7t V 1, 4s i. V. z: : - v. - v-. . y " jy - - v. , ' i J . Delivered isywher la City y- , ?5o..pr month. v 1 L J nTi HI : r -it' ' ' L- ' Fair and sllgntly warmer tonight and i Sunday; light to moderate, ra' liable winds. - ' - 5 Sent an3r.vi.o?i In the Country VOLUME' 1 1 v: AndMormra II - L F DDDIfilllilflTBv : iiiwauiiiiiiu; ssa UUU 1 uuu port to ll Brief Session of Both branches Toda' But Severar Live Bills Introduced- one to Pfoniwt Sale of Cigarettes in North . Carol inaA'nother as' to Rat of Interest Standing Commtfl tees of House Will be Announced (By Llewxatn.) z Raleigh, N.' C, Jan. 7. It retired less than. hg ,an iw i Odwr' ?n t the esl of rioko : pnt' 6t2 paVta I m J bumerland and Robeson,, ; , By ; Seniqr t .Johnlson; amen ant act: to regulate J lb.tere3li.; By- Representa tive Ewart, to'prohlbit e' payment ot poll tax of voters for the purpose of influencing votes. - , ,-. . The Corporation Committee submit ted its report as to' Investigation of freight rates Interior from' "North Car olina points. Speaker Dowd anndanc ed that he would -announce moat of the important standing - committees Monday. ' - y ' T " In the House. - .r Speaker Dowd, in -a formal state ment to the Houso today announced that he had experienced some dlfjfcuV ty in the s?exjth"eHousmj inlegislative'hafathat itiWaat cause of these th$css thedelaY ; fit iu ' ;:hi; iri Ui i Laughlln itoi fiaabilpM'i Ph' Mewrcounty the most nseMMcpuliiesliWC arisen in announcing the- BtancLi0-ers "cdnimftteeshuLtliat nowTheadPTSe work In such shape asto warrantr tfief the most Important - committees Moff get the legislative mactiinrTnwork- ing order. , ' 1 . -T -- . ' -.,. .. ;. Leave of absence was granted Rep-j resentative Kelhim, : of New Hanover, till Monday. " , - 1 - Mr. Taylor, of Brunswick, today -in-J trodueed a bill to levy a-special ta in Brunswick county. . Mr, Privett pre sented a new bill" to amend Chapter 640 acts of 1909, relating to fishing in Albemarle Sound and Its tfihute8.i;. Treasurer Lacy is the first head, of a State Department to comply with the hew law requiring them to report to the legislature, th'o number of. clerks and employes in their , respec tive offices, with" the 'salaries each, etc , i i -i yj A rreignvnaieporr Addressed to Lieut- Gov Newlai ssed to Lieut. ov Newiana,i as president of &e-lefla'te. Clerk; Max well today' transmiftk? of the commission io ;thev legislature its report, pursuant to af.reoluQqtf' adopted at the last' session of the Gen- eral Assembly, with reference ; to "Freight Rates Interior from Northi. Carolina ports'O' ' ;' f ' V The report deals with the hearing by the commission on September i5m - , . f towns and cities Virginia; from South Carolina ports to interior towns- ana cities or South Carpunaand rrptt North Carolina ports to iBterior toWnV and cities in NothJCarpilria Ther r9; port states that at that; date the Sotiih em, Seaboard, Coast I4de. and .Nor follr nnd Smitlibni ' HaA '' Aafa i. aa 'rail quested. Thai. 'counsel lav North ;arj3K lina Merchants.' 'Ass ocf atlott, appeared; and that Stato wW )eprhted byAtf follows: - '; ?-V. "Upon all the 6 information 7andvW ucuue oDiainaDie iuy : ine, vprporj?1! commission we -VfVpf thie pinion 3 upon an average, the freight rates from,1 ports lh North. . Carolina .1 to Iniahd towns in North Carolina jare as low oi" lower fhah trthefrelgW:rate rm ports in Virginhi to Inland towns. in that State,, and tbereight rates trota ports in South" v Carolina- to inland towns in that 'Hta&k':?rt$ 'lrK 'The 'correspondence pipers filed and copy of the oral evidence intfd- duced are all on die' in bur pflle, and win be produced at atlme ypUr Honorable Bly'maysWggest'-' iV was in such volume that ; tne Corpofatibh Commission did incur the expense concerningjreignt ,ratsAm .enecK d'rfgxanaldacy' for' the -Untt-from the ports of Virginia to interlprl not think It proper tafterstihg picture ine- ieg- during tne police's attempt to Negro Woman lleft He? Three Chit- s-i dren at Home Alone and They Were Burned to Death She Was Off Sky. larKuig. ' - 5 Special to; The Dispatch. tVettetfflk N4 C.t Jan. 7;-Fire last au uie. eastern part bf the city inpwn fcampbieltowh, destroyed - a 8fna)l hOtfBe OCCUDled hv, a niffmJWrt! Wflnamed Gllmorkt The- womanieh supposed itne vboy went tofIeep.i All werfe iburned beyond -recognition. s ? Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 7. WUUaini (J. Meyers, 5ast Grand Exalted Ruler, of the Order of Elks, and said to be the original . "Hello Bill" of drgaiization, died at his home T today, after a long lftness Meyers for twenty three years was chief engineer of the Evening Tel-f egrapfe plant and was widely known. In 1895y he waa elected Exarted Ruler of: the order.: Meyers was 'also promi nent In the Masonic order. tfCTfeWjSAOLY BURNER CosioirTftday U a Bis- Kentucky IJ - V - rMh.v ; - , 1 "txtngtott, Jan. 7r Flf teen toin were badly burned? and fifty oth en? narrow iy escapea -m . aa expwsioij. in ithe big eoal' company mines in Lee 'county The men were blown from far down the shaft to above the sur--ao- , , . STUTE'r AHORHEf BRIEVES E Cumberland. Maryland. Dec. 7. Fol lowing the "doubtf ul ' Verdit of 'the coro' uet's jury at the inquest into tne deatn of Charles-vT. Twigg, of "Keyser,. W. , Va.; and Grace Elosser, his bride-to-be; at tne home or , tn flatter nere last Saturday, the : authorities have, taken up new task'dlLjBOlving the'mysteVK Th Mnrv Tfitafrifid a verdict' that -the couple came to tneir aean. njr poison, - ft manner 4linknown 4, o;V AVtn,V Rohh declared he Inquest sausQfid nim . tnat Twigg ami Miss Elosser were -yictlm br murder on thelr weddin'g .eve. ' ', V't"T .'.' i.fK.Mi t r-.l-.-V ? riTZHUGH OtlTFpR 6EHAf.$i: Heieiped itp: Pwaecotehe Coopers . . : L ; In NashvllIeV' 4 . : ,v W; ashvaievlteinj; :Jah. :7.--GusvT. OTfhK:',nf Mftmnhls has formally i iviUieu) r-srr t" . , pA S?t seh'atn to BUcceedJames B. Frazier. . Fitzbugh was associate coun sel for the prosecution in the Carmack murder case .' " papers without diction of yotir, HonJ OrabMyiffip' vHi1oth4 htiuses idiourned to lme6l at noon' . Monday... ;: - ' ; ; V-V Spr4wak':Maiden.5C:Thi8 in- n tvr Ten HiWInKKI iiullii vilu i uuni web m ' J S - - - ' ; jJt,. New OTeasw Jaii: siWiisaowre, Known ;aB.j.i.ue Augci wi. o s ".V dat i6seph's imynt 6ayiafc tef- s siitH duiry ears service in St: Jhvidker ,$nei;.was eighty-fire nursed ttte&dlet s-bi ; bom armi6sy ;'iof; printing thesej pattohs 6i the theatre.': " vH islatirealrcmriaUbn; bm h ; them Tuesday. -v ; ; ; ; 5 . v F-f x .... f ,. xv-'v. X y i 1 tiSe&wwT' ' kl t, ? 1 I li - iwnrrrrxp ' -1-.--- ic -j v 11111 ' After all. the magnificent silver service which the state pf Ubh is to sresenlltothd D'readnousf 16 Wak ' r nearly Completed, is to have engraved unon It as emblems a JikenRsi nt 'vnn r 'tifoii Mormoa temple at Salt Lake City. TPrk Assistant ecnetary of the imoa engravings on the Utah's sUver ' 8!r-Tfce department fs ieceipt. by reference from ffle' president, of your Hsttef - of a recent date protesting seamst the acceptance of the silver service presentedto the United States steanisMp- rtah bythe state of Utah whfch. Is laneKetd Is engraved. with a picture of Brighsm Totmcr-tnifd the itdrnton tewvna 'nd tn ttMv Vr tA Tr.fci 'v, i;V irxiT that It'jan prescrtbethe pattern or design of any serytce. This. It -woud Beera; fletaUa have, always been considered as partainlng- to the mdlvidffal stater. IT t has been patterned as you report the department Is Inclined to the opinion that iw:apy;ijHwuonoi'aBuw m wmca ucin do m no wise concerned. Very respeotfuy, BEE KM AN WINTHROP, . r"w;-vrt r.:r-- ..' .'.W- . ; . . '- . ' . ' ' . Assistant Secretary of the Navy -. . L .Tt controversy recalls that which followed the publication of the -action of the state of Mississippi in "t0 t?6 Picture of Jefferson Da the Confedemte states, onjthe silver service presented" tc the bat'tlesmp- Misslsisippl. All sorts of resolutions and objections' were raised to this action on the "part of Missis slppi.-tout they had no effect, and the picture of the president of the southern C6nedera fe 6n !e plate! ' mi i 4i- TWo'afisj$Yfle Trains -Come Togethej ni.eli;9id0nsti and Pu u- mart: Cphdyctor Jii led , Abbot, Texas, . JaA, 7.-7-T wo . riorth- bound Missouri, Kansas Jand Texas pasger;rtrains .collided today dur- ng al fojg causing trie deth of Dr. JC.' A. Kihfcja dentist, . f Dallas, and II.' iJ. Reynolds, a Pullinan "conductor, pf Aus tin. ; Several persons were Slightly in Jured.' The yengineer7of " the spcond traiii f ipped, after applying .the brakles'and' was- seriously hurt. -This is the first instance Tn which a paslen- ger was kllled.in a coach in the history of this roadv ". - A . - V 'f!; Nwork Jah;7-rJudgei Iiebbens I H.. w uneyiwno nas.jusi reiurnea ironi; MeicoyterJ studying f mining condi UbnsdejSslifS ment iitexidols of smalt impoance; Witfley says it is a gross exaggeration to call this disturbance s a reyoldtion.' g'iTroe'd6': Trpedp Boat v5oh; Trial Trip r jPhUadeiphia,: bPat,' ;: Warringari; : built at Cramp's ship iyafdV left 'icniayriora trhil ip off this ela ton'lsust makB29 1-2 knots ah hour. : , Mouse ";i9islatlve,Appropriaton Washington, I Jan. ' 7.-The:Hou:e to- SAYS INSURRECTION IN ' ..n ; . .' 3 . .. f ?0 .v 4 t v.. K-?'...v.-';. 5 1 1 This information la contained tn abetter written, to Hugii Gordon iffiler of t?ew , Navy Beelqmm Wmthrop. . Mr. M'Uer recently filed a protest asalnst the Mot- service at the. request of the women's .Republican clubs of New fork city Mr P KANSAS HOTEL ; Caney,' Kansas Jan. 7. 3. D. Sneely, president of the Wichltai Pipe 'Line Company, and head of several large oil companies, .was 'Shot and killed in the Palace Hotel this- morning by ; Al S. Struckett, a prominent husiness man. Struckett surrendered immediately - Stocks Today.' . :, r New ; York Jan '7. -Wall ' Street The , market Opened heavy - under an actiye selling movement in . which all leadingjshares participated. .. v : .-' , The market closed strong. Short in terest, took; alarm vatr.the 'substantial character of buying orders, which, ap pearirig In market and tld ; for stocks eagerly tojreiii. their cp .nket'-sm7wpgbodv rise .over" final. Jricesrof ;yjteteVdayiwith inquiry broad and cfcreiensiVe and )oh a 1 large scale " for' both - accounts. , . .. '. i ? -1 in 2: ; j..- . 1 : ,;1 G MANY Vi ''" i.-'V. I Htieiva- Spaman..-nje thnnei roof in the copper mine at io , Tlnto t fell today,4 burying many workers. Five lifeless bodies have been recovered. . Fiye Supposed Bombs Found. ; H. London? JanS 7r Five5 fupposed bombs ; were , discovered, today in" de bris' of the Sidney, street house, , virhere tfeeHwo Outlaws" were bumed to death capture RQMINEN OltliS 5 .y . 1?.: ; y x . 1j?jS-:?''; TM- i J It - ( , J t - ; r , y- it hag no concern Jnfc anq ln??h&,p&Bl uch ' be true that Vtt4 silver 6ervfcetrfor the Utah : it 'would be injudicious and inadvisable to ' lflN!EEl.:ffll?FS More Census ;RetarrtsAhn6lUi day 'b'f N6irth.Ca ingham Has LlUKiVTth' 1 . sand people. . . ' Special to Tfe6 Dispatch- (V.. . Washington; Dte:; Jan.' T.ThV.fbt lowing census figures were announced today:. ' ; ' Hamlet town, population of -thirteenth census -3, twelfth h census 633Tr Hoffman town, thirteenth Sensus 175 twelth census, 184; Rockingham town, thirteenth census, 2,155 twelfth census, 1,507. ' ; ' .' - - New Orleans, Jan. .7. Rev. .Clyde L.'; Doyle, wanted at Amite, " la for -al leged wife, desertion,; bigamy and, ent- bezilement, was, brought from! Tyler, Texas. arid placed in jaH Jaere? today, The feeling is; bitter against .him. t ; . 'FrtlSCiEi.MEETOPENS Big Aviation Meet Starts in Sai Fran- Sah Franciscol Jan. , 7. San... Ff an- "clscp's ; first .aviation-', meet ; openjd.to- day. .The airmen .will, compete to? distance,: duration, height and speed. 'i At the Grand: theatrs. j: ' You will see the funniest and - most Instructive pictures that were ev6r ex hibited.1 vEspeclally; , the tlRtlfolks will thoroughly - enjoy the picture, -J'ljxaminatiMi- at School."; ; ; : V-r It r p(iEAffl;;iN ; UNDER THREE CHARGES Pearjr Ms Sif li X Produced; Dafa; jrfperBot In Attempt fbhatioiial 4nd,Offic?aiftecofinition oK Hr-Aohlevement Wlllbe tross- Examined. 1 Washlhgton, Jan. JCaptaih Robert Peary told the story ot his trip to pe tropin Nortjl at the earink Before he House Naval Affairs Committee fOday. His purpose "was 4 to furnish iroot of his attainment ol theNortfi iJoleApril 6, 1909, in connection with pending le'glslation.for National rec6g jitidn of niahtetbeftfae1 pro duced all his origmapWehiorabida. IJross examldati6n j by RepresfeniaUve ' d&coiw.;:of ; Aransasw whbtanhbuhqed is unilterablet 'opposition j ldigl', ''-,dpnf:of;therxpWer,f.asfU4erijiinj Account of the time itaken iB; reading he data. The committee .. adjourned mtH next Tuesday. LbJL S WTIE OF "NEW L1FP HALED TO COURT TODAY Chicago, Jan. 7. Evelyn' Arthur See, elf dectereda,ppstle of thf? f New; Life? in whichall' beings whl ie-perfect," ppeared the, municipal court ,to-(: y conduct folipwmg.- air ikvtigticm f his iiirtioeiiti and :;lils 3tufe 4 7,whaaiimjtoM; , nonthseen -nvfng -wltkee,1mnhap M r-i.".'- THE TENNESSEE MUDDLE. itill no . Settlement pf tKef LegtTya TSNasnviue, Tenn., . Jan. 7. no settje- aient, is yet -made ,'of .thevtegjtelaUve nuddfe. ' , The ' contending factions are itill ;"wide apart. The House met to lay with only forty-nine - ' members present ttn adjourneduntil Monday, PECULIAR DEATH 'Physician Dies As Result of Cleaning 4, Auto- Appaiatus-i Chicago, Jan. 7. A muffler on a gasr olihe .engine of ad automobile? has cans ?)d theidath of DJbhn AHmstpgerJ i prominent physician. .He diedifrbm thei effects of vcarbon dioxide inhaled ! Weflnday, While" cleaning'' hlsf'i imV'J 'm.it -li:!iLj.iU-i-; wkc-.iiliiti'-.ai -mft of fts kind on record."'! S' -K ' ,! ' i-, I Duluth, Minn., Jan. 7Winiani Mu- sard and lgot Johnson, the boy 'ban dits, who held-up the night clerk of ft local bank, yesterday morning,- and then shot Policeman- Chesmore, are lodged in the Duluth Jail, after being captured in ;ja lumber,, camp, twenty-1 two miles soutn of nere. ": - - g uumr kuivi lot lyiuri ty Collector. ,Lpeb i Now Holding Fp & nunarBmi t nousana uonars. . i L Washihtbn, Jan: 7,-Coilector IeT, ew31fbrkr: itj isTsaidU is i holding iputthtihdred i thousand dollars' offered tb.ihe Goverhment by. New York im' triers ; f 6if : comnroinisfefe bilitles- in . the so-calied Uhdertaiiia- tiona Case," 'Secretary McVCiagti fth.1 Uev Department Justide have, tfoit de-' elded whether the money will be ac '-, HURLED IRONS AT WIFE NoW -bid ian ;Muttslrv4 aTiriTi Neaikai?4ja Ja7Jacob Cas teline, aged - eighty ; eignt years, was today .sentenced s to three : months for huHifli iflaf tirms:at; his wif 0, Ite ; is the , oldest prisoner evefconsigned to Passaic-iail. Ireeavr.MrS'.-:' Felicia :mees'irtfttmi 1. Cile- -to H. I Closed, by .Direction of State Superin tendent; of Banfo) of "New; York 1 Company Never' Recovered From .Panic of 1907 Statebent Given Out This Afternoon. : . New York, Jan. 7. The Carnegie Trtist. Company was-closed jthis morn ing hy direction" of State Superin tendent of .Banks jCheney ft has a capital of one -and a half million dol lars. TheI'aggrfegfeeh: taibr sighndcaVsy i fttliW WMtifr i fit; officials of jthe -hank.v; The am j p Carnegie . applied ( to the dstitntion; at tracted td'Mlfcsmpicjtf 'ifttentipn.The ' adoption of 4Carnegie's name With out his authority, ot approval It 1 Is -understood that he was not a stock holder and not immediately identified with it. News of the bank's . sinspen sion spread rapidly. . Hundreds of de positors, assembled about its doors be fore the usual hour of opening. ' President Howell has Issued a state-"' ment ;;that the deposUprs rj prpbabiy Would be paid In full 'a,rid stockholders' should receive a substantial r amount upon' their holdings. .V r Vnrlr Crino fn fan lulUuUUUu IU i. mi H )mmm m SWl ttUS I iiwuMuid ' vv.. ..... ,::tv--v-iui r fanily; relatives, and mourning f riend;. : 1- nTovernortGlasscock and tate official ' . were present. rne. town to wmcn tne late Senator gave his name was crowd v ed with mourners, ; Alliibusinas wg suspended, and flags fluttered at half maisfc '-.A special train from Washing "ton bPre isflnguishedompany, Inr eluding the Senate and 'House dele gatidiis.. ,the. brief; rjtes.jitj, the grave were- in charge of the; local lodge of Masonaf, of 4which Senator "Elkins was a..memberi.. Several thousand persons stood ' uncovered ' near the -open grave - mtil the impressive ceremony ended-1 Ull I II r.- -., iii mil liriitnn inrhA limn m nn . iv Jn.,,7. ;; , ; v; v pewsj?apr , ' lor-tpmorrow wnen ijiaier fliasspn.wiii,..,! : ; i-'-t u-u tfy from ; this city to Sanernadlnoe. iv--fti !: local paper. ; J :": - ; :'; '4 -' ; ' s:, . CHARLES B. HOGG DEAD. Was jOne of the Organizers of the . Standard Oil. : . J -Rye, N, Y., Jan." 7CharlesBm ner Hogg; aged seventy-seVen years ; p.ne .of,. the, organizers ofthe Standard, ,, Oil Company 'died - ttodayrVHerKetireoi;-?A;' from, business. niany.yeiirsi.ago spend-j f lng his winters in Florida, and his; summers yachting. . u ' ; ? r.. - ... . : ------ in i a - -v.- - -W",- . ... t! f - . 41 . , ij. PAi irnniji vuniii n UMLirUlllllH HUUL QIIPPRPW uui 1 1U.UU nu. uli uuu it; Sacramento,' Cal.1 Jan. '.T-tBHls ft most drastic nature' were introduced, in both houses of; the . Legislature to-.';'. -;; day, intended to suppress betting of1 ; tp one year Is the penalty provided by; thepfoposed law , - - 'V' ' 1 ' f-, 1 V;.sfi..r i'fterand f heatre. You will see the funniest and mos ihslrttclivie Icies-''tiatVirere (evet'ei-f ; i ' 1 hlbited. - Especially the Uttie folks " ' ' wUl:moroughlyi enjoy r the 'picture; ..' :m "Exwmini'tlon at SchWv -t. ,; --.:.-'' -V ''-"':.' - mm v,mm ,..fH:.Y 4 J ..r.. . - v.! r ,. ..1. x . . . . .V ' . ... . .1. , - ...... -r .

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