edward ' Cromwe! Ts Stomach by Prof. W.J.. Withers, State' Chem-IstTwo-FSf ths of a Grain ofCtrych- nine 'Revealed in the Boy's Stomach , py the Chemical Analysis Hblley Purchased 120 Grains' v in Two ' Months. NO -WAITING PLACE Ceirsus Bureau Reports 356,824 Bales : ta Sentimhi 1 . . - wasmngtom sept. 8 Tbe gjcensiis bureau this morning issued. itSJ cotton report, showihg that 356,824 bafcs had ken ginned to September lsj com pared with 388.242 for 1909. ' rS8CL?SSTi BALDWIN FOR GOVE RNOTff Democrats of Connecticut. Select a Strong' Man,' . ; T New Haven, Conn., Sept 8.4-Judge Simon E. Baldwin, of New Haven, was nominated for Governor today" by . the Democratic convention. ' The nomina tion was made by acclamation. CAR DYNAMITED n Columbus and Conductor Badly Hurt. Columbus, O., Sept. 8. A successful attempt was made to dynamite, a street car here this- morning. The conductor was considerably injured and the car damaged. Two strikers are being held for investigation. . - V . Following ;a patient1 and - careful chemical analysis of -the ; stomach of Edward Cromwell, the young boy who was found dead in a room - after- the jEtock ; Spring Hotel fire : early; on 1 the mornmg'vof August : -10th,; j many . 'us picious circumstances 'siirrduridingjthe boy's death: having beenrevealej at the time, ? Prof. W. A. WiUiers, of (the Agricultural " and Mechanical College at Raleigh, 'and State- Chemist, if or North Carolina, has hsubmitted aV re port to Dr. 'C D. Bell,;: the-.county coroner, whie sis vreveals i-a ; quantity: r of . strychnine in the boy's stomach sufficient to kill one ; or several ' people,; Following the' investigation by "the coroner's jury, it was recommended that J- C. Hoily, keeper of the hotel, be held without bond to answer in the Superior Court. The coroner's jury readied a'verdiet to the effect that Cromwell was dead several hours before his body.1: was found in the hotel, after' the, fire had been suppressed, and-recommended that Holly" be held. . The sensational result of the chemi cal analysis confirms" the belief of many persons that the boy reached his ;death through causes, other than natural. The finding of the State chemist means of course that' Holly is now hr the gravest sort of ' a predica; ment. iThe coroner lias evidence that Holly purchased CO grains of strych ninq from a local drug store on June 21st, ; and that he followed this " trade With a second purchase . of :a similar amount of iryhnine on August 3rd, Between Davidson College-. and the . University of North Carolina May :h be-Played) Here This FallInquiries As to the4GrpundsHave Been Favor :ably Answered. ' . - t - - . ' - y r - -- ' : Now that 'the-base ball season is at an end3theHhougbt3 of sport lovers; are, .iummg-iw ::i.uvi.,vv,iU:.. .-interest this." form oKsport, which is" comapara- tively unknown, here among the gen eral publics-will be accentuated with the information : that it is more than probable thati the annual contest be- jsveen the - tJni versity - of ' North Caro- Ima and.Daviqson iJoiiege will be play ed here thisfall.vThe game is sched hled;for a (lateMn October. Inquiries nave! been ndfle. of the base ball direc tors who control League Park, whether or not the grounds can be secured for the game ' if t is - played "'here,- The managers of the two' foot ball teams will be notified ithat they' can make use of the grounds Only a smaH percent age pf the gatja.. receipts- to "cover the expenses necefsary for using the park as. a foot ball 4rena Will be required of the teams if tiey decide to play here. 'It'fs expectejl that definite announce ment will baade within the next few days about thej prospective game. Car olina and Davidson played here a year ago last fall Quite a large crowd wit nessed the ; game at .that time. , Sport lowers here will await with interest the decision " as to! " where ? the game will be played arid "they : wilUhope that the decision -will "he - inZ favor of Wilming ton. J , , 4 THEIR LITTLE ONE PASSES. Idea of a Covered Way For" Street Car my seven aays oerore ine coy was patrons rtas -iseen1 atven upisrfF -Failing vtoj - get permission from Messrs. Bear Brothers for the erection of an awning or' sonie other1 character strychnine was fou,ndMeadft jntho''? small room" at the Rocky Spring Hotel. The. findings of the. State Chemist reveal thai enough found in the.-. boyX ejreraivpeop4e.. .Prof. is as fol- inr-biheTOrthStJ-f "Princess Withers report in- full street, near -the Front land Princess I luVh- - LUSCIOUS DISH FOR COOKE. President Names Inspector of Customs for Ridhmond. : ... " Washington, Sept. 8. The Treasury Department : announces " theK appoint ment of Henry L. Cooke, of Richmond, a., as deputy collector and inspector of customs at Richmond. . Stocks Today. L - New York, Sept.' 8. The stock-:mar-ket was moderately active and higher. Union Pacific opened unchanged, but roe slightly with other leading issues. Reading and United States Steel were also strong and active. Amalgamated copper was heavy. American shares in London were dull and showed frac tional changes in both directions. . f -v V: ' . '.1. - f S . ' street junction",' tlie- Tidewater Power j Company had fabano the dea "of S having5 a coVerBd' waiting plkce'Hhrd for patrons of : the line. The move ment for such a covered way came as the result ''of what transpired before the aldermen Tuesday night, as told in yesterday's Dispatch. However Mes srs Bear -Brothers want it understood that they are not trying to incon venience the public, . in anyway, by not granting J - permission for the erection of such a covered way alongside their building. . They state that they would do anything they could to -accommodate the people, but that they. dp. not. feel c,alled upon to furnish a waiting room, when the Tide water - Power Company could . rent , a buildihgl Ihey also stite strong ob jection came promptly from their" ten- .ants 5;ho, did ,not:waht?3nyCongestiqn auuui v uicu uunuiug, uiui iuoj ii-iki first, as if theirtepantshprridf pro tected, and then as' if the' erection of a covered way would prove detrimen tal to theif building, and, consequently,, they should; not be expected to igraht such 'permission"' a:"'s6ught,by' the Tide water Power Company; 'TZ- - ? . h - ' - . --c ; . - -. .:-. r- 3? - - I " J ".i'-'V " " 4l ' ---- - -e - MOVING DAYS THESE Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Reaves Sorely Be reaved. - .Last night the White Winged v Mes senger made a visitation to the home of Mr1, and ' Mrs -B; Reaves and folded the 'spirit -of? their little one, their infant son, ,aged 3 months and 3 days, in Hs. 'loving, arms. The deep sympathy -of many friends go out ten derly to the grief ; stricken parents. -: The funeral' of the little one was heldat the family -residence No. 514 South Fourth streettodaylthe inter ment being made jh"BelIey,ue ceme tery. The ' 'seKjrice.. was conducted, by Rev. K." D.rfolme&;sastorj'of Fifth StreetiMetbodist.' Church .-'assisted by Rev. C. il ykt pastor cfe theAd: vent Christiaii:" , Church; ; of ? Wilming- AT r 1. Tomorrow r . Night JHE.Ihil lTiOHirBi!( ; ; , , ,; WILMINGTON, Nl C. v . . I Safe Progressive, Accommodating, s ; " A Friend M ' ! 4ffi Paid on Savirigis. ... . A Paid on Certificates. - - '1illltV'VVVVVVlVVVVVVVVVVVWVVVViVVVVVVVVV W. B. COOPERj' President. GEO. O. GAYLORD, Vice-President. W. H: SMITH, Asst. Cash. TH OS. E.COOPER, Cashier. -E-.FRED BANCK,,Teller, , .n.1 CLAIM HOLDERS. Sh e riff Cb n s ka Cia i mants A g ai n st o.CentraBiCommitteev to ? Collect ! Ac- " counts. ; 1 Sheriff S. P.? Cowan requests REPORT TO THE (CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE CONDITION OF fc v S O The Wilmington Savings and Trust Company, at Wilmington, N. C. at the close of business. on the 1st day of September, 1910. Loans and Disct . . ..$1,627,013.83 Capital.. ' 100,000.00 Bond account. . ." . . . . . . 6,400.00 Real Estate. ... ... . . . 47,500.00 Furniture & fixtures ... . ' 1.00 Cash on- hand & in banks 141,590.09 Invested trust funds., .1 29,810.00. :,vv Surplus. . f ; :. . 100,000.00 Undivided profits 50,967.bl Unpaid' dividends 63.50 ' Deposits.. l,601,283.Gl" $1,85,314.92 1 $1,852,34.92 .". t Trust V, J. L. Williams, Cashier, of the Wilmington- Savings and Corapanyt dosinly swear thafcitheabOv best of my knowledgeaitd'beUgf. '..Signed-'J. L. WILLIAMS.!' t i i u i !;-) Dispatch Force B usyj and Hence Paper Has Been Late In Delivery. For theTpast day or two Dispatch subscribers 4 likely received their pa pers later than tire usual delivery time in, the afternoons. This The Dispatch regrets; hut such was unavoidable, as, The Dispatch is now busy' nioying into' its new home, and necessarily , there is a great amount of machinery to be Thisr moving process, so as The Cbton 'Market. ; - " New York, Sept. 8. Cotton opened steady one tb'ten points higher. Short- ly after tho Ktkrt this.i-nkrket 'Was weak mnroH and, after 15 minuted, "the trading list j not to ' miss an issue of 'the paper; was off about' 12 points from a high I wni continue f or about a week longer. lvel and 9 ' to 10 - points': urider the However, there' will be" no further de close. Snot intprests were heavy setl- iaV. in rppfitvina: The Dispatch in'the C1s on the break, opening September J afternoon, as the massive press, upon 'read-iS-.SO, October 13.04, November off ered ; which' the paper is printed, has been - witn 1-5.03, December 13.01, January, 13.01. The Grain Market., 1 ; Chicago; Sept. 8. Wheat opened slow, with September slightly; Easier and the pother months firmr.V' Corn opened' VhHfpiy -and higher 'because of the cold wave in the Northwest; "Qats were "alsofiigher and provisions were higher. Opening September wheat, 96 1-8, com 57 1-2,- oats 35 1-4, pork, January 18.60." , . ' Entire change of progranj";-at the Crystal Palace today. - 7 It Refined vaudeville at the , Crystal Palace. -v ' It moved and trim. is now " in fine working The ,f North Carolina College of n Agri culture and Mechanic Arts, West '.'Raleigh, N. C., Sept. 3rd, 1910.. "Dr. C D. BelH Coroner, Wilmington, N. C. . . ; ;' . "Dear Sir:- . - "iteplying to your letter of the 29th ult.-,T would say that I separated from a. portion of the stomach and its ac companying liquids, delivered to me by Charles Schnibbexi on August 13th, 1910, and said to have been removed from the body of the late Edward Cromwell, a the following substances: "Alcohol, 69.2 cubic centimeters.; ff "Strychnine, 14 milligrams, the un used portions' of' which substances are preserved for exhibition. ? ; ' iK : ; "I estimate that in the entire stom ach and its accompanying liquids the amounts were .not less, . than the fol lowin g!4;ail ; Tp t "' C 3 .f " ' "Alcohol, 150 cubic centimeters, or about five fluid ounces. : T ? i ' "Strychnine, two-fifths grains. ';- "A substance was present which appeared to be sugar. ; I found no evi jdence of morphine. : ; f 1 : - - "Very respectfully, v v z . : CwJaM'thers' The abdve- 'i'eirt places "Holly ' in a bad situation. There is no doubt whatever but that a charge ' pf mur der will be preferred against Holly when he is' called before the Superior Court. The chain of circumstances against the man presented1 almost an unbroken series-bf links. The finding of the strychnine in Crom'weli's stom ach, following the evidence of Dr. Rus sell 'Bellamy, & medical expert, before the - coroner's juiry that death' ensued several hours before the hotel' fire", proves 'conclusively ; that poison ended the boy's-life. With reference to the substance 'which appeared to be sugar found, in: the stomach by thachemist, it will be remembered by those who read- the coroner's jury evidence ;that itnesses , testified that Holly gave Cromwell a banana a short-time be fore the 1 boy retired the night of his death. ' It" will "also' be ' remembered persons-. having : accounts - against 'the Central Committee which-' made ' aiv rangements for the recent State Coun cil of the Junior Order, United Ameri can Mechanics, to please present the claims to him at once for settlement. It is 'desirjed to adjust these matters with the least possible delay. '.. Every one who has a bill for collection is in vited to call at the sheriff's office and receive the amount due. anyj c - . r - ' 1 " ,,, - j Should be Remedied. People in the vicinity of Second street, between Market and Princess, complains, and justly so, of a sewer on the 'easterns side of : Second street, that overflows during a ;heafy rain. The stench from the sewer hole is, not only sickening in : smell, but: is sicken ing; in nature. -Yesterday afternoon the ordor was decidedly offensive. This should certainly; be atended ; to, and at once, by some one of the multi-department of-the city of Wilmington. imnK oMt? Another good thing from Haii V:" Beautiful, Mellow, Satisfying, only at CARPENTER GROOERY '....J.....11....f...ffi.fY.....A.............A. m.i.iiinnmminiimttf 2 .....M....,....v.......v-vf"v??vM?MMn ' ... mv .: t " :U';:: AT THE BIJOU. ! i- The'feature film at-i the' popular Bi joutheatre today ; is called "Aj Child's Impulse,"; This is a most! interesting picture and it will please, the patrons of the theatre.. $1.55 Wilmington to Atlantic City and return. Tickets on sale Septem ber 15th to 19th inclusive, v Stop-overs allowed on both going and return trips at Richmond, Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore' and Philadelphia. " 'Phone 160 for information. V - tf . joyCand today. A 'big picture "film, 'The Jump to Dxtath,!' is one ' of" the best pictures that the "Great. Moving Film Manufac turing Co. has ever. ' produced, for Which they were awarded the 'gold medal at .Hamberg, Germany, in 1908. This picture is a beautiful love story of two clrcds s performers,'. Which, ' as' usual, shows that the Jcause of true love never. runs: smooth. Also, a big comic, Somnambulist,' speaks for itself, ' -' . - ' : 7 " '- Refined -vaudeville at the Crystal 1 Palace. ' , . ft : 1 -. Capital.... L .$550,000 Surplus $410,000 in," , f $960,000, of ivnrtwv6Toni "Receives, deposits lends money on approved security and conducts a comprehensive banking business' by the best known modern methodSr , . Unted States Government State, Xounty-and Xity Depository. - r.r- i . "i everybody who followed the prelimin ary investigation felt confident that poison or - some other method , had caused the boy's demise. The finding of' such a great quantity of strych- tiinia !n" thp bd's stdmnfli shnws clear ly how his death came about. j '"Holly is still confined in the county jaiL It will be - remembered that he had, several convulsions the day after he was placed In j ail. It- was stated that Holly is a "dope" fiend and that that Cromwell was seen eating an ice t the convulsions resulted from his be cream'cohe in'the hoter shortly be-.ing deprived of the stimulants to fore he . went ito bed. Thie, other factV J which he had been-accustomed. Jailer in the case are familiar to v Dispatch; Branch stated today that x Holly, ap rpariprs . Thev will recall 'the kero-: pears to be in great deal bettej phys- sene saturated bed clothing;- and the ical condition than when he was first j different evidences of oil 'scattered .imprisoned. He has not had a chance: about which showed that the - fire was j to make use of any form -5 ' dope, of incendiary "origin. The,; public will . He 1s -a" great "-' snuff' use and has also recall that Holly -had an insur- bought this stuff several :nes. ance uolicv on the boy's life trans- The letter from' Che i' Withers f erred to him a short - time before the will form ore' of : the n -i important bbv met bis death. Circumstances ! links Ti. tjie ."chain : of .evidence v to be Carol ina Insurance Co OF WILMINGTON, N.IC tending to show . foul play - were so preserved ' until the case ' is - called for strong at the time that v practically trial in the Superior Court. FC)R A POLICY That Insures and Pays Apply . to --4

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