V , : v - 1' - --U . , 4. V i Delivered anywhere ijj City 25c per montlu " " Spnt anywhere In ths Country. ' rQLUME FIFTEEN mm Bill introduced in North Carolina Leg islature to Amend the Divorce Drvs So As to Cover Ten YearsrTn"5nij:y of Wife or Husbands-Representative Kellum PresentsLPeUtionrtd-intrft"-citicfs Another Bill Other Matters cf Intei est Today. .. - , , (ly Llewxani. Iilr.i;!!, N. C, Jan, 1G. The salary' ru s nil .' talked into the legislative Mils amim today, and f set aboyt the .MLciiiju to innoculaLe the law -makers' lat week. It was a left over from l:.t session, goins down with many ntlH'is at the hands of the legislature oi It is an insufferable nniB&nftes tijis salary graWjiug scramble . that: I'iiu-s up tho time and, attention of coi'imiitoos and liiembe.rs on, the floor. U !,.ks at jiivseiit, however, Jike thiss lfi.-h-iiu'c going to give' these"! pub ii, stTvaiit an opportiinjty to resigri It ! v ( :;n i he- saOsifyd- tvith tha light uiiii. s i.mst of them arc charged -with a tic stii)cnd they agreed to "do it ivl.. ii i'i. . .-onyht the pcteitions. Tlif I:ivv makurs were slow in ap- j ;.i :u ii- hi tlieir seats today, although uession did not begin till liixK'. "' . i- most important se-w biltaV-hy: ,:!!, (it Ijincoln, to amend divorce ;u! ju r;iik absolute divorce when ratty has byen insane as long ii vcars and confined tnat length U '1 Lin. .11 :in asylum.-"' ;' lit i.n st ritative Kellum sent forward s 1 . i n u hi relating to Confederate-pen- i.. aul zUo inlroducod a bill to vail 1 I. . . ; ia.iii probates and registratfons. Alia-!:!' (Le other -billa intrtxluctnl to-. &.:y arc tne iollowing: To pave the , ; nitiiind the llovernorV Man F.iii'i; t: iirobe records' -of:" Wayne Sl'.-i..' Home; Concerning aEentfL hi ruiD out of town imdne:fvreTolcase'sheXnew n'othlng cYthVSchen Apiiaiafinan Training ssonooi.. Mr. Connor, tOamendSec. 419, Re vival. reLitive tothe venue of actions. Tin- House calendar 'was practically r 1; av. d, but the bill3 were nearly of loci! importance, or little interest gen f T.n.v. A bill to reUlate fishing in AiUniaiU' sound passed final,' reading. A mating of a oint committee on d!i.. is cutted for Wednesday, at uh; 1 tiuto Ex-Governor . Jarvis" is to add: (ss tle committee on a subject iiot yet announced. lliL UUHHE W IS TO BE RET Vv'ashington. Jan. 16 The applica tinn of itear Admiral Barry, comman dor-in i hief of the Pacific -fieet, for re tireiiKHit, war. approved today by Pres ident Taft. iiar Admiral Thomas su' f o-il: Admiral Barry as commander of the iUet. The Navy Department has issued an order ' transferring Barry to the rotired list. This action was takf ii LofoiG puWication of the allega nnrthat the officers oi the flagsliip West Virzinia contemplated filing f-harges against Barry, reflecting on hls raoral character. Stocks Today. ' N'v York, Jan 16 Wall Sttcet- Tb- stock market onehed irregular vitl' a sprinkling of nominal gains', and lossos. The latter predonfthated'. Trading was ligiit. Professional sell Z v.uk inspired by reports of opect-uniavo-vible developments at Wash-ir-ston. During the latter part of-the f'fiining then; vas a moderate" covei i;S nunx-ment, which . rallied th .list ?- K"od liur-Uon. Business fell off tl nominal j)roportions. ., Fluctuations v'We unimportant.- - . ; REDS OF CLERGKMEN r preach jtsimsr h'fiaKo, Jan. 1G-Hun'dreds of cler: gymon i)r.;ached sermons yesterday, S'ng the congregations to join; in the, wlt'"saloon fight- Tne anti-saloon 0rkei fi ai'e engaged in a campaign tQ tho saloon question on the bal 101 at tUi. April elections. - Grand Theatre. ; A'igniontod orchestra tonight play- -'''ici.rated 111 Trovatore" Ear,n Anvil Chorus" . from Musical treat of the It Mr. Morgan "ah iVslnR the beautiful ballad hit, Hi k3 -1 1 DO THE- DEFERS i tetii Cta a- Hot Grilling : Backnhe.Stand in the Schenk Trial Today She Repeated Remarks Df Accused Woman-ensation Caused . When it Pecame Known Nurse is a Urstant Relative of the Schenk Family. , Wheeling, W. Va., Jan. 16. There are so many, angles in the trial of Ms. Laura" Farnorth Scheub, charged with .attempting to' murder hermfl Honaire huaband, John O. Schenk. that the attorneys are now convinced will be-several weeks before the trial is concluded. - . Mrs. Schenk spent Sunday quietly in lief towe f com. She devoted much time to reading letters. Miss Eleanor Sfcoekeleiy the detective nurse, who was Known atjthe hospital where Schenk: was confined as "Mrs. Ivleio,' anSjrwho' gave damaging tostlnjony. against" th acUsed woman Saturday, was on the stand whofl court convened this morn ing. "Mrs. Schenk told me on on occasion," testified the witness, "that when John Schenk died I would be well provided for. The Friday fed low ing, her ofTer to give me '.$1,000 to pois on Schenk,r Mrs. Schenk came to the hospital and asked to be left alone in the rpom witli-Sehenk lor a few min utes'. We Ifett them alone and there were high words between them. Oft! one occasion. I remarked s to Mrs. Schenk 'Well he's making some imi provcmentV and she replied, 'Yes, to "my sorrow. 'J f In answer to' Prosecutor Handlan'y question as to what Mrs. Schenk hacfi said to the witness after her ari--es? and they were alcnto, the detective re plied.' "I said, 'Just lookrtiat youiiarej got me into," ahd-shu said: "Shut up: you fool. Don't tell .anything." - 1 - Miss Zockeler stated that'Drior td - iine h-camfirtlto : work on thef Schenks. although--she, is distantly related 'to them. The announcement that the much talked- of detective nurse was a rela tive of the Schenk family created a profound sensation. Miss Zockeler was under cross ex amination this afternoon. The de fense's attorney handled her unspaf: ingly. "You were paid money for lying anil laying-traps for Mrs, Schenk were you not?" "asked Attoney Boyce. "I was instructed to do what I could,' she. replied. The private life of the witness was gone into in detail. "What did you say to Mrs. Schenk when she said if anything happened to John you. were to get the cVs of the safe de posit vault bef ore-Albert got them?" asked Eoyce. "I said I was afraid I would get into trouble. She told me Of Schenk having been worse and that the news made her the happiest wom an in the. world; also of her praying every night he might die.,' The cross examination of the detective nurse oc cupied most of the afternoon session' FAMILY BURIED-blER TOIS - IF DEBRIS jET LIVE Cadillac. Mich., Jan. 16. Though Henry Cottrell, his wife and two ebil dren wfere caught and burled under lh burning ruins of their farm homei near Deerfield lastYnight, when six teeii poimds of, dynaitoito exploded lh the atfic,. all are alivon telJL the tale and "not ono suffered 'njury more se rious than painful -bruises. , DIG BktR DRINKERS New York FblkA Dranrk Almost a Mi - lion Barrels. - Kpw York: "Jan. 16. Greater New York consumed 8,500,000 - barrels of beer during 1910, according to omciax ronnrt The year's consumption throughout: the United States approxi mated sixty million-barrels. IMI SIX VEARS IN PRISON i t.r .L ' 'tt W . I., .. .1 rr.nntn hnt 'l Jan. 16. W. R.-Trav- ersrformer manager of -the Farmers Bank, pleaded guilty today to larceny of 140,000 ftom . the . bank. lie ; was sentenced to six years in the peniten- tiaryv Grand Theatre v r. ' T,tPrP!tInff:aind educating pic ture, "Tlfe-Fire Department o New CRIMINAL yitMINGTOK, Hep Vh o toM Urea Ficr; Jury Special Term Convened This Morning In .Oxford- .for-'. Alleged Slayei of Three of the Sanders J Family Car ried From -the Penitentiary fn Ral eigh Under Military Guard. Oxford, N. a, Jan.; 1C With the State militia aiding: the civil officera in guarding the prisoner, Jsfathan Mon tagu'e.the' negro;' charged with mur dering' Laton Sanders, . his ' daughter and granddaughter, was -placed onr trial bsfore Judge Ward in the criminal court here today,- at - a 'special term ordered by -Governor KitchSn.8" Mob taguo-' was 'brought; from, the Stat prlaon at Haleigh by'SlieritE Wheeler amt a guard of militiamen. The negro ,hadno counsel. The-court appointed two local lawyers" to defend him. To day's court session was devoted ta selecting the jury, Montague was ar restad December 19th7 following find ing of the bodies of Sanders, his daugh ter," flattie, and his granddaughter; Irene Overton, in the -ruins of tha Senders' home, near Hester, which was ret afire the night of the Ynurder. A blood-stained knife, belonging to Montague, was found har th,e ruins f the Sanders', home and led to the identification of the negro. SOUTH (Ml MURDERER . GETS NO REDRESS Washington, Jan. 16. The United fitatea Enpreme Court today dismiss ed for want of jurisdiction an appeal of G. Wash Hunter, from his convie tlQn of manslaughter In South CarO' penitentiary for eight- years. He was accused , of having" killed Albert 5. Copeland, near their homes in Lauren? coiTnty, S." C, in 190ff, while playing cards. Hunter entered a -plea .of self defense. J 4. 4. t I 4 A 4 4 Attention Youngsters! The Dispatch has all arrange ments , perfected to royally en tain mdny of its young readers at a theatre party Saturday af ternoon at the Academy of Music, when "Buster Brown" will; appear. Full particulars of this most interesting event will be found in an announce- ment on page 2 of today's Dis patch. Every boy and girl 4 should read it, because The Dispatch wants all of its young friends to be happy. BRYCE MAY RETIRE. Rumors Abroad in' London That Am bassador Contemplates Quitting. --Iondon, Ja. 16.r Rumors that Am bassador Bryce contemplates early re tlrement from his post at Washington are again current, j Sir Maurice De Bunson, the British' Ambassador at Madrid, 13 mentioned as his possible! successor., ' ' ANTI-TRUST INSURANCE LAW 1 i- 1 IS HELD CONSTITUTIONAL 1 Washington, Jan;; 16. The law of Alabama, passed . in 1897 to prevent agreements and combinations between Insurance companies -for the purpose of fixing therates-of fire insurance, was held Constitutional by the Su; preme Court of the United States to day.. - .. ; ' - " v . Fight and Fall to-Death. K' Seattle, Jan. 16. John Anderson, a saloon, propiretor, - ahd Een Christen sen, a bartender," were killed today when they fell from a third story win dow of a. hotel during a tussei Big Fire Loss in Buffalo. Buffalo,- N. Y., Jan. 16. Fire in the George Irish v Paper Co. warehouse to daycaused one hundred and fifty thou sand' dollars damage. -x ' Grand Theatre!. : Very ; Interesting and educating pic ture, "The -Fire pepartmept of New York Ctty" j -it V U '' - V ) - i - r N.i C;, MONPAT, JANUARY : Chlii&men to -r.f j . . '-.r,jr . .-v r w -.U-t 1 J fill rrf ill (f'. On Jan. SO. Wu Ting Fang, former Chinese minister to the United States, 1 will have his cue; cut -qft in Shanghai bne hundred and forty-five other prominent Chinamen will follow bis example. The simple fact that" a China man Is to get a hair cut may not be startling news, but when it comes tothe time honored cue it is another thing. This is but a step in the modemizlng 6f . China. Britbshf officials. In China predict serious riots among th0natlva when an order vyufch is to l is&ued' later on goes into effect ordering all cues n BODIES FQOHD German Balloon, Which Had Been Missing For Nearly a Month, Found in a Lake Both Aeronauts Dear. Berlin; Jan. 1G The German bal loon Hildebrandi, nHssing since its as cent at Schmargendorf, December 29th, has been found in a lake in Por brania. Province, Prussia. The bodik? of both aeronauts were in the gon dola. It had bcon believed that Dr. Roehrs and his companion met" death In the Baltic Sea. FIGHT FOR PROHIBITION IN T E Austin, Texas, Jan. 16.-The Texas legislature, after a Sabbath's rest re sumed its session early th4s morning to continue its. light over prohibition measures, which those who favor re stricting the. sale of liquor hop to have "enacted before Governor Camp bell retires tomorrow. One of the prin cipal measures would prohibit saloons from operating after nightfall. -Gov ernor Campbell is an advocate of pro hibition. His successor,: Governor- elect Golquite, is an anti-prohibitiouisf . "GIANT OF CAPITAL" DEAD Was Over Seven Feet 'Tall and Had Been an Invalid Since Infancy. Washington Jan. 16. John Turner the giant ofrthG' Capital, died at a local hospital today. Turner : was thirty four years pld, and was; seven feet, seven inched tall. He hW' been an in valid since infancy. " QUIET TODAY YESTERDAY'S' TRIPLE LYNCHING Shelbyville, - Ky., Jan. 16. All is quiet .following the lynching yesterday of ithe negroes Gene Marshall, Wade Patterson and Jim West, il is believ ed the mob mistook Gene Marshall, ac cused of murder , of a negro woman, for another negro. That they wanted Patterson , and; West, charged .. with crimes against white women, is well known.' We3t and Patterson -were 'be ing held,; ,. pending probable indict ments. Marshall had already been sentenced to hang. - ' ' ' Grand Theatre.--. Most Sanitary and : comfortable EXAS LEGISLATOR FOLLOWS theatre in the South, " It 1,JJ P M I! ' 1 I I 1 A " 1 - 'U Xyh ZAyXy k yA? ;? I - 46J9il FdlUW Example. t TAR HEEL FIGURES CensuW Returns Announced Today for the Townships of Four North Caro Jina Counties Also Figures Given Out for Number of Small Towns. Special to The Dispatch. Washington, Jan. 16. The directoi of the census announced the popula tion of Cumberland, Guilford, Han dolphand Robeson counties, ftortb Carollna. by townships, as shown" b4 an omcial count of the returns of the thirteenth census, as follows: Cumberland Countv. Beaver Dam. 1.- Ui-Jp tJlWIV A,a-xty VUiVdO Ul CCIV 2,075; Cedar Greek, 3,093; cross Creek 8,216; Flea Hill, 3,353; Grays Creek. 1,635; Little River, 504; Pearce's Milli 2,361; Quewhifile, 2,350; 'Rockfish, ;J5, 205; ; Seventy First,-5,028. - Guilford County Bruce, 1,140;. Cen ter Grove, 997; Clay, 1,163; TDeep. Riv er, 1,212; Fentress, 1,154; Friendship, 1,725; Gilmer, 15,728; Greene, l,lS9; High Point, 12,395; Jamestown, 1,-613; Jefferson 1,320; Madison, l,107f Monroe,- 1,469 ; Morehead, 12,340; ' Oak Ridge, 1,577; Rock Creek,2,313; Suni ner, l,19tf; Washington, lOlsri f Randolph County Ashe'Doro, 2.544? Back Creek, 1,198; Brower, 662; Ctedai Grove, 1,102; Coleridge, 1,585 ;:Coliun bia, 2,980; qoncord, 1,232;- Franklins ville, 2,521; Grant, 938; Liberty, l;880; New Hope, 1,086; New Market, $1,387; Pleasant Grove, 416; Providence, 1, 113; Randleman, 2,981 ; Rlehland, 1,--305; Tabernacle, 1,487; Tranity, 1,974; Union, r.lQO.--'" -.. . t ' 1 Robeson County Alfordsyille," 3,069 ; Back Swamp, 1,593; Bluesprings, 3,- 582; Britts, ,4,552 ( Burn&r Swamp, 1,- 355; Howellsviile, 1,649 ; Lumber Bridge, 3,167; Lumberton, U,04 Max- ton, 3,531; Orrum, 929; Parkto'n, 1;225; Pembroke, ) 1,935 Raft.Swanip, 769'; Red Springs; 3,29Q; 4 Saddletree, 899; St. Paul, 2,898; Smiths - 2,810; Ster ling's Mill, 1,534; Thompson, ff,089; White House, 3,97iri Wishart, , 1,063. Population 7 statistics announced to day included Cedartown, Ga., -3,551, in 1910, asagainst 2i823, in 1900; MU len, Ga., '2,03,0, as against 411; LexingM ton, in. j4,i.pa, as .. ogauist i.-a,p, Thomasville, N. C.,, 3,87, as Against 751." - . r- : v - Lisbon, Jan. 16.-rA bomb exploded in the Chellas tunnel, of the Belt Line Railway, today. Several holes !were torn in the undeWKround passage." The bomb was probably thrown by a Sis charged employe.1 ' ' ' ' HURL! DYNAMITE DUES IT HI In', His Inaugural Address Today Gov ' ernor 0'ligairToo.'k Occasion to Hake ProhibitionAfter Making Review . Recommends a General Local Option " ;BHU. I ifr - -i - rV:.I "" Montgomery, - Ala., Jan. i6. In his inaugural address to the legislature today, Governor EmmettQ'Neal de clared that Alabama's prosimTfon laws are" a .invasion of ipdividual rights and .branded the attempt to-insert--a prohibition clause in State legislation as an ; offspring, of ..intolerance nd bigotry. He proclaimed prohibition a failure, jfhd :'aSBcommendedJ a, generic local option law.n'.. r -" . . -ICE 1 ftRyilNED -r- sr fi fl . S . . . ' ' Cologne., Jan. 16. A eroun of chil- Idren- broke through the ice while sKaflng on the Rhine and five, were drowned. Four others were 'resusci tated with difficulty. -. OPENS, FJNE GROCERY. Mt, Jpfin -,JVI. MeylaridVi Well . Known Cif izen, . Has" Erted a. handsome Store Bulldlnftand' Opened "an Up to- -- Date Business at Eleventh and Dock Streets I- . ' -Mr. John M. Meyland, one'ofWU mington's oldest and best known leiti- zens, has opened an up-to-date home grocery business at Eleventh and Dock streets. Mr.Meyland 'has opett .ed the' business in his owp. store, a fDnely equipped and pretty tWQistary Utructxij-e, AvhiQhirceuUY,had-erec CHILDREN 11 ""J" issajew record lor dejap water for uvj prices prevailing. He has already; in stalled a large stock of fresh-groceries and will also carry, fruit and? ieountryS produce. ''Shortly Mr. Meyland intends topen a wood yard in the rar of his pres ent establishment, having a fine tract fcf land well suited for that purpose." LOCAL FIREMEN Invited T6day to Witness Splendid Film at Grand Theatre . Mr, J. M. -S-Oiky, owner of the Grand motion, picture ! theatre : on Front street, through Fire - Chief. Charles Schnibben, this tifiprning extended an invitation to all members of the Wil mington Fire Department, together with their J families, to; visit the thea tre at any of the performances today. The offer was made by Mr. SOlkyyas he thought the local firemen, might b4.dep water as-set by the treemndou3 interested in seeing the. film, "Th'j Fire Department of New Yrk City,'' which : is being shown today. It is needless to state that Mr. Solky s though tfulness - is deeply .- appreciated by the Wilmington fire laddies arid that all of them expect- to4 accept the kind invltatldn. H 'p' : - "-' ROBBERS SUNDAY NIGHT LOOTED A VA. POSTOFFICE Windsor, Va., Jan. 16 The post office here was Ipoted last night, prac-' tically everything " of value - being taken. Thieves broke into the build: ing, blew open the safe ahd stole all cash, stamps and money rder books; WISTERIA!! ASSOCIATION i Held the Usual Weekly Meeting Today i ' at the Y. M. C. A. I The weekly meeting of. the MtnM? terial. Association was held today at the Young Men's Christian Associa tion. The session was well attended by the ministers of the city. A num ber of matters of 'Interest i were dis eussed, following which an able - pa per on "Incarnation"r was presented Kby Rev. William H., Milton, -rector- of 'St.. James' Episcopal Church. - .Shad Tablss Will be Rented. - Alderman J. B. ' Fales, chairman ; cf the Market! Committee of ,the Boafd qf Aldermen, makes ?an, official aid ver? Halnc -nntine that, the Vshal tables 4t Front Street Market 111- he Tehted it public ' auction Thursday, of . this week. The sale ,wlll be conducted on the scene at noon and-the premium plan; win prevail. - - -' - ' X' - ' ; Grand Theatre.' x -Most Sanitary and comfortable 1 theatre in the South, .-4t -I.a,,!.,,. .TH . -Fair and colder, tonight ; Tuesday ' fairV Moderate north to northeast ;;jprice;five CEKTS Spoke Before f.he . United States Su- preme Court for Over Four Hours for Dissolution of the Standard' Oil Company Fixed , a , Burning s Sum :maryo' His Speech- Tn;the Minds Di the Dieting MishedJudgs. , Washington, .Jan.' 16. Calling upon the United States Supreme ;Court to uphold' the '"public demand against these combinations and monopolies," Frank B. Kellrjgg, special .assistant to the Attorney General, "'closed today his long argument; "before TtJie( court, in' ad- vofcacy of dlssoitition'ofiithevStand'ard' ,OU Company; 'f"ef-4; Jersey ? He ing Kellogg left thls sentferieb'ln ithe minds of the justices. as -a summary of his argument "There is no laW in this Country, thank tfod'f against, , a man getting rich ; but;there. , ; is a law against unlimited epntrofc in cbrporate form." , ,Jt f " TWO OUT Iff SUKtEft TH LATE SENATOR- HUGHES Denver, Jan. v16.Mayof; "R: W. Speef,1 of Denver, and former Governor Ava Adams, of Pueblo are'the Reading candidates to succeed the late Senator Chas. . J. Hughes, Jr. . The, first ballot will be taken in the legislature proba- bly next Monday. ' -.r-. . FINE RIVER DEPTH. New Record Set Today When. Anglo - Cftil iari Or a wind 54 Feet and" Three Cape FeafTtteifewa made today when the steamer Anglo-Chilian, drawing 84 feet and 3 inches' t of , water,' was : broughtto the city and: successfully docked. ThJs figure exceeds, by two inches the previous record made some weeks ago by another steamer. Tho achievement of todays is far better than the former one for the reason that the Anglo-Chilean came up today while .the tide was rising, and not at . flood tide The steamer was piloted up the river by" Captain William St. GeorgeAand an easyand expeditious trip was made. - . f " The , fact that, vessels . drawing in the neighborhood of 25 feet are now being brought to the city , speaks elo quently,fqr. the. work being done by the United States Engineers Office in deepening the river channels. People along the river front naturally Vere much elated with the fine record for steamer this morning. ; . The Anglo-Chilian, is consigned to thj Seaboard Ait Line with a cargo , of nitrate, of soda! ; Jt Is the rst of about twelve steamers 'loaded with fe- ' tilizers, and materials which are ex pected in pprt ; during ' the early--fa ture. J?he cargo, '6..000 tons, was re ceived at Chili, and the big steamer rounded Cape Horn f on the journey to . this city. - , -.'-. Albany, Y., Jan., 16. Governor IniM ' Mloi GOV. OK SPEAKS OUT IN . I Yi SENATORIAL FIGHT Dix.has publicly advised the Demo- .., cratic -members of ' the legislature to consider the' wisjhes of ? their cons tl- w ; teents ' ahead of -a decision- of a ma- . jority - at tonight's Democratic icaucus V in , the Senatorship fight. . This may mean thatrth caucus, willt be unable -to settle the:contestr and it will be -carried to the floor 0 the legislature. : WEST VIRGINIA TOWN HAD 4 BIG ! BLAZELAST; NIGRT; Bluefieldr W. Va., Jan. 16. Nin business buildings were destroyed by fire last night in WilmoreJSMcDowell county. ,The; blaze originated in a sa loon. The damage is seventy-five thousand dollars. - , ' - nr.'-. 1 1 11 t v - 'j. Grand "Theatre. Augmented orchestra tonight play ' : ing ' celebrated "Anvil Chorus", f ronr' "111 Trovatore" Musical treat of the 7 season. It mat 1 Ask is Love." . It1 "York City 'A, -A V'.-' - r

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