MM you Etf&B Notice O That Sometime between Christ mas and January 10th, of each year the Thermtometer drops and we find ourselves in need of Blankets and Comfortables I Piepare for the drop in tempera ture by taking advantage of the drop in prices on these items Piatt & Haar THE DRAGON'S. 13ACKBONE.7 An Odd IncidenV of Railroad Construc tion In China. When tnr,re was undertaken the con struction Ait the railway between Klrin and Ne,wch wang, the seaport of Man? churls, it was proposed . to make a function at a place called Lanplen, out Bide the city of Mukden. ; Ff r this per mission had' to be obtained, from the Tartar general of Mukden, v This func tionary at once proceeded to call in his geomaiicers, a species of soothsayers, who gave information concerning the good fortune and 111 fortune of sites and were supposed by. the" Chinese to know what demons and .dragons in habited the earth under the surface. These wise men reported that the dragon whose body encircled the holy city of Mukden lay coiled up in such a way that if the railway came through Lanplen the long nails driven into tha ties .would pierce his backbone and in all. probability set him to raging" vio lently, to the great detriment of the people of Mukden. - The general consequently refused the application of the rail way people and directed them to carry the road in a straight line from .Kirin to New chwang,. avoiding Mukden. The en- THEATRE Newest of The New f7Y ? snu 210, 212, North Front Street. i gineers thereupon appealed to the vice- roy, showing that, as tnis proposed I route would go through a marshy and I uninhabited country, it could not be profitable for their enterprise. The viceroy wrote to the, general of Mukden, highly commending him for his discretion m consulting the geo manoers. ; but suggesting that these sage persons go over the, ground again and sefef if "they couid Itotjfiiid a place ! where ihe nails would riot be likely to strike pitq the dragon's back. " Accord ingly,, at jthe command of .the viceroy, the general ; had his geqmancers indi cate a spot for the junction at Uanpien where they thought that, after all. the dragon's? Tbackbohe would' be safe New York ' Press.' ' ' j RIOE PAPER. Hoi id Goods ay Our Holiday Gopds arrived late, therefore , must be sacrificed to move them, in the few days remaining, .in the stock are Solid Ma hogany Rockers, some upholstered in genuine'leathery Handsome Oak Rockers, ui Golden Oak, and Mission, many in genuine leather, Fancy, Reed RocKers. and Reed odd pieces,. Tables cf all kinds, 17 Ladies' Desks from $6.75 up; more1 than 300 pictures, equal to any in the city as to quality of frame and subjects. Prices literally slaughtered on account of the quantity,. Chiffoniers, Dressers, Buffets, Music Cab inets, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Ward Robes, , Chamber and Parlor Suits, Hall Racks, Rugs, aft sizes, large quantity and must go. Por tiers, Couch Covers, Lace Curtains, Brass Beds, Etc VALUABLE SOUVENIRS WITH EACH PURCHASE. The Wilmington Furniture Co. GARRELL BUILDING. . ' i Gfor.l Second and Princasa StBs j ' 1 - sayr. - TOTraMKBBTFwiBBWllTlBlF 1 Three Pair tiav H'dDdD J.W.H.FUCHS 28 South Front Street. Star Brand Shoes are Better Shaved From the Snow White Pith of Trees In Formosa.- Theso called rice paper is not made from rice, as its uame implies, but from the snow white pith of a small tree belonging to the genus aralia. a genus represented, in this country by the common sarsaparllla and the spikenard. The tree grows in Formo sa and, so far as is known, nowhere else. The stems are transported to China, and there the rice paper is made. It is used, aside from a num ber of other purposes, by the native artists for wafer color drawings, and sometimes it is dyed in varidus colors and made Into artificial flowers. : The tools' of - the' nlth 'worker cohi: prise a smodjkh toce aTxrat a foot square and a largevumre or uatcnet with a .shprt)"(''wpen''handle1Y'Thij blade Is about,' a foot, long, two' inches broad and nearly half an inch thick at the back, and it Is as sharp as a razor.. Placing a piece, of the cylindrical pith on the stone and his left hand on the top, the pith worker will .roll the pith backward and forward for a mo ment until he gets it in the required position. Then, seizing the knlfeith his right hand, he will hold the edge of the blade after a feint or two close to the pith, which he will keep rolling to the left with his left hand until nothing remains to unroll, for the pith has, by the application of the knife, been pared into a square white sheet of uniform thickness. All that re mains to be done is to square the edges. . . ' If one will roll up a sheet of paper, lay it on a table, place the left hand on top and gently , unroll it to the left he ' will have a good idea. of how the feat is accomplished. New York Her aid. 1 'Sawse Sawge. Here ;ls the qH. . King Hicbard II; way of making sausage: "pyggs in sawse sawge," or pigs with .sage sauce..; "Take pyggs yskaldid (scald ed) and quarter them and seeth them 'In water and salt: take them and let them kele (cool); take parsel (parsley), sawge (sage) and grynde it with brede and yolkes of ayren (eggs) harde ysode (boiled); temper it with vinegar somewhat thick, and lay the pyggs In a vessel and sewe onoward (the sauce' over them), and serve it forth." "Take pyggs" is pretty good. Size or number seems of no consequence. New York Press. , A Hard One. "Father!" "Well, what is It?" "It says, here. 'A man is known, by the company he keeps.' Is that so, father?" "Yes. yes, yes." ' "Well, father, if a good man keeps company with a bad man is "the good man bad because he keeps company With the bad man. and is the bad man good because he keeps company with the good man ?"-London Punch, ' Why He Wept. Spartan Mother What's the matter? What are you crying for? Stung Hera (who has been taught never to cryfor bodily pain) Ob, I I've sat down on a bee, and I'm afraid I must have hurt it!London Punch. Before "jammed house," in 6ie words of the old time critic, "The Mr ry. Widow": was presented again Satur day night at the Academy, It was- alsd a decidedly s pleased mass of people, who laughed, applauded and in every way had one splendid evening. "The, Widow" is a bright, very tuneful and decidedly jolly rapid whirl. It is de lightfully refresning and attractively novel. The company presenting it was an excellent ' one and it was a Henry. Savage production; which is saying all that could be said as to grandeur .of stage tlettlngs, beauty of costumes and thoroughness of detail. " "The Firing Line" Tonight. Tonight at the Aacademy will be seen the much talked of dramatiza tion of Robert W. Chamber's famous book "The Firing Line".-. The drama tization is the work of Richard Walton Tully arid in presenting the play to the theatre going public Mr. Delamater has spared" no expense in providing every detail to furnish an adequate scenic production. A qar-load of spe cial scenery is necessary; for the set tings for the. four acts and, the com pany comprises people well iuf own to the dramatic stage, and only those who have bee,n identified with strictly first class productions. The scenes are laid in Palm Beach, Florida, New York City aud the Adirondack Mountains, and the action of the piece, closely fol lows ' the events as described in the .book,' portraying as only Mr. Chambers can, the intrigues of society, at the same time injecting an element of .rc mance that holds his auditors f rom bCr ginning- to end. . . Matinee and Night Tomorrow. If a wholesome, honest, cleanly play that alternates pathos and laughter with gatling gun rapidity is wh'at threa tre goers want, they will go and see "The King of Trafttps " at the Academy tomorrow matinee and night. It is said to be entirely different from any other play and advantageously so. It' gives an honest story of wholesome people told brightly with great human inter est. These are some of the qualities that are. pleasing the immense audi; ences everywhere. - Each of the four acts are lavishly - mounted with new handsome scenery. , The company, is a large and competent one. A. superb concert band and orchestra is als car ried with them. . - ' Popular priced ikire to prevail for both perfb'rmancesT At matinee, which will commence, at ;3 o'clock, the prices will be 10 and 2,0 cents. At night . the scale will be 10, 20 and 30 cents. Seats for tomorrow night are now oh 'sale at Plummer's. , , "Buster Brown" On the Way. With a brand new scenic equipment, new" songs and jokes "Buster Brown furnishes good whole-soul amusement and entertains the young and old, the weak and strong. "Buster Brown" is better than a tonic, breezy, refreshing; invigorating, musically melodious, and having a swing and dash that has made it deservedly popular and attrac tive. It will be seen at the Aca'demy soon, headed by such incomparable stars as Master Harold as "Buster Al Grady as "Tige " Madline Clark as "Mary Jane", Chas Odell v and Connie Maccreating the new roles of "Seth Sowders," and "Miranda tebbins." : The show is destined to add laurels to its crown and. win more favor than ever. "Buster Brown" is " typically American, and for; all round entertain ment is unexcelled. At TheGrand. The Grandthe 'Theatre Beautiful, will gloriously stait oS. the week with a big-bill. There will be a giant col lection of glittering features. The moving picture program will present among other gooclj things, the latest Edison film, "Eldot-a, the Fruit Girl,' which is most picturesque in nature (and which is decidedly romantic in action,, and the side-splitting picture called "The Sanitarium." Mrl Harry Horgan will sing today that great and fascinating hit, "I Won't Be Back Until August,;', the illustra tions being especially bright and pret ty. ' v-'", -; L Conductor Kneisel lias arranged an other swell program for his orchestra, including selections from the musical comedy, "The Time, the Place and the Girl," which scored so brilliantly in Wilmington last season. " No Neeel Fori,Alarm. "She asked me what 1 thought of you.".- A-' , ; ; "Indeed r f . j "Yes. But don't get frightened. I didn't tell her."-Lippncott's. i , No Friend of His. - .. .' ."I Mrs. Gaussip a friend ol yours?" J "No; she's a friend of my -wife's." "Isn't-that the same thing?" s "Not at all. She feels very -sorry for my wife." Pittsburg Post. - JJneedaB are sodaV crackars ihade frcnJLfte finest flour arid the best materials obtainable r Thai Makes them -jui id 1 Uheedsi' Biscuit are baked inrrouridings where clean liness and precision are supreme-r- " - " Thai Makes thei Uneea Biscuit , are touched only once by.. human hands' when the pretty girls pack them : That Makes them are sealed in a moisture proof 'oackaee , - v . v ,; That Keeps; them N AfTI O N AL B I SCU I T COMPANY M', ' , A Package , (Never sold in bulk) PRACTICE WARFARE Invaders Discovered Off Florida Coast t By Defending Fleet. Washingtoni Jan. 9. The Atlantic battleship fleet was discovered by the "defending fleet, 1380 mil'es east of St-. Augustine, Florida, at 9 o'clock Sunday morning, while approaching the shores of the United estates, as a "techmacl Mifimv." The Navv Deoartment wasl hts advised In a wireless message received "frohVRear Admiral Santon, coenmanding the deening fleet. v. MANY'NARROW 'ESCAPES; Made Today, by Occupants of .New . , 1 '. Yorfe, Tenement. " New York, Jan. 9.Six persons over come by iaoke 'were Carrie from a burning' .tenement "house on East Ninety-seventh street today,, when fire swept -a crowded building. There were many narrow escapes from death. TEN PER CENT. WAGE DROP. Pennsylvania Companies Curtail the Pay of Their Workmen. Allen town, 'Pa., Jan. 9. A ten per cent, reduction in wages affecting Sj 500 men is made by the Thomas Iron Company and Empire Steel Iron C6m pany. The reduction is attributed to the low' selling price, of pig iron.. ' "Robbers Loot Bank .Vault. ; Wheelingi V. Yd Jan. 9. The First National Bank, 6f Elm Gr6ve, was en' tered today, by robbers.' ;. The Vault was dynamited and. all. money takejii. ... The robbery wass conimitted'! stemei time during last ' night. v Every ' dol lar of cash in tle ,tank, nearly" four thousand dpllars. in all,,. was stolen-. There is no cine to the robbers. ! . remaps JUU mnn O nr uukEamuy vuiiiiiiuii y vFather ime has Vicked joff !anttit'fyear'--a)lnew era ' Will you go forward gladly,5 "lbli'et;h'tew garb . -i! lor Perhaps you mean to "swear off!'-wearing common clothes. confronts you. ly' tn ficw ?arD -wn'cn Denis your station? Cjpthes don't, you know but they car. do much to mar him. , . ' ij)fti'l ' vi A- - ' tv-iv;'' You will look better and feel : hefter,, and work better, and play bet ter in oneiof.our Stein flodh'odeis-ii-suits made for men of affairs. Overcoats, too just every Kmcf? .And' Furnishings of the better sort. What are your , needs for the New Year? 4 JNO.' B. STETSON "SPRING HATS JUST RECEIVED. J Phone 673 FLEET C S. W. Gor. Front and Princess Sis. i :- : ', ... ;, " XDhristinas Gakes Will Ballot on U. S. Senator Tomorrow Sacramento, Cal.,. Jan 9. The Sen ate rfifd House have fixed tomorrow as the day for separate balloting upon United ' States Senator. The contest lies between Judge John D. Works and A. G. Spaulding. One of Road's Original Directors Dead. New Haven, Canq., Jan. 9. Theo dore J. Ackerman, sonpf Jonathan Cf! Ackerman, one of the Original direc tors of the Pennsylvania Railroad, died today aged ninety years. , , -7,, ft, ' Toledo University Damaged By Fire. Toledo, ObVJI.VJdCa1186 by an overheated furnace resulted" to day in twenty thousand dollars damage to the Toledo University Grand Theatre. - .t Orchestra will play ail the song hits from "The Time, The Place, and" the Girl.". It Gov. Stubbs Inaugurated. Topeka, Jan. 9. Governor W. R. Stubbs and " other Republican State officers, of Kansas, were inaugurated In Representative. Hall today. Thg oath was administered by "Chief Jus tice Johnston.' and baking generally . BELLE of WILMINGTON FLOUR i3' held up by connoisseurs as the he plus ultra of the )es t ' product , of the wheat milled,, by the best process to preserve 'the nutritive qualities of tkeNgrain, and render your bread, cakes, etc., white, light and whole some. '. You can get it at retail from any of the following stores: Carpenter Grocery, Wilmington Trading Co., Wilmington Produce Co., W. H. Hardy, C. O. Knox, S. O. Frink, D. N. Stanley & Co., J. Q Herring, R. H. Reville, S. H. Mintz. J, W. BROOKS Wilmington, N. C. Wholesale Agent. Ik. if -1 i . .. MrL -WW Does not contain Onlatea Tins ThrnDT ir'o Pn,inti o T. t-roupWhooping-Cough. Bronchitis, Grippe-, wueu, xiuaratjuess, etc. isaie ana sure. 25 eta SAMPLE SENT FREE write for It today. Mention this peper.-Addrest A. C. MEVEK ; CO., IBALTiMORE, AiD, Academy of Music FREE FOR LADIES ONLY Wednesday Afternoon Jan. 11-12 A Scientific' Lecture (in English) on BEAUTY, CULTURE v AND FACIAL BLEMISHES BY PROF. FELIX CfclSTION, ; Late of Paris, . France, Academy of Beauty Culture, Beauty Doctor to Mmesi Bernhardt, Nordica, Lil- Uaii Russell,' Patti and - ' Langtry. Assisted by One of the Most Beau tiful Women of Her Age, MME. L. M JMAYE,' who Will Wear a Thousand Dollar Empress Josephine Gown and ;Hat.. Wednesday Afternoon's lecture, FREE .Thursday . afternpon's Admission, r." 1 v4 -" V ' '

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