Delivered anywhere ;wFky:4tirwarinr fonlhtVrSuhday s , . 1 Sent anywhere In tlie Country. incrsksing'clotidinesa'andprobaWjr v. VOLUME FIFTEEN tRICE - FIVE XENTS 4 VI i I M r---ri rr i-i II lrza IT- pt'l 1 ?M , L-rMCl I -I ri 11 H X 13 f VXri ted hrH ?rr.l x lrwnrl- flflBOED TOPI Ifllililfl pgSWglTi fill; a taM Mfiral florfflisf B iiliolli Deaths FromFmig in rant From Savannah . . W? Norris F. Miller, Member of Philadel phia Grain Firm, Arrested Today But Furnished $25,000 Bond Charg ed With Receiving Railroad Rebates From the Atlantic Coast Line, and Another i ransportatipn company. Philadelphia, Dec. 17. Norria F, Mill. r, a member, of L. F. -Miller Sons, :i grain firm, was arrested today on .1 warrant from Sayannah. Ga.. chars- ing him with yiplatio thjeiSherwain r, ,,t Ltntcl . Inlir . .ttcai ?tft bibfait a ' iiixfei. ing he wWUa fMi&LwfllMlUtt IS i nJ'jAi.' HaU Lit.'ii. on grain ; aiuiuu ru ; xae. mqj t. and ': Milkers; dtjl Odin; j .any and thoKtUhrai ru:4;niHii!i0irt'fn Records Two Earthquake Shocks Cleveland, O., Pec. 17. The St Ignatius College seismograph today showed a record of . two earthquake shocks within 24 hours. Both were entered at an estimated distance of S.oJO miles. E mm New York, Dec. 17. The SiSpfeiii)ij of the stock exchange firm, Judson & Judson, was announced on thVr stock exchange today. ' Lackv of- business caused the faiiprk' The jtobUitie m4 assets are not large. The firm' was lormed in" 11901 and is composed pf A. M. jtdsonrc. Y. Judson and eirc Sherman. ' Stocks Today. New Ydrk, Dec. 17. Wall Street Prices of leading stocks at the open ing were mostly on a parity with yes terday's closing transactions. The market closed firm. Speculation was fluiet. Prices moved steadily. Minor stocks fluctuated sensationally. LEADER F GUILTY Newark, N. J., Dec. 17.-MohteI4 Watha, a Haitien native, has been found guilty of manslaughter as the lender of the mob which lynched larl I'lhrington last July. J .'V t E INTO 11 Saratoga, N. Y., Dec. 17 Nearly -A ilozcn passengers were : injured today in a Hudson Valley railroad wreck, mar Sehuylerville, when an electric ngine crashed into a passenger trolr l-y car. . Ely Manufacturing Plant Burned. (lirard, Pa., Dec. 17 The Ely Man-4 tifacturing plant was destroyed by fire,, today, the loss being $125,000. s ".' . " . . 1. t . Seamen 'Mftet inr XFr'lsM iexjL-' ? T'etroit, Dec. l7.-Tn0Sttuil ;cn veation of the intemtjbnal 'imeri'4 llarvey p;ifll4S;il4r$ j J i to charge of receiving ratQi;. ; tU: GOES TO M M OP OF MANSLAUGHTER CRASHED T'nion has. adjour SanrahciscoVrlS "as cnosen as ujb iueeuug piaw the next "convention,. - : . ; At The Bijou. c The feature film at the poular Bijoui thfatre tcday- is-called "For A Worn- an's Honor." This is a most interest . .. t 4 ng picture and it will please the pa.-.51 irons. The best Hosiery in the city at the price. Boylan & Hancock. tf' Three performances at the" Crystat Palace tonight 7:0, 8:30 and 9:30.' t Oet a pair of Felf Slippers for y out Xmas present. Peterson & Rulfs' '. It; uoverrtment weigners Who Accepted XryZ ': it;Vf': "eorS'a congressmen cail on Presi- Pribes; Sentenced to Prison-They SCM dent About th Potash TW With GaVe Short Weight ' ; Ajfe.fe t ' Germany-Mr, Taft .Dec.ares He's i? fellWHt 4 Doing rlis Best Settle I1.V - V , New York, Dec IT.' Charles D. Drew and Chas. Jl. Wardell, foi-mer 'boss" govemmen.t weighers, convict ed of taking iribe mpney from an At buckle agent for false weighing of su gar, were sentenced by Judge Martin. jen mqnjtns jeach jn the penitentiary. l;ff:pULiST flEAR DEATH. ritfei F3htip That Hit Him le in MVM Uifc Jail. elnhia, Dec. .17. Kid Gardi her, Uhrfi tight weight . pugilist injured :in: i niaten witn Jobn Kam, is in a crticai condition. His skull is f rac- uyedviins In jail. -co Washington, Dec. 17. United States Senator William Lorimer, of Illinois, was . absolved of the charge of obtain- ng his seat in the Senate by birbery n the report of the sub-committee of the Senate's Privileges and Elections Committee today. The committee meets Tuesday to act upon the re- 111 OF. THE M Hi Fairfield, Mass., Dec. 17 Eldress Anna White, head of the family, of ,Shakers, is dead at Mount .Lebanon'. She is seventy-nine years of age. Th4 woman devoted her large wealth' to the Shakers propaganda. " v Over One Thousand Killed in Massa chusetts. Boston, Mass., Dec. 17 During the open hunting season in Massachusetts, 1,387 deer were killed. CIDER FROM A PIr Newark, N. J., Dec. 17. The fourth victim c-f poisoning from drinking hard cider -out of a paint keg is dead at Summ1t.i'N. J.. The four vlcOms are rltalians, members of a cider party. $10,000 STOLEN. German Postal Station Was LWed!at -Fez. Paris Dec. IT.ATahgier dispatch states that the German postal station at Fe? . was Pillaged, and ten thousand dollars stolen. s ' fE! New York, Dec. 17. The world's annual consumption jof tea is one bil lion, two' hundred and fifty . million pquiids, according to the market sta- ;i4 -I. - J ; p . 1 BUT WES NO REPORT Washington; .Dec: 17 Secretary ,of War Dicklnsonv'sends to the House a letter replying to the McLachlan reso lution, concerning the sufficiency of the national, defense. .The, letter dis cuses the si'taation brlflylfut th? secret report, secently ' submitted :to the House and withdrawn, will hot ba re-submlttbd7 f - .. SUB-COMMITTEE CLEARS SENATOR XORIMER, OF i, KEG CAUSED . DEATH THE W0R10.SURE DO II POWERFUL1M0UNT OF TEA WA&lEliiSil V3- i r Paris is excited over the fact that s k St t, m. l-ff-VfV - life. ' ef' ,,,,, , 1 . :?3j shc r&$ 1 141 or west Ainca. uunng rsovemuer,. according to cable reports, the French had three bitter fights, "oae battle re suiting la the killing of 600 natives and the. killing and wounding of many French soldiers. 1 Several earrlsons J are reported surrounded by. tribes. The pectea Derore the last or uecemDer. in the meantime more troops are being sent to Africa. r French, war de lartmenthas about concluded ti nt a strong force must be sent to thfr scene of the long drawn out" conflicts and th natives, who have objected to Fiencbrule, brought to terms once and for alL' ,j f II ii Robbers Applied Fire Brands to a Vic tim in. a Small New Jersey Town Tortured Man Fell Unconscious to Hotel Floor. . . New York, Dec. 17. Bu7-ned and tor tured by a band of robbers,, who hoped to silence their victim Edward Dill cher staggered into a 'small hotel at Granton, N. J., today., relapsing into unconsciousness soonvafterwar'L'--He was revived long .enough.; to? tell his name and murmur: "Burned in fire by men. " . - - . -. PLUM FOB OHIO NEGRO President-Gives Home State. Colored ' Voter a Big J6b. Washington, Dec. 17.- President Taft has sent the Senate the. nomina tion of Charles A. Cottrcll, a ncgroiof Toledo,' as collector of Internal Reve-. nue at Honolulu, Hawaii. The protest from Honolulu that a resident should be appointed was unheeded."'" . FORMAL CALL FOR;-': ; .. f f SiCUS ISSUEO TOBAY " ?V .1! V Washington, Dec. 17.-The formal calf fpr. the caucus of Democratic mem- bers of the next House, January 19, was Issued by Representative Clayton, chairman xf caucus today. V-Jt says the object Is to devise $nd ,forra plan? for' expediting and secttiing legislation iin the 62nd Congress, s-If points Out that the! country expects tariff revis: on. A f ult attendance-'of the members is urged in the all fJn. behalf -of United Democracy."' u v-i . i Bible House turned. New York, tfe'c.fi7, The Bible House, the home, of thfe American, Bi- blej Society the Christian Herald and several Methodist pucilcations, was Lthe acene of a' ten thou vsand dolrar .flra this morning. i Am V M Ob French troops have titeen in a- rinmber war department In Paris has cabled 'for Big Merger Case in South Carolina is Now Being Argued Before the Court Want Southern Railway Leases Invalidated. Columbia, S.-.C., Dec. 17. Argument of counsel was reached yesterday in the Southern merger suit, by which South Carolina seeks to invalidate the Southern Railway's lease of "three rail road lines in South Carolina. REVENUE GUTTER ARRIVES I Provincetown, Mass. Dec. ,17. Af ter battling with heavy seas and a high wind, the revenue cutter, Gresham, with the disabled schooner, N. E. Ayer. in tow, and -the shipwrecked crews of the schooners Abbie G. Cole and S. A. Fownes, has arrived in har bor here. : ! THE JUNIOR ORDER Of United American Mechanics, Will Remember Famjlies of Deceased 1. Members at Christmas. Following their annual : custom, George Washington and Jeff Davis councils, Junior Order, United Ameri can Mechanics, - will distribute at I Christmas well laden hampers, and turkeys, to the families of deceased members. This is a yearly custom which . shows that the living hold in tender memory their dead ; jhrohero. The lodges annually ayail themselves of the pretty and commendable custom of - remembering the loved ones of their dead .comrades at every Christmas-tide. . Ccommittees have been ap pointed who will have in charge . the work of distributing the baskets. , Not . ipjttly are the two lodges 3 to carry 'out the, plan as outlined above, but' they have -also decided to assist the, SalvationT Army materially in the plan to furnish the poor of the city with provfsrdns, etc., at Ghrisbnas. WITfl T$ If ZWF 5 lris st f - .ill? ilps&ilsl ' ' of serious engagement wjtVnaiive :! complete 'delsfbui'naiuwei'te' ex- - E House Will Settle by Jan. 17ti Ques-ij tion of Which Place Get the Pan-J a0a Exposition This HasBeen Dm cided on. Washington, pec.-17. A vote in the! House will be taken. by January 17 qnjj the fight between , New :-"Orians and; San Francisco for Ifee exposition tpl celebrate the Panama Cahal jopening in 1915. This is made possible by :an I ; understanding reached -by the HouSje; Committee iOB Rules ftodayjti t t ni FREED FROM ICE. Steamer Liberated After Twelve Hours -Sandusky, O., Dee.t,i7. After belfig stuck Jn the ice . twelve hours, and jits seventy-five passengers forced to Wk over miles of ice to Sand'usky, he steamer Lakeside freed v herself -'off Candar Point today. The boat . Is not damaged. . . " INSURGENTS STILL HOLD 1 . i Washington, Dec. 17.rThe City f Guerro, Mexico, is still in the- iahc s of the revolutionists and was iofr ca -tured by federal troops; as "reported previously ini official advices. "Thetrb jportof the- taking of VGuerro,'' 0!tr?s Ambassador Wilson, "was premature, The city has not. yet been captured, but it is likely it will be taken at atiy time Urgent Deficiency Bilt Up" Washingtoh, Dec. l7.-r-ThejH6nse:9f Representatives after meeting, toqk ur the urgent deficiency bUl, 'tarrying $850,000. There is a general debate. The, curtain rises ; at T:30i:at vthe Crystal Palace tonight. ;.' ; tt ; Get a pair of Felt SlippCTS;fpr;yoir Xmas present. Peterson & Rulfs' : it Washington, Dec. ' 17. President Taft told Representatives Lee .Adam son and Rodenburyof Georgia, at the i White House today that he was doing ,A everything possible through the State Department to effect a settlement of 1 the potash controversy with Germany jjThe Congressmen said the crdni jni4 ers of the South ibuld 4lii?ir: ai( jng-ine export. tax on poxasniH; SHm 'ELECTIONS . PBfA6TiRJttJ?lliriWtt 3 English Government Same Ms 1 London, Dec. 17. tfjj&lptgS : J 'constituencies remalnifldltolfei&pld today and Monday thlfMfijMlf "J practically ended. The fteW' Pifiia- f ment will be identical with that chos- B en in January. . The government will a probably have a, Coalltionmajority of 126, against a previbuV1 majority of 124. Today the total score was; .Un-. ionists 270; Coalitionists 392; com posed of .267 Liberals, ?2 Nationalists, 10 Indend.enlNaflqhaUstsyya 43 Labor members. ' St iiouls. DecitFclowlnl nlte'eii in the 2hfcCbngres8l itoihts Ml howrsf secrecy th(B family Srpfittltp Mrt' mlHoiJre manufacturer, mjt he shot and kied himself, yester day. Medart was 72 yeara old. s DOU BLE CITY'S POPULATION Bristol, Thn.-Vir9in fay j ' tf&k X i3,3?5 People. Washington, ; Deitr. 17.i-Population statistics o tne. thirteenthpeiisus in elude Bristol, Tenn with 714B compar ed with 5,271 in 1900. Combined .with Bristol, Va,, which has a population of 6,247, the population of Bristol, Tenni, Virginia is 13,395, compared with 9,850 in 100. i w; - Sally Whtte" Cake like "mother makes" at Farris' Bakery, 109. South Front; street.' 2t .. n Jhe New Minister in Charge of :Qra , i 8trejtsr'WhoBegInV ; , v r r- I' V' i.- II',.. " .-.: ."" 1 f . I ,'?,;. ' -'.;.-vx. f Northern Virginia Has Coldest Weath er of Years and Mercury Below Zero In Mountayi laces--Great Suffsr- Irtrt From fh,f?ft'lffIW New Vnrl. : S Winchester, Va., Dec. 17. Severe weather prevails in Northera' Vicginla . for the first Ttt several years. . At to chester the thermometer ' registers three degrees . above zero. Reports "from the mountains indicate zero &6d til ilii'ii?: t : it it 5 55 5Li ; tl : i ii i i i 1 1 m, i . , 1 1 i i 1 1 : ; i i fHMMnwdffl mmm m lie Norfolk, Dec, 17. Virginian Rail way train No.-14,Eastbound,; from Roanoke to Norfolk, was wrecked at ' r R H: A Algron thl3 morning. V The loepmotiye jumped the track while moving at. 0 ' ; miles an hour. Engineer G.r; G. Boqk- : ford and' Fireman Barbie jrere, badly -v injured and are jn a; florfplk hospital. Tte engihe turiied inaergi Jnsurrecjf ionary .pnspppr hrpught from jiia Unaneipjatq and ,oear Zacatreas. The 'Paso Herald V correspondent wires iromJHoblmt Jtjrango,' that ihe .Insurrectps l.n the.jnntaius are stafr ,.ing:; and 'flocinkhckr to the planta-. ;tIons, v, -s..; . '.. - ;. . . , . i ,. ... .. , FOR ALTITUDE RECORD. Ely Vilf Try for -(t in ' Atlanta To , day. - v V;- . Atlanta, Dec. 17.--A speed Jest, bjr Ely and trials for the altitude record are among -the interesting f eatures; on today's aviaUdn program. T- Post, and others will "giye xhlbltibnflights. '' ,: " The curtain rises at 7 : 30 at the Crystal Palace tonight " .v It I .-...: ! .-,....:! : v..t.' v; "fTi' v .tt ... . .. . ...... .. . .tftrni? t j -V1 ' ; A u f,' t" -. - , r . - -;-fi:-.-;:.;''5.'.ri ' .--' " ;'i. )v.f';:.'. . . f ' - m -v.. ;y.v - - ' -

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