Ige two EVEZIING DISPATCH SEPTEMBER 8, i9iO"V"v a Base er ; -.vs.- "'. t r'v ' j . i , ..: v,-"f-, w.i, : v ...,,7, .".' -j. "'-... ..'.:-...: , .t-' -'..' -'"V .. . , , a,r. V. '""' .''S-'Vv - t. ; . II " , Woman rotu ' : - - Ti In or4er to make room for the same we have many . special, values in Sum mer Good. ; r' When down tovn call and inspect ) interesting '."Memorial. "-That That May be Established in. City of Edinburg i theate Kra Edward. - . ' London'; 'Sept.-While hiinareds'bf j J suggestions : (many bt " theni, Idiotic) jAfj-egard.tP the form-to bql taken by- LondonX memorial -to Kink Edward. H tle City, of Edinburgh iias 'putorwstrd 1 1 eoo whicb is . likely to? receive erithu-; siastic support. ' The suggestionwhich f itstwhispli-e'd-iOFigihated with' Lord Roseberry, is that the ancient Stuart Pkiace of Kblyrood so closelyassociat- l edj With the unhabny Marv Oueen -of if i Scots ! should - be comntp.tplv : rpRtorWl acid mad habitable, v ; Lord Roseberry lsaia to nave approached King game. with a brace - of tallies in the V fec vjij. i. Lie ouujcti, auu luei C lis I fifth innirrtr C - . : eyery reason to believe that both the , j Th TahulatpH Rror Iving and Queen would be willing td TM IlfgfiTafiaers TaeFeaffidrRocky Mount in: the -.second,' game - for, the Eastern" League pennant yesterdayyaf- ternoon at; Payetteviller The sdore was "3 to 21 This means that Fay ette; yille wUl have to, win only one of the next three games, to, secure.. the piece of bunting. The - concluding games of the series will : he played at. Rocky Mount beginning today . and continuing through Saturday .- unless . FayettevilTe should y win todav's or v Co morrow? game, -locky- Mount scored two runs in the first- inning' yesterday and fail ed to get a man across.the plate there after. .The Highlanders scored "one i;un ; in the first and . sewed up Nthe these vaJues.A Sulfa atHalf Priced 3 spend a week every year in Edinburgh and hold a Court or a ball in this inter esting old "Palace if it wera properly restored. . , - . - ' I representative committee with liord Roseberry at its head has already leen formed and the Edinburgh socie- tv' WAtnort flTfl nlroortv fflllriTiir Vi-poath. t lessly. of i brilliant Court ; fiinctiqns. Cueen Victoria had a horror ot lloly rood .Palace- which is .said to contain one of ; its nbrmouslyV thick walls he hody Qf an infant , Khoi;should; by rii?ht have ascended the . British throne A iady-in-waitingr who . mentioned the Rocky Mount AH R; H O A E Forgue,v.,1ss. . ."-J. 1' 2 0 4-3 GiUepie,."3b., ..-.,3 0 0 4 3 0 Gastemeyer, 2b Craegan, cf . . . . Stein, 4f '.' . . . Leary, c ; Griffin, rf . . . . Dussault, c ; . Boyle, p v. . .A 0 0 2 2 0 ...2 1, 0 1 0 0 .A 0 110 0 ; .4 i s" o 1 .,.3 00210 ..3 0 1 9 0 .0 ..2 0 1 0 2:0 AVomaa'a most glorious endowmehts thepowe" y to awaken find hold the pure and honest love ofay - worthy man. , When she loses it and still Ioy?s.on, v no-tme in the wideworld can know the heart agony- . she endures. --The woman who, suffers froca weak? , " v sess and . derangement of 4iec special Tromanly or- danism soon ,losettke power to away the heart of -' a: man. Her general. health.1 suffers -and she' loses ; ? her good looks, her attractiveness hers amiability' 0 I andherpowrand prestifje asvTomanPr. R.V. Pierce, of Buffalo,'NYrwith thousands-- of women. , He ,;l;as,-dovised a:snccessful remedy; for woman's ail-' f t " ' meats It is known -as JJr.vPierec'i ..Favorite : Prescription v It;isa positive , ;!. -specific for the weaknesses anddisOTdefs pecuUcr-to women." It purifiesVregu- ; -.c lates4 - strengthens "acd-hcaisv ; MecUciao dealers'scll it;' r No hottest dealer will W z -I , m;. t advise you to accept a substituted order fa make a little larger profit.1., . i '.;-.; -.a?- H SICK WOMEIf WELE. ,J- i IT IJ AKES WEAK WOMEN STRONG. T" .20 . 2, 6 24 12 2 AB R H O A E r fend to the, old Queefi; re.cpived .very & yere snub(birjg . andwas ; told, heyer i m : mentiovtho subject . again, iwhil e .1 l' -. " v: ..f 2 i 5 0 0 3 01 '2 3 '01 it .A le OVi and Ranges 1 i 1 are known through-out the vev have stood the testf We have;ajccpeq;t! line of Cast Ranges and Steel Range'ato arge size Cooks. : 1 '- "-Wf Call and let us show you this up-tof-date line of Stnvp and RafKJpc:. "v? J: ikiU'H . : f f r f . ... cpe;of . the. Officials ;. whb-.shqw visitors round the Palace , was promptly ds BiissediWhen i waSfound that he had! Seen repeating; the story. .. . , &The alternative, memorial scheme is the restoration , of auphe jScottiyh liilace, Linlithgow, but it; is . arctically gortflin that; the Ilolyrood scheme will pe adopted . A' very large suia will he required to make the Palace sanitary and to lfeh t and , furnish it i n Royal style, but Edinburgh contains many sveaithy citizens and no difficulty is anticipated in raising the sum requir ed. The Scottish people are delighted fit King George's decision to remain two months at Balmoral. He likes the place . as much as k his father ."disliked it, and there iwill be a succession of .u- tiinate : friends ;stay4ig at i the. Castle. :lor the shooting and the fishing.. Kong eorge's .nearest ! neighbors air l!Ad; iniirali Beattyt who married the daugh ter ot Marshall' Field arid Mr. Sigis liiund ' Neumann the; Sbuth' ''African i liiagnate, The .former will often W .a - Totals Fayettevill Mullens, cf O'Halloran. 2 Schunaker lb ' .V V .'4" ; 0 r ! 6 i' ' 0 Bfeitehstein;' if A 0 0' '6'' i . -1-.. : .v v : i ;lr . : .! I I .n . Schuman. rf ; . . ..3 0 0 2 0 0 Hartley, c. ..3 0 1 '6 2 0 "::.. - i ' tr. ' ' l : t : . i ' f r 1 Landgraff, ss ".3 0 1 3 2 0 Brandt, p..J .. .. ..2 0 1 10 1 0 J:- . . . ----- - LADIES ! Do Your Feet Ache and Bum ? You will find a haven ot rest in our'Cushion r Sole "Walking Oxford. Made on a comfor-f e table last of ine softest Hdj'tKttcaiuKi fi; . and heel. It gives I do every movement of J ?5 - " the' foot i- : VtC??: ?open secret that King George did riot ttike the; financier rKo surrounded, liis tamer aiwi .tnat oniy very, exceptional Circumstances have induced him.to.rq-j r . - . :. ...... i ) II ytiain. pn good, terms witrv.sir .inrnest Gassel 4 on?t Blame fne Lam0 IF IT SMOrKES, SMELLS AND GIVES A POOR LIGHT, BUT GO TO YOUR DEALER AlSip ASK HIM IF YOU ARE GETTING OUR " 'V - Wafer wli 15ft depli test Oil IT IS THE HIGHEST GRADE KNOWN AND COST NO MORE AT THE L JOBBERS; OR RETAIL. STORE; Totals .., ..28 6 26 1,0 Score by Innings. V Rocky Mount' ; .200, 000 0002 6 2 Fayetteville , . : .100 020 00 3 Y 0 . x Summary-.Sacrifice hits, Gillespie Boyle,' Brandt; bases : on balls, 'Boyle 2, Brandt '2; struck . out , Boyle .4 Brandt 4 ; two-base hits, Stein,. For gue; double plays; Griffin to Dussault; stolen bases Dussault, ; Leary, Craegan j 2; O'Halloran, ' Schumaker, Mullens, Forgue; time It 215; umpires Burke and Barre ; attendance 800. . ;( j National League. 7 Attirooklyii ' 3 ; : Philadelphia "4. r i At Boston 0;vNeV York 2. '! r n ?AY' Chfcagb r?i;Cinclnriati: ..v; At Pittsburg "li; St." Louis 6: " :2hd:; Pittsburg 11; StLduis.- " 1 ': " : American League.' ";-! ' X' At Philadelphia 2;4B6ston';l. 1 AtKWasMingt6n 2j- New' York l.C'" i,'j.r V m ti A pleasure to show you. 1 '1 Save our Register Checks. Price A4 - - " - i 'if ; f' Object to Slaughter of Lions. ?i According to some of the farmers of East Africa the lion should ' be rpro-! tected as a useful animal, notwith standing the ' fact that once In a while he kills a 'man. The lion,, they main tain, is a great destroyer, of noxious herbivorous animals, such as zebras and antelopes; which are, a Scourge to the fields. In one district they say no fewer than 46 lions havd recently been in National Encampment C. A. R. & - i J- tv. is- s--. - - e t s ' s ' . . Atlantic, City, N, J. , - At Roanoke 7; Lynchburg 2. " zna: : jyncnDurg i; jttoanoite 3. ' ! . (Season closes Roanoke). -. X V l. UMU11UV-. O , 4J I At Petersburg 2; Norfolk 0. ' ndfC TeteVsb:uV-if brfo innings.)- t'V1- .. ! ?-;:f0hern,L,eagiicV ''''-r ' ! t!VNashTiUe":i!r":Mobile";J5:s'' nings.) ';r y At Birmingham 3 ;' New Orleans 0.-'. ' No others scheduled. " Dr. Strosnider In Goldsboro. Goldsboro Argus.. . The. Argus i? glad to welcome to iwi luouu- uuu.uam ..uu, , , Goldsboro or a eea3on, Dr. Charles t. i- , ,f i F.: Strosnider,- of . the State Board of 000 to 40,000 zebras and antelopes. which v,ould otherwise have fallen a prey to the lion 3 that have been de stroyed. Of course; the hunters shoot zebras and- antelopesw but- this , fact, they think, dea" ot rj qountethalanee the destruction of - "those - animals ' that would have heen effected, by the slain Hions. - ' Cape '"Fear pn,!lCompia'ny' Dealers in Kerosene, Gasoline and all kinds q( Lubri cating Oils and Greases:' Phone -873 - I We Tourist Policies 0 write Policies protecting your ; Baggage i on trains or at any hotel or boarding house during your summer outing. CLAYTON GILES & SON aatita lit I - Spiking v Horses iu specialty : . A. trial is all weask I'firrjljo 110. rcfio Qff - - Phone laiyi cEvcning.Dispat9b5cpcr..ontJ)U - - ' W-. vii- . J,;". .( . Curiosities of. Smell, , No substance that refuses. to , dis- olye . in water, haa an odor.r It is ;tl?.3 ctual substance itself, floating , in par ticles in the air that appeals to the nose, and not simply a vibration of the air, as in the ease of light and sound. The damper ar thing 4 ish the more, pow erful the odor it gives offv A pleasant proof of the fact can be 'had by walk ing in a garden after rain.? There 13 no end to the curiosities of smellT It is for instance: the, vapor of ;a RqiiidVj that smells, and not the liquid in the mass itself. ' If eau de " cologne ba poured Into the nostril the nose re fuses : to . ,r,e cognize , any odor there at alL - . i - s 'I'ti - I . j A Smile or Two. ; Tenaht-1 hearyou havea letter for me. f Just -give it -.to me, .wH.yoiBl?t I ' Concierge-TAIJ right, ,maamrJbttt 1 fwari youfc;you won't, be ; able to imgta much out of it. . None of,th servants, .'nor my, wife, ? nor myself - can vread iL , Pele Mele. v , v - Health, whose special work- is , th eradication, of thohookworni disease, and whose territory of operations will include Wayney Greene, Lenoir, Samp son and Djiplin counties,; and he is de- sirous of getting in touph. with the people of thse ; counties, and. solicits their' co-operation in the work, that; is now' fully recognized by the highest scientific authorities ( as practical and essR.tiat, and -to thia,.end .the, State Beard of Health has taken 'it up' and-4s fostering and furthering under :;a well .ei-t ablished': system with, special-" l ists" of ability--and. essential sympathy in chnrg.,.,, , f , , , ' ' Dr. .: Strosnider , will be, glad to' hold meetings wherever the people Or, the medioal L profession may - - desire . and will deliver lectures on his work and co-operate v.ith rural betterment as sociations .and civic improvement leagues in bringing about better phys ical and by.genic conditions. f.i i f : koUN?D'tTRIP FROM " 1 1 1 ! J. A Si. 11 . 4) mwa DATES OF SALE-; Septemer 15th to 19tH, 1910, Inclusive. . ; STOP-OVERS; 10 days not' to exceed final limit 'I Will be' allowed on ! bothY f the! Agoing1 and return tripsTat ? Rfchmond or Norfolk .'and Washington, Baltimore arid Philadefphia arrival -at StopT i Tickets will be limited to return, not later than mid night of September 29th, BUT MAY, BE EXTENDED TO OCTOBER 28th, 4 by depositing' tickets and pay- mentof $1.00. - Make arrangement for Tickets, Pullman reservations well in advance by calling 'phone T60; or addressing r ; VJ. J. Craig, Passenger lralfic Jyigr. General Passenger Agent, . Very High. ; "They tell me that man's life, is-on! a high plane." .... ; "So ;it uis a biplane." Baltimore American. , - A o - .. . , ,,Jt Went Upr" "Did you ever see an aeroplane go UP?" t , . ; V .tn"Yes I was thinking of buying . one and the man -saw me coming and rais ed .the price $2,0,0.' Houston Post., : ;"Vhat will you do, young man, when girls. have the-ballot 7', . . . .-v.... " "Why, I'll help ;get the .vote out." Philadelphia Bulletin. "How much Tare you earning a week?" - . . , . .' "One -hundred dollars." s - "My goodness!; I don't, believe it." "Oh, Voiv meaft how meh am I get ting ? Ten dollars a , wek." Mont gomery, Advertiser. - , v - . Refined vaudeville at the Crystal 'alace: .1 , . is Indigestion Departs Stomach Agony arid After Dfnner Dis- tress Stopped in 5 Minutes. X. Why .should -, any sensible person continue o suffer day after day with terrible stomach ailments when R. It. Bellamy guarantees MI-O-NA stomach tablets to. cure even the' worst j case of indigestion, , or.', money back s . If your stomach rebels after- eating and food, -sours., or - ferments in the, stomach: causing gas, pain, heartburn, and heaviness, two MIO-NA tablets it r . . . i . . e I win muKsaway;. u3 ; misery iu. live minutes and leave the stomach feel ing splendid. " ,. ' -v ; A large, box of MLQ-NA stomach tablets costs 5,0 cents at R. R. Bella my's and leading : druggists every where. " -- . " - - . ; If yeu have stomach trouble of any kindr start to "Use MI O-NA stomach tablets, today; They not only build up the stomach,, but' they act a? a touie tathe entire body. They are makers"" of irich? red blood and nerves that neverjflinch ; they increase vital ity "arid make -the weak more vigorous. 0 eo. Q has been busy moving his stock from the Clothing Store into his Big Store on Front street; ancLby economizing space and carrying lots-of. goods to the third floor he has made ' room ; on his ground floor ninety "feet long and twenty-five feet wide where he has built twelve splendid new Clothingcabinets in which to -keep his men's and, boys clothing. The gents furnishing Department, and mens hats, trunks "and suit cases are all in this Department under the eare of the' Clothing Salesman. Our Fall stock of clothing is almost entirely new goods and where we now have it-located we can give our customers better care and atten-" tion than ever before. We have been receiving newvgobds every day this' week. Our $10.00 and $12.50 -all" wool, new suite? for men are styK ish and especially pretty. We are showing a strong line of men's pants . . - " - . ' , - -. - . ! . - ' ' . J made by the Washington Woolen Mills that are beauties rrom fi.bO to. $5.00, they are every thread wool; and will not fade. .We have receiv ed several shipments Of Boys'-Clothing and this line we expeet to push ' harder than ever. 'We 'want the ' mothers inspection as weH as the boys and in childrens and boys new suits vire guarantee to save you " ' money. Renlember the place, The Big Store on Front Street. ' ' GEO - O: GAYLORD 1 . Proprietor; Subscnbe for 1 he Evening Pispatcn. : : ' ; OrilV 25c per Montlil ' ' v

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