-:! Delivered anywhere ' la Otx ;. THE, WEATHER, 25c per month Sent anywhere In the Country VOLUME FIFTEEH C :'f ; Measure Passed Second Reading 3 in House JBut Held Up by ObjectioiTpn the Third Reading Income Tax Bill Gets , Favorable Report Senator Boyden Wants North Carolina DetecH tive Association. Incorporated Other Work Today. . . .. . y . (By LIewxam.) " Raleigh, N.-Cy Jan; 14. The ?lostng day of the second 'calendat woeft o the s essloa of the; general epjlllix of vacautn outgoing. )asscd.ilsrSCdoid:irdingena Hirenfjtb a third rQajiig;6a'' the balchdar. ""Ob joction "to ita flnal; passage. toda was made by Ray, of Macon. V Mr. Kellum, in speaking of the bill, said that it was not of the ordinary character to "prevent drunkenness" on the big roads, but was much more comprehensive in. its scope-'.That it made it -punishable for ' persons to throw glass on the roads, whether de signedly or not, whereby the tires ' of vehicles were punctured ; also it Wa3 designed to stop cursing and other of fensive conduct on -the roads by "peo ple who could not always be reached under the assumption that they were "drunk in the road,; under the ordl- prdir t nort- 1 q TV . . . s. 4 . Among the favorable report "'ofWIls vas thatof "thcy'income,. ax measure and thatagainst Tntting"-anothef'sse? Among thenew,; .committees an,;, nounced by the Speaker are: Immigra tion, Moring chairman ; Election- Laws, Gay; Manufacturing and Labor, Cox, of Randolph; Claims, Kirkham; Blind Institution, Kelley; and Federal .Re lations, Rose. ' In the House the Governor trans mitted the reports of the East Caro lina Training School and that of the Hospital Commission. - - The swearing in of the new mem ber from Halifax,-Bfr. A. H. Green, of WeldoD, was attended by some inter est, but left the reminder that therejs still a vacant chair in the House, be cause of the death call last Sunday to Stewart, of Montgomery. . Among the new House bills, few in number, were , to amend . the Revisal relative to making of ; iitfote by .foreign executors ; to allow' any physician holding a dipfomafrdra any regular medical college : of 5 gOQd standing to practice medicine in North Oarolina; to amend Chapter 442; Acts of 1909, Ucvisal, relating to drainage., i. ..:. The calendar was reached and a considerable number of local bills and others of only minor importance were disposed of. In the Senate In the Senate, Boyden introduced a bill incorporating the North Carolina ! Detective Association. " I i By Cotton, a State act to tax dogs By Rcinhardt, to punish persons fori obtaining money or "goods through false statements. . ; " Mr. Conner, of -.Wilson, introduced today a bill to incorporate company B, Hecond Regiment, - North' Carolina State troops. This' company, .whicfi had an honorable record of service in the (Mvil War, was composed of young men of Wilson counts, mostly from Old Field township. Among the num ber who are still living are Larry B. Boyette, Second Lieutenant, Jessie. Taylor, Wm. Rose, Nathaniel Mbre, His Rood Law Carry Fulghum, James H, FalgnumSouttjern:Pacific and Canadian rauut anri man,, nthor well tmown eitizens nf i oHwiitiv ) kt3(w vcsteTday0 ' closing. Field township were offIcerif"6r VJIU inernbors of the company. The bill was introduced by Mr. tJorf n(,r, at the request of the member who were pre3eAtat the last'meetiit? of the company- and provides -for--;A Perpetuation of the name of the com pany and a preservation Of the history of the company, Its officers and men."'-; Kay's Macon county near beer bill, as amended by the Senate, passed tn5 House finally. Ray says he ' is not alraid of a Senate amendment nullify ing the act. : A resolution asking" ' Cohgfessmen to vote for New Orleans as the World's - . 1 1 -. '' ' p 6IDi!icitis ilsaios Irs. SnhenK Accused Told, Her She Would be the Happiest .Woman in the Worldi if ; Schenk " Would Die Offered Nurse One Thousand Dollars to Give Hus band atFatal Pill Procutlon May .Ricall Sensational Witness! H f , i i. . - T . .. ; Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 14. There Is no ?ac6f4Taterest in the trial of Liaura FarnsworthiSchenk, charged with ad ministering poison' to her husband JqhnOi Schenk, a. millionaire pork Piujfcdit; ? .THis mothitik efforts of Prbs- ctoriHandJan were" directed" to5 a hjtpUeaJL question, covering tj Km i7th,us far. developed. an yesterday .wniie attended Schenk was 6a' the stand. under cross exanr. fipri' that symptoms , of 'poisoning ?n &cnenK s case, mignt nave been due iJo -stomach disorders. Technical1 tes timony consnmed: most of the morning' session: It was' intimated that ban. Phillips, a - piano4, salesman, the . fre quent companion of Mrsl Schenk who gave sensational testimony, might be recalled to tell further of his relations with the accused woman. Phillips. ye terday retused to say whetiier his Jrela tlohs with" ' Mrs. ' Schenk amounted to "criminal Intimacy" or not because be said it would bring him into disrepute. ; Eleanor Zockler, a detective-nnrse was tSS& principal witness today. She wentv-on the case -Octobej " 28th? and yts ; instructed to ; leave nothing k un- ing poison to her husband.. The nurse testified ..tlfat ; whjnlrs.Schek yre' cpiveda message-' from tbe hospital saying her husband -.was orsesbe said; "I hope, to God Jbfe wilt die." :1 On another occasion Mrs. Schenk said: Every time Miss Evans calls me up hnd says that .man is worse I am the happiest woman on earth and I wish he would die. I feel I could kill him." "Why don't you do it?" asked' wit ness. "Would you do It?" asked Mrs. Schenk. "I need money pretty bad." replied the nurse. "How much would you take to do it ?V asked $rs. Schenk. "I told her f 5,000," continued the wit ness, "but she said she did not have that much money, although she want ed me to give John a pjll and said she would give me $1,000 and get the staff to bring to the hospital next day." 'i asked Mrs. Schenk- how she could stand it if John died and we haL'kiH ed him? -."I wouldwear a double veil so they would not, see me. .tough," she replied. -' . . 4 ' BOYSANDSCIRLS. 4 . The Evening Dispatch witl - e'ntertain the Boys ami' Girl with a big Theatre- Party at the Academy of , Music V: Saturday ; Matinee January 21 st, to e 4 real live Buster Brown, w a ten Monday's -Dispatch for particu lars.' 4 . . Stocks Today. - ' Now . York. Jan. 14.-1Wall Street The feature of the -opening pf; the stock market was extensive trading in United States Stebl and Reading; ;Tb tonp.of th market wastrong. Stocks WVre supplied freely n an .advance The market reacted slightly, becoming dull. The close was heavy. vThe maivJ ket fallfed-' to 'hold its slight improve; roent.' Selling for, both accounts forced Readfiig ,' - ITfcW Pacifier St"- Paul. . tiquiUallon pi -some industrials helped along the set back. - - ANOTHER VICT1MJDEAD r - ' "t 4 r Death Llit" of Yesterday' Railroad r-' -Crah Now Six. , . ' , ,' r'Bata&f.T.,:Jaiivi4.--H. H. Cade, of ChlcaibV 'died in the -hospital1 here this moving Irom tnjuHes received In yesterday's rW end collision ontho New Tok Central. 'fVWs makes-the death listiac; ' -: 'r - T '. T i-"'v i.r. !t-; ,.n. . ' i - - ; v i"rr ' - ' ' ' ' v Wiir slng "Bfitty 0rowtf' and Any WILMINGTON, N. Judge Blair, Undauntedly sDeatliJireatsl Contifitf . x' 7w ' " " : ft. -pzi&:'' ry who have confessed to selling, their Threats.have ill OPEN REVOLT Tammany Legislators Declare They Will Not Vote for Sheenan Fight In New York Over United States Senator Getting at Fever Heat. New . Xrk" Jan. -14. Storm. igp.als Indicating a'; rey.q3t In.Tammaijy; Hali against, th Betecog of yaiiam.;,, jig: selecon of Wmiam;, J?V .fornJtted , Siates,. 'etor. BEeehan, were hoisted today;,;when j. Sergeant Cram, long high, , in, the councils of he society announced .that if Sheehan was elected he would quit politics. "1 think," said Cram, "that the interests have one Senator already and should not have two. Why should not the oth er 9,000,000 people of the State be rep- T Resented. Between Sheehan and Shep ard I certainly prefer Sbepard." Senator John Godfrey Saxe hnd As semblyman Harold J. Friedman. - both members of the Tammany orgamzation also declared today they would not vote for Sheehan and would work and vote for Shepard.. . . LD1NG OF - It TO BE ERECTED Ne, ork. Jam 14. Plans were filed today for a, new-office bild4ng on Mad-r ison Avenue, to be occupied exclusive lyby physicians and dentists. It will be 'twenty five stories high and the largest building of its kind in the world. ' . - . Dear tJack. , Meet me at the Gran6vTheatfe. TRAIN ROBBERS CAUGHT Those Whqflle! ;Up cific Trainlcaatur a Southern Pa- aatured in Utan. Ogden, Utah,' Jan. 14. The train robbers who held up the ov'erland lim ited, on thA Southern Pacific a week ago, have been arrested here; - - " " Mr. Morgan WllL;,6ng-,''Betty Brown,?, and "Any LOid Port in a Storm"--Grand Theatre, Battleship Michigan at Guantanamo. Norfolk, Va., Jan. 14. The Unijted States battleship, Michigan; .of the f!At lafl.tfc fleet is now at Guantafcamo Bay, Cuba; following the cruise in European Waters. She 1 passed in ) the Virginia Capes today. v She, will go into, dry dock for repairs. -J - , ' , ; - "Hear the orchestra play iX" the Grand Theatre. " - - , , ' " it FUNERAL NOTICE. ' The 'funeral oi the late1 'Mr. 'Julius Habn will be held tomorrow at 10 3 0 A M. from his late residence. No. 616 'Cheshdt street. Friends and acquaint ances are invited to attend. The In terment Trill be mad&inOakdale cem- INO ,C.r SATURDAY, JANUARY 1'- ' i YOtes for many, years; "Thy number of been,made against his lifej but . they io not Husband and Wife QuarrehVd and Then Came a Lurid Deed 'Wife Accused Her Husband of iBeing Unfaithful. Philadelphia, Jan. lt.--Foutid uncon. scions' In the bedroom of "tapir-home: .with the gas escaping from three open Uburners; - .Johu .Ernest and Ms 'wife, I jjXlTeJvitk'& h&pTfin here-uft profe. f ably will diej The tragedy followed a' quarrel... Mrs. Ernest was jealous and accused: her husband of being friendly with the girl servant, f i 'yh RA'CJE RIOTUN ARKANSAS Reported Two Members of a Colored . Theatrical Troupe Dead and a Third Fatally Hurt. v -Hot Spring, Ark., -Jan. 14. Meagre retorts' from ' Jlenton, Ark., state that j twt negroes- are dead and a third fa tally injured, as the result of a race riot. The negroes are said to have been members-of a theatrical company. - TWO CARPENTERS KILLED' J Accident at Telephone Building-In Norfolk. ' i ': Notfolk,Va, Jan. f4.--By tho fall ing in of a cable house on the: roof of the Southern Telephone and . T.ele-. graph1 Company this mofning two car penters were Killed - . ALARMED OVER THE, BUBONIC PLAGUE Pokin, Jan. 14 The Bubonic plague outbreak,' has aroused much alarm. Government .is - being urged to estab lish a quarantine at the great wall un til observation camps are - established at IIarbin,: Mukflon and Shan Hikwan. NORFOLK ROUTE. Tho Atlantic; Coast Line's througn night service between Wilmington and Norfolk has prdven popular and has been well patronized from the begin ning, its advantages are pre-eminent, in that- H is the only through car or double iially route and does not require a midnight or early morning transfer on trains "and-depots. "Sleeper leaves Wilmington 7jO0 p. m.; arriving at Norfolk S:00 a. m. next day. l'artof car leaves Si4jD a. m. ar rives Norfolk 5:55 p. m. same date. 'No change of "sleeping cars or day eoaches "between Wilmington arid Nor folk, and the. trains ruh every day iti the"w,eek. For reservations and fur thr particulars; call pKone 160. ' J.l CRAIG, P. T. Mgr.; T. C. WHITE, G. P. &gt., Wilmington, N. C. ntf 22 t ' . " . 5 Thirty Deaths from Bubonic Plague v-Miikden,- ManchUria, Jap. 14.-Thirtjr deaths have resulted from the Bubonic plague. The authorities are fighting TRAGEDY ;17ED bribery cas is sjirito reach 3;cfA seem to wdi-ry him. Final Day This of Buffalo's Six Day Bike Race Three Teams Tied Th?o Afternoon for First Place. V "-ftuffalo, Jan.;:14--TThe final J iiint hours grind ;inf tle Jllwt llcycle"racc began, today, -with every-iiidicatibn ol a hard fought -climax, - The- tota( scores shewed three teams: tid" atX02" miles 8' laps; two' tcamV'a' Jap behind fce leaders "and 'fonrte'ams another lap away,' " as foows:,Mi!:'Hehir-GouIett, Lawson-Root, Clarke-Pye. Wiley-Mft-ten, Walthour-Walkeri Galvln-West. Crebs-Thomas, Lawrence-Drobach and Hill-Fogler. -.-;.t A ORIENTAL GOODS DEALERS iii San Francisco, Jan.- 14. Serious charges of attempting to defraud the United StatesjlfgSvHimen 'through under v - valuMiUnA ! Kj of 6 im'pbii'sl occasioned the arrest las night of two 6 prominent dealdrp ihvidfiental good?! I The- rtoners sreY 'Carl H Cutting and A. W.' WilspuLlmports were mark-, ed far below their true value. The f customs officials" estimate he ' Govern ment's loss at two hundred' thousand WOMAN SHOT HERSELF. Cincinnati Female Came Near Dying in .New York. ' New York, Jan 14. Clara E. Praltt, aged 35 years, widow, qf Cincinnati, Ohio, shot herself twice in her room in the Hotel Martinique today. She will recover. She told the doctor she was "fooling with the weapon when it went' off accidentally." ' v KENTUCKY'S TOBA9CO CROP.' Lexington', Jan. 14. Mass meetings are being held in the forty, counties of Kentucky in which the white "Burley tobacco is to be produced, : to vote whether the 1911 -crop shall be elimi nated. The Burley Tobacco - Society, which controlled the crop for three years, joined with the Burley, Tobacco Union In an effort to have the crop, raised this year.. ' s ":"' FANNED TWENTY FIVE ."Rube" Waddell Makes Record at Indoor Baseball. ' ' . V ;Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 14. "Rube Waddell, the noted pitcheri..' the proud possessor of a new record at Wh door basebalL In a game last nighrhe fanned twenty five , men in nine iii-f- nings. He pitched for McGrath'a' Stars, which-Won against anotherteam-of big league players by a score of 9" to 1.- Grand Theatre. , C I Very y funny 'The . Dream of TiWf Ptnf " ' - ' -"IT -It' TIIIIS: B ly -Battleship Christened1 day by " ' Cbngfessman's Daughter of Arkn sas Governor and OfficiatState J3el eation NotJPresent; Due to Row With" the tfavy Department" J Philadelphia, Jan. 14.-Splashed with the . traditional bottle 0. of .champagne the battleship Arkansas, the largest warship, ever constructed In thicoun try,. was' launched this aWrh'oori frbm ship.' s An' '-unusual' feature wasl3ie: abr sence . of an, official delegationKreprf t senting the! Stafe'Oovfrii&fRtfi kansas. '; ' Jt' has -,alwrtHb &l dito tom! for the Govefnorpl khsiate'foji which the ship is nam Ubvihdvtlie Donaghy", or pother -represeritatives to attend,' was- dne to a controversy be tween the Governor and the Navy De partment at Washington, over the date of launching. Quite a large delegation irom Arkansas was present, -fricludihg Congressman and Mrs. Macon and oth er members of the Arkansas Congres sional delegation. ' The Nvy Depart ment was officially ; represented ' by Beekma'n . Winthrop, Assistant : Secre tary" of the Navy, and a long list of Rear Admirals and other officers. A large delegation of Congressmen from c ther States was present. : Miss Macon: carrying -a large bunch of- American beauty roses stood; oivra raised Christ tening platform, wai ting'f or the" word irk nam ft th erpat shin. .-With hflflnras When the critical . moment arf!Ve(f' Miss Macon crashed the bottle' Against receding prow, exclaiming:V (I" Chris ten thee"" Arkansas." The. contents of the broken bottle foamed as it splash ed over ship's nose and doubt over the character or the fluid, was -dispelled. The ship's length is 562 feet, dis placement 26,000 tons, and speed 20 1-2 knots an hour. " When completed the 'Arkansas will have ) the greatest gun power in broad side fire oJLany ship afloat. The main armament consists of twelve . 12-inch breech loading guns,N mounted In six heavy armour protected: turrets. ' i The Arkansas'. keel was vlaid last January. The ship is about sixty per cent completed.- ' r ' ! ' ' 1 BIG DAMAGE BY FIRE:' Gold and Silver Refinery. Damaged to the Extent of $1 50,000. A I Chicago - Jan.t 14,rrrOne;hundred and fifty thousand dollars damage was caused by. fire in; the gold and silver refinery at No,,, 111 , Madison, Street, last night. , The blaze caused alarm in two nearby hotels. . . , !i HUB 1,11 - II tne New York Shipbuilding Company's by forcing him todrmk carbolic achj. ; - . '..j yards, Camden, h. J. .Jtfiss Mary -Ma-, .EhtiiWwibohfihed.in ! a'pbUjcjsUtibn condaughterlof efte&nta " , . V; cont ofArkaBLsaf,' wasisp6nser't6rthe ;nu T.- ',1 Atlee Poiherehe, Ohiofs New Senator, Examplejof Self Made Man. a , ( . 7V JV' J i ' - , - '- ,r v - - 't . i ' . - ;-. I- V'-.. ' " - '",7- 'J,,'-, ft -:.' ;-. - -Generally fair -Tonight and Sunday. ot much, -.change in : temperafiiiref : light to moderate Bouthwest" winds. f PICE; FInErtENTS inhuman Act of ,lotIier tl Yo'urrg ; Woman "of . "Schnec'tady i C6n" fees Having Forced He 6Year-01d -8bn to Drink CaVboiic"Acid-Claims SheWaa Too Poor to Support Him, But Police Attribute Another" Motive. Kochester, N. Jan. 14. Mrs. Edi.th; Melber; young ,Schnectady worn an,' "as arrested. last-night oh Informa tion frpm Albany charging her. with niprdering her 5-yehr" old sbn, Cebrge, physicjaji', were( ; hecesiiiy khroUghoul I pre'-taking precautiortaitp; prevent hos tile-uemonau-aHon against) Mrs. j&mh Melber, arrested in Rochester on; the charge of murdering son, when she ar rives her'e. As the possible motive for the crime, the police are investigating the story that Mrs. Melber intended marrying a youngj Schnectady: man. , The woman makes the plea., that- she was unable to givev the- boy proper tare- because" she was Without funds. -V.. " ; ITWO VITAL BILLS UP '; - ' - TO WASHINGTON' have been Introduced in the Legisla ture to . abolish i the , death , penalty for) murder and treasonand to provide the commissioiti form of government.-. FOR WIDOWS AND CHILDREN Relief Fund of Over Fifty Thousand Turned Over. - v .Springfield, Ul Jin. 14- The wid ows and children of the miners killed in the Cherry Mine disaster Nov. 13, 1909, have received $54,594 from the Cherry Relief Fund, according to offi cial report. Of the 142 widows Jiving in Cherry : just 'after ; the . accident; 102 now reside there; ; Several, widows are .married:"' '- !A - ii m KNOW WAS L ir AND BROTRER WAS' KILLED ; ilt "f! ."ir Newport News, Vai Jan.v 14.-ifc-While examining a rifle, supposedly not load ed Wiley Walker,, aged ten years, a prominent farmer's, son, instantly kill ed his brother, LinwooaVaged fifteen. x ; llffl III mm .- r, ... m ; 5jM?nu police tjmcjais,' ana CHU-i - . y -yj? f essed' 'heV b'rime: ? The . services t tit. a ' t '" 'il- tnA ,uf fe, m :taKep j po ai-j m , ' .? hanV;tMB?:hqen.by;:detec.tt've'K ii on A 'ri 4 1 1 -i ft1 it 3 ll t 8 V H - i tti'! 5-1 21. 14 v "- tl (Continued on Fifth ;Pagt.) : Ibid Tort in a Stofm"r.4' Theatr-e. etefy. v ;. th epidemic systematically. ' Rabbit Fiend :,, j- - - - --t 1 r - r r-r- : -f-r - :

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