1 v. V- THE EVENING DISPATCH, MAY 6 19U 4 M PAGE TWO . W mm t i ': 'if f Vt I 'if . M ' l ii (; if if if- 1 , i i 1 1S1 v 'A !S Continues Monthly, Tuesday and Wednesday. ' .... . v - . I These will be days, of great bargain giving? Only those, -who attend this sale will realUze; the importance of this event. Values, assortment .' .75c 39c 69c and prices are the "attractions at this May Sale. r ' 10 yards best 10c yard wide Poe Mills bleaching for r 10 yards 39 inch wide UnbleachedHomespun for... $1.00 yard wide Black Taffeta Silk. May Sale at ... 25c Bordered Lawns 40 inches wide. May Sale at ....... ....... ..15c 25c Linen Lawn 36 inches wide May Sale ....... 50c Under Shirts and Negligee Shirts, bjg assortment at These are but a few of the many .bargains. .18cf 39c, i ... ; THE , FIRM THAT PAYS YOUR CAR FARE. .-. ,! . -- ,: ! - :' we have an endless variety of dainty lace, embroidery, and real hand embroidered effects, you'll find the styles designs and goods of the higher class, we have these in matched sets each garment to match. White ED r ess Fabrics. We are showing a grea variety jOf dainty sheer whi lavn, Luna Jawn, Mercerised batiste, and Embridered Luna. " e goods, Sylvia Flaxon, Embroidered Bateste We are sole Agents for Butterick Patterns, Americad Lady Corsets and Black Cat Hosiery. a. d: mM dry goods co., (Successor to) A. D. BROWN :, THEATRE oifbd s mm Our Holiday Goods arrived late, therefore mu be ' sacrificed to move them in the few days remaining. .In the stock are Solid. Mahogany-Rockers, some upholstered in genuine leather, andsorne Oak Rockers, in Golden Oak, and Mission, many in genuine leather, Fancy' ReecT Rockers and Reed odd pie ce's, Tables of all kinds, 17 Ladies' Desks from $6.75 up; more "than 300 pictures, equal to any In the city as to-quality of frame, and subjects'. Prices literally slaughtered ' on account of the quantity,. Chiffoniers, Dressers,' Buffets, Mu;sic Cab inets, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Ward Robes' Chamber linpf Parlor Suits, Hall Racks, Rugs, all size s, large quantity and must go. tiers, Couch Covers, Lace Curtains, Brass Beds,. Etc VALUABLE SOUVENIRS WITH EACH PURCHASE. The Wflmink f firnKe o. Gor Second and Princ8H St& Bsoline For Autos; Motor Boats and Gasoline, Engines. Me fined &IS ' I - Highest Grade Watef White 150. First Test Oil. Lubricating Oils rvM i-n -' Carolina Cylinder. Independent' jEngihe. . Pale.Gas Engine. Dixie Gas Engine. The Best Auto v ' : " ffiUal jSo Phone S73. Mlmiristofi, m JC'mmm U mmnmUMmm ihimjJ ; . ii ,i o I mmmrtm i wUHout" TlaneMr im1ntc' "kKl SOI You cant':a26rff: tb'farrl : are thn rrrpr.tot iTnlToVo r ;,.,"4.-j J:': 4 f . v 'r"v'feKAvvi -uj .prepare ine; . bvx w uiS icsiuis ana iigmen iarm ana garden labor. - vi iwy punion jarmers ana gardeners are now usin f Jrs' . StronS id lasting. -Tully guaranteed! . j Dne' Aajusaioiar m a mraute to sowall Sardfcn seeds. -&tt&fx; - ' f - of buuiuit, rres in nnii MMM no. iz Planet r r n. xm -o. . . -7 5"?" - t ; Vi WS-.;.V "ul""ww oeei not, vjiutrnttw, and flow is F-. tt handiest unptement evtr made for trnciten and eaVeS?Vn UlUtfVaTITlO norfa . -f L:. " m t - . " ...unl.bu,u., W1U UUU &CC IOC IB I 'i.'.Vi a "3.' VHnrcbisonA&-Co.Mnfe 'II U! "' 1,1,1 " 11 " 1 T"U I' J- V 's f t S.T.' 5 1 r'" ' ' - SCENE FROM' "THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER." "Tbe Chocolate Soldier" will appear at the Academy tonight and the mas ter work of Oscar Straus will bo .in terpreted- by TheVhitney Opera. Com P5iiy the same organitation as ga,e the opera for a . whole season at the Casino in New York, and, which has created an equal eensation in many pther eitie?. - v . v ; .- t , .Not since. Gilbert and ulljv.an's days has. a. comic ppera acheved, the. success qf "TUe . Cbx?colate Sol4ier.,i, afccKthe ansvrgr ia not. far to eek. Mr. 'Whit-: ney's .castiUig oT.t Op'ei-a ,was con sidered almost perfGcL but for the sake of its better xlII around presentaj tipa he has this jear made a number of changes in the cast, so that he consid ers, the Whitney Opera Company to day the finest organization of its kind in the country, and he believes thai the South will endorse his opinion.. An entirely new investiture of scen ery and costumes has been brought from Bulgaria for. the production here. The drcssee, with their, rich embroid eries, were all made by hand by the peasants in , the Dragoman Pas3, where the. scene of the-epcra is laid. Miss'Grace Drew heads what ;has been called - the best balanced cast. seen in comic operja-in twenty years. Miss Drew mad hfer first appearanco in the parL-of . "Nadina" in Boston, fit the beginning of this season, and her success was so marked, that Mr. Whit ney sent her thereafter to Chicago, where she scored another' "personal triumph; Lucille Saunders, one of the best dramatic contraltos in . this coun try today, and' whose voice has been compared to that of the famous Scalchi in her prime, and Ilion Ber gere, the little Hungarian prima donna from Vienna, are the other women in the cast, ;wbich include? Miss Edith Singleton, who alternates with Miss Drew in the prima donna role. The men are. equally strong, consisting of CharJesPurceh, in the title role of the .soldier lover; , , George Tallman, who plays the pompons role of the ".Near (Hero" "Alexius," wijjmjplehdjd effect and .who has . sung it 00 times. Edmond Mulcahy and Frank -Belcher, play the two buffo parts,-and. both are graduates of the Grand .Opera school; and are "bassos of extraordinary ability. Miss Drew, .will sing in tonighfs performance.' At the6ijou. This is going to be a gloriously ar " tistic Saturday at the ,Bijou, because the popular theatre, has one of the best "and best bills it has ever Jhad on for today. It is a' strong combination 'of comedy and drama and presents three reels of films fresh from the factories. 4 The musical numbers for today are also especially -pretty and Mr. Frank Banks has one pf the latest song successes, wijh. which he will delight his hp6t of .admirers. A: gret upto-the-jnomehtfilnv is of fered in "The Insurrecto." This pic ture deals- with the present Mexican revolution and shows a daring Amer ican -in the role of an Insurrecto. sIt is indeed stirring. . ' f-";.Two robbers are "making ' a hasty retreat acrpss -the' roofs of some houses, ' followed by the police. One ris.: captured, but the other, slipping the fire-escape, enters a room. Mere he finds a dead mother and little baby, and quickly seizing ' this chance, - he clasps th,e baby fii-'his arms and when the officer cpme they find what they suppose to he - a broken hearted f a- ther and ihusband at the "side of his dea(, wife. Deceived by appearances, thy Jet him go, and he with the child goes west, where he strikes it rich In.tne gold fields and becomes at pros, perous and respected 6itizen, , Years later Jus piq pai is released from pris on and hearing pf the whereabouts of his old friend, - seeks . him v out and f thrjeatens ,to expose him .to his daughr ter Jf .he. 4s ,npW gtyen hush , money Rather Ahan this the reformed man would give . away all , hp has, and , fa' about to ffeyhis oyicomrade money when .the enrtains,' are . thrust , aside and his daughter enters, having -overheard the .entire . conversation.. Healiz ihg her foster faCher -black past she still arglye3 vhim,! and refuses to let him pay money, thus ridding " them both qnce ;or all of all' connection with the .past, hich they have leti m faf behind them. - I - GrandTheatre. The Grand has offered many good pictures, much" excellent music and new songs-but today the Theatre Beau tiful has ajrill that will outshine any thing ever attempted in a motion pic; ture house. - j t "Tho biggest feature today is "The Fiddle's Requiem' This is a very late Kalem -Production and from advices it is the one of the most beautiful storys ever told: The sad story is of an. -old -.violinist; who is . separated from, his loye by the irls father on fcne.'eve of her marriage she sends the violinist the follqwlng. message. ; ( Jtfy.pnly Mve'. w ; This. is my marriage eve the ;jdeath day or my soul. I cannot go without one last farewell to you whom I -will never see again. Wait for me by the lake until you hear the bells chime. Yours in Spirit Until Death, ' . DOLORES. A few days later the tragedy' takes place which causes her .parents to withdraw form society and tb.e old musician to live in a dream until his work is finished. , This part of the violinist, is played by Mr. J. J. Clark who was engaged especially to portray this wonderful part and the producon is considered to be the greatest that the Kalem has ever made. . , ' ' . Another picture on the bill that ap peal especially to the Children ' is the P?the Production of "Indian Justice," this is styled an American Indian drama and is famous fdr 'its bfeautiful scenery and great riding done by the cowboys and Indianas. :f Mr. Baldwin has selected the great rag song "I Love It' for tpday and" the or9hestra willplay a' stirring march "The Bronco Blister." This is guarantee day and Grandites Can look for the treat of the week. :. . .streets. .. - . y - Dr. Thos. B. Carroll, chairnlan of thfe finance committee, requests that all bills outstanding against the big fete will' be sent to htm at once, so that they may be approved and paid.! STYLES LIVE CLOSING FEATURES. Were Of the Big Catholic Bazaar Held Last Evening With the largest attendance of the week the big bazaar which has . been in progress under the auspices of the: Knights of Columbus, came to a close i last evening in the Woolvin building on Princess street. Each '. evening pf the bazaar proved ,to be a preat suc cess and the climax last night was participated in by hundreds of people. The feature of the bazaar last even ing wasa big auction sale of all arti clise left unsoldTessrs. R.H. Grait, Jr., Oscar Peck, Waddell Walters, and Ed. Hines were the auctioneers and they ! performed 'their duties in mas terly manner;" - ' - , The fine building lot given by Messrs t. 'R. Fotet & Company, fell to Miss Edna Toomer, the lot being valued at $300. Other prize awards were as follows: . " i Rocking chair, ' Mr. F. W. Banks; table, Miss Entee; lamp, faster Tom Strange; carving set, Dr.' Thos. B. Car roll; table line and napkins, Mr. Chas. N. Evens; drop light, Mrs. JJ L Niggel ; . imported cushion cover, Jtv. Father C. Dennen; table spoons, ' Mrs. 1 H. Watters; Berkshire . pig, Mr. Siau ; Electric iron, Mr. William Pow ell ; ton of coal, Mr. W. A. peschau ; silver tea spoons, Mr.' D. M. Carroll; gas range, Mrs. A. B. Pleasants; Peo pie's Savings'Bank Account of 5, Mr: Hugh Hines; Southern National Bank Account of $5,vMr.- Shoemaker; AmerJ lean . National Bank Account "of 5; Miss Mary Fitzgerald ; Wilnlingtpn Savings , &-;Trust ;Bank Account, MaJ. D. O'Connor; Atlantic Trust & Bank ing Co., Bank; '"Account, Mr. Jo's. . A Price; Irefrigeratdf, lit. H". E. Ortman; andironsj Mr. W.' W.iFitzhu'gh, of Wa-. tha; card table, Mr. Harry Hayden; Krex rug, Father Felix, of Belmont. Ther0:vwere -numerous awards from ,the ipoths, ..nnouncemerit: of 'which with a .full ist- of the donations by merchants and others will be given iatoj:Vy; . v.The affair was a great success, and imucjh '-of rthis mijst. be attributed to Mrs Jos." H.Watlers, general "phair-. man ,of ,the ,ladies committee, Mr. NHr J. i(Paumap, - chairman . of. jthe ..men' committee, Dr. T...B.' Carroll,.. Mr. -J. H Niggel, and many others. It is a pleas ure to note that more .than $2,000- was realized from the-azaar. - The amount will be given, to the building.fund for the cathedral being erected by St. Thomas church , at Fifth and Ann Have you seen our Spring models in Footwear 1 for Men? , Every last we're .show ing represents the best of ' "'V this season's styles they are all classy examples pf how smart and distinctive shoes can lie made and yet be thoroughly com fortable. V v If you will but try on your size here before you buy elsfcwherei we're posi tive that the place that will secure your patron- age-will be this. v ' The: House of Fashion! Ladies' Ready to Wear y '-The Better Grades Only." 118 Market Street 1 Great Selection of Dresses and Millinery. Spring Suits, Have you seen our new arrivals in Millinery. .Look at our popular price Hats at $5.00 and ,$8.50 each. The greatest line of Ladies x Suits ever shown in this city at $18.50 and $25.00 each. -Our line of Skirts is complete prices from' $6.50 to $12.50. How about a Silk petticoat' at $2!75 each. House Dresses dange' from $1.50 to $;;.oo each. Have ycu seen our line of Cor sets from $1.00 to $3.00 a pah- Silk Kimonas range from $4.50 to $S.75 each. Silk Waists newest designs 5 5 v $3.50. eaeli, . i fewest 109 Market Street.' Calls : ; ;The (lumblaRefrj " . Only perfect insluation oetween exteiior and inside makes this possibles-reduces the Icq Bills to ,tho minimum. J3u.cn Refrigeration will the . Columbia Jtefrigeratpr give yojj. The dependable, economical, convenient ;.and durable Refrigerator. Remember the Tnam.e.iand whera tp get yours. ir 4 X, - j i- : ..""5 Pomh Shades Make Your Porch , Cool, Airy, Shady, Private 1 t"-" i i m i ..i Mm.jjMjumta f , ' ; ' ! " "-- ' ' - Thfe Mot ComforUble Place in thet HoweJ? " : 'tRAOt' Vudor PORI3H SHADES . W. Yates & o. Wilmington, N. C. Wo ' .. .- -,-- '? .; 'fA-t ' ;'' um .1-.. 2& South Front St. i3 Big $ New line of Neckties in narrow shapes: ' traw ' Hats for men, boys and children. ' A riew con - signmefrfr of Rugs and ArtSquares prices v .. .way down. - . ' : n Holeproof HosierySpecial Silk Sock 25 cents a Pai K V ii ' 6 UUo Wo .i,' .vt y- ;: Help the newly elected Commissioner BOOM our good old-Town by Bufldlng jriewHOMES or re pairing those yyou now iiave and letihet t -CANTlmJEJUL LUMBER COMPANY V furnish the lumber. lWe. have what you need and .?.wc will .get it . to you on ' time. r TIME MEANS MONEy TO MAN ON TH&30BH! Pon't forget that we give cashiscounts. Phone No; 10. Foot of Castle Street. V Cypress and Jii niper Shingles LargeStock "of Different Sizes . Also Pine Laths; Land JPJaster Carload Just received. Brick Manufacturers, Lime, t ;:.Cemeht Etc.," Etc. - , V; MtOGEMlOORFS SONS & C(b -' 154: s y I r V'