i .: .. - 1 ; i ' J ft - f " ' if;.-" If II' ! f iY- ' . i f-- : - ' w- ,.j"iifain ""vol'i' see-two womfeh pass Yon are astonished to learn that .they aro 1 -Z A-ht, and yon realw,tbL timately associated iwith the local u umaictj limine - oriant :it. Uus troubUrhayi- 4?und prompt ' -fMire iii tbe use of Dr; L'. n- ... PorJto f Prescription. lt& v 4orj orian of womanhood It clear, tho eyes and reddens t cneeiw. . . .'. y ;r.f-.-v-- . . ' Jilvinj Hrnifs is'cnntained in "Favorite Prescriptioll.!r, No alconoi, or n-". ---. . . p . Daniel poone oa th Trll," a melo djaioaa.; vitplenty ptl excdteoiejit ana withi ,;an "abundance of : bolsterpu jm. vas at the Academy' laet inlght,-;and? It ra.tte : best, attraction yer presented at popular prices in Wilmington. Tak ingftlte 5 tijay . pricessinto consideration Lit was, a big success A packed hous6 enjoyed the show. - s v;v'ri?:vf vitaJity to tike) 1. .jtiliiiiiiL Any sick .Woman 1 -AIom: 'Address ' as sacredly connacau-- - p - N v X a Dispensary weaiw BBt"'"w" . . - held World Why Do You Sleep With Cold Feet ? .(Dr;. de Werthe in: the Realni?y? 1 Herei8 a. pretty "hahdbag bt blaek : "Eyery woman's ; complexioa : JjeedsidLiJa :',u4?T s'iii;T Uk protection ihsVbwla anwetaW Bttehaaaw4fh4ift sifflple solur moWa.fihsidtJij&; bag is a little, oncatex feyfiiBfeYlng an Original : pujsft ttf'iiaifettV ' - A piaitd . ' cbrd 5df pakfat.ma.vfttanfei itt ifeh.t feuns- M4fc'4 biri 4rkfcateisaia'.: fisibSaa Of Witeh , aasel ttefWy- -.a, e6ftae bagi the bag is carried only with ; At -The; ,and. yon:; will fe7dUihtedwith;re, !'tumf J1 - atf ' fi .ioVeiiiBess::;of the-,8km;.-i' i: ;v: -fisL?tr K Slumber Slippers Begantjor. XfflitSt PRESENTS Solomon's SCme Store To Aid m the Movement There should be a uniform effort on the part of every indicidual and company to contribute to the joy '.making, happy making ;spirit of the season. Our collection of Itockers, Morris. Chairms Music Cabinets, parlor Suits, Reed Suits. Rugs.. Art Squares, Matting Rugs, Parlor and Library Tables, Chiffoniers Chiffrolees,. Ladies Dressing tables, Ladies Desks, Hall Racks, Mirrors, pictures, ; Pottiers, Lace Curtains, Clocks, Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Brass Beds, Bed Room , Furniture, were bought for Spot Cash under conditions which enable us to sell them below their real value, therefore add ; largely to--the pleasure oi the' purchaser. .'.-., -.; - - 5 ". s Tiie Wilmington Furniture Company GARS ELL BUILD I Nft 3;;fi..3..-t "- ... 1 itFriiirriiTvi MUST BE -SOLVED SOON. h , It's only a question of days now until cold weather will .arrive Now , Is the time to prepare for it, so " that your heater will be up and ready for user when the first cold ' ; night comes. , . u; -, 4 ., , VVe have a most complete line of t coal and wood heaters at prices : ' beyond: comparison. " Vortex Cold Blast Heaters give greatest amount of warmth at i least cost; : r r JacoM Bardware Co. 10 and 12 SpUtli JVont St: i J "Today .the Grand offers the VorldV Chanipionship BasebAlf feajnieg?and3wiU. ao so,; tooji iln, -perfect manner.- These series . wcrft the most intensely ' inter esting, it any ever.:- played and ' silrred great enthusiasm; la -Wilmington. The - film of the games . is a magnifl cent one and will show all the old fav orites in action. The Grand also a most delightful place in -which ; to witness the splendid photopUjTv . Other foaliires of the bill today: will also bQ.-sjtars. - Mr, Harry Morgan will sig.'Who Are You With Tonight?" While Lubin's swell film, "The Ranch man's Daughter,", will be presented The story is as foll&Ws ...... Jose, a 'h&ndsome -. young Mexican who. had abandoned his wife,, tried to make love to pretty Rose, daughter of the. ranch ownec Now Rose was en gaged ta;-Sam WorriB. jSam'a eart was braf'a'nd hi-trigger-fln'gfef quick -facts which he demonstrated w4en he t found Jose - boasting . about a pic- tur v eof Rose that he said she' had given , him.; Later- Jose made it apt pear that Sam had committed W mur der. , One exciting event ;.f airly tum ble ovrr ijiqtheri !.nj tii wlf t de velopment of ,the plot and in the end Rose hadthe? pleasure of saving her loTejr.fromjbefcg lynched for a mur der whicli W hadnot committed, i, ' At the.BIJou. . . Thore Is unequivocally and posi tively no let-up to the -good things that the Bijou offers the folks of Wil mtngton, and just as positively, no matter the heavy cost, often extra heavy expense there Is no raise the price of admission. It is always 5 cents,1 for any one at any time; and consequently the biggest show forthe money is offered at the Bijou, .and, o course, among the best , to be found anywhere, "because the Bijou gets the films fresh from factory and gets the pick of the best ones. - .' Today's bill is a corker. It' is flUpd with the brightest of musical gems, and the greatest of film successes. There are some of the most delic ious of ? -, comedy photoplays, while The . Half-Breed's Daughter"' is one stirring in' nature. Then there Is masterpiece of -a Aim in "Cowboy Life," which goes as follows, r This ; picture . can: scarcely be called a Btory, and -yet : it is far more . fasci nating, than the usual run of Western stuff. . It shows , real life on the ranch -r-yhat the cowboys do, from the time they arrive in the morning until they finally liquor up at the-saloon 18 miles away.. Among the particularly inter esting views ; are those showing the herd being , rounded up and driven to the' corral across the-beautiful, fer tile yalleys,- hedged in. with twering mountains, snow-capped.;- And finally, the - cattle's semi-annual ; bath, which is a disinfecting process ordered , by the government every six months. If SHOES THAT WEAR ' - V I MMMMltM A-F... .7,,; V; Hygradc Shoes for Ladies, Buster Drown Shoes for Boys and Girls. 1 2& South Front SirdeU v Mother's ySalve ia the world's greati est remedy lor ehapsf cola - sores pim ples, eczema and other ekin diseases. It. heals cutBi burnt ahd Qaiasvand: is also: an xeellehi eure f or coughs, colds "Don't wash the head in, cold weath er, A dry shampoo.is better and' there is no danger of catching' cold; Just mix four ounces of theroX witti four ounces of oowdered orris root, or with four, ounces of '.corn meal, .spripkle a tablespoonful on the head. Brush it out; and the hair will be clean, light; wavy and lustrous." " "r POSTAL OFFICIAL TALKS On Nev Cable Letter Forms Announce ed By Western Union. - - New York, Dec. 7. George C Ward, vice president and general manager of The Commercial Gable Company being asked : in rfegatd" to the cuts- in ; cable rates. ahnOdneed by t The .. Western Union, Telegraph Company,' said u VThere -are, four reductions involved - ....,. as follows: v(I)w " A week -end, letter to-, bereceived Saturday and delivereu the CpllowingrTdefiday. s ThiS'-wllliJn'- volve-Sunday t ork., We prefer to give our cable operators Sunday.. ' We confine Wr, Sunday 'business y to public necessity like . Sunday. .railroad trains' We shaU not adopt'ft There is no de mand f or a service, : Of vthift-klnd: i (2) . A newspaper rate of five icenta a wpTO. . . Tms .is a neavy .cut or niry per cent..' The purpose' is obvious;; We think the spectre at Washington is re sponsible for IL We shall make the same icuL.- .. v , " .'. . ' -'"-. 3.) A deferred Cable Letter. Thjs is to .be delivered, two days after it. is handed -in. We shall not adopt it -so long as- it remains deferred. Ours is not a "Deferred Service Company." Ninety nine ; per, 'cent of Cablegrams call for immediate; delivery." Here too there is'no public demand for such service. . . .'' . , (4.) Plain language cablegrams at half rate. This Is not a Western Un ion move. It wass proposed by the Post master, General of v-reat Britain over two years ago; He communicated with the Commercial. Cable Company in re gard to it. at that timej1- We shall adopt it in accordance with our understand ing "with1 the Postmaster General t f Great Britain, entered ' into long ago. That was before The BelL Telephone Company acquired The" Western Uni a Telegraph Company. a" : s - i The Western Union now seeks to give the Impression t)iat it originated this plain word .cablegram at half rates. Tho fact that it is not to go Into effect until j January 1st, while the other reductions go into effect st once, shows who originated it I would add that the Postal Telegraphy Com pany has today appointed a Superin tendent of Telephone service.- Long .ct)ats . made of double 1 faced fabrics.;, are iashionable. . This coat vis Of cloth one side of which is plain dark iHuej whue tne . otner vis - or- a tweed- mixture in grayr and dark , blue The collar shows the plaid surface and is bordered with , a self fringe, as la the lower part of the coat. ' These coats are frequently fashioned from steamer rugs. TOO MUCH WAT Eft i: IS AS BAD AS NONE. Chicago, Dec. 7. "Too much, water is as much a blight to land as none at all" was the pith, of addresses given before the 19th annual session of the National Irrigation Gongress yester day by delegates who are interested in reclamation of swamp lands. ' That the overflow - lands, located chiefly, in the Southern and in some of the Pacific coast States should be ; -. - - 5 drained and made habitable and; that the-river courses should be, regulated has, according to . B. A. bowler, the president, become as much a part of the propaganda of the Congress as the irrigation, problem. ' , ' 'h. "', ' - "Drainage as a basis for national de velopment" was discussed by W. L. Park, vice president of the Illinois Cen tral railroad and other i speakers in eluding George S. Maxwell, executive directprof the, .Pittsburg, , flood ,cpm-? mission. Delegates from foreign coun tries were to discuss .conditionairdad at iuio flirauwuD ocsdivm, --i. j-.--'v XMAS TOYS AND NOVELTIES ... V -At- . .: V'i. Til . .: The only real Toy and Fire works Store in Wilmingtoii It will be worth your while to loyk our goods over' before". buying else where. : ' Why ? Because bur stock of Toys" are' cheap- and" of the finest QBalitVi f-rr - rr-,::...wt'-T- 'i--s-i We. have- things .tbat ; makes ithe chiids: Jheartsi grow; bideRJ , 1 Dolls of all ndescription.- '' - ' : Noe 6 Delamar Toy and Novelty &tore. 120 Market Street - Mi ' o f; i, ISTFAHglH BIW Sim ';M Let one If our painstaking salesmen' give you his undivided attpn MmV&Ut yofcfmdrthe suit youMantB iTM is the Wantage vn,', . uawc nui7uu-,i,jutiuci.e;, siwsiiiBuon1.au5oiure sausiactlon the kinrl 7 of satisfaction thati is only possible- in a, stor carryingr an immense as v sortmenLv-' -These suits, are made' of! high,: grade; cassimeres, coeviots - worsteds and velours neat dark effects. New striped ideas and broaci ,; wale' effects Colors .are brown, igsay,; oxford blue mixtures and dark !; ..olive shaded : Splendid suits at a very reasonable price. Overcoats and'eraverie'ttes nfanlpnflM 'iTinteinfo ? .sort of weather. ' The time is ripe foi: investigation. DO IT NOW. iaob. I - 1 ;v- OVERCOATS $10.00 12.50 15.00 18.00 20.00 Cravenettes $10.00 12.50 15.00 18.00 20.00 toir - f-fMs&plfift masonic Temple, Phone 617 'Agents for Dn Deimers' Underwear. ; ;- yV- MEMBERS WfLMtNGTON TRADE ASSOCIATION. TELEPHONE COMPANY Here is a novel lounging robe for the young girl's boudoir. It Is made of yellow crape and is cut. in two The wrangle between the City Coun- pieees the trous.ers and flowing cil and the Southern Bell -Telephone blouse being separate. The upper gar- Company relative to the 200 license mentlxas a handsome decoration made tax," which has been due the city for by applying a silk . fringed and em- about six months, came to a climax broldered crape "shawl to the blouse, yesterday when that 'company was re- the long fringed ends ' being allowed fused the right to erect a new tele phone pole. , The' law relative to this is interesting and is printed below: "Telephone companies ...who - string their ' telephone wires, r use' wires aSove the ground, shall pay an annual tax of $10. on each pole owned or used in this city; provided, the tax BhairntJt exceed $200 per annum.-1' ttr sliall be uniawrui - rorany person, .. urm or cor poration tb' erect1, drtepiace' kny pole within; the. city t limits until this tax nas been paid, under a penalty or $225 for each offense.""' ';' - It. is presumed that the; police have I been ' instructed not to let the work of replacing the pole proceed unless the' workmen can produce a permit signed by the Mayor and as the May-; or cannot give this permit unless the ! tax is paid it looks as if the company. will have to pay the tax, or not- do any further,' work "in Wilmington in the way: of er ecting Or replacing poles unless' It is to be continually in, the 'courts.'.' ;''-;.: .; . :;,"':. ,v to hang down in front.. and-over the sleeves: -The trousers vare embrold ered to match the btousV.t-' ; : .:;:.:vr.K-i ':; :::-; l-K-.-i? J m m 1 m x-:-:-k-:c-:nf ..i....v.v-..v.:.w.x...T . ' W i LM I N GTO rJ ? SH p E CO." Will Give Away Souvenirs to CWIdreri ffi'ft.Ti-fTo'hiofrAfleW " Attention1 is called to the advertise1 ment - of f the Wilmington "Shoe? Obtti pany, ' Mr.. L. W. Wessell, manager. Thfe advertisement is of special inter 'eisrt' to Weryone and especially to boys ahd girls as ' the management i makes an announcement 1 wbich will serve, to delight the little folks. It IsUtated that tomorrow afternoon,, from 4 to ; 6 o'clock the store-will give to every boy ior girt who .. calls,' a Vhorn and slipper KcUcker," whieli . ii. one( of the best novelties of the day. ' The littie- peo ple wilif get lots of fun- out ' of -the gifts. ir In order 'to be sure of getting tone-of-the-clickers -4t; is. best for the children te. be 301! time as they Jwill undoubtedly 'go iike - the proverbial bqt cakes., ; ;.. . :-..''C The eompany is showing a fine as sortment' of shoes and . the public ' is invited tt9 call and inspect tbf stock.,4 " '' 1 :..: : x- JT. :W i :-. fry f v.-. P3 '..:.-' ::r 'hvi'W'aill-; - .v .. 5 !! t-rtli Washington Dec. 7".The Comptroll er of the Currency has issued a call for a statement of .the condition of all National banks of the United States at the' close .of business, Tuesday , Decem ber 5th, ';a'iv; r MILLINERY MILLINERY MiLLLlNERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MJLl3NERYJ MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MiLLLlNERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILtllNERY Ml LLLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY SPEGBML SALE XmiLBMEISV All trimmed hats reduced: Values up to $5.00 :&:v.:...$3.48. Vallle&up,'td,$8.5(KaiIV;L..J94i90 Besides above reductions, all unLrimmed shapes, all ornaments, trimmings, etc., reduced, to make room for advance Spring Styles about to arrive. MRS. C. ivl LEIGHTON AT PIATT & HAAR'S - (Shfistmsis Goods mm,: ss MILUNERY MILLINERY MILLLINE&Y ..MILMNERY MILLINERY "M1LLHMERY MILLINERY MiLLLlNERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MiLLLlNERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MILLINERY MiLLLlNERY MILLINERY MILLINERY Baker Gun's, Remington Guns, H. & A. Rifles, Remington Rifles. ". . :.:'-. - . ' ' .' H '' - " -' ".-'. And all kinds of Sporting Goods. Just received t a large line of Salt Water Fishing Tackle. Gome early and get Wffl. E,:: Springer 6 Co. For Children's School Hats, Fine: Felts, Stvlish r shapes, at reduced prices. A ; new line of ready to .Iwear hats, dress hats at low prices. Large stock of Willow Plumes, Ostrich Plume : ;." ' i n . .. . ; : "Ladles' Matter -'?'.... r -- v- "; ..-'-'i' i ; ... ,1 ,- 3.

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