Delivered anywhere In City - ' -" h IT - V - - . 2So per month. ' -Sent anywhere In the Country' .THE WEATHER Fair-and colder tonight. Tuesday ' fain , moderate northwest to north' winds. 1 i - - v j - r - - ' ' . ' J f ' l , " 1 f - - It - -1 V - t VOLUME FIFTEEN nil I I II II II ' llllll 1 1 1 n n r 1 Flf" i :: : ; -J .- .-: ' - , .-v.o-, . ... . '". . .. . . . ...... . ;. . r-rr 1 g? ifflsiit iiftflflilpiii Hon Adjounied Out of Diplliilfl Oveo and BetfpTole Kept To into . . Qhio Inauprattd Ik I'aifeili Representative Stewart Died Suddenly in Raleigh Last NightRemains Sent Home Today Accompanied by Legislature MembersSome Likeli hoods of the Present Session.- (By Llewxam.) Raleigh, N. C, Jaa. 9. Speaker Dowd, in pursuance of the statenent made by him last Saturday, today" an nounced some of the House commit- ttca, exacny ten m numDer; . Kepre- sntative Kellum was -jnot among the ch airmen announced . today, but he was given a place on judiciary Com mittee No. 2. - Representative Taylor, cf I'.runswick, was placedneaf 'the tail t nd of Judiciary Committee No. 1. The following are the chairmen of the Coip miitocs announced toiay: ''. . ; Finance, Doughtpn ; Judiciary No: i. Battle; Judiciary - tib. 2, Connor; "Prop osiiions aDd Grievances; Kooncef; Banks and Currency,- Carr (Durham) ! Fit?h and Fisheries, McWilliams; Agri culture, Alspaughj Health, McPhaull; Buildings and Grounds, Home (John ston); Justices of the Peace, Latham MrGill, of Cumberland. -. -i ". Formal announcement was made of tbc death of Representative Stewart, cf Montgomery (whose body was this morning accompanied to his late home by legislative honorary pallbearers), and Gen'l. Julian Carr paid a beautiful tribute to the deceased as a Confed erate veteran. Tli c House then paid respect to thej 'memory of its 'dead moftibert and; ad; journcd untiLi'cro'toittoli'x' "In the SentA. . " ":-! V Iu t jg SeqtnflKitSinss wasrttan acter except the- receDttbn :"tf; tfie "mes- sage irom mer House announcing! ne death of RenrCseriiatlvft SteWart land the usual formalities incident to . sucn occasions. ' ,; - 1 Some Viewpoints. I find that there exists at the outset much opposition to the bill Introduced a day or two ago to Increase the sal ary of the Governor to six thousand dollars. Of course the act, if it should become a law, would not affect .the salary of the present Governor, be cause of the Constitutional "inhibition, but would apply to the next Governor to be elected next year and his uc- L ccssors. The pay at present 13 cer tainly inadequate, but it is exceeding ly doubtful whether any increase (eVen to $5,000) will be made by this legis lature. '' ( Despite the Governor's' recommenda tion, it is not certain by any means that the necessary steps will be taken looking to the ioves'tingof the "Chief Executive of North Carolina with-the veto power-trange: 4s $ triay . appear. 1 believe there is but one otlier Stats now which withholds "this prerogative from its Governor, and when : one!" se riously considers the character ; of somo of bills which successfully run the gauntlet, especially in the closing days and hours, of a legislative ses sion, it does seem that it would be a good thing for the Siato and 'tha people as a whole if the Governor had the authority to decapitate some of these travesties. - Rough. ton, of Alleghany, who has so long figured prominently in the Housa and at the last session was really, the floor leader and "party., whip" hen methods of the highest import' were Under consideration, already looms up with full stature in the present .House. He is one of the strongest men in North Carolina in or out of the House. The prospects appear to be excel-, 'lent for the advocates, of two of the three proposed new counties, akel and Johnston are almost certain to J'if;Id portions of their territory to the now county of Ransom, while Cumber land and Robeson will contribute joint' ly to make the new county of Hoke.. In the first instance thefre will be lit tle or no opposition at all, and in the latter case the affirmative of the pro position seems to have the right-of ay. The bill, creating -.the county of Hoke has been introduced and i ia nw in the hands of the Senate Coin- njhlee on Counties, Cities and Towns. im wek the bill creating. Ransom count v win v.. . -., .,, uc lunuaucea. , i TV... i . '. ' I e uinu proposed county (to be rieamon.t," I believe, 'if : the , ever "aches the christenin "a. is destined to have hard Ceremony ftheSlmptest in'thf History the BucMye Stated-Made No in, ;augural Address tieiitenant Gover. nor Inaugurated, But Will Be Effect ; ca united states Senator Wcdne- Columbus, Jan. .9. Judson ttarmon was today inaugurated Governor bt u, iu' -Bwuna ume. ; ceremony wa3 one- of the simplest in the State' history.; The omission of an Inaugural a?,f "esf ;mdQ,i "o inaugural of Gof. KlantiQir wreefdei .epfGetnqra df 'liiofflce. - Ptimerho wa !.;in'iZas Lfeufev-'Golverttbr, btit ne states senator Montvilie, Conn., . Jani J. George and Henry Edward, brothers, aged nine , and eleven years, respectfully, were drowned in Rockland Pond. The younger' boy broke through" thin ice and the elder lad attempted to rescue him. . - ,1 Okl?ihomaVNewAdmfnlstraion.i -r- Oklahoma, City, ;Jan. 9.- Lee Cfue. as Governor, and other Democratic State .oQoersverc inaugurated today. Govt Cruce delivered his inaugural ad- IS WORKING EASTWARD Denver, Jan. 9. A blizzard direct from Alaska Is working eastward with great seeed. This morning it reached, as far east as .Reno, Nevada. ding as Randolph (especially) and Guilford are both fighting the project by which it is proposed to appropriate portions of their territory. All rthis is .not exactly "hearsay," : although based on information gleaned by your correspondent through talks with leg islators. '''! The author of the old Stubbs 'meas ure (revived from the "table" of iast session) 'lias renewed hopes of secur ing' what it provides fora State o stitutional Conrention. .But it is !BUrt yet apparent that this ' Genera ! As sembly has made' up its mind to adopt it desirable from some points of view may appear. y: . 'L - ; : Death of Representative Stewart. , In a special from Raleigh last night today's Charlotte Observer says: "John L. Stewart ; member vof . the Hqusc of Representatives of'the Gen eral Assembly of North Carolina from Montgomery count, died at Rex hospital -in this city at 12:30 o'clock this! afternoon. His body .will be car ried on the 8 :40 Southern train to morrow morning to his home at Star for buriaL , .-, "lie had, been carried to the hospital Saturday evcniiig. suffering from a deep ', cold, and congestion. His death was due to anglo neuratic aldenia of the -.thf pat;- -ih: ..-;..:!-:- ' "RepVesentative- SteMtart , was 79 years of ige ' He was a Confedate veteran, having left i g on one of the battlefields? He Jias been to the Legislature several; sesslohs as : a laborer arid, in thlast campaign the Democrats ; of rntibmery county rari him tor- Riehtatiye.lHe led., his ticket. . .; '' v -' - ' "He is said 'to havwtold a' number: of f rlencjs ; before leaving: his home to 'come tp RaleJgh that he. feared he would' iiot. iive;thH)Ugiif .the sessioii. He leaves IbwliUenV all grown. He owned a . tarhi arid pthe? - property in -;Montgomeiy: 'SfiW- ? t At-Th i The feature filin. at the popular Bijou I theatre . today Js called ."jne. Argo. nauts.':' " This is a most jftter.estirip pic- toeaugttionutllning their nejieMlSTpst bte-Imeeriittcoji-- ALASKAH BLIHARD 1& ture and" .it iii please patrons of clodlttntheatrer-5ci WILMINGTON senator Beverldge ; Files a Minority j ; Report Against IIUno;sr Bribery Sen ...... vii iu wvbiore uuiimurs cieciiorvi illegal and Makes Speech. 1 r..Washirigtoti,. .Jan. 9. The fight ,to ja-eyenrwenator Ltorlmer,Vof , IlllnQiaV f pjt'ius ,t"s - ?eai m jcne,Jmiea states Stateeed .with . a i contest today twSitorsMeVeridg of In diana, "and". Owen bf . Oklahoma", both Of J?feegted t or ggfit tq-nre the: flrWgwInJslfe tor ; er)ettrti)if jb'eingik meiibeipjof ine 'Committee fjri- Prfvi- aegewfciveagate ijriberyj victdry - j Cf . fifing X i j inindf ityl report, attacking the position of nis colleagHies on A ilQie rcdminlttee whii votek i to eiiondf ate thelllinba Senai tor. Senator Owcn fn'trbSu'ced a'ro lutieri to declare the election i of iJori- mer. Illegal and void. After the morn- ng's besinc ss, was concluded Senator Owen again gained the floor and made the speech he attempted to deliver earlier. AGAIH LOOK HQBHS Washington; f Jari:9Another hot fight oyprHheIouse rules- riud'.ancW er locking! of hbrris between 'Speaker uannon ana ;nis opptmntsnHttQ 5; viupe av aeaa -uiis- .miernoon ruling on the juleff on a resolution bv Representative Fuller, Speaker Can non heIdttrat;theaction taken'tiytircr House f- lastrr Ssprtngn when his pawed was, DroKenj ai tne famous oauif oyer the Nt)fisoluiion, Was "not a precedent, butrlPyrevclution." This defiance was answered by an appeal from the decision of the chair. This called for a protracted roll call. The House sustained the Speaker by a vote of 233 to 53. Insurgent Re publicans voted to overrule the Speak er, but got a little Democratic sup port. THEFE IS MUCH SUFFERING. In Consequence of Heavy Rainfalls in ' Chinese Provjnce. Shanghai,. Jan. 9. The latest report3 conflrnieariier advices of suffering from famine in llje horiherfl part of he Province of Anhni, North and Easl of Hawaii and Kwp.rvera..iThe famine tas fcic(sed by destciiori, of the fall crops through floods resulting from the heaviest summer rainfalls on re ord. . : . (I BLACK HAND" GIVES L OBJECT- Chicago, Jan. 9. VithIn two hoVrs after the expiration of the time set for Paul Figaro to deposit three thousand dollars in a mail box at Chicago Aven ue "and Larrabee street, to satisfy the demand of a "Black Hand" gang, a bomb exploded last night in his dry goods store basement, partially wreck ing the building and throwing the res! dents of the Italian quarter into - n panic. .Washington, Jan,;-9. A . stf on saie . ior. 4rain ties Inay be :inifi osedby a State with but yloating; wie Federal ; cqhstitution accordmg'.tpa' decln of vthe i.t?hited States rejmeCfotrt'Wy ill passing on the .liisidlljt'ltaatsbT. SI0f I ' : Mr. ' Morgan' shrill sing Won't, be HOIJflllO OPPOIIEIIIS AWFU CTJTFfllfllllWji; w :u Will r. ! Wyk. ; i- .- ' ." ," - ' f iuiureto:enyevyoijstot!ks. 1 . t ; i - i - provisions, 'or other ( comtnodj-1 M?.:Z?'T?$:'y-.'m ' " " 'V-'-.v r: ' Back Till August," witi Back: Till August with beautiful ilius. N.Ci, "MOND AT, "J ANUATl' 9;; 111 Xm$$t Cyanide; Kjfes bf Death,;:; g0gt Mystervjlii All Rdtaance . , , - -' . . - i V M I II,. ..... .11 I III ill 'll t ;gU JiMmM! k - r - Neer in all the. annals of romance, since the first cave mafyabandoned his blutlgem and implanted a kiss of love upon the lips of his captured partner, tasj there been so strange, so apparently inexplicable a mystery as that which surrounds the simultaneous; deaths of Charles Edward Twigg arid Hiss Grace Elosser jt CnmberUind..Md. Seated together upon a sofa in the pkrior of the EUsi?erome the afternoon of the day preceding that set for their .marriage, these lovers arejjielieved to have kissed each other, one conveying to t be other in this manner a Catal particle of the deadliest of poisons, cyanide, on Klrop of wliich placedoVthe tongua-sauses Instant death. The motiier of the girl wlio wasto be married-, entered the roam and found the lovers hand in hand. .5tili. seated opori, the sofa, staring at each other, but the stiS're ,Ws that of. 'dea th,n No via I cor other bolder for the boisbri was f 6imdfl'u to'f .-;Tnriar' Ml&thivrte a bitf cliewfcg guia whicJi dered by tbemse of the poisoo.iob SI Coming to the United States. Asserts ex-Mlnister White Urges Passage of Strong Laws for Protection. New York, Jan. 9. A great host of accomplished European anarchists and criminals is shortly coming to America to join the thugs, yeggmen and "Black Handers," who already enjoy 'Ameri can hospitality, according to Andrew D. White, ex-minister to Germany and Russia. In a statement . to the . press White urges tha immediate . passage ofVlaws barring he "expected flood of undesirables iroii the .United States shores. He asierts that they will hasten here as- soon as England j ex: pels them. White maintains that j ex atninations bf - prospective inrm Igr ants should be mad? at American con sulates abroad, jhere' tbe police rec ords can be obtjiined, and testimony of value submitted. ElE STORY NOT TRUE, BISHOP Boston, Jan. !). Answering his au diences request.' that, he' explain his statement of man's descent from the ape. Bishop Lawrenc last night ;de; clared .that the K'story of ., Adam and Eve" w$sa . payable invented: to satis fy the child mind of earfyVman. "It is just as. wegjye the present day child tl?e stbry thatrGod made fus, and then i?plain to him latei when his mind d velops arid he will nnderstand, the theory of evolution,", he' declared. . ' , .Wfahihgtoa;' Jan. 9. President Taft ipday. sent, tb Congress a. message urg fig: tiiei dolo tibttotaJfmand concerhgthedire 4rh-i.?, arid Kavy iol Its ori land. This recommendation vests the command inJ the highest army oftlcef arid the Presl jdeat, temmeridtSe' adoption to (pre- QOOf .rwv;jMM wa4uuu, m ..jug,. BwM.i moosn i ue poison' ms.piesent flRDIO flffflRCHISTS lifill tax : . mtrlOUHL UL HUUI ILU i- - ' a I . -t.',---V ! 'r'-A-. "... ' ' :'-" ' ' v v-: ? " verit conf usiori and insure discipline. . torium." . apparently b had' jsteguti to cliewi In the the. most i tvaytfce' ierersiereinrir-- IE! Senator Beveridge Files a Mlnojrity .Re "port Against Lorimer Testimony, He Declares, Shows Bribery Was' Practiced. - v Washington, Jan. 9. Senator. . Bev eridge has submitted, to the Senate c minority report from the Privileges arid Elections Committee, declaring that the testimony was conclusive and "far more than . enough that bribery was practiced to Invalidate the: elec tion of Senator Lorlirier." ' VITAL GATHtBING JF New York, Jan. 9. The most j im portant gathering of American Jews ever held In the United Stages takes place, next week, when the -twenty-second ; annual council, Union of He brew . Congregations, opens. ',?Four hundred delegates from one. hundred and eighty-seven congregations will attend. . WANT ANOTHER CONFERENCE State Board of Arbitration Moving In .. Garment Makers' Strike. . Chicago, Jan. 5. An effort to bring about another conference with the em ployers with a view of - settling the strike of thirty thousand ' garment workers will be made by ;the State Board bf Arbitration. v 4 Newark.,.-N. J., Jan. t .-tengineer Georfge Reid, on, a Lackawana West bound freight train, was killed at Har- pjson this": mornmg, when, hjs trala raii through ah ''open switch," plunging down a twenty foot embankment. .His body was7 pinned beneath the' wreck age, ing. ; The firefnan escaped, by; jump V. " Grand Theatre.: ' -. icteS-splittingl comedy T'hef Sanfc Be sure and "See it.' FIRES HDT SHOT JEWISH PEOPLE 'IEXT KJBHL Noted ; Trfal . Started in Wneellna.lW. fa,rT6day ..WllV-Llkel be Con sumed -in uetting a JuryThe Ac cused Woman Looks Worn and Ap- pears Nervous. - ; '- , 5 Wheeling.. Va.. Jan. 9. The trial tariurnByorthe witn attempttng to poisonr her million aire husband,: John i0Schenopened at - 9 o'clock this morning. ; ' Grea in terest was ; manifested in '- thjs prelimi nairies of the famous s.'imjpneiirig the jifry it Is ' expeceaQ -yr: occupy; the day; A great crdtf tfTed into the court room..,' ' HttiiiiltvK Itrs. ,Scb4;tc.aeitd;i room aC9 :Abcli' I her .attorn'eyt. She appaHjdl Rightly 1 worh from Idng confinriient 1 arid - ex hibited . nervousness, i t U j 1 t) ! :l X ; PLEAD HOT GUILTY TODAY New York, Jan. 9. Joseph G, Robin, the banker' whose financial operations it is alleged, resulted in closing of ;the Northern Bank' today entered a plea of - not guilty to . eight indictments, charging larceny of $207,000 from the Washington Savings Bank- UTAH LEGISLATURE Assembled Tbclay Wlththe 'Rput-' - cans In thp Majority. , : Salt Lfakapitjan-tf tahriiria IegislatiVl'iassembfn the Republicans in , the majority n both houses.HThe Bd8lteejU; ;United StateenatOT"!iswecle that Senator Sutherland will have! lit- tie opposition.' TROOPS CALLED OUT AGAINST FIERY PARADERS . Metz, Germany, Jan. .9.-rr-Troops were called out today to iisperse crowds parading through the streets singing the . Marsellaise and cheering for. the Republic-of France. .The de monstrations were made by the Social ists and Radicals in protest, against ijhe.i new .-. constitution : proposed ' for Alsace-Lorrain. - i(. . , . , . -f ; , ' . .- . .i - i. : ' NUMBER 05 NOMINATjqNS 1 ' - -v -: 1 ' ' -Sent Today By President, Taft To The v4 : 8enate. ; ,v , . i. Washington, Jan. g.President Taft sent to the Senate today the nomina tions of William II. Lricas, as collector of. Customs at Jacksonville Fla.; Con gressman Harry L. Ibbey, as postmas ter at Hampton Va.; and; Jefferson F. Richardson as postmaster at Green ville, s. C. A Elliot Northcbtt, Huntington, W. Va aR United States Minister to Nicara gua, and H, Clay -' Howard, ; of r Paris, Ky.fas Minister to Peru, f Charles E. Carmen was nominated for postmaster at Aiken, S.C Getarge D. Shore was named post master at Suinter,' S., C, '.r.. THE SENATE COMMITTEE a r--:-J-ri5. Washington, Jan. 9. The Senate Judiciary committee ihje morning iai! ed to agree upon Ui?epprt of the ree cjution providing frr d irect : ; pppular elation of United-StateSenators.lU is understood the committed broke 6i lltd question of Interference I by. ltL Federal? Gbyerriuient c ii: tlte primK fjus: r The ODjeCiis jbc i th(& position ihat f.'ich a cpirfj vuhi precipitate' p conflict' similar. U that ?n ,the l Sou .i byjit the Force bill ; r . Eighteen Families Made Homeless. Pittsburg, Jan; 9.---EIghteen families were -hjade homeless "when six houses, Occiiriiedi hv ftrepk' mfnotN hnrnAi kl BANK WRECKER ROB PRICE FIVE XENTS ' 1 St Imporfanti Conferences Held, Relative , to the Fa'lJure of the Carnegie Trust Company Thought to Have Been Isolated Case and Sentiment Re- flects Such. ,vNe .York, Jan. 9. The financial hjorizottl was ?depidedly plearer uthis morning, as the; result of conferences last nightf to. provide against any unsettling- of the stability of the fioari- . the' &riknc)al ibr yailrto ffiUk : ; i' nariialpafter ' t t i?; . stock exchange showed fra'ctibnal gains in a majority of the stocks. The market was moderately active. Some leading stocks showed an advance'. -A similar sentiment was' shown from Other financial centers." Oil WAY TO i- . Washirigtop, Janl 9. Major; George ' V IJ. V Morrissey,' aged . . severity-eight ; . :saborkeeper,;of lie House. iifJEtep- rosentatives, - was perhaps t fatallyu In lured When fn over . jy : ia .street car t;iry '5 ? .tOCffto.;,;, :v; . n iNeWii vYork; Jan$34virall Street-r-Eff ective measures, were taken over Sunday by leading. financial interests to prevent further complications, in the .local banking situation, were re flected in the opening prices-on the stock exchange. The market was mod erately active, with, fractional gains in a great majority of tbe.stacks. Fol lowing a brief period of uncertainty the market grew stronger on general buying movement in, popular stocks. placing ;tnpse issues at tne nignes Profit taking sales cut into the morn- ing's rise pretty- well. V Beading was marked up to above 157 Just before 1 o'clock. The rest of the list also began a rise, again in, . moderate way. V Baltimore,1 , Jan. - 8. George S; Schmelz, aged 57 years, - of Hampton Va., one of the South'a leading bank-' ers died today at the Johns Hopkins Hospital.- SchmeirfTwaf one... of the ownftrs of: the Newport News Press and was closely, identified. with large, financial int-:etts. : . vjr. Jersey -ityr janf9Rbhert; iayis, Dembcratlc leader of Hudson' county, and a power in a Democratic councUs ' in the State, died this afternoon at c1 home. Davis was married & week ago. Avalanches Wreck Many Home j Euris, Italy, Jan 9. -Avalanches "7 from the Alps of extraordinary extent are reported, : particularly in Cuneo Province. - In certain districts many" , homes' were desolated. - v""r A DEMOCRATIC LEADER Ill NEW JERSEY PASSES cniiTu PADnnuA-rcuoiio ouu in urtiiuLinri ruLnouo v C rini ibr ituifni ur . iiiiiiiii u- niiiiiiiiiiiii ii. . . - p. t-1, rin inn 1111111 11 in Washington, Jan. 9.Populatlon ji ta tistics announced today by. Director Durand include Greenville, B. C, with 1S.714 people in 1910, against 1L860 in 1900; and Spartanburg,' S. C, "with :'' WnaViiTifrtrm' Tan O l-PnnuliH. .U ' 'y-?',''', .l . 17,517 afainst 11,395 in 1900-'-'..i- vv,.-,,-;:. - t ''''..?;W: !--f-' s v. a - y. -Ji -. ; ': ,.,f.:jm 11 NO!-,: 1 . n. K ill) i rm :::: at'- : . . , . ' , . ' - - -1 f :