S -f , " - ; "Mr J THE DISPATCH. mi .. VA-TH E WEATH ER. ;-1- v, - t l 'Fair tonight "and Saturday Light io 'moderate Tariablft winjjs. f 'i Delivered In the City by CarrUr or tent anywhere by Ma!! at 13 Cents Per Month. ? ' VOLUME . EIGHTEEN C . WILMINGTON, N. CV FRIDAY, MAY 3 1912 ; PRICE. THREE XENTS mm IIIS-II I ' ' 1 t mt mm. 10 i "n. '- a. b . ; , .-, 5 -". ri r : rri 1 i 1 s : - . . .. .. ... i. 0 s 111 .. . . ... 'i ... II E BBS JAKE 101 USili -A , - -r' f if w Witnesses Tell of The Cold Blooded TJurdef r State Proving That Aliens Had Plan ned to Do Just What They Did Dfi.nl n . . X 1U-L I..J..f.i....il uisagrccmcut ui lh iiuujr Lsciay?a the Wholesale Butchery. -1 ';Vr' Wytheville, Va.,May 3The: Com monwealth's witnesses inj the i Floyd Anen case todays' continued to tell of the shooting up of the Carroll County court house. The prosecution -Is en deavoring to prove thia' Floyd1 Allen shot Commonwealth Attorney- Foster, ami ihat he andi his lellow clansmen conspired to murder- the court officers, and jurors, if he should be convicted of the offence for -which! he was about to be sentenced, whenifie shooting be gan. The trial probably will run ; into next week. Many witnesses are.ta be heard. ' ' rif?' The Commonwealth , today attempt ed to prove that a conspiracy . existed between the Aliens - to shoot ,np the court if Floyd Allen,' then on trial,' was convicted. Evidence :was . given that Sidna Allen, Floyd's brother, and Victor Allen, Floyd's son,; were pre paring the day before the tragedy to carry this intention into effect ,and only the report of a disagreement of the jury on that day prevented, the Allen clansmen from starting the shooting then. T ? -'v" Cyrus Phebbs, a civil .engineer tes tified that Sidna and; ..Victor . Alien made preparations to begin the. shoot ins March 13th. lie said while'- the jury was filing into their places; that day, to make their ,; return alter de liberating on Floyd Allen's' case,' he saw Sidna and Victor Alleawalk to the rear of the bar and .reach for their revolvers. ."When, thef foreman reported that the jury had failed ; to reach an agreement 4 Lthe ;two; men went back to thaiff seats. The ;day following, the JiReiBae liberation, returned verdict btygtiilty and the shooting began. r. " . ; George Wi ' i3SarieijAa: ie hearaF.jaittltttel blow a hole"' in-Carroll county court house. On . cross-examination he- said he was not on friendly terms with" Floyd Allen..- INf0L0iBYUIIID 1. Baltimore, Md., - May S.-Governor Harmon today continued his campaign in Maryland for the Democratic. Presi dential nomination, speaking at 'Delair. Washington, ,MaV '2. Washington society is showing intensefinterestin the long distance endttrance'hoi'sebacK "de in which MrsXIHerber'W Wad- worth and a party blfriends-are'par ticipatiug. The party left Washing; ton with the determination to feacfi Hot Springs, "Va., in record time. They expect to arrive there about May 6th, and then ride to Mrs. Wadsworth's nome at Genesseb, N. Y. -'On the way thfjy win sleep in . farmhouses -or camp by the ; roadside,' at all 'times cooking theTr own meals; - Mrs. Wads worm, who ia a. prominent society ln"'!T- is probably the ' best .woman wer m the - country.1 Rhn h taken Part in many long distance contests anl several years, ago rode 159 miles 111 sixteen hours," beating the record established by Colonel Roosevelt. She Joves horses and - practically lives in : 8 saddle summer and'winter. : She 18 also fond of hunting and : has had ffiany thrilling experiences. New Orleans "Mardi Gras" m beautiful moving pictures, .Grand rheatre Today. . , . ' - . It WADSWORTH Muitigraph Circulars:' See Harries; Surging Torrent Sweeping Everything - Before It' and Menacing , . Many s .Town , Eight .People Drowned .When Another Levee "Broke This Afternoon. - - M . ' , A" -. ' ..- J New, Roadsi-Lal, May 3. The yellow waters of the Mississippi . , river are sweeping through a one thousand' feet breach, in the levee at Torras in ever increasing torrent -It is difficult to es- tlmate : the ; financial . loss, .which tin-f yoives the whole of Pointe Coupe Pat ish" and parts ; of ; several others. v The sugar -cane, cotton and' ' rice crops, which were well advanced will be a total loss ,; Torras is cut off fronj tele- grapn- communication. Hundreds - of persons, , forced ;f rom -tomes near Tor ras. were oicked run Vat several ata'. tions alongthe line and brought here." Baton Rouge, La., May3,The Mis sissippi river, protection .of the : levee in .front of. Bayou Sara,La. broke at "tl0'cloek.t this morning." There is no chance to save the town from inundation.-1- -"-.' - -i " T - Eight ; People"- Drowned. . ;. New Orleans, La May iS The Mi sissippi torrent" continued to menace' the prosperous towns of Middle Louis iana. Cr At noon a levee let go near Bayou Sara, ; ontthe east bank tof the river t Js Jeaied that by night the entire ;towji'will ; be i inundated from four to JBf teen" feet'deep. The front levee at Baton' Rouge is expected to go out at any minute. - Eight - persons were drowned "this afternoon, .when the Mississippi - river levee - near MorganseaV- Labxoke flooding the Surrounding country,", v .- LYfJCHER ?ssfirT". rnrr nu mm Westv Cftf ster, Pehn.i May 3Lewis f Denithorne, on trial for second de gree murder, in connection with the lynching of Zach Walker, a negro, last August, was acquitted t this morning by the jury. After the jury brought in a. verdict of not guilty in the.. Denithorne case the Commonwealth asked , for acquittal- of the other five defendants. The accused men were discharged. Among them was Chief of - Police Umsted. The Commonwealth's: reason for ask ing for acquittal was that it was im possible to obtain a conviction,, be cause of the state of mind of the people, of the county; Zach . Walker, on the night of August 13th, 1911, was burned by a .mob, after being arrest ed for killing: a special policeman. . : BOOSEffilTl l-ioivoiE; ,-''.'; Salisbury, Md., , May 3. "A man who pays a bribe for a vote, and a. man who takes, the bribe are both guilty of " high treason to the Repub-. lie,' said Colonel Roosevelt m his speech here . today, He, declared he did ; not propose to have his oppo nents gain votes at . the Maryland pri mariesby corrupt methods. "I don't want to win unles s by straight meth- ods, but I'm bound to see that my op ponents don't -; win . ' by crooked met n- NO . CUT FOR: MILEAGE Kfouse of Representatives Voted Down '.: - :Thi8 Reform Today. ; Washington; '. C. May '3. The House of - Representatives today; de clined by an overwhelming , tnajority to cut down the mileage allowance to its members. Purihg -the debate, on the a. economy program flppnf nich the House has entered, . Representative Page, of ; North -Carolina, , introduced an amendment to the pending legisla tive bill to reduce' the mileage, from twenty cents, a mile , to five, cents. Former Speaker -'Cannon led the fight against the i eduction. On a viva voice vote there" were very few "ayes"1 for the' amendment, but an abounding chorus of "noes- - - r t TAFT TO MARYLAND Off Tomorrow on Another Campaigning it-- Tour. , 4 -'. Wasli'ingtbn, ti. C, May 3.--President Taf t returned irom Savannah and Au gusta at -9 o'clock this morning..' He spent the day in ;the Execuve office. Tomorrow the President goes to Mary land,-for a few 'Aays'; campaign prior ;to Monday's primaries...-- - - - , "Pathe's Latest Weekly.,', c.TnTTiinatrntoii "Newsnaner at the " .M-ILFy A M A MIS' Grand Theatre Today. ' ' ' , It ALLEGEO BUYING Muitigraph Circulars, ' Sv? Harri9St- J-r 1 ; New York; MayJ SThe; biggest parade of the sort. ever;iheld in America is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon,; Fifth; avenueih a "votes. for women'., wiUjSe on,ioot, andj there will be wilin;iidn,speci women on horseback at the head of the ajscpre jof women automobilists. Miss : HiUw meeting'.1 at Carnegie Hall at which all :t 1 1 1 1 1 W'i " " Maintained by the . Methodist Church Relative- to Amusement and There fore Such Should be Abolished, Re- 4 port. Bishops, to General Conference. People' Should Judge For Them . selves. : -. ' Minneapolis,. Minn., May 3. "The lliiiP American people are too far advanced j rent fiscal year, made by the. Bureau to be "restricted longer by church'of Statistics, Department, of Commerce rules upon . what their amusements shall be.. The rule prohibiting danc ing, card playing, gambling, theatre going, circuses': and horse-races there fore should' be abolished." , - - This .is' the gist of -the report pre sented to "the1. General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal ; Church by the Board of Bishops. In recommend ing this ' radical change, the twenty four active Bishops' stipulated that the church; should . not be indifferent f on these subjects, but that, the people shouidbe; left to judge them selvesVa's to what is right and wrong in amusements, having before them John, Wesley's iiinjunction forbidding "taking of euch : -dir e.rsiGns a s cannot be : taken in' the name of ' the Lord Jesus." v The' Bishops declared the church reiterated its opposition , to theatre ' going and gambling, but that the rule in force: since 1S72 could not fix appoint between "the. turf and the stock' market." The Bishop's report r was delivered? by- Bishop Cranston, of WasJiiihgtbi;iD.i C. "As a church we cannot approve of dancing -and theatre-going," ; the ; report continued. v4,The next questionable amusement, against which we stand unitedly, is gambling and i we recognize clearly this game of sin in. Wall, street. That this the . lowest resort.? Aij attack'bn -Secretary of Agric tureWilsbn,for attending the brew ers - cbu'ventioh in Chicago; last Octo ber. resulted in the adoption of a reso lution ? condemning"' him. h After nam ing Presidentk,Taft as having been asked , to prevent ? Secretary Wilson's presence at the Congress, the reso lution, declared that- "those in author ity '"forfeited all claim on the future franchise of the Christian; sober man hood' of the Nation. - Wilson s ex plantation was . described as "a most frivolous, - fallacious, ' ' stereotype , ex cuse.",,;, s f1 - " ; t . T IN BLOODY BATTLE trio ufav a -Uit-nfoi ninTiH rArn. manding , the f Italian torces east of Tripoli, -, according - to Information from an; Italian source; attacked and n.tnW fh -TrWih-'.TioiHmm at r-v.-.' -.. r . Lebda Rafter "-a? lively vcombat. f - The Turks resisted fiercely and rlost - 300 men killed, p Eight:' Italians vwere- kill ed and: 7 o4d,- ' i ; , UP.KS AND ry-. w when 15,000 : womeja -twill - march ..up ' demonstration. C Most! Of. be wo'rn Twill 'be sprh5? line.. Toward th"e end viil bVseen Inez Milholland nIss:dberta.-4 of jthe speals:ersiwlt-bme Worth of Manufactures Will be Ex ported - This - PI seal. ., Year ilnterest ing Figures Given Out by the Go v ernmenL ' . . . , Washington3 May 3. The , estimate that a billion dollars' worth of manu- factures "will be exported "in - the cur- and Labor, seems likely to be justified. The official ' figures show for the ' 9 months ending with March 730 million dollars' worth - of ' manufactures, 'ex ported, these figures being 74. million dollars in excess of those for, the cor responding period of the preceding year; and as . the exports of manufac tures in the year ending June 30,. 19 M, were valued at "907 million dollars, th3 figures at hand seem to. clearly . indi cate that the total for the current year will pass the billion dollar line. . That the total exports of the .year will exceed 2 . billion dollars in value is equally apparent. The figures for the 9 months ending with s March are 1,711 million, against 1,096 million in the same months of last year, indicat ing for the full fiscal year a total of approximately 2 1-4 billion dollars! Manutactures, raw materials for use in manufacturing, foodstuffs, and mis cellaneous articles form', in "the' order named the articles contributing to the 2 1-4 billion dollar exportation of mer chandise hfdicated .for the fiscal year which ends with- next month-. Com paring the exports by great groups in the 9 months ending with-Mar,ch, 1912, with those of a like period in 1911, manufactures increased from . 656 to 730 million dollars, of which latter sum 482 million ; dollars ; represented tne value of manufactures , ready for consumption. " In the same rtime manu facturers' raw materials ' decreased from" 622 to 615 million dollars, while foodstuffs increased from 287 million to 339 million dollars. Shouid 'the rate of exportation- maintained in the month of March continue during the ' three remaining months of the fiscal year, manufactures would show for the 12 months ending with June a total of 1 billion dollars; "crrde materials f of use m manufacturing, 800 million; food stuffs, 450 .million; -and miscellaneous articles, a total of 8 million, the gains in comparison' with the preceding" jear being approximately . 100 million dollars in manufactures arid 65 million in food stuff s, while, raw materials for u'se in manufacturing niay show a slight loss due i to the lower . prices of ; cotton in 1912. '. ' . - ;" - , Ten greaf classes supply about 70 per cent of the mandf actures exported from the country. .Stated in, the order of their, value in the current? fiscal year so farras :' elapsed .they '.are: i -Iron and steel manufactures,-cop per, refined mineral oils, wood manufactures, ii 4u:....i -'i leauuyr auu leaiuei guuua, vuliuu xjj.au- ufactures, agricultural implements, cars and carrlagestnd chemicalsl" 1 j JtConUnuc en Thjrd Page.) Forlerpr:: ol WlleeJ InsoroiiGg Companies Location of Herae Office Expected to - be Settled5 Tcday Ir.tsrestirvg Suit - Ovr,Sfte Occupied by .Church in Raklgh. . , . Dispatch News Bureau, J RaleighN.' C. May 3, 1912. ' The "cemmittees "representing the Jeff cf son' Standard and the Greens boro -J Life ; will; work 'but the ' details ef the merger; of these; two companies $B'Wehlagtbn Cit taday. whither the members , went lst night. V; At: 'the meeting . it is expected that the matter ofBcefs and bthor details will be set tled. -.- : . ; .. :JV : v ; - $eph G. "jBrbwn president 7of th Gitizena' rNatiorml Bank." hasxone H;d New ;YorJt, '"where he ' will - meet with the. tiommitt'ee..appomted by the Amer ican" B aakefs' Asibciatibn" to take up tfiet questien of financing and develop- i&g agricultural , interests. bf the -coun- try. - pne or .tn members ,oi , tnis mmittee; Hpnr ; MyroalT.;Herrick, Ambassador to France, '. spent two years m uittrope . .. investigating tne work done byth-j: bankers there in interest ot -agrfcutture,' and" he will Inake report. " The committees' will .meet; at Briar ClifE.- Besides -Messrs. Brown and Herrick, the committee ;4s' composed of Joseph Chapman, Jr.;lin'neapoUsfe B.;F.-Har-ris?? president -Illinois 'JBaiikeAssDr elation; B2r;R., Garney,FremoM, Neb.; ."lyhlisen fcdwm Chamberlain, San Antonio, Texas. ' '' ''-' - t i; Betsy . Anderson. ' in? : March, .1893, made a ' deed to the . trustees, of '.Mar tin v Street Baptist Church, : colored, leaving them a lot on which to erect a church, provided they -took care, of her in .her old age and provided a de cent -funeral. Three' years later Betsy made at. wilT leaving" herpooperityto! iwsfe'i nieshbchurph pbplel court. It is set out in the j complaint that the church was not k intbrsted in the old ' woman . until after her death and that the two nieces lavish ed the attention on her; wherefore they pray that the court' will recog nize the will and make the church surrender property . that it - did - hot; se cure rightly. . . - i The A. and M. track team, consist ing of ten men,' has left for Baltimore to compete in the greatmeet there. JOHN MITCHELL INTO , filK CONFERENCE New York; - May; 3. The representa tive of the United Mine Workers,, of America, held another meeting today as to what course they would follow as results of- their objection to the agreement drawn by the sub-committee Of miners and coal" operators, which was presented for ratification atAthe meeting of the full committees of both sides yesterday. , r.. .' '-. . -u-. : John Mitchell, the former mine work ers leader," now vice president of the American Federation of Labor.k today participated in the deliberation of the anthracite miners' representatives over the course to be pursued in dealing fur ther with the operators for increased pay," recognition of the union and other cnanges not included in the tentative agreement rejected yesterday by the jbint conference of operators and min ers. r - INTERESTING PHOTOS Of St. Mary's Dedication , Exercises -Taken by Mr.- Buck.r r Some excellent photographs of the procession and different scenes of the recent exercises of the dedication of St. . Mary's Cathedral were taken ,by Mr. J. W. Buck, the well known phr tographer of the city. The 'pHoto graphs T show the"; scenes clearly 'and distinctly. " They are .excellent' exan pies of out-side work, and reflect greatly to the credit of Mr "Buck's ability.- They will be on display in a down-town show . window, and will be as matter of interest- to7 passersby. They have been copyrighted 1. by the photographer, and .jwiU' be" placed 'on sale within a few days. " ApostolicDelegate Arrives. " New York, May 3. A, notable gath ering of Catholic clergy and laymen today welcomed -the Apostolic -deler gate to the United States, Archbishop Giovianni Bonseani, when the' steam er Koenlg Albert reached her pier.; NewOrleana "Mardi Gras? - In beautiful 'moving pictures,' Grand Theatre Today- -; - - . Mvltlgraph Circulars. . See Harriss Lores i a IVInner-ia; Re&soil iVlii Yoor: S a by S h oald Tomorrow's Special Prizes' Will . bei a Day of - Excitement Do : Not Wait Until' the Last Minute. BeforeTurti s ing In Your Subscriptions Nomi- nate, a. Baby Today, j '-r,' ' - r' :;r If you imagine you, caa maintain a place " in this i race, . for, your , favorite Lby confining . your , efforts, ta: the. gath- ering(pf ; coupons; you areoijig to be disappbinted. ; Your, baby twill be left farfn the rear'and nnir.klv -It' ia snh. scriptions that count in this race. How. long will it. take-you to save a thou sand coupons cut. from. The' Dispatch? Gjuite a -long . tinje, '.will ; it i not? -;, We will give you 1,000 votes for ; one 'sub scription for three months to the. Dis patch and ; if ybn show any -activity at all you ought'' to. be able to' get such a subscription in .a very ,, short time. ; It will be those who, see the wisdom of this -.who will be" in j the rape. :' ' ';'.r',;v " -V.:'-- r''We have nothing up - our ; sleeves with wnicn to deceive you. ' Wei are willing tou give away 7 $750.00 in gold inX return for , which we . want " nevr isubscriptions. And - we are i.going . to get. them for. the people in: this yicin ity have confidence in The Dispatch, ; they Jmow it to be a good paper, one that is sifeito take. fiitoV their house holds and put into the hands .bftiie young innocents of the family, a", pa per. that, stands for ali that: is . good and cleanthe; foe bf 5 all that is, bad and unclean A t - Summonr Up your courage and ambi tion and make.up your mind, that .you are. goiiis to have one of the" special prizes :1thweek3f Just Xsjee what , a THE 5150.00 to the baby -receiving the hignesr vote .regaraiessot ;iis trict. The district receiving tl $150.00 will receive' three prizes.' District. No. 1. ' $100.00 to the baby receiving the highest number of votes. - $ 50.00 to the baby receiving the second highest number of votes. District No. 2. : r. - , -' $100.00, to the baby receiving the highest number ofr-votes. : . . $ 50.00 to the baby receiving the second highest number of votes. .: District No. 3. - v. ' . . - vi - ..' $100.00 to the baby , receiving the highest number of votes. . $ 50.00 to the baby receiving the second highest number of votes. $150-00 irilspecial prizes to' bs announced later, $ 45.00 of this special prize money will be ; given away ; Saturday, . May 4th. . , " J TOO' GREAT SPEED IN FACE OF London,- May 3.- The wreck com mission . investigating the Titanic dis aster was addressed , this morning by Attorney. General" Sir Rufus , Isaacs, who laid emphasis upon the, evidence that a speed of twenty-one knots an hour was- maintained after .warnings of ioe aheacL were received right , up to tbe moment of the collision.' TThe forenoon session was devoted ..to ; this phase of the disaster.. The . inquiry will likely-extend over' several weeks. Technical details' will figure' largely in the probing. , -. r ; -. . ' . TWO, BIG ENTERPRISES ; :" CHARTERED TODAY Speciaf to The Dispatch. , 1 - " ' Raleigh, N. C, May 3. The Buffalo Manufacturing Cbmpan'y, of. iStubbs, Cleveland jcounty was chartered today to', manufacture yarns and cloths, with authorized '-'capital of.one hundred thou sand &ndthirty thousand subscribedbyjj Charles C. Cline, A. H.-Cline and oth ers. Another large enterprise charter ed is the Davis Mountain Mining Com pany, of Asheboro, with one hundred thousand dollars paid in capital by ; J. S. Blaloek, O. O..Ettelin, of YOrk, Pa,; and H. H. Green, of Asheboro. '-.r FATAL FI6HP OVER - : CARD. jAWE lll; ATLANTA Atlanta, Ga May 3: Richard Harp-1 er, a member of a prominent! Jackson; vule, Fla., family was killed today; and Keif Potts dangerously wounded in a fight-following a quarrel over a card game. 'The men used kMvesVai Big Illustrated -. Newspaper 5 . at , the Grand Theatre Today'. . Se It Hot Be a : ivm q bf if? f pretty coat .or bonnet it will, buy for. -the - little one, br? anything that J-you ' r may wisfi to 'get for it. There! ar very' "few mother who4, have "the ."opr ' portunityr-of earning' a little spending ' '. money as easily as you will-be' able t 1 ". earn one, of the prizes this '.week, If you will only put. a little time in the ' work. .Do not be discouraged if your , , baby ; is " not ' af. " the head of ' the list. - - , y You, have-plenty rof time if "you Will start in,now and work faithfully until f the- enbC: , . X ," ciWatch for tomorrow's paper," We In;."1', tend running a full, page of baby pic- tures. We have no1 room to run them " today. 1 .V t ( . - -lt.. is;, not wtoo late. 'to "nominate a ' v baby, but .youshould' not put the mat- . ; ter off :too,long Nominate your favor- - lite , today, and it . willr receive, 1,000 . - free votes. . Tpis offer ; holds good,, until May llth t - , . t y Since, we have, offered $250.00 more prize- money than first offered and have" divided the city, into two dis-i tricts; it certainly , looks like an ex cellent opportunity 'tb? make a little a money on tjie' side. ' " --, '- 5 "', ; Several pictures -have been made at ';',. the ; Gem Studio and are there ready rvv. for the inspection of thVmothers.-. We--; . r cannot "ger theT 'pictures until the .. -" mothers see theta and see if they are . satisfactory. This should be attended . to at once as we - cannot "'publish 1 the ,. ; pictures in the" paper for some ' time ;. ? .after '-we "get them. The em is' inak ing a- special price on pictures during-'. the contest.' .Better have' some" made f now before - the negative is destroy- r - PRIZES , 11 1? TREATS FOR PEACE Washington, D. C, May 3. The ap pointment by the Mexican Congress of a Peace Commission to treat di-; rectly' with the Revolutionists for a cessation of hostilities Is regarded rby. State Department- officials as very, significant. Conditions : in'" Salina Cruz" "are" becoming" vety serious, ac cording to State. bspartmimt reports.i New York May 3. M.. Louis Bleriot : the eminent aviator .who Is visiting in this country with . his ..wife, . declares that some -...day the. 7 aeroplane -will cross- the Atlantic ocean. How soon be would not venture to. predict, but. he was confident that the time would come. The . trip will take two days 4 M. Bleriot has given,, dp flying and is devoting his attention to. the manu- I facture of . aeroplanes.'.', , , , , " 1 ' New Orleans "Mardl" Gras" - - v In beautiful moving pictures, Grand theatre Today." t t - ...... m j,vAvow.wA-.Y.wfei':t a . -. K-.A.::-:.?". ;v.-.v:.s:S:-;.4..flL - . i yt - J ' '4' 6" "sa "7'" -'.? 'ri'; ' s''-y'-'-y - ' - . ; i"'

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