. .1 ' i Delivered aaywhere. in City 25c "per abatiL ) ;-?" Sent anywhere la tae , Country. VOLUME FIFTEEN Goes For the Railroads GOV I 3 . fi5 . paiiies and Pralsds Prohibition Message rcf North Carolina Chief Exe cutive Received by the GeneraKAv sembly :. Today and an I mportat Document Senate Standing Com mittees Named Greensboro Pre- 'V sents First BilJ for Commission Form of Governmcnt ani it Provide for the People evtQ eiep.t thp Commis- sioners. ;; (By Llewxara.) . : . '', y Raleishi N. qanU5:191;he, proceedinfa in tha Senate; tiiday 'began with a;repetition jQ last, session' con ntion qn'he bart of few Senators' ttiat the three young ;w6men ecjplpyed as stenographeyri shouidL be required to . write the private letters &s public basA iness of the fifty Senators; in addition to the heavy work tbat fall to, their lot later in the - Bession. Of (tourse, the final disposition of the matter, was to make no compulsory ' requirement, but leaving it optional with the young ladies to aeepmipodat . the - Senators when tney conveniently can ao . so, do "not incompatibly " with their other ... - duties The first of the commission 4 form of government .bills w'aV Introduc ed todaj- in the Senate by. Senator Ilbb good, of Guilford. . The provision ..un der section "elections." v provides for the election by thjeyoters. of city each J two years of a m'aCyor JwhO Js, to be commissioner of f public, accounts and finances), a commissioner of depart ment public worka commissioner of public' safety these toree to consti- h it t., f."r.i.Ti wian -2;AT72C"rv Hart iuv v.1 ,j . x- u k u v -uua uiov u uumw time bo elected a judge of a municipal court "and such Other elective officers' as mar be provided by law." I under stand that the people of Greensboro would not standfor a commission form of government different from this ex press election feature provided i the Ilobgaod. bill as.- introduced todays There is a strong section incorporated against "bribery," with the severest penalties that can be inflictejd ,for Ite violation. i . ; The Lieutenant Governor's selection of committees and especially the chair manships are 'regarded as admira"ble on tne whole and the announcements to day afforded general satisfaction. John W. Graham, of Orange, as the head of tne Judiciary Committee No. 4, is a fine selection, and With Senator Bas sett, of Edgecombe as his yoke-mate, as Chairman of the Revisal Commit tee, (otherwise chairman of Judiciary Committee No. 2), the team is re garded as "strong pullers" of the Blackstone wagon, and they have some tip hill plowing to do. Senator Joe Brown,, of Columbus as head of the Finance Committee, is dead sure to do some good work for the State in rer forming Ihe present system and minor details of inequality and - injustice in the taxation of property. Senator Bellamy irew a good num ber as Chairman of the-Committee on Corporations. . During reading of the" message, which began at 11: ID o'clock-in ibth Houses, there were occasional puntua- tions of applause, une of them bekig especially noticeable in approval of the idea of a mountain educational training school. The . passage referr ing to the recommendation that the water powers and electric light and power companies be placed under con trol of the State Corporation Commis sion was received with silent attention, as was also the references to the need ed insurance matters. His recommen dation for the suppression of the i mil eage book exchanged for tickets nuis ance, which are so 1 explicitly ma4e, met with evident approval. The two cent per mile feature of . that recom mendation seems v to be regarded as possible, aneff ectiv entering ' weiige to bring the railroads to terms in thjs matter.. The amendments to the COn stitution recommendations among which is the one extracting mo3t -t the work from the legislature in mat ters of petty legislation, was dubiously received by some legislators. The people are as jealous, of their rights as ever. , . The recommendation , that the Gov? 1 W AL j" t--$ Tm ,ivC. r JkT - - ' j IrVKV-tY; er: u variable winds. ' , . - i. - o V T r'l" '" 1 . v ,. J -1 - '-a1. " 1 1 ua, : ,. " " y. -is 4 45 antl 3 i ernor of North Carolina he invested with the veto power win cause discus sipa and opposition; ; aTthouh .North Carolraa is one of only; a very few States that withholds this power f rom its executive , .ked .as totheir Opinions most of -JPearl . the . message as" ..49BnVth'bugn as Is to be gpeetedj cwniing ttnm a Kitchln, it Tfl..-se opposition in some respecb quarters Thev cotton ' Torrens land .registration system got a nicr tppst;froni;ine::GWniOT.: I motion of Senator Graham, of OrangV, the Governor's massage was rdferd printed, ' (500 copies) and the different portions thereof to. he referr . ed by the chair to thf several apprq' priat'e committees. The following bil ws introduced hy McDonald; ,for tbf more effective Indexing of registratior: of deeds in each county. . The Lieuten ant Governor announced standing .com mittees, after whfeh the Senate Ad journed. The lblipwing' are the chair mei of the Senate cqmmtttees ( ijousc ppnunlts;&ot';yet;aVmon Judicia'ry, Graham, Chairman; Pi nance. Brown i Corpo.-ations, Bellamy; Education, Barham.Bants and Bank ing, ifascoe;" Propositions and Griev ances, AIcLourlnj; Agriculture, Cobb; Salaries and Fees, Ivey ; 'Corporatior Commission, a Thbrne ; Railroads. Green;' Claims, ; Baggett; Appropria lions. Long; Privilege 'andUElections Harvey ; Pensions and" Soldiers Home, Boyden ; Penal Institutions, Gotten; sell; Soldiers and Soldiers' Home, Bbyderi ; Fish and Fisneries, Martin . of t Washington ; . Shell Fish, Davis ; Senate Expenditures, Barham; Con gressional Apportionment, Kitchin; In ternational Improvements, Cox; Deaf Institution, Hicks ; Asylums - for In sane, - Sykes; Counties Cities anc" Towns, Martin of Buncomhe; Const! tutional Amendments, Barnes; Public Roads, Bennett Military Affairs, Gard ner; Immigratioh, Armstrong; Judi cial Districts, Hobgood. I,n The House. With the exception of reading of the Governor's . message, , proceedings In the House were unimportant. There were no. bills of general interest. The legislative wheels moved very slowlj in the House today, the new reading cleric being evidently unaccustomed tc such, work. Governor's Message. Governor Kitchin discusses a num- ber of important things in -his mea-: sage. Among those of livest interest, he recommends reduced railroad pas senger fares aifdgoes for .the insur ance companies. He believes the in surance business ilT" controlled by a tmst, which arbitrarily fixes rates too high- and discriminates against the State. He urges legislative; restrlc tio of fire insurance companies with- Intbe State. He praises the work if the State- Health Department and recommends increased " appropriaAon. Ho also pays tribute to the North Car olina bankers' action in the bond mat ter , last summer and recites the liis tory of the jband transaction, TpuoTi lne other ' vitar and . live matters , he declares in his message today: V ;' Prohifcition. Prohibition has now been in force throughout, the State -for two years. This , is " a short period, with which to measure the effects of a reform move- men. We, havfedone little more th; planted the seed whose full fruitage will bo gathered by coming genera tiohs. And yet already . the results fully justify ' its adoption. A There has been, as appears from the. Attorney General's report, based upon Superior court statistics, a marked diminution in crime, oven inth,crimeoT.yiolat ing the prahi)it3on Jaw. Business has experienced rincreased . rather than di minished prosperity Morality, indus try and frugality have increased, and politics 'and government5 have been to a great extent relieved bf one of their mogt corrupting influences. '. S . , -x The "greatest hinderance to its, en forcement, except he interstate c?om . (CootinMed onThird ;Pge.) t WILMINGTON" N First Authentic :. ; 1 $i a v s v5 4K - f 14 f s v - s $t a , ..Hi V'"-' Ttx . .-.V.-.-,V.,A-".'.VAV.'.V.,.".SW.SW.'.W.V.1".'.TO.",3 4 HO&m AND OETECTIVE rtODt? Joseph G. Robin, the Indicted New York banker, whose .skyrocket methods caused tho suspension of the North ern Bank of New York and its nine branches and the Washington Savings bank, i3 cnarged with the alleged theft of $80,000 from the first named institution. AVniiam Travers Jeromi, RobinIawyer, claims that the hanker is in sane.'. Robin, whose nanie originally was Rablnovltch; came to Amejrlca from' Russia about thirteen year aiund : after he-had learned the English language Jjecatne a reporter He speedily anandoned the newspaper htlshiess and jbecame a financier. For years he lived iifc lavish style and wai regarded as & millionaire. When arrested he took poison. ' i. ) '. L ' v ' ' . VIPEO OUT Two Russian Towns Reported Destroy ed by Yesterday's Earthquake Each Town Had Eight Thousand Popula tion. . y St. Petersbprg, Jan. 5. A message from . Tashkent, Russian Turkstan, says ttyere are unconfirmed rumors that the towns of Przhevalsk and Pishpek were destroyed by 'yester day's earthquake and that a lake has formed on the site of the former place. Each town has a population of eight thousand. AT AFTER TtS XMAS HOLIDAY Washington, JanJ 5. Congress con vened at noon following its Christinas holiday recesss. Senate adjourned rfji mediately out of respect for memory of Senator Stephen li. Elkins, who died yesterday. The House proceeded with ror.s?deration of the legislative appro priation bill. '"The House adjourned after an hour devoted to pressing business. Stocks Today. New York, Jam 5.-Wall Street-f- Spme heaviness was shown by the stock narket at the opening, fwith the" general tendency irregular. All tho activity died out of the market in tho afternoon. There a was creeping ad vance restoring prices generally to parity with yesterday's final figures. A renewed advance in Reading and Consolidated Gas, which placed the latter stock three points above yester day's close," had a tonic effect on tho market. Prices hard'ened slightly. De mand was. soon .exhausted and the list again fell back. Following , a slight recovery in the. first hour; the market fell back again by noon, largely through lack of lead ership. 'Prices then were generally below th eprevious day's close. Call money was in light demand at five per cent. 'Bonds were irregular. Y. M. C. A. Building Burned. Kalamazoo, Mich., Jan. 5. The Y. M-' Ci A. building hre '-was destroyed by fire today. The loss is sixty thous and dollars;, partially covered by in surance. V, C, THURSDAY J ANtTARY 5, 1911 - i. Pictures ;6f -Joseph G. Robin Metedfc; York Banker. X0 'X- a- -.X-.v.-.'.v.'. i'S .v.v.vjt.w.,.'.,.,i1-.' A?..A..V..4':. ' --.'4. N , BEWARE OF ERflFIERS Indiana's Governor Gives the Legisla tors .Some - Sound Advice Abdut Steering Clear of Slick Lobbyists Recommends Repeal of Local .Op tion Law. . Indianapolis, Jnd., Jan. 5. In his mcssage to the legislature, Governor Thonias R. Marshall, Democrat, told the members: "Be careful of the man who wantg to show you a good time the day after he had been introduced, and also beware of the 'high flyers." The Tellow who wants to show. you a good time has an axe to grind. He in tends to chop his own wood with It. There' is no money in honest public service. The man who 'flies high' in office has, some one holding the string to his kite." Gov. Marshall recom mended jrep'e&Lof the local option law. E Lexington, Ky.y Jan. 5. Farmers or ganizations all ovei the country arq watching the convention, . of tobacco I grdwers of Kentucky, Ohio, West Vii ginia, Indiana and Missouri, wnich met today to organize for the purpose , of obtaining better prices tor their crops. Eight million pounds of the 1909 pool remain unsold in warehouses in -Lexington, Louisville and Cincinnati. Near ly the whble oftthe 1910 crop remains unsolL 'S GOV. T ON THE LIQUOR Lahslnsr. Mieh.. Jan. 5. Governor fsborn in his first message to the le,g-; among scores of other questions.; "Temperance" he says, "is a. mattcr of personal discipline and is more as moral and a social problem than a po litical . one. " Government 1 by saloon and brewery must go.": . Something special, f$3.00 Goodyear, Welt for $1.98. Little Cash Shoe Store, 121 Market St. . It V- :- -I. .wWss..' Hill V: ? ""-w , v; 5; i s 4 3 . -v.v.' Sv.-y- i ft DIXIE FLIER OJTCHED Left Rails While Speeding South This Morning, But No Fatalities Same Train Wrecked Same Place Month Ago. Macon, Ga., Jan. 5. The "Dixie Flyer," the fast Chicago to Jackson ville train, was ditched this morning at Inaha, on the Georgia, Southerhand Florida Railroad, ninety miles below Macon. The engine and four cars: were overturned. The passengers-werE badly shaken up. There wefe no fatalities. The only person injured was a fireman. None of the sleeping or club cars left the track. The'train started south from Chicago, yesterday. Abut one month ago the flyer was wrecked at almost the same place. WHERE CRIME! IS JUSTIFIED Judge Holds Its No Harm to Steal an Umbrella On i Rainy Day. Paferson,: N.. JJan..5. It is no crime to steal an umbrella';on-a,rainy day. Judge Carroll has thus deeldecL Robert McCauley was before the court charged with staking an umbrella from Ja hotel during a rainstorm.. He was dismissed, the judge seeing no harm m such conduct. . , ' ; ; TENNESSEE LEGISLATURE SAT A Nashville, Jan, J. The deadlock In the Tennessee legislatture continues. No business js bemgVtranaC.ted. , .-The regular Democrats are arrayed; against the Independent Democrats ; and .Re publicans. "V Monthly Meeting Yesterday,. f The regular monthly' ; meeting of Cape Fear Chapter," United. Daughters of the Confederacy, v?as held. 'yester day afternoon. A number of business matters were considered. Senator Young "Wants the Primary; Des Moines, Jan, 5.?Senator La fayette Young has. declared himself in favor of the enactment of the Oregon primary law by the coming Iowa legis lature. ; .- -'. - J .. Something special, $3.00 Goodyear Welt for $1.98. Little Cash' Shoe Store, i J- : - . 'pi Market St.' : ';v; It tof : Thirty - Governor Piaisted Inaugurated Today , and He Advocates Business Methods in,; Utet vM anagemcnt Rpundfy SresPhiUjon in Maine Advocates the Direct Primary. Augusta, Maine, Jan. 5.-Frederick W. Piaisted look the oath of office in the Hall of Representatives ahd is now Governor of Mainej the-first Dem ocrat to hold that office in thirty years, or since the completion of the term or his father, the late General Harris M. Piaisted. In his inaugural , address, Gov. Piaisted urged adpptfpn 6l busi ness methods tn theadmihistraio4w. the State's affairs,, the abolition of un necessary offices and" the eonsolidatipn of departments ; whenever good y ju'dt ment?yarrants it. Gov, ,Plisd.j'a)d the Democrats stand obligated to en act a direct primary law, Rev jewing the years of prohibition '.in : Maine, Piaisted declared not only has the pur pose of the Constitutional provision and legislative tnactment failed, of ac complishment, out hypocrisy, corrup tion and disrespect for law, had been begotten. " ' b' , -' Queenstown, Union of South Africa, Jan. 5. Fifteen persons were, killed and forty to fifty Injured in a 'wreck of a passenger ;train nefirjathart. Cape jdolcinyf Tke tranwa loaded with holiday merrymakers, roni East turning over, rolled down an embank ment. '" ' ' - '' ' 1 THE TRUST'S SECPNP FIGHT. Argument Made by Amricah Tobacco Company's' Attorneys Today. Washington, Jan. - 5. The 4 second fight of the American Tobacco Cor porations against dissolution by deer e? of the Supreme "Court of the United States, under the Sherman anti-trust law, was begun today, when attorney's advanced, arguments in behalf of tljeir cause, r ' Republicans Still Deadlocked. Dover Del., Jan. . 5 Republican members of . the Dlsiaware legislature are still deadlocked over the organiza tion of both tj(e . Senate and House. Ther is trp pospec of agreement TO TEST . V. New York, Jan. 5. -Application wa3 made to Supreme - Court 'Justice 'Golf today by counsel for Joseph G. Robin, the "indicted director of the suspended Northern Bank, for '-a commission to inquire into Robin's sanity, , , Robbers Likely in Seattle. . " Seattle, Washington" Jn.'- 5. The two robbers who looted the mail. car. of North Coast Limited train, Ott the Northern Paclfid railroad laBt night undoubtedly; left the train, in Argo, where the train stopped Oft the cross ing. They are 'now - believed to.be in Seattle. . . n V Perhaps thelMisi nfl Bill loon. Berlin Jan. 'S.ttA Copenhagen dls patch states that a balloon supposedly the German Hildebrant, missing since December 29th, passed over Hees- .gamiaes, Sweden, last night. ' :e No per sons were visible, -A A' i .. ' - - " ' i - . 9:, - if-Norfolk' Ledger-Dispatch In- ;j 1,463 toai-ine disasters vlnl910, in. which 6, 661 persons were In jeopardy, ohljr 53 IJves were lost, , and ' only 74 vessels were completely wrecked. StilJ Con gress hesitates todeal eeherously with the Life Saving sjer Wee hy "wkose ef forts this 'splendid- leebrd is made. , ; A - .. ' - - i ' ... Soaiethlpg special $3.00. - Goodyear Welt (for $i.98: Little Cash Shoe Store, Id JvlANY.HOUDAY MERRYMAKERS - '' ''- COMMISSION SAKITY j 121 Market St. ... It .-t." . , - -- rA PRICE FIVE CENTS liilii i. is Cut ' Her Throat Wfth His Pocket Knife; and is Now in Jail Was art Old ..Man.' and .Wife Slightly His Junior.. . '" . Pensacola, .Fla.f Jan. 5. Believed to be.ipsane, William Morgan,. a wealthy planter, Is in jail, after killing his wife at their home last; night, Morgan is aged - seventy years. His wife was a few years-younger. Morgan cut hi3 wife's-thrpat ;With a; pocket knife..;, ur th i cm- . t : u L n t lit .!i i. H ,i:.t y .V: .Ts'iTAZ jj ''' 'f . . Concord, N. . H., i Jan.; ; 5.-Gbvernor Robert j P( -Bass, p$mqcrat,i .in his, in- -iaugural address asseed;thntnhe per-' manent , success- of ; representativo j. Democraby depends primarily on two conditions. First, the Government shall not fall under control of any group, class or portion of,a commun ity; Secondly, that those elected to office by the people shallx keep faith : with their constituents. Gov-.Bass de clared there is universal demand, re flected', in political unrest, "that cor porations get out and, keep out of poli tics. . - ' . COLLEGE BUILDING BURNED. Teacher" Fatally Injured artdj Several Students" Misping. . ; Granby, Quebec, Janf? B.With the temperature twenty five degrees be lcw zero, forty students in St. Joseph's LCoilege ejcejflatfefllrjcu? this'momlng in a fire which dstroyed the college's m One teachpr juhiped from third story window and vas fatally injured Sey eraltudents are naissing andnmay be in the ruins. - ' ! ' ;! . CAP AND GLASSES MAI ,'BE Brussel, Belgium, Jan. 5. T&e-Aero Club has received a dispatch from President Ostend of t the , Aero Club, stating . that an aviators cap and glasses, probably those wOrh' by Cecil Grace and supposedly lost in tho North Sea while the aviator was re turning from ' a' - triumphant" 1 flight, w ere; picked up at: sea off MariakerkP,' pn the Belgium coast, ' -' A " '' 1 7' '; " y l - Vv. :' -. ' -' REPARATION N QT ,N EC ESS A RY. fnter$tate Commerce Commission Lays ' f Dowrt New Principle. " ' Washington; D." C;,J Jn, &. Award ing of reparktibn by no means necesr; sarily follows' sl reduction of rates, whether by voluntary action of the carriers or by order of the Interstate Commerce Commission, is the princi? pie laid down . by the Commission to govern' proceedings in reparation cases. i A 500,000 Licensed Autos. ' New York, Jan. 5. -There are five hundred thousand licensed automo biles In the,. United States according, to National Highway Protective Asso ciation statistics, ; . . - - GOV. HADLEY SENT IN .Jefferson City,' Jan, 5. Governor -I tad ley. In his biennial message .o the -legislature gave special attention to taxation the liquor traffic and the de velopment ofthe State's natural, re sources Concerning the recent defeat of the proposed amendment to the con stitution, providing for State-wide pro J hibition. Governor Hadley - said the liquor interest, shojtld not construe it as . an endorsement by the peopT of a more liberal policy toward these in Pimir Uin Urilmvinnt f iJidh m iram innni i ; J - J f . ' . "'in AyA'-,: ' i:'A 1 1 " -' " ; it-- 'A .-' 4iA: A:-i .'7,S VS., A-$$t - ' ' y:'-.' A A A AB A?m AtAA' ;A- i x if. 'AAA ''' m A: I mi ' it I : i 4 i Aa aK'A-.i "i ' ' ' v- 4, S V, 'St- i . . . .-.J As- r ' (

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