- 1 the cirrATz:: . . " - . ' " ,s,' - i- ,J,- -'l - 'YT V ' ' T2:v;cATii-r- Sligfitlyv cqoler.;Modef ate .Variably i y ST WILMINGTON, N.fC TUESDAYJONE : 18, 1912 : PRICE THREE CENTS MammotK jGhkago 'Colisbuni . BEHG ? "s J- i i;Scen$ of the Republican Convention 4-t X f ' " se - r '1 Js 4 . I i Jill I ' - liui uuuivuii:-iiuiibauu:.uul i till I luli . . III.,. V;-' . :i:-7-.-27 t -V if V -.' -- i" w,t Boo::;i;loll-y rGcita Id te .llooil For tin MMu i . t' M L Vl r" .: -Gov. UcdlBV Fraieil national ROOSEVELT ' HA8; PRIVATE - . .W1RE. ' " J- . "' " ' - Cb.icagb,':ilL; June . 18. Theo- dore . Roosevelt -from his hotel The Republican, ; National con ven- 4 41 4' 4 41 tion was in full swing of oraloryaml 1- ' - '4 factional enthusiasni; at 2 b'clackthls afternoon, and had. not yet organized! Senator Root, of New York, andrGov ernor McGorernT - pfr Wisconsin by Taft and anti-faft forces'rejjpectiye ly, were placed " tal nomination' for pmnorary chairman;'; "No VvotVi Jias yet been reached. , The, . Roosevelt people attempted, tc- torary roll. : Chairman fused to entertain. the nominations .jfofrtempttrary; man. This broughtrthe test: squ&rely upon that issue. , - v. - " roms ( has; a. nrirate wire to. the Tfentl TfioLr.rBy; this1, meth-1 'tid the'4 'Colonel 'takKrtf toPrsonal r - 1 T7 ' . 1 chair- UyHUiriJI LMf-r" ' " ' " . iiW PJvJrirV19tlVr onUhe scene In hwlWoreithejdooni open- Chicago, III.;: June V1 warring Taft and Roosevelt forces have' gather ed at the Coliseum for'-the -''patag. of the fifteenth ! Republican National convention with battle Unei on both sides apparently holding firm, and the leaders and delegates predicting that the session would mar k an epoch" In" the annals of American- politics.- Rare ly have principals in a National politi cal convention entered under a- great er stress of feeling than ;prey ail?:, to day. The atmosphere is electric withj bi'terncss and personal: 'animosity. Thousands unable to obtain seats - at the convention thronged .theilobbles and vicinity of the Coli5eumiJf?eIieV' ing a sensation of one - kind'' or- an other would develop in the big hall at d 4o. 'theki ticket: holders,; , A'. nervous 'jM 011 lh Bides.-, It waMimcmicyeji tor people with. prop er ; ticket?, Incliiding - newspaper toen, Through Geprgfa A -, pattered- '.cheer greeted the songr Pennsyrralnia'sdele gatlott at 11:4$ o'clock punctuated' the 4ir with .a cheer for William r-Flinn, ioiiowmgt wun a nooseveu yell:: yA,t to eatetlpttflititlK All subordinate offl- rf.it' 'ir- -i.' i.vnn .IH-fJ?"w"i7 "ne aeiegaies were , . , : : - .-kon the, floor. The aisles Nvere choked trouble, were' along the front row; Be tween the body' of delegates seats and f the'platform, V solid row of uniformed police sat' waiting for nobody -' knew What.,- By 30; 3a o'clock there was a large sprinkling , of ' people in all seV: utifc mere was m evidence at tnat hour jio signs pfhesexc(ten?eni:every; body expected-before "tfie daylplosed. I;. - r brxopforToua Wi , -'V " i1. Senatoi IxonjlRobsey eft's Campaign maaaseicushed about excitedly in the aouri precea;ing;xne .i iime-ipr ; tne con tentioniltoVsembie, and scurried to ana out mooeeyeirs rooms,- conferring 4 said it was the worst crusof human-Ker W ity in their convention experiencies. j Taft's managers have concludedF their 'f'Mrotton that theemDoraircTore t would show a Taft ; i niajorlty by a small margin.Atsalhey assumed that the temporary roll of -the eohinjit tee would become the conventiojits'tem- porary roll. Roosevelt and -his advis-J ers, evidently familiar with: the Taft figures, evolved an " eleventh t hour scheme for reducing the 'snjair-Taft majority by means of an1 arrangement of eliminating from the roll for. tem porary organization those votes Roose velt has changed. Evenrpossible:ef fort was made by Roosevelt's managers to have Taft leaders - accept the pro posal, that no election of - temporary or other officers, or other proceedings, shall be taken as the 'convention?, act, unless it shall Teceive affirmative votes, of 540 uncontested 'delegates-: Called Revolutionary. r Taft's leaders asserted ' that Roose velt's plan was revolutionary-; and -tin direct opposition to the grilles, govern ing the National Committee and long established procedure in Yiemporaryn organization of the Republican Naticjn; Convention f rrv mAHargta mom. bers of the Roosevelt : organization wunseled against the so-calfed r'ey'oi tionary proposal, declaring that 'at tempts to secure its adoption would! Precipitate a decisive fight Immediate ly gle oir $he; floor ;6C the convention.'- : "Jm - too-, busy ; to talk or predict," saldr pixon,;5'It id H&st timcf for; predict tioBs -orstJm'ates.e-' are " goltfg dowaiio thecbnTentfori to ; win this fight iad 'WiffVe will. - j f o , 'f. :- Bartdx PTays'anctr; DetegafeV Stream : In. their feet with a yell, x Many, Northern ers - jollied them, ' , : . A ' - Fairbanks-and Watson Cheered a The.flrstxeal applause came aVll:30 when. formerVice President Fairbanks andi. formerA Congressman ' James - E. Watson of .Indiana; came-ln-;' Watson Was chsenjastrnight.as theTafflppif lkderrr 7 0 : -V :itt Ci K Two: WDmen ln he Californ4aa.dele gation. entering - a, t ej moments-Jlater were roundly ,cheeredl;-'iV , rJHalt Packtirf WWPMPu;t:v j A- moment after ithe 4 band 5 fonpluded ."pixie" ;iV 'struck, -upfv, Marching Tbere owas .Jmuch confusion ""'and ;:; the hall was;ayeritable babble. 'AbPye the conversation's roar:" the band : tiourfed Lfon&'mbre 6r Jess, motirnfiii tunes. The weather was exceedingly cool, .in sharp contrast to former "years. Many dele- red in winter clothes-V - gates ;i . n. twt in trie convention Hall. seum-Tjegan playing "My ; Country Tisl Sergean't-at-Arms' and -a 0? xnee, vana tnepeppie Degaa;stream- i of assistants began . mio-jtne arena. ADout-n ociock land attempting to the-delegates' were ebminginto ;he half in? large numbers. "iThe delegates seats Vere rapidly filling. A "big hat in the ring" mounted on a tall pole was cai ried Into the hall by one of theTexas delegates. It - was . placed, , beside the Texas standard. V--4- - " Wants Tci Dflay. . As they started -for th" Coliseum It was the. announced purpose f the Roosevelt forces to delay temporary or ganization as long as possible.-- -1 -; .Ready for Rough s Houses; :; , I: SenatojSjPenrose v whom the iJtoose Velt pUowrsV xopslder tbe VWef , of the , 'steam ..roller,! characterized the actioppf .the, Ropsevelt4 caucqs regard ing the election of temporary officers as No Picture of President. For the first time In the history pf a National Republican - convention, there was no picture 'of al President h"ng in the big hall. Iron '.work was waden behind red, white,'; biue buntlgJ auenes are marked by lines of jnoun kjn laurel, draped about tri-colpred fields and flags. The chairman's- "ta. We stands about one third of the way from the south end of the rectangular H on a dais. Backof lt4t ' National committeemen's seats. ,At ts 3ide are grouped five hundredeatjfoj aewspaper men, who may hear ; an kaway to ninety millionf pple and times more people of other lands 411 transpiring within; -In ft elNbase nt newspaper men1: navjspapious ms- where hundreds pf egaphJ -""'s ana . reporrsmayjMRX hundred nnorntnrs otfondVd hv hundred Tnesseneeif bovsZwill be m. . -'.. r .... to aid In conveying ,'the . infpr- ""'"on abroad ' ' I Tr. - 4V r ToW nnnr Av all '- nvAnq 1ai1 or .willr there .befuther- meetingsi tpf tte Ieader?"j he was, askedThete , wiil';be,o nipre , meetings at present," he- fenlied." " We areTr.eady-. for anything. tfrom a fist, fighttoc a chaplajn'sipray er. Rival Yells Split, Air.f '"i Delegations poured into the Coliseum jtt the half hour--beforethe convention assembled. From all parts of the hall rival yells -of .delegations burst forth Music from the bahd,uip near the roof of the great hall was drowned at times in cries "from well drilled delegations ' Southerners Ahways Loyal. t Strains of J,Dixie' . which followed the rather doleful medley sof the old favorites,: brought the Southerners- to The Rul Tar Heels On Comml. .v ! members . of- Committee-f pn &T)IT Hrrloi f t)iiolitA0ei v vaTaaIaA Jf the State delegations includelorth "ouna, Emel Scow ; Virginia R.' H seio. Members of the Committee :tt Permanent Organization of the'Con Jntion include, North Carolina; Moses vttawBhaw; Virginia, Joseph tiCrup- vvr. Policeman at every cornerVyery 7?:' CONVENTIOrBULIETKa :. The iBnatch has arranged- with the jAscatedJPrene. 'Itfatpmil BlimHhei Chicago con: vention. It ;will be-KiaOvto iur- nish the latest., news,, fresh . frpm the - ticker, to . lts Jiends. ?;The Dispatcn ;omce ; wia do oyu, tw-r night anra' speeialVan wili ;bp 4 .stationed at the- telephone Ito an- f s wer allieallsi ;f If jWill be: a ipieas-1 ure to furnish tne news ,, ou mg up" tdoeyeItt :hijhptei-headQuarter he)d i rfina er'Asked whether he wouldf attend tlig -.nentlon -today Rooseveltiald:1 XenVthe least Idea of going.;. r "VHad?eV Readv For' Action; - 1 ' Governor Hadley; Roosevelt's floor leadjeV, totikjbiilace wlth llllnois del)i-' gation, , aliy;joomiaanding as that occupied by JamedvE. Watson. ; Convention.CalUd to OrdeM vVIctor, Rose-water, acting Chairman' 6f National committeex began 'pounding for -order at'-12: 02 -p m. y.Rosewater called the convention to order and the small -army clearing the aisles secure- order. Great confusion prevailed, Policemen were sent to 'different; delegations to ;urge tnem to 'be quiet,', oilenceLwas secured at 12 : IS ' b'clock. j& moment latera flash photograph was taken of the con vention; - The flash explosion set one of the decoraUons afire. After smould ering afew minutes the firemen extin guished iC The band struck up the 'Star Spangled Banner' and everybody stood. - " ; . " ReY. Father Calioghanllnvoked divine blessing. The Introduction pf the 'cler gyman was greeted :wlt applause. Many ' delegates inurnmred thQ ilUird's prayer wtih the clergyman;, i. v f , , . Opening Prayer. - . ,1 -.vi- : The prayer of FathrCaUaan was; as lolBowBi''. ' V c ' A'"'l " 1 -' , ,'iu; wwiiouiejji two , IUU Ol the Son. and of the HolyGhosL iAmehi OhAlmlgbty EtemV ind All ?wfcp God; direct all our actions by Thy Holy inspiration, bo that ' every ..prayer and everyc work'of ours may aliays1 begin tlfom Thee, and by Thee be happily end ed, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, who taught us to pray. - uur 'atner, who. art in heaven, hal lowed be Thy Name. - Thy- Kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." Give us this day our daily, bread, and forgive us our tres passes as we forgive v the se who tres pass against us. v And lead us not into tBmptation, butJ deliver us from evil, Amen. - t 7 " vv"lnjthe Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.' ttfpllIRiTrj f lfterjthelergylna xetaryr Hay ward; read' the call for the cpiayentionL v The . 'moment ; the call was completed GofeTnor ; Hadley was pn his feet. ' The Governor was beck oned 'to the stage, . where Ibe , made! his wayamld appla his question, xwhichj involved the' sub stitutipn of the roli.pf delegates pre pared -by , the- Roosevelt' forces, ,vfor temporary roil . prepared by the Na; tlpnal. Committee.- : Watson,, the ..Taft jlrjee xiythe stage, toiioving naaiey, stooa on one side of - the chairman, nd Hadley on .:tt- jiW '1 Jfl-t '.t J.w" a.-:"" ; t, v!"v v ,;iv -wf-r : J 1 v-if tr , 111 UU uLI vuUli?- 1 : frir?FZ ' -'J tT - ;Be.d Remedy .Foun . . Hr?N 't A'Arlr fM -London' Museum Again' Show. It.' " : . s! " i- London June 18. The third report - - - 't -I, i'P?rt5; ? V U 'SSL' ' ' 1 ' of the'Board of Agriculture oh the Isle' f r' . fJ 5r-wS of Wight bee disease, eagerly anUclpaK0 . . wix"1? -r- r'v r - ,s;y I ed.by1eemen and orchardlsts who are, , . ; -flC, : --S C - bratened -with ruin by a present epl-; , ( .i;;f M llVW-l v 1 I demic oflthe disease among liruisn. ,,.., J rj -'i I.a, , JT "itZ, ;4-f bees, does'not inspire thm; with much V hks 'V c n. traced-itd tb4t Weuaiffol ofUliPetiUii?HL , 'J : 'JT MAI JTX J:;y r -.i heamVWt6cks5from thrrlisent-IPCa Hi U. i 4- rl ' t'.-A-.'.V.'. r uri n T T:.-.:.-..w:- -..x.. J jfr.oa v. - it. .... -...s y . Pis' I "J.1M. nir T-V :r r i. . . vwh-.v. .vy ... . jg.A v.xx-.. K.n'wiwKpw .w.-.;,..-.'.y.., y.-.-TOK 'IggglWD: ?yp CGNVENTieN I N COUSEU M I healthj ttons, beImmune, itself,-it can; transmit the; ; , ; , disease,- The only 'safety therefore, ,is',r " : anntlrely'new start for the beekeeper.. '.. V i ' ' ' 0 - " . ' 'V: , ' . ... . ' - ; x -i - Buckinhamshire is planning to raise, : f onJune Mln. the Vale of Ayleshury, a- " x memorial toher favorite' : sonv John.' Hamnden. who. according toLMacauiay,. i; would haVebeen 4the George Washing-: 'I 4 'VJtpnohia countty-ifej hadsumvjpd v 4J' lltebleftuWa-which, he recelvedj1 1 ' '. , MllW WifhfrM RuperfepavalryN 1 OIEBIII nnioni rTiir r - Arrested for Larceny Negro Dies -of Heart Trouble Wake County Sher iff Makes Final Tax Settlemejit Fourteen White Boys 'Caught. : Shoot ing Craps, ' ' . i " Dispatch News -Bureau, ;s - Raleigh, N. June 18, 1912. . V Sheriff . J, H. Sears -has- made his final tax settlement for the year-1911 with" the Board of County. CommissiPn ers, the sheriff , turning over "the last of $311,000 collected by him and his deputies. This ' was - ari ' increase ?'of $40,000 over any. previous year. NThe commissioners . .instructed the - county auditor to make out the tax books for next year. The law does 'not " seem clear : on ; this . question', and -last year the- auditor and register of deeds had a dispute as to ; who should do - the work, the register finally winning pjit. Henry Brooks; a negroj who was ar rested for larceny; and assault; - died ri t-be guard-house -last-,night -of rheart ropijllhtjl'wa skiorlthatjl'he ,was mi There Is an hour's mnerence in t time between ; Wilmington and . Chicago. . In ' other words, : when 4 fi t isA4 oclock here, it'is rp'clock 4 In Chicago. " ... t STATE; JilEQIPflLK: A- SOCIETT 111 SESSIOIf drinkiner hefnrt hia arrest. IDeputyjjSherfI:,B! Parker of OraVenf ouhtroiiglit "iwq prisoners, to- the State's -prison. ,r One of them, Chas. . Cook, a negro, was sent up for ten ' years f or. house-breaking, and the tenced r to -..three years for . embezzle ment, 'forgery and false pretenses. t Fourteen - white " bpys were flushed Sunday evening while "shooting 'crap on Pilot Hill and they .will be given a hearing Tuesday night." Seven - of the youngsters fc weres put iinder bohd. On thev same ; day five- negroes 'were' caught shooting crap. S ) ' -' M" Capt. A. J.: Dougherty,, S. Ai, who ; has ,v returned , ,to - Raleigh from Maryland and .Pennsylvania, where he was an . . instructor, in." the officers camps : conducted : for the Natibhal Guard, says - that .thev North Carolina troops will measure 'upwell -with any militfa'in the country. : He thints this is due in a large measure, to. the pro gressive;: methods - adopted byAdjn- tant uenerai juemster, .. ' ! I is.- SpeciaLdTbe . Despatch. -; : Hendersonville, ,.N. .. Cy June 18. The fiftyninth .annyal session of the State Medical Society ; convened here this merningforrva -, session of s four days. Dr. A. A. Kent, president, of Lenoir, called .the" meeting to order, after-which Rev. A. R Stanford made the 1 invocation. Rev. R. U. Wilcox, president of., the Greater .-. Henderson ville; Glub, . delivered the welcome ad dressiwhichwas followed by an ad dress of welcome by Dr. .Arthur R Guerard, pn behalf of the local medi cal society. ' The response -was mads by Dr. C. O. LaughinghOuse, of Green ville.'1 This was followed by the pres? ident's address. ; The regular pro gram," consisting- of scores of -speeches was next taken up. ' oliTESWl GREAT NORTHWEST ON THEWAY arity. , Thi's means that the 'T Prefer to be Shot,! Says Condemn- t.Biist:CoUege;Utmavpip-p ol facilities lii: future. - - ' ' - - " - . ' thepthen quire wn ether the. National Committ tee framed for this convention a prop er' temporary roll calj."-; " - i I f Watson interrupted, saying:, "Mr. Chairman. I make a point that' he 13 out of order; that nothing is Jn-ordef before this convention before it- Is in Wake Forest -township, winning; by a large majority, seat ofthet ampler school facilities in , future. A' carpenter- by the name of Parker, was ? in j ured ' in the .side by a Jail re ceived 'while at' work 'today on -the new Stfite administratipn building;' H declined to go to aospital," and it is thought' he ;will soon, be able to work. ''-aESfV-s-. . 1 1 " - " ' )-, :'-. i.: Multigraph Letters get ."jesults-H t i San.; Francisco; June 18. The Cali fornia delegation to the- National Dem ocratic convention, left last night on the .overland speciaL'.: The Nevada del egation will be picked up en route. The Washington and Oregon delegates, join at Salt Lake. .The , train, arrives at Baltimore Monday. , lV- . -4 - n n mmir . in n Tnn v rumiMr..rfuiiiMi-."t :i niuiuii unuxuu .1 - J ail's, .i.l May be Selected as Temporary Chair f rrtaiVJ of the v Dernocratic National Convention : ; pommTttee , Meets t "ThuVsday toPekect Planar 1 .". , i T - -J, ; Baftiniore, ? Md:, June 'lSf.tec-Judge Alfonf' -"Br 'Parkef was ' strongly, rmdi eated?.tdday as "the choice of ' the "Ar rangemehts Committee' for temporary chairman of he Democratic National convention.- The Arrangements .-Com mittee members, now here, declared thai Parfeer is neutral toward all the candidates :in the race and possesses ideal qualifications. Leader Murphy, ofiTamma.ny. it is said'brought forth Patker's name. The Arrangements Committee meets Thursday -to name theconyention's temporary - officers. The Demobfitic leaders and ' National 'Committeemen today'V laid aside' pre eon vention. horK' to. loohr: toward' Chi cago for news. ."- '"".- UIICLEli;FRIEliOLYr- TOWARDS CUBA t 'I" at?magr6v4; a Posterity ::'haa ; k placed Hampden frrst?4mbng ithe j Pariiamen-; taryt; j?artr,t wh'icfc oppbsed ; Charles I , ana Jie .began the flint In parliament . asaprepresentatiYe' 1 91 t' Bucklngham- - 'l X, . shire.--;-; -;-jC . -. ,,ucurtt1U.jdox;fanenio proye clearly that. tie, wild ow.l which. ' Osccupy. theAIakesin4hei Londph' parks were lit occupancy neyeja tne Teign ; , of James, I." t Qne document i is Lord Rochester's bill :ofcnargeafortkejepy YEg tbe.f!owle,andbeasts'a ,'the ' 'St; . A ,,la , Jamesv ParJte'.and Gardens for'Aprli,-M ; " . May , ana june,.ibii. I--T,. v 0 . " ; It is signed by the Earl of Salisbury. ; Another document is for the "charges' . layed out' on St. James parke and tfie k spring"- garden for keeping and feed- v, ing his Majesties f orrayne bestes ahd :' fowie there 1611-12," and this Is signed-;; by, Sir" Julius CSesar. ; ' ' ' f The new London museum has shown r its enterprise by adding a handsonucaB ? to its Collection, although there are at.-" least1 400 'tJf these Vehicles still In nae" on :theL6ndon tfeets.''Biit the Tast1'"1 maker 01 hansoms' erased 'his, doors thrA'Vftara fieri: anrf ' f.hK: miiseum' fliii-' thoriaesv are nd 'doUbt 'anticipating its , . In 1905 motor taxlcabs nrst arioearedX ; , , on the streets Under the humble jtitle of ' . ,,.,- Clarences-Mechanical ' PowerrM therb C ' being 19 of them x air compared' with , t aoout V juuu nansoms. in xiu tne nanv.: "HARQMJOAL TRUST" :v roads; UNDEa probe ' -i ..i.. - . . . . - 4 v Washington, i June. 48. rThe U Inter state iCommterce Commission;: uponts own "initiative, .Orders an .investigation intii V rates practices andregula- I tions .applying to railroad transpPrta- Uon of. hard epai. All anthracite- roads AfterevraMuU vocates of special . tax" carried theay. trust", will, be . respondents. - Ctibnj waters - soon, to continue v their summer drills. , ' . : ' " r.. -v1 , " - MAX horse , dashed ; out of the ; Schloss stables - dn Market street f this .af ter noon, ' dashed 'pellrmell IntP one of tbe MessrsTMcKachern's wagons' frighten ed theoiher horse as he fell downVarid had "his f head run ' oyer' by ta wagon load of hay as a consequence. r No se- rious ;damagetwais done. ; v., Reno, June 18. v : Senate-- on- a - Holiday .TodayV ; lashiplttMe 2i8h$enate was'hbt ?insessiPn tcHiay'The House met at if o'clock to ' finish . the civil 2 2- 1 , - somshauT'decliW totidS, while"the , ' . taxlcabs had rtsenHo tTfThe'exact' " V ' V figures' for today have not been com-- - piled, but it Is, safe to estimate that"',-- ' ' ' there are at least 11,000 taxlcabs to 400 v - hansoms, intermittently employed. The ,:- a. :. refusal of the hansom drivers to-accept . ; -j , ' the taximeter accelerated their end, f or ' - ' if they had accepted it they might have , , made a longer 'fight,, as - the Pafis.-; , ; - fiaeres are dPine. 1 n ' ''?'"- , - - Washington- June' 18. The ) Prest. deht's'dinSer last night,.: to'r Speaker Farrar.of wthe Cuban House of Repre- Eentativesr'is regarded by diplomats as further evidence of this govern ment's intentions, to maintain' an attl- tude of non-intervention in Cuba,- The function 'was intended as ademonstra tion' "of the United" States' kindly ; feet inSa- towards th Cuban ' eovernment: Tn i official Circles it . is believed Amer I ; Decoratiyely. , the London ?.streets lean warships inay be withdrawn from Ibave lost by 'the v passing of the hail-.,-;, some, for- the tall, delicately DOisoned : . . - parrlageT "shiny , olack; with the driver commanamg cao ana norse irom, ui , lotty seat ana witn tne sienaer j wnip rlsing above all, was an.outstindlng ,5.; ; picture of London traffic Vc T' " , JJ. I v.' ' ' .' V nnnni r f-' rirniiTinn t uyudttftAtuu nuii ...V ' 'iv 1 - .V-v . ... . IHUBUR!! PPJSOII I.-' a'Aubjirn, N, June 18. Theecond . : . appropriation bill. ?. i riss.. y 7 t It For the. first time In; the - cirminal history 'of Nevada a man will, be. shot to death in-accord-J a; fire doing. damage to theextent anqe . with "the ; law of the State . on; of $5 waiai' promptly" extinguished this UUC AUJ. U : liUVi :,s IjUC JJ. fT t V j code,' passea Dy tne last ; legislature, any condemned murderer; is : given the privilege vot choosing the. method by whicb he is to be put to' death, as (be tween hanging,- heretofore the4 one" and- onlyr method" provided-, by law,' and morning by t" the department. The blaze 5wasypnNoHhinth 1streetr'and was discovered at 10:20 a. m. :" ? Multigraph Letters get results Hw- Subscribe for The 'Evening Dispatch. " 'f ' , , 5 w -,f V.- Tbefore this convention before; it-Is J'.i Subscribe for The firvenws pispatationiyT method provided, by law, ana:-..;vj r- 'j-' - cornerevery i V ; ? XConti-ua, onThira, age.Jt J,S5 cents per mon:, ' J; sbooting.; ' -.- y.yy. 'J tgubscrlbe ; for TheEvgaing Dlspater double electrocution iir the .Auburn prison's history occurred this morning. Bal-nh ; Frldmft.- iitiiI - Jannh , JTiihn. . nf .. -.. Rochester,:, burglars . who murdered . Geo. A. Schiiehart, a grocer were pUf to. death. Both exhibited calm resign ;.'--. nation as the electrodes were adjusted . Nineteen' hundred vol ts, shot . through : -the men's bodies. Freidman's head was .' -' -slightly burned Ty the electrodes. Rel-h atives later claimed' the bodies."' v Zt'Z-' r Multigraph Letters get resultsi Har riss.' - - . , It .