"4 -M ' Delivered anywhere In City " . 7 25c per month,"" " 7 ' ' Sentry where In the Country. If THE WEATHER Fair tonight; Sunday, Increasing cloudiness and ; slightly ? wanner;! .brlsk asterly wlhds. t 1, " . v . ... a VOLUME- Jr i rWIUllN SATCjnRlAY;' DECEMBER 31r 1910 ' , " --KICE FIVECEirrS' . 11 i t n mi ;M6didrie-HatWhy f t , . t ;SHSlio;uIdlbta J 1111 J I it v- ' - V II I Mill I 1 it 1 U 1 Will Machine Turned lOver rOftes Hundred F.eet in the Air and Aviator Shut Out Head First Died While Special Train Was Speeding Him to a Hos pital Thirty-fourth Victim. New Orleans, La., Dec! 31. John B. ?.Ii)isant, the aviator, was fatally hurt Hi is morning" about 10 o'clock while the scene of ih'e; Avfient. " When the" "Accttfient Occurred. Moisant in his ' fifty horse. power lUcriot monoplane,, witi fecial "gaso line tank aboard, left the aviation Ik-Id at 10:05 o'clock and flew to Hara- lian, the special grounds over which the aviator was to try for the Miche lin cuir. Moisant circled the 'Ifield twice, trying to 'find a landing place. This was diEtlcult,' the field belh'g-on h? edge of the Mississippi Rrver anPl swamps on all other sides. Suddenly, from a cause which may never "bf known, the monoplane turned its head downward. The horrified , watchers saw Moisant pitched clear oVer the head of the machine and fall like a plummet for a distance o( fully onip hundred feet, landing on Wsliead.'The machine with its propeilers stlll. worst ing, turned sidewlse arid fell'a'cbnV pletc wreck. Moisant was rsfceAtoa Hat car and hurried to a hospital herei. lie was still breathing whdn placed aboard tlfeca& r" " The Body Reaches New Orleans. The report that Moisant mefwltri an ac cident spread rapidly. When the special bearing the body arrived! fit the station there was a vast crowd. As the train drew in several men leap-1 cd to the platform and running to an ambulance told the surgeons that .Moisant was still alive. The first sur geon, however, who reached the car saw that Moisant was dead. A hush fell over the throng as the attendants bore the body to the ambulance. The Scene of the Fatality. Harahan is a station on the Illinois Central, twelve miles from New Or leans. On one side lies the Missis sippi river. On the other, a small strip of dense swamp land separates it from Lake Pontehartrain. The air cur rents are peculiar, with -ales fre quently sweeping westward-.' "along Lake Pontehartrain and meeting; a heavy rush of wind coming down .the river, causing whirls in the' air was noted as dangerous ' by J eeveral aviators. Harahan is accessible to New Orleans only by a road which runs along the top of . a letee;. . The Thirty-Fourth Martyr. Moisant is the thirty-f ourthfman to loi;e his life in development of avia tion. Twenty-nine were killed during the present year. Four were killed in 1909 and one in 1908. The death roll includes George Chavez, the Peruvian who flew over the Alps and was fatal ly injured while Tending; Ralph John ttone, the American who before broke trying to niake a .lncli9g at llarahan hveiVe: iie 'aboyb' HJrieaflsili kk" machine; turie ;3eaJi fywn "w an' alti-; Hide of !'jjJ-t' i raiu kneddinit tj4e'i Orleans ' from the world's altitude record; Charles B.vey. Tie annual loss nuux iucsc am Kolb. ithe English sportsman; Leon imais is oflleially estimated at $12,000, lielacrange. the noted French airman, and Cecil Grace, who, after flying frnni rtnvpr to flalais.. was lost In at fAr Al Xt.tt. C An ' iu& uvut-nie nui lu oca. Career of Moisant. Moisant was a French-Canadian. He spent his early life at Kankakee, 111.. On the death of his father he went 'to San Francisco and later to Nicaragua, where he became a multi-millionaire; Moisant had a narrow escape from death last Tuesday, at New Orleans. After being blown live milesVf rom his; course by a forty mile windy he glided downward from an "altitude of 9,0d9 'feet, barely escaping rough landing, in. a clump ' of trees, Which his skill,Vas pilot enabled him to avoid- by a-narrow margin. Biograph Pictures Today. , Two excellent Biograph pictures wilt be shown today at the Bijou" theatre the titles of which are "White' Roses" and "The Recreation- Of Aa Heiress." These are splendid pictures and hey win undoubtedly please the patrons of the theatre. - (Mfi . it. MarrAte ahoSleptlrV SimeVHuse for Two Weeks With tteatf Bodies of . Wife and? ChfitfSays He Wak th . ' aware of the . Awful Tru(h at the Time, But Police Are Holding Him. Cleveland; 'Ohio, Dec; 31.For tpo weeKs, wniie the dead bodies f his wlf - Anna', 'and : his three year-bid daughter, Hermina, lay decom bdslni? in -aiPupstairs rooih; Herman Ateilk ate and slept in a downstairs room at uis . nume pa ueaar Avenue,' witnout ouayijciiug ..anyxuing . was wrong, ;n told. I the idHce.; He Is being held, however, pending; investigation. mm mm i Aldershot, Eng., Dec. 31. Captain JFfatrk Cody, of the Br Itistf War : Office Ballooning Department, has" wonr the .British; ;Miehelin cap for duration dis tance ior iyiu, nying one nunarea ana plncty milerf in four hours and fifty minutes. The flight ended when Cods aeroplane ' accidentally touched the ground. . Grand Theatre. V-.-Special music "by Grand Orchestra; '-ST. Stocks TToday. v XNew xor,-ieo. dju--wau Bireei-r-ThftC atoplr market opened dull, with gerteral fractional Reclines. TJie niar- iet cJDse(JaVy, a close ior tne year on xne.stocK. "ex change, with prices on the down grade. Not much effect was made on Talues. The absence of any demand impelled Bear professionals to malfie a feeble demonstration as the session ended. Grand Theatre. Chinatown Rag, illustrated song t)y Mr. Banks. It THREATENED STRIKE UNTIL LATE Rome, Dec. 31. A majority of the railway men opposed to' violence have decided todefer the threatened strike until rthe "end of January, In erdWto give the Government and Parliament time tor amend the bill granting an in nnal increase of $4,000,000r : t Washington, Dec. 31; One do2n ground squirrels, that burrowed into an embankment in" Stanisiass county, Call., last "May ; tove' caused a wash- vout resulting in .$&00,0Q0 loss, accord ing to Henrr WMlenstiawi chief of the Government Bureau- of Biological Sur- joOO. -4. '' Grand! Theatre.- P.-.-fW- ttot rrrttsMs Seal".: an intensely dramatic picture. V . -'A E Berlin, Dec 3i-Andrew , Carnegie his" given one -and .a" : quarter "million dDllarr' to "establish: a ' herp-fun M GrmahyV This Is the fourth hero fund . aoaTinKprt ' arnesde. the othnt fjands being in ,-ine umwu eioim, France and Great Britain. - ;" ' - Grand Theatre. - s " -"Tne fted"; Cross 3eair an intensely dramatic picture. ? , It Grand IThMtra. ( " great comedV "picture, "The Gold Necklace," today ' : s, It MlUUNnb GROUND SQUIRRELS CAUSE j ; . A $500,000 WASHOUT CARNEGI WHat Whafs that?. Scat! Who'd Thars "the place the weather comes oiaxes in Kmisn uommbia. MedlplneHat retnl. Mn-Ahrinytigiwyit?f ; &rd feplmg; mostfamous of lIving'anthors4-poet, stori writer. novelisflm-: 1 Hieaiareiy-wrote a letter to the Medicine Hat people, in .hlcl4 heald, among 1 many other thlngsr Soar as I can make out from what l heard when I jryiru w auu iwm mw cuji)ing the change are: (a) That some. United States oiiniatvjxiesor ot ipke that Medicine Hat supplies all the bad weather of heJtfnlteijStates,anl, (Dthat another name would look better at .the beafi xo04jn dentally I note that both arguments' are developed at length by. :the Cahrary - Herald. "" I always knew that the Calgary Herald calle4;MedlcmeTJitrname3 lut; I did nd rea'ltee; that Medicine Hat wantgd to-be algary's little godchild Now, as to the charge of brewing bad States 'and "giving the icohtmcnt cbMl feet. whyhftemeiihpi relieve her terrible Anffeil'ng Mrs. Joke, accept 'thec(hargg,joydtt gotojecla lmitingas keiffid'rSL Hat,; the onryTity; fflcianyjrecogmzed fesM6fe- of freeing ontffie United ' I flf Vlffl f6!?! present name Medicine Ha.t. " 4 have; ti 'y:-iE'e but. f s'eettto mjsmber" iiemfl.ei harfeJ Pooghkeepsie, Potomac, echoes. Tonawanda. Oneontatc: All of wblcV are rather curiouff, jto, the outsider.' Alt Kinds of Trouble Reported for Por- tugaT Plot Against the Provisional Government and to Restore King Manuel. Paris, Dec. 31. Rumors of political intrigues in Portugal, msecurety of the Provisional Government and a plot to restore dethroned King "Manuel is the revised story of the revolution. Marquis tavrada says the King has been warned of a: conspiracy against the House of Braganza. BIG RAISE FOR LEHIGH tvt"!- .A':t Mauch Chunk; Pal, Dec: Sl.The Lo- h?gh Vn?ley-conductors' committee and Gentii at' Manager Maguire havei for s'.'erallweeks Veen bujy considering a new' schedule of rates. A new rate cir'd egectlve January J ha? been adopted. The men Z1 an increase vafy:"iig from thirty to fifty cents a day, pecordin to the territory coyer Mi. Men-running from Buffalo to Jnr sty Cfty now average ?175 monthly. Tliey will get an additoc-:d forty-cent.4 a aaj; The same average of increase is made for all classes. EARTHQUAKES IN CALIFORNIA ' San 'Francisco, Dec. 31. A distinct eartri ;tremorwas felt here this niorri lrig. ; Other towns north and south; re ported 1 heavy shocks.. No damage is reported.,-.. BOi IS PHiLAl ' PhiladN;lpbia," Dec SlResfdentsi near Thirteenth and. Dickenson streets were frightened oijt of their beds this morriilg byl ine terriSc explosion of a bomb-in Erank ... ... -t ..-.... - store. : Angellucci's grocery Grand Theatre 'V : ; Perfectly ventilated, most sanitary theatre 1 4tbe South. It .itA -.'' "N- IEIPHIA r'.. ha'. krhttt of rjffeHhW Whvt ' from." it's insfe above mJTMtM yuu mciose uie cniei arguments lot ;wea.tfierretc, I see. bo ireason on eartS ' I.eX.His' exarafee thsoundof the Crash One Hundred Feet Beneath: East River Injured Six Workmen One Will Probably Die Belated Dyna mite Blast Caused the Disaster, III: 11 New York, Dec. 31. A dynamite ex- Mrs; Bunting's room had in it a reg ploslon in a tunnel one hundred feet ulation wood .heating, stove. It Is pre beneath the East River, between Man: ( sumed that her : clothing caught fire hattan- and' Brooklyn, today, injured while she was attempting to place fuel nel, a': tremendbus-englneerlng prbpect; is; being bored through mud and rock wilder'a residence, a minute or two of the river bed. Tne men were at ifter" twelve o'clock today had her at work in the tunnel when the explo- ! tentidn attracted by smokfe which was ' . . 1 mi -1 : x jxt 1 " ; sion oecurea. mey ana sei oa several dynamite blasts during the night, but SBVUai UJL IUCI11 laiicu iu cauuc ' I ROBIN HAS AN EVEN . o CHANfCE WITH DEATH New York, Dec. 31. clare that Joseph G. -Physicians de l Robin, banker and director, who swallowed one tenth of a grain of poison just before arraigment yesterday on an indictment for grand larceny from the Washing ton Savings" Bank, has an even chania for recQvery. ' The indicted banker lies a prisoner in the hospital . prison . ward. OH, WHEREj . OH, WHERE, IS New York, Dec 31. Express, eom pany . detectives are . scouring1 New; York for a clue to the where-abouts of a gown,: which Mrs. Nicholas' Long worth expected to wear "at President Taft's New Year's reception Monday Laiternoon. Mrs. Iongwonh canle to New YOrk from Washington-reeehtly and was measured by dress inakets; Iriqtiiry Indicates that the - goWn was Stolen from a wagon' during the'? holi day rush. .---V.. . '- - ' '-. ; Lang and Lanford to Fight," -,: J , ; New 'York, Dec 3 1. Sam Langford and Bin Lang are matched to fight for aV twenty thousand dollars ; purse in London February 16th. . tn flgeo-tafly While : In Her Room; at, the Home.Vf t Mr H. F. Wilder- Her - 8on-Jn-Law Mrs. puntfng's Ctothinp CaughtireJ From "a Stove and She Waa Fatally JBurned In Few Morhents--Disti ess- 1 ng Tragedy Has Shockeil, the. City Mrs. Rebecca? J. 'ijuntfng, a vener- I able and :Ueloyed lady f thiy jclty, mother oi Messrs. J. ttidksv BuntlhH and, NaBh , Buntings Komlneot drug I gists -of ;Wilmingfon,was' fatally burn? auglit jflft .whflJa' MRitt !tef, rbin and $e'-wa dead wttett the: apartment was enterec a' few'mutes late. f .rvlnformatibnof the dtttretog'tge dy spread. th6ugimut tKe cftyflke wad fire afew, mttutei after It occtiWed Universal expressions of sympa&y. fori lae o&wea Teiauves-were onerea px clYvD9.:i coresoi inenas-cauea at, J.r. - yvimers resiaence aunng tne eat- cause of the shocklnfir "death A Mrs. Buntlngand'to offer any assistance iK tnent .which has befallen - the cttildrei I pf the belovedlady, Mrs.BunthSg wad i in her 82nd Year.;; She was not strong Enough to suppress rtne flames' alter aer clothing1 caught 'ffre- although she nljrX'-iewrmfnutes after thecaught nreUrHer body aa bractk callydndnerated, by th.ef;: devouring! The tragedys bf such Bad and nournful nature-thatsit will shock and jrl eye the ? entlft 3 communj ty; y- Mrs, !iting as aljn hit eV; fme she liaUght f firer ? Therefore, exttetry how :he awful affair- occurred4s only a mat ;er of surmise. Mrs. Bunting occupied a front room "ya the second floor of Mr. Wilder's 1 res dence, No. 216 Chesnut street, there was no one with her in her room at the' time of the fire. ' '; In the stove. . Mrs. Henrv W. An eel ifi-: ber088 th streef frrinS Mr lsmerging rfroni itiie mindowa i of the ;room occupiedfby Mrl Bun&fevThinkt' Inir that a firo had otarto1 rni . Occuphhs; bt the fesidenee . were una ware ot it, Mrs. Angel Hurried across the street to apprise Mrs. Wilder. The two ladies lost not a moment In hurry ing up stairs to go to the assistance, of Mrs. Bunting as they remembered that she was In her room. The door lead ing to the apartmentVas closed; Mrsi Angel forced the ' door open and tile fgaze of tnetwd ladles fell upon flames which were devouring the bed arid washstand. Avolume of smok& pourr ed out of the rOom a moment a two after the door Hwas opened. , MsiAngei and Mrs. Wilder, noticing that " Mrs. Bunting was not In her room, Hurried nto the bath-room which adjoined Mrs Bunting's apartment. Here Mrs. Bunt ing was found lying on the floor.- The aged lady was dead when found In the bath room.' This was only a very few moments after the smoke had first been noticed by Mrs. Angel; from her home across; the. street. 'The - ladies saw tbat nothing could be done fof Mrs. Buhting.as death had already erij sued. Mrs. Angei . then hurried out arid had e'aiarrit of.fireseht in.. i.T'he de partment responded In & few -moments and sunpressedj-rthe .fire. ih ' thef roorii after , articles of furniture -had been badly dariiageii by flames "," . '' In the meantime physicians- had been; suinmonedr' Aftejr viewing the J iindv f hev ! stated that Mrfe.1 B'untlrig had been dead tor some minutes and! that notning couia De( aone : ior. ner. The body was" fearfutij" hurried arid it is presumed that'death was. hastened b theT Inhalation of ' flames The fact that the body was'fond.Ia the bath-room shows . that Mrs. Bunt ing, after her . clothing ." eaughi firej made every ' effort: to' securewaterf to extinguish ' the ''flames. She; trarersed r ;--.;' ".'"'- " '..'X-'" Ied, flytns.a few mifiutejs Ms, shoffi Wtl4yWb at Wderice w$at trom!hr rooid trf kbalrro6m ad iombg in iheUffoft UfWecbre water to I r t lilat Trrif"K?w?VSr' romlaea to bi , hiCstiieat AnAIVIost JfisUve .U All No Ban on Noise, But Rowdy ism Will be. Strictly Barred 1 " New. York,. Dec. lv-More j than . a million" dofiars gcsrbiimrcfulatiottj' at tohlght's - Nejv Yeai celebration n York' Moth& sum will be thecostlier. and noisier of! ali prV vloust iceletjraOiisf ? Ticklers?! a eonT fetti and 'rowdyism' arebwredlliiyT'ofll clalr. edlciLtNb attnlpboxyeeHi wilt be m&de -to1 p'ui the,s6flr -:-r;iHlii of Disasters if pVfi mm i t Winterf ter afld beavy snows are fngjpiany i MUvx .i "'vhv,!, o . v j . Vtea. v., ,. a -;, ...". t4 a fw feet going, from her room to the I bath room.' Before getting to-the bath tub she felL dyingit Isrsupbosed, with in a fewomentsThV body, waafeaiv Cully burnedr Tne tragic aeath ox Mrs. Bunting win bedeeply deplored la this city where she was well known and unlversnUy; behoved, vThe enderm; pathyj of bundreds otf rlends will , he extended the bereaved i relallves In their terrible -and. tragic bereavement. A few minutes afte Mrs. Bunting's bodyNras t ouncTMr. James Woolvin- the funeral- director waa summoned and he prepared the remains for burial! Announcementof the - funeral v will pe uelfiVV; t ; Mrs. Bunting U survived tby'two - "Nash Bunting, "of this" city - and tWo daughters, ifrs. H. F. ' Wilder, ,of. Wfit DrUiigton and another daughter, Mri .Vturphy whp resides in Georgia. .; The latter has been .telegraphed, the jad news of her mother c tragic dQath :nd it is expected that she will come or the funeral. n Daring Aviator Moisant . ; '. r.; ? .; ; ;i;.' Who Fell . . - r-rr- , h j , I wv8HiWBiniriniiiiiiiiiiiiiii mnranMii J:w:';.i: MtatMMrainiiniiiiiiinnniwiwiiiiiiiiiiilWinm s x'yW T' pr' j' -" v rf i-i-.-'.-C 4'S;: s.i." r , 'wr v A v:;st ; i . '; . HA k i- T - r It J,"'. ; ' -4 - .if : .. ' --r. " (-'. v? ' : ' ' . a... - ' v J - " " . '- ' - - " . - y."fj ' v t ( 4, y v-A , U 1 '"-: Is .. . ;i, - -t- V; ; - .ai" ( " '"-'''.:" v. . tir-. , v. '--'ff., "ft T w.--.. v-ii ".. , . .... . - . - t ... .. - ' .... . i - . , s i- - - .r r i " -:.?. . ..-. - . 1 - . '. -: ' '."''"' '"..,". . -V : - - ..-1 .. .... . .fc - i -,.-.;. i- . - . .. " . - ' ( - v .. -. irSOIl me. 5CGlie ; OL : One" KlHeo8 .and Tjrreat Others Serloua- : Jy .InjuredBomb Explosion -.Wecktt-? ed a Tenement and Wat "Followed .;, by a Firp, - , V , " , iPaierson, N. : J.Dc 31. pne man dead ad twoneri and alclldttan-, , . ' gerously injured? is fhe'tolf of 'the lat-; prack4iaiMiv trag here, the , ' explqslob was folw'ed; ba firewhleh f x edked k double tetiemehf'hbusa fiiQ " 1 ' " bomb expioded undetbe.staJrwayy J N LaieU CItV'.ADec S1.4;DiL Jb'htt' my .. 1 y.ier, .-. oil Amnursi - uuiversuy; ;aa.s dressing j the rTJtafi Teachers' ; Associa- T.ffftt naeorlo1 T10f. ronltocr o til la m it . -j , ridicuioulAngrediehis , otmodern edu-: catiom"' ''Athleticaja-the'igb schools a should 1not e too severe," - he said,; "The heari at the time a boy is iri the v high school" i yet weak,-and its 'tis sires are notitpughvEvery command-' ef: dreads taking:witli hhn In the field v of r battle' hoys elghiees, nd twenty years old. ,C 4 ., .. 5 - -V 1 IU fill'. - :HIFr;mfr.W . -:.r ; - . "iV -''"T r "r " -t-lTr-i - " k , -. , " - 1' v" . ' i tijre tons of coal, Michael Haley,an : 1 ; . engineer,, was crushed todeath last- ' ' nigt in. a coar picket, " 2 'ir- " 4 .if' t Grand Theatre. 'How Hubby Got a Raise an ex It tremely funny picture. to Death To-day- 4 r1 ;i S 'V .1 i

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