-'V THE EMNGdIsPATCH, APRLt7Jl911 PAGE TWO I fillll n D THEATRE i' m - if Tij in it ' i f ill i V. i . i H i'. - M u i it 1 5 V - i f: i- a 5 : i ! t'i !J . i t . si H i. I - 1 Misses and Children's Hats, 9Sc. Special prices in plain and fancy Don't forget our Silk Department r THE FIRM THAT PAYS fclJMuiilHI II i li .i in 1 ll in mi' n l l l ih rm I " j nAti.r,y- rr; n ii.n. 11. im .mmmm i I I Ladies' Ready-to-Wear We are showing a wide range of Marquisette Lawn and Batista waists, both colored and white embroidered. New Spring . Voile and N 1 Panama Skirts. . Muslin Underwear Just received our Spring shipment of-Ladies and: Misses HusBn Underwear, real hand embroidsred plain, and lace effects. We have these in matched sets, each garment The new Parasols are here, In an the new shades and shapes. Sole Agents for American Lady Corsets, Butterick Patterns and Black Cat Hosiery. .-' A A. D. BROWN DRY GOODS GO., (Successor to) A.ID. BROYflf. Holiday Sacrificed Our Holiday , Goods arrived late, therefore must pt tacriffced to move them in the few days remaining. .In the stock are Solid Ma hogany Rockers, some upholstered In genuine leHher, Handsome Oak Rockers, in Golden Oak, and Mission, many in genuine leather Fancy ; Reed Rockers and Reed odd pieces, Tables of all kinds, 17 Ladles' Desks from $6.75 up; more than 300 pictures, equal to any in the city as to quality cf frame andsubjecta, Prices literally slaughtered on account of the quantity,. Chiffoniers, Dressers, Buffets, Music Cabr inets, Dinner Sets, Tfiilet Sets, Ward Ro2e, -Chamber and Parlor Suits, Hail Racks,. Rugs all sizes, large quantity and must go. Per tiers, Couch Covers, Lace Curtains, Brats Beds, Ete.A ; - v VALUABLE SOUVENIRS WITH EACH PURCHASE., ' The Wilmington Foraitni i GARRELL Con Second cad Mats Just received one of the largest stocks of new and desirable HATS ever shown in Wilmington for Ladies, Misses and Children' For prices and latest styles conte and see . x T&yl o&s, The 114 Market Street S Wilnington (TTucke?9G) Granite Now Located at ' 519 North Second St., Near Union DepoiS Call to see us for anything in the cemetery line. Residence Phone 702. tyM ..... Wednesday and Thursday t April 5tti land 6th. We stall have our Easter dis play of fine Millinery. We shall show the newest ideas both from a standpoint ot shape, materials and-coloring.. Many new arrivals among :. the templting Easter Hats;- . ' f : Ready-to-wear Hats.: at ?5.0O. . ' Janty tailored effect In rough two-toner braids; the prevailing styles'' la small .effects. Wide .. variety. - . : Rough- Braids Hats, ready tov wear 52.50 ana 3.uu values, spe cial at $1.98. -1 -School and Street Hats 50c,1 75c and " Ribbons during openg days. 50c, Silks, special 39c. -- . , YOUR. CAR FARE. to match. , . building. Pria&c& - y HatiZes Mattes m ST Iarble Voriis In . the; appearance ""next week, of Miss Ruth Grey, . "The Woman Won-; derf uV the Academy will offer a . sen-; sation, as this noted artist has. been astonishing some o! the most scien tific with her exhibitions. Hf work is far above what Is commonly called second-sight and in Charleston sue created such a stir that her engaged ment was t prolonged to two weeks j Ijeace, her engagement here was de ferred from the present week to next. :?;Many of the leading' bithsens of Charleston, including the mayor, went upon the stage to see IfJier. work was genuine. They had to. 'acknowledge that it was, so far as they conld see. Miss Cfrey is a highly educated and a beautiful woman. -. . Popular prices are to. prevail for the engagement heteV these being. 1Q, 20 and 30 cents. n ' ,; At the.. Bijou. : One of the strongest motion picture bills,from every standpoint, wilt be presented at tiie Bijou, today. There wiU be' jst the strongest" kifid of, dramatic pictures, a masterful picture creation, of travels in Switzerland!, whiich will instruct, as well as. delight thfi vistos. isd. a film dealing with wo man suffrage. Tlte latier, "Een. Wo men Strike," will cause, the si&s of all to split, with laughter. Tb-e two powerful dramatic . films are.-'The Rival Barons," which ui?- folds a thrilling tale ot the (Middle Ages, apd A Repumic&n Marriage,; telling in. graphic maijner.a romance of Paris Jlfe. . L 5 Then will, como a film of beautiful scenery, lAif : Alpine i Rtlat1 -i ( ?TJhe scenes, are of Switzerland. Perhaps no country -In the world: so lenas it self - "and . ' Its, . beauties, lb the cantera as does tWs? favorite resort ot PJeas: ure seekeri troin evefy land. The present series affords exqufete pano ramic views oi nature at ner oesi, in combinatipa with the results' of hui man . ingenuity which has takeii ad vantage of every spot favorable to the purpose of full enjoyment of the Dicturesaue and majestic surround ings., J ' Wooded, heights rise from the wai ter's edge; noble mansions nestle amid horticultural 'beauties on the banks and Mands of the lake; moun tains, now half enshrouded in soft morning mists, now Dauea m prmiani mid-day sunlight, rise height above heieht In silent sublimity to the far f distant horizon, and the loveliness which will appeal to the 'stay-at-home . .. . -ir. and to tne traveler aiiae. , ' .' Grand Theatre. v . Today is Hospital day at the "Thea tre Beautiful" and indications point to a tremendous business, the proceeds of which are to1 go - to the Hospital fund. Not only is the day a feature day but he bill at the Grand is also a feature, having as it does "three of the greatest motiop picture triumphs of modern time. One of the most interesting pictures male in some time is the great Society drama-, v"An Aching Void." ' i This picture portrays a great -story and thVonig big feature of it is the gorgeous costum?ng and stage setting. "An Aching Void", is presented. by the Vitagraph Stock Co. and we can safely say that it is one of the finest that this excellent Company has ever produced. ,.T "A Thwarted Yengeance" is. the ntf Essany offering and tells the story of (lucky western girl. Nell' Olcott a pretty western girl "is the proprietress of a fcar and gambling hall in a west ern Tillage. She has many admirers among the cowboys and one Bob Griswold whom She favors is the hero of this western drama. The acting -while sensational is, way above the standard and the scenic portion of this .-picture has nev er been surpassed. T v ' i -A Biograph offering "A Plah Song trill close thl superb bill and as most everybody is -IamUlar with' the JBiog taph films "ll is i heedless to say inudh about this picture. " . ' . -The tory centers afound a young girl who is a saleslady In a depart meMoe and who fs the sofe shpport of ier father arid mother. Y ; ; . ' ' -he is dehied all Jie pleasures that her shopnfates are enjoying a it takes all, her money 'and tlnie to Keep 'the lanauy going. X . v .. w ; The' story is vdty dramatic and is one of tbojs lessohs that tend to make everybody petter for.hkyiffg seen it. ; ; Mr. Henry will sing "Rings On My Fihger6"andithe isfchestra will play several sohg'liitsfrbm "Madame Sher ry." ' '.' ;'' " Famous PalatTng Ends Saturday; f Tomorrow at 1.6 wffl" Close the engagement of the mystery -palntiiig "Tfee Shadow of the tjrbss? - The en gagement h&.s" "been bffe" oT the most successTul In the South and the Cu's- tJidiah expresses himself as delighted tHtJl the reception the painting . has recetvd. . . ' Those; ."wbo Nb.ave not viewed the wonderful work of art have, but two- more days in which to do so. The Palace wherein the picture is exhib'.t ed shas been arow'ed with' eiithusiasfc and its" hgagfe.mfeht will long be re membefed id WIlniingtbtiL . v" Many clprgymen Have . frainented on the WQndertuJ phenomenon seen in connection yritH the painting and the great lesson it teachesv . . . r The last exhibitionSwill be given Saturday and-rllMast untiMO p. m. . If all citizehs wefe to do like some and ritit" register, what would be the dutconae? -Think Do it'ndyr. ' '4 ' y A'ft Aching Void. ; Great society, draiha-Grand Thea tre today. ' . " ' it -i I ' - ' .1 L C. , Pickett, Indicted 'Yesterday by . the Grand Jury, Faces the Recorder 'r-Submitted. in One Case Decision 'Jn. Two Cases Reserved Until To morrow. . , - " ' ' - Only, oner matter. but that matter of tns -proportion of three "blind tiger" cases, came UD In Ihe hnnnrfler'a court morsteff. ,Th Hiip caa6& were agaiast-I. C. Pickett,, the white-man who runs a store'at Castle Hayne aifS against , whom the vgrahd Gry yester. day returned: three indictinen.ts for-vlo- iationor the prohibition law, same be ing turned over tot the Recorders In Ithe very firsf case-tne defendant sub- tftitted; though afterwards he tried to squirm out of it. In-the three cases Pickett wasv charged with selling liquor to w. C. Hardison, T' G. Futch and: mb.TR savage, m.the first case, Haral son, testified that K WfiTf. tn Pickett's hilace and called for whiskey. He was given Vhat heN?alled for,' paid for it and drank it After hearing, this the defendant submitted. In the other two cases about : the same state . of . facts develpped,tbut, on cross examination, the witnesses stated - they could not swear absolutely that wh'&t they were givij was whiskey; Counsel for the defense immediately raised the point that It had not been shown that it was whiskey sold them,' and then asked to re-open the submission case, in which Hardison had testified; to recall Har dison to, the stand, with the evident purpose of trying jto show- that . he couldn't possibly testify that , what he bought was whiskey, even though he called lor such arid it; tasted likg whis key. "'- v'4 '-t -:t V: ' Iarsden Bellamy, Esq., representing the' Stafe, objected.' to re-opening Che case "on any such point and the Re-i comer sustained the objection. Mr. Bellamy then argued strongly that the defendant was guilty in the other twp cases. Counsel for he defendant, L.s Clayton Grant,. Esq., argued that his .client was not guilty,; as it had not been absolutely 'shown , that 'what was obtained was whiskey. ' "Recorder furlong took under advise ment his decision in "the two cases, until toimorrow, and at the same time left open the judginent in the submis sion case, pending his findings in th-? other two cases." : - s . Pickett in th meantime was placed under a 400 justified bond, Vhich he gave. ' ' ' The Sound Sleep Qf Good Health Can hot b'e "overestimated and any aiMent that prevents -It is' a menace to health J. L. Southers, Eau Claire, Wisri says; "I have been unable to sleep soundly nights, because of pains across my back, and soreness of my kidneys. . My appetite was rery ? poor and my general condition was much run down. J have beet .taking Foley- Kidney Pills but a hort time and now sleep as sound as a. 'rock, my general condition is greatly improved, , and I know that Foley Kidney, Pills have cured- me." Good results always fol low the use of ' Foley Kidney Pills. They are a prompt corrective of uri nary irregularities. Try theni. R. TL Bellamy. Remember to Register immediately only about twelve hours left after reading this.- -. - We have assembled the largest, inn i'unVm hi. ,lr" i ,MJjMt.Mfri7".ri.,iiWi.i.Tilli ii.-.i ' f Footwear tnan ever beiore. ourstyies are to numerous to mention but If "you will Look In our Windows - or call inside we can prove this fact. tWatch Us Grow." - ' ' ' ' "fering the Money; With You pi f 1 mimmMMm Mi l mi' i f xes, but ;S: GEO. mm t imi I - R. MAS AH OLD A D ACE " ( Iliht purse i5 heav cw&g? -r Sickness makes a light ptirse. ' : - The UVER is' threat of jplae , tenths of all disease. ...... - - f - -- go ton the rqoof the . whole fiiat-:,, i; ter, thoroughly,-quickly safely : and restorehe'feetloii of the? - LIVER to riormarcondfticii Give tone to thysfem and ; solid flesh to the body, : Take No Substitute. .,-, "rr """AnAchln:g yofd7:" "r . ) Great society dramaf-Gr and Thea tre today.' " " . ','". it. - i. r - m 1 . Gup IHqHo: Cheap for Cash. ' SaviJhn Restfit Checks., 109 Market Street. and most complete stock of. Spring H """" 'V urn Warn in the sultry Summer season, MadamiTos coolness and com fort in footwear appeal to you : ; smartaess and style must be present, too, so". '. . '- '' You'll find theny all in Style - 57 14 Three $ttp Prtncea -r Paramount Patent Kid. y. Positively perleetltting. , , " & SONS m 108 North Front Street. ; Wilmington, N C. it FRENCH 1 lBlOtKARllSLUSMWS Peterson & Rulfs. NextWct Murchison Bgnk. pMwW- - -The Jitter Grades Only." , ' M 18 Market Street. : - f m : " f ii'i iif I ii 1 1 1 - r li'', '" rVi'v i ir-"-'- -- ' l'"'.Z-i.Ji::Lj:-li--.V;.21:;-jXi " Assures you of a cozy eomforUble jr6w;.ft;aiii .iriitaiHatH; '"?:r?--!-:t r"J?Tri ""'-" t;. 1 ' BUCK Mot p lasl ItrOijS only ; rjeater that wllf successfully Hp?,f??d wHl also biirri ail pther f uejshanjcoal, wood and Buck' I?asM beautiful keater-jt'a theort of heater that heats and burns lie fue-U'a tb heater qf all heaters for you to buy We want , you to tall and sea It ajt our store. i . .o 4--... -- Rebuilt Typ!writerk Al! makes at About )9alf Price. Un , ,deoods;eminitpns;Smi v ars. The machines; are Like New and anyphe of tliem is a bargain. , j Ribbons for all machines and -each guarantee Carbon, all colors and . - prices. , Stenraphers Notebooks " and Office Suppjies 6f all kinds: -' G. W, Ytes i& Cov . Market Streel . ' 1 .! . . m - . " WEAR . alk-6ver And Shoes QET A PAIR homa this wTnt: Stetson V r - "X ; .i. ' J 'f Y

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